JAN TYRPEKL ADDRESS: U parku 348, StranÄ?ice, 251 63, Czech republic TEL: +420 739 016 495 EMAIL: tyrpekl@yahoo.co.uk, honza.tyrpekl@seznam.cz ICQ: 278-630-738 FACEBOOK: Jan Tyrpekl WWW: http://issuu.com/jantyrpekl
EDUCATION 2010- Master degree, Architecture and Urbanism, The Faculty of Art and Architecture, The Technical University of Liberec (CZ) 2005-2010 Bachelors, Architecture and Urbanism, The Faculty of Art and Architecture, The Technical University of Liberec (CZ) 1997-2005 Secondary grammar school Jana Amose Komenskeho, Ricany (CZ) STUDIOS 1+2. semester - Ing.arch. akad.arch. Jiri Suchomel > 3. semester – Ing.arch. Zdenek Franek > 4. semester – doc. Martin Rajnis > 5. semester - Ing.arch. akad.arch. Jiri Suchomel > 6. semester - Ing.arch. Jiri Bucek > 7.semester - Ing.arch. Zdenek Franek > Bachelor project - Ing.arch. akad.arch. Jiri Suchomel WORKSHOPS 2010 Fort Egg, organization under C-LAB, Dulan, Taiwan 2010 Ruin Academy, C-LAB, Taipei, Taiwan 2009 International workshop in Lille - (re)Use, école d‘architecture et de paysage de Lille, France 2008 Shuzou masterplan, China, ing.arch. Benda, FUATUL, CZ 2007 Hangar Scholzberg, Maxov, doc. Martin Rajnis, CZ PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2010 C-LAB, Taiwan Experimental bamboo house Fort Egg, Dulan; Ruin Academy, Taipei; Bamboo Loft, Taipei Henning Larsen Architects, Copenhagen, Denmark
competitions: A+D Alborg Havn, Denmark(1st prize), Statoil, NOVONORDISK New Headquarter, Denmark (1st prize), Energinet, Denmark (1st prize), Niels Bohr Insitute, Copenhagen projects: Crystal Towers, King Abdullah Financial District, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; Gotebori Energi, Sweden
2009 Studio David, project of the villa, Liberec Building of wooden house in cooperation with classfellows (carpenter), Semily, CZ 2008 FAM Architekti, CZ project: Mirove square, Dobris 2007 vizualization for the estate agency AXA worker, later works foreman on family houses, Ricany REFERENCE prof.Ing.arch.akad.arch. Jiri Suchomel, The Technical University of Liberec, mail: jiri.suchomel@tul.cz mob: +420 777 088 788 Søren Øllgaard, Architect, Associate and Creative Manager, Henning Larsen Architects, mail: sop@henninglarsen.com, tel: +45 8233 3076 Marco Casagrande, C-LAB, mail: marco@clab.fi PC ABILITIES Rhinoceros, ArchiCad, Photoshop, Cinema 4D, FryRender, InDesign, Illustrator, Microstation, Artlantis, AutoCad, SketchUp, VirtualDub, Premiere, Office LANGUAGES: English/Czech INTERESTS reading, travelling, thinking, playing(chess, scrabble, soccer, tennis, badminton), swimming, flying(paragliding), cooking, watching, chatting, learning, dancing, listening, sleeping OTHERS driving licence B, pilot licence PL-A TRAVELS/ARCHITECTONIC FIELD TRIPS (mostly by hitchhiking) Great Britain, London, Aberdeen, Edinburgh , France, Reims, Lille, Rouen, Rennes, Chartres, Paris(2x), Orleans, Versailles, Clermont-Ferrand, Montpellier, Avignon, Sardinie, Germany, Berlin(6x), München(2x), Dresden(3x), Stuttgart, Bramberg, Marbach, Regensburg, Netherlands, Amsterdam, Utrecht, Belgium, Brussels, Denmark, Esbjerg, Vejle, Copenhagen, Helsingor, Norway, Oslo(2x), Lillehammer, Sweden, Göteborg, Malmö(3x), Helsingborg, Austria, Vienna(4x), Salzburk, Langenlois, Krems, Bregenz, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Zurych(2x), Basel, Chur, Vals, Geneva, Slovenia, Lublana, Italy, Como, Milano, Brescia, Verona, Venezia(4x), Bologna, Ravenna, Florencie, Pisa, Orvieto, Rome(3x), Pompei, Siena(2x), Perugia, San Gimignano, Lucca, Mantova, Rimini, Arezzo, Neapol, Capri, Palermo, Agrigento, Syracusa, Slovakia, Bratislava(3x), Hungary, Györ, Budapest(3x), Kecskemét, Eger, Tokaj, Miskolc, Bulgary, Sofia, Plovdiv, Turkey, Istanbul, Edirne, Greece, Delphi, Athens(2x), Korinthos, Meteora, Nafplio, Epidauros, Crete, Gortys, Knossos, Crotia, Spain, Barcelona, Valencie, Madrid, Toledo, Merida, Bilbao, San Sebastian, Ukraine, L´viv, Kyiv, Kharkov, Donets´k, Feodesiia, Koktobel, Yalta, Sevastopol, Taiwan, Taipei, Taitung, Tainan, Kaoichsung, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore
portfolio Jan Tyrpekl 2010
1. The extension of Bode Museum Berlin, Germany
2. Flat-building Liberec, CZ
3. Hotel Montanie Sous, Cz
4. Garden sub-urb Semily. CZ
5. The Faculty of Architecture Venezia, Italy
6. Mixed-use House Sluknov, CZ
7. Two flats, Brno, CZ
8. Crossroad Sloup, CZ
9. Aviary Liberec, CZ
10. Boat-house Gabcikovo, Slovakia
portfolio Jan Tyrpekl 2010
project no. 01
instructor: prof.ing.arch.akad.arch. Jiri Suchomel program: permanent exhibition halls (7 000sqm), temporary exhibition space (1500sqm), cabinet of coins (1 000sqm), workshops, cafe, cinema, mixed-use hall (300 sqm), gallery shop, skywalk to „old“ Bode Museum The task was extension of Bode Museum, one of the most famous museum in Berlin. The plot has very unusual space which is boarded by railway, square and promenade. Volumes are made by large podium which is usning all size of plots. In the podium are all facilities and temporary exbition space. On the podium are placed volumes of permanent exhibiton which are boarded by facades which correspondent with old museum building. The position of the volumes isn´t random, they are placed with focus of daylight and indoor views. The whole concept is explained on the next page under diagrams. PROJECT SUMMARY. height lenght building area no. floors exterial finish material
31 m 125 m 18 000 sqm 4 plaster, glass, concrete
portfolio Jan Tyrpekl 2010 I turned the process of designing and firstly I designed exhibition halls with nice dimensions and then I placed them on the podium. The position is not random. There is system of indoor and outdoor views and no direct sun in exhibition halls.
project no. 01
The environment was very important during process of designing. The new building repects the old one. The wall is graduating by horizontal console towards the river Spree and it is í by k, a žitějš né ta ůle váza ní. Nejdje až k může u k e na seb propojepokrač vník ta mínek a n d ě é ou ptick , který ávšt ch po N t. Js zdá ah a o růhled atd. ejlepší m n led zt p poh ch v čný ódiu tí co rvní n jeji a pří pní p ytnu na p urče 6,7) vstu posk ohlo tím je vní sály městí, čelem m á a ú by sekálně, (výsta lí, na neny za k ě, ja erti zole oko vrž voln ě i v kon ísta v jsou na i. libo ntáln rcholuLEGENDA: nim á m ly v těné rizo mav í sá mezi prostory bez denního ovětlení zmís um ho mém a zají ýstavnvztahVýstavní Výstavní prostory osvětlené shora le ou ro uze , v sa ny n é v nejs celé m v atriuentová samotn otné, a Přímé světlo lů u ri sá ích dy skrz o bod jsou o řestože ory sam Odražené (difuzní) světlo n v a íh í le p výst ly průh vstupn u. Dalš enty, u prost ty o o Hm ožňovajsou ze e muzevé momdy nejs um hledy u Bod ále no ané te prů odním neust afinov pův vovat áty. R obje expon pro
Výstavní sály jsou osvětleny dle soutěžních požadavků. Kabinet mincí a prostory pro dočasné výstavy jsou os umělým světlem (skrz mléčné sklo v podhledu, případně bodovým). Sály stálé expozice jsou osvětleny vždy r denním světlem. V 2.NP se odraží světlo od protilehlých stěn do bočních oken, zatímco ve 3.NP je světlo přiv skrz mléčné dvojsklo a navíc mléčným podhledem. Všechny sály se mohou dosvětlovat umělým světlem bod celoplošným umístěným v podhledu.
In the competition there was a requierement for a main entrance from new square. But a lot of people are supposed to come from the other side. Because of it I designed two stairs on podium where the main entrance is placed. There is also designed interesting public space in front of the foyer.
It is expected to build new promenade and square between University Library and new building of Bode Museum. I decided to keep borders and use all place.
P 3.N
The place is situated near Museum Island across The Kupfegraben canal. On the Museum Island there are five famous museum: The Bode Museum, Pergamon, New Museum, Old Museum and Old National Gallery
P 2.N
System of indoor views
Příčný řez sálem s posuvnými stěnami 1:100
System of lighting : resu výk číslo m: datu
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uch e: prác Jiří S řské rch. kalá d. a í ba aka . ouc d h e v . arc
P 1.N val: raco vyp
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vedoucí bakalářské práce:
číslo výkresu:
exhibition exhibition
temporary exhibition
temporary exhibition
portfolio Jan Tyrpekl 2010
project no. 01
portfolio Jan Tyrpekl 2010
project no.
instructors: ing.arch. Jiri Bucek, ing.arch. Filip Horatschke program: apartmans, offices, shops, garages The aim of the project is to work up a block of flats in the Liberec city centre. Place is situated near a square, frotal facade is orientated into one of a main Liberec promenades Moskevská street, the longer facade to the Jezdecká street. Insolation is a main problem of this building plot, because there is a line of houses in a close neighbourhood. The other problem is a various dimensionality of the streets the house opens out to. As the Moskevská street and Pražská street are main thoroughfares of the city centre, Jezdecká street is a very narrow connection of previous two streets. My aim is to keep a character of the streets, therefore I made several analyses which you can see on this page. project summary: height 22,5m lenght 41m width 15m no. apartments 24 no. shops 2-8 no. floors 9 exterial finish material plaster, glass, wood
00 0,0
AA 3�400
3�400 2
3�650 0027-
7�500 2
7�500 5
7�300 6
groundplan 5.F
groundplan 1.F
AA zer� section
3.NP - 6.NP
POHLED SV (Moskevská)
rez BB
view from Moskevska street 006 12+
3�400 0 05 81+
0 06 51+
0 07 21+
0 08 9+
10 m
7�500 1
0 09 6+
7�500 5
7 300 6
0 02 3+
00 0,0
3�400 2
m 01 3
AA 002 7-
005 4-
portfolio Jan Tyrpekl 2010
project no.
analysis of the height of buildings (Moskevska)
analysis of the vertical directions (Moskevska)
analysis of the horizontal directions (Moskevska)
Světelné podmínky
max height
Výška okolní zástavby
Horizontální linie okoních budov
Vertikální linie okolních budov
SUMMER TERM 2009 MARCH: 3.visiting Rome 4.Piazza del Campidoglio, Pallazo Nuovo, S.Maria in Aerocoeli, Piazza del Venezia, Forum Romanum, Palatin 5.Piazza Navona, S.Andrea della Valle, Pantheon, Il Gesú, S. Ignazio di Loyola, S. Carlo alle Quattro Fontane, Fontana di Trevi 6.Piazza del Popolo, Pincio, Palazzo Barberini, Pizza Quirinale, San Pietro, Galeria Nazionale d‘Arte Moderna 7.Piazza di Spagna, Villa Borghese, Museo Nazionale de Villa Giulia, 8.return home 9.start of the semester 10.optional entry to atelier of Adam Gebrian-Problems of the Liberec city 11.start of the research-history, economics, news of the Liberec city 12.indoor rock climbing 13.boulder,visit Fragnerova gallery 17.lecture of Josef Pleskot 18.interview with David atelier – new work. project of villa-details and vizualization,indoor rock climbing 19.finish of reading book: J.W. Goethe-Faust 20.finish of reading book: Thom Heyerdahl-Kon-Tiki: Across the Pacific in a Raft (pao-pao) 24.lecture Kuba, Pilar, movie festival about human claim „Jeden svet“ - movie Gyumri-earthquake in Armenie, Rene 27.exhibition Adolf Loos, Prague 29.lecture of salsa 31. prezentation of the research of Adam Gebrian studio (HSH, Cyril Ríha), lecture HSH APRIL: 3. Faculty of the textile ball 5.visiting Obama’s speak in Prague, lecture of salsa, contract for second job-vizualization of new family house 7. lunch with Adam Gebrian-discussion about portfolium and working abroad,indoor rock climbing 8. first critics of atelier Bucek- the research of the space, photo, problems, possibilities, lecture of Petr Rezek-Bauhaus 10.bike trip 75km 12.lecture of salsa 13.Easter, the crosscountry skiing 16. V.Hugo- Les Miserables 17.the concert „Sto Zvírat“ 19.Salsa, Family celebretion 21.movie Persepolis...
portfolio Jan Tyrpekl 2010
project no.04
instructor: ing.arch. Zdenek Franek, ing.arch. Radek Suchanek program: apartmans(180 beds), outdoor and indoor swimming pool, sport hall, convention hall, restaurant, bar, 2 squash courts, offices, parking(90 cars) I worked on the project which was based on the student competition announced in summer 2008. The subject of the project is a five star hotel, which should be built on the east side of the Souš water reservoir in Jizerské hory. Nowadays there is a lodging house on the location, that will be disposed subsequently. The hotel is to be realized in tho phases and an adittional bulding should be in progress during continual service. The object behaves peaceable to the landscape. Building is horizontal and respects a water area in front of it. Only a parking and a part of a sportshall are embedded into terrain. The terminal mass has an expressive form, with it´s consoles reminding a ship is getting passers-by to know about it well. A sports equipment of the hotel is above standard. There is an outdoor and indoor 15x6m swimming pool, fitness, welness, sauna, game room, gym, two squash courts, hall with a tennis court and outdoor multipurpose playground. There is also a hall for 120 people, two restaurants, boutique, haidresser´s, manicure, pedicure and massages. 90 beds are planned in the first phase and the same amount is planned in the second phase. There are mainly double-rooms and all of them have a view onto the water reservoir. project summary - height: 18,5m, lenght 180m, width 15m, no. apartments 92, no. floors 5, no. parking places 90
portfolio Jan Tyrpekl 2010
project no. 04
green surface of the building 4400 m2 built-up area 3800 m2 PROFIT 600 m2
After the final presentation of the project there were two more weeks to the competition presentation. I decided to make the concept more clear. The big competition requierements and the virgin landscape where the building should be built seemed to me to be so extreme so that I chose also an extreme way. It means that the hotel doesn‘t devastate the nature and becomes almost invisible because its walls and roof are overgrown by some vegetation so the building gives „more green than it takes“. Than I made some more changes which are presented on this page by comix pictures. project summary: 3 building volume 32 000m build-up area: 3 100sqm useful area: 9 000sqm external cladding: 11 500sqm glass: 1050sqm
portfolio Jan Tyrpekl 2010
project no.05
GARDEN SUB-URB, Semily, CZ 1586 m2
1180 m2
2062 m2
5 1998 m2
1 2496 m2
6 1363 m2
7 1518 m2
1780 m2
1592 m2
19 20
1508 m2
1516 m2
1358 m2
1413 m2
2039 m2
1258 m2
1694 m2
14 1105 m2
1140 m2
1130 m2
1264 m2
1082 m2
897 m2
988 m2
943 m2
1016 m2
620 m2
1074 m2
897 m2 A/8
dětské hřiště
620 m2
620 m2
620 m2
600 m2
558 m2
537 m2
537 m2
537 m2
27 1462 m2
1148 m2
instructors: ing.arch.akad.arch.prof. Jiri Suchomel, Ing.arch. Saml The theme was design new part of the town Semily. Semily has about 9000 inhabitants and the number still grow up. Because of this magistrate decided to use green area about city. The first one was lacation „green meadow.“ They wanted to put here new energy-saving family houses and split-level houses. The location has many special problems. The biggest one was „eko belt“ protected biology zone around all area. So its very difficult to make acces for vehicles. Its connected also with complicated topographic plan. The basement was section of the terrain which show us possibility for roads. The next problem was keep maximum of privacy with condition of large garden of every house. I made masterplan which diveded area into 39 parcels. There was also playground and small park. Majority of parcels you could enter from the north. On this part was also placed house so gardens were shined from the south and simultaneously the house was wall keeping the privacy of the garden. Every house had view to the hills on the south. Closer to the city was placed nine attached houses. project summary - total area: 68 200sqm, no. family houses: 29, no. attached houses: 9, size of parcels: 600-1100sqm, lenght of roads: 1600m, other facilities: park, playground, fireplace
portfolio Jan Tyrpekl 2010
project no. 05
groundplan 2F
groundplan 1F
instructors: ing.arch.akad.arch.prof. Jiri Suchomel, Ing.arch. Saml program: typical family sub-urb house The family house is placed on the parcel with size 1105sqm (house no. 17 in masterplan on previous page). His position is on the north because of sunshining on the garden. The request was energy-saved house therefore it had compact shape. It is made two different cuboids. The first one was from concrete blocks and northern half of it was situated into hill. The second part was opened to the garden. There were children-rooms, playroom and other facilities(bathroom for childen, machine-room). The second cuboid was on the top. His construction and facade was wooden. There were living-room, kitchen and bedroom for parents. project summary no. floors: 2 no. bedrooms: 5 flooring: 210sqm material: concrete blocks, wood, glass
portfolio Jan Tyrpekl 2010
project no. 05
instructors: ing.arch.akad.arch.prof. Jiri Suchomel, Ing.arch. Saml Attached houses are located to the south on the lowest part of a given plot. In spite of its location near to the forest it has an opportunity of a nice view of the town Semily below and the landscape above. There are 9 houses. Each of them consists of 2 cubuses. The upper one is situated across the lower one and is turned to the South. The lower part is made of concrete blocks because it is partly dug in the ground. In this part there are bedrooms located to the South and the upper part is built by the wooden system of a construction „two by four“ and there is a living room, dining room, kitchen and a garage. Althought they are attached houses they are very comfortable because of its size and privacy. The garden has two levels. The top one is between the upper cubuses and is suitable for planting trees there because the trees wouldn’t be a barrier to the view and they could make a natural fence between the garden and a road. project summary flooring: 210sqm
portfolio Jan Tyrpekl 2010
project no.
SPORT HALL program: playground, playroom, ping-pong, fitness, bar The first question was which of the facilities were important for students. On the beginning I calculated with a swimming pool, a sport hall, a football playground and next smaller facilities. But because of the size of the area it couldn´t be possible I decided just for one sport centre and other smaller activities which didn‘t have requirements for a large area like the climbing rock or the boat-house. After many variants I put half of the project under the water level. It had many reasons. Firstly I placed the hall on the island but after some discussion with my schoolmates and professor we agreed with the fact that the island should be the gate with representative buildings. After that I knew the hall should be somewhere in the lagoon so it could be seen from everywhere. When I tried to put all the activities and facilities into one it was too bulky on the comparison with the island. Because of this fact I hid part of it under the water to the bottom of the lagoon. Above the water level you could see only the roof of the oval shaped main ground. Around it there was the rest of the facilities like a machine-room, toilets, stores and also a playroom, ping-pong, fitness and bar. Above these rooms there was a mall for passers-by who could enter the building or just pass it. The main playground had the official dimensions and around it there was a tribune. So that the hall was ideal for training or could be rented for professional sport events like baseball matches, floorball or handball.
program: ateliers, dormitory, dwelling for quests and professors, library, gallery, theatre, marina, gallery Doc. Martin Rajnis asked us to design a new Faculty of architecture for 500 students in lagoon of Venezia. He chose the Island San Giorgo about 2km from Venezia because of a close contact with a very specific place and a serene surface of the sea. Every student could choose one part of the Faculty (for example dormitory etc). In the end of the term we formed small groups (3-4 students) and made final concept of the whole Faculty. I decided to project sport facilities. You can read about it more on the next page. The other parts were dormitories, studios, info point, dwellings for professors and guests, library, theater and marina with lighthouse. The final solution was a system of buildings placed in the lagoon and the most of movement was provided by boats. The island was the gate to the campus and the info point, catering establishment and the main cultural instituon- library, theater were located there. From the island there was an axis to the rest of the campus. In the centre there were studios and the structure was gradually breaking down into the dwelling. The biggest part was the dormitories located into the old French flat-top Clemanceau. I didn‘t design just the sport hall but also boulder and climbing wall in the middle of the lagoon so that the climbers could fall to the water. The next part of my work was the boat-house for tourists and the last one was the revitalization of the south beach.The lagoon is not available for swimming because of a pollution of the water but during the summer it could be a pleasant place for relaxation. project summary - number of expected students: 500, area: 500x900m, depth of lagoon: 1-3m
portfolio Jan Tyrpekl 2010
project no.07
instructors: ing.arch. Zdenek Franek, ing.arch. Radek Suchanek program: shops, apartmans, parking, garden The topic was designed mixed-use building in the centre of Sluknov. Sluknov is a small town with 6000 inhabitants on the north of the Czech republic near board of Germany and Poland. In the centre is large free area. Developer decided to build here mixed-use house and he asked our professor Zdenek Franek for design. And he wanted to compare his project with student work. At that time I was interesting about conext of historical and modern building so I decided to design project which looks very modern but considerate to the other buildings at the same time. I chose organic shape but it had very strict rules. The height of the structure copied the height of house in the neighbourhood. Curves in grounplan was determinated by „lines of force,“ It means it was a mirror of surrounding houses.
portfolio Jan Tyrpekl 2010
project no. 08
instructors: ing.arch. Zdenek Franek, ing.arch. Radek Suchanek Docent Franek started to learn on our Uni in winter term 2006. I have admired his work so I decided to enter to his atelier. On the beginning of the semester he asked us for short work (6 days) because of he wanted to get know our ability and knowlodge. The mission was design two houses in the building gaps in Brno, near his atelier. The houses was to have been for us and our family. The gaps are very small and opposite to each other. The smaller one has triangular groundfloor, the second one deep rectangular. I chose the smaller one for me and I started to think what is important for me. In my opinion people don‘t need large dwelling like is usual in Czech republic. In my case I didn‘t have problem with total flooring 21sqm. The house wae able to seat two persons. In first floor is bathroom an space for sport equipment. In the second floor is kitchen with dining-room and in the last one is bedroom. In front of facade is construction for creepers because of shadow during summer. The second house, designed for my parents is more deep and it had better standard. There were comfortable stairs and more representative living room.
HOUSE no.1 - FOR PARENTS volume 482m3 height 9m lenght 6m width 3m no. floors 3 flooring 54sqm material brick, glass, concrete
HOUSE no.2 - FOR ME volume 190m3 height 9m lenght 6m width 2,5m no. floors 3 flooring 21sqm material brick, glass, concrete
portfolio Jan Tyrpekl 2010
project no. 09
Rock C astle
village Sloup
instructors: ing.arch.akad.arch. Jiri Suchomel, ing.arch. Saml program: bus stop, parking, promenade, park, info-point Sloup is a very popular village. In the neighbourhood there is a stone castle, chateau, outdoor theatre, piscina etc. Because of these attractions the village is full of the tourists during summer. Almost everyone arrive to this place on road 268 (Nový Bor-Zakupy). The first thing you see when arriving to the village is a big crossingroads in the center. During last years this place was something like „a store“ of asphalt. The topic was to cultivate this place. The biggest problem was a conflict between pedestrians and vehicles because the cars‘ speed is quite high there. I decided to isolated vehicles from pedestrian. The terrain make possible to divide pedestrian and placed communication for them to upper level. This solution has several adventages. If you arrive by car, walls make something like enter coridor. It is crowned by footbridge. Because of the lenght oof the walls (about 100m) you can feel it in the car. Also the distance of the walls is quite short so drivers instictively decelerated. On the opposite pedestrian have nice view on the castle and they can feel sefely because the cars are hidden. In the walls are „caves-bus stop.“ This is the citation of the history because in the past the people made lot of artificial caves. Project contents also park where you can sit, relax and see on the castle. The last part of project is info-point near bus stop and parking so tourists could very easy get know important information.
portfolio Jan Tyrpekl 2010
project no.10
instructors: ing.arch.akad.arch. Jiri Suchomel, ing.arch. Saml The aviary was my second university project. ZOO Liberec asked our faculty to design an aviary for wader birds so that the visitors could enter inside and walk between the birds. The shape had to be very specific because of the birds‘ safeness. There shouldn‘t be any closed angles and edges. The second determinatiton of the shape were statics reasons. I wanted to make it very light and almost invisible so that the people and birds could feel naturally. The location is in a rough terrain permeated by high trees. I was looking for a shape corresponding with my ideas. Finally I projected a dynamic cupola made of 4 rounded beam. Later I realised that the shape is similar to the construction of some tents. project summary: 3 volume 13 300m height 23,6m lenght 35m width 33m lenght of footpath 67,2m
portfolio Jan Tyrpekl 2010
project no.11
zázemí obsluhy
BOAT-HOUSE, Gabcikovo, Slovakia
instructors: ing.arch.akad.arch.prof. Jiri Suchomel, ing.arch. Saml program: boat store, bar, reception Boat-house Gabcikovo was my first school project. The topic was to design service objects for tourist and people from Bratislava who want to relax there. The area around Danube river is used for sport activities like cycling, running but especially roller-skating because there are long asphalt paths. But nowadays there are not any facilities for people. Only somewhere you can find kiosks but not located near the paths because of military and safety rules. We could choose which building we want to design. I chose a boat-house. My colleagues designed a restaurant, fast-food and info point. The boat-house is floating on the water level. I think it is the best solution for the service of renting and storing canoes because you don‘t have to pull them to the bank. The boat-house‘s ergonomy is determinated by flowing water of Danube river. Inside there is situated a store for ten canoes, reception and other facilities. The construction is completely wooden. Only pontons are made of steal. The roof has a flabelliform. The building is used only during spring and summer. For the rest of the year it is possible to take it to the dock. project summary: number of boats indoor 10 lenght 21,8m width 10,9m flooring 46,3sqm
portfolio Jan Tyrpekl 2010
project no.12
VIEW TOWER, Ratmirov, CZ
In 2007 I was asked by enterpriser from place of my residence for project of viewtower. He is owner of enterteinment and accommodation complex in South Czech near Jindrichuv Hradec, in small village Ratmirov. He started to renovation the complex and his idea is expansion and make it more interesting for tourists. Near the complex there is lake and lot of path for cycling and walking. When I was thinking about concept the most importing thing for me was the act of going up. People should feel free and forget other problems. Simultaneously I wanted to keep the surprise on the top. So I made half-transparent skin from wooden slabs. It is turning in the direct of the steps for increases of movement and experession of rising up. All tower is beared by heavy column in the middle. The stairs are fixed also into the column. Therefore the slabs doesn´t support the static. It has only safety and esthetic function. PROJECT SUMMARY height diameter number of slabs project time
15,8m 4m 1185 10 days
portfolio Jan Tyrpekl 2010
project no. 13
During first year of studiu er was something like exam of static for me. I was tryinhg to find a new princip of consruction. Finally I designed bridge with two widely outspread arch which with their weigh holding up and keeping balance of the main deck. I am not able to calculate the load but my professor said it should be possible. I wanted to keep cleanness and simplicity. The most experessive part is red deck because of orientation. I wasn‘t thinking about place during design. But later I was find ing some acceptable place. I chose Reims in France. I remember similar interesting modern bridge from France, for example Bridge of Europe in Orleáns by S.Calatrava or pedestrian bridge Simone de Beauvoir in Paris by Feichtinger Architectes. project summary lenght rise of bridge floor rise of arches angle of arches distance of the top of the arches material
51m 1,5m 9,5m 33° 23,7m steal
portfolio Jan Tyrpekl 2010
Experimental bamboo house Fort Egg, Taiwan; redesign, drawings, construction
„The House for Aunt“, Semily; carpenter
Playground, Lille, France; design, construction
Sauna and fireplace, Taipei, Taiwan, foreman bricklayer
Fireplace, Ricany, Czech republic, design, construction
portfolio Jan Tyrpekl 2010
Fort Egg
Experimental farm on east Taiwanese coast for Dutch gentleman. All house is designed from bamboo. The function is primary the place for living (2nd floor) but it will be also place for meetings and concerts with bar and fireplace (1st floor).
Material tests, detail solutions, organisation of workshop for Taiwanese students,
construction, ordering of suppliers, supervising, building
portfolio Jan Tyrpekl 2010
Office building