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Things To Consider When

Selling Your House

Lee Crossley Sales Manager Jaqua Realtors (269) 998-0123



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-"3'4(5'6"(50*'6+00'!"#&'67,#$% Trying to decide when to sell? If so, you likely want to time it just right so you can get the most out of the sale of your current house and know you’re making a good investment when you buy your next home. You may not realize that the opportunity to get the best of both worlds is already here. Here’s why. !"#$%&'(#)$*+$,*'#-$*.$/"#$01)2#/$3-$4/566$7*8 !"#$%&'()*+*,-#('.//)%("0(1".'-'(0"2('$)-(*'(/.,,*34('-))-2'(*3(,1-(#2*5-2&'('-$,6(!"#$#% &$#%'&$%()$#%*+,#$-%./%0"#%(&$1#0%0"&/%0"#$#%&$#%")(#-%&2&.3&*3#4%&/5%0"&0%(#&/-% 6+$7"&-#$-%&$#%#&8#$3,%9&.0./8%')$%,)+$%")+-#:% 7*',*34(%".2(1".'-(3"8(+$9-'(*,(,1-(:-3,-2("0($,,-3,*"36(;3#(*0(%".(8"29(8*,1($(2-$)( -',$,-(/2"0-''*"3$)(,"(/2*:-(%".2(1".'-(:"22-:,)%<(%".(:$3(-=/-:,(*,(,"('-))(>.*:9)%($3#( )*9-)%(4-,(+.),*/)- ',2"34("00-2' ,1*'('-$'"36(

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C*//*'$75.# As a homeowner, you have a great opportunity to get the best of both worlds this season. You can truly win when you sell and when you buy. If you’re thinking about making a move, let’s connect so you have the insights you need to make the best possible decision in today’s sellers’ market. "

897+,2':$&#%"2&'1(,' !(*.3;&'6+00+,& Real estate experts agree: sellers have a great opportunity in front of them this season thanks to low housing supply, high buyer demand, and growing home equity. These are some of the main reasons industry leaders say you should consider selling your house this spring.

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Notes After leveraging technology, if you have serious buyers who still want to see your house in

person, keep in mind that according to the National Association of Realtors (NAR), there are ways to proceed safely. Here are a few of the guidelines, understanding that the top priority should always be to obey state and local restrictions first: • • • •

Limit in-person activity Require guests to wash their hands or use an alcohol-based sanitizer Remove shoes or cover with booties Follow CDC guidance on social distancing and wearing face coverings

Getting comfortable with your agent – a true trusted advisor – taking these steps under the new safety standards might be your best plan. This is especially important if you’re in a position where you need to sell your house sooner rather than later. Bottom Line In a new era of life, things are shifting quickly, and virtual strategies for sellers may be a great option. Opening your doors up to digital approaches may be game-changing when it comes to selling your house this season. As always, a trusted real estate professional can help you safely and effectively navigate through all that’s new when it comes to making your next move. Let’s connect today to make it happen.


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C*//*'$75.# Selling your house now is a great way to take advantage of today’s home price appreciation. And when you buy your next home, projections for ongoing appreciation indicate it’ll be a worthwhile investment that will help you improve your financial future. ()

E+.0'8&2.2+'J(2+*'2"+' =+&2':$I+&2A+$2 If you’re thinking about making a move this spring, Americans agree that real estate is one of the best investments you can make. Even when inflation is rising like it is today, real estate truly shines. ?3($3($33.$)(\"33/= /"))<(;+-2*:$3'(:1"'-(2-$)(-',$,-($'(,1-(@-',()"34[,-2+(*35-',+-3,6( ;3#(*,&'(3",(,1-(0*2',(,*+-(*,&'(,"//-#(,1-()*',<(-*,1-26(X-$)(-',$,-(1$'(@--3("3($(8*33*34( ',2-$9(0"2(,1-(/$',(-*41,(%-$2'<(:"3'*',-3,)%(4$*3*34(,2$:,*"3($'(,1-(@-',()"34[,-2+( *35-',+-3,(V1%%&6+"=,&.%3*2Y6(!1*'(*'(2-$''.2*34(3-8'(*0(%".&2-(,1*39*34($@".,(+$9*34($( +"5-(,1*'(%-$26

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C*//*'$75.# If you’re ready, moving sooner rather than later will put you in the best position to gain from your next investment. Let’s connect if you want to better understand how moving into your dream home could be a great investment. ("

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Notes After leveraging technology, if you have serious buyers who still want to see your house in

person, keep in mind that according to the National Association of Realtors (NAR), there are ways to proceed safely. Here are a few of the guidelines, understanding that the top priority should always be to obey state and local restrictions first: • • • •

Limit in-person activity Require guests to wash their hands or use an alcohol-based sanitizer Remove shoes or cover with booties Follow CDC guidance on social distancing and wearing face coverings

Getting comfortable with your agent – a true trusted advisor – taking these steps under the new safety standards might be your best plan. This is especially important if you’re in a position where you need to sell your house sooner rather than later. Bottom Line In a new era of life, things are shifting quickly, and virtual strategies for sellers may be a great option. Opening your doors up to digital approaches may be game-changing when it comes to selling your house this season. As always, a trusted real estate professional can help you safely and effectively navigate through all that’s new when it comes to making your next move. Let’s connect today to make it happen.

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Notes After leveraging technology, if you have serious buyers who still want to see your house in

person, keep in mind that according to the National Association of Realtors (NAR), there are ways to proceed safely. Here are a few of the guidelines, understanding that the top priority should always be to obey state and local restrictions first: • • • •

Limit in-person activity Require guests to wash their hands or use an alcohol-based sanitizer Remove shoes or cover with booties Follow CDC guidance on social distancing and wearing face coverings

Getting comfortable with your agent – a true trusted advisor – taking these steps under the new safety standards might be your best plan. This is especially important if you’re in a position where you need to sell your house sooner rather than later. Bottom Line In a new era of life, things are shifting quickly, and virtual strategies for sellers may be a great option. Opening your doors up to digital approaches may be game-changing when it comes to selling your house this season. As always, a trusted real estate professional can help you safely and effectively navigate through all that’s new when it comes to making your next move. Let’s connect today to make it happen.



Notes After leveraging technology, if you have serious buyers who still want to see your house in

person, keep in mind that according to the National Association of Realtors (NAR), there are ways to proceed safely. Here are a few of the guidelines, understanding that the top priority should always be to obey state and local restrictions first: • • • •

Limit in-person activity Require guests to wash their hands or use an alcohol-based sanitizer Remove shoes or cover with booties Follow CDC guidance on social distancing and wearing face coverings

Getting comfortable with your agent – a true trusted advisor – taking these steps under the new safety standards might be your best plan. This is especially important if you’re in a position where you need to sell your house sooner rather than later. Bottom Line In a new era of life, things are shifting quickly, and virtual strategies for sellers may be a great option. Opening your doors up to digital approaches may be game-changing when it comes to selling your house this season. As always, a trusted real estate professional can help you safely and effectively navigate through all that’s new when it comes to making your next move. Let’s connect today to make it happen.



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Notes After leveraging technology, if you have serious buyers who still want to see your house in

person, keep in mind that according to the National Association of Realtors (NAR), there are ways to proceed safely. Here are a few of the guidelines, understanding that the top priority should always be to obey state and local restrictions first: • • • •

Limit in-person activity Require guests to wash their hands or use an alcohol-based sanitizer Remove shoes or cover with booties Follow CDC guidance on social distancing and wearing face coverings

Getting comfortable with your agent – a true trusted advisor – taking these steps under the new safety standards might be your best plan. This is especially important if you’re in a position where you need to sell your house sooner rather than later. Bottom Line In a new era of life, things are shifting quickly, and virtual strategies for sellers may be a great option. Opening your doors up to digital approaches may be game-changing when it comes to selling your house this season. As always, a trusted real estate professional can help you safely and effectively navigate through all that’s new when it comes to making your next move. Let’s connect today to make it happen.


Notes After leveraging technology, if you have serious buyers who still want to see your house in

person, keep in mind that according to the National Association of Realtors (NAR), there are ways to proceed safely. Here are a few of the guidelines, understanding that the top priority should always be to obey state and local restrictions first: • • • •

Limit in-person activity Require guests to wash their hands or use an alcohol-based sanitizer Remove shoes or cover with booties Follow CDC guidance on social distancing and wearing face coverings

Getting comfortable with your agent – a true trusted advisor – taking these steps under the new safety standards might be your best plan. This is especially important if you’re in a position where you need to sell your house sooner rather than later. Bottom Line In a new era of life, things are shifting quickly, and virtual strategies for sellers may be a great option. Opening your doors up to digital approaches may be game-changing when it comes to selling your house this season. As always, a trusted real estate professional can help you safely and effectively navigate through all that’s new when it comes to making your next move. Let’s connect today to make it happen.


BATTLE CREEK (B) 15150 S. Helmer Road Battle Creek, MI 49015 Office: 704-1000 Fax: 704-1001 Toll Free: 855-869-2236

PLAINWELL (P) 302 S. Main Street Plainwell, MI 49080 Office: 685-6858 Fax: 685-9912 Toll Free: 888-631-3200

414 MILHAM (414) 414 W. Milham Avenue Portage, MI 49024 Office: 381-7653 Fax: 381-6410 Toll Free: 800-959-0759

RICHLAND (R) 12374 East D Avenue Richland, MI 49083 Office: 629-5612 Fax: 629-5776 Toll Free: 800-466-3908

328 MILHAM (328) 328 W. Milham Avenue Portage, MI 49024 Office: 216-4222 Fax: 459-6296 Toll Free: 800-843-6443

SAUGATUCK/DOUGLAS (SD) 202 W. Center St., P.O. Box 997 Douglas, MI 49406 Office: 857-8030 Fax: 857-4140 Toll Free: 888-764-2836

Let's Chat. DRAKE (D) 221 S. Drake Road Kalamazoo, MI 49009 Office: 341-4300 Fax:questions 567-7710 have and Toll Free: 888-379-7711

I'm sure you real estate process.

thoughts about

SOUTH HAVEN (SH) 513 Broadway Street South Haven, MI 49090 Office: 637-6537 theFax: 637-9037 Toll Free: 888-764-2836

ST. JOSEPH (J) GRAND RAPIDS (G) Redyou Arrowon Highway 202 44th Street SW I'd love to talk with you about what you've read here and4233 help Stevensville, MI 49127 Grand Rapids, MI 49548 983-8051 the path to sellingOffice: your616-369-1991 house. My contact information isOffice: below, and I Fax: 983-8041 Fax: 616-257-9578

look forward to working with you. Lee Crossley Sales Manager Jaqua Realtors

HASTINGS (H) 100 S. Jefferson Suite A Hastings, MI 49058 Office: 224-5227 Fax: 704-1001 Toll Free: 855-869-2236 (269) 998-0123 SPRING 2022 EDITION

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