Magazine Bluebonnet Trail Map Historic Hill Country: Settling Bettina
Hill Country Hero: The Good Doctor
Gone Fishin’
Llano Crawfish Open APRIL 25-26
©2013 David N. Coppin
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Congrats Ashley Marble Falls High School 2014
Congrats Ashley! We are so proud of you! Love Mom, Dad, Grandma & Papa
Good Job Anthony Llano High School 2014
Way to Go Kevin Burnet High School 2014
Way to go Anthony! we love you so much. Love Dad, Mom and Sissy.
Celebrate your student’s graduation with a one of a kind ad featuring their photo and a personal message customized with school/activity colors and icons.
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Congrats on Graduation! We know you will do amazing things in the future. We Love you Mom & Dad
Way to Go Daniel Lampasas High 2014
Congrats Amy Frededricksburg High 2014
Congratulations Daniel! We love you and are very proud of you. Love Mom, Dad & Alice
We are so proud of you You are a wonderful person and we love you so much! Dad & Mom
Good Job Jenna Brady High School 2014
You did it! It is sad to see this day has come so soon. We Love you.
$35.00/each (Check or Credit Card) Orders MUST be received by April 18th Please Send Order Information to: Order Information: -Student Name, School* & Photo -Activity (if desired), & -Personal Message (18 Words or Less) *School colors will be used unless specified. pg. 3
pg. 4
Cover art: “Wildflowers V” ©2013 David N. Coppin
Take Your Best Shot PHOTO C NTEST Contest Theme: Getting Outdoors
Texas Hill Country: Wildlife, Scenic Landscapes, State Parks & Natural Areas
The winning photo will be published in the May-June issue of Hill Country Spotlight Magazine $25.00 Gift Card/Certificate to a local business Email photos to
Requirements- High Resolution JPEG (max file size 20MB) The Top Photos will be uploaded to Facebook ( for judging April 13-April 21 We will announce the Winner on Facebook April 22
Submission Deadline- April 12, 2014
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Future Farmers of America (FFA) and 4H Programs Building Leadership and Responsibility Through Education and Experience.
by Jenah Smith
s local annual county livestock shows have rolled through the area and wrapped up their season, I’m sure many of you saw pictures of Future Farmers of America (FFA) and 4-H exhibitors with their projects and sale reports in the local newspapers. While most people have heard of livestock shows, many people still wonder all what FFA and 4-H entails. Questions such as what these kids actually go through to get there and where do they get their animals are common. What exactly is FFA and 4-H and what are the benefits of getting the youth population involved in these events are questions with answers that might surprise you. As a FFA alumnus, I was a very active member of my local FFA chapter since the age of 10. I began my FFA career showing goats at the Burnet County Livestock Show. My love of the stock show life grew rapidly and I moved on through the years exhibiting goats, hogs, and cattle at many major state livestock shows including San Antonio, Austin, and Houston. When I was a freshman at Marble Falls High School, I began participating in the Career Development Events (CDE) and Leadership Development Events (LDE) and contest the FFA holds. I also joined the Marble Falls FFA chapter officer team. Throughout my youth, I was awarded many prizes for my livestock and my work through the FFA. I received my Chapter (local), Lone Star (state) and American (National) FFA degrees with the help of my advisors. FFA has played a major role in shaping me into the person I am today. The histories of both organizations reach far back into the 20th century. Each is a nationwide youth program that promotes community service and agriculture education. The FFA was founded in 1928 with 33 members. Currently there are over 500,000 members who proudly wear the official FFA colors, National Blue and Corn Gold. The FFA lives by their motto “Learning to do, Doing to learn, Earning to live, Living to serve.” These 12 words give every FFA member a sense of honor and leadership as they participate in community events and leadership opportunities. The mission of the FFA is striving to make a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their po-
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tential for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through agricultural education. FFA is sponsored by the local middle and high school agricultural teachers. 4-H has also been serving the local youth for many years. The first club was officially formed in 1902. The 4-H program is now considered one of the largest youth development organizations in the nation. The ideal of the 4-H is to help young people and their families gain the skills needed to be proactive forces in their communities and develop ideas for a more innovative economy. 4-H also empowers youth to reach their full potential, working and learning in partnership with caring adults. The well known symbol of the 4-H is the 4 leaf clover, where the 4 H’s stand for Head: Managing and Thinking, Heart: Relating and Caring, Hands: Giving and Working, and Health: Being and Living. The 4-H is part of the cooperative extension service and is coordinated by the county extension agent. Each organization is very similar in community aspects and striving to make a positive difference in the lives of as many individuals as possible. Both of the programs also work together in many areas on community service projects and leadership opportunities. The Texas Hill Country is a better place because of the young members of these organizations and the adult supporters. Livestock shows are one of the most common reasons students join the FFA or 4-H. Students begin the show season picking out their stock. There are stock breeders located all throughout the Texas Hill Country. At the county show, student exhibitors can enter a variety of categories including market and breeding hogs, goats, lambs, cattle, chickens/turkeys, and rabbits. There are also classes for dairy and hair goats. Many shows, including the Burnet County Livestock show, also include an AG mechanics and a food contest. Students work hard throughout the year gearing up for shows. Daily requirements such as feeding, grooming, halter breaking, and making sure their animal is in the best shape for the show help teach the youth lessons. In my own experience as a stock show participant, being an exhibitor taught me responsibility, patience, and respect for others; as well as animals. Looking back on my school career, livestock shows make up some of my fondest memories and taught me many lessons. While the smell of a pig barn at 5am or washing an unhappy 1500lb steer in the frigid wash rack might not sound so appealing, it was a valuable experience in the responsibility required in caring for stock and committing to a program. Every local county show also host a “sale” at the end of the show for each exhibitor where buyers from around the communities come in and support the students projects by “buying” their animals. This isn’t like any ordinary livestock auction. At the county livestock show level, exhibitors get to keep their animals after the sale. The buyers are generously “buying” or sponsoring student’s projects in order to support the student’s future endeavors. Many students use the money for future livestock projects, while others save the money for college funds and expenses. Livestock shows are among the top activities list for both clubs. However, you will be surprised to find out there are many career and skill building contest, teams, and activities that students can participate in. 4-H and FFA each have member elected officer teams. The officer team is made up of students who are assigned different responsibilities to help keep their clubs organized and progressive. The FFA offers many different CDE and LDE team opportunities. CDE are events in which students compete based on their knowledge of a particular subject. CDE involvement helps students develop the abilities to think critically, communicate clearly, and perform effectively in competitive scenarios. These events are also known around the area as judging contest. Some of the judging contest teams in-
clude livestock, meat, landscape, horticulture, floriculture, land, wild life, entomology, dairy foods, AG mechanics, and farm business management. LDE focuses on creating situations for members to demonstrate their abilities in public speaking, decision making, communication, and knowledge of agriculture and the FFA organization. Some of the popular LDE events include chapter conducting, quiz team, public relations, agricultural issues, creed speaking, and job interviews. Team and individual events are used to reinforce what is taught in agricultural science classrooms. The 4-H program also offers a variety of events. The 4-H offers curriculum programs for students based on their skill and knowledge interest. 4-H programs offer youth hands on learning activities in three mission areas: Science, Citizenship, and Healthy Living. The science program caters to youth that are proficient in science, engineering, and technology. Topics range from climate change to alternative energy and students will learn about relative systems and issues that ensure contributions to their communities as future global leaders. The Citizenship Program emphasizes the importance of developing passionate and well informed citizens. The goal is to get them involved in their communities and help foster a positive social change. The Healthy Living curriculum teaches students positive physical, mental, and emotional health in order to help them lead healthy and productive lives well into adulthood. In addition to the curriculum programs, the 4-H also host many events similar to the FFA, such as judging teams and leadership development. Members can participate in cooking, leadership, sewing, shooting sports, horse judging, livestock judging, meat judging, horticulture, and many more. In speaking with Burnet County Extension Agent Wade Hibler he wanted to stress how big of a leadership program 4-H is. He relayed that the key to the program is that it stresses responsibility and leadership skills. Hibler was also proud of the fact it helps kids to develop life skills. He talked about how the traditional programs such as raising livestock helps the youth to learn responsibility, should they choose to tend and feed animals. Hibler stated “These kids learn what it means to take care of something.” Wade Hibler also wanted to inform us of a larger program in the 4-H where they have different activities for kids. The example he used was outdoor challenge. Outdoor challenge is where youth go outside
and get involved opposed to staying inside and playing video games. The program address exercise and helps combat obesity. Activities within the outdoor challenge include things like shooting skeet, ca-
noeing, rappelling, and other activities that promote the outdoors. As you can tell the 4-H and FFA organizations both have uncountable benefits for the youth and their effect on society. Each organization also offers extensive scholarship programs in many different skill and subject areas. A large amount of major and local county livestock shows have scholarships funds for students to apply for. A major benefit that I experienced was being able to use my membership experiences and awards as accomplishments on my college and job applications. Joining the 4-H or FFA program is a great way for students to get involved in the community, make lifelong friendships, and gain useful skills and knowledge for their future. Active 4-H member and officer, Lacey Naumann, is a junior at Marble Falls High School. She said she has been participating in stock shows and 4-H since she was old enough to walk a goat into the ring. Lacey states “4-H is a large youth organization that isn’t just for rural kids. The 4-H gives opportunity to all kinds of kids from all different backgrounds. Most of the members are involved in various hands on activities. The 4-H also gives many leadership opportunities such as running for office positions at the local club level all the way up to state.” Lacey’s favorite activities are showing animals and being a part of the officer team. To her the benefits are also numerous. At this year’s Burnet Country Livestock Show, Lacey Naumann had the Grand Champion Angora goat. (continued on page 14)
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Small Business Spotlight
D and J’s Good Ole Day’s Antiques & Oddities
By:Ronnie Ratliff
tep into D and J’s Good Ole Days in Brady, Texas and step back into time. From the moment you enter the doors, your eyes will be filled with antiques and oddities. Deciding what you want to look at first might well be the hardest decision you make all day! Let owners DeAnn and Joe Evridge help you out with that decision. Their personalities and willingness to guide you around their store is a great part of the experience and makes you feel right at home in this Hill Country town. The Evridges have a passion for finding pieces of history from days gone by. Their finds come from picking through old barns, estate sales, and many other means. Some of the items they find are ready to be placed in the store as soon as they get them back. Others are sent to either DeAnn’s or Joe’s work station. They each have their own little workshop where some pieces are transformed into something new while retaining its antique look. Old irrigation wheels have been turned into chandeliers. Windmills have been repurposed into rustic lighting fixtures. Windows from an early 20th century Brady Hotel have been fitted together to make a greenhouse, which sits inside the shop, but is easily disassembled and relocated if sold. Some objects aren’t necessarily changed in their purpose, but added onto for artistic design. An old clock had a pair of large wooden wings attached so that a person can really see time fly. The creative minds of DeAnn and Joe are evident in the work they do and their love to bring to life old things. The trip back into time also includes fashionable vintage clothing and jewelry. You are invited to come play dress up. One young lady recently found the perfect vintage dress for her prom. Another customer found himself an East German guard’s coat that kept him warm through winter and provided a great conversation piece. There are also vintage cards, postcards, and books that one could spend all day browsing through.
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If oddities are more your thing, D and J’s has you covered as well. From stuffed squirrels playing guitars to a vintage child’s casket with a viewing window, there is something that will catch your attention and having you ask the owners the story behind it. Take time to get out and enjoy the scenic drive to Brady, Texas and spend part of your day at D and J’s Good Ole Days enjoying this Texas Hill Country time machine.
Brushed Beautiful By: Katie Mein
rofessional satisfaction is watching a woman when she sees herself in the mirror for the first time after having her make-up done. Her face alit, smiling, in awe of her own beauty and knowing that your artistry brought her vision to life. It is an artist’s ambition to bring out and enhance ones natural beauty in a way that surprises their client. As part of this article, I was able to provide a beautiful and natural airbrush make-up application. The look specifically for this article is meant to show the way a basic airbrush make-up application can minimize and hide flaws, while still providing a polished finish that enhances natural beauty without being overdone. All products used for this shoot were silicon based (S/B) TEMPTU products and were applied with a .35 mm airbrush gun. This included all over foundation to balance her skin tone and provide a canvas from which to highlight her natural beauty. Using a slightly darker foundation shade, I lightly contoured along the sides of her forehead, temples and below the cheekbones and jaw line, creating subtle shadows. I added highlights above the cheekbones, lightly across the forehead, and down the bridge of the nose and chin. Highlighting gives those areas a reflective dewy look that makes the skin look fresh and moisturized. The addition of blush on the apples of her cheeks and up and back towards her ear and hairline brings an instant pop of color and life to her face. Her eyelid color is a darker version of the blush applied to her cheeks, and by keeping the color softer and more natural
photos, and anyone not wanting to look overdone. This is perfect for those who say to me, “I don’t wear much make-up.” This basic application can easily be transformed into a more glamorous or evening look by intensifying eye colors in the crease of the upper lid, adding eyeliner to the upper lash line, the lower lash or water line of the lower lid, applying additionAmy Johnstone al coats of mascara or using false lashes, heavier or darker blush, bronzer, and a change of lip color. Most make-up artists will utilize a variety of high quality products and brands that provide almost endless options. With a basic platform to work from, a make-up artist can create whatever look you desire! As a make-up artist, what is important to me is that my clients are happy with the finished results. I urge clients to embrace their beauty, understand that I can address their flaws and areas of concern, but to focus on and embrace the positives, what they do like and what they want to enhance. There are plenty of opportunities to have fun, play up
AFTER INITIAL AIRBRUSH FINISHED LOOK opened up her eyes. A natural light blush lip color was your style and try new things! But when we’re through, applied and her lashes finished with a black tube mascara. my goal is that you still see yourself – Beautiful, polished, and in awe of the woman staring back at you in the With different variations, a natural look like this can be pg. 9 mirror. perfect for a spring wedding, a senior portrait, business
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Crab Soufflé
Ingredients 1 Scallion, minced 3 tablespoons Butter 2 cups Crab Meat, fresh 3 tbl spoon All-purpose Flour 2 tablespoons Tomato Paste 1 1/2 cups Milk, warmed 1/8 teaspoon Cayenne Pepper 1 teaspoon Salt 3 Egg yolks, beaten 4 Egg whites 1/8 teaspoon Cream of Tartar 1/2 cup Parmesan Cheese
Set rack on lowest level of oven and preheat to 400 F. Butter and flour a 2-quart soufflé dish or a 9x13 inch glass baking dish. If using a soufflé dish, extend the height of the dish with 4-inch wide collar made from folded strip of aluminum foil tied around the dish. Also butter and flour foil. In a medium skillet, cook scallion in 1 tablespoon butter over medium heat, about 1 minute just to soften. Add crab meat and cook, stirring 1 to 2 minutes. Layer in bottom of prepared dish. In a medium saucepan, melt remaining 2 tablespoons butter over medium-high heat. When foamy, add flour and cook, stirring 1 minute. Blend in tomato paste. Gradually whisk in warm milk. Bring to a boil, whisking until sauce is thickened and smooth, 1 to 2 minutes. Season with cayenne and salt. Remove from heat and whisk in beaten egg yolks. Stir in Parmesan cheese. In a large bowl, beat egg whites and cream of tartar to stiff peaks. Fold sauce into whites with gentle wide strokes. Pour over crab meat. Place dish in oven and immediately reduce heat to 275 F. Bake 25 minutes, until soufflé is puffed and golden on top and slightly jiggly in center. Serve immediately.
Submit your recipe to: If selected for print, there may be a treat in it from us to you!
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It’s Crawfish Time in Llano! A
pril in the Texas Hill Country is one of the most beautiful months of the year. The awe inspiring hillsides spring to life with captivating wildflowers. Locals hit their favorite back roads to take in the beauty of nature. Travelers from all over pour into the Hill Country for wildflowers, wine, good food, shopping, and friendly people. There is no better place to be than Llano in the spring time. Llano is nestled in the beautiful Texas Hill Country. This small historic town is conveniently located approximately 70 miles west of Austin. At the heart of the city, the pristine Llano River flows through the town with the landmark Inks Bridge connecting the
by Ronnie Ratliff
tourism is the Llano Crawfish Open. This year those tourists and locals alike will celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Llano Crawfish Open. The Llano Crawfish Open got its humble beginning back in 1989. It started as the brainstorm of a group of Beaumont hunters and local Llanoites. The two groups had developed a friendship over the years. It was from this friendship that the idea of the Crawfish Open came to life. The original idea between the groups was to have a golf tournament. They figured after having played golf, everyone would have worked up an appetite. The Gulf Coast’s popularity of crawfish and Llano’s like of barbecue led to them deciding to get together on the Llano River, near the golf course, after the tournament to cook and sale some crawfish and barbeque. It was decided that any money that was raised from the event would be used to purchase a motorized wheelchair for a local man who suffered from M.S. The group of attendees was very small, especially in comparison to nowadays. It was said that about 500 pounds of crawfish was cooked that first year. Out of the 500 pounds, 300 pounds of it turned into fish food after it was dumped into the Llano River. However, the inaugural event was still a success. The one day event earned right around $400 and helped to purchase the needed wheelchair. Between the camaraderie, the excellent time had by all, and the satisfaction of having helped someone in need; the group decided that they should plan to do it again the following year. After the second year of golf and historic downtown with the historic rail yard district. cooking there on the river bank, a third was planned, Established in 1856, Llano is known for its hospitality, and so on to present day. scenery, barbecue, historic buildings, antiques, white- Over the next few years the event grew larger than tailed deer, fishing, cowboys and cattle. Let us not anyone could have ever anticipated. Similar to all new forget the crawfish as well. events, there was a period of trial and error as the crowds swelled. It was determined that more organipg. 12 The April event that has led to increasing
zation was needed and goals should be set. As it came to together the group became more focused in what their long term goal was and in what direction they wanted to go. The goal was to continue helping people in need in Llano County, as well as making sure everyone continued to have a good time and be well fed. The group realized that there were a couple of organizations in the county whose budgets were limited by state funding. The needs for these organizations were greater than what their budgets allowed for, and they weren’t able to raise all the money needed on their own. So the Crawfish Open group decided they would help The Llano Special Opportunity Center, which is a facility for mentally and physically challenged adults. The second charity they were set on helping was the Meals on Wheels program that helped to feed homebound elderly. Over the years more groups in need have been added as well and the goal of what has become the Llano Crawfish Open is still focused on helping those in need in Llano County. Nowadays the event in Robinson Park along the Llano River is larger than any of the originals could have imagined. The city is flooded with people from far and wide that come to attend the festive crawfish boil. The rewards are far greater than the much needed money raised for the organizations. This yearly April gathering that has morphed into a multi-day event helps out the local businesses in and around Llano as
well. Hotel rooms fill up with reservations many months ahead of the event. Travelers arriving the weekend of the Llano Crawfish Open hoping to find a room are going to be out of luck in Llano. Bed and Breakfasts fill up in advance as well. RV parks that ordinarily have plenty of spaces available are lined end to end. Tents fill each campground. The effect on the city is great. It also reaches out to surrounding communities as the crowd spills over into the lodging of neighboring towns and cities. Small towns such as Mason and Kingsland see an influx of people, as do the slightly further cities of Marble Falls and Fredericksburg. Luckily these areas are close by and provide a great (continued on page 35) alternative as places to stay.
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FFA (continued) She will also compete in other events as well, as the year progresses. Though these organizations require a lot of work from the youth participating in them, they also require untold community involvement. The businesses throughout the Hill Country communities that make up “The Buyers” make stock shows possible. They donate time and a great deal of money which proceeds the youth. Without them, these organizations would be unsustainable. Local citizens can help by supporting these businesses that put the money right back into the community.
Christian Tucker of Burnet FFA with his Jackson Family Showpig Reserve Grand Champion 2014 - Burnet Country Livestock show
As mentioned earlier, local stock breeders also play an important role in each organization. They breed and provide stock that the youth are able to raise and show in events. One such family that provides this service is Robert, Candy, and James Jackson of Jackson Family Showpigs. They became breeders in order to become active in the local FFA and 4-H programs. The Jackson family is now in their 8th year of breeding showpigs. They are continually learning to better their breeding program in order to produce top quality pigs that fit the needs of the junior livestock shows and the showpig industry. It is a joy for the family to participate. James Jackson states “With all the hard work and dedication it takes to be successful in the show ring, being there at the show to see the excitement and tears of joy when a exhibitor receives a high placing with their showpig project is the reason we enjoy helping the kiddos and their families.” The reasons for youth and community involvement speak for themselves. Anyone who is enrolled in high school can join the FFA. Locally, there are FFA and Junior FFA chapters at every high school. You can simply join an agricultural education class or contact your school’s AG teachers who serve as FFA advisors. For younger students who would like to affiliate with the FFA to exhibit livestock, most chapters have a junior FFA program for students who are 8 years of age and are in at least the 3rd grade. The 4-H offers programs for students of all ages. Any student under age 8 can join as a Clover Kid and the regular 4-H club is for students who are 8 and in the third grade and beyond. Anyone who is interested in joining the 4-H should contact their county extension agent to see which local club would be best for them by location. Support these clubs which make the communities in the Texas Hill Country a better place to live. events as well, as the year progresses. Though these organizations require a lot of work from the youth participating in them, they also require untold community involvement. The businesses throughout the Hill Country communities that
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make up “The Buyers” make stock shows possible. They donate time and a great deal of money which proceeds the youth. Without them, these organizations would be unsustainable. Local citizens can help by supporting these businesses that put the money right back into the community. As mentioned earlier, local stock breeders also play an important role in each organization. They breed and provide stock that the youth are able to raise and show in events. One such family that provides this service is Robert, Candy, and James Jackson of Jackson Family Showpigs. They became breeders in order to become active in the local FFA and 4-H programs. The Jackson family is now in their 8th year of breeding showpigs. They are continually learning to better their breeding program in order to produce top quality pigs that fit the needs of the junior livestock shows and the showpig industry. It is a joy for the family to participate. James Jackson states “With all the hard work and dedication it takes to be successful in the show ring, being there at the show to see the excitement and tears of joy when a exhibitor receives a high placing with their showpig project is the reason we enjoy helping the kiddos and their families.” The reasons for youth and community involvement speak for themselves. Anyone who is enrolled in high school can join the FFA. Locally, there are FFA and Junior FFA chapters at every high school. You can simply join an agricultural education class or contact your school’s AG teachers who serve as FFA advisors. For younger students who would like to affiliate with the FFA to exhibit livestock, most chapters have a junior FFA program for students who are 8 years of age and are in at least the 3rd grade. The 4-H offers programs for students of all ages. Any student under age 8 can join as a Clover Kid and the regular 4-H club is for students who are 8 and in the third grade and beyond. Anyone who is interested in joining the 4-H should contact their county extension agent to see which local club would be best for them by location. Support these clubs which make the communities in the Texas Hill Country a better place to live.
Getting Outdoors with Double M Taxidermy
n that moment you receive a message from an old friend inviting you to be a part of their new adventure, expressing that they want your perspective and believe others will be entertained by your outdoor experiences, if you are not a writer, where do you start? My name is Wende Morren and my husband is Mark Morren. Mark is our spiritual leader, moral compass, hunter and gatherer and by far my favorite outdoorsman. Although I grew up in the Hill Country, Mark grew up at Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch in Amarillo Texas. After he graduated high school he beat a path straight to our beloved Hill Country. Marble Falls is where we have built our marriage, our family, our walk with God and our business Double M Taxidermy and Hunting Adventures. On top of being an artist, Mark is an entrepreneur with endless energy, an amazing talent for taxidermy, a love for hunting, and a gift of people skills that surpasses my understanding. Mark began his taxidermy business from a 5x10 room off the carport of our home. His hope and goal has been to bring awareness of the immense artistic value of taxidermy to the Hill Country. With that said, Mark values this so much that he spent ten years on the board of the Texas Taxidermy Association. He continues his education at the seminars provided by the association and has traveled to Van Etten, New York to study with World champion Fred Vanderburgh. In 2006, Mark was awarded the Best in Show Whitetail Mount in Texas. In 2013, he placed 2nd in the National Taxidermy Show with an open mouth white tail and received Master Taxidermist in Texas Show. Please understand, these shows are not just for awards. This is a taxidermist’s chance to be critiqued by National and World Champions. This is educational for a true artist to have his/her work judged and critiqued as a form of encouragement to help them strive for the most realistic art known to man. A taxidermist willing to do this is a taxidermist who cares about your trophy. Now I’m sure there are taxidermists out there who never hunt; however Mark, being a true outdoorsman, does hunt. This is where being a great outfitter comes into play. One might wonder why a man who has a full time job with Pedernales Electric Coop and a part time taxidermy business get into outfitting? Well, according to the man himself, he was tired of telling people where to go and they have a bad experience. Honestly, in all of Mark’s success, he’s not a selfish man who thinks he’s the only one entitled to a trophy or amazing hunting story. He finds so much joy in being a part of someone else’s hunt, whether it be man, woman or child bringing down their first or their best ever trophy. A true outdoorsman is as much in love with the stillness of early morning when the day breaks and wildlife begins to wake, and watching that first deer step out of the brush and meander into the field as he is of the thrill of the actual take down. Being the guide who is blessed by God’s grace to take part in that moment someone takes the harvest of a life time. Even to be the guide for a man just putting food on the table. That’s pure joy! Wow, all this talk of hunting and taxidermy gets this family excited about our upcoming Turkey season. Although we are in a drought we are expecting a great Turkey season this year. The Hill Country received just the right amount of rain at just the right time. The rain allows for a good insect crop, providing an adequate source of food for turkey chicks to grow into those all-desired Toms. If you are new to Turkey hunting, we have a few tips that will help you out. Turkeys roost in the trees at night to stay safe from predators. At day break they fly down and head for open fields. There
by Wende Morren
they can be seen strutting and feeding throughout the day. So we suggest you have a ground roost of your own in the brush outside of the open field. It’s best to be in your ground roost prior to day break to beat the Turkeys. Again in the late afternoon around 4:30 the Turkeys will head back to their tree roost for safety and you want to be in your ground roost prior to their travels back. For the first timer we suggest a 12 gauge shot gun with number 4 turkey load for dropping that handsome Tom. Once you bag your Tom, put him on ice or freeze until you are ready to breast him out or have him mounted. Praying your season is full of memories and plentiful blessings. Always practice safe hunting and be mindful of your hunting etiquette. When possible, introduce someone to the great outdoors of our beautiful Hill Country. Blessings from our home to yours.
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Hill Country Wildflowers:
Save room on your calendar for the 31st Annual Bluebonnet Festival that will be held in April in Burnet, Texas. The festival consists of the Scholarship Beauty Pageant, carnival, arts and crafts, pet parade, dog race and much more, including live entertainment for people of all ages. Burnet is located in the Highland Lakes area, surrounded by By: Amanda Kay sparkling lakes and rugged hills. It’s a scenic drive from all directions. There is a special magic to the Hill Country when bluebonnets carpet pring in the Texas Hill Country provides the perfect natural op- the roadside, hills and pastures in blue at the height of the wildflower portunity to witness rolling hills and fields of illuminating color, season. filling every eye with awe and interest as spectators view nature’s Don’t miss the Johnson City Annual Wildflower Festival also held canvas in appreciation of all the native wildflowers. Texas is home in April. Johnson City is the Wildflower Capital of the Texas Hill to 5000 different species of plants and flowers. The prime time for Country. Attractions include exhibits, vendors, crafts, entertainment, wildflowers is during the months of March, April and May. Bluebon- garden tours, wildflower art and photography lessons, and some of nets usually reach their peak the first few weeks of April, depending the most beautiful wildflowers you will ever have the opportunity to on Spring rainfall totals. take in. Amongst the natural miracle of seed disbursement, we have the One of the most popular half-day routes is Hwy 16 from Medina formation of the Native Plant Society of Texas established in the Fall through Kerrville to Llano and San Saba. Hwy 281 in parallel with of 1980 by Carroll Abbott, of Kerrville. This organization is comHwy 16 is also popular. The Willow City Loop in Willow City in mended on their efforts to help awaken the citizens of Texas, in order north Gillespie County will not disappoint. Basically, any country to preserve our native plants and utilize them in our landscapes. Con- back road in the Hill Country will take you on a new wonderful, servation is key to continue our yearly journey and enjoy the drive blissful journey. Do not forget the camera. No wildflower route would be complete without visiting the Lady on the Texas Wildflower Trail. Roll down the windows and enjoy the Bird Johnson Wildflower Center in Austin, founded by the Former crisp breeze filled with scents of nature’s glory. The route includes First Lady in 1982. The Center consists of sixteen exquisite gardens Brownwood, Burnet, Fredericksburg, Goldthwaite, Johnson City, of Texas native plants inviting visitors to appreciate nature. Education Mason, and San Saba. Many of the towns hold their own Wildflower programs teach visitors how to grow these plants and nurture their Festivals in celebration of nature’s bouquet, filled with Bluebonnets, beauty on their own property. The Center is open every day except Mexican hats, Sunflowers, Indian Paintbrushes and many more! The Mondays and major holidays. Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) spreads more than 33,000 pounds of wildflower seeds (over 30 varieties) along Texas Do not let this glorious time of year pass you by. Stop and smell the highways each year. Stop by the local Chamber of Commerce in each flowers. It’s a joy for folks of all ages and all interests! city for more details on wildflower attractions for each area.
& The Scenic Bluebonnet Trail
2014 CALENDAR OF EVENTS April 11-13, 2014 April 26, 2014 May 3, 2014 June 13-14, 2014 June 20-21, 2014 September 13, 2014 September 19-20, 2014 September 26-27, 2014 September 27-28, 2014 October 11, 2014 November 1, 2014 November 21-22, 2014 December 5-7 & 12-14, 2014 December 13, 2014 December 13, 2014
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31st Bluebonnet Festival Bluebonnet Air Show Spring City-Wide Garage Sale Burnet County Rodeo Burnet County Fair Kid’s Day Out Bulldog Thunder Truck & Tractor Pull Burnet BBQ Cook-off & Music Fest Day Out with Thomas Ft. Croghan Day Fall City-Wide Garage Sale Hill Country Christmas Main Street Bethlehem Christmas on the Square Christmas at Ft. Croghan
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Historic Hill Country
Settling Bettina: A Communal Failure
by Ronnie Ratliff
n the bank of the Llano River, a creek enters into it, sounds of the cool clear water can be heard as it cascades over the rock laden river. Wildlife abundantly roams throughout the tree cover and through the river and creek beds and the sky above it. The river is as clear as crystal, offering views of the bottom even in its deepest depths. Knee high grasses wave in the breeze while deer and buffalo abound the land around this area destined to become a community. The now vanished community of Bettina would rise at this location in 1847 as part of the Fisher-Miller land grant. Bettina was the 7th and last colony of the Adelsverein colonies in Texas. The name was chosen in honor of Bettina Brentano von Arnim, a German writer. It was also known as the Darmstaedter Kolonie at the time. The history of Bettina is best portrayed through a Rudolph Kleberg Jr interview of Louis Reinhardt that took place on Sept. 7, 1898 and was published in The Quarterly of the Texas State Historical Association. Reinhardt’s freedom was purchased from his father by a German Industrial School when he was only 13. There was a mutual understanding he would botanize in Texas. It was at this young age that Reinhardt’s Texas adventure began. The organization of the colony began in Darmstat, Germany in 1846. Prince Carl of Solms-Braunfels, the Commissioner General of the Adelsverein, had been to Texas in 1844. Shortly thereafter in 1845 he established the town of New Braunfels. Upon returning to Germany in 1846 he delivered speeches on behalf of the Adelsverein, promoting Texas to university graduates. It was during one of these speeches at Gewerbeschule Industrial School in Darmstat that Solms-Braunfels’ words reached Louis Reinhardt and led to his joining the group know as the Darmstat Forty that would eventually colonize Bettina. The Darmstadt Forty was a freethinker organization. It included around 40 men with varying occupations such as mechanics, carpenters, butchers, blacksmiths, naturalist, and agriculturist. Among the group was also Dr. Ferdinand Ludwig Herff, Hermann Spiess, and Gustav Schleicher, an engineer. A communistic society was organized of which friendship, freedom, and equality were the watchwords, according to Reinhardt. He stated “It had no regular scheme of government, so far as I know. In fact, being communistic, the association would not brook the tyranny of a ruler. But the guiding spirits were by common consent Messrs. Wagner, Herff, Schleicher, and Schenk”. He also joked that he was rarely consulted since he was the youngest of the group. In February of 1847 the group began its journey with a trip to Hamburg, Germany. The men then had to wait several weeks for their ship to be available. In early April they set sail for Texas. The Darmstat Forty reached Galveston, Texas on July 17th. Here, they again had to wait several weeks for a schooner to take them onwards to Indianola. After a brief incident where the schooner hit a sandbank and required repairing, the group arrived in Indianola.
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Louis Reinhardt’s account of their stop in Indianola: “Here twenty-four ox wagons had been waiting for us for three weeks; since Meusebach, the general agent of the Adelsverein, had seen to everything. In addition, he there bought two wagons of six yokes of oxen each, and two mule teams of eight mules each, for we had an immense amount of baggage. In addition to what we had brought from home and had purchased at Darmstadt, we had laid in a big supply at Hamburg and Galveston. We had supplies of every kind imaginable; for instance, complete machinery for a mill, a number of barrels of whiskey, and a great many dogs of whom Morro was the largest, being three feet high. We came prepared to conquer the world.” In Indianola the group also received $10,000 in American gold from Consul Lee of the Adelsverien as a premium for settling the Fisher-Miller land grant. From here, Louis Reinhardt and the other members started a 4 week journey northwestward to New Braunfels. A planned short layover in New Braunfels turned into a longer stay due to illness and a horse riding accident. Reinhardt and another member of the group came down with Typhoid. Deicert, a blacksmith within the group was thrown from a horse and broke his leg. Unwilling to leave the sick, the entire company waited about 5 weeks for them to heal before they continued the trip. It was during this time in New Braunfels that a treaty was made between John O. Meusebach representing the Colony and Chief Santana of the Comanches; at Vereinshuegel, also known as Union Hill. The Indians agreed to vacate the tract lying between the Llano and San Saba rivers known as Fisher’s Grant. The Comanche retained hunting rights of the land in the treaty and also promised to visit the colony in the future. Accompanying the Comanche at the signing of the treaty was Baron v. Kriewitz, a commercial agent of the colonists at New Braunfels and Fredericksburg who had been living with the Indians at their request. Even though he was among the Comanche Indians by request, they didn’t trust him and forbid him to leave the tribe. He escaped the tribe the day of the treaty signing and hid in New Braunfels the next few days as they pursued him. Once the sick had recovered, the group of Germans set out for Fredericksburg with Kriewitz now as their guide. Stops along the way to Fredericksburg included Comanche Springs and Meusebach’s farm. After spending several days in Fredericksburg, the men set out
Drawing by Philippe Dezaux ©2014
for their final destination along the Llano River with Kriewitz once again as their guide. After days of slow travel over the rough terrain the group of men that had assembled in Germany, finally reached their destination of the Llano River. Louis Reinhardt described it as “a beautiful stream, as clear as crystal, and known in our party as the “Silvery Llano.” One could see the bottom at the deepest places. The whole country was covered with mesquite grass as high as the knee; and abounded in buffalo and deer.” The Darmstadt Forty crossed the river and made camp under a big live oak, circling their wagons and constructing a big tent in the middle. They fortified the camp by planting a cannon and setting out a guard. The colonizers, who had set sail from Germany in April, had now reached their location in early September. It was cause for a celebration well into the night. The first order of business the settlers took care of was building a structure 40 feet long by 22 feet wide. They used forked logs and beams, covering them with reed grass. Next they constructed an adobe house. A pecan tree was used to makes shingles to roof the house and a massive 12 feet broad fireplace was constructed with rocks. This house would host the first Christmas celebration in Bettina. The Comanche Indians came to visit the Bettina settlement, as they had promised. According to Reinhardt, the settlers traded with the Indians often. The Indians had a reputation for being very generous and gave 3 times more than their Bettina counterparts. The Comanche even took it upon themselves to try and learn the German language. Reinhardt said visits by other tribes were common as well, none of which caused any annoyance. There were Lipans, Delawares, Kickapoos, Wacos, Choctaws, Shawnees, and Comanches, making seven different tribes. After January of 1848, no more Indians came according to Louis Reinhardt. The first crop was planted in the spring of 1848 and resulted in over
200 bushels of corn. However the demise of the Bettina settlement set in soon afterwards. Reinhardt describes the events that led to the end of Bettina before it was even a year old. “In the summer of 1848, our colony of “Bettina” went to pieces like a bubble. As I have said, it was a communistic society and accordingly had no real government. Since everybody was to work if he pleased and when he pleased, the result was that less and less work was done as time progressed. Most of the professional men wanted to do the directing and ordering, while the mechanics and laborers were to carry out their plans. Of course, the latter failed to see the justice of this ruling, and so no one did anything. We had made a field and raised 200 bushels of corn — our whole year’s crop. According to our contract with the Adelsverein, this company was to furnish us with supplies for the first year, but the next we were to shift for ourselves. As it was, we still had a plentiful supply of everything; yet that was bound to end some time; and there was absolutely no prospect of our ever providing for ourselves. I began to see this plainly. Having made arrangements with some teamsters who had brought us some goods, I started for Fredericksburg. Before I got there, eight others were on their way thither; and thus our colony went to the four winds.” Even though the Bettina colony lasted less than a year, many of the German immigrants from this group went on to make major contributions to Texas history. Dr. Ferdinand von Herff went on to be a San Antonio physician and surgeon. Gustav Schleicher, the engineer, helped to expand the state’s rail system and eventually went on to become a member of Congress. Jacob Kuechler went on to become commissioner of the General Land Office in Austin. As for the Louis Reinhardt, who started this incredible journey as a 13 year old boy, he ended up in Dewitt County, Texas, where he lived the pg. 19 remainder of his life.
The Biggest Party in Llano
25th Annual Llano Crawfish Open Friday April 25th & Saturday April 26th Live Music
Charity Crawfish Golf Open
Crawfish Crawler 5K Walk/Run Crawfish Team Roping Motorcycle Fun Run
Arts & Crafts
Fun For The Kids
Charity Crawfish Golf Open – This event is held on Friday April 25th - Saturday April 26th at the Llano Golf Club and City Park. Shotgun start is at 7:30 AM and 12:30 PM each day. The format is a 4 person scramble and you can register a team or be placed on a team. Entry fees are $70 per player, which includes, green fee, cart fee, and a free meal ticket. Your entry fee also gives you a chance to win a new car if you are the first person to hit a hole in 1 on the par 3 #5. First come – First Served, call 325-247-5100 to make reservations. Entries should be received by Friday, April 11, 2014. Crawfish Team Roping - This is an event that kicks off around 1:15 pm on Thursday April 24th. The event is held across from Robinson Park at the arena. The roping continues all the way through Sunday. It is an USTRC affiliated event and promoted by Taylor Productions. To register for the event call Calvin Taylor, 915-472-3518. “Everybody who is big in roping is usually at this premier event, local Llano roper legends included.” – Calvin Taylor
Crawfish Crawler 5k Walk/Run -
The Crawfish Crawler 5K is a fun event for all age groups. The proceeds from this event go to the Llano Self Advocate Group. This is a group of mentally/physically challenged citizens from Llano and Mason counties. The proceeds support field trips, seasonal parties, and educational material. The race is on Saturday, April 26, 2014 and registration begins at 7:30 AM in the parking lot of the Llano Golf Course driving range, .5 miles from the entrance of Robinson City Park. Race will begin at the entrance of County Road 116, off of Ranch Road 152 at 8:30 AM. The address is 2835 West Ranch Road 152, Llano, Texas 78643. Trophies will be awarded to overall male and female. Medals will be awarded to first, second, and third place per age division. All entries received by April 4 will be guaranteed to receive a T-shirt. Entries on registration day will receive a T-shirt on a first-come, first serve basis. Early registration is recommended
Auction – The live auction takes place Saturday night right before Mark Chesnutt takes the stage. There is never any telling what might end up on the auction block! Be sure to open your pocketbook and your heart as the event raises donations for charity organizations of Llano County.
Fun For Children – The Llano Crawfish Open is an event for the whole family. Special booths are present for kid’s entertainment. There are usually other activities for kids as well such as face painting and the 15 and under divisions in the 5k.
Arts&Crafts – Vendors have booths placed throughout Robinson Park that provide the opportunity for people to find special collectibles, gifts, and unique buys. There are also clothing booths for Llano Crawfish Open gear as well.
Live Music Headlines: Friday Night - Asleep At The Wheel Sponsored by
Saturday Night - Mark Chesnutt
Of course, there is live music pretty much all day on Friday and Saturday :) “Over the years, we’ve built a great relationship with the Llano Crawfish Open. The time of the year, the fact that it takes place by the river, and tons of spicy crawfish make it a great beer-drinking event!” ~ Cody Fly, General Manager at Ben E. Keith Booths are available to purchase beer & wine.
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For information on Motorcycle Fun Run contact Chuck Bailey, Gypsy Motorcycle Club 325-247-3880.
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Gone Fishin’ with Marble Falls High School Bass Fishing Team by Ronnie Ratliff
n old tradition dating back generations in the Texas Hill Country January of 2011. is springing forward with today’s youth. For as long as humans In order to charter a club there had to be 6 kids between the 9th and have roamed the hills of Central Texas they have been fishing. Families 12th grades signed up. Lorna Ellis knew it was going to take much have enjoyed many days upon the creeks, rivers and lakes fishing more than just that though. Even though she didn’t know many people together. Professional anglers have fished these bodies of waters for a throughout the community, she started to canvass it to generate leads living. And now the youth of our communities have come together as a team on those same waters. The Marble Falls High School Bass Fishing Team is casting out lines and reeling in success. Bryan and Lorna Ellis were instrumental in forming this organization. After having met in college and spending the next 28 years outside of Texas as an Army family, they were ready to get back to Texas. The Ellis couple now had 2 children and a plan to settle somewhere along the water. During their travels through the Hill Country, trips along Highway 281 through Marble Falls made an impression on them. In 2007 they found a place in Kingsland and decided to move their family there on Lake LBJ. Even though they were both native Texans they were completely new to the community. At the time, their son Austin was in 6th grade. Like many young men around the area he had a real affinity for fishing. He was raised fishing with both his father and grandfather and like so many people, when it got in his blood, he wasn’t about to give it up. Bryan and Lorna were proud their son was so involved in the hobby. They feel that it teaches fundamentals that are important in any child and relays life lessons that go beyond holding a fishing pole. Austin’s passion for fishing led his parents to trying to find a fishing organization for him to join in the area. They looked for any group, even adult clubs with junior divisions, but were unsuccessful in finding one in the Highland Lakes. The only option was traveling to Round and interest. It was during this initial period where she learned just Rock to be part of an adult men’s team. During this research they did how outgoing and supportive the local community and the Marble find out about a Junior State Championship Bass Tournament being Falls Independent School District was. The community was full of held outside of Forth Worth, Texas on Eagle Mountain Lake. They people willing to provide leadership and assist. Sponsors were eager were unsure of what they were getting into but decided to let Austin to help get the program started. Things took off and progressed like a give it a try and entered him in the tournament with hopes of at least wildfire. By the end of the first semester the program had swelled from being able to network and find 6 youths to 15. out how the club works. Naturally the group needed a place Pat Pucik (Owner of Rods, Barrels, and Strings) – I enjoy Austin didn’t only enter the sponsoring the team because I feel that it is vitally important to meet. Rick Edwards of Edwards contest, he won it. In winning, Risk Management in Marble Falls for kids to be in a situation where they are active, fishing, he also qualified to represent provided his office and administrative and outdoors. The lessons they learn in conservation and its assistance. His son Collin was also a Texas in his age group (14) at the national contest just outside importance is great. The team also provides a great bonding member of the team. Several sponsors opportunity. I was happy to donate equipment so that the throughout the community provided of Atlanta, Georgia. This Junior World Championship was assistance in many ways. It is their kids could have what they needed to fish. sponsored by The Bass Federcontributions that allowed the club ation (TBF). During their time to succeed. These sponsors also made at this event, they met TBF youth director Mark Gintert. Mr. Gintert it possible for the team to have custom made professional jerseys informed the Ellis family about the Student Angler Federation (SAF). for each kid to wear. When the kids started wearing these jerseys to He explained how the SAF was a new youth format under the TBF that events, school, and around the town it naturally peaked the interest of was dedicated to teaching angler education and conservation, as well others. as angling skills and safety. Of course, the next question from Bryan The bass team soon grew from 15 to 22 and from 22 to 40. From and Lorna was where was their local chapter and how could they sign 40 the program once again swelled to a current level of over 60 kids, Austin up. including boys and girls. One reason the program was able to grow There within was the same problem they had run into previously. so rapidly was the ability to include kids outside of Marble Falls High There were not any local chapters. Mark Gintert invited the family to School. Though the program is bannered under the name of Marstart a chapter. The Ellis family returned home to give it some thought. ble Falls High School Bass Fishing Team, through the generosity of Lorna was unable to get the ideal off of her mind. One night soon after Marble Falls High School, kids from all over the Texas Hill Country she told her husband “We’re going to do this.” Of course, this came as are encouraged to join. The club currently has kids driving in from as pg. 22 no surprise to Bryan. This is where the journey started in far as Bulverde and Kerrville because their communities don’t have a
program. Growth of the program requires a lot of support. Lorna Ellis stressed the importance of not only community involvement but also the need for parent volunteers. Adults with and without kids in the program are encouraged to volunteer to help the program to continue growing and providing a positive environment for the kids. The city of Marble Falls has also stepped up to make this whole thing an unbelievable success. Marble Falls was able to put in a bid to host the state championship and won that bid for the years of 2013, 2014, and 2015. This has allowed for additional funds to be raised which are in return given back to the youth in forms of scholarships. Texas is the only state that has established a scholarship program to support continuing education opportunities for those winning the state championship. Program leaders work with LCRA and they recently notified the State Tournament Board that they have agreed to support the scholarship effort this year. Local scholarships are not the only opportunity for money towards college for the participants. Bass fishing has exploded at the collegiate level. Though it is not an NCAA sanctioned sport, universities are beginning to support college level fishing through scholarships because of the large student interest in attracts. You heard correct, the competition at the collegiate level has led to real money and official scholarships being made available. The Ellis family recently learned about this firsthand when Austin’s passion for fishing resulted in him being offered a scholarship to come be a part of a collegiate fishing team in Tennessee. His passion not only led to valuable life lessons but assisted the family in paying for college. Obviously every kid who participates on the team will not be able to receive a scholarship. That doesn’t mean there aren’t numerous benefits for them as well. This club presents an opportunity for kids to be a part of
Colby Orton (MFHS freshman) – I really enjoy being part of the team. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis do a great job in keeping you updated in our meetings. They are really organized. Before I joined the club I didn’t know that much about fishing. They’ve taught me tips about fishing, and do a great job trying to get all of us on a boat. My favorite part is the weigh in and watching everyone’s reaction to the fish!” something special. Not every kid is blessed enough to be athletic and able to participate in sports, but many of the members are high school athletes and involved in other school supported activities. The fishing club offers another means for the youth to get outdoors and be active. The team aspect allows them to be apart of something and have a sense of belonging. Relationships are being built that will last a lifetime. Craig Orton, whose son Colby is a freshman at Marble Falls High School agrees the program is a great way to get kids involved in a non traditional high school sport. He says “Fishing is a great sport. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis do a great job promoting it. They are phenomenal in talking to the kids and teaching them what is right and wrong in the sport, as well as in life.” He also went on to relate how much time and effort they put into the organization and how much he appreciates it. Though his son is involved in other extra curricular activities such as tennis and FFA, Colby always picks the fishing events when he has to choose what to schedule. The members of the team also learn valuable skills as well. As men-
Tournament Schedule: Feb 22 - Winter Open on Lake LBJ March 1 - Lake Travis (FAN HS Fishing Series) March 15 - Texas SAF State Championship on Lake LBJ April 5th - Lake Austin (FAN HS Fishing Series) May 3rd - Lake LBJ (FAN HS Fishing Series) tioned earlier, there is a big focus on education and conservation along with safety. Lessons in boat safety also lead to kids learning bout operating a boat and how to respect the rights of others on the water. Safely handling and releasing each catch is also taught. This is strictly a catch and release program, so learning how to handle the catch properly care for it through the weigh in and until the time it is released back into the waters is a very important lesson learned. Overall, these are great lessons in responsibility. There are other responsibilities of the youth as well in order to participate in the program. The students must maintain a passing GPA in order to continue participating. Leaders of the program check with each school in order to keep up with the student’s grades. Participants are also required to attend the monthly meetings and remain in good standing by following SAF’s bylaws. Each youth must also take an online class about safety and conservation and pay SAF’s small annual dues of $25. Through all the success the program has achieved, there are still obstacles. Once again the club would like to call on the community to help. Simple contributions like donating tackle or equipment you might have sitting around unused can equip a kid to fish. Area residents are encouraged to donate items like lures and rods and reels which they no longer use. There is also a larger area of need for an organization that contains over 60 student anglers. Every student does not come equipped with access to a boat. In fact, only about a third of the participants have parents, family members or friends of the family able to provide them with a boat during tournament time. Bryan and Lorna Ellis would really like to see every kid be able to participate in events and need this is where community involvement is much needed. There is a dire need for volunteers who would be able to host 2 students on their boat about once per month on a Saturday. Current volunteers range from retirees to professional anglers to people who just have a boat for personal recreation. If you have a boat capable of hosting these young anglers, please contact the Ellis family. You can be part of changing the life of a youth! Finding boats to host each kid is definitely the hardest challenge the program faces. Let’s once again show the Marble Falls High School Bass Fishing Team how the Texas Hill Country communities can be so supportive by helping them out.
For more information or to make a donation: Bryan and Lorna Ellis 910-309-4445 You can also visit: The Bass Federation - Student Angler Federation -
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Say Yes to the Make-Up Artist
By: Katie Mein
aving make-up applied by a professional on a significant day is a very important decision. Make-up artists provide their services for a wide array of events and activities. We see brides along with their whole bridal party on their big day. Realtors and other business professionals seek a signature look for their photo on their business cards and to use in publications and advertisements. Current and aspiring actors and models often require several make-up “looks” in photographs for their portfolios. Also, graduates, members of cheer and dance teams, and Prom look to capture a few more memories as their teenage and high school years come to a close. We are also called upon for black-tie and cocktail parties, Quinceañeras, engagement and pregnancy photo sessions, family portraits, events, parties, and other special occasions. When trusting someone to provide high-quality, professional services, there are several factors to consider.
Location – Where are they located? Finding someone local
not only boosts local business, but it also makes them more accessible to their clients and venues. A local make-up artist may also be more familiar with the area other contributing factors to better suit clients’ needs.
Mobile Service – By knowing if a make-up artist offers mo-
bile/on-site services, clients can make travel arrangements in advance or have the ease of knowing that their artist will meet them at their scheduled venue choice. Mobile services offer a little extra piece of mind when it’s a big day and there is one less place to travel to. It is very common to find both make-up artists and hair stylists who work together, providing clients with on-scene event services. Be sure to check if there are any additional fees associated with traveling to venue locations.
Experience – Ask how long a make-up artist has been in
business and how experienced they with various applications. Think of this as an interview! This make-up artist is being hired to provide a service that will play a very important role in your special day! Be confident they can they provide the quality of service you’re seeking.
References – Receiving a referral from family, friends, co-worker, stylist, or directly from venues is great! Also ask to see a portfolio. Photos of a make-up artist’s previous work will showcase their range of talent and what they have to offer. Products – Ask what type of product(s) they use. If unfamiliar with their products, visit and search manufacturer websites, and even check for YouTube videos! Make-up artists offer a wide variety of products that include airbrush products in silicon and water-based form, cream, liquid, powder, and mineral foundations, and supporting products that complete a make-up application. Be sure and discuss what type of make-up application you’re seeking. Add-Ons and Fees – Ask and understand what all is includ-
ed with the quoted price. Surprise fees can be embarrassing and uncomfortable for both parties when such things aren’t discussed ahead of time. Ask if there are additional charges for lash extensions or enhancements, additional make-up “looks”, how much time is included for the application process, additional time for touch-ups during/after photos, are there late cancellation or rescheduling fees, etc.
Payment – Determine what form of payment is acceptable and when it needs to be made. It is appreciated to discuss this ahead of time to ensure there are no surprises.
ASK QUESTIONS! – Don’t be afraid to have a conver-
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sation and ask lots of questions! As a make-up artist, I don’t want my clients to feel overwhelmed, but I do want them to be informed. I will ask in advance for the “type” of look they’re interested in and if they can provide photos ahead of time, bring along to their appointment so that I can see exactly what they desire. What might be “smoky, black, with a little shimmer” to you, may be entirely different than what I’m picturing. I also want to make sure that I have products available to meet your needs. Remember, the day of your event is not the time to test and try new things. That’s what trial runs are for! Remember to LOOK and BOOK early! Make-up artists’ schedules can often fill up quickly, especially during busy peak seasons. By following these basic guidelines you’re sure to be well informed and will have no problem finding a make-up artist that passes your interview!
Professional Make-Up Artist ~ Katie Mein ~ Professional Airbrush Make-Up Application Custom Airbrush Spray Tanning Parties ~ Senior Portraits ~ Events
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Amanda Kay Photography Senior Portraits Bridal Shoots Engagement Portraits Wildflower Photo Sessions Special Events
~ Call Today ~
pg. 25
Hill Country Hero:
The Good Doctor By Zena Patterson
ne rainy morning in 1939, Dr. Zeno Thomas Martin was driving his only child, Martha, to school. As they passed several other children waiting for the bus in the rain, Dr. Martin stopped the car and said, “Martha, tell them to come ride with us”. His young daughter replied, “Oh Daddy! We don’t want ‘em to ride with us! They’re just trash!” Dr. Martin whirled around and firmly spoke the words that Martha would never forget, “Little girl! You remember one thing… Nobody in this world is better than you, but you are no better than any S.O.B. that ever lived!” Dr. Zeno Martin had many roles in his lifetime: fisherman, musician, student, doctor, husband, father, friend, and humanitarian. Perhaps one of his most notable and loveable characteristics was his passion for helping those who could not always help themselves. This is the brief story of the beloved doctor who selflessly served the Texas Hill Country through The Great Depression. Dr. Zeno Thomas Martin was born December 28, 1896 to Martha Hellmen Martin and Thomas Alonzo Martin, in San Antonio, Texas. As the oldest child of wealthy landowner “Lon” Martin, Zeno was expected to behave well, and attend medical school. Like most of the Martin family, Zeno was an excellent hunter and fisherman, but his true passion was music. His early years were spent learning to play as many musical instruments as he could get his hands on. The late Mrs. Barbara Middleton Steele remembered a time during her childhood when Dr. Martin helped move a piano into the Tabernacle of the Baptist Church next door to her childhood home. Mrs. pg. 26 Steele would smile as she reminisced, ”Dr. Mar-
tin sat down and played “On The Jericho Road”, and could REALLY play that thing! He was makin’ that piano dance!” Prior to attending college, Dr. Martin served a short stint in the United States Army as a bugle player during World War I. Due to demobilization, he was honorably discharged after only a few days. During his early years of college at the University of Texas, he found comfort in many distractions. Zeno spent many hours fishing, playing music, and riding around with his police officer friends. He had far too much interest in law enforcement, as far as his father was concerned. In order to eliminate the distractions in Austin, Lon insisted that Zeno finish his education at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, Texas. After graduating and receiving his license to practice medicine, Dr. Zeno Thomas Martin opened his practice on Congress Avenue in Austin, Texas. During this time in the rural Hill Country, it was common practice for residents to host dances, and invite their neighbors into their homes. . While visiting his friend Newt Blessing at his home near the Pedernales River, he attended such an event and met Lola Mae Naumann. They courted for a while, and were married January 25, 1932. By December 28th of the same year, his first and only child, Martha Ola Martin was born. During his many years in Spicewood, Texas, Dr. Martin
was known as a Country Doctor. While the rest of America felt the pains of the Great Depression, the rural Texas Hill Country had enough economic hardship already that they carried on living their lives as conservatively as possible. When residents from Burnet, Johnson City, Blanco, or Marble Falls needed a doctor, Dr. Martin traveled to their house by car (or sometimes by horse) to treat his patients. There were instances where Dr. Martin was away for days or even weeks at a time caring for those who were sick. If someone were dying, he would stay with the patient until they passed away. His daughter Martha recalls times when she would accompany her father, saying, “When the sun went down, it would get so dark in the houses. There wasn’t electricity in their homes at that time, and it was little scary for a little girl.” Because patients didn’t always have enough money to pay for his medical services, he gladly accepted chickens, eggs and sometimes the smallest tokens for payment. While traveling to aid those in need of medical care, Dr. Martin had the fortunate experience of befriending Lyndon B. Johnson. It was not uncommon for him to travel to check on the extended Johnson family. In the late 1930’s Lyndon Johnson worked to bring electricity to the Texas Hill Country. Dr. Martin was among the committee members who sought appropriate locations to place power lines between Austin and Marble Falls, Texas. He loved his role as a humanitarian, and the people loved him in return. Many baby boys delivered during the 1920’s to the 1950’s were named “Zeno”, “Thomas”, and “Martin” in his honor. After his daughter Martha graduated high school and moved away, Dr. Martin decided to face his personal struggles, which had been haunting him for years. He checked himself into the U.S.P.S. Hospital in Fort Worth, Texas to defeat a reoccurring substance abuse problem that dated back to his early college career. He described the physical and mental pain to his daughter Martha, “It was like the hoofs of wild horses running in my stomach. The pain was so severe getting clean.” After his successful treatment in Fort Worth, he was hired at the State Hospital in Austin, Texas. Because of his studies in Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, he was assigned to the position of Assistant Superintendent under Dr. Sam Hoerster. He continued his work
at the Austin State Hospital until he fell ill in 1958. On March 28, 1958, Dr. Zeno Thomas Martin passed away from liver failure. Many across the country mourned the loss of the “good doctor”, but it was especially felt throughout the Texas Hill Country. Letters of condolences poured in. Everyone from Congressman Homer Thornberry, to the Alumni Association of The University of Texas, to Senator Lyndon Baines Johnson, wished to pay his or her respects. Many things wilt and tarnish as years pass, and the stories of our loved ones often fade with time. Through his personal struggles, and hardships along the way, Dr. Martin selflessly served as a great humanitarian of his time. Though he never became a famous musician, and he never served in Congress, his legacy is etched across this land we love so dearly.
Hill Country Spotlight magazine thanks Zena Patterson, who was named in honor of her great-grandfather, Dr. Zeno Martin. for writing and sharing this article and photos. It is a story which I hope my children (Dr. Martin’s great-great-grandchildren) will enjoy and pass along to their children. ~ Jesse Ratliff pg. 27
DINING & NIGHTLIFE Bertram El Rancho, 535 TX 29, 512.355.3759 Good Graz’in Café, 240 W. TX 29, 512.355.9340 Hwy 29 BBQ, 110 Texas 29, 512.277.7020 Las Rosas Mexican & American, 102 Castleberry Court, 512.355.3542 Tony’s BBQ, 200 CR 258, 830.613.4292 Young Guns Pizza and Cafe, 525 I TX 29, 512.355.2432
Buchanan Dam Area Hoover’s Valley Country Cafe, 7203 Park Road 4 W., 512.715.9574 Reverend Jim’s Dam Pub, 19605 E. TX 29, 512.793.3333 Rolling H Cafe´, 318 CR 222, 325.379.1707 Tamale King, 15405 E. TX 29, 512.793.2677 The Dam Grille, 15490 E. TX 29, 512.793.2020 Chris’ Landing, 3630 Park Road 4 West Burnet, 714.323.4023
Blanco Blanco Bowling Club & Café 310 4th St, 830-833-4416 Chess Club Café, 1020 U.S. 281, 830-833-4930 Oak Creek Cafe ,419 3rd st, 830-833-3063 Old 300 BBQ, 318 4th st, 830-833-1227 Papa Joey’s Pizzeria and Italian Food, 306 Pecan St, 830-833-5305 Redbud Café, 410 1/2 4th St,830-833-0202 Uptown Blanco Restaurant, 503 3rd St, 830-833-1579
Brady Boondocks, 2027 S Bridge, (325) 597-9009 Cactus Creamery , 1417 S Bridge, (325) 340-3484 Chicken Express , 2206 S. Bridge St, (325) 597-1056 Dairy Queen , PO Box 1187, (325) 597-2955 Jacoby Feed & Seed & Cafe , PO Box 806 Melvin, (325)286-4244 Mac’s BBQ , 1903 S. Bridge St, (325) 597-6227 McDonald’s , 2106 South Bridge Street, (325) 597-7211 Mi Familia Mexican Restaurant , 100 S Church, (325) 597-1037 Moonlight Catering , PO Box 725, (325) 456-1386 Mr. China , 300 S. Bridge, (325) 597-2141 Patio on Church Street, 801 Crothers Ave, (325) 597-0569
Sonic Drive In , 1311 South Bridge ,(325) 597-1722 The Spread Pit BBQ , 2010 S. Bridge St, (325) 597-111
Burnet Aranya Thai Restaurant, 1015 E. Polk St., 512.756.1927 Burnet Feed Store BBQ Restaurant, 2800 S. Water St., 512.715.9227 The Overlook at Canyon of the Eagles, 16942 RR 2341, 800.977.0081 Café Twenty-Three Hundred, 2300 West TX 29, 512.756.0550 Crazy Gal’s Café, 414 Buchanan Drive., 512.715.8040 Don Pedro’s Mexican Food, 609 E. Polk St., 512.756.1421 El Rancho, 608 E. Polk St., 512.715.0481 Gude’s Bakery & Deli, 307 W. Polk St., 512.715.9903 Hacienda El Charro No. 2, 306 Water St., 512.756.7630 Highlander Restaurant & Steakhouse, 401 W. Buchanan Dr., 512.756.7401 Juanes Mexican Restaurant, 504 Buchanan Dr., 512.715.0415 Las Comadres, 1001 S. Water St., 512.715.0227 Las Palmas, 200 S West St, 512.234.8030 Longhorn Cavern Grill, 6211 Park Road 4 (Longhorn Caverns), 512.756.4680 Mei Yuan, Asian Cuisine, 402 N. Water St. 512.756.8000 Payne’s BBQ-Shack, 616 Buchanan Dr., 512.756.8227 Post Mountain BBQ, 310 S. Main St., 830.613.1055 Storm’s, 700 N. Water St., 512.756.7143 Tea-Licious, 216 S. Main St., 512.756.7636 Texas Pizza Co., 903 Water St., Suite 400, 512.715.8070 The Cookie Café & Bakery, 107 E. Jackson St., 830.613.0199 The Green Fly Bar-B-Q, 10425 NH 281 North, 830.385.6635 The Maxican, 3401 S. US 281, 512.756.1213
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Silver Creek Beer Garden & Grille, 310 E. Main Street,830- 990-4949 K-Bobs Steakhouse, 518 East Main Street, 830-307-3125 August E’s, 203 E. San Antonio Street, 830- 997-1585 West End Pizza Co. 232 W. Main St, 830-990-8646 Hondo’s on Main, 312 W. Main St, 830-997-1553 Friehelm’s Bavarian Inn, 905 W Main St, 830-997-6300 Crossroads Saloon & Steakhouse, 305 W Main St,830-992-3288 Clear River Ice Cream, Bakery and Deli, 138 E Main St, 830-997-8490
The Sunset Grill, 902 S Adams St, 830-997-5904 Bejas Patio Bistro, 209 E Main St, 830-997-5226 Porky’s Hamburgers and Onion Rings Co. 904 W Main St, 830-997-6882 Gatti’s Pizza 2931 S State Hwy 16,830-997-9797 Airport Diner, 155 Airport Rd, St, 830-997-4999 Vaudeville, 230 E Main St, St, 830-992-3234 Cotton Gin Village, 2805 S Hwy 16 St, 830-990-5734 Pasta Bella Italian Restaurant, 103 S Llano St, 830-990-9778 The Peach Tree Gift Gallery & Restaurant, 210 S. Adams St, 830- 997-9527 Fredericksburg Pizza Kitchen, 326 E. Main St,830-990-4044 Mahaley’s Café,341 E. Main St, 830- 997-4400 Rose Hill Manor, Inc,.2614 Upper Albert Rd,830-644-2247 Race Barn,35 Fair Dr,830-997-4058 Mahaley’s Bake Shop Café, 339 E. Main St, 830-997-4400 Rathskeller Restaurant, 260 E. Main St, 830- 990-5858 Hilda’s Tortilla Factory,149 FM 2093,830-997-6105 Auslander Biergarten & Restaurant, 323 E. Main St, 830-997-7714 Fredericksburg Bakery,141 E. Main St ,830-997-3254 Java Ranch Espresso Bar & Café, 114 E. Main St, 830-990-4517 Otto’s German Bistro316 E. Austin St, 830-307-3026 Fredericksburg Brewing Company, Inc. 245 E. Main St, 830-997-1646 Lincoln Street Wine Market, 111 S. Lincoln Street, 830-997-8463 Cranky Frank’s BBQ Co., 1679 Highway 87 South,830-997-2353 El Milagro Twenty Twelve, 249 E. Main St, 830-307-3051 Der Lindenbaum, 312 E. Main St,830-997-9126 Ginger & Spice,116 N. Crockett St., Ste. A, 830-997-9919 Fredericksburg Herb Farm, 405 Whitney St, 830-997-8615 Wheeler’s Restaurant, 204 East Main St, 830-990-8180 Cultures Grill & Bar, 318 E Main St, 830-997-8100 David’s Old Fashion Pit BBQ, 342 W Main St, 830-997-753 Sweet Marley’s, 107 S Llano St, 830-307-3104 Mamacita’s Mexican Restaurant, 506 E Main St, 830-997-9546 Navajo Grill, 803 E Main St, 830-990-8289 Fredericksburg Gourmet Coffee & Tea, 338 W Main St, 830-997-8327 Andy’s Steak & Seafood Grill, 413 S Washington St, 830-997-3744 Buc’s Bar & Grill, 304 N Llano, 830-990-1283 Buffalo Nickel Bar & Grill, 105 S. Llano, 830-997-3700 Cabernet Grill Texas Wine Country, 2805 S Hwy 16, 830-990-5734 Denny’s, 1035 Hwy 16 S, 830-990-2806 Cruz, 222 W Main St, 830-997-2140 Hill Top Café, 10661 Hwy 87 N, 830-997-8922
Johnson City AJ’s Pizza Shoppe 104 N Us 281 Johnson City, TX830-868-2404 Black Spur Emporium, 100 W. Main Street Johnson City, TX 830-868-7675 Chantilly Lace Country 625 Nugent Avenue Johnson City, TX 830-660-2621 Chrome Cactus Burgers 801 South Highway 281Johnson City, TX 830-868-2375 Friendly Bar Bistro 106 N. Nugent Avenue Johnson City, Tx , 830-868-2182 Pecan Street Brewing 106 E Pecan Johnson City, Tx 830-868-2500 Ronnie’s BBQ 211 Hwy. 290/281 S. Johnson City, TX 830-868-7553 Silver K Café 209 E. Main Johnson City, TX830-868-2911
Kerrville 1011 Bistro, 1011 Guadalupe St, 830-896-1169 Acapulco Restaurant, 1718 Sidney Baker N, 830-257-6222 Alpine Lodge, 1001 Junction Hwy, 830-257-8282. Bamboo Asian Buffet, 1303 Sidney Baker N, 830.895.2878 Bella Sera, 2124 Sidney Baker Suite A, 830-257-2661 Bella Vita, 1550 Junction Hwy, 830-895-0820 Billy Gene’s Restaurant, 1489 Junction Hwy, 830-895-7377 Bonzai Sushi & Sake, 218 Sidney Baker S, 830-315-6888 Branding Iron, YO Hotel, 2033 Sidney Baker N, 830-257-4440 Cafe at the Ridge, 13439 S. Ranch Road 783, 830-896-0420 Chili’s on the River, 1185 Junction Hwy, 830-895-2445 China Town, 735 Hill Country Dr, 830-896-6688 Conchita’s on Main, 810 Main St, 830-895-7708 Cowboy Steak House, 416 Main St, 830-896-5688 Cracker Barrel Old Country Store, 2110 Sidney Baker N, 830-896-7808 Del Norte, 710 Junction Hwy, 830-257-3337
Granite Shoals Autenticamente El Mexicano Taqueria, 4110 Valley View Lane, 830.596.1699 El Tapatio Mexican Restaurant, 6924 W. RR 1431, 830.598.2394 Farm House, 8037 W. RR 1431, 830.598.2934 La Cabana Mexican Food Restaurant, 7005 Hwy. 1431, 830.598.5462
Horseshoe Bay & Cottonwood Shores Hole in 1 Sports Bar and Grill, 7401 West FM 2147, 512.731.5320 Julie’s Cocina, 4119 W. RR 2147, Plaza del Sol, 830.265.5804 Lantana Grill & Bar, 200 Hi Circle N. 830.598.8600 On the Rocks, 4401 Cottonwood Dr. 830.637.7417 Pizza Mia, 4119 RR 2147, Ste. 3. Plaza del Sol, 830.693.6363 Saucy’s Restaurant, 4005 Hwy 2147, A, 830-693-4838 LBJ Donuts, 3817 FM 2147, 830.693.4209
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DINING & NIGHTLIFE Denny’s Restaurant, 209 Sidney Baker S, 830-257-7115 El Sol de Mexico, 1028 Water St, 830-257-9777 Francisco’s, 201 Earl Garrett St, 830-257-2995 Grape Juice, 623 Water Street, 830-792-9463 Guadalupe River Club Oyster Bar, 1483 Junction Hwy, 830-896-3354 Hill Country Cafe , 806 Main St, 830-257-6665 IHOP Restaurant, 1429 Sidney Baker N, 830-792-4940 Kukaroo Pub & Eatery, 701 Water St, 830-896-2000 LaFour’s Seafood Restaurant, 1705 Junction Hwy, 830-896-1449 Lakehouse, 1655 Junction Hwy, 830-895-3188 Mamacita’s Restaurant & Cantina, 215 Junction Hwy, 830-895-2441 Meltdown Grill, 1201 Broadway, 830-890-5894 Mencius’ Gourmet Hunan, 208 Cully Dr, 830-257-8868 Pier 27 & 8 Ball Billiards & Pizzeria, 1521 Junction Hwy, 830-896-7437 Pinnacle Grill, 3074 Bandera Hwy, 830-895-8500 Rails…a Café at the Depot¸ 615 Schreiner St, 830-257-3877 Save Inn Restaurant, 1806 Sidney Baker N, 830-257-7484 Taqueria Jalisco Restaurant, 2190 Junction Hwy, 830-257-0606 Valentino’s Italian Café, 809 Sidney Baker, 830-257-2634 Yeo-Bo’s, 804 Water St, 830-890-5873
Alfredo’s Mexican Restaurant, 4139 RR 1431, 325.388.0754 El Bracero, 1516 RR 1431. 325.388.0022 Grand Central Cafe, 1010 King Court, 325.388.6022 Kingsland Coffee Co., 1907 RR 1431, 325.270.0863 Lighthouse Grill and Lounge, 118 Club Circle Dr., 325.388.6660 Spyke’s Bar-B-Que, 14601 W. RR 1431, 325.388.6996 Sweet Things Bakery, 3003 RR 1431, 325.388.3460
Cooper’s Old Time Pit Bar-B-Que, 604 W. Young (TX 29), 325.247.5713 Fuel Coffee House, 106 E. Main, 325.247.5272 Inman’s Kitchen & Catering, 809 W. Young, 325.247.5257 Laird’s BBQ & Catering, 1600 S. Ford (TX 16 & 71), 325.247.5234 Hungry Hunter, 702 W. Young, 325.247.4236 Rosita’s Mexican Restaurant, 101 E. Grayson St. 325.247.3730 Stonewall’s Pizza Wings & Things, 101 W. Main St., 325.248.0500 Sweet Home Cookin’, 102 W. Dallas, 830.613.7893 The Country Fryer, 303 E. Young, 325.247.3289 The Juan Burrito, 103 E. Main, 325.423.0088
Marble Falls
Acme Cafe, 109 W. Main, 325.247.4457 Badu House Wine Pub, 601 Bessemer, 325.247.2238 Bella Sicilia, 901 W. Young, 325.247.5511 Berry Street Bakery, 901 Berry St., 325.247.1855 Burger Bar Cafe, 608 Bessemer St., 325.247.4660 Castell General Store, 19522 TX 152 at Castell, 325.247.4100 China Wok, 103 E. Grayson St., 325.247.5522 Chrissy’s Homestyle Bakery, 501 Bessemer St., 325.247.4564
Bella Sera, 1125 US 281, 830.798.2661 Bluebonnet Cafe, 211 US 281, 830.693.2344 Brothers Bakery, 519 US 281, 830.798.8278 Chili’s, 702 First St., 830.798.1298 China Kitchen, 705 First St., 830.693.2575 Chuspy’s Burritos, 1808 US 281 N, 830.693.1407 Darci’s Deli, 909 Third St., 830.693.0505 Doc’s Fish Camp & Grill, Thurs-Sat, 900 RR 1431 W. and US 281, 830.693.2245 Double Horn Brewing Company, 208 Ave. H, 830.693.5165 El Rancho, 2312 N. US 281, 830.693.4030 Ginger & Spice, 909 Second St., 830.693.7171 Golden Chick, 1507 W. RR 1431, 830.693.4459 Grand Buffet, 1208 RR 1431 830.693.7959 Holy Smokes BBQ and Catering, 2704A Commerce St., 830.201.4145 Houston’s Depot, 307 Main St., 830.637.7282 Inman’s Ranch House Bar-B-Que, 707 Sixth St., 830.693.2711 Janie’s, 710 Ave. N, 830.693.7204 Ken’s Catfish BBQ & Bakery, 1005 Main St., 830.693.5783 Main Street Coffee, 108 Main St., 830.613.5054 Margarita’s Mexican Restaurant & Cantina, 1205 W. RR 1431, 830.693.7434 Noon Spoon Café, 610 Broadway, 830.798.2347 Papa Murphy’s, 1008 US 281, 830.693.9500 Peete Mesquite BBQ, 2407 US 281, 830.693.6531 R Bar and Grill, Third & Main, 830.693.2622 Real New Orleans Style Restaurant, 1700 W. RR 1431, 830.693.5432
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Spicewood River City Grille, 700 First St.,830.798.9909 Russo’s Restaurant, 602 Steven Hawkins Pkwy., 830.693.7091Super Taco, 2200 US 281, 830.693.4629 Tea Thyme Café, 2108 C US 281, 830.637.7787 Thai Niyom, 909 US 281, 830.693.1526
Mason Coopers Pit Bar-B-Q, Hwy 87 South of Square, 325-347-6897 Nacho’s Café ,621 Ft. McKavitt ,325-347-6759 Santo’s Taqueria , South East Corner of Square ,325-347-6140 Texas Deadwood BBQ , 1005 Ft. McKavitt, Hwy. 87 N, 325-805-1007 Topaz Confections , 106 S Live Oak St, 325-347-7055 Short Stop (Pizza Pro), Hwy 87 North of Square , 325-347-6648 Square Plate, 212 Ft. McKavitt Northeast Side of Square ,325-347-1911 Willow Creek Café , North Side of Square ,325-347-6124
San Saba Bar D Brewhouse, 213 N High St, 325-372-6100 Diggs Steakhouse, 1035 E Hwy 190, 325-372-3010 Larry’s Corner Café, 902 W. Wallace, 325-372-5094 Pepperbelly’s Mexican Food Restaurant, 517 E Wallace, 325-372-4462 Rick’s Pizza, 306 N. High, 325/372-6028 Top Donuts, 106 S. Cherokee, 325-372-3121
Angel’s Icehouse, 21815 TX 71, 512.264.3777 Down Under Deli & Eatery, 21209 TX 71 West, 512.264.8000 It’s All Good Bar-B-Q, 22112 TX 71 W., 512.264.1744 J5 Steakhouse, 21814 Hwy 71 West, 512.428.5727 La Cabaña, 21103 TX 71, 512.264.0916 Lee’s Almost by the Lake, Pace Bend & Bee Creek Rd., 512.264.2552 Little Country Diner, 22000 TX 71 W., 512.264.2926 Moonriver Bar & Grill, 2002 N. Pace Bend Road, 512.264.2064 Opie’s BBQ, 9504 Hwy 71 E, 830.693.8660 Poodie’s Hilltop Bar and Grill, 22308 TX 71, 512.264.0318 R.O.’s Outpost, 22518 W TX 71, 512.264.1169 Spicewood General Store, casual cafe, Hollingsworth Corner, 9418 TX 71, 830.693.4219 Willie’s Burgers & BBQ., 21018 Texas 71 Spicewood, 512.264.8866
Sunrise Beach Boater’s Bistro, 667 Sandy Mountain Dr., 325.388.9393 Mosca’s, 106 Sunrise Dr., 325.388.4774 Sunrise Cove Lakeside Grill, 218 Skyline Dr., 325.248.1505 Francesco’s Italian Restaurant & Pizzaria, 701 US 281, 830.798.1580
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BED & BREAKFASTS / HOTELS Bertram Cedar Creek Inn, 352 E Vaughan St, 512-355-3400 San Gabriel River Inn, 8327 CR 210, 512-355-2102
Blanco Blanco Riverside Cottages, 20 Main Street, 830-330-4324 Blanco Settlement, 1705 Ranch Road 165, 830-833-5115 River View B&B, 52 Pecan Street, 512-968-8989 Tow Dam Guest Cottages, 240 Water’s Edge, 830-549-3141
Brady Best Western/Brady Inn , 2200 South Bridge, (325) 597-3997 Holiday Inn Express & Suites Brady , 2320 S Bridge, (325) 597-1800 Selah Springs Ranch , 507 W 13th St, (325) 597-2602 Sunset Inn , 2108 South Bridge St, (325) 597-0789
Buchanan Dam Hill Country Lodge, 17716 E State Highway 29, 512-793-2838
Burnet Airy Mount Historic Inn, 1819 Polk St, 512-756-4149 Arrowhead Motel, 100 N West St, 512-756-6151 Best Western Post Oak Inn, 908 Buchanan Dr, 512-756-4747 Canyon of the Eagles, 16942 RR 2341, 512-334-2070 Highland Lakes Hotel, 810 S Water St, 512-756-1789 La Vista Motel, 502 Buchanan Dr, 512-756-4367 Painted Sky Inn, 1400 CR 128, 512-715-9896 Sundown Inn, 205 N Water St, 512-756-2171 Verandas Guest House, 108 E League St, 512-715-0190 Circle H Lodge, 931 C.R. 301, 210-870-9075
Fredericksburg Texas Wine Country Camping Resort, 10618 US Highway 290 East, 830-990-2267 Absolute Charm Luxury Bed & Breakfast, 709 West Main St., 866-244-7897 Grape Creek Vineyards, 10587 East US Highway 290, 830-644-2710 Buffalo Creek Ranch Cottages, 5108 South State Highway 16, 361-332-9554 The All Seasons Collection, 708 W. Main Street, 830-997-7797 Alamo Springs Country Cabins, 110 Alamo Road, 866-427-8374 The Lazy T B and B, 2203 Upper Live Oak Road, 972-658-6252 Carriage House of Fredericksburg, 312 E. Travis St, 855-955-2623 Sugarberry Inn, 201 N. Llano Paradise Loft on Main, 223 E. Main Street, 866-244-7897 115 Austin Place,909 E. Main Street, 830-997-0443 Cotton Haus, 501 East Creek Street, 830-456-2513 Barons CreekSide, 316 Goehman Lane, 830-990-4048 Ab Butler’s Dogtrot at Triple Creek, 801 Triple Creek Road, 830-456-8335 The Roadrunner Inn, 306 E. Main Street, 830-997-0153 The Blue Cottage, 606 N. Adams Street, 866-427-8374 Bed & Breakfast on Knopp School Road, 580 Knopp School Road, 830-997-3080 Metzger Sunday House, 406 W. San Antonio Street, 830-997-3967 Country Inn & Cottages, 1644 Highway 290 West, 830-997-2185 1 Big House, 2805 S. Hwy 16, 830-990-5734 A Barn at the Quarry, 154 Deike Hunter Lane, 830-997-8687 2 Wee Cottages, 108 E. Morse Street, 877-437-7739 Clover Haus B & B, 505 East Creek Street, 830-456-2513 Ada’s Peach Street Hideaway Guesthouse, 529 W. Peach Street, 254-722-1776 Spotted Pony Ranch, 343 Black Bear Lane, 830-443-4520 The Back Forty of Fredericksburg, 457 Bob Moritz Dr., 830-992-9034 Cameron Inn, 106 S. Washington, 830.997.0153
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Meusebach Creek Enterprises, 1735 Meusebach Creek Rd., 830-997-7896 202 and Cottage @ 202, 202 South Crockett, 830-992-1719 Bungalow on College, 309 E. College St., 830-998-1650 Main Street Bed & Breakfast, 337 E. Main Street, 830-997-0153 Fredericksburg Herb Farm, 405 Whitney Street, 830-997-8615 Barrister’s Guest Quarters, 807 S. Adams Street, 830-997-3437 Inn on the Creek, 107 N. Washington Street, 866-244-7897 Palo Alto Creek Farm, 90 Palo Alto Ln, 800-997-0089 A. L. Patton Suites on Main, 232 W. Main Street, 997-0443 Keidel Inn & Gasthaus, 403 E. Main Street, 830-997-2749 Day Dream Cabins, Inc., 323 Pioneer Lane, 830-997-8027 Kitty’s Kountry Kottage, 9693 Highway 87 North, 830-669-2530 A Quiet Hill Ranch, 110 Quiet Hill Ranch Road, 830-669-2253 Cottages at Limestone on Main, 706 W. Main Street, 830-997-8396 Alte Welt Gasthof, 142 E. Main Street, 830-997-0443 Legacy Suite on Main, 604 Prickly Pear Court, 830-997-2749 John’s Cabin, 630 Bear Creek Road, 830-997-4833 Messina Hof Hill Country, 9996 US Highway 290 East, 830-990-4653 The Schandua Suite, 205 E. Main Street, 830-990-1415 Diamond Belle at Palo Alto Crossing, 616 W. Main Street, 866-427-8374 Austin Street Retreat, 408 W. Austin Street, 866-427-8374 Pullman Train Car Bed and Breakfast, 303 E. Live Oak , 830-997-7194 Lillie Marlene, 406 N. Adams Street, 830-997-8566 Magnolia House Bed & Breakfast, 101 E. Hackberry Street, 830-997-0306 Amoroso Cottage, 202 S. Bowie, 830-992-2006 Angels Lodge Above the Creek, 415 E. Austin Street, 830-997-1615 Baines House Bed & Breakfast, 112 West College Street, 830-997-3048 A Place in Time, 614 S. Washington Street, 830-997-5110 Cat’s Meow Bed & Breakfast, 9848 Highway 290 West, 830-997-0888 Commander’s Place/ Nevels House B & B, 514 Franklin Street, 830-997-6891 Dalton House, 908 N. Crockett, 830-992-0696. Rose Hill Manor, Inc, 2614 Upper Albert Road, 830-644-2247 Ava Haus, 1447 Royal Oaks Place, 830-997-5612 Hoffman Haus, 608 E. Creek Street, 830-997-6739 Palazzo Toscana Resort, 207 N. Edison Street, 830-998-5134 Agarita Farms, 968 Braeutigam Road, 830-896-9140 Runnymede Country Inn, 184 Fullbrook Lane, 830-990-2449 Fredericksburg Bed & Brew, 245 E. Main Street, 830-997-9990
Way of the Wolf B&B and Retreat, 458 Wolf Way, 830-977-071 Fredericksburg Guest House Reservations, 321 East Main Street, 830-997-5839 Cotton Gin Village, 2805 S. Hwy 16, 830-990-5734 Brickner Guest House, 243 Emu Lane, 830-997-0772 KingWood Suites, 401 South Lincoln Street, 830-992-9681 The Italian Place, 236 Loring Street, 888-802-7288 Chuckwagon Inn B&B, 1156 FM 2093, 830-990-2777 Settlers Crossing, 104 Settlers Crossing Road, 800-874-1020 The Victorian Mansion, 302 West Travis, 866-244-7897 Trois Estate at Enchanted Rock, 300 Trois Ln, 830-685-3090
Horseshoe Bay Horseshoe Bay Resort, 200 Hi Circle North, 830-598-8600
Chantilly Lace Country Inn Bed & Breakfast, 625 Nugent Ave, 830-660-2621 Exotic Resort Zoo, 235 Zoo Trail, 830-868-4357 Hillside Acres, 4032 R 3232, 830-868-7515 Lighthouse Hill Ranch, 4951 Hwy 281 S, 512-587-9656 Sandy Road Guest Haus, 9242 RR 1320, 281-300-7177 Songbird Meadows B&B, 1022 Stanton Ranch Loop, 979-616-0039 Stanton Ranch Vacation Rentals, 203 Stanton Rd, 254-793-3363
Riverhill Cottages, 107 Riverhill Club Lane, 830-896-1400 Days Inn of Kerrville, 2000 Sidney Baker N, 830-896-1000 La Quinta Inn & Suties, 1940 Sidney Baker, 830-896-9200 Super 8, 2127 Sidney Baker St, 830-896-1511 Y.O. Ranch Resort Hotel, 2033 Sidney Baker n, 830-257-4440 Flagstaff Inn, 906 Junction Hwy, 830-792-4449 Hampton Inn, 2038 Sidney Baker, 830-257-0600 America’s Best Value Inn, 1804 Sidney Baker, 830-896-8200 Motel 6, 1810 Sidney Baker, 830-257-1500 Holiday Inn Express, 2114 Sidney Baker N, 830-895-9500 Comfort Inn, 2001 Sidney Baker, 830-792-7700
Marble Falls Best Western Plus,1403 Hwy 281 N, 830-693-5122 Hampton Inn On the Lake, 704 1st St, 830-798-1895 Hill Country Motel, 1101 US Hwy 281, 830-693-3637 Holiday Inn Express 714 Corazon Dr, 830-693-0707 La Quinta Inn & Suites, 501 Hwy 2147 W, 830-798-2020 Motel 6, 1400 Ollie Ln, 830-265-6565 Quality Inn, 1206 Hwy 281 N, 830-693-7531
Johnson City
Sandstone Street B&B, 508 E Sandstone, 325.423.2581 The Sunday House, 325.247.2720 Days Inn & Suites, 609 Bessemer Ave, 325-247-1141 Century Ranch Lodging, 2725 County Road 412,325-247-4074
Hill Country Inn, 2 Blocks North of Square on Hwy 87 North, 325-347-6317 Fort McKavitt Inn, Half Mile North of Square on Hwy 87, 325-347-5750 A Storybook Cottage, 511 West Rainey Street , 325-347-0809 Apple Cottage Bed & Breakfast, 517 Austin Street, 325-347-1885 Kozy Kottage, 714 San Antonio St, 325-347-2968 Stagecoach Stop, 405 Magnolia St, 325-805-1212 The Townhouse, 716 Westmoreland , 325-347-5733
San Saba
Bar D Inn & Suites, 702 W Wallace,325-372-7530 Evening Star Cottages, 702 W. Wallace, 817-559-5995 Executive Inn, 1010 North High, 325/372-5191 Fisher Street Bed and Breakfast, Goldthwaite, Tx, 325-938-6619 Freedom Acres Retreat, 744 CR 110, 325/372-3881 Hill Country Inn, 1805 E. Wallace, 325-372-4111 Springs of Cold Creek Bed & Breakfast, 14762 CR 310, 325-251-6611 Sulphur Springs Camp, Inc., 2935 CR 446, 325-628-3252 Two Rivers Lodge, 2301 W Wallace,325-372-5408 To have your location included in this listing: Send info to
Inn of the Hills Resort, 1001 Junction Hwy, 830-895-5000 Hill Country Hideaway, 101 Hidden Hollow, 830-257-9004 Best Western Sunday House, 2124 Sidney Baker, 830-896-1313
Antlers Hotel, 1001 King St, 325-388-4411 Packsaddle Motel,2919 W RR 1431, 325-388-4943 Llanorado Lodge, 223 RR 1431, 325-388-4823 Lake LBJ Resort and Marina, 667 Sandy Mountain Dr, 325-388-9393 Lake LBJ Motel, 13813 W FM 1431, 325-388-4571 Kingsland Inn, 1500 RR 1431, 325-388-5002
Llano Circle Your Wagons Bed & Breakfast, 2236 West RR152, 325-423-1040 Best Western, 901 W Young St, 325-247-4101 Birmingham House, 325.247.2720 Cabim at Crooked Creek, 719.337.0098 Casa de Catell, 325.248.3805 Castell Cottages on the Llano River, 325.2482\.2470 Chaparral Lone Star Inn, 700 W Young St, 325-247-4111 Dabb’s Railroad Hotel, 112 East Burnet St, 325-247-2200 Llano Motel, 507 W Young St, Llano, TX 78643, 325-247-5786 M&M Bed & Breakfastt, 325.247.3422 Phoenix Nest Guest House, 325.247.2720 Rio De Looney, 512.454.6962 Rockin River Cabins, 830.693.5549
Sandstone Street Bed & Breakfast, Llano Tx
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(crawfish time, continued) picking up local flair, antiques, art, and knick-knacks. Even though the crawfish event is geared toward feedMany shopkeepers say it is the busiest time of the year ing the appetites of all those visitors, restaurants and for them and it helps some of them keep their doors eateries see a large increase of business as well. The open during the slower months. If you find parking lots of these businesses are full every morning as everyone fuels up there bodies “...take time to yourself in Llano during the busy month of for the day’s events. Lunch time crowds are stroll through April be sure to take time to stroll through the main street district and enjoy the unique large with those who have wondered into the main street shops and friendly faces. town from Robinson Park. And believe it or district and You will enjoy the Texas country atmosphere not, after a day of peeling spicy crawfish and enjoy the unique in this small relaxing town. You will also find washing them down with cold beverages, shops and the people very friendly and fun to visit with. nothing sounds better than a late night meal friendly faces” This even holds true during the busy month to top it off. Many of the local restaurants of April. So take a minute and picture in your in Llano stay open later than their normal mind a meandering river, an elegant old courthouse hours in order to accommodate hungry patrons. Afstanding strong in a quaint town square, unique shops, ter all, feeding hungry stomachs is their business, and some of the best barbecue to be found, and locals who business booms on Llano Crawfish Open weekend. Well rested and well fed people make happy shoppers. are always welcoming. Welcome to Llano. Make your The shops and boutiques of Llano and the surrounding plans now to come enjoy this town and while you are at it, eat a few crawfish to help a great cause. communities are greatly rewarded with large crowds as well. Customers make there way in and out of shops
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Behind the Scenes
The Volunteers of the Llano Crawfish Festival
by Ronnie Ratliff
housands of barbecue and crawfish lovers will show up at Llano’s Robinson Park in late April for the 25th annual Llano Crawfish Open. Perhaps the toughest part of their day will be finding a parking place and queuing the lines to settle their crawfish cravings. Standing in line to get a flat of spicy crawfish, corn, potatoes and a bit of barbecue while the smell of the festive food drifts through the air might seem like agonizing work. However, it really is more of a reward due to the hard work of countless others. It is hard to put an exact figure to the number of volunteers it takes to put on the Llano Crawfish Open. Estimates would put the number near 200. Each volunteer selflessly works to make this growing event a great success. The tasks associated with setting up, cooking, serving, entertaining, and cleaning up after the event’s large crowd require dedication from everyone involved in the event. Event organizers host meetings and plan the event throughout the entire year. We’re going to walk you through part of the process that takes place in feeding the crowd with over 20,000 lbs of food. Before the official event begins on Friday, a lot of work has already taken place. Thursday is spent setting up. Tables have to be unloaded from storage trailers and set up in the pavilion.
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For each table, 12 or more chairs have to be set up. Trash barrels are placed around the park by the dozens. Water hoses and electrical cords are being routed. Throughout the morning, canopies and tents start popping up downhill from the pavilion along the river bank. One by one another goes up as groups assist each other in setting up their shaded work stations for the weekend. Equipment trailers are carefully backed into the same spots they’ve occupied year after year. Four separate crawfish cookers are setup, leveled, and hooked up to propane. The barbecue crew stacks their wood and levels their pits on the east side of the cookers. The jambalaya team unloads work tables and sets them up under their tents just westward of the cookers. Friends from years passed shake hands, embrace in hugs, and exchange greetings as the work is being done. This is the first wave of volunteers that have arrived and the work has just begun. Just east of the barbecue pits there sits a large refrigerated trailer. Inside are thousands of pounds of meat, vegetables, and other needed food supplies. Some time shortly after the tent and work tables of the jambalaya team are finished being setup, a utility vehicle will be backed up to the refrigerated unit and some 400-500 lbs of chicken will be unloaded. The chicken is then moved over to those tables and opened, separated and thawed. Meanwhile onion after onion is being chopped and diced in order to fill several five gallon buckets. Once the chicken is thawed, it is boiled in one of the crawfish cookers until fully cooked, then removed to cool, and eventually chopped into cubes of about a ½ inch. Hundreds of pounds of link sausage are also thinly sliced and repackaged. Once this is completed, everything is hauled back over to the refrigerated trailer and stacked back inside until it is ready to be used in the making of jambalaya the following morning. While all this is going on, bodies are busy over in the barbecue area as well. Friday’s meat has been removed from the same refrigerated trailer. Spices and seasonings are rubbed in and the meat is rewrapped and put away until time to go on the pit. Between the jambalaya tent and Llano River, rolls of carpet have to be laid. Three purge tanks will sit on top of the carpet. Sometime that evening a large refrigerated truck will arrive
with the live crawfish. This year around 17,000 lbs of crawfish will be cooked. They come in mesh bags weighing between 25-35 lbs a piece. The work begins Thursday night when they truck arrives by opening it up and shoveling ice onto the bags. Before the day is over, dozens of empty ice chest have to be unloaded and moved into the cooking area. Fences and rails have to be erected to contain crowds from the cooking pits. Serving stations have to be constructed. Once all this is completed, the volunteers take the remainder of the night to celebrate and find a little rest for when the real work begins on Friday. Friday mornings get off to an early start. The work has begun well before the sun even peaks into the morning sky. The barbecue crew makes it seem as though the rooster is sleeping in. They have already built their fires to make coals used for cooking. The seasoned meat has once again been removed from refrigeration and is already on the pit before the rooster’s first crow. Over at the purge tanks, water is being hosed into the tanks and salt is being added by 50lbs bag. Each cooker is being filled with many gallons of water and seasoning so that they can start heating. Three cookers are removed from an equipment trailer backed up to the jambalaya area. They have to setup and equipped with large cauldrons which will cook the spicy Cajun rice. Utility vehicles are being loaded with the chicken, sausage and onions that were prepared the previous days. Once those are unloaded, many more trips will be made to bring back dozens and dozens of boxes of potatoes, corn, and onions to be stacked. It is almost time to cook. There is a method to the madness of cooking such large amounts of crawfish. The crawfish are removed from their refrigerated truck. The bags are cut open and the crawfish are dumped into the tanks of salt water. Each tank holds 15 bags. Here, these “mudbugs” enjoy a good saltwater soaking for a minimum of 25 minutes. The purge makes them “purge” the mud that is inside of them and results in better eating. From here the crawfish are scooped into 60 quart perforated aluminum baskets. When any one of the four cookers is ready for crawfish, they are then drained and carried to the cookers in these aluminum baskets. Once reaching the cooker, they are dumped into large baskets within the cookers and cook anywhere from 12-15 minutes. Once they are done, a rope on a pulley is used to lift the cooking baskets and dump them onto a large stainless steel table. Here, additional seasoning is added before they are pushed or scooped into large empty ice chests. Over at cooker #1, potatoes and corn undergo the same procedure, but take a little longer to cook and get covered with large amount
of butter as they enter the ice chest. Once the ice chests are full, they are then moved over to a holding area. From here, they are toted as needed. The Gypsy Motorcycle Club volunteers do most of the heavy-lifting from this point. The lucky ones carry the heavy ice chest full of crawfish only a short distance to the first serving station. The unlucky ones carry the ice chest up hill from the river to the pavilion for serving. The volunteers from the MC also do a wonderful job in running the serving lines as well. Here, crawfish, corn, and potatoes are scooped into cardboard flats in massive amounts as they are sold. No one is ever disappointed in the amount of food they receive for the price. Meanwhile, volunteers on trash detail are busy emptying trash cans and replacing trash bags. The trash is then hauled and dumped into massive dumpsters sitting down along the river bank, away from the cooking area. Over at the purge tanks, it is time to change out the water. They are emptied, cleaned, refilled, re-salted, and reloaded with crawfish after every 45 bags. Approximately 4500 lbs of crawfish will be cooked on Friday. Crews will clean up after the day ends at about 8pm. Some will go listen to the band and dance, others will choose to rest. They know the real work begins tomorrow. Saturday, everything pretty much goes the same way, with one small exception. Today, the work is more than doubled, and everything is happening twice as fast. This is a lot of work for volunteers. However, year after year the same ones show back up. They love what they do. And though it is volunteer work, they are well rewarded. They get the first dibs at the crawfish that come out of the cookers. The Llano Crawfish Open organizers make sure their ice chests are always full of iced cold beverages of choice. Friendships are renewed and built anew. And most importantly they leave after Sunday’s cleanup knowing once again they helped raise money for charitable organizations in need. Kirk McPherson, who oversees all the cooking of the crawfish summed it up when he said “Without the hard work of the countless volunteers, this event would not be possible.”
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trawberries are a quick and easy snack for adults and children. It’s no wonder why they’re a top fruit juice in kitchens and lunchboxes everywhere. Plus, these tasty fruits are packed with almost 140 percent of immune system boosting vitamin C. “Strawberries always put a smile on my face,” says Chef Justin Timineri, executive chef and culinary ambassador, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. “My favorite recipe Chef Justin Timineri for them is to simply ‘Rinse, eat and repeat.’” You can find more snack ideas and recipes at
How to buy
Choose strawberries that are plump, fragrant and firm, with no signs of bruising or leaking.
How to store
It’s best to eat strawberries on the day of purchase. You can freeze strawberries by hulling, lightly washing and drying them. Arrange in a single layer before placing in the freezer.
Hulling tips
Never hull strawberries until after they have been washed or they will absorb too much water and become mushy.
Strawberry Dessert Pizza
Yield: 2 to 3 servings Crust: 1/2 pound butter, two sticks 2/3 cup sugar 1 egg 1/4 teaspoon baking powder 1/8 teaspoon salt 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract 2 1/3 cups all-purpose flour Topping: 1 8-ounce package cream cheese 1 tablespoon honey 2 tablespoons sugar 3 pints Florida strawberries Glaze: 1 tablespoon honey 1 teaspoon water To make crust, cream together butter and sugar with mixer until fluffy. Add egg, baking powder, salt and vanilla extract until mixture is smooth. Add flour and mix until smooth dough is formed. Place finished dough in between two sheets of wax paper and refrigerate for 20 minutes. Remove from refrigerator and roll dough out to 1/4-inch thickness and in round shape. Place dough in greased 12-inch pizza pan and bake in preheated 350°F oven for 25 minutes or until crust is light brown. Cool completely. To make topping, combine cream cheese, honey and sugar until smooth. Spread evenly over cooled cookie crust, leaving 1/2-inch border uncovered. Place sliced strawberries around outside border; fill in middle of pizza. To make glaze, combine honey and water; brush over top of finished pizza. Kids Can: Glaze top of finished pizza. Place sliced strawberries on top of pizza. Grown Up Alert: Adults should help with oven.
Strawberry-Mango Milkshake
Yield: 3 servings 3 tablespoons sugar 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 1/2 cup low-fat milk 6 ice cubes 1/3 cup plain yogurt 10 Florida strawberries, hulled 1 mango, peeled and sliced Garnish: 1 dollop whipped cream 1 Florida strawberry 1 slice of mango Put everything but fruit into blender; blend on low, gradually increasing speed. Once smooth, add fruit and finish blending until completely smooth. Pour into tall glass and enjoy.
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Fluffy Stuffed Strawberries
Yield: 16 servings 1 pound Florida strawberries 8 ounces low-fat cream cheese, softened 3 ounces low-fat yogurt 1/8 teaspoon vanilla extract Cut stems off strawberries and carefully scoop out 2/3 of inside with knife or spoon, creating a cup. Be careful not to make any holes. Cut piece off bottom tip of strawberries to allow them to stand up. Beat cream cheese and yogurt until fluffy. Fold in vanilla extract. Working in batches, place cheese mixture into pastry or sealable bag with small corner cut off. Fill strawberries with cheese mixture. Garnish with mint and serve. Kids Can: Place cheese mixture into pastry bag and fill strawberries. Grown Up Alert: Adults should stem the strawberries.
Strawberry Muffins
Yield: 12 servings 1 1/2 cups Florida strawberries, chopped 3/4 cup sugar 1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour, unsifted 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg 1/4 teaspoon salt 2 eggs, beaten 1/4 cup butter, melted 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Combine strawberries and 1/2 cup sugar in small bowl. Set aside for 1 hour. Drain and reserve liquid and strawberries separately. Preheat oven to 425°F. Combine flour, baking soda, nutmeg and salt. Set aside. Mix eggs, butter, vanilla extract, remaining sugar and liquid from strawberries in medium bowl. Add flour mixture. Stir until combined. Fold in reserved strawberries. Spoon into 12 greased muffin cups. Bake for approximately 20 minutes. Serve warm. Kids Can: Spoon mixture into muffin cups. Grown Up Alert: Adults should help with oven.
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