AP GOV Winter Assignment 2013

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AP Government – Winter Break Assignment Purpose of Assignment - The State of Missouri requires that every student pass the government tests covering concepts related to the United States and State Government Constitutions. There are three government units that cover these concepts and they are outlined in the chart below. When you come back from break you will have three tests on Monday 1-7, Tuesday 1-8, and Wednesday/Thursday 1-9/10. The tests scores will be recorded as 50/50 in the grade book (pass/fail) if you pass them (60% and above) the first time. You must retake any of the tests that you failed, but if you have to retake a test it will be recorded as 30/50 when it is passed. Once these tests are passed, fulfilling the regular government requirements, then it will allow us to dig deeper into government concepts that the AP Government test focuses on. Assignment – 1) You will be responsible for knowing the material listed in the chart below using the regular American Government textbook. Understanding the Topics and Essential Questions (these cover multiple government concepts) will help you pass the three government tests. Take any notes that you see fit but you are not required to turn anything in. You are only required to pass the three tests when second semester starts. The attached reviews can help you but are not required, as well. If you understand all three of the units listed below, then you will come into the class with a solid government foundation that can be built upon. 2) Read chapter 2 in the Edwards book and take notes. The notes are DUE Friday 1/11. E-BOOK - The following website is updated and maintained by the AP Government teachers. http://byrneapgov.blogspot.com If you go on this website, on the right hand column, there will be a tab called “Useful Sites”. Under that tab you will see the E-book access for the regular government book. If you forget your government book at school please use this site to help you prepare for the test. Please visit this site for useful information. Help- If you have questions please email me at jared_byrne@isdschools.org. I will respond as soon as possible.

Unit Title Test Date

Topic and Essential Questions

Resources to help you answer the Essential Questions

Foundations of Government Monday, January 7

Structure of Government Tuesday, January 8

1. FORMS OF GOVERNMENT - Why do governments exist and what are their functions (Totalitarian, monarchies, democracies, etc.)

1. SEPARATION OF POWER - How and why power is dispersed in a federal system of government?

1. POLITICAL PARTICIPATION AND BEHAVIORS - How can citizens participate in civic life?

2. ENLIGHTENMENT/PHILOSOPHERS - What philosophies influenced the Founding Fathers in the development of the U.S. Government?

2. CHECKS AND BALANCES (INCLUDING JUDICAL REVIEW) How does the system of checks and balances prevent the abuse of power?

2. POLITICAL PARTIES - What role do political parties play in the electoral process and evaluate whether political parties enhance or hinder the political process?

3. EVENTS LEADING TO DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCEWhat are the historical foundations of the United States?

3. FEDERALISM - How is power shared between state and federal government while maintaining popular sovereignty?

3. PROCESS OF ELECTIONS - What are different types and purposes of elections?

4. DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE - How does the Declaration of Independence promote peoples’ rights and define the relationship between people and its government?

4. CIVIL LIBERTIES AND RIGHTS - How do the Bill of Rights and later Amendments protect civil rights/liberties of U.S. Citizens? (Know all amendments 1-27 and Supreme Court Cases listed under resources)

4. INFLUENCE OF MASS MEDIA - How has historic and current mass media influenced politics?

5. ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION - What are the reasons the Articles of Confederation failed as our first written constitution and laid the foundation for the Constitutional Convention?

5. DUE PROCESS - How is due process a fundamental safeguard for U.S. citizens?

6. CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION - Why is the Constitution referred to as a plethora of compromise?

6. STATE GOVERNMENT - Compare and contrast the structure of state government with federal government.

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http://byrneapgov.blogspot.com (read “E-book” above) Text Chapters 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 Magna Carta and Petition of Rights page 802 Mayflower Compact page 804 Declaration of Independence pages 771-773 Federalist Papers 10, 51, 59 pages 812-817

http://byrneapgov.blogspot.com / (read “E-book” above)  Text Chapters 2.3, 3.1, 3.3, 3.4, 4.1, 4.2, 5.1, 6.1, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 9.1, 11.1, 11.3, 13.2, 13.3, 13.4, 13.5, 14.5, 23.1, 23.3, 23.4, 24,  United States Constitution pages 754-768  Amendments pages 789-799  Key Supreme Court decisions o Marbury v. Madison page 761 o McCulloch v. Maryland page 761 o Miranda v. Arizona page 762 o Plessy v. Ferguson page 763 o Brown v. Topeka Board of Education page 755

Government in Action Wednesday/Thursday, January 9/10

5. PUBLIC POLICY - How is public policy developed and influenced? 6. INTEREST GROUPS - Demonstrate the impact of special interest groups on the U.S. Political System.

http://byrneapgov.blogspot.com (read “E-book” above)  Text Chapters 8.2, 14.2, 16.1, 16.2, 16.3, 17.1, 17.2, 17.3, 18.1, 18.2, 18.3, 18.4, 20, 21.1, 21.4, 22, pages 456, 486491, 496

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