Contempor a r y I ssues 2010 – 2011 Course Syllabus
Truman High School Teacher: Mr. Byrne Contact Information: Phone: (Truman) 816.521.5350 Email:
COURSE DESCRIPTI ON: The aim of this course is to encourage thoughtful examination of Contemporary Issues.
COURSE COMPETENCIES: Students who complete Contemporary Issues should be able to . . . 1. Examine positions on contemporary issues and support positions with research and analysis. 2. Investigate the development and impact of domestic and global issues on American citizens. 3. Compare and contrast and/or draw parallels between issues of the past and contemporary issues. 4. Determine the impact of social issues in America today. 5. Examine the impact of bias and media on contemporary issues. EXPECTATIO NS: First and foremost, be courteous. Treat your fellow class mates as you would want them to treat you. Be respectful of their opinions, and listen to their viewpoints. That doesnot mean you have to agree with them, but every individual in this classroom will have an equal opportunity to expresstheir beliefs. Cometo class on time. Truman’s tardy policy will be followed in this classroom. We are here to learn first, which means we have to build a safe learning environment for each and every student. What you can expect from me is respect, honesty, my complete attention, courtesy, and my absolute best effort to ensure a successful learning experience. If you are working on homework from another class, I will take it and you will not get it back. Additionally, I will talk to the teacher about it as well.
ACADEMIC HONESTY: Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated in this class. Each student is expected to do her/his own work. Failure to do so will result in a zero for the assignment, quiz, or test. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to: copying another student’s work, allowing another student to copy, plagiarism – taking another person’s ideas and presenting them as one’s own – this includes copying and pasting information for a paper from another publication or the Internet, failing to cite sources of information in a bibliography and/or within the text of a paper, paraphrasing ideas from another work without citing that work, and obtaining exam questions prior to the exam without the teacher’s knowledge.
QUIZZES: A quiz can (and throughout the semester will) be given at any time. The students must come to class prepared. Thesequizzeswill generally be based on a reading assignment; therefore, it is the student’s responsibility to complete the assigned readings the day before a quiz.
Any talking or distractive behavior DURING AND AFTER the test will result in a ZERO . This class is a state requirement and a failure to pass the course will result in a FAILURE TO GRADUATE! The student’s overall grade will heavily depend on how well she/he does on each test. Since the test will be assessing the overall knowledge of the students, the tests overall point values will be more than any other assignment.
MATERIALS NEEDED: You need a pen (blue or black ink for all assignments), pencil, small spiral or composition book for journal, loose-leaf notebook paper, Mid-Continent Public Library card, and an email account.
Class Format : This course is designed to be student-centered, seminar-format, meaning we will learn from one another. While I will lecture occasionally, for the most part, your insight on assigned readings, research topics, videos, simulations, etc. will drive the discussion. I will provide topics for you to think about, and it is your job to think and to share your thoughts. This can be absolutely outstanding, or it can be tortuous, depending on what you do with it. Just be aware, you get out of this class what you put into it, so do your part to make this a great experience for everyone.
ASSESSMENT: The Grade: I follow a standard grading scale – 100-90 = A, 89-80 = B, 79-70 = C, 69-60 = D, 59-0 = F. Nothing hurts your grade like zeroes, so turn in everything, follow directions and always give your best effort.
LATE WORK POLICY: “We must help hold students accountable in completing coursework becausethis increasestheir chancesof reaching high academic achievement. As an educator at Truman High School, my policy on incomplete work is that I will be incorporating the “Power of I” in Contemporary Issues. However, different aspects of the course will require different late work policies. The following is what you can expect for homework/ daily work, projects, and tests.
Homework: Homework is designed to provide quality, independent learning that has a purpose. Each and every assignment must be completed prior to taking that unit’s exam. You will receive full credit if turned in on the date assigned. After that you will receive 70%credit of what you turn in. If by the day of the unit test you have not completed the homework assignments, you will not be eligible to take the test. From that date you will have one week to get every missing assignment turned in. If that has not been accomplished within one week, you will receive a ZEROon the test as well. My individual extra help times will be posted in the classroom.
CLASS PROCEDURES AND EXPECTATIO NS: Be respectful toward your peers, your teacher, and yourself. Watch the language, be considerate, listen, and participate. Tardies: I will follow the school procedure, so if you are tardy, just hand over your tardy card before I ask for it. Nothing makes me grumpier than having to wait on you to get your agenda after you are tardy to my class. Pleasekeep in mind as well that asking permission to be tardy doesnot absolve you of tardiness. Use your passing time wisely.
Unexcused Absences: I do not anticipate this being a problem; however, if unexcused absencesbecomean issue I will issue Wednesday Schools for missing my class, as your student handbook clearly outlines. I will not accept any assignments due the day you were unexcused, nor can you make up the class work, but you will still want to find out what you missed, as you will be responsible for that information later.
Make-up work for excused absences: Make-up work is due within two class periods of your return to school. Exceptions can be made for extended absences,but you should discuss that with me on an individual basis. If you are absent the day an assignment is due, I will expect the assignment the next time I seeyou in class. It is your
responsibility to find out what you have missed (I will not approach you).
Electronic Devices: If I seean electronic device in the classroom I will take them. This includes cell phones, Ipods, mp3 players, and any other electrical devices. If you have these devices out, make sure they are put away prior to entering the classroom. “I was just checking the time!” is not an excuse.
Parent Communication:
Parents can email or call the school, and I will respond within 48 hours.
NEED HELP?: Pleasemake an appointment with me to discuss any disability or deficiency that may hinder your learning experience. For example, not being able to seethe overhead clearly. Every student has the right to an equal education opportunity, and I will always be here to provide that opportunity for you. Of course, any and everything discussed will be confidential from other students. My Extra Help hours will be posted in the classroom. I will be available Tuesdays from 6:45-7:15AM, as well.
Of course, it will be to your great advantage to use class time as productively as possible as many of the activities and assignments cannot be duplicated outside of class. If you are not already, become organized so that preparing for class, a quiz, an essay, or other assignment will not be as difficult. The best way to succeed in this class (as with most classes) is by working hard, staying organized, contributing to class discussion, and having fun.
(Please detach and return to Mr. Byrne) The Contemporary Issues course syllabus outlines the expectations and procedures of the class. Students will be responsible for knowing these procedures and following them all semester. Please sign below to indicate you have read and understood the course policies. Please contact me if you have questions or concerns. _________________________ Student name (please print)
____________________________ ____________ Student signature date
_________________________ Parent/guardian name (please print)
____________________________ ____________ Parent/guardian signature date
Parent/guardian email: Email
Preferred email address: _________________________________________________