Truman Soccer Rules 1. Players are to act in appropriate ways on and off the field at all times 2. Players are to be at every practice unless given prior permission by the coach 3. Players are responsible for all equipment assigned to them. Failure to return all equipment results in the player paying to replace all lost and damaged items 4. Parents and friends are to remain on the spectators’ side of the field unless their son/daughter is injured and requires their attention. This is for the players and coaches piece of mind. This will help them concentrate on what the coaches are saying and what they are supposed to be doing in the game. 5. If a problem should arise and you need to speak to a coach, feel free to contact them at school (5215350 or email). After a game is not the appropriate time so please wait until the next day so all parties have time to reflect. 6. There will be consequences for discipline issues at school as well. Consequences •
Missed Practices (excused): o Any missed practice the day before a game, the player will not be allowed to start.
Missed Practices (unexcused): 1st – Results in a one game suspension 2nd – Results in a week suspension 3rd – Results in dismissal from the team
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All other problems that may arise will be dealt with on a case by case basis If a player is disrespectful to a coach at any time he/she is subject to dismissal from the team