Essential Questions
... the examination of...
...analyzing the...
Four Week Unit
...assessing the levels of...
UNIT TWO Ancient Greece and Roman Empire is about...
...investigating the...
MEDITERRANEAN GEOGRAPHY How did geography and climate shape Greek and Roman development?
GREEK CIVILIZATION Why Ancient Greece is widely regarded as the Cradle of Western Civilization?
ROMAN UNREST What various factors led to the transformation of Rome from a Republic to an Empire? RISE OF CHRISTIANITY How did Christianity spread in the Roman Empire?
FALL OF ROME ...evaluating...
What were the various factors that led to the decline and fall of the Roman Empire? IMPACT OF GRECO-ROMAN CIVILIZATION
...estimating the...
What impact does the Greco-Roman civilization have today?
...connecting the...
PARALLELS OF EARLY EUROPEAN AND ASIAN CIVILIZATIONS What are parallels between Classical European and Asian Civilizations?
Supporting Lessons / Homework
Week 4
Week 3
Week 2
Week 1