American Government – Unit 3 Review Civic Participation: 1. How can citizens participate in civic life?
2. What’s the difference between civic duties and civic responsibilities?
3. How have voting rights expanded?
4. What influence does demographics have on voting?
Political Parties: 5. What role do political parties play in the electoral process?
6. Do political parties enhance or hinder the political process?
7. Explain the history and growth of the two major parties in the US:
8. What is the significance of Third Parties?
9. Explain nominating conventions
10. What is the role of Campaign Financing in elections? (What kinds of groups raise money for elections? What limits are there on this money?)
11. What is an incumbent? Who is more likely to be elected, challengers or incumbents?
Types and purposes of elections: 12. Describe the nominating process:
13. Explain Caucuses and Primary Elections
14. What are grassroots efforts in campaigning?
15. What role does the media play in elections?
16. Explain how the Electoral College works:
MISCELLANEOUS: 17. Describe different Leadership styles (authoritarian, democratic and laissez faire):
18. What role does the government play in fiscal policy and monetary policy?
19. How are the elections of leaders in the following systems different? (Presidential and Parliamentary systems)
20. Describe major differences between Conservatives and Liberals and explain how the two political parties relate to these ideologies: