COMICBOOK LINGO: PROTAGONIST: The main character, typically the hero or heroine of a story ANTAGONIST: The opponent of the hero or heroine, typically the Villian METHOD OF ACQUISITION: How your Hero got their power. SCIENCE: got the power through experiment or accident. BIOLOGY: Born with the abilities (Alien or Mutant) INDUSTRY: A suit or designed weapon. MYTH: Artifact/suit of magical or mythological in nature.
STRENGTH: Physical power SPEED: How fast you are in movement and relex ENDURANCE: How long can you last in a battle before you are exhausted FLIGHT: The ability to fly ENERGY PROJECTION: The power create a phisical energy and propel it. PSIONIC: Using the mind in terms of telekinises or non-verbal communication and mind reading. TELEPORTATION: A prompt relocation of self or other physical being A BRIEF COMICBOOK HISTORY The SHADOW: April 1, 1931 FLASH GORDON: January 7, 1934 SUPERMAN: June 1938 BATMAN: May 1939
WONDER WOMAN: December 1941 CAPTAIN AMERICA: March 1941 SPIDERMAN: August 1962 XMEN:September 10, 1963
THE COMIC CODE AUTHORITY formed in 1954 and lasted until the early 21st century. SOME OF MY FAVORITE PARTS OF THE CODE (1954): *In every instance good shall triumph over evil and the criminal punished for his misdeeds. *No comic magazine shall use the words "horror" or "terror" in its title. *Scenes dealing with, or instruments associated with walking dead, torture, vampires and vampirism, ghouls,and werewolfism are prohibited. These are just a few of the rules comicbooks had to adhear to until 2011 when DC comics and Archie comics (were the last) to adandon the CCA