“Spring Into the Path Most Traveled”
Parks and Recreation
Check out our assortment of new programs
Host of the 2014
● Nations Ultimate Baseball World Series ● USSSA Baseball World Series
3Letter From Director 4General Information 7Trails and Parks 8Lightning Policy 9Tournament Facility Rental Form
14Youth Community Recreation
- 14Preschool -
Programs 15Preschool Gymnastics 15Youth Programs 17Youth Gymnastics
10Recreation Facilities 20Adult Community Map
11Tournament Schedule 24Special Interest Programs
30Senior Programs - 39Senior Trips - 42Senior Special Events
- 42Special Population Programs
43Special Events 44Adult Athletics 45Athletic Special Events 46Youth Athletics
w w w. c h r i s t i a n s b u r g . o r g / p a r k s a n d r e c r e a t i o n 2
To The Citizens of Christiansburg Dear Friends and Neighbors: As the hint of green grass pokes through our earth’s surface, the dogwoods start to bloom and the sightings of the American robin become more noticeable it is a sure sign that spring is fast approaching. This is the perfect time to enjoy the recreational opportunities that the Town of Christiansburg has to offer! Your Christiansburg Parks and Recreation Department exists to promote and implement leisure programs and services that enhance the quality of life for all ages. In partnership with the community, we strive to deliver quality leisure programs in a personal, effective and successful manner. We serve you, the citizens of Christiansburg and our visiting neighbors, to provide a positive relationship while growing and building our special community. As spring approaches, I would encourage you to enjoy the many outdoor recreational adventures that we have to offer. The smell of fresh cut grass signifies that baseball and softball season is in full swing. Just as the American Robin sightings become more noticeable in the spring, so do the sounds of family laughter and excitement at our parks and playgrounds. The true connection between you and nature can be gained by witnessing the sights and sounds of nature’s beauty while walking along the Huckleberry Trail which leads to the Christiansburg Recreation Center. Do you need a little more structured environment to meet your health needs? Join us indoors at the Christiansburg Recreation Center for our many community fitness programs, various educational classes and health screenings. Exercise is a very important part of a healthy lifestyle, so be sure to exercise in our cardiovascular and weight rooms or simply take a nice stroll on the 1/8 mile indoor track. Are you over the age of 50? Come and enjoy our seniors lounge, billiards room and covered patio. There are many Senior Center specific activities and events for you to partake in as well. Looking for some exciting summer events? Please join our community as we celebrate the Annual Fourth of July Celebration. This day will be filled with many exciting festivities and will be topped off with an epic fireworks demonstration that is sure to provide thrills for the entire family. The Harkrader Sports Complex will be the host site for the 2014 Nations Ultimate Baseball World Series along with the 2014 USSSA Baseball World Series. These baseball players will put their team’s skills and abilities to the test to earn the right to be named Worlds Series Champions in each of these events. I am excited to be entering this spring here with you, in the Town of Christiansburg. I look forward to maintaining the recreational opportunities that are currently in place while also looking at future ways that we can better serve you and enhance your recreational experiences. The Christiansburg Department of Parks and Recreation is in the process of completing our future parks and recreational master plan, so this will give us great insight as to what you the citizens of Christiansburg are looking for with your future recreational needs. I look forward to working with each of you to provide a positive relationship while growing and building our special community. Christiansburg is truly a progressive small town living at its best. Best wishes to each of you for a bright, active and beautiful spring and summer. Sincerely yours, Brad Epperley, Director of Parks and Recreation
PROFESSIONAL STAFF Professional Staff Phone:(540) 382-2349 Brad Epperley.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Director of Parks and Recreation Michelle Trussell. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Administrative Assistant Kayla Schulze . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Administrative Associate Charlton McCoy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation Pam Peyton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Supervisor of Community Programs Tammy Caldwell. . . . . . . . . . .Supervisor of Senior and Special Population Programs Chuck Muncy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Supervisor of Outdoor Sports Facilities and Parks Nick Yopp. . . . . . . . Supervisor of Adult Athletic Programs & Athletic Special Events Brian Lambert. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Supervisor of Youth Athletic Programs Darren Graham. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Recreation Center Supervisor Ryan Hubble. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Recreation Center Supervisor Joe Oley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Recreation Center Supervisor Forest Redd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Park Maintenance Will Oldham. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Building Maintenance Shawn Stump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Building Maintenance Linn Feggeler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Part-time Recreation Assistant Brandon Crawford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Part-time Recreation Assistant Morgan Fenton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Part-time Recreation Assistant Chelsey Kluth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Part-time Recreation Assistant David Bishop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Part-time Building Maintenance Jared Hartness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Part-time Marketing/Design Manager
PARKS & RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION Diane C. Fenton, Chairperson Doris C. Oliver, Secretary R. Cord Hall, Town Council Liaison Mary B. Critzer Michael L. Saylors Tonia D. Winn. James B. Williamson, Jr. John M. Harris Logan Adkins (Student Representative) TOWN COUNCIL TOWN COUNCIL D. Michael Barber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mayor Samuel M. Bishop R. Cord Hall Steve H. Huppert Henry D. Showalter Bradford J. Stipes James W. Vanhoozier Barry D. Helms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Town Manager
Christiansburg Parks and Recreation, funded by the Town of Christiansburg, offers a variety of recreational and educational opportunities to its citizens. The department also receives funding from the Christiansburg Kiwanis Club for the maintenance of Kiwanis Park and for the purchase of youth athletic equipment.
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Register for programs in person at the Christiansburg Recreation Center, 1600 North Franklin Street. Administrative Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00am - 5:00pm. Registration for programs will only be accepted during Administrative Office hours. Registration for programs will be accepted by mail to: Christiansburg Department of Parks and Recreation Christiansburg Recreation Center 1600 North Franklin Street Christiansburg, VA 24073 All fees must be paid at the time of registration. Please make checks payable to: Christiansburg Parks and Recreation. Early registration is encouraged, as many programs fill up fast. Pre-registration is required for all programs. Registration is accepted on a “first come, first served” basis up to the maximum enrollment. Upon receipt of registration form and fee, that individual is automatically enrolled (space permitting). There will not be any confirmation of mail in registrations. The department will only notify individuals if there is a problem with the registration. Feel free to call the Christiansburg Parks and Recreation Administrative Office to confirm your registration. Phone registration will not be accepted. If the program is full, you may request that your name and phone number be put on a waiting list. You will be contacted if a space becomes available. Late registration and transfers are only possible when there are openings. Christiansburg Parks and Recreation reserves the right to change and/or cancel programs. Participants who register for a program which requires the purchase of equipment and/or supplies should wait until the last day of registration and check with the Parks and Recreation Administrative Office to insure that the program will be conducted. If a participant cannot participate after registering, a written request for a refund must be submitted within three (3) working days prior to the week the program starts. Refunds are not given after the first program meeting, unless approved by the Director of Parks and Recreation. When programs are canceled, refunds are automatic. Parents with children enrolled in programs should pick them up no later than fifteen (15) minutes after the ending of that program. For additional information, call Christiansburg Parks and Recreation at 382-2349.
If Montgomery County Public Schools are closed due to inclement weather, the Christiansburg Recreation Center will not open until 8:00am and all scheduled programs will be cancelled for that date. If the Montgomery County Public Schools are delayed in the morning due to inclement weather, all programs before 12:00 noon will be cancelled for that morning. If Montgomery County Public Schools are released early due to inclement weather, all programs after 12:00 noon will be cancelled for that afternoon/evening.
1. 2. 3.
Unless stated otherwise in the class description, adults are asked to wait outside of the classroom during the child’s class time. Adults are asked not to bring children to their classes. Children brought to adult classes interfere with other participants and the instructor. Thank you for your cooperation.
1. The following policy on refunds for Recreation Programs will be effective January 1, 2008. 2. Partial Refunds will not be issued for classes or programs unless the instructor is unable to complete the class. In case of cancelled classes due to inclement weather, partial refunds will not be issued if at least 80% of the scheduled activity has met. When possible a canceled class or activity will be rescheduled. 3. Partial refunds will not be issued for less than $5.00.
1. 2.
Will be allowed to pre-register for all programs. If one of the following requirements is satisfied there will be no additional fee: a. be a resident of the Town of Christiansburg b. be a real estate taxpayer of the Town of Christiansburg.
The hours of the Christiansburg Recreation Center are established to best serve the needs of the public and may fluctuate.
Hours of operation will be as follows: December 1 - March 31 Monday – Thursday 6:00am – 10:00pm Friday Saturday Sunday
April 1 - November 30 Monday – Thursday 6:00am – 10:00pm
6:00am – 8:00pm 8:00am – 7:00pm 1:00pm – 7:00pm
Friday Saturday Sunday
6:00am – 8:00pm 8:00am – 5:00pm 1:00pm – 6:00pm
Christiansburg Parks and Recreation programs will receive priority in scheduling. Therefore, it is important to contact the Christiansburg Parks and Recreation Administrative Office for an updated weekly schedule. Pickle Ball Open Play will following days and times (based upon court availability): Tuesdays 6:00am – 10:00am Court C, Court D if needed and available, Thursdays Court D 6:00am – 10:00am, Court C 7:00am – 10:00am. Wednesdays 6:30pm - 8:30pm Court C. Open Play will be subject to court availability. When it is necessary to lose courts for programs/events signs will be posted in a timely manner giving patrons ample notice. If Montgomery County Schools are closed due to inclement weather, the Recreation Center will not open til 8:00am, Open Play would not be available til 8:00am. Children under 11 years of age must be accompanied by an adult at all times (unless they are participating in a Christiansburg Parks and Recreation program or attending a special event). Home schooled children will be permitted to use the Christiansburg Recreation Center Monday through Friday for physical education. They must be accompanied by their parent, guardian, and/or teacher. If not accompanied, they will not be allowed to utilize the Recreation Center during Montgomery County Public Schools normal hours. Students that attend Montgomery County Public Schools will not be allowed to utilize the Christiansburg Recreation Center during Montgomery County Public Schools normal hours. The Christiansburg Recreation Center will be closed on these holidays: New Year’s Day, Easter Sunday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Day After Thanksgiving, Christmas Day. Other closings due to special circumstances will be posted in the Christiansburg Recreation Center as far in advance as possible.
1. Alcoholic beverages, drugs or any person under the influence of alcohol or drugs will not be permitted on Town of Christiansburg property. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26.
Smoking and the use of any other tobacco product is prohibited in the Christiansburg Recreation Center and around entrance areas. Drinks from Christiansburg Recreation Center vending machines will only be permitted in main lobby. Drinks and/or food may not be brought inside the Christiansburg Recreation Center (unless approved by the Director of Parks and Recreation). Chewing gum is prohibited in the Christiansburg Recreation Center. Threatening or indecent conduct is prohibited. Abusive, profane, threatening, indecent language and/or action are strictly prohibited. Threatening language or actions toward Christiansburg Parks and Recreation Staff will result in a minimum of one year suspension from all Christiansburg Parks and Recreation facilities and programs. A “No Trespass Notice” will be issued. Fighting is strictly prohibited. Adults fighting will receive a minimum of one year suspension from the Christiansburg Recreation Center with police action and a “No Trespass Notice”. Youth fighting will result in suspension as determined by the Director of Parks and Recreation and parental notification No illegal weapons are allowed, any violation will result in police and disciplinary action. Anyone stealing money, or personal property belonging to another individual, or property of the Christiansburg Recreation Center, or anyone aiding in such theft, will receive a minimum of one-year suspension from the Christiansburg Recreation Center and the Police will be notified. Any suspension from the Christiansburg Recreation Center may also include suspension from all Christiansburg Parks and Recreation facilities and programs. Anyone who refuses to leave Town of Christiansburg property (after being instructed to do so) will receive a minimum of one month additional suspension, with a “No Trespass Notice” and police action. Gambling of any form is prohibited. Only non-marking sneakers and tennis shoes may be worn in the gymnasium (track and courts) and racquetball courts. Anyone caught leaving excessive marks on the floors may be suspended from the recreation center. Shirts and shoes must be worn during all hours of operation. Proper attire is required. No sandals or open-toed shoes. No pets will be allowed in the Christiansburg Recreation Center (except for dog obedience classes or service dogs). Loitering will not be allowed. Bicycles must be locked in the bike rack. Christiansburg Parks and Recreation will not be responsible for lost, stolen or damaged bicycles (including components). No skateboards, roller skates, in-line skates, Heelys or any other kind of roller shoes may be used on sidewalks or inside the Christiansburg Recreation Center. Entry and exit must be through the doors near the Recreation Center Supervisor and Equipment Station. Lockers may be rented on a 6 month or one year basis. $30.00 for 6 months $60.00 for one year. If lockers are not cleaned out or renewed on or before the expiration date, the items will be cleared out, kept for one week, and then discarded. The Christiansburg Recreation Center is not responsible for any lost, damaged or stolen locker contents. All equipment stored in the classrooms is for the Christiansburg Parks and Recreation use only. Individual use of mats and play equipment is prohibited unless approved by the Director of Parks and Recreation. The Director of Parks and Recreation has the authority to revoke any individual’s privileges of using the Christiansburg Recreation Center for any length of time for disorderly conduct. Suspension may be increased or made permanent if an individual repeats an offense or attempts to enter the Christiansburg Recreation Center while under suspension. The Director of Parks and Recreation has the authority to suspend an individual for any violation of the rules and regulations for the
Christiansburg Parks &Recreation Department. 27. Christiansburg Parks and Recreation will not be responsible for lost, stolen or damaged items. 28. We reserve the right to suspend participation as the result of behavior problems that disrupt programs and/or participants.
1. Christiansburg Recreation Center ID cards are required during all hours of operation unless otherwise stated. Id’s must be scanned at the recreation center supervisor and equipment station upon entering the center. 2. Parents must obtain an ID card for children 5 years of age or older. 3. Persons wishing to use the recreation center must have a current ID or pay $5.00 for a daily pass. 4. All persons purchasing a daily pass must complete a day pass application. Children under the age of 18 must have a parent or legal guardian sign their day pass. 5. Person(s) who wish to have an ID card must show two proofs of residency. No P.O. Boxes. A. First Proof - must have a valid driver’s license (or DMV ID card) indicating Town of Christiansburg residency. B. Second Proof - may consist of automobile registration card, voter registration card, real-estate property tax receipt, current lease of property matching the address of the driver’s license, or utility bill. We do not accept insurance information, cell phone bills, pay stubs, W2’s or any other info that is not from the DMV or paid on the property. 6. All ID cards must be renewed the following year during the same month the ID card was issued. 7. Town residents/real estate taxpayers will receive a free ID card. 8. Business owners that have an office inside the town limits may also receive a free ID, but must show the following: a real estate property tax ticket showing that they own the property the business is located at OR a business license, a lease showing the office space is inside town limits and a utility bill (the addresses on all 3 documents must match). If showing a business license, lease and utility bill, all three must be shown together and the card will be made for the duration of the lease, but no longer than one year. 9. Persons that do not live in town, do not own property or do not have a business in Christiansburg may purchase a membership: Age Bracket: One Year 6 Month 1 Month Age Bracket: One Year 6 Months 1 Month Single Adult (18+) $275 $140 $30 Senior Couple** $200 $100 $25 Family* $400 $210 $40 Senior Family*** $300 $150 $30 Single Senior (50+) $150 $75 $15 * Family defined as two adults (18+ years old) residing at the same address and their legal dependents under the age of 25. Leg al dependents age 19-25 must be full time college students ** Two adults living at the Same Address Must be over 50 years of age. ***Family Defined as two adults (18+) at least one person over 50 residing at the same address and their legal dependents under the age of 25. Legal dependents age 19-25 must be full time college students. Yearly, 6 month, and 1 month membership fees will only be accepted during Christiansburg Park and Rec. Admin. Office hours. 10. ID cards are only used to utilize facilities in the Christiansburg Recreation Center during stated hours. 11. ID cardholders must pay participation fees to participate in Christiansburg Parks and Recreation programs. 12. Christiansburg Recreation Center ID cards are not required to participate in Christiansburg Parks and Recreation programs. 13. Participation fees and non-resident/taxpayer fees will be charged to participate in Christiansburg Parks and Recreation programs. 14. There will be a $5.00 charge for replacement ID cards. 15. Left ID cards will be discarded after 3 weeks. Resulting in the need for a replacement ID. 16. There will be an administration fee of $25.00 for membership refunds.
The Christiansburg Recreation Center is available for private parties, dances, meetings, receptions, and other activities when space is available. For available dates, times and rental rates, contact the Christiansburg Department of Parks and Recreation at 382-2349. The Town of Christiansburg rents out facility space to various outside third parties. The use of property owned by the Town of Christiansburg for commercial products, processes, or services should in no way be construed as an endorsement of recommendation by the Town. The Town does not warrant or assume legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, ore process disclosed. The views and opinions of authors do not necessarily reflect those of the Town of Christiansburg, and they may not be used for advertising or product endorsement purposes. Rentals Price Per Hour Basketball Court $20/25 with Scoreboard Multi-Purpose Room $30 Classroom $15
For more information regarding rental availabilities and rules contact Charlton McCoy, Asst. Director (540) 382-2349 x2005 Email: clmccoy@christiansburg.org
CIRCLE PARK, which is located on Ellett Drive, has Miracle Recreation Play System playground equipment, swings, picnic area, and a ½ basketball court. The park is also attractive for family outings and picnics DEPOT PARK, which is located on Depot Street, has Miracle Recreation Play System playground equipment, swings, two full basketball courts, rectangular multi-purpose field, and a jogging/walking path. The park is also attractive for family outings and picnics. DOWNTOWN PARK, which is located on College Street, has Miracle Recreation Play System playground equipment, swings, horseshoe pits, full basketball court, and a picnic area. The park is also attractive for family outings and picnics. HARKRADER SPORTS COMPLEX, which is located behind the new Christiansburg Middle School, has three multi-purpose baseball/ softball fields, two Miracle Play System playground equipment, two full basketball courts, two tennis courts, walking/ jogging trail, and a picnic area. KIWANIS PARK, which is located on Roanoke Street, has two lighted multi-purpose baseball/softball fields, picnic shelter, and Miracle Play System playground equipment. Kiwanis Park and the Kiwanis Community Picnic Shelter are projects of the Christiansburg Kiwanis Club. SUMMIT RIDGE PARK, which is located on Summit Ridge Road, has Miracle Recreation playground equipment, swings, and a picnic area. The park is also attractive for family outings and picnics. WALL STREET PARK, which is located on Wall Street, has Miracle Play System playground equipment, ½ basketball court, and a picnic area. The park is also attractive for family outings and picnics. WAYSIDE PARK, which is located at the top of “Christiansburg Mountain,” has a picnic area. This park is still being considered for future development. HUCKLEBERRY TRAIL The Huckleberry Trail is an asphalt-paved bike/pedestrian path. The trail currently runs from the BlacksburgPublic Library to the New River Mall. There are distance markers every half-mile. At 2.83 miles it crosses the road to Warm Hearth, at 3.43 miles it crosses Hightop, and at 3.90 it crosses Merrimac. The total distance from the Blacksburg Public Library to the New River Mall is 5.762 miles. There are benches spaced along the trail where you can rest and enjoy the scenery. Parking is available at both ends as well as near Warm Hearth and the Hightop and Merrimac crossings. Plans are in the works to extend the trail to the Hethwood Community, Blacksburg’s Gateway Park, the Christiansburg Recreation Center, and the New River State Trail. If you would like to contribute to the expansion and development of the Huckleberry Trail, please send your tax-deductible donation to: Friends of the Huckleberry P.O. Box 925 Blacksburg, VA 24063 www.huckleberrytrail.org
For Map of Current & Future Huckleberry Trail please visit our website
Litter and vandalism are the curses of our park system. They are frustrating, expensive, entirely unnecessary, and hinders future development. Please do what you can to help curb littering and vandalism. Please use trash cans and recycling containers.
Contact Chuck Muncy if you recognize issues concerning our park facilities. Phone: (540) 382-2349 x2002 Email: cmuncy@christiansburg.org
DEPOT PARK, which is located on Depot Street, has one rectangular multipurpose field. FALLING BRANCH, which is located behind Falling Branch Elementary School, has two baseball/softball fields, with one field having lights HARKRADER SPORTS COMPLEX, which is located behind new Christiansburg Middle Schools, has three lighted multi-purpose fields, with a press box, concessions area, and restrooms. KIWANIS PARK, which is located on Roanoke Street, has two lighted baseball/softball fields, and restroom.
The “Commission” normally meets the first Monday of every month at 6:00pm at the Christiansburg Recreation Center. If interested in being placed on the agenda, please call Brad Epperley at 382-2349, ext. 200
Due to the significant risks and possibility of fatal injury from lightning strikes, it is imperative the Christiansburg Department of Parks and Recreation have a clear policy on how to deal with lightning in and around the areas of practice and / or competition. This policy will help to clearly state the department's position on this issue and help to define roles of certain individuals during the decision making process. The coaching and support staff’s primary responsibility is for the safety and concern of the participants. The following plan will be in effect for all Christiansburg Department of Parks and Recreation youth and adult athletic events, including practices and special events: Depending on the event being played the Youth Athletic or Adult Athletic Supervisor, Game Field Supervisor or Coach will monitor the weather. This will be done through the use of the DTN Weather Sentry Lightning and Storm detector (if equipped) or by the Flash-to Bang Method. In the event of threatening or inclement weather the Youth Athletic or Adult Athletic Supervisor, Game Field Supervisor or Coach will inform the participants and spectators either through the public address system or any other means available of impending severe weather. GENERAL POLICY: A member of the Christiansburg Department of Parks and Recreation Staff, if on site will monitor the weather and make the decision to notify the Game Field Supervisor (during a game) or Head Coach (during practice) of dangerous situations and recommend the suspension of activity in the event of lightning. Exceptions will be made for any activity where a Christiansburg Department of Parks and Recreation or Game Field Supervisor is not in attendance, whereby the supervising coach will have the ability to suspend activity. The decision to suspend activity will be based on:
Any reported lightning strike on the DTN Weather Sentry Lightning/Storm Detector within the 10 mile range regardless of the presence of visible lightning. (This device is portable and will be in the possession of the Youth Athletic or Adult Athletic Supervisor, Game Field Supervisor or Coach). Utilization of the Flash-to-Bang Method (Count the seconds from the time the lightning is sighted to when the clap of thunder is heard. Divide this number by five to obtain how far away, in miles, the lightning is occurring.) If it reveals lightning to be within 10 miles (a 50 second count between the flash of lightning and the bang of thunder) activity is to be suspended and everyone should seek shelter immediately.
ANNOUNCEMENT OF SUSPENSION OF ACTIVITY: Once it is determined that there is a danger of inclement weather, the Youth Athletic or Adult Athletic Supervisor will notify the Game Field Supervisor (during a game). The Head Coach (during practice) should immediately request the removal of all players, coaches, from the playing field when receiving text message on any reported lightning strike on the DTN Weather Sentry Lightning/Storm Detector within the 10 mile range. If DTN Weather Sentry Lightning/Storm Detector is not available revert to using the Flash-to-Bang Method. The coaches’ primary responsibility is for the safety and concern of the participants. EVACUATION OF THE PLAYING FIELD AND STANDS: Immediately following the public address announcement (if available) of suspension of play, all players, coaches, officials, support personnel and spectators are to evacuate the facility to their vehicles, bus. Participants and spectators should be advised that we do not consider the areas under the (Picnic shelters' or bathrooms) at Kiwanis Park) or dugouts to be safe in the case of lightning. All parties will be urged to remain in a safe location until conditions improve unless otherwise notified by appropriate representatives. RETURN TO PLAY: Play will be resumed 30 minutes following the last lightning strike. The last lightning strike will be determined by either the detection system or visual confirmation. The 30 minute time frame will immediately start over with each additional lightning strike. All coaches that would like to receive information on our weather system or would like to get text messages on storms and lightning in the area for practices and games should contact Chuck Muncy at (540) 382–2349.
Town of Christiansburg Christiansburg Department of Parks & Recreation Tournament Host Checklist
Date(s) of Event: Tournament Host Name: Host Representative during events:
Contact Phone: Contact Phone:
Town of Christiansburg Contact Numbers
Light Box Access Keys Kiwanis Park Fields: Falling Branch Field:
Harkrader Sports Complex - (540) 381-4766 - (540) 381-4678 Kiwanis Park Fields - (540) 239-4007 Falling Branch Elementary School Fields - (540) 239-4007 Christiansburg Recreation Department - (540) 382-2349
Tournament Fees for Kiwanis Park and Falling Branch Elementary School Fields: 1 Day, 1 Field ……………… $75.00 2 Day, 3 Fields ……………. $450.00 2 Day, 1 Field ……………… $150.00 1 Day, 4 Fields ……………. $300.00 1 Day, 2 Fields ……………. $150.00 2 Day, 4 Fields ……………. $600.00 2 Day, 2 Fields ……………. $300.00 Mid-day Field Prep for 1 or 2 fields …..$50.00 1 Day, 3 Fields ……………. $225.00 Mid-day Field Prep for 3 or 4 fields …..$80.00 Other Charges:
Lights: $25.00 per hour; 1 minute = 1 hour Turface or Quick Dry : $15.00 per bag
Tournament Fees for Harkrader Sports Complex 1 Day, 1 Field ……………… $100.00 1 Day, 2 Fields ……………. $200.00 1 Day, 3 Fields ……………. $300.00 Other Charges:
2 Day, 1 Field ……………… $200.00 2 Day, 2 Fields …………… $400.00 2 Day, 3 Fields ……………. $600.00
Turface or Quick Dry : $15.00 per bag
Field Name Harkrader Sports Complex #1 Harkrader Sports Complex #2 Harkrader Sports Complex #3 Kiwanis Park Big Field Kiwanis Park Small Field Falling Branch Elementary Big Field Falling Branch Elementary Small Field
BASE LENGTHS AND FIELD SET UP Base Lengths 60 ft. to 70 ft. 70 ft. to 80 ft. 70 ft. to 80 ft. 60 ft. to 90 ft. 60 ft. to 65 ft. 60 ft. to 70 ft. 60 ft. to 65 ft.
Pitching Distance
Starting / Ending Time (No starts Prior to 8am and must be finished by 10pm on Saturdays and 9pm on Sundays) Starting/Ending Time Mid-day Prep Time Harkrader Sports Complex #1 Harkrader Sports Complex #2 Harkrader Sports Complex #3 Kiwanis Park Big Field Kiwanis Park Small Field Falling Branch Elementary Big Field Falling Branch Elementary Small Field Christiansburg High School will no longer be schedule through the Christiansburg Recreation Department. By signing below I acknowledge that I have read the Facility Use Guidelines. Applicant's Signature:
Contact Chuck Muncy Outdoor Recreational Facilities Director concerning rentals, availabilites and rules. Phone: (540) 382-2349 x2002 Email: cmuncy@christiansburg.org 9
Christiansburg High School JV Baseball Jamboree
Kiwanis Park
March 8-9
Nations Baseball – Team Appreciation Christiansburg High School JV Baseball Jamboree (Rain Date)
Falling Branch, Veteran’s Park, Randolph Park Kiwanis Park
March 15-16
USSSA Baseball – Spring Warm Up
Harkrader Sports Complex, Veteran’s Park, Randolph Park
March 22-23
Nations Baseball – Spring State Qualifier
Harkrader Sports Complex, Veteran’s Park, Randolph Park
March 29-30
USSSA Baseball – March Madness USSSA Adult Softball
Harkrader Sports Complex, Veteran’s Park Randolph Park
April 5-6
USSSA Baseball – Rally in the Valley USSSA Adult Softball
Harkrader Sports Complex, Veteran’s Park Randolph Park
April 12-13
Nations Baseball – Spring State
Harkrader Sports Complex, Veteran’s Park, Randolph Park
April 19
Nations Baseball – Easter Rally (1 day) USSSA Girls Fast Pitch Softball – (1 day)
Harkrader Sports Complex, Veteran’s Park Randolph Park
April 26-27
Nations Baseball – 8 Annual Middle School Jamboree NSA – Girls Fast Pitch Softball
Harkrader Sports Complex, Randolph Park Veteran’s Park
May 3-4
USSSA Baseball – Chance Crawford Tournament
Harkrader Sports Complex, Veteran’s Park, Randolph Park
May 10-11
USSSA Baseball – Mother’s Day (1 Day) NSA – Girls Fast Pitch Softball
Harkrader Sports Complex Veteran’s Park
May 17-18
Nations Baseball – Western Area Summer State
Harkrader Sports Complex, Kiwanis Park, Veteran’s Park, New River Sports Complex
May 24-25
USSSA Baseball – Western Virginia Summer State
Harkrader Sports Complex, Veteran’s Park, Randolph Park
May 31-June 1
Got Game Softball – Girls Fast Pitch Softball
Harkrader Sports Complex Field 1, Kiwanis Park, Falling Branch Veteran’s Park, New River Sports Complex, Harkrader Sports Complex Fields 2 & 3
Nations Baseball – The Yard Classic June 7-8
Nations Baseball – Feeding America Benefit USSSA Adult Softball
Harkrader Sports Complex, Kiwanis Park, Veteran’s Park, New River Sports Complex Randolph Park
June 14-15
USSSA Baseball – Cure for Cancer
Harkrader Sports Complex, Veteran’s Park
June 21-22
Nations Baseball – World Series Qualifier
Veteran’s Park, New River Sports Complex, Harkrader Sports Complex Fields, Randolph Park
June 28-29
USSSA Baseball – Virginia Commonwealth Games USSSA Girls Fast Pitch Softball – Western VA Summer State USSSA Adult Softball
Harkrader Sports Complex, Kiwanis Park, Falling Branch New River Sports Complex Harkrader Sports Complex, Kiwanis Park, Falling Branch Veteran’s Park
July 8-13
Nations Baseball – 10u, 11u, 12u & 13u World Series
Harkrader Sports Complex, Veteran’s Park, Randolph Park
July 19-20
USSSA Adult Softball
Veteran’s Park
July 22-27
USSSA Baseball – AA 10u, 11u, 12u & 13u World Series
Harkrader Sports Complex, Veteran’s Park, Randolph Park
USSSA Baseball – Back to School Bash
Veteran’s Park, New River Sports Complex, Harkrader Sports Complex Fields 2 & 3
August 16-17
USSSA Baseball – Fisher Financial Invitational USSSA Adult Softball Got Game Softball – Girls Fast Pitch Softball
Harkrader Sports Complex, Kiwanis Park, Falling Branch Veteran’s Park Randolph Park, New River Sports Complex
August 23-24
Christiansburg Police Department Fallen Officer Softball Tournament Nations Baseball – Lady Cougar Classic
Harkrader Sports Complex, Kiwanis Park
Christiansburg Police Department Fallen Officer Softball Tournament (Rain Date) Nations Baseball – New River Shoot Out USSSA Girls Fast Pitch Softball – Bring Em and Swing Em
Harkrader Sports Complex, Kiwanis Park
September 6-7
USSSA Baseball – New River Valley Challenge USSSA Adult Softball
Harkrader Sports Complex, Veteran’s Park Randolph Park
September 13-14
Nations Baseball – Relay for Life Benefit USSSA Adult Softball Got Game Softball – Girls Fast Pitch Softball
Harkrader Sports Complex, Randolph Park Veteran’s Park Kiwanis Park, Falling Branch, New River Sports Complex
September 20-21
USSSA Baseball – Fall Cool Down
Veteran’s Park, New River Sports Complex, Harkrader Sports Complex Field 1 Harkrader Sports Complex Fields 2 & 3 Randolph Park
August 30-31
Veteran’s Park, New River Sports Complex, Randolph Park
USSSA Adult Softball Got Game Softball – Girls Fast Pitch Softball September 27-28
Nations Baseball – Western Area Fall State
Veteran’s Park, New River Sports Complex, Randolph Park Falling Branch
USSSA Adult Softball
Harkrader Sports Complex, New River Sports Complex, Veteran’s Park, Kiwanis Park Randolph Park
October 4-5
USSSA Baseball – Western Virginia Fall State
Harkrader Sports Complex, Veteran’s Park, Randolph Park
October 11-12
Nations Baseball – Fall Cool Down USSSA Girls Fast Pitch Softball – Western Virginia Fall State
Harkrader Sports Complex, Veteran’s Park, New River Complex Randolph Park
October 18-19
USSSA Baseball – Halloween Havoc NSA – Girls Fast Pitch Softball
Harkrader Sports Complex, Randolph Park Veteran’s Park, New River Sports Complex
October 25-26
Nations Baseball – 4 Annual Cole & Mason Anderson Benefit Got Game Softball – Girls Fast Pitch Softball
Harkrader Sports Complex, Veteran’s Park, Randolph Park Kiwanis Park, Falling Branch
DIAPER GYM – Instructor: Lisa Bass
Eligibility: Ages 6 months (sitting up) to walking 16 months Location: Recreation Center – Classroom 1 Minimum: 4 Maximum: 6 Additional Information: Babies build muscles and learn independence while experiencing rhythms, balance, coordination through musical movements and interactions with mom, dad, or grandparent. Class Reg. Begins Reg. Ends Starting Date Day of Week Time TR/NR Weeks Mini April 1 May 28 June 2 Monday 9:30-10:00AM $10/$20 3 Fall July 1 Sept. 4 Sept. 8 Monday 9:30-10:00AM $15/$30 6
TODDLER TIME – Instructor: Lisa Bass
Eligibility: Walking, 15 months-30 months Location: Recreation Center – Multi Purpose Room 1 Minimum: 3 Maximum: 10 Additional Information: Parent participates with their child through free-time, sharing and social interaction play. Circle time themes offer learning opportunities of language development, listening skills, rhythm, coordination and more! Class Reg. Begins Reg. Ends Starting Date Day of Week Time TR/NR Weeks Mini April 1 May 28 June 2 Monday 10:00-10:45AM $10/$20 3 Fall July 1 Sept. 4 Sept. 8 Monday 10:00-10:45AM $20/$40 6
PEE WEE AEROBICS – Instructor: Lisa Bass
Eligibility: Ages 30 months (2 ½ years) – 4 years Location: Recreation Center – Multi Purpose Room 1 Minimum: 3 Maximum: 8 Additional Information: Themed lessons, equipment and circle time offer pre-school physical activity and 45 minutes of independence, while parents can enjoy their own work-out. Child must be at least 30 months old and it is recommended that they have been a participant of Toddler Time. Not required, just recommended. Class Reg. Begins Reg. Ends Starting Date Day of Week Time TR/NR Weeks Mini April 1 May 28 June 2 Monday 11:00-11:45AM $10/$20 3 Fall July 1 Sept. 4 Sept. 8 Monday 11:00-11:45AM $20/$40 6
BOOK IT – Instructor: Lisa Bass
Eligibility: Ages 2 ½ - 5 years Location: Recreation Center – Multi Purpose Room 1 /Classroom 1 Minimum: 4 Maximum: 8 Additional Information: Books come alive with reenactments, games and songs to open the imagination and provide tons of active movement. Class Reg. Begins Reg. Ends Starting Date Day of Week Time TR/NR Weeks Mini April 1 June 3 June 5 Thursday 11:00-12:15PM $10/$20 3 Fall July 1 Sept. 2 Sept. 4 Thursday 11:00-12:15PM $20/$40 6
PRE-SCHOOL PLAY GROUP – Instructor: Lisa Bass
Eligibility: Ages 2-5 Location: Recreation Center – Classroom 1/Multi-Purpose Room 1 Minimum: 4 Maximum: 6 Additional Information: Parents drop off their children for this program. This class includes playtime, arts and crafts, etc. Class Reg. Begins Reg. Ends Starting Date Day of Week Time TR/NR Weeks Mini April 1 May 28 June 3 Tuesday 11:00AM – 12:15PM $10/$20 3 Fall July 1 Aug. 28 Sept. 2 Tuesday 11:00AM – 12:15PM $20/$40 6
FUN FOR TOTS – Instructor: Lisa Bass
Eligibility: Ages 2-4 Location: Recreation Center – Multi-Purpose Room 1 Minimum: 4 Maximum: 6 Additional Information: Parents drop off their children for this program. This class includes fun, active playtime activities. Class Reg. Begins Reg. Ends Starting Date Day of Week Time TR/NR Weeks Fall July 1 Sept. 3 Sept. 5 Friday 10:00-10:45AM $20/$40 6
PRE-SCHOOL P.E. – Instructor: Lisa Bass
Eligibility: Ages 3-5 Location: Recreation Center – Multi Purpose Room 1/Classroom 1 Minimum: 4 Maximum: 8 Additional Information: Parents drop off their children for this program. Children participate in activities using active, gross and fine motor skills. Great class to prepare for school and have fun too!! Class Reg. Begins Reg. Ends Starting Date Day of Week Time TR/NR Weeks Fall July 1 Sept. 3 Sept. 5 Friday 11:00-11:45AM $20/$40 6
EARLY ART SMART – Instructor: Terry Angle
Eligibility: Ages 3-Kindergarten Location: Recreation Center – Classroom 1 Minimum: 4 Maximum: 10 Additional Information: An introduction to Art. An additional $5.00 fee will be collected by the instructor for supplies. Parent participates with the child. Class Reg. Begins Reg. Ends Starting Date Day of Week Time TR/NR Weeks Session I April 1 May. 15 May 21 Wednesday 4:00-4:45PM $25/$45 6 Session II June 2 August 15 August 20 Wednesday 4:00-4:45PM $25/$45 6
Preschool Gymnastics PRESCHOOL GYMNASTICS *For information regarding classes and inclement weather, please contact VA Techniques at (540)381-5151 or visit their website at www.vatechniques.com
BOUNCING BUNNIES – (Pre-School Gymnastics with parent participation)
Eligibility: Girls and Boys Ages: Walking to 3 years Location: Virginia Techniques Gymnastics 1550 Roanoke Street, Suite C, Christiansburg Additional Information: No Virginia Techniques membership fee required. Children should wear comfortable clothing, bare feet, no jewelry, and long hair should be pulled back. Class Description: Basic coordination, balance, strength, pattern recognition, and locomotor skills. These skills encourage development of fine and gross motor skills, core strength, reading, writing, and preschool readiness. Social skills and interaction are also encouraged through group games. Class Reg. Begins Reg. Ends Starting Date Day of Week Time Fee Weeks May April 1 April 28 May 1 Thursday 10:00-10:50AM $56 4 June April 1 May 30 June 5 Thursday 10:00-10:50AM $56 4 July April 1 June 27 July 3 Thursday 10:00-10:50AM $56 4 August April 1 August 1 August 7 Thursday 10:00-10:50AM $56 4
GALLOPING GATORS – (Pre-School Gymnastics)
Eligibility: Girls and Boys Ages 3-5 Location: Virginia Techniques Gymnastics 1550 Roanoke Street, Suite C, Christiansburg Additional Information: No Virginia Techniques membership fee required. Children should wear comfortable clothing, bare feet, no jewelry, and long hair should be pulled back. Class Description: Beginning level gymnastics skills, flexibility, coordination, balance, and strength through safe gymnastics progressions are introduced at this level. All of these skills encourage development of fine and gross motor skills, core strength, reading, writing, and preschool readiness. Social skills and interaction are also encouraged through group games, taking turns, and encouraging peers. We use music, games, and coloring sheets to teach some of the skills and discipline necessary for entering kindergarten. Class Reg. Begins Reg. Ends Starting Date Day of Week Time Fee Weeks May April 1 April 28 May 1 Thursday 10:00-10:50AM $56 4 May April 1 April 28 May 1 Thursday 6:30-7:20PM $56 4 June April 1 May 30 June 5 Thursday 10:00-10:50AM $56 4 June April 1 May 30 June 5 Thursday 6:30-7:20PM $56 4 July April 1 June 27 July 3 Thursday 10:00-10:50AM $56 4 July April 1 June 27 July 3 Thursday 6:30-7:20PM $56 4 August April 1 August 1 August 7 Thursday 10:00-10:50AM $56 4 August April 1 August 1 August 7 Thursday 6:30-7:20PM $56 4
Date: Wednesday, April 16 at 11:00AM (Rain Date – April 23 at 11:00AM) Location: Downtown Park Co-Sponsored by: Christiansburg Library and Christiansburg Recreation Dept. Additional Information: This is a nationally – known program which promotes reading and exercise in the outdoors for children. Make plans to attend the Grand Opening/Ribbon Cutting Event.
BALLET – Instructor: Pat Horne
Eligibility: Ages 4-7 Location: Recreation Center – Multi-Purpose Room 1 Minimum: 5 Maximum: 8 Additional Information: Introduction to ballet. Participants will need to have ballet slippers. Parents are asked not to stay during class time. The last class will be Parents Day. Class Reg. Begins Reg. Ends Starting Date Day of Week Time TR/NR Weeks Session I April 1 May 28 June 2 Monday 5:00-5:45PM $20/$40 6 Fall July 1 Aug. 14 Aug. 18 Monday 5:00-5:45PM $20/$40 6
BEGINNING BATON– Instructor: Terry Wilson
Eligibility: Ages 6-12 Location: Recreation Center – Multi-Purpose Room 1 Minimum: 4 Maximum: 15 Additional Information: Learn to twirl!! Children will be taught the correct way to carry their baton, basic beginning twirls: such as the figure 8, flats, front hand spin, the salute, at attention and at ease. This is a great way to begin preparing for Flag Corp and Baton in middle and high school Class Reg. Begins Reg. Ends Starting Date Day of Week Time TR/NR Weeks Session I April 1 May 28 June 4 Wed 4:00-4:45PM $15/$30 3
YOUTH SCAT (Strength, Conditioning, Agility Training)
Eligibility: Ages 8-18 Location: Tech SportsPlex (215 County Dr., Christiansburg) Minimum: 8 Maximum: 25 Additional Information: Youth SCAT program consists of an introduction to the Core and Olympic lifts, as well as a plethora of speed and agility exercises to improve your athlete’s speed, quickness and footwork. Our primary focus is on injury prevention, core strength, balance/stability and power/explosive movements to ensure that each athlete’s body is in peak condition. For information regarding classes and inclement weather, please contact Tech Sportsplex at 381-0527. Class Reg. Begins Reg. Ends Starting Date Day of Week Time FEE Weeks Session I TBA TBA TBA Wed/Fri 4:00-4:45PM $45 6 Session II TBA TBA TBA Wed/Fri 4:00-4:45PM $45 6
ZUMBATOMIC – Instructor: Bethany Nuckolls
Eligibility: Ages 4-10 Location: Recreation Center – Multi-Purpose Room 1 Minimum: 5 Maximum: 10 Additional Information: Kids get ready to move!! Zumba is a dance fitness program that incorporates Latin Music and other musical styles as well. Zumbatomic is a fun, healthy program for children using the Zumba Fitness Concept. It is 100% kid friendly with songs, dances, and actions that promote an overall healthy lifestyle. Children should wear comfortable workout clothing and bring a water bottle (with their name on it) and a towel to class. Class Reg. Begins Reg. Ends Starting Date Day of Week Time TR/NR Weeks Session I April 1 June 23 June 25 Wednesday 5:00-5:45PM $18/36 5
ART SMART - Instructor: Terry Angle
Eligibility: Grades 1-5 Location: Recreation Center – Classroom I Minimum: 3 Maximum: 10 Additional Information: An introduction to Art. An additional $5.00 fee will be collected by the instructor for supplies. Class Reg. Begins Reg. Ends Starting Date Day of Week Time TR/NR Weeks Session I April 1 May 15 May 21 Wednesday 4:50-5:50PM $25/$45 6 Session II June 2 Aug. 15 Aug. 20 Wednesday 4:50-5:50PM $25/$45 6
FAMILY GARDENING SERIES – Instructors: Va Cooperative Extension
Location: Montgomery Country Government Center Registration Contact Info: Must register by Monday April 21. Mail or drop off check payment payable to “Treasurer, Virginia Tech” 755 Roanoke St. Suite 16 Christiansburg, Va 24073. Additional Information: This program is intended to engage and teach families about gardening and natural resources. Session Breakdown: Session 1-Kid’s Gardening, Kid’s Gardening Project Intro, Seed Selection & Starting, etc. Session 2 – Kid’s Gardening Project, Planting, Watering, Weeding, Compost, Insects, etc. Session 3 – Cooking and Nutrition, Garden Fun for the Family etc. Session 4 – Harvest, Garden Clean Up, Project Show and Tell, Questions from the Season, etc. There is no pro-rating if unavailable to attend all 4 sessions. Eligibility Date Time Fee Ages 5 and up Session 1 – April 24 6:30 – 8:30PM $20 for entire series (Children must be Session 2 – June 10 per family of 4 $3 for accompanied by Session 3 – July 31 each additional family parent) Session 4 – Sept. 9 member
YOUTH GYMNASTICS YOUTH GYMNASTICS CLASSES *For information regarding classes and inclement weather, please contact VA Techniques at (540)381-5151 or visit their website at www.vatechniques.com
Eligibility: Girls and Boys Ages 5-7 Location: Virginia Techniques Gymnastics 1550 Roanoke Street, Suite C, Christiansburg Additional Information: No Virginia Techniques membership fee required. Children should wear comfortable clothing, bare feet, no jewelry, and long hair should be pulled back. Class Description: Basic through intermediate gymnastics skills, coordination, agility, and balance are the main components of this class. Also expect increased self-esteem, confidence building and working through fears. An emphasis of developing strong and flexible bodies will be through repetitions of chin ups, rope climbs, splits, standing bridges, handstands and cartwheels. Students in this class will spend time perfecting their basic skills while learning safe progressions into more intermediate skills. All students will grow at their individual pace with encouragement and positive reinforcement. Class Reg. Begins Reg. Ends Starting Date Day of Week Time Fee Weeks May April 1 April 28 May 6 Tuesday 6:45-7:45PM $61 4 May April 1 April 28 May 7 Wednesday 4:15-5:15PM $61 4 June April 1 May 28 June 3 Tuesday 6:45-7:45PM $61 4 June April 1 May 28 June 4 Wednesday 4:15-5:15PM $61 4 July April 1 June 27 July 1 Tuesday 6:45-7:45PM $61 4 July April 1 June 27 July 2 Wednesday 4:15-5:15PM $61 4 August April 1 Aug. 1 August 5 Tuesday 6:45-7:45PM $61 4 August April 1 Aug. 1 August 6 Wednesday 4:15-5:15PM $61 4
Eligibility: Girls and Boys 1 -5 grade Location: Virginia Techniques Gymnastics 1550 Roanoke Street, Suite C, Christiansburg Additional Information: No Virginia Techniques membership fee required. Children should wear comfortable clothing, bare feet, no jewelry, and long hair should be pulled back. Class Description: This class is designed to help any child learn how to flip! From boys to girls, cheerleaders to dancers, or just anyone who likes to go upside down, tumbling specific classes use aids such as skill cushions, incline mats, back handspring trainers, spring floors, trampolines, and foam pits. Children will focus on core body strength, coordination, flexibility, and body awareness to safely accelerate learning time. Experienced spotters are available to help athletes maintain, develop, and improve handspring and aerial skills. Class Reg. Begins Reg. Ends Starting Date Day of Week Time Fee Weeks May April 1 April 28 May 6 Tuesday 4:15-5:15PM $61 4 June April 1 May 28 June 3 Tuesday 4:15-5:15PM $61 4 July April 1 June 27 July 1 Tuesday 4:15-5:15PM $61 4 August April 1 August 1 August 5 Tuesday 4:15-5:15PM $61 4
Eligibility: Girls 3 -5 grade Location: Virginia Techniques Gymnastics 1550 Roanoke Street, Suite C, Christiansburg Additional Information: No Virginia Techniques membership fee required. Children should wear comfortable clothing, bare feet, no jewelry, and long hair should be pulled back. Class Description: Basic through intermediate gymnastics skills, coordination, agility, and balance are the main components of this class. Also expect increased self-esteem, confidence building and working through fears. An emphasis of developing strong and flexible bodies will be through repetitions of chin ups, rope climbs, splits, standing bridges, handstands and cartwheels. Students in this class will spend time perfecting their basic skills while learning safe progressions into more intermediate skills. All students will grow at their individual pace with encouragement and positive reinforcement Class Reg. Begins Reg. Ends Starting Date Day of Week Time Fee Weeks May April 1 April 28 May 1 Thursday 4:15-5:15PM $61 4 June April 1 May 28 June 5 Thursday 4:15-5:15PM $61 4 July April 1 June 27 July 3 Thursday 4:15-5:15PM $61 4 August April 1 August 1 August 7 Thursday 4:15-5:15PM $61 4
Eligibility: Boys and Girls 1 grade and up (beginner to advanced mixed gymnastics) Location: Virginia Techniques Gymnastics 1550 Roanoke Street, Suite C, Christiansburg Additional Information: No Virginia Techniques membership fee required. Children should wear comfortable clothing, bare feet, no jewelry, and long hair should be pulled back. Class Description: Using gymnastics elements, this acrobatics class takes balance, agility and motor coordination to the next level. Participants will practice swinging, vaulting, jumping and rolling on various shapes and learn safe progressions for flips and other combinations. Class Reg. Begins Reg. Ends Starting Date Day of Week Time Fee Weeks May April 1 April 30 May 7 Wednesday 6:45-7:45PM $61 4 June April 1 May 28 June 4 Wednesday 6:45-7:45PM $61 4 July April 1 June 27 July 2 Wednesday 6:45-7:45PM $61 4 August April 1 Aug. 1 August 6 Wednesday 6:45-7:45PM $61 4
Eligibility: Girls and Boys 6 grade and up Location: Virginia Techniques Gymnastics 1550 Roanoke Street, Suite C, Christiansburg Additional Information: No Virginia Techniques membership fee required. Children should wear comfortable clothing, bare feet, no jewelry, and long hair should be pulled back. Class Description: This class is designed to help any child learn how to flip! From boys to girls, cheerleaders to dancers, or just anyone who likes to go upside down, tumbling specific classes use aids such as skill cushions, incline mats, back handspring trainers, spring floors, trampolines, and foam pits. Children will focus on core body strength, coordination, flexibility, and body awareness to safely accelerate learning time. Experienced spotters are available to help athletes maintain, develop, and improve handspring and aerial skills. Class Reg. Begins Reg. Ends Starting Date Day of Week Time Fee Weeks May April 1 April 28 May 1 Thursday 5:30-6:30PM $61 4 June April 1 May 28 June 5 Thursday 5:30-6:30PM $61 4 July April 1 June 27 July 3 Thursday 5:30-6:30PM $61 4 August April 1 August 1 August 7 Thursday 5:30-6:30PM $61 4
Eligibility: Girls 6 grade and up Location: Virginia Techniques Gymnastics 1550 Roanoke Street, Suite C, Christiansburg Additional Information: No Virginia Techniques membership fee required. Children should wear comfortable clothing, bare feet, no jewelry, and long hair should be pulled back. This class gives girls in middle school or high school an opportunity to learn new and perfect current skills while working with gymnasts their own age. It’s not only great for girls interested in learning gymnastics, but also for those trying to stay in shape during the off season of other sports. With an emphasis on learning skills such as balance, coordination, agility, flexibility, and strength, this class is sure to help any athlete reach their full potential in any sport they wish to pursue. This class is coached on an individual basis, which gives each student the potential to grow at their own pace with encouragement and positive reinforcement. No class on Memorial Day. Class Reg. Begins Reg. Ends Starting Date Day of Week Time Fee Weeks May April 1 April 30 May 5 Monday 6:00-7:30PM $78 4 June April 1 May 28 June 2 Monday 6:00-7:30PM $78 4 July April 1 July 3 July 7 Monday 6:00-7:30PM $78 4 August April 1 August 1 August 4 Monday 6:00-7:30PM $78 4
BEGINNING HORSEMANSHIP – Instructor: Chelista Linkous
Eligibility: Ages 8-17 Location: 866 Silver Lake Road, Christiansburg Maximum: 4 Additional Information: Have a great time learning how to ride a horse during this 4 week program. Participants will learn all about the horse during this 4 week program. Participants will learn all about the horse, the tack, how to mount/dismount, trotting, etc. Class Reg. Begins Reg. Ends Starting Date Day of Week Time TR/NR Weeks Session I April 1 April 30 May 7 Wednesday 7:30-8:30PM $105/$125 4 Session II April 1 May 28 June 4 Wednesday 7:30-8:30PM $105/$125 4 Session III April 1 June 25 July 2 Wednesday 7:30-8:30PM $105/$125 4 Session IV April 1 July 30 Aug. 6 Wednesday 7:30-8:30PM $105/$125 4 Session V April 1 Aug. 27 Sept. 3 Wednesday 7:30-8:30PM $105/$125 4
Eligibility: Christiansburg High School Students – Grades 9-12 Date: July 28-August 1 Location: Recreation Center and Police Dept. Co-Sponsored by: Christiansburg Police Dept. & Christiansburg Recreation Dept. Maximum: 9 Additional Information: Each summer new candidates will be selected to attend the week long “Teen Police Academy”. If you would like to be placed on the waiting list please call Pam at the Rec. Dept. at 382-2349 or email to ppeyton@christiansburg.org.
EARLY MORNING YOGA – Instructor: Tone Dancy
Eligibility: Ages 15 and over Location: Recreation Center – Multi-Purpose Room 2 Minimum: 10 Maximum: 25 Additional Information: How you spend your morning can and will most likely set the tone for the rest of your day. So try waking up your mind and body with this early morning yoga flow. Take the time at the start of the day to center your awareness, energize the body and allow your spirits to rise with the sun. All levels welcomed. Modifications will be introduced for complex poses so that the beginners can work comfortably at their own level alongside the more advanced students in the class. The class is designed to have varying intensity of movement with focused breath that will leave you feeling strong, calm and refreshed. Class Reg. Begins Reg. Ends Starting Date Day of Week Time TR/NR Weeks Session I April 1 May 19 May 21(Wed.) Mon/Wed 6:00-7:00AM $35/$55 6 Session II May 27 July 10 July 14 Mon/Wed 6:00-7:00AM $35/$55 6 Fall July 21 Sept. 4 Sept. 8 Mon/Wed 6:00-7:00AM $35/$55 6
P90 REC – Instructor: Pam DiIoia
Eligibility: Ages 15 and over Location: Recreation Center – Multi-Purpose Room 1/Gym Court C Minimum: 9 Maximum: 30 Additional Information: This program combines cardio, strength training and endurance drills for an allover body workout. The class offers a variety of unique and challenging moves that will slim, strengthen, tone, and firm. Also, includes many of the popular P90X moves, which will keep the workout challenging and fun! Class Reg. Begins Reg. Ends Starting Date Day of Week Time TR/NR Weeks Session I April 1 May 20 May 22(Thur.) Tues/Thur 6:05-6:50AM $20/$40 6 Session II June 2 July 11 July 15 Tues/Thur 6:05-6:50AM $20/$40 6 Fall July 21 Sept. 2 Sept. 4 (Thur.) Tues/Thur 6:05-6:50AM $20/$40 6
P90 REC (FRIDAY ONLY) – Instructor: Pam DiIoia
Eligibility: Ages 15 and over Location: Recreation Center – Multi-Purpose Room 1/Gym Court C Minimum: 9 Maximum: 30 Additional Information: This program combines cardio, strength training and endurance drills for an allover body workout. The class offers a variety of unique and challenging moves that will slim, strengthen, tone, and firm. Also, includes many of the popular P90X moves, which will keep the workout challenging and fun! Class Reg. Begins Reg. Ends Starting Date Day of Week Time TR/NR Weeks Fall July 21 Sept. 2 Sept. 5 Friday 6:05-6:50AM $12/$24 6
MORNING AEROBICS – Instructor: Sonia Badillo
Eligibility: Ages 18 and over Location: Recreation Center – Multi-Purpose Room 1 Minimum: 9 Maximum: 25 Additional Information: This is a choreographed cardio workout with a blend of music styles. There will be lots of fun and good times for all fitness levels. Class includes: cardio, endurance training, strength and flexibility. Take some time for yourself and make new friends. Great fun and fitness!! Class Reg. Begins Reg. Ends Starting Date Day of Week Time TR/NR Weeks Session I April 1 May 19 May 21 (Wed.) Mon/Wed/Fri 8:50-9:50AM $25/$45 6 Session II May 27 July 10 July 14 Mon/Wed/Fri 8:50-9:50AM $25/$45 6 Fall July 21 Aug. 29 Sept. 3 Mon/Wed/Fri 8:50-9:50AM $25/$45 6
ZUMBA TONING – Instructor: Jancil Wooge
Eligibility: Ages 18 and over Location: Recreation Center – Multi-Purpose Room 2 Minimum: 9 Maximum: 25 Additional Information: A Latin-inspired dance and tone fitness program. The class will emphasize muscle work along with rhythms. This combination of cardio and dynamic resistance exercises is an effective way to tone and shape the whole body. 1-3 pound weights will be used. Class Reg. Begins Reg. Ends Starting Date Day of Week Time TR/NR Weeks Session I April 1 May 20 May 22(Thur.) Tues/Thur 9:00-10:00AM $20/$40 6 Session II May 27 July 11 July 15 Tues/Thur 9:00-10:00AM $20/$40 6 Fall July 21 Aug. 29 Sept. 4 (Thur.) Tues/Thur. 9:00-10:00AM $20/$40 6
CORE BALANCE AND STRENGTH – Instructor: Jancil Wooge
Eligibility: Ages 18 and over Location: Recreation Center – Multi-Purpose Room 2 Minimum: 9 Maximum: 25 Additional Information: This exercise program will focus on strengthening, stretching, balancing and realigning your body. Core exercises will enable your skeleton, muscles and joints to work together optimally. A head to toe workout that will help you look great and feel terrific! Class Reg. Begins Reg. Ends Starting Date Day of Week Time TR/NR Weeks Session I April 1 May 20 May 22(Thur.) Tues/Thur 10:15-11:15AM $20/$40 6 Session II May 27 July 11 July 15 Tues/Thur 10:15-11:15AM $20/$40 6 Fall July 21 Aug. 29 Sept. 4 Thur.) Tues/Thur 10:15-11:15AM $20/$40 6
STROLLER FITNESS – Instructor: Lisa Bass
Location: Recreation Center Gym – Gym Court C Minimum: 4 Maximum: 25 Additional Information: Pre-Requisites: the child must stay in the stroller. Siblings are not allowed to be brought to class. Jogger strollers and sturdy strollers with bar handles are allowed. Class Reg. Begins Reg. Ends Starting Date Day of Week Time TR/NR Weeks Mini April 1 May 28 June 3 Tuesday 10:00-10:45AM $10/$20 3 Fall July 1 Aug. 29 Sept. 2 Tuesday 10:00-10:45AM $15/$30 6 Fall July 1 Sept. 2 Sept. 5 Friday 9:00-9:45AM $15/$30 6
TONING AND CONDITIONING – Instructor: Jancil Wooge
Eligibility: Ages 18 and over Location: Recreation Center – Multi-Purpose Room 2 Minimum: 9 Maximum: 25 Additional Information: Intense exercise class for all fitness levels with low to no impact and minimal choreography. Use of elastic resistance bands, weights and body supported exercises and flexibility training for muscle strengthening, endurance and sculpting. Class Reg. Begins Reg. Ends Starting Date Day of Week Time TR/NR Weeks Session I April 1 May 19 May 21(Wed) Mon/Wed 5:15-6:00PM $20/$40 6 Session II June 2 July 10 July 14 Mon/Wed 5:15-6:00PM $20/$40 6 Fall July 21 Aug. 29 Sept. 3 (Wed) Mon/Wed 5:15-6:00PM $20/$40 6
ZUMBA STEP – Instructor: Paige Poole
Eligibility: Ages 18 and over Location: Recreation Center – Multipurpose Room 2 Minimum: 10 Maximum: 25 Additional Information: This Zumba program combines Latin rhythms and easy to follow moves to create a one of kind fitness program using an aerobics step. This program includes the fun moves of Zumba combined with strength and conditioning Class Reg. Begins Reg. Ends Starting Date Day of Week Time TR/NR Weeks Session I April 1 May 28 June 2 .Monday 6:30-7:30 $12/$24 6
TOTAL BODY CARDIO – Instructor: Andy Cramer
Eligibility: Ages 16 and over Location: Recreation Center – Multi-Purpose Room 1 Minimum: 9 Maximum: 30 Additional Information: Join this upbeat and fun total body conditioning class. Class will contain a variety of different types of aerobic workouts. Class Reg. Begins Reg. Ends Starting Date Day of Week Time TR/NR Weeks Session I April 1 May 19 May 21 (Wed) Mon/Wed 6:15-7:00PM $20/$40 6 Session II June 2 July 28 July 30 (Wed) Mon/Wed 6:15-7:00PM $20/$40 6 Fall Aug. 1 Sept. 18 Sept. 22 Mon/Wed 6:15-7:00PM $20/$40 6
30 MINUTE ABS/ARMS – Instructor: Andy Cramer
Eligibility: Ages 16 and over Location: Recreation Center – Multi-Purpose Room 1 Minimum: 9 Maximum: 30 Additional Information: Get toned arms and work on those 6 pack abs in only 30 minutes! Class Reg. Begins Reg. Ends Starting Date Day of Week Time Session I April 1 May 19 May 21 (Wed) Mon/Wed 7:15-7:45PM Session II June 2 July 28 July 30 (Wed) Mon/Wed 7:15-7:45PM Fall Aug. 1 Sept. 18 Sept. 22 Mon/Wed 7:15-7:45PM
TR/NR $15/$30 $15/$30 $15/$30
Weeks 6 6 6
BEGINNER EVENING YOGA – Instructor: Tone Dancy
Eligibility: Ages 15 and over Location: Recreation Center – Multi-Purpose Room 2 Minimum: 10 Maximum: 25 Additional Information: All levels welcomed, but this class will focus on beginner level poses. The class is designed to have varying intensity of movement with focused breath that will leave you feeling strong, calm and refreshed. Class Reg. Begins Reg. Ends Starting Date Day of Week Time TR/NR Weeks Session I April 1 May 20 May 22(Thur) Tues/Thur 6:30-7:30PM $30/$50 6 Session II June 2 July 11 July 15 Tues/Thur 6:30-7:30PM $30/$50 6 Fall July 22 Sept. 4 Sept. 9 Tues/Thur 6:30-7:30PM $30/$50 6
Eligibility: Ages 15 and over Location: Recreation Center – Multi-Purpose Room 2 Minimum: 10 Maximum: 25 Additional Information: This class is geared to those students who have previously taken several yoga classes and are ready for a more challenging yoga class. The class is designed to have varying intensity of movement with focused breath that will leave you feeling strong, calm and refreshed. Class Reg. Begins Reg. Ends Starting Date Day of Week Time TR/NR Weeks Session I April 1 May 20 May 22(Thur) Tues/Thur 7:30-8:30PM $30/$50 6 Session II June 2 July 11 July 15 Tues/Thur 7:30-8:30PM $30/$50 6 Fall July 22 Sept. 4 Sept. 9 Tues/Thur 7:30-8:30PM $30/$50 6
FAST FIT – Instructor: Jancil Wooge
Eligibility: Ages 16 and over Location: Recreation Center – Multi-purpose Room 1 Minimum: 10 Maximum: 25 Additional Information: A mix of high and low interval training with muscle sculpting that will have you in shape from head to toe in no time! Class Reg. Begins Reg. Ends Starting Date Day of Week Time TR/NR Weeks Session I April 1 May 20 May 22(Thur) Tues/Thur. 4:20-5:20PM $20/$40 6 Session II June 2 July 11 July 15 Tues/Thur. 4:20-5:20PM $20/$40 6 Fall July 21 Sept. 2 Sept. 4 (Thur) Tues/Thur. 4:20-5:20PM $20/$40 6
CARDIO/WEIGHT TRAINING – Instructor: Diane Thompson
Eligibility: Ages 14 and over Location: Recreation Center – Multi-Purpose Room 1 Minimum: 9 Maximum: 20 Additional Information: An intense cardio and weight training workout. Class Reg. Begins Reg. Ends Starting Date Day of Week Time TR/NR Session I April 1 May 20 May 22(Thur) Tues/Thur. 5:45-6:45PM $20/$40 Session II June 2 July 15 July 17 (Thur) Tues/Thur. 5:45-6:45PM $20/$40 Fall July 21 Sept. 4 Sept. 9 Tues/Thur 5:45-6:45 PM $20/$40
ZUMBA – Instructor: Paige Poole
Weeks 6 6 6
Eligibility: Ages 15 and over Location: Recreation Center – Multi-Purpose Room 2 Minimum: 9 Maximum: 25 Additional Information: The Zumba program combines Latin rhythms and easy to follow moves to create a one of a kind fitness program. Class Reg. Begins Reg. Ends Starting Date Day of Week Time TR/NR Weeks Session I April 1 May 20 May 22(Thur) Tues/Thur. 5:20-6:20PM $20/$40 6 Session II June 2 July 15 July 17(Thur) Tues/Thur. 5:20-6:20PM $20/$40 6 Fall July 21 Sept. 5 Sept. 9 Tues/Thur. 5:20-6:20PM $20/$40 6
Eligibility: Ages 16 and over Location: Tech SportsPlex (215 County Dr., Christiansburg) Minimum: 8 Maximum: 25 Additional Information: This unique Body Bar class integrated the fat-burning format of interval training with muscle-shaping isometrics to quickly and safely reshape the entire body. This non-impact 60 minute workout targets all major muscle groups and improves posture. The result is an improved physique featuring sculpted arms, flat abs, a lifted seat and elongated thighs. For information regarding class and inclement weather, please contact Tech Sportsplex at 381-0527. Class Reg. Begins Reg. Ends Starting Date Day of Week Time FEE Weeks Session I TBA TBA TBA Tues/Thur. 5:30-6:30PM $45 6 Session II TBA TBA TBA Tues/Thur. 5:30-6:30PM $45 6
Eligibility: Ages 16 and over Location: Tech SportsPlex (215 County Dr., Christiansburg) Minimum: 8 Maximum: 15 Additional Information: In this 45-60 minute Spin class, you can expect to crank up the energy and burn calories in this high intensity cardiovascular class. Everyone can adjust the difficulty of the ride and are encouraged to ride at their own pace. TSP offers a team of high quality and motivational instructors who will ensure that your ride is challenging and pushes you to the limit. . For information regarding class and inclement weather, please contact Tech Sportsplex at 381-0527. Class Reg. Begins Reg. Ends Starting Date Day of Week Time FEE Weeks Session I TBA TBA TBA Tues/Thur. 6:30-7:15PM $45 6 Session II TBA TBA TBA Tues/Thur. 6:30-7:15PM $45 6
WEIGHT ROOM INSTRUCTION – Instructor: Sal Maranto
Eligibility: Ages 16 and over Dates: April-August Days/Times: By Appt. – schedule in the administrative office Location: Recreation Center Weight Room Fee: $15.00 Minimum: 1 per scheduled hour Additional Information: Learn how to use the weight room properly and get a beginning workout plan to follow. Must pay before an appointment time is secured. There will be NO refunds unless there is an instructor cancellation. Efforts will be made to re-schedule your appt.
Eligibility: Ages 18 and over Dates: Ongoing Days: Mon-Fri Time: 8:00-5:00PM Location: Recreation Center Fee: Town Residents FREE Minimum: 1 per scheduled hour Additional Information: Participate on your own for this weight loss club. Members will weigh in weekly or monthly at the Recreation Center. We will keep track of your weight loss progress and present you with a “way to go” award for every 5 pounds lost. Remember, when losing weight it is important to exercise and eat healthy foods. The Recreation Dept. offers many exercise classes and wellness programs to help you on your weight loss journey. For more information contact Pam or Tammy at 382-2349.
SHIP SHAPE CLUB WEIGH-IN Eligibility: Ship Shape Club Members Days: Mon-Fri Time: 8:00-5:00PM Location: Recreation Center Fee: Town Residents FREE
BEGINNING HORSEMANSHIP – Instructor: Chelista Linkous
Eligibility: Ages 18 and over Location: 866 Silver Lake Rd., Christiansburg Maximum: 4 Additional Information: Have a great time learning how to ride a horse during this 4 week program. Participants will learn all about the horse, the tack, how to mount/dismount, trotting, etc. Class Reg. Begins Reg. Ends Starting Date Day of Week Time TR/NR Weeks Session I April 1 April 30 May 6 Tuesday 7:30-8:30PM $105/$125 4 Session II April 1 May 28 June 3 Tuesday 7:30-8:30PM $105/$125 4 Session III April 1 June 25 July 1 Tuesday 7:30-8:30PM $105/$125 4 Session IV April 1 July 30 Aug. 5 Tuesday 7:30-8:30PM $105/$125 4 Session V April 1 Aug. 27 Sept. 2 Tuesday 7:30-8:30PM $105/$125 4
NOVICE DOG OBEDIENCE – Instructor: Rosie Higdon
Eligibility: Dogs 5 ½ months and older Location: Christiansburg National Guard Armory Maximum: 12 Additional Information: Delete unwanted behaviors – basic dog obedience and instruction on how to train your dog. All Dogs must be de-wormed. Class on the first night will meet at 7:00PM for lecture. No dogs the first week, just the owners. Class Reg. Begins Reg. Ends Starting Date Day of Week Time Fee Weeks Session I April 1 May 19 May 21 Wednesday 6:30:7:20PM $80 6 Session I April 1 May 19 May 21 Wednesday 7:30-8:20PM $80 6 Session II May 27 July 14 July 16 Wednesday 6:30-7:20PM $80 6 Session II May 27 July 14 July 16 Wednesday 7:30-8:20PM $80 6 Fall July 21 Sept. 8 Sept. 10 Wednesday 6:30-7:20PM $80 6 Fall July 21 Sept. 8 Sept. 10 Wednesday 7:30-8:30PM $80 6
Eligibility: Dogs 6 months and older Location: Christiansburg National Guard Armory Maximum: 12 Additional Information: Pre-requisite: Dogs must have completed a novice dog obedience class. Improve the manners of your dog. Class will concentrate on walking with a leash, greeting people and other dogs nicely, coming when called and sit/down and stay. Class Reg. Begins Reg. Ends Starting Date Day of Week Time Fee Weeks Session I April 1 May 19 May 22 Thursday 7:45-8:45PM $70 6 Session II May 27 July 14 July 17 Thursday 6:30-7:30PM $70 6
PUPPY KINDERGARTEN – Instructor: Rosie Higdon
Eligibility: Puppies 10-17 weeks Location: Christiansburg National Guard Armory Maximum: 14 Additional Information: This class is for puppies 10-17 weeks of age. The class is designed to get the puppy off to the right start. The puppy will learn how to interact with people by sitting to greet, how to bite nicely, etc. The puppy will play with other puppies providing socialization with other puppies. The class lessons cover how to teach sit, down, stand, walk on leash and come. Owners will learn how to teach their puppy in a positive and proactive manner. They will learn how to deal with the typical puppy problems (chewing, barking, mouthing, jumping up, etc. Each week are discussion topics related to raising your puppy. The topics include housebreaking, nutrition grooming, and health care. This is a 6 week course. The puppy comes to all classes. All family or house members are encouraged to come to class. Class Reg. Begins Reg. Ends Starting Date Day of Week Time Fee Weeks Session I April 1 May 19 May 22 Thursday 6:30-7:30PM $70 6 Fall July 21 Sept. 8 Sept. 11 Thursday 6:30-7:30PM $70 6
RALLY OBEDIENCE CLASS – Instructor: Rosie Higdon
Eligibility: Dogs must have completed an Intermediate class and must have a concept of heeling. Location: Christiansburg National Guard Armory Maximum: 14 Additional Information: This class introduces students to the different maneuvers and exercises of Rally Style Obedience. Rally Obedience is the combination of obedience maneuvers using the flow and interaction of agility. It includes simple items like forward, halt, left and right turns and more complicated things like serpentines around cones, U turns and more. Class Reg. Begins Reg. Ends Starting Date Day of Week Time Fee Weeks Session I May 27 July 15 July 17 Thursday 7:45-8:45PM $70 6
Eligibility: Dogs must have completed an previous Beginning Rally class and must have a concept of heeling. Location: Christiansburg National Guard Armory Maximum: 14 Additional Information: This class introduces students to the different maneuvers and exercises of Rally Style Obedience. Rally Obedience is the combination of obedience maneuvers using the flow and interaction of agility. It includes simple items like forward, halt, left and right turns and more complicated things like serpentines around cones, U turns and more. Class Reg. Begins Reg. Ends Starting Date Day of Week Time Fee Weeks Fall July 21 Sept. 8 Sept. 11 Thursday 7:45-8:45PM $60 6
BODY FAT TESTING – Jennie Zabinsky
Eligibility: Ages 16 and over Location: Recreation Center – Classroom 1 Fee: $5.00 – Pay at the class (correct change or check) Maximum: 10 Additional Information: Come and learn how much of your body weight is body fat. Testing is private and results are confidential. Wear loose comfortable clothes (preferably shorts and t-shirt). Date Time Monday, April 14 Between 6:00-8:00PM Monday, June 23 Between 6:00-8:00PM Monday, July 14 Between 6:00-8:00PM Monday, August 25 Between 6:00-8:00PM Monday, Sept. 22 Between 6:00-8:00PM
PREPARING YOUR HOUSE TO SELL - Instructor: Rachel Hogan Long and Foster Realtors
Location: Recreation Center- Classroom 1 Minimum: 2 Maximum: 15 Additional Information: Things to do before putting your house on the market and how to increase your homes selling value. Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR April 1-April 11 Ages 18 and over Tuesday, April 15 6:00-8:00PM FREE May 1-August 7 Ages 18 and over Tuesday, August 12 6:00-8:00PM FREE
Minimum: 5 Maximum: 10 Additional Info: Toss out the junk food and start making snack time fun again. Attend this seminar to learn healthy tips and how to make healthy afterschool snacks. Tips and recipes provided. Parent must accompany the child. Presenter: Amy Epperley, Community Health Educator, Carilion New River Valley Medical Center. Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR Location December 2-April 10 Ages 6 and up Wednesday, April 16 4:00-5:30PM $6/$12 Rec. Kitchen
Additional Info: Enjoy a delicious lunch while visiting the Rockwood Manor. Price includes lunch and transportation. Minimum: 5 Maximum: 25 Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR Location December 2 - April 9 21 and over Thursday, April 17 Leave Rec. Center @ 11:00AM $15/$30 Dublin
Additional Info: Join us as we travel to the Mardi Gras Casino in Cross Lanes WV. Enjoy playing the slot machines or table games. Lunch will be on your own at the casino. We will arrive approximately at 11am and will depart at 3pm to head home. Pre-register. Minimum: 6 Maximum: 16 Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR Location Leave Rec. Center @ 8:00AM December 11- April 17 21 and over Thursday, April 24 $15/$25 Cross Lanes, WV
BLUE RIDGE PARKWAY HIKE - Instructor: Gary Brumfield
Location: Trail on the Parkway Minimum: 4 Maximum: 8 Additional Information: Enjoy this moderate difficultly spring hike on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Lunch will be on your own at a local restaurant. Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR Mar. 24-April 17 Ages 18 and over Monday. April 21 Leave the Rec. Center at 8:30AM $7/$14
Additional Information: Give the gift of Life. Call 1-800-GIVELIFE to schedule an appointment. Date Day Time Location April 21 Monday 9am – 1PM Christiansburg Rec Center – Court C May 7 Wednesday 11am – 5PM Christiansburg Rec Center – Court C June 16 Monday 9am – 1PM Christiansburg Rec Center – Court C July 9 Wednesday 11am-5PM Christiansburg Rec Center – Court C August 18 Monday 9am – 1PM Christiansburg Rec Center – Court C September 10 Wednesday 11am-5PM Christiansburg Rec Center – Court C
Sponsored By: Carilion New River Valley Medical Center Location: Recreation Center Lobby Additional Information: Do you know your numbers? Blood pressure consists of two numbers. Your systolic pressure measures the pressure of blood against artery walls when the heart pumps blood out during a heartbeat, while the diastolic pressure measures the same pressure between heartbeats when the heart fills with blood. Both of these numbers are important and just because one is within normal range does not mean you’re off the hook. Come get checked! Date Time TR/NR Tuesday, April 22 Between 5:00-8:00PM FREE Tuesday, August 19 Between 5:00-8:00PM FREE
STEP BY STEP HOME BUYERS CLASS - Instructor: Rachel Hogan Long and Foster Realtors
Location: Recreation Center- Classroom 1 Minimum: 2 Maximum: 15 Additional Information: Join Rachel as she gives you helpful tips to be aware of when purchasing a home. Must Pre-Register. Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR April 1-April 18 Ages 18 and over Tuesday, April 22 6:00-8:00PM FREE May 1-August 22 Ages 18 and over Tuesday, August 26 6:00-8:00PM FREE
Location: Christiansburg Recreation Center Parking lot Time: 10:00am-2:00pm Fee: FREE Additional Information: The National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day aims to provide a safe, convenient, and responsible means of disposing of prescription drugs, while also educating the general public about the potential for abuse of medications. Date Time Saturday, April 26 10:00AM-2:00PM
Location: Christiansburg Recreation Center parking lot This will be a drive thru event, no walk-ups will be allowed. No businesses please. Please bring papers to be shredded in a plastic tote or box, no plastic bags . Date Time Location Saturday, May 3 9AM-12noon Christiansburg Rec Center Parking lot Saturday, November 1 9AM-12noon Christiansburg Rec Center Parking lot
Additional Info: Join us for our monthly lunch outing to various restaurants in the area. Participants are responsible for paying for their own lunch. Minimum: 5 Maximum: 8 Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR Location April 1- April 30 18 & over Tuesday, May 6 Leave Rec. Center @ 10:30am $7/$14 Mexican Buffet, Roanoke April 1-June 4 18 & over Thursday, June 12 Leave Rec. Center @ 10:30am $7/$14 Miko Italian, Roanoke April 1-July 7 18 & over Monday, July 14 Leave Rec. Center @ 10:30am $7/$14 Steak & Shake, Roanoke April 1-August 12 18 & over Wednesday, August 20 Leave Rec. Center @ 10:30am $7/$14 Home Town Family Restaurant, Roanoke, April 1-Sept. 16 18 & over Tuesday, September 23 Leave Rec. Center @ 10:15am $7/$14 Joppy’s, Bedford
Additional Info: Can a big girl with big dreams and even bigger hair change the world? It’s 1962 in Baltimore, and the loveable plussize teen Tracey Turnblad has only one desire – to dance on T.V. When her dream comes true, Tracy is transformed from social outcast to sudden star. She must use her newfound power to dethrone the reigning Teen Queen, win the affections of heartthrob Link Larkin, and integrate a TV network, all without denting her over-sized ‘do! The Tony Award-winning Best Musical Price is all inclusive, Pre-register. Minimum: 6 Maximum: 20 Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR Location April 1-May 1 21 and over Thursday, May 8 Leave Rec. Center @ 11:30AM $47/$67 Wytheville, VA
Co-Sponsored By: Christiansburg Recreation Dept., Christiansburg Police Dept. and Virginia State Police Location: Christiansburg Fire Dept. Additional Information: All vehicles carry a federally-assigned number known as Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). Making sure those numbers are marked permanently on a vehicle’s windows steers thieves away. The windows of stolen VIN etched vehicles must be stripped and replaced before a thief can get rid of the car, a costly and time consuming process. VIN etching is simple, fast, safe and won’t mar the look of the vehicle. Numbers are etched into the glass with a chemical solution and those numbers will be there for good. Date Time TR/NR Monday, May 12 3:00-7:00PM FREE
Additional Info: Join us as we travel to Hollywood Casino in Charlestown, WV. Fee includes transportation, overnight hotel accommodations at the Inn at Charlestown, breakfast buffet, 24 hour shuttle service to the casino and CDPR goodie bag. Lunch and Dinner will be on your own at any of the restaurants in the casino. Pre-register. Minimum: 6 Maximum: 18 Registration Ends Eligibility Date Time TR/NR Location April 11 21 and over Wed/Thurs May 14-15 Leave Rec. Center @ TBA $75 pp DO$95 SO Charlestown, WV
GARDENING 101 – Instructor: Denise Dodd
Additional Info: New to gardening? Want help starting? Tips for staring a home garden, practice as we establish a garden at the Recreation Center. Minimum: 5 Maximum: 10 Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR Location April 7-May 14 Ages 18 and over Thursday, May 22 5:30-7:30PM $6/$12 Patio
Additional Info: Join us on our 2 annual mystery yard sales adventure. Lunch will be on your own at a local restaurant. Minimum: 6 Maximum: 8 Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR Location April 1 – April 20 21 and over Friday, May 23 Leave Rec. Center @ 7:00am $10/$20 TBA
PHOTOGRAPHY BASICS – Instructor: Paula Johansen
Eligibility: Ages 18 and over Location: Recreation Center – Classroom 1 Minimum: 4 Maximum: 15 Additional Information: Do you want to learn how to get the most out of your camera? In this class you will learn what all of those settings on your camera actually do. You will learn how to use features such as ISO, shutter speed, and aperture to capture breathtaking landscapes and portraits. We’ll also discuss how light and composition can affect your final results. There will be handson work in class as well as at-home assignments to practice what you’ve learned. You’ll need a camera with some manual control (TV, Av, M camera dial options or S, A, and M camera dial options) and a tripod (optional). Class Reg. Begins Reg. Ends Starting Date Day of Week Time TR/NR Weeks Session I April 1 May 22 May 27 Tuesday 6:30-8:30PM $60/$80 4 Session II April 1 Sept. 3 Sept. 9 Tuesday 6:30-8:30PM $60/$80 4
CASCADES HIKE - Instructor: Gary Brumfield
Location: Pembroke, VA Minimum: 4 Maximum: 8 Additional Information: Enjoy this scenic hike to the falls at the Cascades. Hike is moderate in difficulty. Lunch will be on your own at a local restaurant. Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR April 1-May 22 Ages 18 and over Wednesday, May 28 Leave the Rec. Center at 8:00AM $7/$14
MEAL PLANNING FOR WEIGHT LOSS– Instructor: Jennie Zabinsky
Instructor: Jennie Zabinsky, Director of Sports Nutrition, Virginia Tech Additional Info: How to plan your meals for weight loss, meal ideas, nutrition info plus question and answer time. Includes: handouts and a daily meal planner dry erase board. Minimum: 5 Maximum: 10 Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR Location April 1-May 22 18 and over Wednesday, May 28 6:00-7:00PM $15/$30 Classroom 1
SAFE KIDS NRV Coalition – Car Seat Safety Checks
Co-Sponsored By: Carilion, Christiansburg Recreation Dept. and Christiansburg Fire Dept. Location: Christiansburg Fire Dept. Bay Additional Information: Come by the Fire Dept. to make sure you have your car seat installed properly. Keep your kids safe!! Date Time TR/NR Thursday, May 29 4:00-6:00PM FREE Thursday, June 26 4:00-6:00PM FREE Thursday, July 31 4:00-6:00PM FREE Thursday, Aug. 28 4:00-6:00PM FREE Thursday, Sept. 25 4:00-6:00PM FREE
Eligibility: Ages 18 and over Location: Recreation Center – Classroom 1 Minimum: 4 Maximum: 15 Additional Information: Learn how to tie your scarves to accessorize your outfits! Participants need to bring their own scarves to work with. Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR April 1-May 28 13 and over Monday, June 2 6:00-7:00PM $12/$24
CONTAINER GARDENING – Instructor: Denise Dodd
Additional Info: Ideas for growing herbs, fruit and vegetables in confined spaces. Minimum: 5 Maximum: 10 Registration Eligibility Date Time April 7-May 27 18 and over Wednesday, June 4 5:30-7:30PM
FALLS RIDGE PRESERVE HIKE - Instructor: Gary Brumfield
TR/NR $6/$12
Location Patio
Location: Elliston, VA Minimum: 4 Maximum: 8 Additional Information: Enjoy this lollipop loop hike including great scenery and a waterfall. Hike is moderate in difficulty. Lunch will be on your own at a local restaurant. Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR April 1-June 5 Ages 18 and over Monday, June 9 Leave the Rec. Center at 8:30AM $7/$14
CHOLESTEROL SCREENING – Instructor: Amy Epperley
Additional Information: Call Carilion to register at (800) 422-8482. A 12 hour fast is required! A lipid profile is a quick screening and includes total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides and glucose. The results from this test can help determine your risk of coronary heart disease. Eligibility Date Time Fee Location Ages 18 and over Tuesday, June 10 6:30AM-8:30AM $15 Rec. Center-Senior Activities Room
Additional Info: Join us for a day of crocheting or knitting. Whether you are a beginner or just wanting to learn how to make the ruffle scarves or need help with another project. Instructor: Reba Smart Minimum: 5 Maximum: 8 Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR Location April 7- June 3 21 and over Tuesday, June 10 10:00am-4:00pm $15/$30 Senior activities room
REWARDS FROM YOUR GARDEN – Instructor: Denise Dodd
Additional Info: Come enjoy what we’ve grown this summer and share recipes for summer produce. Minimum: 5 Maximum: 10 Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR TBA 18 and over August TBA 5:30-7:30PM $6/$12
BREAKFAST ON THE GRILL – Instructors: Tammy Caldwell & Pam Peyton
Location: Recreation Center Patio Additional Info: Join us for a delicious breakfast prepared on the grill. Minimum: 6 Maximum: 10 Registration Eligibility Date April 1-August 8 21 and over Wednesday, August 13
Time 9:00AM
TR/NR $6/$12
Location Patio
HUNTER SAFETY COURSE –Instructors: VA Dept. of Game and Inland Fisheries
Register online at: www.dgif.virginia.gov/hunting/education/new/ Location: Recreation Center – Multi-Purpose Room 1 Maximum: 50 Additional Information: Virginia has implemented a new, shorter hunter education course. Instead of 10 hours or more, the new course will be 6-8 hours. Students will be required to complete several hours of self-study prior to the class. Some material on the final test will be covered in the self-study material, but not during actual class time. Students must complete the self- study to prepare themselves for the final test. Study manuals will be available for pick-up at the Recreation Dept. Participants must be preregistered, NO walk-in registrations at the class. Facility usage fee will be collected at the class. Eligibility Date Time Fee Ages 11 and over Sunday, August 17 1:00-7:00PM $3 for facility use. Pay at the class, correct change only.
HOOP HOLE TRAIL HIKE - Instructor: Gary Brumfield
Location: Botetourt County Minimum: 4 Maximum: 8 Additional Information: Enjoy this 4 mile hike on Pine Mountain in Botetourt County. Hike is moderate in difficulty. Lunch will be on your own at a local restaurant. Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR April 1-Aug. 14 Ages 18 and over Monday, August 18 Leave the Rec. Center at 8:00AM $7/$14
Additional Info: Join us for dinner at the Ichiban, Japanese Hibachi restaurant. Ichiban creates great experience that you cannot get anywhere else. Pre-register Minimum: 6 Maximum: 18 Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR Location April 1-August 21 21 and over Thursday, August 28 Leave Rec. Center @4:30pm $7/$14 Roanoke, Va.
SILVER TURTLE LUNCH - Instructor: Gary Brumfield
Location: Kiwanis Park Minimum: 4 Maximum: 15 Additional Information: Gary Brumfield will discuss cooking in the outdoors while camping or in your own backyard. A “silver turtle meal” will be prepared for lunch. Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR April 1-Aug. 20 Ages 18 and over Tuesday, August 26 11:00AM $7/$14
Location: Recreation Center – Classroom 1 Additional Information: Drop off a maximum of 10 books between the hours of 8-5:00PM at least 2 days before the scheduled Book Swap. At 5:15PM on the day the swap is held, you will be allowed to select different books to take home to enjoy. Registration Date Time TR/NR April 1-Aug. 20 Wednesday, August 27 5:15PM $1 non-refundable
VIRGINIA CREEPER HIKE - Instructor: Gary Brumfield
Location: Virginia Creeper Trail Minimum: 4 Maximum: 8 Additional Information: Join us as we hike to complete another “leg” on this 34.3 mile trail. Lunch will be on your own at a local restaurant. Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR April 1-Aug. 28 Ages 18 and over Wednesday, Sept. 3 Leave the Rec. Center at 8:30AM $7/$14
FALL AND WINTER GARDENING – Instructor: Denise Dodd
Additional Info: Learn how to extend your gardening season and prepare for next spring. Minimum: 5 Maximum: 10 Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR April 7-Sept. 4 Ages 18 and over Thursday, September 11 5:30-7:30PM $6/$12
Location Patio
Partial refunds will not be issued for classes or programs unless the instructor is unable to complete the class. In case of cancelled classes due to inclement weather, partial refunds will not be issued if at least 80% of the scheduled class has met. When possible a cancelled class or activity will be rescheduled.
The senior section distributes a monthly calendar throughout the Town of Christiansburg at the beginning of each month. The calendar lists programs, classes, trips and ongoing activities and special events. Please familiarize yourself with the following abbreviations appearing on the calendar: TR – Town Resident MCC-Meadowbrook Community Center ML-Meadowbrook Library NR – Non-Resident BCC-Blacksburg Community Center T.fee – Transportation fee RPR-Radford Parks and Recreation Rec. ctr. – Recreation center MCGC-Montgomery County Government Center
The Christiansburg Senior Advisory Board consists of the Supervisor of Senior & Special Populations Programs and ten local senior citizens. The board is designed to discuss the Christiansburg Recreation Center’s senior programs and how we can better serve the senior population. The next meeting will be held Wednesday, May 7 2014 in the conference room at 9:00am.
This is a group of seniors that participate in local, state and national senior games. They participate in fund-raiser events throughout the year to help fund participating in senior games. For more information please call Don Agee at 389-9552.
We are currently looking for large print edition books. The senior library has a superb selection of books for our seniors to check out and read at their leisure. Before dropping off books, please contact Tammy Caldwell, 382-2349 ext. 2003
The senior transportation service is conducted on an as-need basis. This service is provided to local senior citizens without access to transportation. This enables individuals to participate in senior trips and special luncheons. When registering for trips or special luncheons, senior needing to use the transportation service must state this need. Circumstances may arise in which individuals with access to transportation require this service, in these cases policy will be applied at the discretion of the supervisor of senior & special populations programs. If you have any questions contact Tammy Caldwell at 382-2349 ext. 2003.
Mileage for each senior trip taker will be logged in after each trip. At the end of the year, the senior who has traveled the most miles will be awarded a prize. The winner will be announced at our annual luncheon in January.
Additional Information: Group meets the 2 Monday of each month. Please contact Deezie at 382-4803 for more information Date Day Time Location April 14, 2014 Monday 10:00AM – 4:00PM Classroom 2 – Christiansburg Rec Center May 12, 2014 Monday 10:00AM – 4:00PM Classroom 2 – Christiansburg Rec Center June 9, 2014 Monday 10:00AM – 4:00PM Classroom 2 – Christiansburg Rec Center July 14, 2014 Monday 10:00AM – 4:00PM Classroom 2 – Christiansburg Rec Center August 11, 2014 Monday 10:00AM – 4:00PM Classroom 2 – Christiansburg Rec Center September 8, 2014 Monday 10:00AM – 4:00PM Classroom 2 – Christiansburg Rec Center
Additional Information: Revolving pastors provide non-denominational devotions. Day Time Location Thursdays 10:15am-10:45am Senior Activities Room – Christiansburg Rec Center
Additional Information: Keep Track of your blood pressure numbers with this FREE service offered 1 , 2 , and 3 Wednesday of each month. Day Time Location Wednesday 9:00am – 10:00am Senior Activities Room – Christiansburg Rec Center
Additional Information: Give the gift of Life. Call 1-800-GIVELIFE to schedule an appointment. Date Day Time Location April 21, 2014 Monday 9:00AM – 1:00PM Christiansburg Rec Center – Court C May 7, 2014 Wednesday 11:00AM – 5:00PM Christiansburg Rec Center – Parking Lot June 16, 2014 Monday 9:00AM – 1:00PM Christiansburg Rec Center- Court C July 9, 2014 Wednesday 11:00AM-5:00PM Christiansburg Rec Center-Court C August 18, 2014 Monday 9:00AM – 1:00PM Christiansburg Rec Center-Court C September 10, 2014 Wednesday 11:00AM-5:00PM Christiansburg Rec Center-Court C
CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP MEETING Date April 16, 2014 May 21, 2014 June 18, 2014 July 16, 2014 August 20, 2014 September 17, 2014
Day Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday
Time 12:30 – 2:00PM 12:30 – 2:00PM 12:30 – 2:00PM 12:30 – 2:00PM 12:30 – 2:00PM 12:30 – 2:00PM
Location Christiansburg Rec Center – Sr. Lounge Christiansburg Rec Center – Sr. Lounge Christiansburg Rec Center – Sr. Lounge Christiansburg Rec Center – Sr. Lounge Christiansburg Rec Center – Sr. Lounge Christiansburg Rec Center – Sr. Lounge
The Christiansburg/Montgomery Triad S.A.L.T. (Seniors and Law Enforcement Working Together) Council works on various projects to benefit senior citizens in the community. The council meets every third Tuesday of the month at 1:30PM at the Christiansburg Recreation Center; meetings are open to all senior citizens to attend. For additional information please contact Chairman Steve Howard at sanmhoward@verizon.net. or Co-chair Vanessa Eason at veason9730@aol.com. Program Eligibility Date Time TR/NR Location Know the 10 Signs Presentation 50 and over Tuesday, April 15 1:30PM FREE Classroom 2 Drug Take Back Day n/a Saturday, April 26 10:00am-2:00PM FREE CDPR parking lot Shred-a-thon n/a Saturday, May 3 9:00am-12:oon FREE CDPR Spring Social- Gardening Program 50 and over Tuesday, May 20 1:30PM FREE Classroom 2 Senior Citizens Police Academy 50 and over Monday June 23-27 9:00an-3:00PM FREE Senior Activities Rm Summer Picnic 50 and over Tuesday, August 12 11:00am FREE Montg. County Shelter
Additional Info: Mary Dotson leads an inspirational sing-a-long. Date April 1, 2014 May 6, 2014 June 3, 2014 July 1, 2014 August 5, 2014 September 2, 2014
Day Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday
Time 10:00AM 10:00AM 10:00AM 10:00AM 10:00AM 10:00AM
Location Senior Activities Room – Christiansburg Rec Center Senior Activities Room – Christiansburg Rec Center Senior Activities Room – Christiansburg Rec Center Senior Activities Room – Christiansburg Rec Center Senior Activities Room – Christiansburg Rec Center Senior Activities Room – Christiansburg Rec Center
Sponsored By: Carilion New River Valley Medical Center Location: Recreation Center Lobby Additional Information: Do you know your numbers? Blood pressure consists of two numbers. Your systolic pressure measures the pressure of blood against artery walls when the heart pumps blood out during a heartbeat, while the diastolic pressure measures the same pressure between heartbeats when the heart fills with blood. Both of these numbers are important and just because one is normal doesn’t mean you’re off the hook. Come get checked! Date Time TR/NR Tuesday, April 22 Between 5:00-8:00PM FREE Tuesday, August 19 Between 5:00-8:00PM FREE
Location: Village Center at Warm Hearth Minimum: 5 Maximum: 10 th Additional Info: Warm Hearth Village and the Warm Hearth Foundation are pleased to host the 6 annual series of seminars focused on financial and retirement planning topics to help you make smart choices to protect your future and achieve your goals. For additional information or to register please call 443-3406 or visit www.retire.org. Date Time Topic Speakers Thursday, April 17 2:00PM Making a Difference in your Community with Karen Nelson, Associate Director of Charitable Giving DeveloPMent Brian Smith, President Warm Hearth Foundation
Additional Information: Internet access for senior citizens is available Monday – Friday from 8am-5PM, unless there is a program in progress. Day Time Location Monday – Friday 8:00AM – 5:00PM Senior Activities Room – Christiansburg Rec Center
Additional Info: Join us for our monthly lunch outing to various restaurants in the area. Participants are responsible for paying for their own lunch. Minimum: 5 Maximum: 8 Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR Location April 7-April 30 18 & over Tuesday, May 6 Leave Rec. Center @ $7/$14 Mexican Buffet, Roanoke, 10:30AM Va April 7-June 4 18 & over Thursday, June 12 Leave Rec. Center @ $7/$14 Miko Italian, Roanoke, Va 10:30AM April 7-July 7 18 & over Monday, July 14 Leave Rec. Center @ $7/$14 Steak and Shake, Roanoke, 10:30AM Va. April 7- August 12 18 & over Wednesday, August 20 Leave Rec. Center @ $7/$14 Hometown Family Rest., 10:30AM Roanoke, Va April 7-Sept. 16 18 & over Tuesday, September 23 Leave Rec. Center @ $7/$14 Joppy’s, Bedford, Va. 10:15AM
Additional Info: Join us for Monday movies and refreshments. This program is FREE, pre-register by the Monday before each movie. Minimum: 4 Maximum: 12 Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR Location April 7-May 5 50 and over Monday, May 12 11:00AM-1:00PM FREE Conference Rm
SENIOR AEROBICS - Instructor: Sonia Badillio
Additional Information: An ongoing low impact aerobics class designed for the more physically fit senior. Registration is required prior to joining the class. As with any exercise regimen, we advise you to talk with your doctor before joining the class. Note: Class is free with a valid membership otherwise $2 per class. Date Day Time Location Ongoing Monday, Wednesday, Friday 7:30AM-8:30AM MPRM 2
Additional Information: The senior billiard room is available for play, except during lessons, tournaments or special events. Billiard room is locked after 5PM M-F and weekends, if you are a senior and would like to access after-hours, please contact the Recreation Supervisor on duty at the front counter. Date Day Time Location Ongoing Sunday-Saturday 8:0AM – 5:00PM Billiard Room
Additional Information: The lockbox program provides emergency first responders a way to gain access into the homes of participating residents to expedite access during a medical or other emergency. This program is sponsored by Christiansburg/Montgomery Triad S.A.L.T Council and Christiansburg Police Department. For more information please contact. Sgt. Phillip Townley or Gary Fields, Crime Prevention Specialist at 382-3131.
SENIOR MOTIONS – Instructor: Sonia Badillio
Additional Information: A less strenuous chair level exercise class designed for seniors who may have physical limitations. Registration is required prior to joining the class. As with any exercise regimen, we advise you to talk with your doctor before joining the class. Note: Class is free with a valid membership otherwise $2 per class. Date Day Time Location Ongoing Monday, Wednesday, Friday 10:45AM - 11:45AM MPRM 2
Additional Information: Join in a game of pickup basketball with fellow senior for some fun, exercise and friendly competition. Please register in the administrative office or front desk. Free with valid recreation center membership, $2.00 program fee for ages 50 and over. Date Day Time Location Ongoing Monday, Wednesday 6:30PM-8:30PM Christiansburg Rec Center Court D Ongoing Friday 12:00noon – 2:00PM Christiansburg Rec Center Court D
Location: Christiansburg Recreation Center parking lot Additional Information: Help prevent identity theft, shred unwanted documents. Protect your important information and clean out the clutter. For more information contact Tammy Caldwell, 540-382-2349 ext. 2003 or email: tcaldwell@christiansburg.org. This is a drive thru event, no walk-ups will be allowed. No businesses please. Please bring papers to be shredded in a plastic tote or box, no plastic bags . Date Time Location Saturday, May 3, 2014 9:00AM-12:00noon Christiansburg Rec Center Parking lot Saturday, November 1, 2014 9:00AM-12:00noon Christiansburg Rec Center Parking lot
ZUMBA GOLD- Instructor: Jancil Wooge
Location: Recreation Center –Multipurpose Rm 2 Minimum: 12 Maximum: 25 Weeks: 6 Additional Information: This is a workout program based on Latin dances and steps that are easy to follow. Come enjoy this dance class that provides joy, fun and fitness! Pre-register. Class Reg. Begins Reg. Ends Starting Date Day of Week Time TR/NR Session I April 1 May 16 May 21 MWF 9:00AM-10:00AM $25/$45 Session II May 19 July 17 July 21 MWF 9:00AM-10:00AM $25/$45 Session III July 28 September 11 September 15 MWF 9:00AM-10:00AM $25/$45
Location: Auburn Hills Golf Club Instructor: Jeff Gandee, PGA Director of Golf at Auburn Hills Golf Club Additional Information: The clinic will cover all the basic fundamentals of the set-up, full swing, putting, chipping, rules and etiquette of the game. This clinic is geared towards the beginning player that would like to learn in a fun filled setting. Pre-register. Maximum: 6 Registration Ends Eligibility Starting Date Time FEE April 1 Ages 50 & over Wednesday, April 9 10:00AM-11:00AM $60.00
Location: Auburn Hills Golf Club nd st nd Additional Information: Format will be stroke play, handicaps established after the 2 week . 1 and 2 place winners for gross score and net total score. Awards will be presented at the end of league, lunch provided for awards presentation. Pre-register. Minimum: 6 Maximum: 20 Registration Eligibility Starting Date Time FEE December 11-April 7 Ages 50 & over Mondays, April 14 9:00AM $200
Weeks 6
Weeks 8
Location: Meadowbrook Community Center Additional Information: Many people require therapy and rehab following a hospital stay, learn about some of the coverage options covered by Medicare. Barbara Via, Director of Admissions at Radford Health and Rehab will provide information and answer questions you might have about Medicare benefits. Bring a dish to share for the luncheon. Please indicate if transportation is needed. Pre-register. Minimum: 5 Maximum: 8 Registration Eligibility Date Time Fee December 11-April 10 Ages 50 & over Thursday, April 17 Leave at 10:30AM See note above
Additional Info: Enjoy a delicious lunch and while visiting the Rockwood Manor. Price includes lunch and transportation. Minimum: 5 Maximum: 25 Registration Ends Eligibility Date Time TR/NR Location April 9 21 and over Thursday, April 17 Leave Rec. Center @ 11:00AM $15/$30 Dublin
BLUE RIDGE PARKWAY HIKE - Instructor: Gary Brumfield
Location: Trail on the Parkway Minimum: 4 Maximum: 8 Additional Information: Enjoy this moderate difficultly spring hike on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Lunch will be on your own at a local restaurant. Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR Mar. 24-April 17 Ages 18 and over Monday, April 21 Leave the Rec. Center at 8:30AM $7/$14
Location: Senior Activities Room Speaker: Renee R. Williams, Admissions Counselor Additional Information: Richfield is a not-for-profit community offering a full continuum of senior living and health care services. Our purpose is to help individuals rediscover their quality of life, regardless of where they are in their journey. Located in Salem, Virginia, on 50 acres with stunning mountain views, Richfield is home to approximately 700 residents with the support of 550 employees. From its initial start as a public health center in 1934, Richfield has grown into a leader in retirement living, assisted living, rehabilitation services and nursing care and is recognized for excellence both locally and statewide. To learn more, please visit www.richfieldliving.com. Pre-register Minimum: 4 Maximum: 25 Registration Ends Eligibility Date Time TR/NR April 15 Ages 50 & over Tuesday, April 22 10:15AM FREE, pre-register
Location: Blacksburg Community Center Additional Information: Join us for a special event to welcome the spring season. The Senior Center will provide a delicious glazed spiral ham accompanied with dinner rolls and beverages. You bring a side dish or dessert to share. Those of you who want additional fun, we’ll have bingo to follow the event. Bring $1.00 in quarters for bingo prizes. Participants will need to drive themselves to the event. Pre-register. Minimum: 4 Maximum: 8 Registration Eligibility Date Time FEE January 6- April 16 50 and over Thursday, April 24 12noon, luncheon Bingo from 1-2PM See note above
TAKE BACK DRUG DAY Additional Info
The National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day aims to provide a safe, Location: Christiansburg Recreation Center Parking lot Time: 10:00am-2:00PM Fee: FREE Additional Information: The National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day aims to provide a safe, convenient, and responsible means of disposing of prescription drugs, while also educating the general public about the potential for abuse of medications. Date Time Saturday, April 26 10:00AM-2:00PM
CARFIT CHECKAdditional Info
Location: Christiansburg Recreation Center Parking lot Provider: The Department of Occupational Therapy at RU Additional Information: Trained volunteers complete a 12-point checklist with each driver. Among the items checked: Correct position of driver’s seat, Driver’s ability to easily reach pedals and proper adjustment of mirrors. Space is limited, register early. Date Time Cost Location Friday, May 2 1:00 – 3:00PM FREE Christiansburg Rec Center – Front Parking Lot
Co-Sponsored By: Christiansburg Recreation Dept., Christiansburg Police Dept. and Virginia State Police Location: Christiansburg Fire Dept. Additional Information: All vehicles carry a federally-assigned number known as Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). Making sure those numbers are marked permanently on a vehicle’s windows steers thieves away. The windows of stolen VIN etched vehicles must be stripped and replaced before a thief can get rid of the car, a costly and time consuming process. VIN etching is simple, fast, safe and won’t mar the look of the vehicle. Numbers are etched into the glass with a chemical solution and those numbers will be there for good. Date Time TR/NR Monday, May 12 3:00-7:00PM FREE
Additional Info: In honor of Older Americans Month celebrated in May, the New River Valley Agency on Aging and Christiansburg Parks & Recreation Senior Programs are joining together to present a panel presentation on this year’s theme Safe Today. Healthy Tomorrow. Representatives from local law enforcement, local fire department and home health services will be present on the panel to discuss various topics to help older adults continue being healthy, active, and safe. These educational topics will include fire, fall, and scam prevention methods highlighting the overall in-home safety. The public are invited to attend. Refreshments provided by Warm Hearth at Home. Pre-register. Minimum: 6 Maximum: 30 Registration Eligibility Date Time Fee Location April 1-May 6 50 and over Tuesday, May 13 9:30AM-11:30AM FREE Park Street United Methodist Church, Cburg.
Additional Info: New to bridge? Haven’t played in a while and would like to brush up on your playing skills? This class will teach the basics of Bridge. Pre-register. Instructor: Ruth Lefko Minimum: 4 Maximum: 8 Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR Location April 7- May 13 50 and over Monday, May 19 1:00-3:00PM $15/$30 Senior act. room
Weeks 4
Additional Info: While being outside and enjoying summer activities is enjoyable, too much exposure can be dangerous. Overexposure to sunlight as we all know can cause serious health effects including skin cancer. Currently, one in five Americans develops skin cancer during their lifetime. Every hour one person dies from this disease. You can all take small precautions that will make a difference. This presentation will help educate participant’s effects from the sun and the steps for sun protection. Speaker: Dr. Sandra Brown, River Ridge Dermatology. Pre-register. Minimum: 6 Maximum: 10 Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR Location April 7- May 13 50 and over Wednesday, May 21 11:00AM FREE Senior activities room
Additional Info: New to gardening? Want help starting? Tips for starting a home garden, practice as we establish a garden at the rec. center. Pre-register. NEW Instructor: Denise Dodd wW Minimum: 5 Maximum: 10 Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR Location April 7- May 14 18 and over Thursday, May 22 5:30-7:30PM $6/$12 Christiansburg Recreation Patio
CASCADES HIKE - Instructor: Gary Brumfield
Location: Pembroke, VA Minimum: 4 Maximum: 8 Additional Information: Enjoy this scenic hike to the falls at the Cascades. Hike is moderate in difficulty. Lunch will be on your own at a local restaurant. Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR April 1-May 22 Ages 18 and over Wednesday, May 28 Leave the Rec. Center at 8:00AM $7/$14
Eligibility: Ages 18 and over Location: Recreation Center – Classroom 1 Minimum: 4 Maximum: 15 Additional Information: Learn how to tie your scarves to accessorize your outfits! Participants need to bring their own scarves to work with. Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR April 1-May 28 13 and over Monday, June 2 6:00-7:00PM $12/$24
Additional Info: Ideas for growing herbs, fruit and vegetables in confined spaces. Instructor: Denise Dodd Minimum: 5 Maximum: 10 Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR April 7- May 27 18 and over Wednesday, June 4 5:30-7:30PM $6/$12
FALLS RIDGE PRESERVE HIKE - Instructor: Gary Brumfield
Location Christiansburg Recreation Patio
Location: Elliston, VA Minimum: 4 Maximum: 8 Additional Information: Enjoy this lollipop loop hike including great scenery and a waterfall. Hike is moderate in difficulty. Lunch will be on your own at a local restaurant. Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR April 1-June 5 Ages 18 and over Monday, June 9 Leave the Rec. Center at 8:30AM $7/$14
Additional Info: Join us for a day of crocheting or knitting. Whether you are a beginner or just wanting to learn how to make the ruffle scarves or need help with another project. NEW Instructor: Reba Smart wW Minimum: 4 Maximum: 8 Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR Location April 7- June 3 21 and over Tuesday, June 10 10:00AMFREE Senior activities room 4:00PM
CHOLESTEROL SCREENING – Instructor: Amy Epperley
Additional Information: Call Carilion to register at (800) 422-8482. A 12 hour fast is required! A lipid profile is a quick screening and includes total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides and glucose. The results from this test can help determine your risk of coronary heart disease. Eligibility Date Time Fee Location Ages 18 and over Tuesday, June 10 6:30AM-8:30AM $15 Rec. Center-Senior Activities Room
Additional Info: This seminar will discuss the pros and cons of using debit/checking cards and prepaid cards. Pre-register Presenter: Steve Simmons, National Bank Minimum: 5 Maximum: 25 Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR Location April 7-June 4 50 and over Wednesday, June 11 10:15AM FREE, pre-register Senior Activities room
Location: Blacksburg Community Center Additional Information: Whether you are new to Medicare, are thinking about a new drug plan for next year, or just have questions about how Medicare works, this 2 hour session is for you. A Virginia Insurance Counseling and Assistance Program (VICAP) representative from the NRV Agency on Aging will give a comprehensive talk on Medicare, including how to avoid fraud and scams, and be available for questions afterward. This is an opportunity to learn more about Medicare as it affects yourself or your family members and to set up free one-on-one meetings at a later date. Transportation not provided. Pre-register. Minimum: 5 Maximum: 8 Registration Eligibility Date Time Fee April 1- June 4 Ages 50 & over Wednesday, June 11 & Tuesday, August 12 1:00PM-3:00PM FREE
Additional Info: Teresa Arney with Home Instead Senior Care will discuss the 70/40 Rule which focuses on programs that help develop open conversation and bridges the communication gap between adult children and their senior loved ones on topics relating to care for parents. Bring a dish to share for the luncheon. An ice cream social will follow to celebrate Father’s Day. Wear or bring a tie to enter in the “ugly tie contest”. Pre-register Minimum: 5 Maximum: 9 Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR Location April 7-June 16 50 and over Thursday, June 19 Leave rec ctr. @ 10:15AM FREE, pre-register, see note above MCC
Additional Info: The Christiansburg Police Department, Christiansburg Recreation Department and Christiansburg/Montgomery Triad S.A.L.T Council are taking names for the 2014 Spring Senior Citizen’s Policy Academy to be held June 23-27 from 9:00am-3:00PM. The program is designed to provide a better understanding between citizens and the police through education. This is a FREE program open to any citizen 50 years and older. If you are interested in participating in our Spring Academy please contact Tammy Caldwell @ 382-2349 or email: tcaldwell@christiansburg.org. PRE-REGISTER Minimum: 10 Maximum: 16 Registration Eligibility Dates Time TR/NR Location April 7- June 16 50 and over M-F June 23-27 9:00AM-3:00PM FREE CDPR
Additional Info: This fun program will show tweens and teens how to make easy no-bake summer snacks that are both nutritional and yummy to eat! This program is designed for children 8-16 years old and must be accompanied by an adult. Carolyn Hall, Nutritionist with the VA Extension Office will give you tips and recipes for easy summer snacks. Pre-register Minimum: 5 Maximum: 10 Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR Location April 7-June 19 50 and over Thursday, June 26 6:00PM FREE, pre-register Meadowbrook Library
Additional Info: Enjoy a fresh summer salad and a fun game of bingo! Participants to bring a pint jar and a fresh produce item (cucumbers, tomatoes, strawberries, etc.) to be used for the salads. Drinks, dessert, lettuce and condiments will be provided. Carolyn Hall, Nutritionist with VA Extension NEW Office will discuss fun and nutritional ways to enjoy fresh vegetables and you will assemble your salad in wW a jar for lunch. Bring $1 in quarters for bingo prizes. Pre-register Minimum: 5 Maximum: 9 Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR Location April 7-July 8 50 and over Tuesday, July 15 Leave rec ctr. @ $4 & $1 in quarters for Christiansburg Rec. Ctr. 11:00AM bingo prizes
Additional Info: Come out and celebrate Ice Cream month! We will provide the ice cream and everyone is to bring your favorite topping to share. Enjoy a fun game of bingo and win some fun summer prizes. PRE-REGISTER. Transportation not provided. Minimum: 5 Maximum: 8 Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR April 7- July 21 21 and over Thursday, July 24 6:30PM FREE
Location Meadowbrook Library
BREAKFAST ON THE GRILL-Instructors: Tammy Caldwell & Pam Peyton
Additional Info: Join us for a delicious breakfast prepared on the grill. PRE-REGISTER. Minimum: 6 Maximum: 10 Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR Location April 1- August 8 21 and over Wednesday, August 13 9:00AM $6/$12 Recreation Center Patio
Additional Info: Come enjoy what we've grown this summer and share recipes for summer produce. PRE-REGISTER. Minimum: 5 Maximum: 8 Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR Location April 1- August 8 21 and over August-TBA 5:30-7:30PM $6/$12 Recreation Center Patio
HOOP HOLE TRAIL HIKE - Instructor: Gary Brumfield
Location: Botetourt County Minimum: 4 Maximum: 8 Additional Information: Enjoy this 4 mile hike on Pine Mountain in Botetourt County. Hike is moderate difficulty. Lunch will be on your own at a local restaurant. Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR April 1-Aug. 14 Ages 18 and over Monday, August 18 Leave the Rec. Center at 8:00AM $7/$14
Location: Christiansburg Recreation Center Minimum: 10 Maximum: 25 Additional Information: Join us as we celebrate birthdays for the months of July-September. Bring a $1.00 in quarters for bingo prizes. Refreshments, drinks and birthday cake will be served. Pre-register Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR April 7-August 12 Ages 50 & over Tuesday, August 19 (July-September Birthdays) 11:30AM $4.00 & $1.00 in quarters
SILVER TURTLE LUNCH - Instructor: Gary Brumfield
Location: Kiwanis Park Minimum: 4 Maximum: 15 Additional Information: Gary Brumfield will discuss cooking in the outdoors while camping or in your own backyard. A “silver turtle meal” will be prepared for lunch. Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR April 1-Aug. 20 Ages 18 and over Tuesday, August 26 11:00AM $7/$14
Location: Recreation Center – Classroom 1 Additional Information: Drop off a maximum of 10 books between the hours of 8-5:00PM at least 2 days before the scheduled Book Swap. At 5:15PM on the day the swap is held, you will be allowed to select different books to take home to enjoy. Registration Date Time TR/NR April 1-Aug. 20 Wednesday, August 27 5:15PM $1 non-refundable
VIRGINIA CREEPER HIKE - Instructor: Gary Brumfield
Location: Virginia Creeper Trail Minimum: 4 Maximum: 8 Additional Information: Join us as we hike to complete another “leg” on this 34.3 mile trail. Lunch will be on your own at a local restaurant. Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR April 1-Aug. 28 Ages 18 and over Wednesday, Sept. 3 Leave the Rec. Center at 8:30AM $7/$14
PATIO BINGOLocation: Blacksburg Community Center
Location: Senior Patio, weather permitting Additional Information: Join us for bingo on the patio. Refreshments provided. Bring $1.00 in quarters for bingo prizes. Preregister. Minimum: 4 Maximum: 8 Registration Eligibility Date Time FEE April 1-August 13 50 and over Thursday, September 9 11:00AM $4.00 plus $1.00 in quarters
Additional Info: Let’s play some bingo. Lunch to follow. Bring a dish to share for the luncheon. Bring $1.00 in quarters for bingo prizes. Pre-register. Minimum: 5 Maximum: 8 Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR Location April 7- September 10 50 and over Thursday, Sept. 11 Leave rec. at 10:15AM $2.00 Bburg Comm. Ctr.
Additional Info: Nancy Schuessler, with Carilion NRV Sleep Center will help you identify things you do that interfere with getting a good night’s sleep and what to do to get a good night’s rest. Nancy will also discuss some of the common sleep disorders such as sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, and REM sleep disorders and what to do if you suspect you have such a problem. Bring a dish to share for the luncheon. Pre-register. Minimum: 5 Maximum: 8 Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR Location April 7- September 15 50 and over Thursday, Sept. 18 Leave rec. at 10:15AM FREE Meadowbrook Comm. Ctr.
Additional Info: Learn how to extend your gardening season and prepare for next spring. Pre-register. Instructor: Denise Dodd Minimum: 4 Maximum: 8 Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR April 7- September 4 21 and over Thursday, September 11 5:30-7:30PM $6/$12
ONE ON ONE COMPUTER – Instructor: Molly McClintock
Location Senior Patio
Location: TBA Minimum: 4 Maximum: 6 Additional Information: This is a one-on-one computer class; instruction will be based around the participant’s skill level and individual specifications. Class days and times will be scheduled with instructor. Registration Starting Date Day of Week Time TR/NR Weeks April 1- September 23 The week of September 29 Monday - Friday TBA $50/$90 6
If Montgomery County Public Schools are delayed, closed or released early due to inclement weather, any trip scheduled for that day will be cancelled. If the school system where we are traveling to is delayed closed or released early due to inclement weather any trip scheduled for that day will be cancelled.
To receive a full refund for trip individuals must contact the administrative office in writing one week prior to trip departure of scheduled trip. No refunds will be given after registration deadline.
Additional Info: Cuz's Uptown Barbeque was started in 1979, and our food has been legendary ever since. Housed in a renovated dairy barn, Cuz's offers great food and a unique atmosphere. All against the backdrop of the beautiful Appalachian Mountains. Pre-register. Minimum: 6 Maximum: 9 Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR Location December 11-March 26 21 and over Thursday, April 3 Leave Rec. Center @ 2:00PM $7/$14 Abingdon, Va
Additional Info: The IKEA concept allows the customer to choose, collect, transport and assemble IKEA products themselves, resulting in lower prices. You will have time to explore the home center in Charlotte NEW featuring a wide range of well-designed home products at low prices. Before heading home we will stop at Trader Joe’s, they have great produce, great prices and a lot of healthy options at exceptional everyday prices. wW At Trader Joe’s you won’t find a lot of branded items; instead, you’ll discover unconventional and interesting products. Lunch will be on your own at a local restaurant. Pre-register. Minimum: 6 Maximum: 9 Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR Location December 11-April 4 21 and over Friday, April 11 Leave Rec. Center @ 7:00AM $10/$12 Charlotte, NC.
Additional Info: Join us as we travel to the Mardi Gras Casino in Cross Lanes WV. Enjoy playing the slot machines or table games. Lunch will be on your own at the casino. We will arrive approximately at 11am and will depart at 3PM to head home. Pre-register. Minimum: 6 Maximum: 16 Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR Location December 11- April 17 21 and over Thursday, April 24 Leave Rec. Center @ 8:00AM $15/$25 Cross Lanes, WV
Additional Info: Can a big girl with big dreams and even bigger hair change the world? It’s 1962 in Baltimore, and the loveable plussize teen Tracey Turnblad has only one desire – to dance on T.V. When her dream comes true, Tracy is transformed from social outcast to sudden star. She must use her newfound power to dethrone the reigning Teen Queen, win the affections of heartthrob Link Larkin, and integrate a TV network, all without denting her over-sized ‘do! The Tony Award-winning Best Musical Price is all inclusive, Pre-register. Minimum: 6 Maximum: 20 Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR Location April 1-May 1 21 and over Thursday, May 8 Leave Rec. Center @ 11:30AM $47/$67 Wytheville, VA
Additional Info: Join us as we travel to Hollywood Casino in Charlestown, WV. Fee includes transportation, overnight hotel accommodations at the Inn at Charlestown, breakfast buffet, 24 hour shuttle service to the casino and CDPR goodie bag. Lunch and Dinner will be on your own at any of the restaurants in the casino. Pre-register. Minimum: 6 Maximum: 18 Registration Ends Eligibility Date Time TR/NR Location April 11 21 and over Wed/Thursday May Leave Rec. Center @ TBA $75 pp DO Charlestown, WV 14&15 $95 SO
Additional Info: Join us on our 2 annual mystery yard sale adventure. Lunch on your own at a local restaurant. Pre-register Minimum: 6 Maximum: 8 Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR Location April 1-April 20 21 and over Friday, May 23 Leave Rec. Center @ 7:00AM $10/$20 ???????
Additional Info: Welcome to First Baptist, where you’ll find some of the most good-hearted, sharp-tongued, casserole cooking ladies in East Tennessee. Former pastor’s wife Edith has returned to church to find trouble. A new pastor has been called from Texas, and, well, let's just say he's no Billy Graham. Membership is down, and a saint’s new member has the women at each other’s throats. It's an uproarious and uplifting comedy about the old friends who draw laughter, love and comfort from each other. Lunch on your own at local restaurant. Pre-register. Minimum: 6 Maximum: 15 Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR Location April 1-May 28 50 and over Thursday, June 5 Leave Rec. Center @ 11:30AM $40/$60 Abingdon, Va.
Additional Info: Join us as we travel to the Rt. 11 Potato Chip Shop and watch them make their famous chips and even sample a few. Lunch will be on your own at the casino. Lunch on your own at a local restaurant. Pre-register Minimum: 6 Maximum: 9 Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR Location April 1-June 5 50 and over Friday, June 20 Leave Rec. Center @ 8:00AM $10/$20 Mt. Jackson, Va.
Additional Info: What happens when a washed up actor tries to help a temperamental actress in distress? It doesn't take long for him to discover that no good deed goes unpunished! How the once great film star Larry Lancaster ends up wearing a dress is one thing, how long he can keep it a secret from the scandal magazine Hollywood Confidential is something else entirely. Lunch on your own at local restaurant. Pre-register. Minimum: 6 Maximum: 15 Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR Location April 1-July 9 50and over Thursday, July 17 Leave Rec. Center @ 11:30AM $40/$60 Abingdon, Va.
Additional Info: Join us as we travel to an unknown destination. Lunch on your own at a local restaurant. Pre-register Minimum: 6 Maximum: 9 Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR Location April 1-July 25 50and over Friday, August 1 Leave Rec. Center @TBA $10/$20 ??????
Additional Info: Wohlfahrt Haus Dinner Theatre is proud to present a brand new show featuring one of the most beloved musical genres of all time – Gospel Music. From historic spirituals to Southern Gospel to contemporary Praise and Worship, this inspirational show is overflowing with the songs you grew up singing and are still singing today. Songs from the Carter family, Elvis, Mahalia Jackson, The Gaithers and many more will touch your soul as no other kind of music can. You don’t want to miss the heavenly tribute to Gospel Music. Price is all inclusive, Pre-register. Minimum: 6 Maximum: 20 Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR Location April 1-August 6 21 and over Friday, August 15 Leave Rec. Center @ 11:30AM $47/$67 Wytheville, VA
Additional Info: Join us as we travel to an unknown destination. Fee is all inclusive. Pre-register Minimum: 6 Maximum: 18 Registration Eligibility Date Time Fee April 1- July 20 21 and over Friday, August 22 Leave Rec. Center @ 9:00AM $55
Location Smith Mountain lake
Additional Info: Join us for dinner at the Ichiban, Japanese Hibachi restaurant. Ichiban creates great experience that you cannot get anywhere else. Pre-register Minimum: 6 Maximum: 18 Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR Location April 1-August 21 21 and over Thursday, August 28 Leave Rec. Center @4:30PM $7/$14 Roanoke, Va.
Additional Info: Join us for an unknown destination. Lunch on your own at a local restaurant. There will be some walking involved on this trip. Pre-register Minimum: 6 Maximum: 18 Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR Location April 1-August 29 50 and over Friday, September 5 Leave Rec. Center @8:30AM $10/$20 ????????
Additional Info: The fun-filled free family fair festival event in North Carolina. Can't you just smell those hot dogs smothered in onions, barbecue dipped in some hot Southern sauce or just taste the homemade ice cream? Music, events, crafts, barbecue, homemade ice cream all southern style. Lunch will be on your own at the festival. Pre-register Minimum: 6 Maximum: 18 Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR April 1-September 4 50 and over Saturday, September 13 Leave Rec. Center @8:30AM $7/$14
Location Archdale, NC
Additional Info: Join us as we travel through the country back roads to see the Bob Childress Stone Churches. Lunch on your own at a local restaurant. Pre-register Minimum: 6 Maximum: 16 Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR Location April 1-June 5 50 and over Friday, September 19 Leave Rec. Center @ 8:00AM $10/20 Floyd County
Additional Info: Join us as we travel the back roads of beautiful Giles County to see the covered bridges. Lunch on your own at a local restaurant. There will be some walking involved on this trip. Pre-register Minimum: 6 Maximum: 9 Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR Location April 1-September 18 50 and over Friday, September 26 Leave Rec. Center @ $10/$20 Giles County
Additional Info: Join us for our annual Mother’s and Father’s Day Luncheon. Minimum: 10 Maximum 50 Registration Eligibility Date April 1-May 27 50 and over Tuesday, June 3
TR/NR $8.00pp
Location MPRM 2
Additional Info: The New River Valley Senior Olympic-Games are being organized by Radford Parks and Recreation Department. The NRV Senior Olympic Games prepare persons to participate in the Virginia Senior Games at the state level, giving them the opportunity to qualify for the National Senior Games. There are a variety of events to participate in. For more information please contact Audrey Caldwell at Radford Parks and Recreation, 731-5517. Registrations forms must be mailed with payment to Radford Parks and Recreation Attn: Audrey Caldwell, 200 George Street, Radford, Va. 24141. Registration Deadline Eligibility Dates Fee April 14, 2014 50 and over April 27-May 2, 2014 Please see Olympic games registration forms
SPECIAL POPULATIONS PROGRAMS SPECIAL POPULATION PROGRAMS RECREATION, EDUCATION AND SOCIAL ACTIVITIES FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH INTELLECTUAL DISABILITIES IN THE NEW RIVER VALLEY The Christiansburg Recreation Center offers programs for individuals with retardation and encourages participants to become involved in our activities. Co-sponsored with Intellectual Disabilities Agency. For more information or to register for a program, contact Shelia Roop at 540-381-0310.
Additional Info: Participants will prepare a healthy easy meal each week, as well as learn important cooking skills and how to use various kitchen equiPMent. Please indicate on registration form which class you will be attending. Instructors: Sheila Roop, Tammy Caldwell. To register for class contact Sheila Roop at 381-0130. Minimum: 5 Maximum: 8 Registration Eligibility Date Time Weeks TR/NR Location Jan. 2- Mar. 22 18 and over Tuesday, April 1 11:30am-1:00PM 4 12/24 Sr. Kitchen Jan. 2- Mar. 22 18 and over Wednesday, April 2 11:30am-1:00PM 4 12/24 Sr. Kitchen
Additional Info: An opportunity for clients, family members and friends to dress up for an evening of socializing and dancing. Music, refreshments and door prizes furnished. Co-sponsored by Christiansburg Department of Parks & Recreation and Intellectual Disabilities Agency. To register for class contact Sheila Roop at 381-0130. Registration Eligibility Date Time Fee Location N/A 18 and over Friday, April 11 7-9PM $2.00pp Court A
Date: Friday, July 4th Rain Date: Saturday, July 5th Time: Festivities Begin at TBA, Fireworks start around 9:15pm Location: Fireworks at CHS Football Stadium Fee: No admission charge Additional Information: Food, music, games, door prizes and fireworks!! Sorry No Pets Allowed Date Time Location July 4 TBA TBA
Date: August 24, 2014 Time: 10am-3pm Location: Montgomery Museum and Lewis Miller Regional Art Center 300 Pepper Street in Christiansburg Additional Information: Come and experience the past on Saturday, August 24, 2014 at the Montgomery Museum and Lewis Miller Regional Art Center Heritage Day. The popular annual event features interesting exhibits of traditional skills and crafts, antique tools, machinery, cars, and engines. Enjoy live music all day and meet re-enactors from Civil War times. Dance and learn traditional games with the representatives of the Smithfield Junior Guild. Bring your children who can build a birdhouse (to keep), paint wooden animals, make animal tracks, enjoy a scavenger hunt in the garden, engage in a leather work and a pottery project and more. Explore the world of insects and other live creatures. There will be vendors, regional artists, lunch for purchase and ice cream. The museum galleries are open all day. Contact: 382-5644 for more information. Date Time Location August 24 10am-3pm Montgomery Museum and Lewis Miller Regional Art Center
Date: Saturday, September 21st Time: 9:00am-5:00pm Location: Downtown Christiansburg Additional Information: Come and enjoy a beautiful fall day full of handmade arts and crafts, everything from jewelry and candles to one of a kind walking sticks and vintage aprons to hand cut and polished stones and home décor. You won’t be able to resist our local food temptations from Due South BBQ, Gardener’s Frozen Treats, Domino’s Pizza, and more. Just a bit of the fun the Children’s Area will feature are pony rides, games for the young and young at heart, and moon bounce amusement. The Model A’s will be hosting their annual Car Show and Cruise In. Keep all eyes on the Main Stage, which will showcase local performance groups demonstrating dance routines, martial arts, singing and music. At noon, Pizza Inn will challenge local eating superstars to the annual pizza-eating contest. Crafters will be on site demonstrating their trade and skill. Local historians will be telling tales of Christiansburg’s past. Be sure to check our website for updates on the festival. Date Time Location September 21 9am-5pm Downtown Christiansburg
Lessons will take place at Auburn Hills Golf Club. Lessons will be taught by Golf Pro Jeff Gandee.. Lessons will be 45 minutes in length. After payment, call Jeff to schedule your times. Lessons will be offered in 3 lesson or 6 lesson packages. Contact Nick Yopp @ 382 – 2349 x 2007 for more information. Packages Registration Dates Starting Date Days Played Location 3 Lesson Available upon request. Available upon request. TBD Auburn Hills GC 6 Lesson Available upon request. Available upon request. TBD Auburn Hills GC
NEW Fees $85 $150
10-14 regular season games (depending on number of teams registered), double-elimination tournament at the end of the season Players must be 18 years of age or older (no high school or college players). Must have a minimum of 4 teams for the league tostrun. Completed rosters MUST be turned in before the 1 game or it will be a forfeit. Late registration will be accepted for 1 week after the deadline, provided that we don’t have enough teams, with a late fee of $25.00. Leagues Registration Date Starting Date Days Played Location Fees Flag Football June 16-August 8 Late August Sundays CHS Practice Field $350.00
10-14 regular season games (depending on number of teams registered), double-elimination tournament at the end of the season Open League players must be 18 years or older. Team managers meeting will be scheduled at the conclusion of registration. Late registration will be accepted for up to 1 week after the normal registration period, if teams are needed to make the league run. Minimum of 4 teams is needed for the league to make. Leagues Registration Date Starting Date Days Played Location Adult Kickball June 23 – August 8 Late August Monday/Wednesday Kiwanis
Fees $200
This basketball tournament allows teams of 3 to go head to head to see who the best is. There will be an 18 and over and 40 and over division. Rosters can have up to 5 people on them. There is a 4 game guarantee (3 round-robin pool play and single-elimination st tourney). Seeding for the single-elimination tourney will be based on pool play results. Awards will be given to the 1 place and runner-ups in both brackets. Registration Dates Date Days Time Location Fees May 5 – June 6 June 14 Saturday 10:00am Recreation Center $60.00 per team
This camp is being instructed by Morgan Sisson, former CHS cheerleader. Participants will learn different motions and their correct technique. Form these motions, original cheers and jumps will be taught to the participants. Please bring correct attire for you to participate comfortably. Registration Dates Date Days Time Location Fees Until July 3 July 7 -10 Mon - Thu 9:00a – 12:00pm Recreation Center $20
This camp is being instructed by Pam, Austyn, and Katelynn DiIoia. Pam has great knowledge of the game of Volleyball while her daughters both played or currently play at CHS. This camp is designed for boys and girls to explore, learn, and practice the game of Volleyball. Participants will learn the basic skills and rules of volleyball in a fun, non-competitive atmosphere. Registration Dates Date Days Time Location Fees Until July 11 July 14 - 17 Mon - Thu 10am – 12pm Recreation Center $20
This tournament will have 2 divisions. There will be a Church division (6 on 6) and a an Open division (4 on 4). Open players must be 18 and over and Church players can be 14 and over. Church rosters must be signed by their pastor. There will be a 4 game guarantee (3 gamesst for pool play and a single-elimination tournament). We must have 6 teams in a division for it to make. Awards will be given to the 1 place and runner-ups in both brackets Registration Dates Date Days Time Location Fees June 30-August 8 August 16 Saturday 9:00am Recreation Center 60.00 per team
This clinic is for boys and girls ages 5-14. It will be instructed by former CHS baseball player and Oakland A’s Draft Pick Drew Bailey as well as several other former college and minor league players. This clinic will cover all aspects of baseball. Registration Dates Date Day Time Location June 2 - July 25 July 29 Tuesday 10am - 3pm HSC
NEW Fees $20
YOUTH ATHLETICS Eligibility Policy for Youth Team Sports Non-Resident/non-taxpayer will be assessed an additional fee. Dixie Baseball and Softball Dixie Youth Baseball and Softball participants must live within the boundaries established for Dixie Youth Baseball and Softball
Late Registration policy is as follows: st nd nd $5 for 1 week $10 for 2 week after the 2 week no other registrations will be taken. Mite league and older should sign up for football camp if possible. st Flag – 7 Mite -10 Junior – 12 Senior - 14 Max Ages as of August 1 , 2014 Cannot be playing football for the middle school team. Grades as of Football Season Date of Registration Location st rd st Flag K – 1 June 23 – August 1 High School nd rd rd st Mite 2 – 3 June 23 – August 1 Old Middle th th rd st Junior 4 – 5 June 23 – August 1 Old Middle th th rd st Senior 6 -7 June 23 – August 1 Old Middle
Time 6:00 - Dark 6:00 - Dark 6:00 - Dark 6:00 - Dark
TR/NR $20/30 $55/95 $55/95 $55/95
Weeks 8 8 8 8
Late Registration policy is as follows: st nd nd $5 for 1 week $10 for 2 week after the 2 week no other registrations will be taken. Mite league and older should sign up for cheer camp if possible. st, Flag – 7 Mite -10 Junior – 12 Senior - 14 Max Ages as of August 1 2014 Cannot be cheering for the middle school team. Grades as Cheerleading Season Date of Registration Location Time nd rd nd Mite 2 – 3 June 2 – July 25th Rec Center 6:00 - Dark th th nd Junior 4 – 5 June 2 – July 25th Rec Center 6:00 - Dark th th nd Senior 6 -7 June 2 – July 25th Rec Center 6:00 - Dark
TR/NR $45/75 $45/75 $45/75
Weeks 8 8 8
Late Registration policy is as follows: st nd nd $5 for 1 week $10 for 2 week after the 2 week no other registrations will be taken. st Baseball: Age as of May 1 2015 Age Groups Date of Registration Location Time th th 7-8 June 30 – August 15 Rec Fields 6:00 - Dark th th 9-11 June 30 – August 15 Rec Fields 6:00 - Dark th th 11-13 June 30 – August 15 Rec Fields 6:00 - Dark th th 13-14 June 30 – August 15 Rec Fields 6:00 - Dark Softball: Age as of December 31, 2014 Age Groups Date of Registration Location Time th th 7-8 June 30 – August 15 Rec Fields 6:00 - Dark th th 9-11 June 30 – August 15 Rec Fields 6:00 - Dark th th 11-13 June 30 – August 15 Rec Fields 6:00 - Dark th th 13-14 June 30 – August 15 Rec Fields 6:00 - Dark
TR/NR $25/45 $25/45 $25/45 $25/45
Weeks 8 8 8 8
TR/NR $25/45 $25/45 $25/45 $25/45
Weeks 8 8 8 8
Late Registration policy is as follows: st nd nd $5 for 1 week $10 for 2 week after the 2 week no other registrations will be taken. st Ages as of November 1 2014 Age Groups Date of Registration Location Time th th 9-12 August 4 –September 19 Rec Center 5:30 – 8:30
TR/NR $30/40
Weeks 8
Kadyn Camper puNt paSS KiCK team ChampioN NatioNal RuNNeR up