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FOBtography Studios
A Surrealist Photographer, Graphic Artist & Blogger - I do not accept people I've not met personally. I only add people whom I find interesting, eccentric & artistic. - This is my private account so do add me on my public account at http://tinyurl.com/jaroro if I don't know you~ <3 [I DON'T MAKE EXEMPTIONS SO DEAL WITH IT ^^] Jaro is a twenty-five year old Fashion Photographer/Photo-manipulator from the Philippines. He's been practicing different areas of Fashion, from the artistry of make-up to the eccentricity of styling. He believes that age is just a number that counts the year you've been living, he doesn't let those numbers affect his mentality of personality. He refuses to grow up, he mostly get along with people who thinks and acts the same as he does. He's been practicing photography since 2008 and so far, he has been getting a few commendations from several art communities online. He usual