Implementation Guide
610 South George Street York, PA 17401 717-843-8028
To: Fellow JA offices: Subject: An intro to the STEM Summit Three years ago, I attended a Chamber event whose purpose was to focus on how the business community could help educators with career to work efforts. I was sitting at a table with the superintendent from South Eastern School District and we were tasked with brainstorming on potential solutions. She made the point that although Job Shadow and Internship programs were helpful, they just didn’t reach enough students. More importantly, she didn’t feel like they reached the right students. She said, “The students that volunteer for these opportunities are already on the right track. What about those that don’t”? The other comment that came up in the discussion was that most career efforts are….well … boring. So often, we treat the students like we would business people at an expo. We set up tables, and pass out brochures. That was the genesis for what became the STEM Summit. An idea born out of a challenge to help educators with career to work efforts. But what developed was in our view the most impactful program we have ever run. To date, we have now run 20 STEM Summit days, and I’ve been involved with all of them. So far, I’ve yet to be disappointed by the reaction from students, from educators, and from our business volunteers. Simply put, it is inspiring!! Nothing that we do, (including JA BizTown) has a stronger impact on students. Thanks to the help of the Simons Foundation, we have been tasked with helping to expand on the outreach of the program. This overview and orientation guide is part of this effort. Our hope is that you will find the information helpful. Thank you again for your interest in the STEM Summit!! Sincerely,
Tom Russell President JA of South Central PA
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Sponsorship Support for the roll out of the STEM Summit by Junior Achievement of South Central PA is provided by the Simons Foundation, advancing research in basic science and mathematics. More at Through their generous financial support we have been able to expand the outreach of the program nationally.
Consultants Junior Achievement expresses its gratitude to the consultants and writers who contributed to the development of the STEM Summit. Their expertise in curriculum development, science, mathematics, and engineering has enhanced the quality of this program.
Sources JA is committed to developing and implementing vital and innovative programs to help students understand the importance that STEM plays in their education. There have been a number of modules developed that utilize existing experiments and activities. Steve Spangler’s science experiments are foundational in the program. We want to recognize the great work that Steve’s organization has done in “making science fun”.
Copyright The text of this publication, or any part thereof, may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storing in an informational-retrieval system or otherwise except in the course of conducting a registered Junior Achievement program or with the permission of the publisher. © 2015 JA of South Central PA All Rights Reserved
IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE The Stem Summit Implementation Guide is intended to provide you with information on every aspect of the STEM Summit. It is organized by tabs with a Table of Contents in each tab. Page numbers are numbered by tab sections. This Guide is divided into the following tabs:
Getting Started Importance of STEM Education for the Future Workforce Overview of the STEM Summit Sample flow of the day Sample Agenda Sample Gym Layout Cost Per Student Start-up Costs Modules Pipe and Drape Transportation Tubs Signage Tripods Website Support Materials and Resource Center
SPONSORSHIPS Overview Giving Levels Funding Proposal Donor Recognition
EDUCATOR Overview Planning Efforts with Educators Sample Flow of the Day Educator’s Overview Brochure STEM Summit Program Summary STEM Summit Program Reservation Form Educator Planning Handout STEM Summit JA Staff Checklist Educator/School Checklist Hospitality Helpful Hints for Group Leaders Draft Agendas Chairs and Tables Required Gym Floor Layout STEM Summit Press Release STEM Summit Student Handout STEM Summit Student Survey
VOLUNTEER COORDINATION Overview Volunteer Coordination Timeline Sourcing Strategies for Volunteers Mentors Needed Flyer Volunteer Needs List Sample Volunteer Info Sheet Business Leader Overview Brochure Volunteer E-mail Correspondence
Volunteer Thank You Gifts Volunteer Evaluations
JA STAFF Overview STEM Summit Job Descriptions JA Staff Checklist Guidelines for Setup Staff Assignments on STEM Summit Day Extra Supplies for Staff Guidelines for Take Down Guidelines for Restocking Storage Tub Contents List
80/20 COMPETITION Overview 80/20 Materials List Staff Set-up Procedures and Gym Layout 80/20 Instructions About 80/20 Inc. 80/20 Competition Finalist Form Storage Tub Contents List
CAREER PANEL Overview Career Panel Photos Career Panel Instructions Storage Tub Contents List
CHEMISTRY EXPERIMENTS Overview Chemistry Experiments Materials List Staff Set-up Procedures and Gym Layout Foam Experiment and Forms Elephant Toothpaste Experiment Heat Sensitive Worms and Magic Sand Experiments Storage Tub Contents List
ELECTRICAL COMPETITION Overview Electrical Competition Materials List Staff Set-up Procedures and Gym Layout Electrical Competition Photos Leader Assembly Directions Electrical Competition Forms Junction Box Assembly Directions Storage Tub Contents
THE MARSHMALLOW CHALLENGE Overview Marshmallow Challenge Materials Staff Set-up Procedures and Gym Layout Marshmallow Challenge Instructions Marshmallow Challenge Finalists Form Marshmallow Challenge Photos Storage Tub Contents List
MATH CHALLENGE Overview Math Challenge Materials List Staff Set-up Photos Summary of Math Challenge Activities Math Challenge Leader Directions Math Challenge Forms Geometry Sticks Activity Math Jenga Activity Geometry Puzzle Box Activity Subtraction Blaster Activity Geometry Shapes Activity Storage Tub Content List
PHYSICS EXPERIMENTS Overview Physics Materials List Staff Set-up Procedures and Gym Layout Volunteer Instructions Balloon Experiments and Forms Wind Bag Experiment and Forms Smoke Rings Experiment and Toroidal Vortex Form
RELAY COMPETITION Overview Relay Competition Materials List Staff Set-up Procedures and Gym Layout Jobs for Student Volunteers Relay Volunteer Guidelines Relay Lead Schedule Relay Competition Forms Stages of Relay Competition Storage Tub Contents Lists
Finale Overview Summary Comments Competition Prizes Liquid Nitrogen Experiment
Getting Started Table of Contents Importance of STEM Education for the Future Workforce……………….. 1 Overview of the STEM Summit….………………………………………….. 2 Sample Flow of the Day….………………………………………………….. 5 Sample Agenda……………………………..……………………………….. 7 Sample Gym Layout....………………………………………………..……... 8 Cost Per Student…..………………………………………………………..... 9 Start-up Costs….……………………………..………………………………10 Modules..…………………………………………………………………..….11 Pipe and Drape…………………………………………………………….…13 Transportation………………………………..……………………………….14 Tubs…………………………………………………………………………… 15 Signage …..…………………………………………………………..………. 17 Tripods….……………………………..……………………………………….18 Website ………………………………………………………………………..19 Support Materials and Resource Center………………………………….. 20
Getting Started
Importance of STEM Education for the Future Workforce Students entering the 21st century workplace will face an occupational world unrecognizable to their parents. Many of the jobs they will pursue didn’t exist ten years ago. The majority of high paying jobs will be in STEM related career fields. Some will require advanced degrees, but many will just require advanced training. One thing they all require though is a commitment to being the best at what you do. That is why it is critical for students to discover a career that gets them excited; one where they discover their passion. The STEM Summit is not intended to teach science or math, but rather to inspire students to want to learn. It is intended to help students do that: to realize that careers can be fun and really cool! According to the U.S. Bureau of Statistics, in the next five years, STEM jobs are projected to grow twice as quickly as jobs in other fields. While all jobs are expected to grow by 10.4%, STEM jobs are expected to increase by 21.4%. Similarly, 80% of jobs in the next decade will require technical skills. To put these numbers into perspective, of the 3.8 million 9th graders in the U.S., only 233,000 end up choosing a STEM degree in college (National Center for Education Statistics). That means only six STEM graduates out of every 100 ninth grade students.
STEM is more than a college track Most career programs tend to focus on a college track. At the STEM Summit, JA demonstrates that not all students have to go to college in order to have a successful career. While many STEM careers require post graduate degrees, there are also many jobs where a technical school degree is sufficient. Regardless, students need skills and STEM knowledge.
STEM is more than a career track One of the points that is made in the STEM Summit is that STEM applies to nearly every career choice you can make. Whether it is the role of math in terms of finance as an artist or the use of technology in the business world; all positions have some type of STEM component.
Getting Started
Overview of STEM Summit At first glance, implementing a STEM Summit can appear a bit daunting. There are lots of moving parts, and it looks pretty overwhelming. However, as you organize your work and complete different steps, it becomes less ominous. We’ve organized the implementation guide to help you accomplish projects to lead you along the way to a successful implementation. You should have received the “Implementation Checklist” which is another great tool for tracking your progress. Our guidelines are based simply on our work. No doubt there will be easier and better ways. But our recommendation is to start with our suggestions. There will be plenty of time later to adapt and improve. By following our approach you will benefit from the trial and errors we have already made. So, let’s get started. One of the first things is to spend a bit more time overviewing the STEM Summit in a bit more detail. In this section we are going to look at a number of important topics. Many will be discussed in more detail later in the manual.
Getting Started
The STEM Summit is a day-long program held at a high school. It consists of nine thirty-minute sessions to include science experiments; science, engineering, and math related competitions; and two sets of career panel presentations. The fast pace and constant motion create an atmosphere of excitement and energy. The program, which is coordinated and run by Junior Achievement, involves up to thirty business volunteers who work with the students during the day. Each volunteer has a specific STEM career and is able to share their background with the students throughout the day. The goal of the STEM Summit is to inspire students to pursue an academic STEM focus in the remainder of their high school courses to help prepare them for STEM careers in the future. After the completion of the Summit, guidance counselors have a foundation to work with students on appropriate school course work.
What grade level is the STEM Summit designed for? The STEM Summit could be run at any grade level. However, JA encourages schools to consider implementing it at the freshman or sophomore levels. The goal is to help students realize the importance of taking math and science classes in high school. If the program is postponed until junior or senior levels, less time is available to adjust schedules or increase their motivation in pursuing a STEM career.
Which students should participate in the STEM Summit? The STEM Summit is designed to give every student an opportunity to see the applications of science, technology, engineering, and math in the real world. As a result, JA requires that the program be provided to all students at grade level.
What is the charge to schools for the STEM Summit? Junior Achievement provides the STEM Summit to schools for free. However, there is some work and expenses required by the school to run the event to include preparing agendas, providing teachers to supervise discipline, having a facility team available for set up and take down, and providing breakfast and lunch for the business volunteers.
Does the STEM Summit have curriculum? The short answer is no. The program is not intended to teach STEM concepts. Rather, the day is intended to inspire students to want to learn about STEM concepts. While the STEM Summit is intended to inspire, many of the concepts and principals that the students are engaging in throughout the day, teachers are encouraged to follow up and expand on them in the classroom after the Summit is over. Depending on the modules implemented there are a number of concepts that students are exposed to. But the emphasis is on using the concepts to get students interested in the topic. As a result, we deliberately down play the academic rigor of the program. This program is all about making science and math fun.
Getting Started
What are the program’s objectives? Program Summary: This conference for high school students is intended to promote STEM-based career opportunities and to draw connections between education and the job skills required The STEM Summit is an experiential-based program which includes hands-on science and engineering experiments with other engaging activities. Program Objectives: Students who attend the conference will: •
Gain a better appreciation of the types of STEM based jobs available in our community.
Increase interest in STEM careers by engaging in fun aspects of science and engineering.
Be able to identify educational course work required to pursue various careers.
Understand the importance that high school course load plays in preparation for STEM careers.
What does the schedule for the day look like? The STEM Summit consists of nine thirty minute modules. Each student will participate in each of the activities. The base model has two career panels, five competitions, and two experiments. The day begins with students in their home rooms. There they will receive their own group agenda. They then go to the auditorium for opening remarks. After about ten minutes, the groups will go to their first rotation. Career panels are held in classrooms and all other activities in the gym. Each group of students will spend thirty minutes in an activity and then have five minutes to move to their next rotation. Somewhere during the day lunch is provided. It typically is thirty minutes as well. Volunteers take a lunch break at the same time as the students. After completing nine rotations the students return to the auditorium for the wrap up and finale. Prizes are awarded to the winners of the five competitions.
Getting Started
Sample Flow of the Day
Career Panels STEM Careers cover many fields, industries, and professions. The goal of the career panels is to provide students with a glimpse of a few. Through the use of props and engaging discussions, students find the panels to be interesting and inspiring. Each presentation is eight minutes long, and each of the two sessions consists of three presenters. The emphasis is on each panelist’s career journey and how they chose their career.
Competitions The STEM Summit’s immersive style creates situations where students are involved in science and math without even knowing it. The 80-20 is a mechanical engineering competition where students have to assemble an object using aluminum extrusion components. The marshmallow challenge is a civil engineering challenge where students have to build the tallest tower using spaghetti.
Getting Started
The relay competition combines electrical, nuclear, and aerospace engineering, and culminates with a civil engineering activity where the student walks barefoot across eight dozen eggs. The math competition has the students competing in various math activities from algebra to geometry and more. The students also learn about trades in the electrical competition.
Experiments Experiments give students an opportunity to get hands on with science. The students will learn about foam/polymers through a fun chemistry experiment and physics through a series of experiments involving wind and air. The goal of each set of experiments is not to teach science; but rather, to give students a fun look at science and how it applies to the real world.
In summary, the STEM Summit is a fun engaging opportunity for students to learn about STEM careers. It demonstrates how science, technology, engineering, and math coursework are important to prepare for pursuing 21 st century jobs. The STEM Summit is not intended to teach science or math, but rather to inspire student to want to learn. Junior Achievement of South Central PA is pleased to be able to make this program available to other JA offices thanks to the support of the Simons Foundation.
Getting Started
Sample Agenda The agenda is a critical piece of the planning. Nine agendas have to be built that properly rotate through the activities. Times and rotations need to be proofed when school develops for accuracy. This sample agenda would be for one of the groups.
Kennard Dale High School Agenda 7:35 – 7:40
7:45 – 7:55
Opening Remarks - Auditorium/Gym
8:00 – 8:30
Competition 2 – Marshmallow Challenge
8:35 – 9:05
Competition 3- Electrical
9:10 – 9:40
Competition 5 - Math
9:45 – 10:15
Competition 4– Relay
10:20 – 10:50
Career Panel 1
Room #
10:55 – 11:25
11:30 – 12:00
Experiment 1 – Chemistry
12:05 – 12:35
Competition 1 – 80/20
12:40 – 1:10
Career Panel 2
Room #
1:15 – 1:45
Experiment 2 – Physics
1:50 – 2:10
Wrap Up and Awards - Auditorium/Gym
Junior Achievement of South Central PA | 717-843-8028
Getting Started
Sample Gym Layout It is important to have a game plan for the gym layout. This is done during the second pre-event school visit. One of the first assignments for the school is to provide enough tables and chairs. We prefer rectangular tables versus round (allows students to work closer together). We don’t want tables set up until we arrive to configure.
Getting Started
Cost per Student The cost of the program will vary based on the modules that you implement and the amount of “in-kind� support that you receive. In the two years of operation, we have been able to develop some fairly accurate projections of cost per student.
Getting Started
Start-up Costs The answer for start-up costs has to be qualified with an “it depends” preface. It depends on what modules you adopt, it depends on how aggressive you want to start. We’ve taken time to list some of the major start-up costs that we have incurred. Listing of start-up expenses: Truck – we ended up buying a used 14’ Box Truck from Uhaul Pipe & Drape – we rented pipe and drape first but went ahead and purchased on ebay We now own 300’ of 8’ green drape. Signage (large STEM Summit signs) Plastic Tubs – we purchased plastic tubs for all of material, pipe and drape 50 tubs from Lowes Aprons, Goggles – chemistry experiment we have 40 Drop Cloths – chemistry, relay Dewar – our finale uses liquid nitrogen – bought on ebay Math Competition – purchase of puzzles and games STEM Summit signs – printed internally (toner and paper Physics – smoke machine, air cannon Relay – static wands, air cannons, supplies Tripods for signs Laminations and other supplies Total
$4,000 $4,800 $2,000 $500 $500 $100 $400 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $600 $13,800
In-Kind Gifts Electrical competition - IBEW donated the electrical parts 80/20 kits donated by Penn Air Hydraulics Anti-contamination suits for relay
$1,000 $1,000 $1,000
Total In-kind
Getting Started
Modules One of the secrets of the STEM Summit is the fast paced changing environment. This is done through the utilization of nine thirty minute modules. The STEM Summit comes with a set of pre-built modules for your use. These have been developed over the past year and a lot of customization has taken place along the way. The use of existing modules gives you the benefit of a tested concept. We provide you with literally everything that you will need to run this program out of the box. From labels for the tubs, to instructions for the volunteers. This is about as ready to go as we can get it. The current agenda we are using, utilizes two career panels, five competitions, and two experiments. The finale is included in this material. The difference in design is that the finale is the entire group in the auditorium.
Using existing modules This manual contains tabs for each of the modules. These include: x Marshmallow Challenge x Electrical Challenge x Math Competition x Relay Competition x Physics Experiment x Chemistry Experiment x 80/20 Competition x Career Panels x Finale
Developing Modules: We strongly encourage you to run your proto type with the base modules. This will reduce your time and effort in implementation and also ensure a more successful event since these have all been run successfully before. Once you have launched your STEM Summit, you may want to create your own modules. This is especially true when you have a company that is STEM focused and wants to help fund and support the event with volunteers. We’ve developed guidelines to help you in the design process. criteria that we use in our design philosophy.
These are the
Getting Started
30 minutes
•Activity needs to be flexible base on group speed •25 minutes. •Ideal module has 2 to 3 different activities.
•Has to be hands on - and fun •Safe for students
STEM focused Competion or Experiment Ease of Set up and Cost
•Balance of Engineering, Math, and Science • Does it bring another dimension to the summit?
•Do you want it team based or individual based? •How will you score competition?
•How hard is it to implement •What is the per student cost
Getting Started
Pipe and Drape One question that comes up often is “could you do the STEM Summit in classrooms?” The answer is obviously yes, however there is no doubt that it loses a major wow factor; the noise. The gym is the perfect location. It’s built for sporting events. It’s loud. We use pipe and drape to divide the gym into the module areas. It provides a level of a separation, without buffering the noise. Students can’t see what is going on in the other areas, so it creates more anticipation. Initially you probably will want to rent pipe and drape. It is usually available from most rental companies. Most gyms today have built in dividers for sectioning off the gym. Some are cloth, while others are hard accordion walls. We typically take advantage of one partition to separate the relay from the other six modules. We then use pipe and drape for remaining walls. Depending on the size of the gym the amount of pipe and drape will vary. We now own 300’ of pipe and drape. This is enough to do all the layouts even if they don’t have the gym partition (so it’s kind of max case amount). Rental prices will vary but should run around $200 to $300 per day. We chose green, but you can use other colors. You want the 8’ tall pipe. It comes typically in 10’ sections. You want 3 drapery panels per section. Decision to purchase: As you begin to expand your STEM Summits you will have to wrestle with the issue of rent vs purchase. We chose purchase primarily because of logistics. Our local rental company wanted an additional fee to deliver the drapes, so we had to go pick them up. When you think about all of that effort for a number of STEM Summits, it became clear early that we wanted to purchase. We bought ours on ebay. You can research other sources.
Getting Started
Transportation For the first several STEM Summits, staff vehicles will work. But what you will soon realize is that loading up four or five SUV’s for every summit is not very productive. As you scale up your program, there will come a point where purchasing a truck is a good option. In the interim renting a truck is not a bad idea either. You can rent a 10’ box truck for probably $80.00 a day. We worked with U-Haul and purchased a 14’used Ford E350. We purchased it for $3,600. Of course you have insurance costs on top of that. The truck allows us to stage all of the pipe and drape and STEM Summit tubs in the truck. So it acts as warehouse as well.
Getting Started
Tubs As silly as it may sound, tubs play a key role in the success of the STEM Summit. They are the organizational building block. Every tub has an inventory list and is key to restocking and transportation. We have used a clear plastic tub, but the key is durability and stack ability. You want a consistent size and a plastic that doesn’t easily crack. We call it softer plastic.
Getting Started
Each module has specific inventory items that need to be available for each summit. The tub helps organize the material.
Labels on the outside of the tub make staging in areas much easier.
Tub contents lists are taped on the inside of the tub lid. This is used in take down (making sure things get in the correct tub) and restocking.
Getting Started
Signage We believe that the visual look for the event is important to its success. At the event, branding is done primarily with the use of large STEM Summit signs and signs for each module.
Each module has at least two signs. One that is the name of the module, (Chemistry in this photo) and at least one STEM Summit sign. They are placed on top of the pipe and drape pole using shower curtain hooks.
Our signs were printed in house on our wide carriage printer. We glued them on cardboard. If you can get them donated or produced professionally, that would be a plus. We use the following signs: 16 - 3’ x 5’ STEM Summit signs: 2 - in hallway at check in and reception area 2 - classroom career panels 2 - auditorium stage 2 - relay 8 – 6 modules (one on every pipe and drape wall except for module sign) 7 – 2’ x 5’ module signs
Getting Started
Tripods We use folding tripods for all signs other than those on pipe and drape. A total of 9 tripods are used for a STEM Summit day.
Tripods are used to hold signs for career panelist and other standing signs. The sign helps to make a great backdrop for the panelists.
Getting Started
Website One of the key selling points about the career component of the STEM Summit are the follow up opportunities that we provide for students. We do this by providing a QR code on the student handout to pages on our website for students. The landing page gives students three additional links: (1) Educational information which lists local colleges, trade schools, and online STEM programs; (2) more details on STEM careers. We provide links to O-Net online, which has hundreds of STEM jobs listed; (3) additional STEM activities in our community.
Getting Started
Implementation Guide and Support Information The STEM Summit Implementation Guide is intended to provide you with information on every aspect of the STEM Summit. In addition to the guide, we provide a Resource Center with downloadable content for all the forms, brochures, and pdf’s on our STEM Summit web portal. You can access the portal via our website:, click Programs, STEM Summit, and then click on the “Enter Protected Area” button located at the bottom of the screen. The password is “stemsummit” all lowercase with no space. On this page are Word documents and pdf’s of instructions and other information that should be useful. If you have a problem with a page download contact Sandra Moler at
Click on Enter Protected Area and then enter password = stemsummit
Getting Started
Sponsorships Table of Contents Overview……………………………………………………………………..…......... 1 Giving Levels….………………………………………………………………………… 2
Funding Proposal…………….…..……………………………..………………….. 3 Donor Recognition…………………………………………………………….….…12
Overview Everything that we do requires financial support and the STEM Summit is no different. A couple of the obvious questions are: how much does it cost? And how much funding do you get? Let’s start with cost. If we took a fully loaded cost per student which we say is $26.00, then our STEM Summit costs us $130,000 per year to run. So, how much funding do you get? This year, we are on track to receive $165,000 in funding that is directly related to the Summit (that does not include the funding we received from the Simons Foundation). What’s more important, is this is funding that we were not getting before we started our STEM initiatives. In essence, it’s new money. In this section, we are going to share with you our approach to fundraising for STEM. We want to acknowledge upfront that we aren’t that good at this. (We are amazing at program design and average at fund raising at best.) Which kind of speaks to important point. If we are successful at raising more funds than the program costs, and we are average, imagine what you might be able to do in your area. What we’ve noticed about STEM is that business leaders are incredibly interested. It’s a hot topic, it’s relevant, and they immediately see the value. So where it’s hard for us to sell elementary in-class program support, this is way easier. In this section, we’ll share our templates on proposals and also how we recognize donors. Bottom line, financial support or sponsorships, as we call them, are a critical part of the success of the STEM Summit.
Giving Levels This is always a difficult topic to figure out, and I’m not sure that our approach is necessarily correct. With that said, we have developed over the years a tiered level for our giving levels. We are a bit different in that we actually offer two STEM programs; our STEM Career Exploration in BizTown, and the STEM Summit. We actually combine sponsorship opportunities for the two programs. So in essence funders are receiving credit for supporting both efforts. The following are the levels that we typically use in proposals and funding requests. Major gifts - $20,000+ We have received a number of large gifts focused on our STEM initiatives. Currently, we have 5 sponsors that fall into this level. Large gifts - $5,000 to $20,000 This is probably our most frequent ask. Companies or foundations that have the capacity to support us with funding in this level. Small gifts - $1,000 to $5,000 We really try to avoid pursuing these level gifts. Mostly, these are a result of a larger ask. We have not adopted a “sponsor a module” approach to date. Johnson Controls which helps us run the Physics module with volunteers, contributes $10,000 to our STEM efforts. But we do not make them the sponsor of Physics. In JA BizTown, we learned from experience that direct sponsorships tend to trap you into doing things that you might not want to do. So, I guess maybe a word of caution is our recommendation.
Sample Proposal Template In no way do we want to say that our proposal approach is the best. It’s evolved over time and works for us. We wanted to share with you our approach and template. We hope that as you look at ours and compare it to yours; if yours is better, we would love a copy. The cover letter and proposal template are downloadable from our website’s STEM Summit Resource page (refer to Getting Started tab). Our proposals consist of a cover letter and a proposal. With grants they usually require a lot more support more information. The following pages include the cover letter and the sample template proposal.
Donor Recognition One of the challenges that we face in every program is finding the appropriate ways to recognize our donors. With the STEM Summit, we have a several of opportunities that we utilize:
Business Overview Brochure Educator Overview Brochure Student Handouts
We try to size logos based size of gift. Large logos typically are in the $20,000+ range, smaller logos in the $5,000 to $10,000 range. For gifts below $5,000 we list the company as an “Additional Sponsor”.
Educator Table of Contents Overview………………………………………………..…................................. 1 Planning Efforts with Educators………………………………………………… 2 Sample Flow of the Day ……………………..……………….…………………. 3 Educator’s Overview Brochure …………………………………………………. 4 Program Summary………………………..……………………………………… 5 Program Reservation Form……………………….………………………………6 Educator Planning Handout.………………..…………………………………….8 Educator/School Checklist………………………………………………….……10 Hospitality……………………………………………….……..…………….…….11 Helpful Hints for Group Leaders..………………………………..………….…..12 Draft Agendas……………………………………………………….……….……13 Chairs and Tables Required ………………………………………..………...…15 Gym Floor Layout……………………………………..…………….……….……16 STEM Summit Press Release………………..……………………………….…17 STEM Summit Student Handout…………………………………………….…..18 STEM Summit Student Survey…………………………..…..………………..…19
Overview We often describe Junior Achievement as a partnership between the business and the education communities. Nothing makes this point more vividly than the STEM Summit. From the planning, to the implementation, it is truly a collaboration. One comment we have received from educators is the team building and collaboration within the school. This program gives the math department, the science department, and the guidance counselor teams a chance to work together, in the planning and execution of the event. That is really an added benefit that we hadn’t planned on. In this section we have included all the topics where educators are involved. From the initial marketing of the program to the final feedback.
Planning Efforts with Educators A critical success factor in the STEM Summit is the collaborative efforts with the school administration and educators. We have established a three step process that has been key to successful implementation.
Sales meeting
Collaboration meeting
Final Details meeting
Prior to the first meeting, there is a need to establish a point of contact. Often at the high school there is a Guidance Counselor or Business teacher that has been involved with Junior Achievement. Presenting the idea of the STEM Summit to them is a great way to get the process started. What we are asking them to do is to set up a meeting with school administration to present the idea. Sales Meeting: The first meeting is a “sales meeting� intended to get the school to sign up. Key decision makers need to be present. This may include school district administrative staff, Building Principal, and other educators. We present the basic overview of the program and cover the list of collaborative responsibilities (Educator/School Checklist). After the meeting there may be a need for some follow up conversations. If the school is interested then a date should be selected. The Summit date should be at least 4-5 months after the meeting to allow for planning and volunteer recruiting. Collaboration Meeting: About 30 days prior to the Summit, a second meeting should be scheduled. We call this the collaboration meeting. It is intended to help all educators to gain an understanding for what the day will look like and the purpose of the program. We encourage the school to bring math, science, technology, and business teachers to the meeting. In addition to the overview of the program a site walk through of the gym, auditorium and classrooms used for career panels should be completed. Final Details Meeting: About 2-3 weeks prior to the STEM Summit, a final meeting should take place at the school. This meeting should be with the team the school has assigned to handle logistics. A checklist has been developed to cover details. This will include review of agendas, parking, auditorium, set up time, lunch for volunteers, check in for volunteers, and student helpers. 2
Sample Flow of the Day We have incorporated the sample flow of the day chart in a number of our handouts. It’s a great way to visualize how the day looks. The full document is also available for download as a Word document at the resource center.
Educators Overview Brochure The Educators Overview brochure is a fairly extended look at the STEM Summit. In total it is 8 pages. We have it available as email pdf and also printed copy. We print it on 11x17 booklet style. The entire document is available in Word format on the resource center website.
Program Summary We developed a short one page summary of the STEM Summit designed for general use. It covers all the key points that typically come up during early conversations about the program. This is downloadable from our website’s STEM Summit Resource Center page (refer to Getting Started tab).
Program Reservation Form In the early stages a reservation process is not that critical. However, from experience we have learned that it helps eliminate misunderstandings. This reservation form is modeled after out JA BizTown process. It is downloadable from our website’s STEM Summit Resource Center page (refer to Getting Started tab).
Educator Planning Handout In the early stages of planning for the STEM Summit we provide the educators with a two page handout that highlights their assignments. This document can be downloaded from our website’s STEM Summit Resource Center page (refer to Getting Started tab).
Educator/School Checklist One of the most used documents is the educator checklist. It provides a quick guide for educators on all the tasks they need to get done. Typically passed out during the first educator meeting.
Hospitality We like each school to provide a welcoming environment for the business volunteers. The school should designate a “Hospitality Room” where volunteers can gather after they register with the JA staff and before they are led into the gym or career panel rooms to start the day. The “Hospitality Room” is also the location where lunch will be served, so it should be large enough to comfortably accommodate 40-50 people. We ask the schools to provide coffee and a light breakfast. This typically consists of coffee, juice, bagels and cream cheese and fruit. It is a good idea to also have water available at breakfast too. Each school also provides lunch for all volunteers. Most schools will include their Group Leaders in this lunch as well. Lunch is at the discretion of the school. Lunch ideas include sandwiches, subs and wraps, soup and green salad, potato or pasta salad, chips or pretzels and brownies or cookies for dessert. Water should be served for lunch. Having soda and coffee available is nice too, as we have found volunteers like a little caffeine for the afternoon sessions. Some schools have had their lunch donated by area businesses, such as Subway, sandwich shops and their own in-house catering. Another nice touch is to provide snacks such as granola bars to the volunteers if there is a longer stretch, either between the start of the day and lunch or lunch and the end of the day. Water should be provided to all volunteers several times throughout the day by student helpers. This school actually created t-shirts for their student helpers.
Helpful Hints for Group Leaders The school will be providing teachers to travel with each group during the day. It is really important that these group leaders understand the purpose of the day and their role. The following are some helpful hints for group leaders.
x Keep track of the time in each session and move your group in a timely manner. If your group finishes early, please keep them at that activity until it is time to change. x Be involved and engaged with the students as they participate during the day. x Monitor student behavior. x Facilitate questions and encourage dialog between students and Career Panelists during the question and answer session. Here are a few questions to ask if the students don’t ask any: x What is a starting salary in your field? (only if not shared during the presentation) x Could you describe a typical workweek or day on the job? x If you could change one thing about your journey, what would it be? x What is the single most important piece of advice you would give to high school students? x What interested you most in this field? x What is the most rewarding aspect of your job? x What are the most important skills and abilities required for your field? x What do you wish you knew now (but didn’t) when you first contemplated this career?
Draft Agendas The school is responsible for building out the set of agendas for students. We provide a set of 9 agendas as a template for them to use. There are a number of issues that the school has to determine in building their agendas. x Start of school day – how long do you want students to stay in home room before going to auditorium? x Lunch – when will the group take lunch? This often can be difficult based on other cafeteria schedules. x End of day – Do you want students dismissed from auditorium or returning to last classroom? Once these decisions have been made, then the first of nine agendas can be created. This master agenda needs to have the correct times for each activity. The other agendas are then created using these times with group rotations filled in. Finally, it is really important that the school proofs the agendas to make sure that all the rotations are correct and that the times on all agendas are done. We ask the school to send us a copy of the final set of agendas. We double check to make sure they are correct. Schools will make copies of the agendas for each student and group leader. Students receive agendas at the beginning of the day, (usually in home room).
Chairs and Table Requirements Registration table:
1 table with 2 Chairs
80/20 Competition:
1 table for supplies 5 tables with 6 chairs each (preferably round, if possible) 1 chair for volunteer
Physics Experiment:
1 long table for supplies 2 chairs for volunteers 1 Garbage can
Chemistry Experiment:
2 long tables for demonstration and experiment supplies 5 long tables with 6 chairs @ each table 5 chairs for volunteers 2 Garbage cans
12 long tables (10 for relay, 2 for supplies) 5 chairs for volunteers 1 Garbage Can
Math Challenge:
5 tables (preferably round) with 6 chairs @ each table 4 chairs for volunteers 1 garbage can
Marshmallow Challenge: 1 long table for supplies 5 tables (long or round) with 6 chairs @ each table 2 chairs for volunteers 1 Garbage Can Electrical Challenge: 5 tables (preferably round) with 6 chairs @ each table 3 chairs for volunteers 1 garbage can TOTAL: 174 CHAIRS
7 GARBAGE CANS Revised 2/2/15
Gym Floor Layout A key to a well-organized day is the proper flow of students from activity to activity. This is accomplished by having a gym layout for group leaders. Prior to the event, we develop a simple layout for the school to use. We used to literally draw it on a piece of paper the day of the event, but now have a Word document template. Part of what changes each summit is the location of electrical outlets in the gym. The Physics and Electrical modules need to be set up in close proximity to an outlet.
Press Release We have discovered that schools often receive better press responses than we do. So, we use a dual strategy for each event. We do our standard JA press releases and then we encourage schools to do their own as well. We provide them with a sample press release to use as a template.
Student Handout At the conclusion of the STEM Summit we provide copies of a student handout to the lead educator. The handout has email contact information for all the volunteers who participated in the day. Additionally it has a QR code for a page on our website that has additional STEM information.
Student Survey Part of the program evaluation comes from Student Feedback. We started with an online survey but realized that it was easier for educators to implement a printed version. We provide the original via email and ask the school to have all students complete within two days of the event. We ask the school to send us the completed surveys so we can summarize the data.
Volunteer Coordination Table of Contents Overview……………………………………………………………………...……1 Volunteer Coordination Timeline………………………………………….……..2 Sourcing Strategies for Volunteers..……………………………….……………3 Mentors Needed )O\HU …………..………………………………..………….4 Volunteer Needs List …..…………………………..………………….…………5 Sample Volunteer Info Sheet ……..………………………………….….……...6 Business Leader Overview Brochure….…………………………….…….…...7 Volunteer E-mail Correspondence…………………………………….………..8 Volunteer Thank You Gifts……………………………………………….….….15 Volunteer Evaluations…………………………………………………….….….16
Overview We describe the STEM Summit as “volunteercentric”. By that we mean it is heavy on volunteers. The volunteer ratio typically is about 8 students to 1 volunteer. (240 students and 30 volunteers) Compared to JA Company that is a lot less, compared to regular in-class a lot more. But what makes the STEM Summit easier to manage is the volunteer assignments are for the most part…. fun. Career panelists have to prepare a little with their presentations…but everybody else gets to come and engage with students in fun activities. The proof is in our retention rate. For in-class programs we are running about a 65% retention rate. For STEM Summit it’s over 80%. Every volunteer wants to come back, some just get tied up with work assignments. However, let’s not minimize the challenge. Finding and coordinating the volunteer effort is work. With 25 STEM Summit days, we need 750 volunteers. The key is getting started early.
Volunteer Coordination
Volunteer Coordination Timeline There is checklist that we developed that helps identify key points of contact for staff with volunteers. This list is available as a Word document at the Resource Center.
Volunteer Coordination
Sourcing Strategies for Volunteers We are recruiting 750 STEM volunteers per year, so you can imagine the challenge. We’ve developed a number of sources and approaches to use. The following are a list to help trigger your ideas. x x x x x x
x x x x
Board companies - first place to start are board and regional council companies. Existing donor companies – especially manufacturing companies are great sources for engineering backgrounds Colleges/Universities – can provide business contacts and recent graduates. Especially helpful with chemistry engineers. Engineering Associations – can be a great resource for networking Schools business partners- don’t hesitate to ask the school if they have a list of business partners in their district. In-class volunteers – we use our in-class list (over 2,000 active) and look at those where we have company names. Then for those where the company looks like a match we’ll send them an email. Not to steal them from in-class (that’s a bad thing -) but to ask them for networking help in their company. Chamber of Commerce/ Rotary - Getting a chance to pitch the program at chamber or rotary meetings can be a great way to get the word out. Accounting/Financial Investment companies - They make great volunteers for the math challenge. IBEW – you should already have made the contact for the electrical competition, but we rely on our local IBEW to staff that competition at every event. Aeronautical or HVAC company – the physics experiment is a wind and air series of activities ideal for either aeronautical or hvac companies. Johnson Controls has adopted this experiment for us and staff the volunteers every day. Mentors Needed flyer can be used for recruitment emails, handouts, or mailings. This flyer can be downloaded from our website’s STEM Summit Resource Center page (refer to Getting Started tab)
Volunteer Coordination
Mentors Needed )O\HU One of the tools used in volunteer recruiting is this simple one page handout that summarizes the day and the role of the volunteer. It is available as a Word document at the Resource Center.
Volunteer Coordination
Volunteer Needs List The following is a break out of the volunteer needs for STEM Summit. Career Panel 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Career Panelist Career Panelist Career Panelist Career Panelist Career Panelist Career Panelist
Experiments 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Physics Physics
Competitions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.
80/20 Electrical Electrical Marshmallow Challenge Marshmallow Challenge Relay Relay Relay Relay Relay Relay Math Challenge Math Challenge Math Challenge Math Challenge Math Challenge
Other Provided by School-Students 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Timer Timer Timer Chemistry Clean Up Chemistry Clean Up Relay Clean Up Relay Clean Up
8. Water Delivery 9. Water Delivery 10. Misc
Volunteer Coordination
Sample Volunteer Info Sheet One thing that is helpful is a having a one page overview of the volunteer assignments that you can attach to emails. The following is available on the resource website under Volunteers.
Volunteer Coordination
Business Leader Overview Brochure One of the tools we use for volunteer recruiting is a pdf brochure we call Business Leader Overview. You can download the brochure from the resources website and modify it to your local area.
Volunteer Coordination
Volunteer Correspondence A successful STEM Summit requires that a lot of moving parts come together at the correct time. Nothing illustrates this more than managing a large number of volunteers. For us, it is over 750 volunteers per year. We have developed a series of emails to assist in this process. We are providing copies of our emails in this section. Some emails are tailored to their assignment while others go out to the group.
Initial Correspondence Hello, My name is Kim Zech and I am the Director of Junior Achievement’s high school program, the STEM Summit. The goal of our STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Summit is to inspire students to pursue an academic STEM focus in the remainder of their high school courses and to help Note: Attach of the STEM Overview STEM Summit and the Leader future. We dodocument this by exposing the Business students to hands on prepare them copies for a possible job inofthe Overview Brochure theirscience review.experiments and science, engineering and math related competitions experiential learningfor through and two career panels. This program requires over 30 volunteers per day to be successful. This is a one day commitment (typically 7:30am-2:30 pm) and no prep time is required but you will be given guidance on how to facilitate your activity. It’s a wonderful way to impact and inspire an entire grade level and also share your personal work experience and story. For the Summit, the students are divided into 9 groups of approximately 25-30 students. They will have the opportunity to cycle through 9, 30 minute sessions pertaining to all aspects of STEM. There will be five science related competitions, two experiments and two career panels comprised of three panelists each. The Summit lasts for the entire school day. Each school will provide coffee and light breakfast fare as well Once volunteers have been recruited, one of the first emails is the confirmation email. as lunch for the volunteers.
Confirmation Correspondence
We send an email tied to their assignment. This allows us to attach instructions to the For our career panelists, we are looking for speakers to talk about their career in a fun and engaging email. The following are the confirmation emails by category.
way. We want to know about their career journey, education and a current starting salary in their field. We want this to be really interesting for the students. We also ask that each speaker bring a prop to help identify their job in some way. Each speaker will give their presentation 9 times to 9 groups of students. The panelist will speak for 8 minutes. We will have a person in the room to introduce the speakers and to time them. We do like to meet with each speaker beforehand to hear their speech, see their props and do a run through. We have learned from past experience that this really helps with what to say and timing.
80/20 Volunteer
In addition to career panelists, I am looking for volunteers to help out with the science experiments, relay, math challenge, 80/20 and marshmallow challenge. Please let me know if you have any questions or would like additional information or if you know of others in your company who may like to volunteer for this worthwhile program. I have several companies that will “adopt” an experiment or competition and provide all of the needed volunteers for that Summit day. I have attached a brochure on the event as well as an overview of the volunteer positions available for your review. Thank you so much for your time and consideration!
Note: Attach copies of the Overview of STEM Summit document and the Business Leader Overview Brochure for their review. 8
Volunteer Coordination
80/20 Volunteer Confirmation Hello,
Thank you so much for volunteering for our upcoming STEM Summit. I have placed you in the 80/20 competition. I have attached instructions and an overview of the 80/20 product and how it is used in a manufacturing setting. You will be responsible for introducing the 80/20 product, explaining the rules of the competition, and monitoring the students as they complete their task. Other than reviewing these instructions, at your convenience, no prior preparation is needed. On the morning of the Summit, a JA staff member will meet with you to go over the directions. One week prior to the Summit, I will email you with all of the details on the day. Please let me know if you have any questions or would like additional information. Thank you so much for your time and participation.
Note: Attach a copies of the 80/20 Instructions and the About 80/20 Inc. documents.
Chemistry Volunteer Confirmation Hello, Thank you so much for volunteering at our upcoming STEM Summit. I have placed you in the chemistry experiment. I have attached the directions for the activities the students will be doing. Other than reviewing these instructions, no prior preparation is needed. A JA staff member will go over the directions with you on the morning of the Summit. You will be working with a group of 5 students and monitoring them as they perform the experiments. The students love this‌for most of them, it is their favorite part of the day! One week prior to the Summit, I will email you all of the details on the day. Please let me know if you have any questions or would like additional information. Thank you so much for your time and participation.
Note: Attach copies of the Heat Sensitive Insta-Worms Experiment Instructions and Magic Sand Experiment instructions.
Volunteer Coordination
Marshmallow Challenge Volunteer Confirmation Hello, Thank you so much for volunteering for the Marshmallow Challenge at our upcoming STEM Summit. I have attached the directions for the Marshmallow Challenge for your review. Other than looking over this at your convenience, no prior preparation is needed. We will have all of the supplies ready for you and a JA staff member will go over the instructions with you on the morning of the Summit. One week prior to the Summit, I will email you all of the details on the day. Please let me know if you have any questions or would like additional information. Thank you so much for your time and participation.
Note: Attach a copy of The Marshmallow Challenge Instructions
Math Challenge Volunteer Confirmation Hello, Thank you so much for volunteering in the Math Challenge at our upcoming STEM Summit. I have attached the directions for your review. Other than looking over this at your convenience, no prior preparation is needed. Our staff will go over the instructions with you on the morning of the Summit. You would be responsible for helping with just one of these challenges. We are asking one volunteer to serve as the “Leader.� I have attached these instructions in case you would like to fill this role. One week prior to the Summit I will send you an email with all of the details on the day. Please let me know if you have any questions or would like additional information. Thank you so much for your time and participation. Note: Attach copies of the Math Competition Leader Directions and the Math Competition Summary documents.
Volunteer Coordination
Relay Competition Volunteer Confirmation Hello, Thank you so much for volunteering for the Relay at our upcoming STEM Summit. In this event you will be a “coach� to a team of 5-6 students. Five teams of students will be competing at a time in a series of fun and engaging science, math and engineering activities. It will be your responsibility to time your team and encourage them as they go through the activities. The goal for each team is to complete the activities in the shortest amount of time. Approximately 250 students participate in the Summit. They are divided into nine groups of 25-30 students. When those groups come to the Relay, they will be further divided into teams of 5-6 students. You will be coaching a group of students 9 times throughout the day. I have attached an overview on the Relay for your review. One week prior to the Summit, I will email you all of the details on the day. Please let me know if you have any questions or would like additional information. Thank you so much for your time and participation! Note: Attach a copy of the STEM Summit Relay Volunteer Guidelines document.
Volunteer Coordination
Physics Volunteer Confirmation Hello, Thank you for volunteering in our Physics experiment. I have attached some background information on the experiments you will be doing with the students. A JA Staff person will also meet with you in the morning to go over everything. The first experiment you will do is the screaming balloon. Each student gets a balloon. Blows it up and inserts a hex nut. They just hold the end of the balloon closed, DO NOT TIE IT. They will then hold both ends of the balloon, swirl it around and the hex nut inside the balloon makes a “screaming sound.” We also have the science behind the experiment on the table for you to read. Next they will let a little bit of air out of the balloon. Show the students a bamboo skewer and tell them their balloon must be smaller than the skewer because they will be pushing the skewer through the balloon without it breaking. When their balloon is the proper size THEN they can tie it. Hand each student a bamboo skewer. Have then dip the end of it into a cup of vegetable oil. Explain about polymers, and have them put their skewer through the balloon where the polymers are located (end of each balloon). Some balloons will pop, most will not. When this is complete, dispose of the balloon and skewer. The hex nuts can go back into the container. Next is the Wind Bag. Instructions are attached. We do not have the students tie the ends. They just hold them closed with their hands. Have the students break into pairs. Give each pair a wind bag. Ask them to guess how many breaths it takes to blow up and then try it. Most students will say and blow 5 or more breaths. You can then demonstrate how to do it in one breath (instructions will be at your station). Have the students try blowing up the bag with one breath. Please tell the students not to put their mouths on the ends. They can do the experiment by not touching the sides of the bag. This will allow us to reuse the wind bags. In the event the students do touch the bags with their mouths, please dispose of the bags. Please collect all bags at the experiment. Lastly is the smoke rings. You can fill the fog machine with liquid smoke. Then fill the large air canon. Have the students stand in a semi-circle each with a Styrofoam cup on their head. Have a volunteer student try to knock the cups off of the students’ heads with the smoke rings. The science behind this will also be on your table. Each student can take a turn hitting the air canon. We also would like you to share a little bit of your career story with the students as time permits in each session. One week prior to the Summit, I will email you all of the details on the day. Please let me know if you have any questions or would like additional information. Thank you so much for your time!
Note: Attach copies of Polymers-How Does it Work? Windbag Experiment – Bernoulli Bag; Physics in a Toroidal Vortex: Air Cannon and Volunteer Instructions-Physics Experiment.
Volunteer Coordination
STEM Summit Itinerary This email correspondence should be sent to volunteers one week prior to STEM Summit Program date.
Hello, Thank you for volunteering at our STEM Summit on 11/19/14 at Dover Area High School. I wanted to provide you with the details of the day. The address of the school is 46 West Canal St. Dover, PA 17315 717-292-3671 I have attached a schedule for the day. The official day will run from 8:00 am–1:45 pm. You are free to leave at that time or you may join everyone in the auditorium for the awards and final demonstration which will be a series of experiments using liquid nitrogen. We will end the day with a big “bang”! Please arrive at the high school at 7:15 am. You will enter at the GYM entrance which is in the back of the school. There will be a designated parking area there as well. Please check in at our registration table where you will receive a nametag and a printed schedule for the day. You may then enjoy a light breakfast in the hospitality area. When all of our volunteers have arrived, our staff will take you to your area and go over the instructions for your activity. Lunch will be provided for you. All activities with the exception of the career panels will be held in the gym. Dress is casual…jeans and sneakers are fine. Please contact me if you have any questions. In the event you need to reach me on the day of the Summit, my cell is 717-487-1279. Thank you so much for your participation in this event. I know your time is valuable and I appreciate you sharing it with the students of Dover Area High School and Junior Achievement!
Note: Attach a copy of the School’s STEM Summit Agenda
Volunteer Coordination
Thank You - After the STEM Summit This email correspondence should be sent to volunteers after completion of the STEM Summit Program date.
Thank you much for the generous gift of time you gave to Junior Achievement of South Central PA and the students at Cumberland Valley High School today. It truly was a wonderful day based on the feedback I received both from teachers and students alike. I know your time is valuable and am so appreciative of you spending the day with JA! We are so proud of this program and could not do it without your support. I have attached the schedule for the rest of the year in the event you’d like to help us out again. With MUCH gratitude,
Note: Attach a copy of your office’s STEM Summit Schedule for the current school year.
Volunteer Coordination
Volunteer Thank You It’s always a difficult call. How do you say thank you to your volunteers. Typically for our in-class volunteer this is a postcard, an email, or maybe a personal note from one of our staff. But as we began this program, we chose to make the STEM volunteer special. We wanted to create some extra energy with their involvement. So we spent more money and created a more special recognition. This year we are using a JA coffee mug. We have created a special card and as you can see we gift it up a bit. The cups are kept in the gym area and are passed out to each volunteer near the end of the day. This item costs about $3.00 total per mug.
Volunteer Coordination
Volunteer Evaluation We are constantly looking for feedback for ways to improve the program. Volunteers provide an important source. Beyond the oral feedback we receive during the day, we also use an evaluation process. For volunteers we use an online survey. This allows us to quantify their input quickly and is also easier for them to access. The following is the current survey that we are using. A copy of the student survey is available for download from our website’s STEM Summit Resource page (refer to Getting Started tab).
Volunteer Coordination
Volunteer Coordination
JA Staff Table of Contents Overview…………………………………………………………………..…..........1 STEM Summit Job Descriptions..………………………………………………...2 JA Staff Checklist ………………………………………………………………….4 Guidelines for Setup………………………………..……………………………...5 Staff Assignments on STEM Summit Day……….……………………………..12 Extra Supplies for Staff………… .……………………………………….……13 Guidelines for Take Down………………..………………………………..……..14 Guidelines for Restocking
Storage Tub Contents List………………………………………………...……..19
Overview The STEM Summit has enough complexity that from a staffing stand point we treat it a lot like JA BizTown. We’ve built a separate team to help run the days. In the early stages, you won’t need the staff, but as you ramp up the idea becomes more important. As we began the development of STEM Summit there were four of our staff involved. This became the foundation of our effort. When you think about time invested from this group it is 12 hours each from the setup, day of event and take down day and a full day for the event. That is a total of about 48 man hours. Now that we run 25 days we have six involved in the setup, take down and running of the day. For those areas that are running JA BizTown, you will find this program to be simpler. It still has the level of detail, but not nearly as much reset effort. We’ve built the staffing into our cost per student calculation. In this section we’ll cover activities that are primarily staff driven. This includes set-up, activities during the summit, and then take down.
JA Staff
STEM Summit Job Descriptions As we began the STEM Summit, we realized its potential early. We knew that if we were going to do 10 days in the next school year we would need someone overseeing the program. We took one of our lead JA BizTown staff and moved her into the Director of STEM Summit position. The following is the job description and is available for download from our website’s STEM Summit Resource page (refer to Getting Started tab).
JA Staff
Once we ran 10 days and moved up to a plan to run 25 days, we needed to expand our staffing strategy. We use what we define as temp employees to staff the STEM Summit. Temp employees work less than 500 hours per year and only work on days scheduled (i.e. STEM Summits). This job description is also available for download from the STEM Summit Resource Center page.
JA Staff
JA Staff Checklist To help with the flow of the process we developed a simple one page checklist for key STEM Summit staff to use for each day. This worksheet is used by the Director of STEM Summits primarily. It is available for download from the STEM Summit Resource Center page (refer to Getting Started tab).
JA Staff
Guidelines for Setup We’ve often compared the summit to a traveling circus, and the analogy is not that far off. Like the circus, when you run the event enough times, you build a plan that helps you be more efficient. We are now able to do a full set up in an hour. That’s down from two and one half hours for the first several. The following are guidelines/ notes to help you organize your setup to be as productive as possible. It is tempting to do the set up the morning of the event. However, we strongly discourage that idea. With volunteers arriving for training, and with the risk of forgetting something, it’s just way less stressful to do the set up the day before. We have been using 6 people from staff for set up. It’s two hours’ worth of work, (to include travel time) so it’s about 12 man-hours of effort. That’s approximately a $300.00 expense in labor. We also probably have on average 6 students and two or three faculty. So that’s another probably 9 man-hours. Of course this is volunteer labor from our standpoint. In total, it probably takes us about 20 man-hours of effort to set up the summit. The following is a step by step guideline on the sequencing of set up. You’ll develop your own approach as you go forward, but we strongly encourage you to do several our way before creating your own. 1. Prep begins with the school being ready. This is covered in the preparation materials. But to summarize, the school needs to: a. Have chairs and tables staged in a hallway or in the gym. But not assembled. b. Have students available to help unload and assist after school. c. Have a janitorial staff person on call in case they are needed.
2. Prep also begins with planning for set up on JA’s side. This includes: a. Agreeing on a time for set up. (usually right as school is finishing) b. Having truck or vehicles loaded and ready to arrive on time. c. Having a drawing of the gym prepared, so that everyone knows layout. d. Know which door to pull up to for unloading.
3. On arrival, all tubs and materials should be unloaded and taken to the gym. We don’t place the tubs in the appropriate areas until pipe and drape is set. Putting the tubs on a side wall in gym is preferred.
JA Staff
4. The gym is divided into half. Half for the relay, and half for the six modules. A staff person or two can begin working on relay side set up. There are specific set up instructions for relay in the relay section. We use one person doing this set up. (It takes them about as long as the other half combined.)
5. On the other half, pipe and drape is done first. You need to space out bases (usually on 10’ increments) and make sure you are satisfied with their position. You will be dividing this half of the gym into 6 equal sections. Note: placing the bases is an approximation, you’ll adjust them as you hang drape. Once you have bases, down, then placing poles in base is next.
JA Staff
6. Students can be helping put drapes on hang poles. We use 3 drapes per 10 feet. Do not put hang poles up until bases and poles are set.
7. Then beginning at one end, get students to help hang drapes. You’ll learn that you have to work from one end to the other and then work from the inside out. (Otherwise, you end up moving pipe and drape assembled, which is not an easy task.)
JA Staff
8. Once the pipe and drape is set, then a student can place signs on the pipe and drape for each area.
9. In the chemistry area, we place a drop cloth down first. We use a large drop cloth and actually place the edges of the drop cloth under the pipe and drape stand so that the entire area is covered. This reduces students tripping or moving drop cloths as they walk around. (lesson learned)
JA Staff
10. Tables can begin to be brought in and set up per planned diagram. added as well.
Chairs are
11. Then tubs are placed into their appropriate areas. We have specific set-up instructions for the 80/20, Chemistry, Electrical, Marshmallow Challenge, Math Challenge, Physics and Relay areas outlined in those sections of this Implementation Guide.
JA Staff
12. Once tables and chairs are set and storage tubs have been placed in their proper areas, we release the students. Staff finishes the set-up from that point on (usually about 30 to 40 minutes into set up).
13. Our staff typically set up the same areas, so they know the process. But for the first couple, you will need to organize your efforts as you go.
14. Signs are placed in the greeting area and in career panel classrooms. The Career Panel tub is distributed between the two classrooms.
15. Auditorium signs, prizes tub (sling bags), and Finale materials are taken to the stage. Signs are set up; however, the prizes and finale material are not set up until mid-day. The morning “Opening� requires just the signs.
16. Final walk thru is completed to identify any missing pieces.
JA Staff
JA Staff
Staff Assignments on STEM Summit Day During the actual STEM Summit day there are a number of activities that take place coordinated by staff. The following highlight these: Arrival: Staff usually arrives at the school 15 minutes before volunteers are asked to start arriving. Volunteer Check In: One person will sit at the check-in table greeting the volunteers and passing out agendas and name badges. Volunteers arrive 45 minutes before the first session begins. After check-in, volunteers go to the Hospitality Room. If a volunteer would need to cancel last minute, a JA staff person could fill in for them. Sometimes a responsible student volunteer can help out too. Volunteer training: Approximately 20 minutes prior to the beginning of the first session, staff will take volunteers to their respective activities and train them on their responsibilities for the day. Monitoring volunteer effort: As the day begins, JA staff are monitoring the performance of volunteers and answering questions and coaching as needed. One of the keys is to help the volunteer get comfortable with the timeline. Volunteers must be done on schedule and we want them not to get done too quickly. Helping adjust the volunteer’s effort during the first and second rotation, will ensure the rest of the day runs smoothly. Staff stepping in to role: Occasionally staff may step into the role of a volunteer. This can be to give the volunteer a chance to quickly see the rest of the STEM Summit, or sometimes to help a volunteer that is struggling. Lunch: During lunch time we like our staff to be eating with volunteers and getting feedback on their experience. Monitoring students and teachers: During the day all JA staff are asked to monitor teacher and student engagement. They should bring to the attention of senior staff any issues that need to be addressed. Photos: One of the staff is assigned to take photos during the day. We like to get photos of every volunteer in action as well as a group shot in front of the STEM Summit sign in their activity. We send them a photo as part of their email thank you. We also try to capture photos of students in activities. We rely on the school to inform us on photo restrictions of any students. Thank You gifts: The gifts are stored in tubs or boxes and brought to the gym in the morning and set aside. During the afternoon, staff will pass out thank you gifts and personally thank each volunteer. 12
JA Staff
Extra Supplies for Staff It is a good idea to have a tub filled with extra supplies that are frequently used throughout the STEM Summit. The tub can be brought into the gym area in the morning. The staff can use these items as needed during the day. Extra supplies to stock: x
2 White board erasers and markers
Pens, large paper clips, wipes, paper towels, large black trash bags, sandwich baggies, gallon baggies, black markers, masking tape, duct tape, clear packing tape, scissors, plastic cups,Styrofoam cups, and AA batteries
Metal Shower curtain rings – need 24 to start and 12 extra
First Aid Kit
Extra boxes of 40” x 300’ rolls of white plastic table covering (purchased at Sam’s Club or other food warehouse store)
Note: You may want to consider a tub just to hold paper towels containers of hand wipes. Summits use a lot of wipes and towels.
JA Staff
Guidelines for Take Down Just like in the set-up take down is choreographed just like a circus. Having a plan makes the process go smoothly. The following are highlights of our approach. 1. As soon as the students head to the auditorium the staff begins the take down in the gym. 2. We make arrangements with the school to move the truck up to the nearest exit as long as it doesn’t get in the way of bus parking. 3. Begin by getting all the trash removed. 4. Find the tubs for each area and use the tub contents list to place the items in the correct tubs. 5. As module is finished close the lid on the tub and take tubs to door for exit. Stack tubs in area and haul all to truck at one time. 6. All signs can be taken down and stacked near the door of the gym .
JA Staff
7. Pipe and drape can begin to be taken down while other staff are filling tubs. Folding drapes as they are taken off the pole can be a student activity.
8. All drop cloths should be wiped clean and folded and placed in appropriate tubs.
JA Staff
9. School staff typically is taking down tables and chairs as we work. We do not help with that effort.
10. Signs and tripods for career panel classrooms, hospitality area and check in are picked up.
11. Once all STEM Summit materials are stored then we load the truck.
12. When the finale is completed we pick up all the materials and tarp from the auditorium. This includes signs and stands. We use a tub to hold the large tarp because it will have quite a bit of water on it from the liquid nitrogen experiment. We just fold it up with water on it. (we’ll empty water later) Usually there is a different door near the auditorium that we use to stage this material.
13. One last pass of the areas is made to make sure we have all of our material before leaving.
JA Staff
Guidelines for Restocking Once the day is complete, we return the truck to our office and bring in the tubs that need to be restocked. Because we own our truck and pipe and drape, we are able to leave some tubs (that don’t require restocking) and the pipe and drape in the truck.
Sometime during the next week, a staff person goes thru the tubs and checks the tub’s contents list and replenishes items that need to be restocked. This is about 4 hours of work per STEM Summit day.
JA Staff
The person restocking is watching inventory levels of items and making sure that we have ordered additional supplies as needed. We have found that keeping enough supplies on hand to replenish tubs for all of the STEM Summit dates on your calendar (or by semester) makes the restocking process much easier and faster.
JA Staff
EXTRA Supplies Storage Tub Contents Extra supplies to stock: x 2 White board erasers and markers x Pens, large paper clips, wipes, paper towels, large black trash bags, sandwich baggies, gallon baggies, black markers, masking tape, duct tape, clear packing tape, scissors, plastic cups,Styrofoam cups, and AA batteries x Timers x
Metal Shower curtain rings – need 24 to start and 12 extra
x First Aid Kit x Extra boxes of 40” x 300’ rolls of white plastic table covering (purchased at Sam’s Club or other food warehouse store)
Note: You may want to consider a tub just to hold paper towels containers of hand wipes. Summits use a lot of wipes and towels.
JA Staff
80/20 Competition Table of Contents Overview……………………………………………………………… ..…. ...1 80/20 Materials List ……………………………..……………………………..2 Staff Set up Procedures DQG *\P /D\RXW ……… ……………..… ……3 80/20 Instructions…………………………………………………………..…..5 About 80/20 Inc. .…………………………………………………………..…..7 80/20 Competition Finalist Form………………………………………….......8 Storage TXE &RQWHQWV /LVW ……………………..………………………
80/20 Competition OVERVIEW The 80/20 Competition is designed to introduce students to engineering and structural mechanics. In business, the 80/20 theory is a powerful tool. This theory is called Pareto's Law after Vilfredo Pareto (1843 - 1923), an Italian economist and sociologist who said that 80% of your results come from 20% of your efforts. The competition: Teams of students are given a modular framing system (industrial erector set) made of aluminum extrusion product. Students follow written instructions to assemble a small version a safety barrier that is used in manufacturing to protect people from being injured. Each team that completes all seven assembly steps in the allotted time, will have their names entered into a drawing, held at the end of the day, to determine a prize winner.
80/20 Competition
80/20 Competition
Materials List Request School to Provide These Items x 1 Demonstration table x 5 Tables (preferably round) with 6 chairs at each table x 1 Chairs for volunteer JA Staff to Bring These Items to School: For easier set up at the school, place all supplies required for the 80/20 in a storage tub. Label the outside of the tub “80/20 Competition”. On the inside of the tub lid, tape a laminated list of all items kept in this tub. Having this list ensures all necessary items are returned to the tub at the completion of the day; and this is also a reference to JA staff when restocking the tub for the next STEM Summit day. Copies of the tub sign, Contents List and 80/20 Competition forms are available for download from our website’s STEM Summit Resource page (refer to Getting Started tab).
Storage Tub Items: x
One Industrial Erector set sample
3 Foam boards with diagrams
1 Small tub containing:
One clipboard with 2 copies of laminated 80/20 Instructions One clipboard with 45 name slips of paper, for each team who completes the task, to use for the prize drawing Ink pens Jar to hold the name slip entries Bundle of 80/20 Student Name slips (45 slips to a bundle per day)
Also need 5 Industrial Erector sets from 80/20 Inc. – your 80/20 Inc. contact may prefer to bring these to each STEM Summit day rather than giving the industrial sets to your JA office. To obtain these 80/20 Industrial Erector sets, please contact Scott Murphy of Penn Air & Hydraulics at 717-840-8100 or Mr. Murphy will provide the contact information for an 80/20 Inc. location in your area. You may also contact 80/20 Inc. directly t 260-248-8030 or visit their website at 2
80/20 Competition
STAFF SET-UP PROCEDURES 80/20 Competition The 80/20 Competition is simple to set up. This activity requires one demonstration table, five tables (preferably round) with 6 chairs each. On the demonstration table, place the 80/20 sample, extra parts, photos, the clipboard with scoring sheet and the jar for entries for the winning drawing. Place the 80/20 kit in the middle of each table.
80/20 Competition
80/20 Competition
80/20 Inc. is a manufacturer of The Industrial Erector Set. Products and services provided include many shapes of Extruded Aluminum Profiles and other materials that are used to create endless possibilities for end users. A full offering of Accessories help with mobility and the function of the product. Safety Enclosures, Mobile Carts and Proto Typing of new designs are some of the ways people use this product. The extrusions are connected in a variety of ways to create the end product. This product is used in many industries including Manufacturing, Government Facilities, and Business Offices to name a few.
Instructions for 80/20 1. Each table is a separate team. Students should be separated into equal groups at each of the five tables. 4-6 on a team works best. The goal is for each team to complete the assembled product within 20 minutes. 2. Explain to the students that they will need to follow written instructions to assemble a small version of a Safety Barrier that is used in manufacturing to protect people from being injured. 3. The KIT contains small pieces that are all necessary to complete the assembly. Please do not lose any of the pieces.
80/20 Competition
4. Instructions are in the KIT in the middle of the table. Pictures are on the first 3 pages with step by step instructions starting on page 4. 5. Instructions must be followed in order to complete the assembly. Please stress how important it is to follow the directions STEP by STEP! 6. If a step is missed during assemble, pieces will be left over. It is possible that the unit may need to be unassembled in order to complete the assembly correctly. All pieces will be used during the build. 7. The assembly process will start at the base and work up. 8. The assembly is complete at step #7. The assembly is not complete at step #6 as most students like to think. 9. After the students have completed step #7, have them look at the small colored books in the KIT. These are photos of projects that other people have built using the 80/20 product. This helps the students gain a better understanding of how this material can be used. Talk to the students about what they see in the booklets and how the product is used. The students will each have a different perspective and idea about the product.
Each team that completes the assembly process in the time allotted will be entered into a drawing to determine an overall winner. Please have the teams that completed the assembly write their names on a slip of paper. Put these slips of paper into the jar provided. At the end of the day you may choose an overall winner at random from these submissions.
80/20 Competition
80/20 Competition
80/20 Competition Finalists Prize Entry Sheet
80/20 Competition
80/20 Storage Tub Contents x 1 Industrial Erector set sample Note: Your 80/20 Inc. contact may prefer to bring the 5 erector sets used by the students to each STEM Summit day rather than giving the industrial sets to your JA office. x 3 Foam boards with diagrams x 1 Small Tub containing: o One clipboard with 2 copies of laminated 80/20 Instructions o One clipboard o Ink pens o Jar to hold the name slips o Bundle of 80/20 Student Name slips for prize entries (45 slips to a bundle per day)
Note: After the completion of EACH STEM Summit day, the storage tub should be restocked with the above items for the next STEM Summit.
80/20 Competition
Career Panel Table of Contents Overview……………………………………………..…...................................1 Career Panelists Photos……………………..…………………………………2 Career Panel Instructions……………………...............................................3 Storage Tub Contents List…..…………………………..……………………..4
Career Panels We have two Career Panels, comprised of three speakers each. When recruiting for Panelists, it is important to find a diverse group of speakers. We are looking for panelists that have very strong STEM careers and interesting stories to share. Some examples of our past Career Panelists include a wide variety of engineers‌civil, mechanical, chemical, industrial...all from a variety of manufacturing and engineering firms. We have had physical therapists, physicians, medical laboratory scientists, financial analysts, food scientists, architects, environmental scientists, etc. We also like to have businesses represented that are in the areas surrounding each school district. It is important for the students to realize how many STEM careers are right in their backyard. After securing the panelists, we meet with each speaker to hear their 8 minute presentation, time them and see their prop. We usually do this at our office 2-3 weeks prior to the Summit. We schedule two sessions, one at 9 am and another at 3 pm and have the panelists sign up for the one that works best for them. If a panelist cannot make one of these meeting times we will make other arrangements. It is extremely important that you meet with each first time speaker before the Summit. We prefer the panelists do not use power points or videos. We want their presentations to be very personal. Their prop should identify with their career in a fun and unique way.
Each panelist will speak for a total of 8 minutes. A student will be in the room to time the speakers. When the panelist starts speaking the timer will show a green card. At 7 minutes, they will show a yellow card and when 8 minutes are up they will show a red card. At this point the panelist will need to conclude their presentation. The speakers should speak one after the other and hold all questions until the end. After each speaker has presented, the students can ask questions for the last 6 minutes of the session.
Career Panel
Career Panelists
Career Panel
Career Panel Instructions Each speaker will have a total of 8 minutes to speak.
When they start to speak, start your timer and have the green card showing.
When they have 1 minute left, show the yellow card.
When time is up, show the red card.
Please explain these instructions to each speaker.
Career Panel
Career Panel Storage Tub Contents x 3 (gift style) bags labeled – “Timer” x 3 Laminated (half-page) Career Panel Instructions sheets for speakers – one goes in each bag x 3 sets of laminated colored cards: green, red and yellow--to signify time. One set of cards goes in each bag. x 3 timers - one in each bag
Career Panel
Chemistry Experiments Table of Contents Overview……………………………………………………………………….…..1 Chemistry Experiments Materials List….……………………………….………2 Staff Set-up Procedures and Gym Layout…….……………………….……….5 Foam Experiment and Forms……………………………………....…………..12 Elephant Toothpaste Experiment………………………………..…….…….....21 Heat Sensitive Worms and Magic Sand Experiments………………....…….24 Storage Tub Contents List………………………………………………………29
Chemistry Experiments OVERVIEW The chemistry experiments give students an opportunity to get hands on with science. They will learn about polymers, chemical change, and water molecules through several fun experiments. These experiments are designed to give students a fun look at science and how it applies to the real world.
The Experiments: Each team of students will make foam hands from a chemical change which creates polyurethane, watch a chemical reaction called Elephant Toothpaste, and learn how fascinating polymer science can be with “heat sensitive� worms and magic sand experiments.
Chemistry Experiments
Chemistry Experiments
Materials List Request School to Provide These Items x x x x
2 Long table for supplies 5 Long tables each with 6 chairs 5 Chairs for volunteers 2 Garbage Cans
JA Staff to Bring These Items to School: x 1 Large Tarp (30’ x 30’) or floor covering – large enough to cover the entire floor of the Chemistry area (kept in Chemistry/Tarp Tub 8) x 1 Roll of white plastic table covering – can be purchased at Sam’s Club, BJ’s or Costco (40” x 300’ roll). Bring extra rolls for use on other tables, as needed.
x 12 sets of A/B bottles of Polyurethane Foam Ingredients x 1 Gallon “slop” bucket for dumping water used for Worm/Sand experiment x If not in the Elephant Toothpaste tub, bring jug of hydrogen peroxide Note: For easier set up at the school, place other supplies required for Chemistry experiments in 7 large storage tubs. Label the outside of the tubs: Foam Experiment/Chemistry Tub 1 Foam Experiment/Chemistry Tub 2 Foil Pans/Chemistry Tub 3 Worms and Sand/Chemistry Tub 4 Elephant Toothpaste/Chemistry Tub 5 Goggles/Chemistry Tub 6 Aprons/Chemistry Tub 7 Tarps/Chemistry Tub 8 On the inside of each tub lid, tape a laminated list of all items kept in this tub. Having this list ensures all necessary items are returned to the tub at the completion of the day; and this is also a reference to JA staff when restocking the tub for the next STEM Summit day. Copies of the tub labels, Tub Contents Lists and Chemistry forms are available for download from our website’s STEM Summit Resource page (refer to Getting Started tab).
Chemistry Experiments
Foam Experiment/Chemistry Storage Tub 1 Items: x x x x x x x x x x x x
5 sets of food coloring (orange, green, purple, and red) per day)-plus extra set 5 black sharpies, plus extra box of sharpies 10 Tablespoon scoops (5 marked Part A and 5 marked Part B)-plus extra tablespoon scoops 275 wood Popsicle sticks-plus extras per day. Masking tape and painters tape (about 5 rolls) 275 plastic cups (non-colored 7 or 8 ounce size) Trash bags 1 Eye wash kit Scissors 30 paper plates per day (plus extras) 6 Laminated sets of Foam Experiment Instruction sheet, Volunteer Information Sheet, and Material Safety Data Sheets for Part A and Part B* 2 Lab coats – washed after each STEM Summit
Foam Experiment/Chemistry Storage Tub 2 Items: x x x x
8 Boxes of non-latex gloves (800 @ day) 5 Containers of sanitizing wipes 5 Paper towel rolls 1 Container of Acetone wipes
Foil Pans/Chemistry Storage Tub 3 Items: x x x
9 Sets of 5 aluminum pans with labels Extra set of foil pan Table #/Group # labels* 10 extra aluminum pans
Worms and Sand/Chemistry Storage Tub 4 Items: x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
1 paper towel roll per day 1 container wipes per day 2 pitchers 10 square plastic containers 5 bottles of worm goo and 1 large bottle 10 plastic cups per day, plus extras 5 containers of Magic Sand 1 container of regular sand Worm activator and scoop 10 clear plastic cups 1 bottle hand sanitizer 1 bottle hand lotion 1 box of facial tissues 5 laminated Magic Sand Instructions* 5 laminated Heat-Sensitive Worm Instructions*
Chemistry Experiments
Elephant Toothpaste Chemistry Storage Tub 5 Items: x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Potassium Iodide Crystals - (use 9 TBL per day) Graduated Cylinder (2000 ml) Beaker (500 ml) 1 Tablespoon Funnel One 1 cup measuring cup Dawn dish detergent Water Paper Towels Wipes Large thick rubber gloves for demonstrator 5 laminated Elephant Toothpaste Instructions sheets* 1 gallon jug 33% hydrogen peroxide. Use 18 cups @ day. Multiple days will need to bring an additional jug of peroxide.
x 1 gallon jug to hold water
Goggles/Chemistry Storage Tub 6 Items: 36 pairs of goggles Replace goggles if they are not in good shape and clean.
Aprons/Chemistry Storage Tub 7 Items: 36 Denim bib Aprons Note: Aprons should be washed or dry cleaned as needed.
Tarp/Chemistry Storage Tub 8 Items One 30’ x 30’ tarp
*Copies of the Chemistry Experiments’ forms are available for download from our website’s STEM Summit Resource page (refer to Getting Started tab). 4
Chemistry Experiments
JA Staff Chemistry Experiments Set-up Procedures 1. Lay tarp down on the floor. We prefer to use a 30x30 size so that the students do not trip on it. We place the tarp under the bases of the Pipe and drape to secure. However, any size tarps under the tables can and must be used.
2. Set up preferably 4- 5 long tables (depending on the class size) with 6 chairs and one display table for the Elephant Toothpaste experiment which is done at the end of each session, no chairs needed for demo table. Also, set up a table for the optional Worm and Sand Experiments. See Sample Gym Layout form in this section.
Chemistry Experiments
3. Cover each table with the white plastic table covering.
4. Place an additional tarp on the demonstration table to protect from the Elephant Toothpaste experiment foam and to protect the extra chemicals stored underneath this demo table. 5. Place one bottle of part “A” solution and one bottle of part “B” solution on each table covering. Place the bottles on a paper plates keeping the covering as clean as possible. The solution is very sticky and keeping the bottles as clean as possible is very important after each use.
Chemistry Experiments
6. Place the labeled A and B scoops on separate paper plates. Label the plates so that they keep the correct scoop on each plate. 7. Place a container of wipes on each table. The wipes are to help keep bottles clean and can also be used for the student’s hands, if needed. 8. Place a roll of paper towels on each table.
9. Place food coloring (orange, green, purple, red) on a paper plate on each table. (Colors vary depending on type of food coloring used—especially blue.) 10. Place an apron on each chair at each table. 11. Place a pair of safety glasses on each chair, not on table with chemicals 12. Place a box of latex free gloves on each table. Wipes, paper towels and a box of gloves can be kept underneath one end of each table to keep clean and to allow more working space on the table. 13. Place 1 plastic cup and a stirrer at each chair/place (you can use coffee stirrers or Popsicle sticks). 14. You can take out 3 gloves per student if you want to set aside for the first session and place them with the cups. (Helpful hint: put 3 gloves and 1 stirrer into each cup ahead of time for each student.)
Chemistry Experiments
15. Label each table with a sharpie Table 1-5 (or use printed table # labels).
Directions for Student Arrival: x When the students come into the chemistry section, they should divide into groups of even numbers, if possible. 4, 6 students per table (best to sit across from someone). x
All students should put on an apron, safety goggles, and a pair of gloves.
Using the sharpie, each student should put their name on the extra plastic glove (or this can be done at the end).
Working in pairs, one student will place one scoop of A into their plastic cup. Add several drops of food coloring and stir. Then add 1 scoop of B to the cup and stir until the reaction begins to take place (about 30 seconds). Be careful not to over stir. Too much food coloring will alter the reaction.
One student should hold the glove open (with the name on it) while the student with the chemical reaction in their cup should pour it into the glove. They may have to squeeze the liquid so that is goes into the fingers of the glove.
Have the student lie their hand on the table and allow to slowly expand. Do not “overwork�. This is an exothermic reaction and the students will feel the glove get warm as it expands. If done properly, the polyurethane should expand out of the glove.
Switching turns, the other student should do their hand, and switching turns in holding the glove open to help pour the reaction into the glove.
Chemistry Experiments
Clean-up - When the students are finished with their hands: x
Student helpers will place the hands in the foil trays and take them to the auditorium and place in their “section”….agenda/group number and table, which should be labeled on the tray. Tell the students how to find their hands at end of the day. Do not assume they will know. For example, “you can pick up your hands in the auditorium at the end of the day. The gloves will be in a tin pan labeled Table 5, Group 3—the student’s table # and group #.”
Students should remove gloves, clean hands if necessary with the wipes. If they get any of the mixture on their hands they will need to use the acetone wipes to remove. The solution is very tacky/sticky and it will harden. They do not want to get any of this on their clothes or skin.
Volunteers should throw mixing cups and stirrers away and get fresh cups, gloves and stirrers ready for the next group. (3 gloves and a stirrer in each plastic cup.)
Volunteers should clean up table, wipe the bottles down with the Clorox wipes or acetone wipes. Clean the table covering if it needs it. We typically do not replace the covering unless it gets really messy until lunch time which is usually half way through the day.
Replace paper plates if they are messy. We do NOT replace the teaspoons throughout the day, however, at the end of the day we do throw them away.
Heat Sensitive Worm Experiment and Magic Sand Experiment If time permits and students are ahead of schedule, students can perform the Worm and Sand Experiments at their tables. Volunteers should take the worm and sand experiments to the individual tables for students as this will eliminate congestion at the sand/worm experiment supply table. Elephant Toothpaste Experiment With about 5-7 minutes left, we then do the Elephant Toothpaste experiment at the demo table. Have students put safety glasses back on, if they have taken them off, and gather around the demo table. Have the leader (preferable a Chemist who can talk about the reaction etc.) Follow the Elephant Toothpaste Instructions, located in the manual or storage tub, to see the big foaming eruption. Best to have adequate room on three sides of the demo table for students to view this experiment. After the experiment, the student helpers will take the container to the janitor wash bin and wash out the materials and return to the chemistry section to begin helping the next group.
Chemistry Experiments
The students should take off their aprons, fold them neatly and place on the back of the chair for the next group. Place their safety glasses on the chair or hand to volunteer NOT on the table with the chemicals. Volunteers should make sure they have cups, stirrers and gloves ready for the students in the next group. Check to ensure that the aprons were neatly folded and placed on the back of the chairs or seat and a pair of safety glasses are on each chair.
Chemistry Experiments
Chemistry Experiments
Foam/Polymer Experiment Working in pairs, each student will combine two chemicals (Part A and Part B) and food coloring inside a cup. After stirring the mixture, they will pour the mixture inside a non-latex glove. Students will work the liquid down into the fingers, then observe what happens. The glove will expand 30 times its original liquid volume and then become hard in about 5 to 10 minutes. When foam hands are dry, students will write their name on their gloves. Gloves will be set aside in aluminum trays for students to pick up at the end of the day. Student helpers are used to deliver the aluminum trays to the auditorium to be distributed after closing remarks.
Chemistry Experiments
Foam/Polymers Experiment
Materials List x
5 sets of food coloring: (each set contains orange, green, purple, red (4 oz bottles) Food coloring can be purchased from at a cost of $2.30 per 4 ounce bottle.
5 black sharpie markers
10 scoop style tablespoons (5 labeled Part A and 5 labeled Part B) - Scoops (25 cc or 1-½ TBL size) can be purchased from – item #080160 at a cost of 18 cents each.
275 wooden Popsicle sticks - Sticks can be purchased through Amazon: Perfect Stix Wooden A/B Non-Machine Craft Grade Ice Cream Stick, 4-1/2” Length (pack of 10,000) at a cost of $51.00.
30 paper plates
36 Aprons – Aprons can be purchased from Georgia Towels (ebay) – Denim shop bib machinist apron with pockets at a cost of $6.90 each.
36 pairs of goggles – Chemical splash (clear) goggles. These give better eye protection for chemical splashes than the protective eyeglasses. Goggles can be purchased from (Item #UA2220 Crews Economy Perforated Safety Goggles for $1.00 each)
6 sets of laminated Foam Experiment Instructions sheet*
2 sets of laminated Volunteer Information sheet*
1 set of laminated Material Safety Data Sheet for Part A and Part B*
Lab coats for volunteers and staff – wash after every STEM Summit day
8 boxes of non-latex gloves (800 used @ day) – gloves can be purchased in bulk from Sam’s Club, BJ’s or Costco Warehouses. Note: each student will use 3 gloves
1 set of large labels with Table #’s - (Table 1, Table 2, Table 3, Table 4, Table 5). Label (5395) Template.*
275 Non-colored plastic cups (7oz or 8oz size). These can be purchased from BJ’s, Sam’s Club or Costco Warehouses for about $9.00 for 275 cups.
5 Paper towel rolls (1 for each table)
5 Containers of regular sanitizing wipes (1 for each table) *Copies of Foam/Polymers Experiment forms and labels can be downloaded from our website’s STEM Summit Resource Center page (refer to Getting Started tab). 13
Chemistry Experiments
Foam/Polymers Experiment
Materials List (continued) x
Acetone wipes – Purchase from All-Spec Industries ( - Item #TX8346) at a cost of $25.00. These wipes must be stored in an acetone resistant container which can be purchased from (64 oz. square beveled edge square jar item #66949 and the lid (110 MM threaded white PP lid) Item #66424. Note: The acetone will not melt this type of plastic jar.
45 aluminum pans (measuring approximately 12 ¾ x 10 3/8 x 2 ½ deep). – Pans can be purchased from Sam’s Club, BJ’s or Costco Warehouses. Label them with table # and group #. (There will 5 tables and 9 groups of students—Table 1, Group 1; Table 1, Group 2; Table 1 Group 3, etc.) A copy of the label (5160) template can be downloaded from our website’s STEM Summit Resource page (refer to Getting Started tab).
12 sets of Polyurethane Foam System Ingredients (Bottles Part A and Part B) We recommend for your first STEM Summit, to use small pre-filled bottles for Part A and Part B mixtures. These pre-filled bottles can be purchased from - IS7018 - Polyurethane Foam System Kit (includes one bottle of Part A and one bottle of Part B) at a cost of $19.50 (discounted from $38.00 price). Note: 500ml bottles serve 22 students Innovating Science is a national sponsor of JA’s STEM Summit. Contact Alex Molinich, President, Aldon Corporation, at 585-226-0120 or email In the future, you may consider purchasing from Innovating Science 5 gallon containers for each mixture: Part A and Part B at a cost of $200.00 each. Pour the mixtures into twenty (10 Part A and 10 Part B) 32 oz. clear Boston round glass bottles (Item # 4699B13CLR) with black phenolic plastic caps lids (Item #X33-400A) from These are sold 12 bottles to a case and with caps will cost approximately $25.00. Plan on using 20 bottles for each day. After each STEM Summit day, the bottles can be cleaned and refilled for the next STEM Summit. They do tend to get messy, so the staff can wipe them down throughout the day. Order extra bottles for replacements. Label the bottles Part A and Part B and affix the Safety Ingredient label*
*Copies of Foam/Polymers Experiment forms and labels can be downloaded from our website’s STEM Summit Resource Center page (refer to Getting Started tab).
Chemistry Experiments
Making Polyurethane and placing in a Plastic Glove Experiment
Volunteer Instructions: Tell the students they will mix two liquids together and watch closely as the foam expands to 30 times its original size! Don't be fooled by the looks of the foam - it actually turns into a solid material called polyurethane. 1. Put on your safety glasses, aprons and gloves. 2. Measure 1 tablespoon (scoop) of Part A into a disposable cup. Note: We have plastic scoops marked with Part A and Part B for the students to use. 3. Add a few drops of food coloring to the liquid to jazz it up. 4. Then, add 1 tablespoon of Part B into the same disposable cup 5. Each student should then use a Popsicle stick to thoroughly mix the two liquids. Be careful not to drip any of the liquid onto the floor, table, clothes, or anything else of value. Keep mixing until you start to see the foam beginning to expand. 6. Carefully pour the mixture inside the latex gloves. Have the student “work� the liquid into the fingers. The less manipulating the better. The volunteer can help hold the gloves open or the students can work in pairs. Students take turns making the mixture and pouring into their hand. 7. Then WAIT!!! 8. The foam will expand to 30 times its original volume. The gloves will actually get warm this indicates an exothermic reaction. How does it work? There are many forms of polyurethane such as fibers, coatings, elastomers, flexible foams, and rigid foams. The foam in this system is a rigid foam that is used in furniture, packaging, insulation, flotation devices, and many other items. Here, a rigid polyurethane foam is produced by mixing equal parts of two liquids, called Part A and Part B. This lightweight foam expands to about thirty times its original liquid volume and will become rigid in about five to ten minutes. When the foam hands are fairly dry, have the students write their names on masking tape with a sharpie and then attach to the hands. Have aluminum trays marked with table number and group number and have the students mark this on their foam hands as well. These will be transported to a predetermined pick up spot for the students at the end of the day. Resetting the Table for next session of students: 1. Clean all bottles that may have spills on them. 2. Restock each of the 5 tables with materials: 5 sets of plastic cups with 3 non-latex gloves and one popsicle stick (stirrer) inside. 3. If the table covering is messy, go ahead and replace it with a new o
Chemistry Experiments
Volunteer Information Foam Polymer Experiment The idea is to give the kids a very basic introduction as to what we’re going to be doing today and some basics of the chemistry. Specifically this entails going over what a Polymer is, the mechanics behind this polymer reaction. I also like to have the students take a guess as to some real world uses of a polymer like the one in our reaction.
Polymer Basics A polymer is a large molecule composed of many repeating links, called monomers. These monomers are contained in Jar A. In Jar B we have the catalyst that starts the reaction of joining all of the monomers, end on end. A catalyst is a chemical that kick starts the reaction.
Polyurethane Foam When these monomers start joining to form the polymer, our mixture is going to start to expand in volume. In addition, this reaction is an exothermic reaction. An exothermic reaction is one that will give off heat as a part of the reaction. Generally, when a reaction has heat exposed to it, the rate of reaction will increase. For our reaction, this means that our liquid will start to expand faster and faster the longer the reaction goes on. When the foam is done expanding, it will harden into a rigid foam.
Real World Applications After the introduction I like to ask the students about what they think potential applications may be for a product like this. I review quickly what the polymer does: It starts off at a small volume, increases greatly in size and then hardens. Typically I like using insulation as an example of a Polyurethane Foam. If we need to insulate a seam around a window or door we can inject a polyurethane foam into this seam and have it fill out the space inside. This gives us a great seal, thereby insulating whatever it is we need to seal. I also talk about much different polyurethane foams to give a broad spectrum of the uses. The yellow foam inside of a couch cushion is also a polyurethane foam. The reaction to make this foam is very similar to the one done in the experiment, with a notable difference being there is water added to the couch foam to soften it up.
Explaining the Experiment Before we go off to the individual tables, I do a quick explanation of the experiment. It general goes like this: We will be starting off by measuring out one tablespoon of Part A. We will then pour this out into our mixing cup. Similar to the couch foam, this foam comes out to be a similar mustard yellow. This is why we have food dye on the table, to customize the polyurethane foam hands. After adding Part A to the cup, add a few drops of your favorite color food dye. We then measure out one tablespoon of Part B and add it to our mixing cup. It is at this point that we will start stirring our mixture. We know the reaction is occurring when the mixture starts turning a creamy, lighter color. Once the mixture is consistent throughout, with especial care to make sure all of the material is mixed up from the bottom of the cup, we will have our partner hold the glove out and pour the mixture in. It may only hit a few of the fingers so after pouring it in, we may need to massage the foam around to make sure it hits all of the fingers. After this, the glove can be placed on the table and left to expand.
Chemistry Experiments
Safety labels that are required to be on the B Bottles
Chemistry Experiments
Safety labels that are required to be on the A Bottles
Chemistry Experiments
by Aldon Corporation
Mixed Isocyanates
First Aid Measures
50% 50%
C 0.02 ppm None established.
TLV Units (ACGIH 2001)
4 = Severe
3 = Serious
2 = Moderate
1 = Slight
0 = Minimal
1 1 2
Fire Fighting Measures
Chemistry Experiments
Accidental Release Measures
= = = = =
Minimal Slight Moderate Serious Severe None listed.
Evacuate personnel to safe area. Use proper personal protective equipment as indicated in Section 8. Remove all sources of ignition. Provide adequate ventilation. Absorb with inert dry material, sweep or vacuum up and place in a suitable container for proper disposal. Wash spill area with soap and water. Avoid runoff into storm sewers and ditches which lead to waterways.
Section 6
Explosion Limits: Lower:
Autoignition temperature: N/A
Flash Point: 198.9°C (390°F)
Extinguishing Media: Dry chemical, carbon dioxide, foam or water fog.
0 1 2 3 4
General information: ,Q ¿ UH FRQGLWLRQV ZHDU D 1,26+ 06+$ DSSURYHG VHOI FRQWDLQHG EUHDWKLQJ DSSDUDWXV DQG full protective gear. Fire or excessive heat may produce hazardous decomposition products to be produced as dust or fume. DO NOT GET WATER INSIDE CONTAINERS. Ventilate spill area. Eliminate all ignition sources. At temperatures greater than 400°F (204°C) components may polymerize and decompose which can cause pressure build-up in closed containers. Explosive rupture is possible.
Section 5
SKIN CONTACT: Remove contaminated clothing. Flush thoroughly with mild soap and water. If irritation occurs, get medical attention.
EYE CONTACT: Check for and remove contact lenses. Flush thoroughly with water for at least 15 minutes, lifting upper and lower eyelids occasionally. Get immediate medical attention.
INGESTION: Call physician or Poison Control Center immediately. Induce vomiting only if advised by appropriate medical personnel. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.
Section 4
101-68-8 9016-87-9
Composition/ /Information Information Ingredients Composition onon Ingredients CAS # Chemical Name
Methylene bis phenylisocyanate Polymeric diphenylmethane diisocyanate
Section23 Section
WARNING! HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED OR INHALED. CAUSES IRRITATION TO SKIN AND EYES. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Liquid or vapors may cause irritation to eyes. Use with adequate ventilation. Store in a cool, dry place. Wash thoroughly after handling. Target organs: Respiratory system, eyes.
Emergency Overview
CHEMTREC 24 Hour Emergency Phone Number (800) 424-9300
DD1020-A MSDS No.: Revision Date: March 10, 2011 Approved by: James A. Bertsch
Chemical Product and Company Information
221 Rochester Street Avon, NY 14414-9409 (585) 226-6177
Section 1
MSDS No.: DD1020-A
“cutting edge science for the classroom�
Innovating Science
Exposure Controls / Personal Protection
Section 10
Stability & Reactivity
Toxicological Information
Disposal Considerations
Ecological Information
Transport Information
Additional Information
Regulatory Information
The information contained herein is furnished without warranty of any kind. Employers should use this information only as a supplement to other information gathered by them and must make independent determinations of suitability and completeness of information from all sources to assure proper use of these materials and the safety and health of employees. * Hazardous Materials Industrial Standards.
Section 16
Data not yet available.
Section 15
UN/NA number: N/A Shipping name: Not Regulated. Hazard class: N/A Packing group: N/A Exceptions: N/A
Section 14
These disposal guidelines are intended for the disposal of catalog-size quantities only. Federal regulations may apply to empty container. State and/or local regulations may be different. Dispose of in accordance with all local, state and federal regulations or contract with a licensed chemical disposal agency.
Section 13
Data not yet available.
Section 12
Effects of overexposure: Contact may cause skin or eye irritation. Inhalation of vapors may cause breathlessness, chest discomfort, coughing and reduced pulmonary functions. Exposure may produce asthma-like symptoms, also may lead to allergic sensitivity. Exercise appropriate procedures to minimize potential hazards.
Section 11
Hazardous decomposition products: Carbon oxides, nitrogen oxides, benzene, toluene, aliphatic fragments and traces of hydrogen cyanide.
Incompatibilities with other materials: Water, alcohols, amines, strong bases.
Chemical stability: Stable Hazardous polymerization: May occur. Conditions to avoid: Polymerization may occur from contact with water, alcohols, glycols or other materials containing active hydrogens. Avoid temperatures above 400°F.
Boiling point: 329.1°C (625°F) Freezing / Melting point: N/A Decomposition temperature: N/A Solubility in water: Insoluble. 6SHFL¿ F JUDYLW\ +2O = 1): 1.24 Percent volatile (%): 0 Molecular formula: Mixture. Molecular weight: Mixture.
Physical & Chemical Properties
Physical state: Liquid. Appearance: Brown Odor: Slightly aromatic odor. pH: N/A Vapor pressure (mm Hg): N/A Vapor Density (Air = 1): N/A Evaporation rate ( = 1): N/A Viscosity: N/A
Section 9
Respiratory protection: None should be needed in normal laboratory handling at room temperatures. If misty conditions prevail, work in fume hood or wear a NIOSH/MSHA-approved respirator.
Engineering controls: Facilities storing or utilizing this material should be equipped with an eyewash facility and D VDIHW\ VKRZHU DQG Âż UH H[WLQJXLVKLQJ PDWHULDO 3HUVRQQHO VKRXOG ZHDU VDIHW\ JODVVHV JRJJOHV RU IDFHVKLHOG ODE coat or apron, appropriate protective gloves. Use adequate ventilation to keep airborne concentrations low.
Section 8
Read label on container before using. Do not wear contact lenses when working with chemicals. Keep container tightly closed. For laboratory use only. Not for drug, food or household use. Keep out of reach of children. Handling: Use with adequate ventilation. Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing. Avoid ingestion. Do not inhale vapors, spray or mist. Wash thoroughly after handling. Remove and wash clothing before reuse. Storage: Store in a cool, well-ventilated area away from incompatible substances. Keep away from ignition sources. Protect from light and moisture.
Section 7
by Aldon Corporation
First Aid Measures
TLV Units (ACGIH 2001)
4 = Severe
3 = Serious
2 = Moderate
1 = Slight
1 1 1 1
Fire Fighting Measures
Chemistry Experiments
Accidental Release Measures
N/A Upper:
= = = = =
Minimal Slight Moderate Serious Severe None listed.
Evacuate personnel to safe area. Use proper personal protective equipment as indicated in Section 8. Remove all sources of ignition. Provide adequate ventilation. Absorb with inert dry material, sweep or vacuum up and place in a suitable container for proper disposal. Wash spill area with soap and water. Avoid runoff into storm sewers and ditches which lead to waterways.
Section 6
Explosion Limits: Lower:
Autoignition temperature: N/A
Flash Point: >93°C (>200°F)
0 1 2 3 4
General information: ,Q Âż UH FRQGLWLRQV ZHDU D 1,26+ 06+$ DSSURYHG VHOI FRQWDLQHG EUHDWKLQJ DSSDUDWXV DQG full protective gear. Fire or excessive heat may produce hazardous decomposition products to be produced as dust or fume. Overheated containers may rupture due to pressure build-up.
Section 5
SKIN CONTACT: Remove contaminated clothing. Flush thoroughly with mild soap and water. If irritation occurs, get medical attention.
EYE CONTACT: Check for and remove contact lenses. Flush thoroughly with water for at least 15 minutes, lifting upper and lower eyelids occasionally. Get immediate medical attention.
INGESTION: Call physician or Poison Control Center immediately. Induce vomiting only if advised by appropriate medical personnel. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.
Section 4
1 $
Composition/ /Information Information Ingredients Composition onon Ingredients CAS # Chemical Name
Section23 Section
WARNING! HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED OR INHALED. CAUSES IRRITATION TO SKIN AND EYES. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Use with adequate ventilation. Store in a cool, dry place. Wash thoroughly after handling. Target organs: Respiratory system.
Emergency Overview
CHEMTREC 24 Hour Emergency Phone Number (800) 424-9300
Section 10
Stability & Reactivity Hazardous polymerization: Will not occur.
Toxicological Information
Disposal Considerations
Ecological Information
Transport Information
Additional Information
Regulatory Information
The information contained herein is furnished without warranty of any kind. Employers should use this information only as a supplement to other information gathered by them and must make independent determinations of suitability and completeness of information from all sources to assure proper use of these materials and the safety and health of employees. * Hazardous Materials Industrial Standards.
Section 16
Data not yet available.
Section 15
UN/NA number: N/A Shipping name: Not Regulated. Hazard class: N/A Packing group: N/A Exceptions: N/A
Section 14
These disposal guidelines are intended for the disposal of catalog-size quantities only. Federal regulations may apply to empty container. State and/or local regulations may be different. Dispose of in accordance with all local, state and federal regulations or contract with a licensed chemical disposal agency.
Section 13
Data not yet available.
Section 12
Effects of overexposure: Contact may cause skin and/or eye irritation. Avoid breathing vapors. The dense YDSRUV FDQ GLVSODFH DQG UHGXFH EUHDWKLQJ DLU LQ FRQÂż QHG RU XQYHQWLODWHG VSDFHV FDXVLQJ DVSK\[LDWLRQ 2YHU exposure may cause tremors, confusion, irritation, and may result in cardiac sensitization. Exercise appropriate procedures to minimize potential hazards.
Section 11
Hazardous decomposition products: Carbon oxides, nitrogen oxides, aliphatic fragments, halogens, halogen acids and possibly carbonyl halides.
Incompatibilities with other materials: Isocyanates and other chemicals that react with hydroxyl groups.
Chemical stability: Stable Conditions to avoid: Temperatures over 85°F.
Boiling point: 15.5°C (60°F) Freezing / Melting point: Sans objet. Decomposition temperature: Sans objet. Solubility in water: Slight. 6SHFL¿ F JUDYLW\ +2O = 1): 1.155 Percent volatile (%): 9 Molecular formula: Mixture. Molecular weight: Mixture.
Physical & Chemical Properties
Physical state: Liquid. Appearance: Brown. Odor: Slight odor. pH: Sans objet. Vapor pressure (mm Hg): Sans objet. Vapor Density (Air = 1): Sans objet. Evaporation rate ( = 1): Sans objet. Viscosity: Sans objet.
Section 9
Respiratory protection: None should be needed in normal laboratory handling at room temperatures. If misty conditions prevail, work in fume hood or wear a NIOSH/MSHA-approved respirator.
Exposure Controls / Personal Protection
Section 8
Engineering controls: Facilities storing or utilizing this material should be equipped with an eyewash facility and D VDIHW\ VKRZHU DQG Âż UH H[WLQJXLVKLQJ PDWHULDO 3HUVRQQHO VKRXOG ZHDU VDIHW\ JODVVHV JRJJOHV RU IDFHVKLHOG ODE coat or apron, appropriate protective gloves. Use adequate ventilation to keep airborne concentrations low.
Polyurethane Resin
0 = Minimal
MSDS No.: DD1020-B Revision Date: March 10, 2011 Approved by: James A. Bertsch
Handling & Storage
Read label on container before using. Do not wear contact lenses when working with chemicals. Keep container tightly closed. For laboratory use only. Not for drug, food or household use. Keep out of reach of children. Handling: Use with adequate ventilation. Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing. Avoid ingestion. Do not inhale vapors, spray or mist. Wash thoroughly after handling. Remove and wash clothing before reuse. Storage: Store in a cool, well-ventilated area away from incompatible substances. Keep away from ignition sources.
Section 7
Chemical Product and Company Information
221 Rochester Street Avon, NY 14414-9409 (585) 226-6177
Section 1
MSDS No.: DD1020-B
“cutting edge science for the classroom�
Innovating Science
Elephant Toothpaste Experiment Students will observe a chemist volunteer perform this experiment. They will watch as potassium iodine, hydrogen peroxide, water and dish detergent are mixed together. A chemical reaction creates foam that shoots up out of the tall beaker and pools in a large tub. The foam comes out of the tube in a moving stream that looks like toothpaste.
Chemistry Experiments
Elephant Toothpaste Experiment
Materials List x
2 cups 33% Hydrogen peroxide (use 18 cups each day)
1 Tablespoon Potassium Iodide crystals (use 9 tablespoons each day) – bring a tablespoon for measuring
– Contact Innovating Science, a national sponsor JA’s STEM Summit program, about purchasing a gallon jug of Hydrogen Peroxide and the Potassium Iodide crystals. Contact Alex Molinich, President, Aldon Corporation, at 585-226-0120 or email You may also want to consider contacting a local chemical company in your area to request an in-kind donation of these two items. x
1 Cup Water (use 9 cups each day) – bring a 1-cup measuring cup
1 Gallon jug to hold water used during the day
1 Tablespoon Dawn liquid dish detergent (uses at least 9 tablespoons each day) – bring a tablespoon for measuring
Graduated (tall) Cylinder (2000 ml)
Small Beaker (500 ml)
Safety glasses
Rubber gloves (large) for volunteer demonstrator
Lab coat
Funnel – only if pouring hydrogen peroxide from a large container to a small container
Large plastic storage tub
Paper towels
Container of wipes
1 set of Laminated Elephant Toothpaste Experiment Instructions sheet* *A copy of this document is available for download from our website’s STEM Summit Resource page (refer to Getting Started tab).
Chemistry Experiments
Elephant Toothpaste Experiment Instructions 1. Put on your safety glasses, gloves and lab coat. 2. Place the plastic graduated (tall) cylinder in the center of the plastic tub. Make sure that you have removed all items from the tub (except the cylinder) and it is away from the pipe and drape. 3. Add 1 tablespoon of Potassium Iodide crystals to the small beaker. 4. Add 1 cup of water to the small beaker. Stir until the crystals are dissolved. Set aside. 5. Pour 2 cups of hydrogen peroxide into the graduated tall cylinder. 6. Add about 1 tablespoon of the Dawn dish soap to the tall cylinder (ok if it is more as it will just create more foam). 7. Pour the Potassium Iodide solution from the beaker to the cylinder. The reaction happens quickly, so step back! You may notice that the foam has a brown tint. This is due to the presence of free iodine produced by the extreme oxidizing power of the hydrogen peroxide. NOTE: Do not touch the foam without wearing thick rubber safety gloves. Foam is very hot and will turn skin orange from iodide. If the foam should go over the tub, wearing rubber gloves, the foam can be cleaned up with paper towels and any remaining liquid can be put down the drain. The tub should be cleaned after session, student helpers are used to clean the tub container in a janitor’s closet in a sink or basin. This experiment will be done 9 times during each STEM Summit day. So, for the Potassium Iodide crystals, water and Dawn detergent listed above, multiply quantities needed by 9 to have enough supplies on hand for the STEM Summit day.
Chemistry Experiments
Heat Sensitive Worms Experiment In this experiment, students will learn about the science of polymers. Each team of students will squeeze worm goo into an activator solution and watch the liquid become a solid that resembles a worm. When the worms reach a certain temperature, they lose their color. If the worms are put back into cold water, they will change back to magenta or blue color.
Chemistry Experiments
Heat-Sensitive Insta-Worms Experiment Instructions 1. To start your worm creation, you need to prepare some Worm Activator Solution. Get a clear plastic or glass bowl. It will be easier to see what’s going on inside there if it is clear. 2. Measure out 1 cup (8 oz) of warm water into the bowl and stir in 1 blue scoop of Worm Activator Powder. 1 blue scoop is equal to 1 teaspoon or 3 grams of Worm Activator, just in case you happen to lose the blue scoop. Make sure that most of the Worm Activator is dissolved into the water before you move on to the next step. 3. Now that you’ve got Worm Activator Solution, squirt a small stream of Worm Goo into the bowl. Whoa! The Worm Goo instantly turns into a long stringy worm. You know you want to touch it... so reach in and grab your Insta-Worm. 4. Take the worm out of the solution and play with it. The worm has elastic qualities like rubber, but can break if you tug it too hard. You know what? Go ahead and break the worm in half. 5. What do you notice about the inside of the worm? It’s still a gooey liquid. Not to worry, Insta-Worm surgery is really simple. Just dip the broken end of the worm back in the activator solution. You’ve saved the worm, Doctor! How Does It Work? When you make Insta-Worms®, you're learning about the science of polymers. The creative scientists at Steve Spangler Science coined the name, Worm Goo, but the real name of this liquid is sodium alginate. Sodium alginate is a long chain of molecules called a polymer. Specifically, sodium alginate is a polysaccharide isolated from seaweed. Polymers are large molecules made by linking many smaller molecules together. Polysaccharides, such as starch and alginate, are made by linking together hundreds of glucose (sugar) molecules. Alginate is commonly used as a thickener for foods such as ice cream and fruit pies. The sodium alginate (Worm Goo) immediately changes from a liquid to a solid the moment it touches the Worm Activator solution. The Worm Activator solution contains calcium which serves to link the long polymer chains together. Scientists call this "cross-linking."
Chemistry Experiments
Magic Sand Experiment In this experiment, students will learn how substances mix with water. Each team of students will fill a cup with water. Then sprinkle regular sand into one of the cups and magic sand into the other cup. Then observe what happens in each of the cups. The regular sand will sink to the bottom and the Magic Sand will float on the surface.
Chemistry Experiments
MAGIC SAND Experiment Instructions How can something submerged in water stay dry? When ordinary sand gets wet, the result is a clumpy mess. However, "Magic Sand" begins as normal looking sand, until it's coated with a substance that repels water. This special coating keeps the sand dry even after it has been dumped into a container of water. Then simply pour the water off when you're finished and the sand is still dry!
EXPERIMENT WHAT MAKES MAGIC SAND MAGIC? 1.) Fill a cup 3/4 full with water. 2.) Slowly pour Magic Sand in a continuous stream into the water. Look closely at the sand. What is that silver-like coating on the sand? 3.) Pour off the water from the sand into a second container. Touch the sand and see what you find. To your amazement, the sand is completely dry! To better understand how Magic Sand works, try this demonstration…
HOW DOES IT WORK? This is a great demonstration to introduce students to the properties of substances that are hydrophobic. Hydrophobic substances do not mix with water. The term “water-fearing” is often used to describe the word hydrophobic. How does Magic Sand work? Magic Sand is regular sand that has been coated with an oil-like substance that is water-hating or hydrophobic.
Chemistry Experiments
Worms/Magic Sand Experiments
Materials List x
5 small bottles of (magenta or blue) liquid Worm Goo – Purchase from o Magenta Heat Sensitive Worms Item # WORM-150 ($24.99) o Blue Heat Sensitive Worms Item # WORM-350 ($24.99) Worm Activator Powder with measuring scoop (1 teaspoon) – included in the Worms kits purchased above
5 laminated directions* for Worm Experiment
5 laminated directions* for Magic Sand Experiment
2 beverage pitchers (2 quart size)
10 small square plastic containers
1 plastic “slop” bucket
10 clear plastic cups (9 oz. size)
5 containers of Magic Sand (variety of colors: red, blue or yellow): Purchase from o Red Magic Sand Item # WMAG-081 ($4.99) o Yellow Magic Sand Item # WMAG-082 ($4.99) o Blue Magic Sand Item # WMAG ($4.99) 1 container of regular sand
Water (warm and cold)
1 Paper towel roll
1 container of wipes
Hand sanitizer
Hand lotion
*Copies of the Worm/Magic Sand Experiments’ directions are available for download from our website’s STEM Summit Resource page (refer to Getting Started tab).
Chemistry Experiments
Foam/Chemistry Experiment Storage Tub 1 Contents x 5 sets of food coloring per day-big 4 oz bottles x 5 black sharpies, plus extra box x 10 Tablespoons (5 Part A / 5 Part B) plus extra tablespoons per day x 275 wood stir sticks plus extras per day x Masking tape – 5 rolls and painters tape x 275 plastic cups x Trash bags x 1 Eye wash kit x Scissors x 30 paper plates (plus extras) per day! x 6 sets of laminated Foam Experiment sheets x 2 lab coats – washed after each STEM Summit
Note: After the completion of EACH STEM Summit day, the storage tub should be restocked with the above items for the next STEM Summit.
Chemistry Experiments
Foam/Chemistry Experiment Storage Tub 2 Contents x 8 boxes of non-latex gloves (800 @ day) Note: each student uses 3 gloves x 5 containers of wipes x 5 paper towel rolls per day x Acetone wipes
Note: After the completion of EACH STEM Summit day, the storage tub should be restocked with the above items for the next STEM Summit.
Chemistry Experiments
Foam/Chemistry Experiment Foil Pans Storage Tub 3 Contents x One complete set of foil pans and extras (9 sets of 5 pans with Group # / Table # labels attached) x 1 Set of Table # Labels plus Extra labels x 10 extra foil aluminum pans x Extra set of Table/Group # labels
Note: After the completion of EACH STEM Summit day, the storage tub should be restocked with the above items for the next STEM Summit.
Chemistry Experiments
Worms and Sand/Chemistry Storage Tub 4 Contents x 1 paper towel roll per day x 1 container wipes per day x 2 pitchers x 10 square plastic containers x 5 bottles of worm goo and 1 large bottle x 10 plastic cups per day, plus extras x 5 containers of Magic Sand x 1 container of regular sand x Worm activator and scoop x 10 clear plastic cups x 1 bottle hand sanitizer x 1 bottle hand lotion x tissues x 5 laminated Magic Sand Instructions x 5 laminated Heat-Sensitive Worm Instructions
Note: After the completion of EACH STEM Summit day, the storage tub should be restocked with the above items for the next STEM Summit.
Chemistry Experiments
Elephant Toothpaste/Chemistry Storage Tub 5 Contents x Potassium Iodide Crystals - (use 9 TBL per day) x Graduated Cylinder (2000 ml) x Beaker (500 ml) x 1 Tablespoon x Funnel x One 1 cup measuring cup x Dawn dish detergent x Water x Paper Towels x Wipes x Large thick rubber gloves for demonstrator x 5 laminated experiment instruction sheets x 1 gallon jug with peroxide. Use 18 cups @ day. Multiple days bring extra jug x 1 gallon jug to hold water
Note: After the completion of EACH STEM Summit day, the storage tub should be restocked with the above items for the next STEM Summit.
Chemistry Experiments
Goggles/Chemistry Storage Tub 6 Contents x 36 pair of goggles
Aprons/Chemistry Storage Tub 7 Contents x
36 Aprons
Chemistry Experiments
Electrical Competition Table of Contents Overview…………………………………………………………………................1 Electrical Competition Materials List ……………………………..……………...2 Staff Set-up Procedures and Gym Layout……………………………………….4 Electrical Competition Photos…………………………………………… …….6 Leader Assembly Directions ……………………………………………………..7 Electrical Competition Forms…………………………….……………………….8 Junction Box Assembly Directions………………………………….…………..11 Storage Tub Contents List……………………………………………………….17
Electrical Competition OVERVIEW The Electrical Competition is designed to help motivate students to understand electrical technology or electrical engineering professions. The competition: Each team of students will build five electronic components that connect to one large junction box. Students will build a buzzer box, lamp holder, push button box, electric receptacle, and switch plate box and connect all 5 components to the large junction box. Students have approximately 25 minutes to complete the activity at their table. When a team is finished, the Electrical Competition volunteer will inspect the team’s junction box to verify assembly is correct and working properly. The team with the quickest completion time and correctly assembled junction box for that session will be recorded on the Electrical Competition Finalists form. At the end of the day, the team with the fastest completion time will be awarded prizes.
Electrical Competition
Electrical Competition
Materials List Request School to Provide These Items x 5 Long tables with 6 chairs at each table x 3 Chairs for volunteers x 1 Garbage Can Note: When setting up tables in gym, make sure power outlet is near this location for testing the assembled junction boxes. JA Staff to Bring These Items to School: For easier set up at the school, place all supplies required for the Electrical Competition in storage tub. Copies of the tub sign, Contents List and Electrical Competition forms are available for download from our website’s STEM Summit Resource Center (refer to Getting Started tab). Label the outside of the tub “Electrical Competition”. On the inside of the tub lid, tape a laminated list of all items kept in this tub. Having this list ensures all necessary items are returned to the tub at the completion of the day; and this is also a reference to JA staff when restocking the tub for the next STEM Summit day.
Storage Tub Items: x
5 Table envelopes (and 1 extra envelope) – each with 5 laminated assembly sheets: switch, lamp holder, buzzer, push button, and receptacle.
5 Screwdrivers and long extension cord-- if IBEW contact doesn’t provide them
1 Leader envelope with laminated Junction Box Assembly sheet and 1 laminated copy of each: Switch Assembly sheet, Lamp Holder Assembly sheet, Buzzer Assembly sheet, Push Button Assembly sheet, and Receptacle Assembly sheet.
1 Clipboard with one copy of Competition Finalists sheet
1 Clipboard with 45 copies of Judge sheets
5 Ink Pens
Electrical Competition
5 Large junction boxes containing: Junction box, switch box, lamp holder box, buzzer box, push button box, receptacle box and screwdrivers. Your IBEW contact may prefer to bring these to each STEM Summit day rather than giving the junction boxes to your JA office. Note: To obtain these junction boxes, please contact Tim Griffin of IBEW Local 229 at 717-843-8368 or Mr. Griffin will provide the contact information for an IBEW contact in your area.
Junction Box brought by IBEW staff
Your local IBEW contact should provide the following Junction Box items: Contents of each electric junction box: x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Lite Bulb 4 Square silver electrical boxes 1 Octagon silver electrical box 1 Silver switch plate 1 Silver push button (green button) plate 1 Silver plug (receptacle) outlet plate 1 White round lamp (lite bulb) holder 1 Buzzer base plate 1 Buzzer top plate 3 Screwdrivers 1 Three-prong power cord 3 Loose green connecting wires 9 Tan wirenuts and 1 grey wirenut 8 Gold screws and 8 silver screws Extra light bulbs, grey wirenuts, tan wirenuts, green loose wires, gold and silver screws, screwdrivers and a large electric junction box
Electrical Competition
STAFF SET UP PROCEDURES ELECTRICAL COMPETITION The Electrical Competition is simple to set up. This activity requires five rectangle tables with 6 chairs each, three chairs for volunteers and a garbage can. An electrical outlet needs to be in close proximity so each junction box can be tested when completed. After tables and chairs are set up, place one junction box kit in the middle of each table along with a white envelope containing a set of laminated instructions. A clipboard with the judge sheets and competition finalist sheet should be on one of the tables for the volunteers to use.
Electrical Competition
Electrical Competition
Electrical Competition Photos
Students assembling the lamp holder, receptacle, push button, buzzer and switch boxes.
Connecting the five boxes to the large Junction Box.
Electrical Competition
Leader’s Junction Box Assembly Directions Tan Wirenut #3 Tan Wirenut #1 Tan Wirenut #4 Tan Wirenut #2
Step 1: After all of the five electric boxes have been assembled, each box needs to be connected to the junction box. Using the diagram above, insert the black cable on each of the boxes through the appropriate hole on the junction box. Step 2: Connect all green wires to the silver ground bar by inserting one wire in each hole and tightening the screw. Step 3: Tan wirenut 1, insert the white wire from switch box, white wire from push button box, black wire from plug cord and black wire from receptacle box into the wirenut, twist wirenut clockwise until tight (see diagram above). Step 4: Tan wirenut 2, insert the white wires from plug cord, receptacle box, buzzer box, and lamp holder box into the wirenut, twist wirenut clockwise until tight (see diagram above). Step 5: Tan wirenut 3, insert the black wires from switch box and lamp holder box into the wirenut, twist wirenut clockwise until tight. Step 6: Tan wirenut 4, insert the black wires from buzzer box and push button box into the wirenut, twist wirenut clockwise until tight.
Electrical Competition
ELECTRICAL COMPETITION JUDGE SHEET Student Names:____________________________________
Total Time:______________________
Electrical Competition
Electrical Competition COMPETITION FINALISTS For each Session of students, please record the winning team’s time and student names on this form. At the end of the day, record the overall winner at the bottom on the back of this sheet. Session 1 - Time:__________ Student Names:
Session 2 - Time:__________ Student Names:
Session 3 - Time:_________ Student Names:
Session 4 - Time:_________ Student Names:
Session 5 - Time:_________ Student Names:
Session 6 - Time:_________ Student Names:
Electrical Competition
Session 7 - Time:_________ Student Names:
Session 8 - Time:_________ Student Names:
Session 9 - Time:_________ Student Names:
OVERALL WINNER Time:_________________ Student Names:
Electrical Competition
Buzzer Assembly Directions Square Silver Electric Box
Base Plate
(A separate piece from base plate.)
Insert 2 green wires into tan wirenut, twist wirenut clockwise until tight. Place the base plate over the silver electric box. Insert 2 screws and tighten.
Connect black and white wires to base plate. (It doesn’t matter which order they are connected.)
Assembled Buzzer Before placing buzzer top over the electric box, wait for inspection by the Leader. After box passes inspection, place buzzer top over base plate and tighten the screw.
Electrical Competition
Bottom of the white ceramic bulb holder plate.
Lamp Holder Assembly Directions
Insert 2 green wires into tan wirenut, twist wirenut clockwise until tight. Connect the black wire to the gold screw and the white wire to the silver screw.
Octagon Silver Electric Box (A separate piece from white ceramic bulb holder.)
Assembled Lamp Holder
Before placing bulb holder over the electric box, wait for inspection by the Leader. After the box passes inspection, place the bulb holder plate over the box. Insert 2 screws and tighten.
Electrical Competition
Push Button Assembly Directions Using the diagram arrows below, loosen 2 screws to connect black and white wires to the Button Base Plate. Connect the black wire and the white wire by placing each of them between a gold washer and a silver u shape washer. Re-tighten the screws.
Insert 2 green wires into the tan wirenut, twist wirenut clockwise until tight.
Square Silver Electric Box (A separate piece from button top plate.)
Button Top Plate
Assembled Push Button Before placing the top plate over the electric box, wait for inspection by the Leader. After the box passes inspection, Insert 2 screws and tighten. 13
Electrical Competition
Receptacle Assembly Directions Square Silver Electric Box
Plug Top Plate
(A separate piece from the .) plug top plate.)
Connect black wire to gold screw and white wire to silver screw.
Attach a loose green wire to the green screw on the side of the plug plate.
Insert3 green wires into tan wirenut, twist wirenut clockwise until tight.
Assembled Receptacle Before placing the plug plate over the electric box, wait for inspection by the Leader. After the box passes inspection, place plug plate over electric box. Insert 2 screws and tighten.
Electrical Competition
Switch Assembly Directions Switch
Attach a loose green wire to the green screw on the end of the switch plate.
Square Silver Electric Box (A separate piece from base plate.)
Insert 3 green wires into the tan wirenut, twist wirenut clockwise until tight.
Connect black and white wires to switch plate.
Assembled Switch Before placing switch plate over the electric box, wait for inspection by the Leader. After the box passes inspection, place switch plate over electric box. Insert 2 screws and tighten.
Electrical Competition
Junction Box Assembly Directions
Tan Wirenut #3 Tan Wirenut #1
Tan Wirenut #4 Tan Wirenut #2
Step 1: After all of the five electric boxes have been assembled, each box needs to be connected to the junction box. Using the diagram above, insert the black cable on each of the boxes through the appropriate hole on the junction box. Step 2: Connect all green wires to the silver ground bar by inserting one wire in each hole and tightening the screw. Step 3: Tan wirenut 1, insert the white wire from switch box, white wire from push button box, black wire from plug cord and black wire from receptacle box into the wirenut, twist wirenut clockwise until tight (see diagram above). Step 4: Tan wirenut 2, insert the white wires from plug cord, receptacle box, buzzer box, and lamp holder box into the wirenut, twist wirenut clockwise until tight (see diagram above). Step 5: Tan wirenut 3, insert the black wires from switch box and lamp holder box into the wirenut, twist wirenut clockwise until tight. Step 6: Tan wirenut 4, insert the black wires from buzzer box and push button box into the wirenut, twist wirenut clockwise until tight. 16
Electrical Competition
Electrical Competition Storage Tub Contents x 1 Leader’s envelope with laminated Junction Box Assembly sheet. x 5 Table envelopes – each with 5 laminated assembly sheets (Switch, Lamp Holder, Buzzer, Push Button, and Receptacle) plus one extra envelope set x 2 Clipboards x 1 Competition Finalists Sheet x 5 Ink Pens x 1 Long extension cord x 5 Screwdrivers—if IBEW doesn’t provide x 5 Large junction boxes – your IBEW contact may prefer to bring these boxes to each STEM Summit day rather than giving the junction boxes to your JA office. Note: After the completion of EACH STEM Summit day, the storage tub should be restocked with the above items for the next STEM Summit.
Electrical Competition
The Marshmallow Challenge
Table of Contents Overview…………………………………………………………………..…....................1 Marshmallow Challenge Materials List…………………………………..……….2 Staff SetͲup Procedures and Gym Layout……͘…………………………………3 Marshmallow Challenge Instructions………………………………………………5 Marshmallow Challenge Finalists Form…..………………………………………6 Marshmallow Challenge Photos……………………………………………………..7 Storage Tub Contents List……………………………………………………………….8
The Marshmallow Challenge OVERVIEW The Marshmallow Challenge is a fun design/build engineering exercise that demonstrates to students the importance of collaboration, innovation, and creativity which are important to the engineering process. The challenge is very simple: in 20 minutes, teams must build the tallest free-standing structure out of 25 sticks of spaghetti, one yard of masking tape, and one marshmallow. The entire marshmallow needs to be on top of the structure. At the end of the day, the winning team of the tallest tower standing unassisted will be awarded prizes. At the completion of the activity, students may share some of the valuable lessons of the Marshmallow Challenge and secrets to a successful free-standing tower.
Marshmallow Challenge
Marshmallow Challenge
Materials List Request School to Provide These Items
x x x x
5 tables (long or round) each with 6 chairs 2 chairs for volunteers 1 long table for supplies Garbage can
JA Staff to Bring These Items to School For easier set up at the school, place all supplies required for the Marshmallow Challenge in a large storage tub (30 gallon size). Label the outside of the tub “Marshmallow Challenge”. On the inside of the tub lid, tape a laminated list of all items kept in this tub. Having this list ensures all necessary items are returned to the tub at the completion of the day; and this is also a reference to JA staff when restocking the tub for the next STEM Summit day. *A copy of the tub label, Contents List and Marshmallow Challenge forms are available for download from our website’s STEM Summit Resource page (refer to Getting Started tab). x x x
x x x x x x x x x
One clipboard with a copy of Marshmallow Challenge Competition Finalists form* 2 sets of laminated Volunteer Instructions* 90 One gallon bags of 25 spaghetti pieces (9 groups of 10 bags) Note: For easier set up, it is recommended that the spaghetti bags be prepared ahead of time and placed in the tub. 90 marshmallows, extra bag of marshmallows Extra box of spaghetti Extra gallon size baggies One roll of masking tape 2 Large garbage bags 6 pens 5 Yardsticks (one for each table) 1 Timer, watch or stopwatch 1 container of wipes 2 Marshmallow Challenge
The Marshmallow Challenge
Staff Set up Procedures For each team: x
25 full-size pieces (not broken) uncooked spaghetti (regular, not angel hair or thin spaghetti) in a sealed gallon baggie.
1 fresh marshmallow (standard fluffy variety, not mini or jumbo size, and not stale or hard)
3 ft. of masking tape
For the contest: x
5 Yard sticks (one for each table)
1 Timer, watch, or stopwatch
Student table setup
Supplies table setup 3 Marshmallow Challenge
4 Marshmallow Challenge
The Marshmallow Challenge Instructions Time Allowed: 20 minutes total Objective: To construct a tower as high as possible using only spaghetti and masking tape. The marshmallow must be placed on the top of the tower. The tallest tower still standing unassisted wins. Opening Instructions: Divide the students into groups of 3. If you have an uneven number you may have a group of 4, but no more than 4 students per group. Two groups can share a table. “One of the keys to starting a successful business is teamwork and problem solving. This requires creativity, innovation and thinking outside the box, but also being able to develop a plan and execute it as a team. In the Marshmallow Challenge your team is going to have 20 minutes to work together to construct a spaghetti tower that has a marshmallow on the top. The winning team will have the tallest tower standing unassisted. Here are the rules: 1. Your team may only use the materials provided. This includes one yard of masking tape, 25 sticks of spaghetti, and your marshmallow. 2. You may not use any other materials to assist in the support of your tower. 3. You will have only 20 minutes. Marshmallow must be on the top of the tower when time is called and your tower must be standing unassisted. 4. Measurement is a vertical measurement from the table top up. 5. You may stick masking table tape to the table top. 6. Spaghetti may be broken into smaller pieces. However, once broken, pieces may not be replaced. Ok, remember 20 minutes, tallest tower wins, marshmallow must be on top, and no cheating! You may begin�
5 Marshmallow Challenge
During team activity: Monitor team progress and remind tables of the rules if necessary. Completion of team activity: When two minutes remain, give an announcement that there are two minutes remaining. Then also at one minute. When time is called, measure the height of each teams’ tower. Declare a winning team. Summary: You may want to ask a couple of teams that were successful, what was their secret? Discuss challenges and things they would do differently next time. Close with this wrap up. “The Marshmallow Challenge is an activity done to help business leaders realize the power and challenges of team problem solving. Thousands of groups have done the activity and there have been some interesting statistics that have come out of these studies. 1. One of poorest performing groups on average are College graduates with Business Majors (an average of 20 inches.) The reason…they have been told that problem solving is a linear solution where you plan, and then execute a plan. They work to the very end, place their marshmallow on top and have either an “aha moment” or more often an “oops moment”. 2. One of the best performing groups is another group of graduates…graduates from Kindergarten. Kindergarteners average 30 inches. Why, because they have a natural instinct to prototype. Much like when playing with blocks as a toddler. They start with the marshmallow and build up. Plus they don’t have the natural power struggle within their teams that adults develop.
Clean Up: Bring a trash can around and pick up all the materials.
6 Marshmallow Challenge
MARSHMALLOW CHALLENGE COMPETITION FINALISTS For each Session of students, please record the names of the students on the winning team and their time on this form. At the end of the day, record the overall winner at the bottom on the back of this sheet.
Session 1: Height:__________ Student Names:
Session 2: Height__________ Student Names:
Session 3: Height:__________ Student Names:
Session 4: Height:_________ Student Names:
Session 5: Height:_________ Student Names:
Session 6: Height:_________ Student Names: 7 Marshmallow Challenge
Session 7: Height:_________ Student Names:
Session 8: Height:_________ Student Names:
Session 9: Height:_________ Student Names:
OVERALL WINNER Height:_________________ Student Names:
8 Marshmallow Challenge
9 Marshmallow Challenge
Marshmallow Challenge Storage Tub Contents x One clipboard with one copy of Competition Finalists Marshmallow Challenge form x 2 sets of laminated instructions x 90 bags of spaghetti (25 pieces per bag) 18 bundles of 5 bags each x 90 marshmallows x Extra bag of marshmallows x Extra box of spaghetti x Extra gallon size baggies x One roll of masking tape x 2 Large garbage bags x 6 pens x Container of wipes x Scissors x Timer or stopwatch Bring 5 yardsticks (one for each table)
Note: After the completion of EACH STEM Summit day, the storage tub should be restocked with the above items for the next STEM.
10 Marshmallow Challenge
Math Challenge Table of Contents Overview…………………………………………………………..…................1 Math Challenge Materials List ……………………………..………………….2 Staff Set-up Photos..…………………………………………………………....3 Summary of Math Challenge Activities……………………………………….. Math Challenge Leader Directions…………………………………………… Math Challenge Forms……………………………………………………… Geometry Sticks Activity..……………………………………………………..1 Math Jenga Activity…………………………………………………………….2 Geometry Puzzle Box Activity…………………………………………………3 Subtraction Blaster Activity…………………………………………………….3 Geometry Shapes Activity……………………………………………………..3 Storage Tub Content Lists……………………………………………………..
Math Challenge OVERVIEW The Math Challenge is five fun hands-on math activities, comprised of math, and algebra problems, games, and puzzles, to encourage students’ interest in mathematics, develop their problem solving skills, and inspire them to value mathematical pursuits. The challenge: Students have 4 minutes to complete the math activity at their table. When time is up, students record their points and rotate clockwise to the next table to complete the second math activity. Students will complete all five math activities: Geometry Shapes, Math Jenga, Geometry Puzzle Box, Geometry Sticks, and Subtraction Blaster. After students complete all of the math activities, the team with the most points for that session, will be recorded on the Math Challenge Finalist form. At the end of the day, the team with the most points will be awarded prizes.
Math Challenge
Math Challenge
Materials List Request School to Provide These Items x x
5 tables (preferably round)each with 6 chairs at each table 4 chairs for volunteers
JA Staff to Bring These Items to School For easier set up at the school, place all supplies required for the Math Challenge a large storage tub (30 gallon size). Also, bring a roll (40” x 300’) white plastic table covering purchased from Sam’s Club or other warehouse store. Label the outside of the tub “Math Challenge”. On the inside of the tub lid, tape a laminated list of all items kept in this tub. Having this list ensures all necessary items are returned to the tub at the completion of the day; and this is also a reference to JA staff when restocking the tub for the next STEM Summit day. *Copies of the tub label, Contents List and Math Challenge documents are available for download from our website’s STEM Summit Resource page (refer to Getting Started tab).
Tub Items: x
Geometry Puzzle Box activity – One ShapeMaker geometry puzzle box Note: Geometry Puzzle Box – called ShapeMaker by Miller Goodman - can be purchased from Amazon for approximately $75.00.
Geometry Shapes activity - One set of 20 laminated geometry shape cards* and 20 laminated geometry shape name cards.* These cards can be found in this section. Note: Before laminating, number the shape cards 1-20 in small print on the back in the upper right corner. Then write the same number on the back of the matching word card. The matching shape and word cards should have the same number on the back.
Subtraction Blaster activity - Two decks of regular playing cards with face cards removed
Geometry Sticks activity - 24 sticks (use 5” plastic coffee sticks) and one penny in a sealed sandwich baggie and one set of 10 laminated puzzle cards which can be found in this section.
Math Challenge
Math Jenga activity - One math Jenga game (Jumbling Tower game) Note: Math Jenga – also called Jumbling Tower in a Tin - can be purchased from Amazon for approximately $10. It is a good idea to purchase the tin as it works very well as a carrying case for game pieces to the Summit location. Jenga game instructions are included in the Jumbling Tower Tin. Note: You will need to prepare the Jenga wooden blocks with coordinating numbers and equations before your first STEM Summit. On the short ends of each block, number them 1-48. Then write the coordinating math equation. For example, on block #1, write lengthwise on the block the math equation listed by number 1 on the Math Jenga Equation Sheet (located in this section). Note: The Math Jenga Answer Sheet is also included.
5 Clipboards for students (one for each math activity) - Each with 9 copies of Math Challenge Score Card sheets* attached
Bag of 30 pencils and one ream of paper
5 Clipboards for volunteers: x
1 with laminated Math Challenge Leader Directions and Math Challenge Finalists form*
1 with laminated Geometry Sticks directions and Answer Key*
x 1 with laminated Geometry Puzzle Box directions and Answer Key* x 1 with laminated Geometry Shapes directions* (no answer key) x 1 with laminated Subtraction Blaster directions* (no answer key) x
1 with laminated Math Jenga directions, Answer Key, and a copy of block Math Problems/Answer Key*
1 Timer
*Copies of the tub label, Contents List and Math Challenge documents are available for download from our website’s STEM Summit Resource page (refer to Getting Started tab).
Math Challenge
Table Set-up Photos Math Challenge
Subtraction Blaster
Math Jenga
Geometry Shapes
Geometry Puzzle 4
Math Challenge
5 Trash Can
Trash Can
Supplies Trash Can
Marshmallow Challenge
Math Challenge
Sand & Worms
Gym Layout
Trash Can
Trash Can
Trash Can
Math Challenge
Summary of Math Challenge Activities Geometry Puzzle Box Students will have 4 minutes to complete the picture puzzle. Using the picture as a guide, students should work as a team to create the same picture by finding the appropriate block and placing it in the box or on the table so that when they are finished it should be the IDENTICAL picture. If it is not identical, no points will be awarded. A total of 20 points will be awarded if they finish the puzzle in 4 minutes. This is all or nothing when it comes to the total points.
Math Jenga Students will have 4 minutes to play Math Jenga. Each team member will take a turn in pushing out the Jenga wooden piece from the tower. As a group they will solve the problem. Paper and pencil are available, if needed. If the answer is correct they will place the block aside, if the answer is wrong they will place the block back on top of the tower. Continue until either the tower falls, which will end the game, or time is called. They will have 4 minutes to get as many problems correct as possible. If they get stumped they can place the wooden piece on top and move on. Each correct Wooden Block will be worth 2 points.
Geometry Shapes Going around the table, each student will match the correct geometry shape with the name of the shape. The object of the game is to complete all matches so that there are no cards left over. 1 point for each correct match
Math Challenge
Subtraction Blaster Scatter the deck of cards in the center of the table. Going around the table, each student will use three cards to create an equation. Two cards are the equation and the third card will be the answer. Only subtraction should be used. Ace’s equal 1. The students should say their equation out loud so that you see what cards they are using and the equation is correct. They will have to work fast and also think about the cards they are using, especially as they get towards the end. The object of the game is to try and use every card. The students will have 4 minutes. For each card that is left on the table, they will receive -1 point (or lose a point). If they complete all the cards they will remain even.
Geometry Sticks The student’s should place the sticks on the table so that they resemble the picture on the card. Then, they should follow the directions on the card by removing the number of sticks to change the picture. Students will receive 1 point for each correct card/picture solved correctly.
Math Challenge
Math Challenge
Subtraction Blaster
Geometry Sticks Math Jenga
Geometry Puzzle Box
Math Challege Geometry Geometry Shapes Shapes
Math Challenge Leader Directions x A JA Staff person will go over each math game with all volunteers before the day begins. x After the instructions have been given, one person among the volunteers will have to designate themselves as the “leader.” x As the leader, when the students come into the Math Challenge area ask them to have a seat at one of the tables dividing into groups of 4-6. Try and keep the tables as evenly balanced as possible. x Explain to the students that each table has a score sheet on the clipboard. x They should write each students’ names on the top before they get started. x Let the students know they will keep track of their own score at each table taking the clip board with them when they rotate. x Inform the volunteers that they have a minute to explain the math game at their table. x After the instructions have been given, inform the students that they will have 4 minutes to complete the math challenge or activity at their table. x Ask the students if they have any questions. x Set the timer for 4 minutes x If there are no questions, then give them a nice and LOUD….READY, SET, GO. x With 1 minute left, announce they have 1 minute to go. x After 4 minutes, announce STOP, time is up. x Ask the students to record their score on the Score Sheet x Finally, the students should rotate clockwise to the next math activity. x Continue until all the students have done all five table activities. x After ALL activities have been completed, the students should give their score sheet to the leader. x The leader will then record the highest score for that “session” on the master score sheet. x At the end of the day, the team with the highest score will receive a prize during the wrap-up session.
Math Challenge
Math Challenge Score Card
Student Names: ______________________________________________________________________________
Math Jenga: 2 points will be awarded for each correct answer. Place correct answers in the cup. If incorrect, place back on top of the tower. Math Jenga-Total Points
Geometry Shapes- Match the Geometry name card with the correct geometry shape. 1 point for each correct match. A potential of 20 points can be awarded. Geometry Shapes- Total Points
Geometry Puzzle: Using the laminated picture, assemble the blocks to form the same picture. 20 points will be awarded if your team completes the puzzle within the time limit. 0 points if not completed within the time limit. Geometry Puzzle- Total Points
Geometry Sticks: Follow the directions on each card to remove sticks to create a new picture. 1 point will be awarded for each correct picture that is completed. Geometry Sticks- Total Points Subtraction Blaster- object of the game is to use 3 cards; 2 cards making a subtraction equation and the third card is the answer to the equation. Try to use EVERY card in the pile. Work quickly around the table. Put the used cards aside and away from the non-used cards. 1 point will be subtracted from your score for each card left on the table. Subtraction Blaster- Total Points
Math Challenge Total Points:
Math Challenge
MATH Challenge FINALISTS For each Session of students, please record the winning team’s score and student names on this form. At the end of the day, record the overall winner at the bottom on the back of this sheet.
Session 1 - Score:__________ Student Names:
Session 2 - Score:__________ Student Names:
Session 3 - Score:_________ Student Names:
Session 4 - Score:_________ Student Names:
Session 5 - Score:_________ Student Names:
Session 6 - Score:_________ Student Names:
Math Challenge
Session 7 - Score:_________ Student Names:
Session 8 - Score:_________ Student Names:
Session 9 - Score:_________ Student Names:
OVERALL WINNER Score:_________________ Student Names:
Math Challenge
Directions for the Math Challenge
Geometry Sticks The student’s should place the sticks on the table so that they resemble the picture on the first puzzle card. Then, they should follow the directions on the card by removing the number of sticks to change the picture. Students will receive 1 point for each correct card/picture solved correctly. The answers keys are provided. We
Math Challenge
Geometry Sticks Puzzle Cards
Math Challenge
Math Challenge
Math Challenge
Math Challenge
Math Challenge
Math Challenge
Math Challenge
Math Challenge
Math Challenge
Math Challenge
Geometry Sticks Answer Key 1.
Remove one stick to leave three squares.
2. Remove six sticks to leave four triangles.
3. Take away two sticks and leave two squares.
4. Make the fish swim the opposite way by moving three sticks and the coin.
5. Remove six sticks and leave two squares.
Math Challenge
Geometry Sticks Answer Key 6. Move two sticks to make the pig go the opposite way.
7. Remove three sticks and leave three squares.
8. Remove one stick and move one stick to get the ball out from between the posts.
Move stick to the right
9. Remove eight sticks and leave three squares.
10. Move four sticks and leave three equilateral triangles.
Math Challenge
Directions for the Math Challenge
Math Jenga Students will have 4 minutes to play Math Jenga. Each team member will take a turn in pushing out the Jenga wooden piece from the tower. As a group they will solve the problem. Paper and pencil are available, if needed. If the answer is correct they will place the block aside. If the answer is wrong, they will place the block back on top of the tower. Continue until either the tower falls, which will end the game, or time is called. They will have 4 minutes to get as many problems correct as possible. If they get stumped, they can place the wooden piece on top and move on. Each correct Wooden Block will be worth 2 points. The answers are provided.
Math Challenge
MATH JENGA EQUATION SHEET (6 × 8) ÷ (2 × 2) = 12 ݄ܽ݊ 1 ܽ݊݀ 9 = 3ݐ ݎ݄݁ݐ ݂ 9 ݎݐ݂ܿܽ ܽ ݁݉ܽܰ 1000 = 10ם ௫ =6ݔ +2=4 ଷ
1. 2. 3. 4.
+ 2) െ ଶݔ( െݔ = ଶݕ ݈݁ݏ ݄݁ݐ ݀݊݅ܨ
) 47ݔ ݊ (1,2,5,11,23,ݎ݁ݐݐܽ ݄݁ݐ ݊݅ ݎܾ݁݉ݑ݊ ݐݔ݁݊ ݄݁ݐ ݀݊݅ܨ (34 െ 7) ÷ 3= 9 య ξ27 = 3 -13 = -1
6. 7. 8. 9.
= 5.4ݔ + 1.4ݔ = 6.8 = 15ݕ +ݔ݊? YES 6݅ݐݑ݈ݏ ݈ܾ݁݅ݏݏ ܽ ) (2,3ݏܫ = 18ݕ + 4ݔYES 3 = 8.1ݔ + 8.9ݔ = 17 = 3.28ݔ െ 1.24 = 2.04ݔ 7 + 32 െ 14 × 4 = െ17 = 3.18ݔ ݔ = 7.62 െ 4.44 = 20ݕ + 14ݔ݊? ܱܰ 2݅ݐݑ݈ݏ ݈ܾ݁݅ݏݏ ܽ) (3,1ݏܫ = 16ݕ + 14ݔ NO య 27 Math Challenge ξ0 = 0
11. 12.
= 4
13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.
19. 20. 21. 22.
(5 + 6) + (7 × 11) = 107 20 + 20 െ 5 × 4 = 20 ଵ ଷ ଵ + = ସ ଵଶ ଶ ݈ܽ݊݃݁? 84ݐܿ݁ݎ ݄݁ݐ ݂ ܽ݁ݎܽ ݄݁ݐ ݏ݅ ݐ݄ܹܽ
7 12
23. ݈݅ܽ݊݃݁? 16ݎݐ ݄݁ݐ ݂ ܽ݁ݎܽ ݄݁ݐ ݏ݅ ݐ݄ܹܽ
݊ ݏ݈݀݊ܽ ݐ݅ ݐ݄ܽݐ ݕݐ݈ܾܾ݅݅ܽݎ ݄݁ݐ ݏ݅ ݐ݄ܹܽ ݁݀.݈݂݅ ݏ݅ ݊݅ܿ ܣ ݄݁ݐ ݂ ݎ݁ݐ݁݉ܽ݅݀ ݄݁ݐ ݏ݅ ݐ݄ܹܽ ݂ 6.12. ݏݑ݅݀ܽݎ ܽ ݏ݄ܽ ݈݁ܿݎ݅ܿ ܣ 16 െ 7 × 8 ÷ 8 = 9
24. 25. 26.
?݉ݎ݂ ݂݈݀݁݅݅݉݅ݏ ݏݐ݅ ݊݅ ଼ ݏ݅ ݐ݄ܹܽ
?݊݅ݐܽݑݍ݁ ܿ݅ݐܽݎ݀ܽݑݍ ݎ ݎ݈ܽ݁݊݅ ܽ ݏ݄݅ݐ ݏܫ ଵ ݎܽ݁݊݅ܮ െ 6ݔ = ସݕ
?݁ݒ݅ݐܽ݃݁݊ ݎ ݁ݒ݅ݐ݅ݏ ܽ ܾ݁ ݄ܽݎ݃ ݏ݄݅ݐ ݈݀ݑܹ െ 8 Positiveݔ ଶ െ 8ݔ = ݕ 6.3 + 8.7 െ 4.2 = 10.8 64 െ 21 × 2 + 33 = 55 = 33.2ݔ = 6.8ݔ 40 െ ଵ ଷ ଵ + = ଼ ଶସ ସ
= 12ݔ + 6 = 9
4(4) + 5(5) െ 6(6) = 5 ௫ାସ
35. 36.
= 6ݔ െ 2) = 6ݔ( െ 4) +ݔ( = 1ݔ െ 6 = 9ݔ 14 + 5(3) + (2)9 + 2(7) = 47 28 . 04 + .87 = .91
37. 38. 39. 40.
= 14ݔ = 3
Math Challenge
31. 32. 33. 34.
41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48.
ξ64 = 4 ξ81 = 9 48 െ 37 × 3 + 12 = െ51 2(2 ݔെ 4) = 8 = ݔ4 (6 × 7) + (8 × 4) െ (4 + 6) = 64 40 + 8 × 0 + 1 = 41 ర ξ81 = 3 3( ݔ+ 7) = 15 = ݔെ2
Math Challenge
Math Jenga Answer Key 1. 3 2. 3 3. 10 4. 6 5. -½ 6. 47 7. 9 8. 3 9. -1 10. 4 11. 5.4 12. YES 13. 8.1 14. 3.28 15. -17 16. 3.28 17. NO 18. 0 19. 107 20. 20 21. ½ 22. 84 23. 16 24. 1 or 100% 25. 12.24 26. 9 27. 5/6 28. 12 29. LINEAR 30. POSITIVE 31. 10.8
32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48.
55 33.2 1/4 5 14 6 1 47 .91 4 9 -51 4 64 41 3 -2
Math Challenge
Directions for the Math Challenge
Geometry Puzzle Box Students will have 4 minutes to complete the picture puzzle. Using the picture as a guide, students should work as a team to create the same picture by finding the appropriate block and placing it in the box or on the table so that when they are finished it should be the IDENTICAL picture. If it is not identical, no points will be awarded. A total of 20 points will be awarded if they finish the puzzle in 4 minutes. This is all or nothing when it comes to the total points. The answer key is provided.
Math Challenge
Math Challenge
Directions for the Math Challenge
Subtraction Blaster First, remove all face cards from two decks of cards. Then, scatter the deck of cards in the center of the table. Going around the table, each student will use three cards to create an equation: Two cards are the equation and the third card will be the answer. Only subtraction should be used. Ace’s equal 1. The students should say their equation out loud so that you see what cards they are using and the equation is correct. They will have to work fast and also think about the cards they are using, especially as they get towards the end. The object of the game is to try and use every card. The students will have 4 minutes. For each card that is left on the table, they will receive -1 point (or lose a point). If they complete all the cards they will remain even.
Math Challenge
Directions for the Math Challenge
Geometry Shapes Going around the table, each student will match the correct geometry shape with the name of the shape. The object of the game is to complete all matches so that there are no cards left over. 1 point for each correct match
Note: There are 20 shape cards and 20 matching words. Number the shape cards 1-20. Then write the same number on the back of the matching word card. The Shape and Word cards that match should have the same numbers on the back.
Math Challenge
Math Challenge
Math Challenge
Math Challenge
Math Challenge
Math Challenge
Math Challenge
Math Challenge
Math Challenge
Math Challenge
Math Challenge
Math Challenge
Math Challenge
Math Challenge
Math Challenge
Math Challenge
Math Challenge
Math Challenge
Math Challenge
Math Challenge
Math Challenge
Math Challenge
Math Challenge
Math Challenge
Math Challenge
Math Challenge
Math Challenge
Math Challenge
Math Challenge
Math Challenge
Math Challenge
Math Challenge
Math Challenge
Math Challenge
Math Challenge
Math Challenge
Math Challenge
Math Challenge
Math Challenge
Math Challenge
Math Challenge
Math Challege Storage Tub Contents x 6 Clipboards for volunteers: o Geometry Sticks directions & Answer Key o Geometry Puzzle Box directions & Answer Key o Geometry Shapes directions (no answer key) o Subtraction Blaster directions (no answer key) o Math Jenga directions, Answer Key and Block Math Problems/Answer Key o Math Challenge Leader Directions and a copy of the Math Challenge Finalists sheet x 5 Clipboards for math activity tables - Each with 9 copies of Math Challenge Score Card sheets attached x Bag of 30 pencils and one ream of paper x 1 Timer x Math Challenge Games (1 of each game): o o o o o
Geometry sticks – 24 sticks, one penny, one set of 10 laminated puzzle cards Geometry ShapeMaker Puzzle Box Geometry Shapes – 20 laminated shapes Subtraction Blaster – 2 decks of cards Math Jenga
Note: After the completion of EACH STEM Summit day, the storage tub should be restocked with the above items for the next STEM Summit.
Math Challenge
Physics ([SHULPHQWV Table of Contents Overview…………………………………………………………………..….....1 Physics Materials List ……………………………..…………………………...2 Staff Set-up Procedures DQG *\P /D\RXW ………………………………….4 Volunteer Instructions…………………………………………………………..6 Balloon Experiments and Forms……………………………………………....7 Wind Bag Experiment and Forms……………………………………….……11 Smoke Rings Experiment and Form………………………………………....13 Storage Tub Contents Lists…………………………………………..……….15
Physics Experiments OVERVIEW The Physics Experiments session is three fun hands-on activities to demonstrate basic experimental skills and testing scientific theory. The students have 30 minutes to complete the three experiments: Balloon, Wind Bag, and Smoke Rings. The students will perform each experiment in a large group setting.
Physics Experiments
Physics Experiments
Materials List Request School to Provide These Items x 1 long table for supplies x 2 chairs for volunteers x 1 garbage can
JA Staff to Bring These Items to School x
One large air cannon – To make an air cannon: use a 32 gallon round trash can, cut a large hole in the bottom of the can, cover the top tightly with tarp material and secure it to the can with duct tape. To make a shoulder strap, so that that the air cannon can be easily held, use a men’s leather belt and secure both ends of the belt to the trash can using screws.
Note: For easier set up at the school, place all other supplies required for the Physics experiments in two large storage tubs (30 gallon size). Label the outside of the first tub “Fog Machine” and the second tub “Physics Experiments”. On the inside of each tub lid, tape a laminated list of all items kept in this tub. Having this list ensures all necessary items are returned to the tub at the completion of the day; and this is also a reference to JA staff when restocking the tub for the next STEM Summit day. (A copy of the tub labels and Tub Contents list are available for download from our website’s STEM Summit Resource Center page.)
Fog MachineTub Items: x x x
1 Gallon of Fog machine fluid 1 Fog machine (heavy-duty brand) 1 Power cord (50 foot)
Note: when setting up the gym layout, make note of plug outlets and setup physics area near the outlet area, since the fog machine requires one.
Physics Experiments
Physics ExperimentsTub Items: x x x x x
x x
1 bottle of vegetable oil 1 empty tall plastic wipes container to hold the oil and the skewers 1 container of wipes 2 paper towel rolls 50 windbags (plus 20 extra) per day. These can be purchased from website – 100 Windbags (one breath Bernoulli bags (Item #WWIN-900) can be purchased for $69.99. It is a good idea to order as many you as need to cover all of your STEM Summit days. 250 Bamboo Skewers (12 inch size). We use Smart Living brand. 250 hex nuts – 5/16 size
350 Crystal clear 11 inch Betallatex Latex balloons. We have determined that balloon brand does make a difference in the skewer experiment. Try to use only Betallatex Balloons. We order them from American Celebrations ( at a cost of $13.75 for 100 balloons.
x x x
30 styrofoam 8 oz.cups per day (plus extras) 2 pair of scissors 5 ink pens
2 laminated copies of the “science behind the experiment” documents: o Balloon Skewer Experiment – Polymers* o Screaming Balloon Experiment* o Polymers* o Windbag Experiment – Bernoulli Bag* o Physics in a Toroidal Vortex: Air Cannon*
3 laminated copies of Volunteer Instructions*
*A copy of the tub labels, Tub Contents lists and Physics Experiments forms are available for download from our website’s STEM Summit Resource Center page (refer to Getting Started tab).
Physics Experiments
STAFF SET-UP PROCEDURES Physics Experiments The Physics Experiment is simple to set up. This activity requires one demonstration table, two chairs for volunteers and a garbage can. Set up the demonstration table near a wall with an electrical outlet. Place the fog machine, extension cord (if needed) and extra fog liquid on the floor at the side of the table. On the table, place the bags of balloons, skewers, hex nuts, windbags, Styrofoam cups, container of vegetable oil and the scissors, paper towels and wipes on the table. Have the laminated instructions sheets and the “science behind the experiment� laminated sheets on the table as well.
Physics Experiments
5 Trash Can
Trash Can
Trash Can
Marshmallow Challenge
Math Challenge
Sand & Worms
Gym Layout
Trash Can
Trash Can
Trash Can
Physics Experiments
Volunteer Instructions Physics Experiment The first experiment you will do is the screaming balloon. Each student gets a balloon, blows it up and inserts a hex nut. They just hold the end of the balloon closed, DO NOT TIE IT. They will then hold both ends of the balloon, swirl it around and the hex nut inside the balloon makes a “screaming sound.” We also have the science behind the experiment on the table for you to read. Next they will let a little bit of air out of the balloon. Show the students a bamboo skewer and tell them their balloon must be smaller than the skewer because they will be pushing the skewer through the balloon without it breaking. When their balloon is the proper size THEN they can tie it. Hand each student a bamboo skewer. Have them dip the end of it into a cup of vegetable oil. Explain about polymers, and have them put their skewer through the balloon where the polymers are located (end of each balloon) Some will pop, most will not. When this is complete, dispose of the balloon and skewer. The hex nuts can go back into the container. The next experiment is the Wind Bag. Instructions are attached. We do not have the students tie the ends. They just hold them closed with their hands. Have the students break into pairs. Give each pair a wind bag. Ask them to guess how many breaths it takes to blow up and then try it. Most students will say and blow 5 or more breaths. You can then demonstrate how to do it in one breath. (Instructions are at your station.) Have the students try blowing up the bag with one breath. Please tell the students not to put their mouths on the ends. They can do the experiment by not touching the sides of the bag with their mouth. This will allow us to reuse the wind bags. In the event the students do touch the bags with their mouths, please dispose of the bags. Please collect all bags at the end of experiment. The final experiment is the smoke rings. You can fill the fog machine with liquid smoke. Then fill the large air canon. Have the students stand in a semi-circle, each with a styrofoam cup on their head. Have a volunteer student try to knock the cups off of the students’ heads with the smoke rings. The science behind this will also be on your table. Each student can take a turn hitting the air canon. Please unplug the fog machine between sessions or it will over heat.
Physics Experiments
Balloon Experiments The challenge: Make the balloon scream Each student gets a balloon, blows it up and inserts a hex nut. They just hold the end of the balloon closed, DO NOT TIE IT. They will then hold both ends of the balloon, swirl it around and the hex nut inside the balloon will make a “screaming sound.” The next challenge…Pierce a balloon with a wooden skewer without popping it. Students should let a little bit of air out of their balloon. Show the students a bamboo skewer and tell them that their balloon must be smaller than the skewer because they will be pushing the skewer through the balloon without it breaking. When their balloon is the proper size; then, they can tie it. Hand each student a bamboo skewer. Have them dip the end of it into a cup of vegetable oil. Explain about polymers, and have them put their skewer through the balloon where the polymers are located (end of each balloon). Some of the balloons will pop, most will not. When this is complete, dispose of the balloon and skewer. The hex nuts can go back into the container. Note: The science behind the polymer and balloon experiment is explained in the Polymers document and Screaming Balloon Kit document. There is also a Balloon Skewer Experiment handout document, all of which are included in this section. These forms can be put on the tables for students to take or just laminate a few copies of each form and place on tables for volunteers and students to read.
Physics Experiments
SCREAMING BALLOON EXPERIMENT 1. Squeeze the hex nut through the mouth of the balloon. Make sure that the hex nut goes all the way into the balloon so that there is no danger of it being sucked out while blowing up the balloon. 2. Blow up the balloon, but be careful not to overinflate the balloon, as it will easily burst. Tie off the balloon and you’re ready to go. 3. Grip the balloon at the stem end as you would a bowling ball. The neck of the balloon will be in your palm and your fingers and thumb will extend down the sides of the balloon. 4. While holding the balloon, palm down, swirl it in a circular motion. The hex nut may bounce around at first, but it will soon begin to roll around the inside of the balloon. What is that sound? Could the balloon be screaming? The sound every parent loves... 5. Once the hex nut begins to spin, use your other hand to stabilize the balloon. Your hex nut should continue to spin for 10 seconds or more.
HOW DOES IT WORK? This is actually a 2 for 1 experiment - you’re learning about the science of motion and sound. The hex nut circles inside the balloon due to centripetal force. Centripetal force is the inward force on a body that causes it to move in a circular path. It is a "centerseeking" force. A hex nut has 6 sides, and these flat edges cause the hex nut to bounce or vibrate inside the balloon. The screaming sound is made by the sides of the hex nut vibrating against the inside wall of the balloon.
Physics Experiments
Polymers How does it work? The secret is to uncover the portion of the balloon where the latex molecules are under the least amount of stress or strain. After drawing on the balloon with the Sharpie marker, you probably noticed that the dots on either end of the balloon were relatively small. You’ve just uncovered the area of least stress... the ends of the balloon. When the point of the skewer is positioned at the ends of the balloon, the solid object passes through the inflated balloon without popping it. If you could see the rubber that makes up a balloon on a microscopic level, you would see many long strands or chains of molecules. These long strands of molecules are called polymers, and the elasticity of these polymer chains causes rubber to stretch. Blowing up the balloon stretches these strands of polymer chains. Even before drawing the dots on the balloon, you probably noticed that the middle of the balloon stretches more than either end. You wisely chose to pierce the balloon at a point where the polymer molecules were stretched out the least. The long strands of molecules stretched around the skewer and kept the air inside the balloon from rushing out. It’s easy to accidentally tear the rubber if you use a dull skewer or forget to coat the end of the skewer with vegetable oil. When you remove the skewer, you feel the air leaking out through the holes where the polymer strands were pushed apart. Eventually the balloon deflates… but it never pops.
Polymers How does it work? The secret is to uncover the portion of the balloon where the latex molecules are under the least amount of stress or strain. After drawing on the balloon with the Sharpie marker, you probably noticed that the dots on either end of the balloon were relatively small. You’ve just uncovered the area of least stress... the ends of the balloon. When the point of the skewer is positioned at the ends of the balloon, the solid object passes through the inflated balloon without popping it. If you could see the rubber that makes up a balloon on a microscopic level, you would see many long strands or chains of molecules. These long strands of molecules are called polymers, and the elasticity of these polymer chains causes rubber to stretch. Blowing up the balloon stretches these strands of polymer chains. Even before drawing the dots on the balloon, you probably noticed that the middle of the balloon stretches more than either end. You wisely chose to pierce the balloon at a point where the polymer molecules were stretched out the least. The long strands of molecules stretched around the skewer and kept the air inside the balloon from rushing out. It’s easy to accidentally tear the rubber if you use a dull skewer or forget to coat the end of the skewer with vegetable oil. When you remove the skewer, you feel the air leaking out through the holes where the polymer strands were pushed apart. Eventually the balloon deflates… but it never pops.
Physics Experiments
Balloon Skewer Experiment - Polymers Some things in this world just don’t mix - dogs and cats, oil and water, needles and balloons. Everyone knows that a balloon’s worst fear is a sharp object...even a sharpened, wooden cooking skewer. With a little scientific knowledge about polymers you’ll be able to perform a seemingly impossible task... pierce a balloon with a wooden skewer without popping it. Suddenly piercing takes on a whole new meaning!
Experiment 1. The first step is to inflate the balloon until it’s nearly full size and then let about a third of the air out. Tie a knot in the end of the balloon. 2. If you carefully examine the balloon you’ll notice a thick area of rubber at both ends of the balloon (where you tied the knot and the opposite end). This is where you will pierce the balloon with the skewer … but not yet. Keep reading. 3. Dip the tip of the wooden skewer into the cooking oil, which works as a lubricant. 4. Place the sharpened tip of the skewer on the thick end of the balloon and push the skewer into the balloon. Be careful not to jab yourself or the balloon with the skewer. Just use gentle pressure (and maybe a little twisting motion) to puncture the balloon. 5. Push the skewer all the way through the balloon until the tip of the skewer touches the opposite end of the balloon where you’ll find the other thick portion of the balloon. Keep pushing until the skewer penetrates the rubber. Breathe a huge sigh of relief and take a bow! Ta-Da!
Balloon Skewer Experiment - Polymers Some things in this world just don’t mix - dogs and cats, oil and water, needles and balloons. Everyone knows that a balloon’s worst fear is a sharp object...even a sharpened, wooden cooking skewer. With a little scientific knowledge about polymers you’ll be able to perform a seemingly impossible task... pierce a balloon with a wooden skewer without popping it. Suddenly piercing takes on a whole new meaning!
Experiment 1. The first step is to inflate the balloon until it’s nearly full size and then let about a third of the air out. Tie a knot in the end of the balloon. 2. If you carefully examine the balloon you’ll notice a thick area of rubber at both ends of the balloon (where you tied the knot and the opposite end). This is where you will pierce the balloon with the skewer … but not yet. Keep reading. 3. Dip the tip of the wooden skewer into the cooking oil, which works as a lubricant. 4. Place the sharpened tip of the skewer on the thick end of the balloon and push the skewer into the balloon. Be careful not to jab yourself or the balloon with the skewer. Just use gentle pressure (and maybe a little twisting motion) to puncture the balloon. 5. Push the skewer all the way through the balloon until the tip of the skewer touches the opposite end of the balloon where you’ll find the other thick portion of the balloon. Keep pushing until the skewer penetrates the rubber. Breathe a huge sigh of relief and take a bow! Ta-Da! 10
Physics Experiments
Wind Bag Experiment The challenge: How many breaths will it take to blow up a 2 meter (8 foot) long bag? You should be able to inflate the bag using only one breath! We do not have the students tie the ends of the wind bag. They just hold them closed with their hands. Have the students break into pairs. Give each pair a wind bag. Ask them to guess how many breaths it takes to blow up and then try it. Most students will say and blow 5 or more breaths. You can then demonstrate how to do it in one breath. (The Windbag ExperimentBernoulli Bag/Bernoulii Principle document, included in this section, will explain how you can do this.) Have the students try blowing up the bag with one breath. Please tell the students not to put their mouths on the ends. They can do the experiment by not touching the sides of the bag with their mouth. This will allow you to reuse the wind bags. In the event the students do touch the bags with their mouths, please dispose of the bags. Please collect all bags at the end of experiment.
Physics Experiments
Windbag Experiment - Bernoulli Bag How many breaths does it take to fill a 2 meter long bag? Here's the challenge... How many breaths would it take to blow up a 2 meter (8 ft) long bag? Depending on the size of the person, it may take anywhere from 10 to 50 breaths of air. However, with a little practice... and some scientific knowledge of air... you will be able to inflate the bag using only one breath!
Experiment 1. Hold one end of the bag closed. Invite a friend to blow up the bag, keeping track of the number of breaths it takes. Then, let all of the air out of the bag. Explain to your friend that you can blow up the bag in one breath... chances are they won't believe you, but that's all part of the fun! 2. Have your friend assist you by holding onto the closed end of the bag. Hold the open end of the bag approximately 10 inches away from your mouth. Using only one breath, blow as hard as you can into the bag. Remember to stay about 10 inches away from the bag when you blow. 3. Quickly seal the bag with your hand so that none of the air escapes. Tie a slip knot in the end of the bag, or let the air out and try again.
Bernoulli Principle In 1738, Daniel Bernoulli observed that a fast moving stream of air is surrounded by an area of low atmospheric pressure. In fact, the faster the stream of air moves, the more the air pressure drops around the moving air. When you blow into the bag, higher pressure air in the atmosphere forces its way into the area of low pressure created by the stream of air from your lungs. In other words, air in the atmosphere is drawn into the long bag at the same time that you are blowing into the bag. Firefighters use Bernoulli's principle to quickly and efficiently force smoke out of a building. Instead of placing the fans up against the doorway or window, a small space is left between the opening and the fan in order to force a greater amount of air into the building. Firefighters call this "Positive Air Flow."
Physics Experiments
Smoke Rings Experiment The challenge: Try to knock the cups off of the students’ heads with smoke rings. Fill the fog machine with liquid smoke. Then fill the large air canon with smoke from fog machine. Have the students stand in a semi-circle, each with a styrofoam cup on their head. Have a student volunteer try to knock the cups off of the students’ heads with the smoke rings. Each student can take a turn hitting the air canon. Please unplug the fog machine between sessions or it will overheat. The science behind this experiment is explained in the Physics in a Toroidal Vortex: Air Cannon document which is included in this section. You can laminate a few copies of this document and place on the tables for volunteers and students to read.
Physics Experiments
Physics in a Toroidal Vortex: Air Cannon You are about to build your very own toroidal vortex generator. This device will efficiently transport air across the room in a dazzling display of fluid dynamics.
What’s Going On? When the membrane thrusts a burst of air out of the hole, it displaces the surrounding air out side. The surrounding air swirls around in the shape of a twisting doughnut. The twisting doughnut will carry the original burst of air as far as 50 feet away. The physics of moving air is called fluid dynamics. It may seem strange to call air a fluid but motion of gases and liquids are very similar. When a fluid twists or swirls, we call vortex. Again, note the advantage of using the fancy word vortex over the word swirl. Swirl is used when talking about the physics of ice cream. Can you think of where you might observe a vortex at home? Look in the Bath tub, sink or toilet. Now, our cannon generates very special vortices that differ from those found in the bathroom. They twist in the shape of a doughnut and the mathematical name for this is called a toroid. Hence our cannon generates toroidal vortices. Vortices are amazing phenomena because the motion of the air is stable and doesn’t require any outside intervention to keep it going. For instance, try blowing a burst of air with your mouth. This is a unstable burst of air that disperses by the time it reaches an arms’ length. A toroidal vortex on the other hand, will travel all the way across the room. Believe it or not, the mathematics of vortices is exciting too! You will find out when you get to college. When you get there, be sure to check the box labeled “PHYSICS” as your major. Try This! If you have a fog machine, then you can observe the shape of the toroidal vortex created by your air cannon. You can also put some flour inside the bucket and shake it up to simulate fog. If dry ice is available, that will work too. See if you can use your toroidal vortex generator as smell cannon. Not all science has to be done with the eyes. Spray some perfume into the hole and see if you can send someone fragrant vortex. You can also try sending blasts of hot air or cold air.
Physics Experiments
Fog Machine 3K\VLFV Storage Tub Contents x 1 Gallon bottle of Fog solution x Fog Machine x 50 ft. Power Cord
Note: After the completion of EACH STEM Summit day, the storage tub should be restocked with the above items for the next STEM Summit.
Physics Experiments
Physics Storage Tub Contents o Vegetable oil o 1 container of wipes o 1 large empty wipes container o 2 paper towel rolls o 50 windsocks (plus 20 extra) per day o 250 skewers (12 inch size) o 250 hex nuts (5/16 size) o 350 balloons per day o 5 plastic cups o 30 styrofoam (8 oz.) cups per day plus extras o 2 pair of scissors o 5 ink pens o 3 laminated copies of Volunteer Instruction sheet o 2 Laminated copies of descriptions for: x Bernoulli Principle x Balloon Skewer Experiment-Polymers x Screaming Balloon Experiment x Polymers x Physics in a Toroidal vortex: Air Cannon
Note: After the completion of EACH STEM Summit day, the storage tub should be restocked with the above items for the next STEM Summit.
Physics Experiments
Relay Competition Table of Contents Overview………………………………………………………………….…….1 Relay Competition Materials List………………..………………….………..2 Staff Set-up Procedures and Gym Layout………………………….……….5 Jobs for Student Volunteers ………………………………………….……..10 Relay Volunteer Guidelines………………………………………………….12 Relay Lead Schedule…………………………………………………………14 Relay Competition Forms…………………………………………………….15 Stages of Relay Competition………………………………………………...18 Storage Tub Contents Lists…………………………………………………..24
Relay Competition OVERVIEW The Relay Competition is comprised of six activities in math, electrical engineering, nuclear engineering, aerospace engineering, and civil engineering. The competition: Each team of students takes a turn building a gear machine, using a static wand, dressing in anti-contamination clothing, making a paper airplane, using an air cannon, and walking barefoot on eggs. The team with the fastest completion time for that session will be recorded on the Relay Competition Finalists form. At the end of the day, the team with the fastest completion time, of all the sessions, will be awarded prizes.
Relay Competition
Relay Competition
Materials List Request School to Provide These Items x 12 Long tables (10 for relay, 2 for supplies) x 5 Chairs for volunteers x 2 Large garbage cans Bricks4Kidz Bricks4Kidz may lend these gear sets and tablets to each STEM Summit rather than giving them to JA office. The competition uses 5 Lego gear machine sets and 5 tablets – We obtain these from a local Bricks4Kidz office -
JA Staff to Bring These Items to School: o 5 Small Air Cannons – made by using white kitchen trash cans with a hole cut in the bottom. The top of the trash can is tightly covered with tarp material and then duct tape is used to secure it to top of can. o 5 Hula Hoops o 38 Dozen eggs (Note: These do not have to be refrigerated. They will stay fresh for several months kept in a cool dark area.) Bring extra eggs too. Note: Consider contacting a local food company to donate eggs for your STEM Summit days
Note: For easier set up at the school, place all other supplies required for the Relay Competition in 4 large storage tubs (30 gallon size). Copies of the tub labels, Content Lists and Relay Competition forms are available for download from our website’s STEM Summit Resource Center page. Label the outside of the tubs “Relay Races Tub 1 and Tub 2, Anti-Contamination Suits Tub 3, and Egg Cartons Tub 4. On the inside of each tub lid, tape a laminated list of all items kept in each tub. Having this list ensures all necessary items are returned to the correct tub at the end of the day; and this is also a reference to JA staff when restocking the tub for the next STEM Summit day
Relay Competition
Relay Storage Tub 1 Items: x
1 Large Hefty 45 gallon contractor bag
5 Tarps – one for each relay lane
5 Wet wipes containers per day, plus extras
5 Paper towel rolls per day, plus extras
50 Styrofoam cups per day plus extras
Relay Storage Tub 2 Items: x
1 clipboard with Egg Tracker Worksheet*
1 Leader clipboard: o 1 Laminated Relay Lead Schedule* o 1 laminated Relay Competition sheet* o 1 “Competition Finalists Relay” form*
5 clipboards each with: o 1 laminated Relay Competition sheet* o 9 copies of Relay Judge Sheets*
30 Extra AA batteries
x 5 static wands with sphere tinsel (plus 2 extra wands & medium tinsel spheres) Note: These Fun Fly sticks (static wands) and replacement strand tinsel can be purchased through the Steve Spangler website ( The sphere shaped tinsel does work better with the fly sticks, and this tinsel can be purchased through Amazon (Fun-Flyers, Class Pack, 150 Medium Spheres). x x x x x x x
2 Rolls Masking tape for floor and 2 rolls of painters tape 2 Reams of paper (8 ½ x 11) 6 Pens, one pair of scissors 5 Timers 5 bells plus 2 extras Laminated table signs (1-5)* (Optional) 2 Official’s shirts (washed after each summit)
Relay Competition
Anti-Contamination Suits Tub 3 Items: x x x x x x x x x
5 Sets of laminated instructions* 5 Hard hats 5 Goggles 5 Pair of white cloth gloves 5 Pair of rubber gloves 5 Pair of rubber booties 5 Yellow jumpsuits 5 Yellow hood cloths (head coverings) 5 Pair of yellow nylon booties
Note: Wash cloth gloves, jumpsuits, head coverings, and nylon booties after each STEM Summit day.
Egg Carton Storage Tub 4: o Cut egg cartons cut into 2 rows of 5 or three rows of 5 (depending on the original size of the egg cartons you are using). Note: STEM Summit volunteers for relay can cut the cartons needed for the next STEM Summit day, while they are waiting for students between sessions. Bring extra cartons to the STEM Summit. Note: Consider contacting a local diner or restaurant to request they save their egg cartons for your use.
*Copies of the tub labels, Content Lists and Relay Competition forms are available for download from our website’s STEM Summit Resource Center page (refer to Getting Started tab).
Relay Competition
JA Staff Relay Set-up Procedures 1. Items for the relay should be in storage tubs marked “RELAY RACES�. 2. The STEM Summit Relay Layout is to be used as a guide to set up the gym. Depending on the amount of space that is available, adjustments may need to be made. 3. Determine which side of the gym will be the Relay Start. There should be five (5) tables set up horizontally (see layout) at the Relay Start. The following items should be placed on each table: a. Lego Activity b. Static wand and foil sphere c. Hard hat d. Clipboard with 9 score sheets e. Pen
4. Tape the table number signs to the front of each table. 5. A second set of five (5) tables should be placed between 6 and 7 feet from first set of tables. These tables should be set up vertically (see layout). The following items should be placed on each table: a. One laminated direction sheet for anti-contamination clothing b. 2 rubber gloves c. 2 cloth glove liners d. 2 rubber shoe covers 5
Relay Competition
e. f. g. h.
2 nylon booties Anti-contamination suit Head covering Small stack of paper to make paper airplanes
6. The following items should be placed between 4 and 5 feet from each table: a. One hula hoop b. One air cannon c. One Styrofoam cup d. One pair of goggles
Relay Competition
7. Most of the time, there are lines on the gym floor that can be used to help mark where the items should be placed. If the lines are not where they are needed, use the blue tape that is in one of the tubs to mark where the items should be placed. 8. Use the blue tape to mark a spot that is between 4 and 5 feet from the spot where the hula hoop and air cannon were placed. This will be the spot where the person will stand with the Styrofoam cup on their head. 9. Place five (5) tarps (overlap edges slightly) on floor. Place six (6) cartons containing 15 eggs each on tarps in a walking pattern (see layout).
10. Put five (5) sets of paper towels and wipes on tarps close to eggs. 11. Put five (5) bells on floor at Relay End. Try to put the bells as far away from the eggs as possible, but before the two (2) tables at Relay End. 12. There should be two (2) tables at Relay End. One table would be fine also if there is a shortage of tables. The following items should be placed on these tables: a. Extra eggs b. Extra cartons c. Clipboard with Egg Tracker Worksheet d. Pen e. Extra paper towels and wipes (these can also remain in the tub) 13. Storage tubs and boxes can be placed under the tables until needed. 14. A minimum of two (2) large trash cans is needed. Put one trash can close to the eggs and the other at the Relay Start.
Relay Competition
STEM Summit Relay Layout Relay Start 1. Lego Activity 2. Static Wand
6 to 7 feet 3. AntiContamination Suit 4. Paper Airplane
4 to 5 feet
5. Air Cann
4 to 5 feet 6. Egg Walk
7. Remove anti-contamination suit then ring bell.
Relay End Extra Eggs and Cartons 8
Relay Competition
9 Trash Can
Trash Can
Supplies Trash Can
Marshmallow Challenge
Math Challenge
Sand & Worms
Gym Layout
Trash Can
Trash Can
Trash Can
Relay Competition
STEM Summit Relay - Jobs for Student Volunteers The recommended number of student volunteers for Relay is two (2). 1. Replace broken eggs: Place any unbroken eggs into a new empty carton. Make sure to wipe the eggs before placing them in the carton. Throw the broken eggs and used cartons into the trash. Add any eggs to make sure there are 15 eggs per carton. 2. Wipe up any spills on tarps and floor. 3. Keep track of eggs broken/replaced using the Egg Tracker Worksheet. 4. Remind students to stay on tarps if they break any eggs. 5. Provide students with wipes and paper towels, if needed. 6. Cut extra cardboard cartons into sections that hold 15 eggs, if not already cut. 7. Pick up any trash, paper airplanes, etc. after each group. 8. Help put relay lanes back in order for next group. 9. Help be a team coach or team member, if needed. 10. At end of day, count remaining number of eggs. Record on Egg Tracker Worksheet. Total up number of eggs broken.
TEARDOWN: Additional duties 1. Count remaining number of eggs. Pack in boxes. On top of each box, write the number of eggs in the box plus the date. 2. Wipe up tarps, then fold and put in bin. 3. Help pack up other relay bins.
Relay Competition
# Broken eggs
# Broken eggs
# Broken eggs
Team 5
# Eggs Replaced for other reasons
Daily Total # Eggs Broken and Replaced
# Broken eggs
Team 4
Total # Eggs Broken and Replaced
Please write the date and the number of eggs in each box on top of the box.
Physical Count of Total # Eggs Remaining at End of Day
# Broken eggs
Team 2
Note: 450 eggs (37.5 dozen) are needed at the start of each day to set up lanes (6 cartons of 15 eggs per lane; 5 lanes) plus 100 extra per day for replacements.
Session #
Team 1
Team 3
Junior Achievement STEM Summit Egg Tracker Worksheet
School: _______________________________________________________
Date: ___________
Relay Competition
STEM Summit Relay Volunteer Guidelines The role of the relay volunteer is to be the team coach/cheerleader. You should be energetic and enthusiastic with the students and encourage all students to participate. You will guide the students through each of the events, but do not assist them in any way. Team Meeting: After the Relay Leader forms the teams, gather your team members together and have them write their names on the score sheet. Students should then volunteer for the relay activity that they would like to do (Note: the student who is wearing the anti-contamination clothing should not be the one to walk on the eggs). This can be recorded on the sheet if you want. It is extremely important that all team members have at least one job during the relay. Most will have more than one job. Reinforce the concept of teamwork and planning, so that each one knows ahead of time what they will be doing once the relay has begun. You can tell them that the teams that have recorded the fastest times worked together and had a plan. Do your best to get everyone involved. Remind the students that they need to complete one activity before they can go on to the next. The Relay Leader will tell teams when they can start the first activity. Lego Activity: Students will follow directions to assemble a Lego model. Encourage and make suggestions but do not assist them in the building of the model. Once this is completed to your satisfaction, they can move on to the Static Wand. Static Wand: One student will put on the hard hat and use the static wand to move the foil sphere from the first table to the second table. Once this is complete, they can move on to the Anti-Contamination Clothing. When you get a chance, take static wand and foil sphere back to the first table. The hard hat will stay with the Anti-Contamination Clothing. Anti-Contamination Clothing: One student should read the directions. Remind them it is extremely important to follow the directions in order. The rest of the team should be helping the student put the clothing on. You can give them a hint about the nylon booties (the students almost always get confused and mix up the rubber shoe covers and the nylon booties), but do your best not to tell them what they are. Most of the time, they can figure it out after you give them some hints. When the student is fully dressed, the team can move on to the Paper Airplane. Paper Airplane: One student will make a paper airplane. Another student will put on the goggles and hold the hula hoop at the designated spot. The student will attempt to throw the paper airplane through the hoop. They will keep trying until the paper airplane goes through. Other team members can help by retrieving the planes. If the team is having difficulty with getting the plane to go through, you can suggest that other team members make a plane. Once a paper airplane makes it through the hoop, the team can move on to the Air Cannon.
Relay Competition
Air Cannon: One student will stand on the designated spot with the Styrofoam cup on his head. Two students will hold the air cannon while another student “whacks” the air cannon to knock the cup off the student’s head. Encourage the student with the cup on his head to direct where the air needs to go. When the cup gets knocked off, the team can move on to the Egg Walk. Egg Walk: One student will walk on the eggs. The student should remove shoes and socks. Two other students may help with balance, but should not support or carry the student walking on the eggs. Remind the student to walk normally across the eggs using a flat foot. The object is to spread out their weight on the eggs. It is also helpful if they do not stop as they are walking. The object is to break as few eggs as possible. If any eggs do break, have the student stay on the tarps. Wipes and paper towels are available to clean their feet. Record the number of eggs broken on your score sheet. Remove Anti-Contamination Clothing and Ring Bell: When the Egg Walk is complete, team members should help the student wearing the Anti-Contamination Clothing remove all items. When all items are removed, ring the bell. Relay Leader will call out a time. Record this on the score sheet. Relay Wrap-up: Have your team take Anti-Contamination Clothing back to the table. They should also take apart the Lego model and put all pieces back where they belong. Calculate your team’s time and give score sheet to Relay Leader. The fastest time wins for this session. Put your relay lane back in order to get ready for the next group.
Relay Competition
Relay Lead Schedule
Introduce yourself and your “coaches�.
Have the students break into teams of 5. Explain the relay. The relay lead (you) will time this for the entire group. All teammates should participate. Then discuss each leg of the relay. Have your coaches demonstrate each stage. The lowest score will win. Teams have time added for each egg they break.
Tell them they have 1 minute to write it down along with their individual names. Give the students a minute to figure out who will participate in each stage.
Start the relay. Even though each coach is keeping their teams time, please keep time also, in case there is a problem.
Follow along with the students as they complete the relay.
You will have the master time sheet on your clipboard to write down the winning team of each session.
Have fun with the students! This is one of their favorite parts of the day. Thank You for volunteering!
Relay Competition
Timed Relay: LEGO Brick Gear Machine Static Wand Anti-Contamination Clothing On Paper Airplane Air Cannon Egg Walk Anti-Contamination Clothing Off
Ending Time: _____minutes _____seconds
How many broken eggs: __________________ Add one second per broken egg: ___________
TOTAL TIME: ______minutes _______seconds
Relay Competition
RELAY COMPETITION FINALISTS For each group of students, please record the winning team’s names and time on this form. At the end of the day, record the overall winner at the bottom on the back of this sheet.
Group 1: ________________________Time:__________ Student Names:
Group 2: ________________________Time:__________ Student Names:
Group 3:________________________ Time:_________ Student Names:
Group 4:________________________ Time:_________ Student Names:
Group 5:________________________ Time:_________ Student Names:
Relay Competition
Group 6:_________________________ Time:_________ Student Names:
Group 7:_________________________ Time:_________ Student Names:
Group 8:_________________________ Time:_________ Student Names:
Group 9:_________________________ Time:_________ Student Names:
OVERALL WINNER ______________________ Time:_________________ Student Names:
Relay Competition
Relay Competition
Lego Activity Stage The students will work together following written directions to assemble a Lego gear machine that will crinkle paper. When the machine is completely built, they will have to crinkle five pieces of paper.
When the team is finished, they will proceed to the Static Wand Stage.
Relay Competition
Relay Competition
Static Wand Stage A student puts on the hard hat and uses the static wand to move the foil sphere in the air to the finish line. Once this is complete, the team can move on to the Anti-Contamination Clothing Stage.
Relay Competition
Relay Competition
Anti-Contamination Clothing Stage Working together, the team will follow the directions and assist one student with putting the clothing on in the correct order. Once the student is properly dressed, according to directions, the team can move on to the Paper Airplane Stage.
Relay Competition
Relay Competition Relay Competition
Paper Airplane Stage A student puts on a hard hat and makes a paper airplane. Then, throws it through a hula hoop held still by a teammate. Other team members can be the retriever of the airplane and should take it back to the thrower, if the hula hoop is missed. When the thrower gets it through the hoop, the team can move on to the Air Cannon Stage.
Relay Competition
Relay Competition
Air Cannon Stage A student will stand on a designated spot with a Styrofoam cup on their head. Two students will hold the air cannon while another student hits the air cannon to knock the Styrofoam cup off their teammate’s head. Once the cup has been knocked off, the team can move on to the final Egg Walk Stage.
Relay Competition
Relay Competition
Egg Walk Stage One student will then walk across the eggs. Two other students may help with balance, but not support or carry the student walking on the eggs. When the student is done with the egg walk, the hard hat is taken off and put on the ground. The student wearing the anti-contamination clothing must now take it off in the reverse order, to the best of their ability, then ring a bell to stop the time.
The team with the fastest completion time for this session will be recorded on the Relay Finalists sheet. At the end of the day, the team with the fastest time, of all the sessions, will be awarded prizes.
Relay Competition
Relay Races Storage Tub 1 Contents x 1 Large Hefty 45 gallon contractor bag x 5 Tarps – one for each relay lane x 5 Wet wipes containers per day x 5 Paper towel rolls per day, plus extras x 50 Styrofoam cups per day, plus extras
Note: After the completion of EACH STEM Summit day, the storage tub should be restocked with the above items for the next STEM Summit.
Relay Competition
Relay Races Storage Tub 2 Contents x 1 clipboard with Egg Tracker Worksheet x 1 Leader clipboard: o 1 Laminated Relay Lead Schedule o 1 laminated Relay Competition sheet o 1 “Competition Finalists Relay” form x 5 clipboards: o 1 laminated Relay Competition sheet o 9 “Relay Judge Sheets”-need 45 copies of this form (9 for each of the 5 clipboards) x 30 Extra AA batteries x 5 static wands with tinsel (plus 2 extra wands & medium tinsel spheres) x 2 Rolls Masking tape and 2 rolls of painters tape x 2 Reams of paper x 6 Pens, one pair of scissors x 5 Timers x 5 bells plus 2 extras x Laminated table signs 1-5 x (Optional) 2 Official’s shirts (washed after each summit)
Note: After the completion of EACH STEM Summit day, the storage tub should be restocked with the above items for the next STEM Summit.
Relay Competition
Relay Races Storage Tub 3 Contents Anti-Contamination Suits x 5 Sets of laminated instructions x 5 Hard hats x 5 Goggles x 5 Pair of white cloth gloves x 5 Pair of rubber gloves x 5 Pair of rubber booties x 5 Yellow jumpsuits x 5 Yellow hood cloths (head coverings) x 5 Pair of yellow nylon booties
Note: Wash cloth gloves, jumpsuits, head coverings, and nylon booties after each STEM day.
Relay Competition
Relay Races Tub 4 Contents x Empty Egg Cartons Cut into 2 rows of 5 or 6 or cut into 3 rows of 5 or 6 Depending on the size of original egg cartons
Relay Competition
Finale Table of Contents Overview…………………………………………………………………..….........1
Summary Comments….……………………………..……………………………2
Competition Prizes………………………………………………………..……….3
Liquid Nitrogen Experiment .…………………………………..…………5
Overview The finale is the culmination of an exciting day. At the completion of the last rotation, all students go to the auditorium. We ask students to sit with the groups in the same place that they began the day. Prior to students arriving we have set up the stage for the liquid nitrogen experiment. You should also work with the school administrative staff on who is going to begin the finale. Our preferred approach is to have the principal begin with some brief comments and then introduce the JA staff person doing the finale. The Finale is comprised of three components: x x x
Summary comments on the day Awarding competition prizes Liquid Nitrogen experiment
Summary Comments The Finale usually lasts from 20 to 30 minutes. Typically the school will dismiss the students from the auditorium to go their buses, so you may need to adjust the time allocated based on the schedule. Working backwards, the liquid nitrogen takes about 10 minutes and the prizes about 5 minutes. So you will typically have from 5 to 10 minutes to use for summary comments. Beyond the thank you’s and general comments about the day, we have utilized a “how many of you” interaction to highlight some of the activities during the day. Kind of a walk around summary of the various activities. The following are some sample comments. x
How many of you liked the electrical completion? You know STEM careers don’t always require a college degree. You can focus on a trade like becoming an electrician. The IBEW who were our volunteers today, have a five year apprenticeship program where you work and go to school at the same time. If you want to become an electrical engineer, you will need to get at least a Bachelor’s degree in engineering.
How many of you liked the 80/20 competition? This is a great example of mechanical engineering. If you like putting things together, solving problems, working with your hands, there are a lot of STEM career opportunities like this.
How about the air cannon and physics? A lot of great careers in this area. Being an aeronautical engineer is just one example. Also mechanical and industrial engineering.
How about chemistry and the foam hands? Chemistry is one STEM career that does require quite a bit of education. And for sure, you have to get ready in high school with both chemistry and math. But there are a lot great jobs as chemist or as chemical engineers.
Competition Prizes As part of the finale, we award prizes to the winning teams. In each of the competitions, score sheets have been kept during the day. It is important that the volunteer print the winning student names legibly after each rotation. At the end of the day, a JA staff person picks up all the score sheets and brings them to the auditorium. They circle the winning team and review the names prior to the finale beginning with the finale presenter. Students are called up and prizes awarded.
Preparation of Prizes There are lot of ideas that you can use for prizes. We are currently using a sling bag imprinted with the STEM Summit logo and it is filled with a couple of items that have been donated. The items have varied but usually include candy, a $5.00 gas gift card, and other pens and corporate logo items. Teams typically consist of 4 to 6 students and with 5 competitions that would mean up to 30 prizes. We have had ties; so the prize tub is stocked with 36 to 40 sling bags. This is a local vendor, but illustrates the price of the sling bag.
Liquid Nitrogen Experiment Initially our finale ended with a keynote speaker. The presentation was great, but it was a 10 minute speech and hardly the way in which we wanted the day to end. So, after a bit of research, we landed on doing a liquid nitrogen experiment. The day ends, if you will, with a bang (cloud is a better more politically correct description).
Preparation for Experiment. For this experiment, you’ll need to first acquire a Dewar (container to hold liquid nitrogen). We purchased ours on ebay “used” for about $400. New they can retail for up to $4,000. Ours holds 30 liters. We purchase 25 liters of liquid nitrogen the day before the event from a local gas distributor. Praxair is our vendor and they have locations around the U.S. We are currently paying about $75.00 for the liquid nitrogen. In addition you will need: x x x x x x x x
Large drop cloth at least 30’ x 30’ 30 gallon metal trash can Door mat (thick bristle type) - for insulation under the trash can Insulated gloves and 2 pair of goggles Rain coat and Protective Mask with clear face plate Balloon from physics experiment 5 Gallon pail and foam cup Metal mixing bowl
Items to be provided by the school: x x x
One 6 foot ladder One small table One small foot stool
(Usually, you can ask the school janitor for the ladder and look around the stage area for a stool or table.)
Set up for Experiment: During the day, someone needs to go to the auditorium (around lunch time) and set up for the finale. Spread the drop cloth out on the stage and onto the floor in front of stage. Ask the school for a 6’ ladder and a small table or stand. Pull the curtains closed on stage. Position the door mat, trash can and ladder in center of stage approximately 3’ from edge. About 10 minutes before finale, fill the 5 gallon pail with hot water-about ¾’s full. Also blow up a balloon.
Conducting the experiment: The actual finale (bang) takes less than 30 seconds, so building a bit of crescendo is important. We begin by asking all the students to take a deep breath. Then we ask, “What gases were in the air that you just inhaled?” Students will answer and you can share these facts with them. x x x x
Oxygen (what we need to live) is about 21% of the air Carbon Dioxide (which causes global warming) is only about 4/10ths of 1 % Argon – there is actually more argon in the atmosphere at 9/10ths of 1% Nitrogen – about 78%
So the majority of the air that you breathe is nitrogen. Then we ask, “So what happens to water when it gets below 32 degrees?” It freezes. It turns from a liquid to a …. Solid. “So what do you think happens to nitrogen when it gets cold?” It turns from a gas to a liquid. “But for that to happen, the nitrogen has to be really cold—like minus 320 degrees for that to happen!” “We are going to do a couple of experiments with liquid nitrogen.” Ask an educator to assist on the stage (they need to be strong enough to help pour nitrogen out of dewar). Put gloves and goggles on prior to opening dewar.
Part One: Pour some liquid nitrogen into a pail and then pour that into the metal mixing bowl. Take the balloon and place it into the liquid nitrogen. As you are holding the balloon explain to the students that the air in the balloon is being cooled by the liquid nitrogen. The balloon will begin to get smaller and smaller and will eventually disappear into the bowl. Note: watch your fingers. Hold the shrunk balloon up for students to see. Mention to them that you can’t see it from where you are standing but there is liquid in the balloon. That is air that has turned into a liquid because of the coldness of the liquid nitrogen. And as I hold the balloon, the air is warming up and the balloon is expanding. So what was happening? Well the molecules with the extreme cold are slowing down and as they do so are becoming more compressed. Part Two. Take the foam cup and fill it with warm water. Now explain to the students that you are going to introduce some water to the liquid nitrogen in the mixing bowl. Gradually pour the water into the bowl. It will start making a small cloud of smoke. Tell the students that what is happening is that water is actually warming up the liquid nitrogen which is turning it back into a gas. You can ask them, “Have you seen dry ice at Halloween?” Similar effect. “So now we’ve seen what happens to liquid nitrogen when it warms up. That was kind of cool right? “ Kind of. “How many of you would like to see us do that same experiment a little bigger?” Part Three. Ask your educator assistant to help you pour the remainder of the liquid nitrogen in the dewar into the trash can. Explain to the students that you are going to get dressed and then go up on the ladder. When you are at the top, you will tell them to count down from 5, but only when you tell them. “Let’s see what happens to a bit more liquid nitrogen when we pour water into it.” Tell the students…”by the way….this is a great time to get your cellphones out for a video.” Then put on your rain coat and protective mask. Carefully climb up the ladder with the 5 gallon pail. Place the pail on the top step of ladder and position yourself. Start the count down. On 1, pour the entire bucket instantly into the trash can. There will be an immediate cloud that explodes out of the trash can. You will get wet. The students will be screaming as the cloud rolls out into the audience. It will dissipate rapidly. The cloud is moisture from the water and air. The nitrogen quickly reintegrates into the atmosphere. Caution: The drop cloth and stage will be wet and in fact there may be spots of ice, so as you climb down the ladder you’ll need to be careful. You can then take a moment to wrap up the day and the experiment. Remind the students that we will be passing out their foam hands and then they will be dismissed.
In this example, we should have been wearing goggles and gloves. Oops!
Explaining to students what is going to happen is part of the preparation for the finale.
The cloud will roll into the students briefly. It creates quite a buzz.
After dismissal: Once the students have picked up their hands and are dismissed, you will need to pick up all the materials. The trash can will still be cold and you need to be careful handling it. Leave the water in the trash can and place all of your pails and supplies in the can. Fold up tarp with water still on it and place it in the tub. Carry signs, tubs, cans, and materials outside to be picked up by the JA staff.