RiverYamuna is believed to be holy. However, it has become sewer in Delhi. Delhi has los connection with its holy river. Aim of this project is to bridge the gap betwee the city and its river.
3 layers planning approach has been opted.
Layer i- ECOLOGY
a network of canals is created to prevent floods and to encourage waterways. To ensur flow in the river and canals during dry season, a water reservoir
has been proposed which will also help to prevent floods
Layer ii- NETWORK
layer ii is the network, the pedestrian-friendly network has been created. Public plaza and parks towards ring road welcome the pedestrian and through the shopping
streets lead them towards the riverfront, also, NMV network has been created to ensur their safety and encourage them to use NMV.
Layer iii- LAND-USE
Delhi lacks a proper institutional hub and this area is surrounded by institutiona buildings. Also, this place has only one market. The riverfront ha a
the potential of becoming a commercial hub as well as institutional hub.ther