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Jasmine Hotham: GOING ROUND IN Circles

Jasmine Hotham: GOING ROUND IN Circles


Introduction Vinyl Records have been around for the best par t of the last centur y, covering many decades of music genres. Thi s iconic piece of popular culture, has made a surpri sing resurgence after it’s redundancy in the last few decades. Thi s book i s a

love letter to vinyl records, for old and new li stener s. Within these pages are photographs and quotes from inter views to enhance the experience and evocative natures of vinyl as a cultural phenomenon.

It ’s just a large square housing a large circle. It can be redi scovered and reinvented in perpetuity, l ike an ar ti st ’s canvas . – P a u l P e n s o m , D e s i g n We e k

‘ Like a l ife raft in thi s increasingly digital world of streaming and downloads , the record sleeve i s a reminder of the physical ity of music . It ’s al l about the ritual – taking the record out of it ’s sleeve, placing it on the turntable, dropping the needle, pouring over the sleeve as the record plays . Nothing beats thi s .’ – M i c h a e l C P l a c e , D e s i g n We e k

‘ Why i s it attractive? S imple: it ’s music and design – the marriage of two of the most beautiful ar t-forms .’ – M i c h a e l C P l a c e , D e s i g n We e k

The music tel l s a stor y. If the cover relates to it , you’re in that stor y ’

–Dan Bass

‘A record compromi ses a happy union of generously sized ar twork , rich warm sound , tacti le format and , despite what the naysayers bel ieve, surpri sing durabi l ity.’ – P a u l P e n s o m , D e s i g n We e k

‘ M y fa vo u r i te t h i n g to d o i s l i s te n i n g to t h e s ex p i s to l s , re a l l y l o u d l y, w h i l e h o ove r i n g . T h e s o u n d o f t h e h o ove r i n g i s s o I c a n n o t h e a r my self sing! ’ – Manager at D res s Code, Al ber t Rd . S outhsea

‘ Vinyl i s a novelty, luxur y and an accessor y to the experience of sound .’ – Ju sti n Co l leti , Tru st Me I ’m A S c ienti st

Acknowledgements I would like to acknowledge the help and advice that has been offered to me, in produc ing ‘Going Round in Circ les’. My thanks go to Andrew Denham, my super vi sor in developing the research and functionality behind thi s publication. I would also like to thank my cour se mate, Dan Bass for hi s patience in the inter view and photographing hi s records. Also to the manager at Dress Code, in Alber t road for

allowing me access to take photos in her store, which also goes to the record stores in Fratton and Brighton... Thi s has been a tough journey, which I am sati sfied to have undergone in development. May thi s book be a celebrator y homage to vinyl records, in all their beauty. Thank you Jasmine Hotham

References Colletti, J. (2013). Reinventing The Album: Keeping Releases Relevant in The 21st Centur y. . Retrieved from http://www.trustmeimasc ienti reinventing-the-album-keeping-releases-relevant-inthe-21st-centur y/ Dawood, S. (2015, April 17). Why record sleeves are the ‘per fect’ design format. Design Week. Retrieved from fect-design-format Dress Code, Alber t Road, Southsea Dan Bass

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