1 minute read

Millennials Who Sleep With Their Smartphones Are More Attached To Them

Smartphones are The Last Thing Millennials See Before Sleep

Those Who Sleep With Their Smartphones in Bed with Them Use Social Media More


Fifty-one point one percent (51.1%) of those who sleep with their smartphones in bed with them check social media at least once every 15 minutes, while only 23% of those who do not sleep with their smartphones check every 15 minutes.

Those who sleep with their smartphones in bed with them not only check social media more frequently but also spend more time using it. They spend a median time of 3.5 hours a day on social media, while those who do not sleep with their devices spend a median time of 2 hours.

Social Media Use


Sleep with smartphone median (3.5)

Median of all respondents (2.5) Sleep without smartphone median (2)

2 3



Those Who Sleep With Their Smartphones in Bed with Them Ignore Norms of Smartphone Etiquette More Often

Those who sleep with their smartphones in bed with them are twice as likely as those who do not to use their smartphone in an inappropriate situation.

Thirty-eight point two percent (38.2%) of those who sleep with their smartphones in bed with them use their smartphone in an inappropriate situation, versus only 17.5% of those who do not.

Sixty-one percent (61%) of those who sleep with their smartphones in bed with them say something to someone online that they wouldn’t say in-person compared who only 44% of those who do not sleep with their smartphones.

51.1% of respondents who sleep with their smartphones in bed with them check social media at least once every 15 minutes


who sleep with their smartphone use it in an inappropriate situation



who sleep without their smartphone use it in an inappropriate situation


3Social Media Plays A Major Role In Smartphone Attachment Among Millennials


In a sense, smartphone attachment isn’t really an attachment to the device itself. Rather, it’s an attachment to the content accessed through the device--an attachment to videos, social media, video games, news sites, etc. And for Millennials, social media is the primary type of content attaching people to their smartphones.

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