2 minute read
Millennials Become Stressed and Anxious Over Notifications
Others Expect Immediate Responses To The Notifications They Send
One reason Millennials can feel overwhelmed by notifications is their belief that others expect them to respond immediately. Forty-four point nine percent (44.9%) of respondents indicated that they believe people expect them to respond immediately over 60% of the time.
How often do people expect you to respond immediately when you see a notification from them? 60% to 79%
80% to 99%
All the time (100%) 16.1%
11.3% 24.8%
40% to 59%
20% to 39%
0% to 19%
Others’ Expectation That They Respond Immediately Stresses Millennials
The fact that others expect them to respond immediately is very stressful to Millennials: 64.4% of respondents said it’s stressful when people expect them to respond immediately.
Is it stressful when people expect you to respond immediately to a notification?
Stressful 64.6%
Not Stressful 35.4%
7Millennials Want To Reduce Their Smartphone Use
I'm not sure I can think of anything specific, but I know there are times when I think back to when I did not have a phone (the good old days) and remember that it was nice to be able to just fully disconnect. I still sometimes do this by turning off the phone or getting out of cell range. I think we all need this break at times.*
Millennials consider their consuming attachment to, and heavy use of, their smartphone to be a problem, and they feel the need to address it by imposing limits on their smartphone use.
Motivations For Wanting To Reduce Smartphone Use
We explored respondents’ main motivation for wanting to reduce smartphone use by asking them to describe a time when they felt they needed a break from their smartphones. Their responses indicated a variety of motivations, including wanting to spend more time with family, to engage in more productive activities, or to participate in more “analog” hobbies. They also cited health-related concerns (eye-strain, carpal tunnel) and concern that they were too attached to their devices.
Approximately 25% of respondents mentioned wanting to spend more time with family or loved ones, such as significant others, instead of their smartphones.
Approximately 24% of respondents were concerned about their feelings of dependence and attachment.
Approximately 16% of respondents felt that their time could be used more “productively” rather than used on their smartphones.
25% 24% 16%
want to spend more time with family and loved ones
want to become less dependent and attached to their smartphone
want to be more productive and waste less time on their smartphone