Rely on your own instincts, and you will end up somewhere belongs to you.
I’m Jasmine —literally named after Aladdin’s wife— a 25 years old graphic designer , cat lover, game addict, Marvel fan, and fashion enthusiast, based in Jakarta.

Most of the days, you might find me in some of cafes in Jakarta with my laptop—as I love to explore new places and have a warm coffee shop ambience. I love to be accompanied with the smell of coffee and surrounded by groups of strangers doing things in their life in the same place as I am.
In my spare time, you’ll find me playing Playstation 4 in my room or watch Netflix while my cats accompany me—or I’ll probably be strolling around the town.
Cahyani Jasmine RamadhanExperiences
Glints Indonesia
May 2021 - present
D.O.B Location Education
26 January 1998
Binus University College, DKV - New Media
Garuda Cendekia High School
Labschool Kebayoran Junior High School
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe AfterEffects
Digital Imaging
Digital Imaging
Packaging Design
Bahasa Indonesia
Native English
Creative Designer
November 2020 - February 2021
Graphic Designer Intern
GoTix Indonesia & Loket.com |
Gojek Entertainment Group
August 2019 - January 2020
Graphic Designer Intern
Mirum Agency
February - June 2019
Graphic Designer Intern
Freelance Projects
2020 - 2022 Works
PR Package, Social Media, E-commerce collaterals
Audrey FF YouTube Thumbnail, Social Media
Header, Merchandise, Rate Card, MpokMasak, FFGaming business
Branding & Packaging
Visual Arts
Creative Advertising
Fashion & Beauty
Kuih Muih, Atheeva Healthy, Atheeva Skin, MpokMasak, Aneka Gifts, Dimasakin Bunda, Temoe Djamoe, Siyanna, Kava by Jauza, Creamera, PT Sinhadji Kalibrasi Promedika (SKP), Kanteena.jkt
Seeds Motion X CRED
Motion Graphic Assets
2021 - 2023

Glints Indonesia
In Glints, I am dedicated to the candidate side products which includes Glints ExpertClass, Glints Feed (App), Glints Blog Content, Marketplace (Jobsearch), and Glints Community.
I have handled several campaigns such as ReadytoWork #EnablingYou, #DiTraktirGlints, Top 20 Finest Vacancy and Series D.

I was also involved in several educational e-book and in-depth articles that goes live on Glints Blog.
Ditraktir Glints Ke Bali Campaign

Ditraktir Gadget Sama Glints Campaign

Marketplace Job Search Campaign

Glints Feed (Inside Glints App)

This is one of Glints BAU tasks, which is to create daily posts for the Glints Feed inside Glints App.

Programs used: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator

Creative Manager: Devina Masniari Siregar

Senior Creative: Rizqi Abdurrahman
Content Manager: Irene Didy
Copywriter: Safira Ain, Jauharul Fadlillah


In Mergic, I was involved in the production of their PR Package and their social media brandbook. I also did their e-commerce collateral needs and their day-to-day social media posts.
I worked closely with the Social Media Specialist and their Head of Creative and Content.
Pre-Order Announcement Motion
This is the pre-order announcement which I created. I implemented a simple motion for the visual.
Programs used:
Product Knowledge Banner

These are the product sliding banner that goes live on Mergic’s Shopee account.

Programs used:

Educational Content
This is one educational content about one of Mergic’s products, which is Dark Spot and Glow Serum.

Programs used: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe AfterEffects

Launching PR Package
Mergic launched in June 2022 and these are the PR Packages that I created and brainstormed with the Head of Creative and Content.
I also worked together with the Social Media Specialist in the crafting of the copy and the research of the materials.
Design Conceptor: Hilman Maulana Aidid
Social Media Specialist: Donatella Rara
Programs used: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop


I had an internship in Tokopedia in 2020-2021 as a Graphic Designer. My day to day tasks are creating discovery pages for different types of FMCG campaigns.

I was working closely with the Creative Lead during this intership.

Thank God It’s Fashion
What you’re seeing on the left side is what we call it: a Discovery Page. This campaign is named Thank God It’s Fashion, which goes live every Friday that showcases women fashion item.

I am assigned to create the whole page designs, where most Digital Imaging and layouting are involved.
Down here on the phone mockup is also the same campaign that I was assigned to make.

Art Director: Amelia Ruby Hagieswari

Design Supervisor: Maureen Adella
Copywriter: Shafina Rahmanida
Programs Used: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator

General Content

GoTix’s general content has educational and promotional contents. Our approach is more towards playful and youthful as GoTix focuses of the entertainment side of Gojek.

GoTix Indonesia
2019 Loket.com | Gojek Entertainment

I had an internship in GoTix & Loket.com in 2019 as a Graphic Designer. My day to day tasks are creating general contents and promotional contents and updating visual on Gojek’s application and GoTix’s website.
In GoTix, I am working closely with Senior Graphic Designer and Social Media Specialist.
GroupCGV Pantang Nonton Sendiri Campaign
CGV Cinema partners up with GoTix in ticketing sales. I was assigned to rework CGV’s Pantang Nonton Sendiri campaign to GoTix’s design guideline.

Jabra Giveaway Content

In collaboration with Jabra, I handled their giveaway content through IG Story.

Art Director: Tubagus Haikal

Senior Graphic Designer: Devi Dianty Aretta
Jr. Graphic Designer: Dimyra Astri Kuswardhani
Copywriter: Hilman Maulana Aidid, Cenayu Ilma Azzahra
Program used: Adobe Photoshop

Mirum Agency

I had an internship in Mirum Agency in 2019 as a Graphic Designer. My day to day tasks are creating media advertisements collaterals, mobile application prototype, and creating visual content for Mirum’s internal events.

Some of the clients that I have worked for are T-Cash (now know as LinkAja), DCODE or Dunhill, Dancow, Nestle Corporate, and Dove.

T-Cash Social Media Content

DANCOW is one of Mirum Agency Indonesia’s clients when I was one of their intern. I mostly do their work for their social media content for Instagram.

My works for DANCOW involves a lot of DI (Digital Imaging),photo grading, and infographic for their website.

T-CASH is one of Mirum Agency Indonesia’s clients when I was one of their intern. I mostly do their work for their social media content, mainly Instagram static imagepost and story.

I was working for T-CASH through my intern program for a month until they completely changed their brand concept and changed their name into LinkAja.

Freelance Projects


AudreyFF is my monthly return client and always comes with a project based requests. Her requests sometimes includes collateral for her company which is FFGaming.id and Dreyzilla, or sometimes it could also be her small business Mpok Masak.

Aneka @anekagifts
Design Packaging + Product Styling
Freelance Projects

Branding and Packaging
In my spare time, I sometimes handle clients who are starting out small businesses.
Aneka is a gifting service that sells premium hampers, usually for offices or family on special occasion such as Christmas, Eid Al Fitr, and others. I was in charge of their packaging design, catalog book, greeting card, and did the product styling for the photoshoot.


Temoe Djamoe @temoedjamoe
Logo + Design Packaging + Product Photoshoot
Temoe Djamoe sells homemade modern Indonesian herbal drink, Jamu.

Mpok Masak @mpokmasak
Logo Modification + Design Packaging + Product Photoshoot
Mpok Masak is owned by Indonesian YouTube Gamer that sells homemade desserts made by the gamer herself.

Creamera @creamera.jkt
Logo + Design Packaging

Creamera is an ice cream shop that sells homemade ice cream with various flavors. I created a basic designed packaging and a christmas edition packaging.

Non-professional works

Personal Artworks
In my spare time, I sometimes like to explore Photoshop and Illustrator to create personal artworks.