Slick contemporary art fair - Paris

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For this 10th edition and for the 3rd consecutive year, SLICK will be showcasing contemporary art in a unique Parisian setting, the Banks of the River Seine only steps away from the Grand Palais. Building on a ten-year strong international reputation, SLICK continues to maintain its position as a contemporary art fair on a human scale, engaged in discovering emerging talents. This year’s gallery selection and program reveal an outstanding level of quality, and a fair open to new horizons: SLICK welcomes galleries of which 50% are international, with a large concentration from Germany. The majority of galleries are specialized in a specific medium, ranging from photography, to painting and digital art. The thirty participating galleries* are presenting their artists in dedicated stands or through special projects exhibited in The Platform*. In parallel to the exhibition spaces, SLICK continues to collaborate with media partners and companies to offer convivial opportunities for meetings and exchanges: > The Arte / Beaux Arts Magazine Award will recognize one artist exhibiting at the fair (with a 5,000 euro award and visibility in two mediums). A prestigious jury will award the prize on October 22. > Performances and discussions organized over the course of the 5 days (program under development). > SLICK kids workshops, in partnership with Art Kids Paris, Omy and Lavrut will invite children over the age of 5 to a playful visit of the fair, followed by a creative workshop. Taking place Friday, Saturday and Sunday, from 3-6pm, every hour, reservation only. > The Masterchef food truck, set up on the banks of the River Seine and offering a unique and high-quality dining experience. > VIP breakfasts, for the crème-de-la-crème, produced by Lisa Kajita agency and hosted every morning, in partnership with different culinary creatives. Friends of the major Parisian museums have already reserved their spots for specific times and dates. > Special installations are being produced by artists, at the entrance of the fair (Stephane Henry, between fine arts and design), the welcome desk (Amy Humphrey, floral installation) and in the fair (James Heeley, with an 3olfactory installation, and Lasson, with a sound installation). > A complete virtual visit of the fair, created on the night of the opening and available on our website the following day. * More information available below

Arte / Beaux Arts Magazine Award 2014 - Thomas Teurlai and the jruy (Elisabeth Quin, Fabrice Bousteau, Bertrand Lavier, Pierre Hardy, Emilie Loizeau, Robyn Orlin, David Combe, Aude de Bourbon Parme Š SayWho/JeanPicon)


SLICK 2014

PARTICIPATING GALLERIES (August 31 2015 list) arToxin Gallery (Munich, Germany) ARTspace (Rheinfelden, Switzerland) Galerie Cédric Bacqueville (Lille, France) Galerie Binôme (Paris, France) Rutger Brandt Gallery (Amsterdam, Nederland) Galerie Charlot (Paris, France) Dam Gallery (Berlin, Germany) Galerie Valérie Delaunay (Paris, France) Galerie Djeziri-Bonn (Paris, France) Emerge (Paris, France) Galerie Kai Erdmann (Hamburg, Germany) Galerie Claire Gastaud (Clermont-Ferrand, France) Granville Gallery (Paris, France) Galerie Hengevoss-Dürkop (Hamburg, Germany) William Holman Gallery (New York, United States of America) Galerie Hübner & Hübner (Francfurt, Germany) Island6 (Shanghai - Hong-Kong, Chine) Janinebeangallery (Berlin, Germany) Jiali Gallery (Beijing, Chine) Laffy Maffei (Paris, France) Lhoste Art Contemporain (Arles, France) LKFF Art & Sculpture Projects (Bruxelles, Belgique) Galerie Oniris - Florent Paumelle (Rennes, France) Progress Gallery (Paris, France) The Flat - Massimo Carasi (Milan,5 Italy) Under Construction Gallery (Paris, France) Uprising Art Gallery (Saint-Martin, Caraibes, France) (...)

LIST OF ARTISTS arToxin Gallery (Munich, Germany) Francesco Falciani, Ben Groossens, Christian Leitna, Petrmayr ARTspace (Rheinfelden, Switzerland) Annelies Strba, Roy Andres Hofer Galerie Cédric Bacqueville (Lille, France) L’Atlas, Delage + Olson, Aurélien Maillard Janinebeangallery (Berlin, Germany) Anna Borowy, Grigori Dor, Dario Puggioni, Tanja Selzer Galerie Binôme (Paris, France) Thibault Brunet, Laurent Cammal, Ivan Franco Fraga, Michel Le Belhomme, Lisa Sartorio Galerie Charlot (Paris, France) Anne-Sarah Le Meur, Manfred Mohr, Eric Vernhes Dam Gallery (Berlin, Germany) Siebsen Gersteeg, Vera Molnar, Casey Reas Galerie Djeziri-Bonn (Paris, France) Frédéric Bouffandeau, Marie-Claude Bugeaud, Claire Calin-Collin, Michel Dupont, Soo Kyoung Lee, Stéphane Guénier, Guillaume Moschini Galerie Kai Erdmann (Hamburg, Germany) Carola Ernst, Martin Neumaier, Stefan Pfeiffer Galerie Claire Gastaud (Clermont-Ferrand, France) Anne-Sophie Emard, Alain Josseau, Samuel Rousseau Granville Gallery (Paris, France) Stephane Henry Galerie Hengevoss-Dürkop (Hamburg, Germany) Dirk Brömmel, Stefan Hunstein, Stefan Kiess, Reiner Riedler William Holman Gallery (New York, United States of America) Peter Bonner, Rebecca Bird, Nicolette Jelen, Kes Zapkus Galerie Hübner & Hübner (Francfurt, Germany) Patricia Lambertus Island6 (Shanghai - Hong-Kong, Chine) Liu Dao Art Collective Jiali Gallery (Beijing, Chine) CAI Dong dong, Goo Peng, Ying Ji Laffy Maffei (Paris, France) Alexandra Gorczynski Lhoste Art Contemporain (Arles, France) Reeve Schumacher LKFF Art & Sculpture Projects (Bruxelles, Belgique) Armen Agop, Sean Henry, Markus Hofer, Les Deux Garçons, Lucien Murat, Fred Penelle Galerie Oniris - Florent Paumelle (Rennes, France) Christian Bonnefoi, Guillaume Moschini, Bruno Rousselot, Claude Viallat Progress Gallery (Paris, France) Pierre Ardouvin et Pzemeck Matecki, Halida Boughriet, Margaret Dearing, Benoit Gehanne, Lola Gonzalez, Marie6 Anita Gaube, Armelle de Sainte Marie, Cécile Paris, Kama Sokolnicka, Alicia Zaton The Flat - Massimo Carasi (Milan, Italy) Michael Bevilacqua, Paolo Cavinato, Michael Johansson, Leonardo Ulian Under Construction Gallery (Paris, France) Cécile Chaput, Tim stokes stéphanie Solinas, Ken Sortais, Marine Wallon Uprising Art Gallery (Saint-Martin, Caraïbes, France) Kcho, Augustin Bejarano, Lester Cadalso, Camejo, Santiago Olazabal, Ibrahim Miranda, Niels Reyes


Special projects for The Platform The Platform is a special exhibition space within the fair, allowing visitors to discover a dozen works of art – including installations, sculptures, videos or photographic works – produced especially for the fair and presented in a dedicated space of 200m2. Matthieu Boucherit (Galerie Valérie Delaunay) Stéphane Henry (Granville Gallery) Patricia Lambertus (Galerie Hübner & Hûbner) Reeve Schumacher (Lhoste Art Contemporain) (...) The world of digital art The artists presented by these galleries embrace digital art as a medium or explore the role of technology in our world. The Parisian Galerie Charlot is specialized in digital art. Island 6 from Shanghai presents Liu Dao Art Collective, an artist and technician collective that produces collaborative and interactive installations. Dam Gallery from Berlin, focused on digital culture and working with artists of the Net and post-Internet, who produce abstract works. Abstract art has been the driving force behind Galerie Oniris. a Parisian gallery supporting the abstract form for almost thirty years. Galerie Claire Gastaud of Clermont-Ferrand presents three artists that engage with new technologies. Lhoste Art Contemporain of Arles exhibits a project by the American artist and musician, Reeve Schumacher. And Laffy Maffei will exhibit a mix of media, bringing together video projections and prints by Alexandra Gorczynski. A community focus Uprising Art Gallery will present the Caribbean scene, while Progress Gallery will focus on three artists of Polish origins. Jiali Gallery, based in Beijing, will showcase three Chinese photographers. Emerge is focused on showcasing the contemporary Arab art scene.


Paintings The Berlin gallery Janinebeangallery will present four figurative painters. The New York City William Holman Gallery will showcase four artists, of which three are painters from the United States, Australia and Lithuania. Galerie Oniris will present four abstract painters. Photography Of the three galleries presented below and specialized in photography, two are less than six years old: Galerie Binôme (2010), based in Paris. Jiali Gallery (2012), based in Beijing and presenting three Chinese photographers. Galerie Cédric Bacqueville (2004), based in Lille.

Coming back this year The Belgian gallery LKFF Art & Sculpture Projects, representing an artist recognized with the Collectors Prize at Slick Brussels 2013. The Italian gallery, Flat -Massimo Carrasi, whose stand at the last edition of SLICK was truly memorable. The Galerie Claire Gastaud of Clermont-Ferrand, presenting once again the artist Alain Josseau, recipient of the Collector’s Prize at Slick Paris 2013. Last but not least, Galerie Djeziri-Bonn, Galerie Cédric Bacqueville, Galerie Binôme, Galerie Charlot, Island 6, Jiali Gallery, Galerie Oniris and Uprising Art Gallery, all returning this year for SLICK 2015. Exhibiting for the first time at SLICK Janinebeangallery (Berlin, Germany) arToxin (Munich, Germany) ARTspace (Rheinfelden, Switzerland) Rutger Brandt Gallery (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) Dam Gallery (Berlin, Germany) Galerie Kai Erdmann (Germany) Galerie Hengevoss-Dürkop (Germany) William Holman Gallery (New York, United States of America) Galerie Hübner & Hübner (Frankfurt, Germany) Lhoste Art Contemporain (Arles, France) Progress Gallery (Paris, France) Under Construction Gallery (Paris, France) The fair for the emerging art scene The majority of the galleries presenting at SLICK are less than 10 years old (70%), with some only recently founded – including Progress Gallery (2013), Galerie Valérie Delanaunay (2015), Under Construction Gallery (2014) and Laffy Maffei (2015). Two galleries, loyal to SLICK, are celebrating their 30th anniversary next year: Galerie Oniris, focused on contemporary abstract art, and Galerie Claire Gastaud.




SLICK ART FAIR (since 2006) First contemporary art fair in France specialised in emerging artists attracts 13 000 visitors each year.

Since 2006 SLICK has organised and gathered : - 10 editions in Paris (Bellevilloise, 104, Palais de Tokyo, Pont Alexandre III) - 2 editions in Brussels - 415 international galleries - more than 1300 artists - 60 days of exhibition - 136 000 visitors - more than 600 articles - 1 same team

IN A FEW DATES 2015 2014 2012 2006

> 10th edition of SLICK art fair, Pont Alexandre III > SLICK curator of l’Entrée sur l’art at Bon Marché Rive Gauche > 1st edition in Brussels (avril) > 1st edition in Paris (october)


Robert Montgomery, SLICK 2011, Palais de Tokyo

Dynamic, a place for new discoveries, with its demanding selection process, SLICK reveals the latest artistic trends

EMERGENCE OF ARTISTIC TALENT SLICK Art Fair, France’s most important fair devoted to the discovery of emerging international artists, showcases highly innovative contemporary artists and reveals tomorrow’s artistic trends. SLICK supports and encourages the efforts of new galleries, scouts out and reveals the current art scene. More established galleries also participate in the fair, all invited for their efforts to discover the hottest artists of tomorrow. Some fifty or so international galleries gather for the annual event that attracts around 13,000 visitors each time.

A WIDESPREAD NETWORK OF COLLECTORS Since 2006, SLICK Art Fair has built up a far-reaching network of institutional and private collectors, some of whom are new to the game, others with much more experience. The fair’s 13,000 visitors come to discover tomorrow’s values before they become prohibitive. In order to develop its network throughout northern Europe, SLICK organised the SLICK Art Fair Brussels for two consecutive years. The SLICK Art Fair in Paris has been held for the last eight years. It takes place in October, a key period on the French art calendar: the Paris contemporary art week. Institutions, galleries, associations, foundations, FIAC, all those involved in the French art scene pull out all the stops to greet collectors and art lovers from the world over.

AN EXCEPTIONAL LOCATION Since 2013, and after two years at the Palais de Tokyo, the SLICK Art Fair has been held on the banks of the Seine, next to the Alexandre III bridge, just a short walk from the Grand Palais and the FIAC. In 2015, due to the exceptional location, SLICK is back on the banks of the Seine.


13 000 visiteurs s’y pressent pour découvrir les valeurs de demain

A UNIQUE POINT OF VIEW ON CONTEMPORARY ART Since its creation in 2006, SLICK has been dedicated to discovering and revealing new galleries and emerging artists. Revealing the latest trends means that each edition of the fair is a unique opportunity to discover a particular perspective of the contemporary art scene : > expressionist paintings and video art in 2006 and 2007 at the Bellevilloise and at the Carré de Baudouin. > street art in 2008 and 2009 at the CentQuatre > middle eastern art in 2010 at the Palais de Tokyo. > drawings at SLICK Drawing in 2010 and Dessins Exquis in 2011, an ambitious cadavre exquis project drawn by 124 hands at the occasion of a 2 weeks workshop. The 62 artists were : JeanMichel Alberola (galerie Daniel Templon), Aurélia Alcaïs (galerie Sit Down), Adeline André, JeanLuc André (galerie Lara Vincy), Farah Atassi (galerie Xippas), Emilie Benoist (School gallery), Vincent Bizien (Ladiray gallery), Elvire Bonduelle (galerie Isabelle Gounod), Rebecca Bournigault (galerie Frédéric Giroux), Jean-Pierre Chabassier, Cyprien Chabert (Fat galerie), Mathieu Cherkit (galerie Jean Brolly), Gaëlle Chotard (galerie Claudine Papillon), Sylvain Ciavaldini (galerie Porte Avion), Sheila Concari (galerie Dix9), Julie Cottin, Valérie Dantas Mota (JTM gallery), Damien Deroubaix (galerie In Situ), Nathalie Elemento (galerie Fournier), Philippe Favier (galerie Guy Barchi), Etienne de Fleurieu (gal. O. Ouizeman & JTM), Iris Fossier (galerie Isabelle Gounod), Gérard Fromanger (galerie Claude Samuel), Elika Hedayat (galerie Aline Vidal), Fabrice Hyber (galerie Jerome de Noirmont) Cécilia Jauniau, Christine Jean (galerie Area), Marine Joatton (galerie Vidal Saint Phalle), Chloé Julien (galerie Isabelle Suret), Barbara Kimmel (galerie Octobre), Kosta Kulundzic (galerie Madga Danysz), Julien Langerdorff (Fat galerie), Mathilde Lavenne (Backslash Gallery), Artus de Lavilléon (gal. Patricia Dorfmann), Iris Levasseur (galerie Odile Ouizeman), Benjamin Levesque (galerie Area), José Levy (galerie Emmanuel Perrotin), Guillaume Liffran (John Tevis gallery), Frédérique Loutz (galerie Claudine Papillon), Pierre Mabille (galerie Fournier), Fabien Merelle (galerie Jeanroch Dard), Alizé Meurisse (galerie Nuke), Zwy Milshtein (galerie Area), Marlène Mocquet (galerie Alain Gutharc) Stéphanie Nava, Eva Nielsen (galerie Dominique Fiat) Bertrand Planes (New galerie & JTM), Julie Polidoro (galerie Odile Ouizeman), Joan Rabascall (galerie 1900/2000), Florence Reymond (galerie Odile Ouizeman), Philippe Richard (galerie Bernard Jordan), Lionel Sabatté (galerie Patricia Dorfmann), David Scher (galerie Jean Brolly), Alberto Sorbelli (Saffir, galerie nomade), Peter Soriano (galerie Fournier), Timothée Talard (Galerie Gourvennec Ogor), Natalia Taravkova (Galerie Zeitgeist), Agnès Thurnauer (Galerie de France), Barthélémy Toguo (Galerie Lelong), Gerard Traquandi (Galerie Laurent Godin), Jérôme Zonder (galerie Eva Hober) 12

> more established galleries, promoting new talent, exhibiting besides emerging galleries, since 2011 at Palais de Tokyo. > the Belgium art scene with SLICK Brussels in 2012 and 2013. > SLICKER magazine editions, published in 2012 and 2013 ( > the production of large-scale works since 2014 and the creation of The Platform, a space designed for unique exhibitions within the fair. All SLICK’s videos are on Vimeo (


GALLERIES (since 2011)

More than 250 galleries from 24 countries have already exhibited at the SLICK Art Fair: France, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, Austria, Luxem- bourg, Belgium, Holland, England, Vietnam, Hong Kong, China, Japan, United States, Lebanon, Philippines, India, UAE, Pakistan, Russia, Hungary, Poland. A few of them are now participating to main international art fairs (Art Basel/Armory Show/Fiac). Important private collections as well as institutional choose Slick as a plateform for their acquisitions. 2014

Ambacher Contemporary (Munich) / Archiraar Gallery (Bruxelles) / Galerie Cédric Bacqueville (Lille) / Galerie Binôme (Paris) / Galerie Charlot (Paris) / Bernard Chauveau Editeur / Le Néant Editeur (Paris) / Galerie Djeziri-Bonn Linard Editions (Paris) / duboisfriedland (Bruxelles) / Emerge (Paris) / Galerie Claire Gastaud (Clermont-Ferrand) / Jiali Gallery (Beijing) / Yukiko Kawase Galerie (Paris) / Galerie La Ferronnerie - Brigitte Négrier (Paris) / Angélique de Leusse (Bruxelles) / L’Inlassable Galerie (Paris) / Lkff Art & Sculpture Projects (Bruxelles) / MA2 Gallery (Tokyo) / Galerie Isabelle De Mars (Paris) / Galerie Oniris - Florent Paumelle (Rennes) / Galerie Jérôme Pauchant (Paris) / Galerie Rivière / Faiveley (Paris) / Galerie Laure Roynette (Paris) / The Flat – Massimo Carasi (Milan) / Uprising Art (Saint-Martin, Caraibes) / Galerie Voies Off (Arles) / White Project (Paris) / Galerie Esther Woerdehoff (Paris) 2013

A B Contemporary (Zürich) / Archiraar Gallery (Bruxelles) / Galerie Cédric Bacqueville (Lille) / Galerie Binôme (Paris) / Galerie des Petits Carreaux (Paris) / Galerie Charlot (Paris) / Bernard Chauveau Editeur / Le Néant Editeur (Paris) / Galerie Djeziri-Bonn_Linard Editions (Paris) / Les Douches la galerie (Paris) / duboisfriedland (Bruxelles) / Galerie D.X (Bordeaux) Emerge Gallery (Paris) / The Flat - Massimo Carasi (Milan) / Galerie Claire Gastaud (Clermont-Ferrand) / Van Der Grinten Galerie (Cologne) / Patrick Heide Contemporary Art (Londres) / Island6 (Shanghai-Hong Kong) / JBC1 (Saint-Ouen) / Angélique de Leusse (Bruxelles) / LKFF Art & Sculpture Projects (Bruxelles) / Galerie Réjane Louin (Locquirec) / Galerie Céline Moine (France) / Galerie laurent mueller (Paris) / Revue Noire (Paris) / Galerie Oniris (Rennes) / Galerie Paris-Beijing (Paris) / Galerie Perception Park (Paris) / Michael14Petronko Gallery (New-York) / Galerie Rejane Louin (Locquirec) / Galerie Laure Roynette (Paris) / Galerie Vincenz Sala (Paris) / Galerie UNA (Limoges) / Un-Spaced (Paris) / Uprising Art Gallery (Saint Martin) / Galerie Vidal-Saint Phalle (Paris) / Wunderkammern (Rome) / Zidoun-Bossuyt Gallery (Luxembourg) Michael Johansson, galerie The Flat Massimo Carasi, SLICK Art Fair 2013, photo Muriel Lasson / Lance Letscher, galerie Vidal Saint-Phalle, photo Muriel Lasson

2012 22, 48 m2 (Paris) / Galerie Alb - Anouk le Bourdiec(Paris) / Art Prestige Concept (Chypre)/ Anversville Contemporary Antiquary (Anvers) / Backslash gallery (Paris) / Galerie Christian Berst (Paris) / Galerie Binôme (Paris) / Bodson-emelinckx (Bruxelles) / Galerie Charlot (Paris) / Galerie martine et thibault de la châtre (Paris) / Bernard Chauveau Editeur (Suresnes) / Galerie Marie-José Degrelle (Reims) / Galerie Felli (Paris) /Flatland Gallery(Amsterdam)/ Galerie Jean Fournier (Paris) / Galerie Gabriel et Gabriel (Paris)/ Galerie Claire Gastaud (Clermont-ferrand) / Patrick Heide (London) / Galerie Houg (Lyon) / Galerie Martin Kudlek (Köln) / Angelique de Leusse (Bruxelles) / LN edition (Paris) / Galerie Laurent Mueller (Paris)/ mv gallery (Paris) / Le Néant Editeur (Paris)/ Galerie Nivet-Carzon (Paris)/ Galerie paris-beijing (Paris, Beijing, Bruxelles)/ Galerie des Petits Carreaux (Paris) / Polka Galerie (Paris) / Revue Noire (Paris)/ Galerie Vincenz Sala (Paris, Berlin) / Galerie Michael Sturm (Stuttgart) / Galerie Suzanne Tarasieve (Paris) / Tchikebe (Marseille) / the Flat - Massimo Carasi(Milano) / Torri(Paris)/ Una (Paris/lleida)/ Van der Grinten Galerie (Cologne) / Galerie Vidal-Saint Phalle(Paris) 2011 Leonardo Agosti Gallery (Plaissan) / Alice Gallery (Bruxelles) / Artcurator Gallery (Moscou) / Backslash Gallery (Paris) / Galerie Françoise Besson (Lyon) / Bodson-Emelinckx Gallery (Bruxelles) / Galerie Bernard Bouche (Paris) / Fonds Canson pour l’Art et le Papier (Annonay) / The Cynthia Corbett Gallery (Londres) / Galerie Marie-José Degrelle (Reims) / The Flat-Massimo Carasi (Milan) / Galerie Gourvennec Ogor (Marseille) / Galerie Bertrand Grimont (Paris) / Heartgalerie (Paris) / IACCCA(International Associationof Corporate Collection of Contemporary Art) / Ilan Engel Gallery (Paris) / I Love My Job Caroline Smulders (Paris) / IMO Projects (Copenhagen) / Inception Gallery (Paris) / JGM. Galerie (Paris) / Galerie Bernard Jordan (Paris) / J.P. Ritsch-Fisch Galerie (Strasbourg) / Kudlek Van Der Grinten Galerie (Cologne) / Collection Lambert en Avignon (Avignon) / Le Cabinet / Espace à Vendre (Nice / Paris, France) / Livart (Paris) / Galerie Maria Lund (Paris) / Galerie 13 Jeannette Mariani (Paris) / Galerie Metropolis (Paris) / Galerie Bruno Mory (Bonnay, France) /Victoria Morell Gallery (Paris) / New Galerie (Paris) / A l’enseigne des Oudin (Paris, France) / Galerie Paris-Beijing (Paris, France / Pékin) / Polka Gallery (Paris / Projet Camille (Paris, France) / Galerie de Roussan (Paris) / Galerie Olivier Robert (Paris) / The Running Horse (Beyrouth) / Galerie Nicolas Silin (Paris) / Galerie Suzanne Tarasiève (Paris) / TMproject (Genève) / Galerie Vidal-Saint Phalle (Paris) / Virgil de Voldere Gallery (New York) / White Project (Paris). 15

Martine Feipel & Jean Bechameil, Zidoun-Bossuyt Gallery, SLICK Art Fair 2013, photo Muriel Lasson / Stand de la Galerie Binome, SLICK Brussels 2013, photo Senne Van der Ven / SLICK Project de Lore Rabaut & Frank Depoorter , Jacques Cerami Gallery, SLICK Brussels 2013, photo Senne Van der Ven

AMBITIOUS PARTNERSHIPS Many companies come to the fair to present exhibitions, award prizes, organise radio shows...

> In 2008, SLICK Art Fair invited Radio Nova and Art Radio from the PS1 in New York to produce together and broadcast over their respective airwaves programmes devoted to the fair.

> In 2010 and 2012, Fonds Canson pour l’Art et le Papier presented its Prix Canson prize winner. > In 2011, the IACCCA exhibited at the SLICK Art Fair a selection of major works. The International Association of Corporate Collections of Contemporary Art includes many prestigious corporate collections including ABN AMRO, Belgacom, Deutsche Bank AG, Dexia, Fundacio la Caixa, Fondation Cartier, Fondation Neuflize Vie, Société Générale, ING Group, Statoil. > In 2012, Petit Bateau presented an exhibition of photographs by Stéphane Remael depicting members of the factory staff at work in Troyes. > In 2013, Radio Nova set up shop there to broadcast programmes dedicated to contemporary art. > In 2014 at SLICK : > Fujifilm organised its New Talent Photographer of the Year competition. > The ARTE/ BEAUX-ARTS MAGAZINE prize is organized in collaboration with Slick to help promoting artists from the SLICK Art Fair.

> In 2014, outside the fair : > SLICK has taken charge of the contemporary art zone at Le Bon Marché Rive Gauche to present artists and gallerists who have worked with in the past.





THE PRESS COVERAGE (selection since 2008)

2014 SLICK, Toujours à l’affût des nouveautés (…). L’occasion de découvrir les talents de demain.. TELERAMA. 2013 Jacques Cérami is another example of a gallery-owner who has decided to attend Slick after a number of years at Art Brussels. (...) A great many collec- tors come not only for the key events but also to spot new talent. For the public in general: there’s lots to discover ... and the prices are not too steep for someone thinking of starting a collection. Le Soir April 20, 2013. 2012 This ultra-dynamic event could be even bigger than announced with the presence of some really hot talent! In Paris, Slick receives the unanimous support from all its visitors. Elle – Belgium Ce rendez-vous ultra-dynamique s’annonce plus prometteur que jamais grâce à la présence de talents à surveiller de près. Slick a déniché pour nous Guillaume Bresson (Slick 7) et Georgia Russel (Slick 9) - pour ne citer qu’eux - qui aujourd’hui sont à la FIAC, alors restez attentifs ! Art for Breakfast 2011 Slick, the fair that reveals tomorrow’s talent. Direct Matin A rich and cutting-edge selection. Métro In six years, this meeting place for the emerging art scene has managed to establish itself as the star. Its strengths: an ambitious program open to the international arena and a certain dynamism. L’Officiel The first impressions of Slick are highly positive, the collectors are generously spending, the press is chatty, and the public is coming in masses. artnet Large alleyways, spacious exhibition of works, spaces reserved for a monumental sculpture, prestigious guests and a great diversity of exhibitors. Connaissance des arts 2010 The best of the emerging artistic talent. Not to be missed is Slick-Orient, with an exciting focus on Indian, Lebanese and Filipino creations... Le Journal du Dimanche Over the years and little by little, Slick has established itself at the margins of the FIAC as a space where young international galleries can present the little-known artists they represent. A special space for exchanges and discoveries. Le Nouvel Obs 100% Arty. (...) Over fifty galleries that are best in class. Elle Slick, the up-and-coming fair. Chic and arty, a place to find an exciting selection. A recommended off fair. Telerama A complete tonic to the FIAC. (...) Great ambiance, Slick is still going strong with its numerous events and renewed stock. l’oeil The most forecasting. Beaux-Arts Magazine 2009 The not-to-be-missed Slick is growing in size. Connaissance des Arts The young fair, adventurous, cutting edge (...). We can always count on Slick to seduce us and invite our eye to a yellow, green and chic bal of « up to date » contemporary art. Télérama Slick, Brilliant. One of the most important offs by its number of exhibitors, the fair can boast being a springboard for galleries such as Sémiose, ACDC or Von Rosen, who are presenting this year at the Fiac. Beaux Arts Magazine 2008 Slick shows the way, title of le Journal des Arts Many fairs have come in to being these past few years, parallel to the Fiac. Of them all, Slick is undeniably one of the most dynamic and innovative. La Tribune A true space for new discoveries, one visits Slick to discover the artistic talent of tomorrow. Paris Capitale. An inventive selection, festive and easygoing, that’s the Slick spirit! A Nous Paris.

SLICK 10th EDITION 21-25 October 2015 Opening Tuesday October 20 Pont Alexandre III Port des Champs-ElysĂŠes 75008 Paris France


40, rue de Richelieu 75001 Paris, France + 33 (0)1 75 42 78 30


Johan Tamer-Morael +33 (0)6 73 44 06 66

COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR Aude de Bourbon Parme + 33 (0)6 14 62 14 48


Isabelle Louis + 33 (0)1 42 78 18 04


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