FALL 2014
4 Smart Watches
7 Mac vs. PC
by Spencer Lerner
by William He
PIXELATED Charles Cotton Editor-In-Chief
HTC One M8 by Grant Kaufman
OnePlus One by William He
Spencer Lerner Matthew Harpe Managing Editors
Jason Ginsberg Design Editor
Destiny by John Abreu
Slender: The Arrival by Arjun Swarup
NHL 15 by Daniel Jin
Neil Ahlawat Daniel Jin Ian Lee Jonathan Lu
by Ian Lee
Content Editors
Civilization: Beyond Earth by Vaughan Doty
24 Keith Renner Faculty Advisor
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare by Stephen Angelakos
Assassin’s Creed: Unity by Eric Schwartz
How to Get Away With Murder
The Big Bang Theory
by Neil Ahlawat
Comparing New Phones
Intel: Make It Wearable
by Jonathan Edelstein
by Daniel Mindich
elcome everyone to the first issue of the 2014-2015
In technology, as you can tell from the cover, there are re-
school year, the Fall 2014 issue! After a great last few
views of the latest iPhones, the OnePlus One, and the HTC
years working on Pixelated, we are all looking forward to
One M8. There is an opinion piece on the Mac versus PC de-
another equally exciting and successful volume with three issues, one
bate which takes an uncommon approach, and there is an ar-
in the fall, winter, and spring. We have some dedicated new writers and
ticle summarizing the rapidly expanding smart watch industry.
editors who have all worked hard and will continue to do so to present the latest news in television, video games, and technology to the
Everyone who worked on this issue thinks it is very well put togeth-
HM student body. Here’s a little bit about what this issue has to offer.
er, and we’ve all worked hard over the past couple of months to publish it. I’d like to thank the writers, the editors, and our faculty
It’s the fall, and that means one thing: the release of the most antic-
advisor Mr. Renner who have all collectively made this issue possi-
ipated games of the year. This year those games are Call of Duty:
ble. A special thanks goes to Jason Ginsberg for once again doing a
Advanced Warfare, Assassin’s Creed: Unity, and Destiny. All three of
tremendous job on the layout. All of us who worked on this issue are
these are reviewed in depth along with NHL 15 and FIFA 15, so be sure
excited about it’s hitting the shelves, and I hope you all will enjoy it.
to check this section out regardless of what type of games you’re in to. Until next time, We have some popular TV shows too: The Big Bang Theory returned in September for its eighth season, and the critically acclaimed How to Get Away with Murder premiered early this fall. If you’re looking for a new show to watch this year, read
Charles Cotton
these reviews, and find out what your peers would recommend.
Are flexible displays the future of mobile displays?
SMART WATCHES How the new trend in smart watches may be
the start of a great future for wearable tech.
2 mil. the number of smart watches sold in the past year alone.
s current technology continues
smart watch in early September, and Apple
to grow, new technology gets
promises to contribute its own take on the
introduced and improved upon.
product with a release expected sometime
With the introduction of smart watches,
in early 2015. Each company has its own
the past two years only prove the accuracy
perspective and design on the product, and
of that very general statement. For such
I’ll tell if which is best based on my experi-
a new product that has been untested in
ence and research.
the market, smart watches have taken tech giant companies by storm and have
Samsung has five different smart watch
grown in leaps and bounds ever since. The
models that they sell. These include, the
largest companies that have been working
Galaxy Gear, the Galaxy Gear 2, the Galaxy
on the new tech are companies such as
Gear 2 Neo, the Galaxy Gear fit, and the
Samsung, Motorola, and most recently
Galaxy Gear Live. Now to avoid any bias,
Apple. Samsung introduced their version of
I am the proud owner of a Galaxy Gear 2
the smart watch with the Galaxy Gear last
Neo, and I don’t like or dislike the product.
year, Motorola contributed a new round
If you ask me, I only really use it to tell time
Galaxy Gear 1
Galaxy Gear 2
and it’s no different from any other watch
watch is accurate, but I get a very consistent
am a tester for a new product that has not
that I have owned in the past. The watch runs
measurement of steps each day that I use
been on the shelves for too long, but in a way
on Samsung’s Tizen operating system and
the device. The media control is what I have
I am helping it get better. Samsung has shown
the OS itself has too many features to cover
found to be the most useful feature, but, that
through the half-year life cycle of its watches
in this article, but the main features include:
being said, it is far from perfect. Again, like
that it will be updating the watches frequent-
S-voice, notifications, pedometer, and media
S-voice, the media player on a galaxy phone is
ly, but it’s really up to you if you want to shell
control. As S-voice is next to useless on a gal-
far from great, and that reflects on the watch.
out $200 on a product that will seem like or
axy phone by itself, there isn’t really too much
When I press the next button it ranges from
actually be obsolete likely in less than a year.
to discuss on that front. Notifications on the
instant to laggy, and that is not something
phone are actually pretty useful though. I find
that should be expected from two separate
Motorola has entered the smart watch mar-
myself able to quickly check messages, and
finished products. After having used the
ket with its unique interpretation of what a
I have become accustomed to looking at my
watch for three months now, I have decided
smart watch really ought to be. Motorola sells
wrist to see if I received a text. The pedome-
that my watch is only slightly above mediocre
the moto 360, a smart watch with a circular
ter works, plain and simple. I haven’t had the
at best, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you
screen, one that makes it resemble, for the
chance the count out my steps and see if the
shouldn’t buy it. I have come to terms that I
most part, a normal watch. Compared to the
The Apple Watch comes in many varieties and is integrated with Apple Health, a monitor to tracks physical health and wellness.
The Moto360 features an elegant design meant to mimick the face of an ordinary watch.
Samsung models, this watch is gorgeous.
the smart watch market early next year, and
to friends straight from your watch. It also
Motorola aimed for its watches to known for
as usual with Apple, it appears to be changing
uses its heartbeat in tandem with the Health
aesthetic quality, and it really shows. Running
the expectations. Officially named the Apple
app and guides you through workouts. Most
on Android Wear, the watch chooses to use
Watch, it comes in three different models,
importantly, with all of these energy-draining
software made by Google rather than its own
two different sizes for each model, and six
features running, Apple has promised a full
company, but that’s not necessarily a bad
different replaceable bands, making for
one-day charge of the watch. With the watch
thing. Android Wear uses the Google Play
36 different possible combinations to buy
not on the market yet, there isn’t anything
Store for apps and Google Now as a Siri/S-
without a color chosen. The models include
to base these claims on, but if Apple delivers
voice replacement. Google’s Play store has
Apple Watch, Apple Watch Sport, and Apple
what it promised, it will change smart watch-
thousands of apps and developers ready to
Watch Edition. “Starting at $350,” being the
es and the market for all future providers of
make apps for what’s likely to become a very
only indication of price does not tell you too
the product, which is certainly an Apple like
popular operating system. Again, as a Galaxy
much about how much each model will cost,
thing to do.
SV owner, I NEVER use the Samsung app
but I think it would be safe to say that the
store, and I have never downloaded an app
$350 is for the smaller version of the Apple
Smart watches seem to be headed in the right
for my Galaxy Gear. The Google play store
Watch model. Having discussed price, Apple
direction, but for now, their main use is to
definitely seems to be an advantage in this
Watch promises a wide array of features that
read a text message on your wrist. It’s impor-
product over the Galaxy Gear. Also, in terms
include: a newly designed operating system,
tant to remember that these products are still
of apps, Android Wear has apps made from
notifications, calls, Digital Touch, heart rate
new and in their test phase, and although big
companies like Facebook or Pinterest directly
sensors, but most importantly, easiness to
promises have been made from companies
as opposed to using 3rd party developers to
use. Apple seems to be focusing its adver-
such as Apple, you might not want to be the
make them without a company’s permission.
tising mostly on the Digital Touch and its
first one on line for its untested product. It’s
The Moto 360 seems to be the better smart
integration in Apple Health. Digital Touch is
up to you to decide if you would want to buy
watch of the two discussed thus far, and with
a new way to communicate with your friends
a product in its current infancy stages or if
a $250 price, seems to be the best watch that
from your wrist that includes sketching from
you would want to wait a year for increased
is currently on the market.
the watch, a Walkie-talkie feature from the
product consistency and reliability. Regard-
watch, a tap feature from your watch, and a
less, the smart watch has a bright future, and
heartbeat feature that sends your heartbeat
this is quite literally only the beginning.
Apple has announced that it will be entering -6- | THE ELEMENTS PIXELATED
VS. The battle between Mac and PC BY WILLIAM HE
omputers have become a part of our daily lives. They go back
advantages of Macs. These include that they are easy to use, light and
a long way. Every computer is different, with a few stereo-
easy to carry, and aesthetically pleasing. All of these are obviously
types between them. We’ll explore this in the Mac versus PC
pros, everyone can attest to them, and I’m really sure that they could
have come up with a couple more, such as long battery life. Everyone is also familiar with the rumor that Macs are virus-free. The truth is
Every computer has two general components: hardware and soft-
that Macs just have fewer viruses available. They are harder to hack
ware. In a debate about computers, so much can be brought up about
into since they’re based off Unix, and since Macs are gaining popu-
individual hardwares that it can become confusing to anybody. For
larity, there are more and more undesirable programs out there. The
this reason, I’ll begin by comparing software. The two biggest compet-
same reason can be applied to why PC’s are more vulnerable: there
itors in the market are OS X and Windows. Linux is the third operating
are more of them. Larger corporations also use Windows and PC, so
system most people have heard of, but the number of people using
more people are attempting to hack into billion-dollar companies.
Linux is low compared to OS X and Windows, even if OS X is based off of a form of Linux, called Unix.
Pro-Windows people are a little harder to find at HM. There aren’t that many of us. The above arguments for Mac superiority had a mix
One of the biggest advantages of Windows is its customizability. Since
of hardware and software in it, so these arguments will too. One
you can download almost anything onto a computer running Win-
of the main points that people like about Macs appears to be looks.
dows without deactivating anything else, you can download programs
Apple sticks with the ubiquitous chrome look, but since multiple com-
like app launchers and phone connections to utilize your computer
panies manufacture PC’s, each one will look different.
however you want to. Your desktop has a limited number of spaces for your icons, instead of infinitely many positions on a Mac. So, there is
Aesthetics are subjective. I have yet to meet a person who thinks
no clutter, no mess. Depending on which version of Windows you’re
Macs look terrible, but at the same time, rarely do people ever tell me
talking about, you get the Start Menu, which is definitely the most
my computer looks bad in a discussion about computers. People also
useful part of Windows. However, if you are running Windows 8, like
differ on the definition of good-looking, so that argument can become
I am, then you’ll have the Start screen, which messes up the whole
much more opinionated. The argument that a customizable computer
is better is also based off of opinion. Do you prefer the status quo, or do you prefer making your computer truly your own? And that ex-
OS X, on the other hand, was designed by Apple, which controls pretty
tends past the OS of a computer as well; since PC’s only need the very
much anyone who wants a device that looks really nice, (so basically,
common Phillips head screwdriver, it’s a lot easier to get in and make
anyone who doesn’t do research on these things), and thanks to their
repairs, upgrade parts, and just experiment in general. Macs, on the
massive line of products, if you get one, you might hooked onto the
other hand, were not designed to be upgraded. If you want to keep up
rest. Apple did this by turning your Apple ID into a syncing tool to sync
with the most current tech in Macs, you are effectively forced to buy a
messages, emails, App Store purchases, music, etc. Apple made it so
new one, since most people don’t want to go to the trouble of getting
that those were built in, with the option of a third-party. Microsoft de-
a pentalobe screwdriver to do repairs. The MacBook Pro has been
cided that if you wanted to do that, you should go and get third-party
the one exception to that rule. It’s also possible to remove the battery
apps which work with both iOS and Android. But so does Mac, as long
on PC’s, which means that instead of carrying around a cord all day,
as you have the third-party app. Tie!
you could just swap out batteries. Some computers have long battery life, which solves that problem. Apple fixed that problem by giving its
Personal opinion is also important to take into account, not just the
computer built-in monster battery life.
real hard facts. By asking a couple friends, I managed to extract some THE ELEMENTS | -7PIXELATED
PC’s are easy to use as well. I’ve noticed that
look good. This probably drives people who
whichever operating system you’ve used first,
can afford Macs to buy them, as they have
you will consider easy. When you use another,
sort of become a status symbol. The same sit-
The PC and the Mac each have their own
you either get used to it during the time you
uation doesn’t appear to happen with gaming
uses. PC’s are generally used in corporations,
use it or get left in the dust. I used Windows
notebooks or other high-cost PC’s that have
and graphic designers use Macs. Each can
first, which might be part of my Windows
better qualities.
look good (depending on which PC you get).
superiority bias and my argument that it’s
into more of a buying guide.
You can upgrade the hardware on a PC much
easy to use. When I came to HM and had to
Other than that tangent of explanation, the
more easily than you can on a Mac, usually.
begin using Macs, I either adapted, or got
true, hard fact is that Windows can be easy
Macs tend to have the upper hand when it
completely screwed by the Academic Center.
to use, especially after customization. You
comes to screen resolution. Macs are usually
Whichever OS you used first also usually
can set your own keyboard shortcuts, mouse
more portable, but so are certain PCs. Each
ends up as what you lean towards. I think that
buttons, and other customizations. The iconic
has a dedicated OS, and each OS is special in
the basis of it comes from our parents; you
Start Menu is definitely the biggest plus
its own way, just as each computer is.
probably used your first computer as a child. I
behind PC, though. All your PC controls are
know I was using one when I was 3, which was
right on the side, as are your file folders, along
So for a final verdict, if you are looking for a
Windows XP. And I’ve stuck with them ever
with any programs you feel like you want fast
computer that looks nice, is a status symbol,
since, from XP to 7, to 8.1, and eventually 10.
access to but don’t want on the taskbar. Until
lightweight, portable, high screen resolution,
You usually believed back then that what your
Windows 8, it made life much simpler. Then
and is easy to use, take a Mac for a spin. If
parents said was right and they knew best.
we got the Metro screen, which if you know
you’re looking for a computer that you want
That’s how humans evolved to survive past
how to work, is a step in the right direction of
to be able to mess around with, doesn’t
childhood, after all. So at the end of the day, it
blurring the lines between mobile and desk-
require 3800x1200 resolution that doesn’t
comes down to how your parents perceived
top. However, that step came for too early,
make the screen look that much worse
it, and later on, you probably developed your
and so many computers were under equipped
because you don’t use laptops 3 inches from
own opinions, which might be the same ones.
for a touchscreen OS that it received many
your face, is more customizable, and depend-
My father had a bad experience with Mac way
negative reviews.
ing on what you get, is also good looking,
back in the 90’s, so he’s used PC ever since. A
portable, is somewhat of a status symbol for
lot of people usually believe that good looks
When I began writing this article, it was sup-
gamers, and is also fairly easy to use, then get
signify a good computer, along with price.
posed to be a piece on how the PC is superior
a PC
Macs have always been more expensive than
to the Mac in every way. By the end of the
PC’s that provide the same benefits, and also
writing of this piece, it actually has turned
HTC One M8
Galaxy S5
5 inch display
5.1 inch display
8 MP camera
16 MP camera
16 MP camera
up to 128 GB
up to 32 GB
up to 32 GB
$299 - $499
5.5 inch display
by Jonathan Edelstein
he release of the iPhone 6 and iPhone
Now, features. The iPhone has its incredibly
a heart rate monitor on the back, a locked
6 Plus and their bigger screens brings
accurate Touch ID fingerprint scanner, along
folder, air gestures, as well as being water and
into question, how do these phones re-
with Apple Pay, Apple’s new payment system
dust resistant. In terms of software, both the
ally compare to android phones with same size
using NFC(Near-Field Communication).The
M8 and IOS8 are very similar, the M8 uses a
and power. In this article, I will compare the
iPhone also has new Focus Pixels, allowing for
skin on top of Android KitKat called Sense 6.0
new iPhone 6/6+, with the HTC One M8, and
faster and better focusing. HTC One M8’s big
that has the similar flat, simple, and respon-
the Samsung Galaxy s5. The criteria that I will
draw is the duo camera. The phone has two
siveness as IOS8. Samsung’s TOUCHWIZ is
use to compare these phones are the screen,
cameras on the back, one large one to take
also a skin on top of Android KitKat, but it’s
features, software, and design. The iPhone 6
the image, and another, smaller, depth sensor,
design is more cluttered and filled with fea-
and iPhone 6+ have Retina HD Displays with
which allows amazing effects like for refocus
tures. Finally design. Both the M8 and iPhone
4.7 and 5.5 inch screens respectively. They
after the image has been taken. The camera
have the similar beautiful brushed aluminum
have fantastic color reproduction and “pixe-
also has 4 ultra pixels, which are bigger and let
design, while the iPhone’s is a unibody de-
less” displays. The HTC One M8 has a 5 inch
in more light than ordinary pixels. This allows
sign. The Galaxy s5 has a dimpled plastic back
display with a dazzling 441ppi(pixels per inch)
for more light, which is especially good in low
that provides grip, but not luxury. Overall,
with natural color reproduction. The Sam-
light situations. The M8 also has Blinkfeed, a
all of these phones are fantastic, but it really
sung Galaxy s5 has a beautiful 5.1 inch Super
personalized news service that bring social
comes down to whether you want the design
AMOLED display. All in all, you can’t go wrong
networks and news into one place. The Gal-
in the M8 and iPhone, the customizability
with any of these displays, they are all fantastic.
axy s5 has a inconsistent fingerprint scanner,
in the M8 and s5, or the features of the s5. THE ELEMENTS | -9PIXELATED
any people may know HTC for its amazing smartphone speakers, or some may not even know what HTC is at all. As the company is one of the newer competitors in the
smartphone industry, it’s understandable that many people may not be very familiar with it. Several months ago, HTC released its second generation smartphone titled the HTC One M8. This phone was mainly
Speakers on the one M8 utilize BoomSound technology
“HTC ONE M8 STANDS OUT AT FIRST GLANCE BECAUSE OF ITS ALUMINUM BRUSHED DESIGN” popular amongst people who appreciate sound quality over other aspects that are central to a smartphone’s design. If one were to ask what distinguishes this phone, the answer would focus on three basic things: the speakers, the camera, and the phone’s material. Not all phones concentrate on these aspects. For example, the Samsung Galaxy S 5 doesn’t aim towards better sound quality, but instead it strives to master other features such as a great 16 Megapixel rear camera and other smaller features such as the heart rate monitor and the fingerprint sensor. As I said before, there are three things that differentiates HTC, the first one being the speakers. HTC, ever since the creation of some of its early smartphones, such as the Droid DNA, has been known for implementing good speakers on its phones. Before its current flagship smartphone, the HTC One M8 was released, most of the previous smartphones contained Beats by Dre speakers. When this phone was created, instead of using Beats audio, HTC used its own audio called BoomSound. The sound quality of these speakers are fantastic and can easily be considered the best smartphone speakers currently available on the market As good as these speakers are, the second feature of the HTC one M8 smartphone also distinguishes itself from the competition; these are both the front and rear cameras. HTC is the first company to actually consider putting a quality front facing camera on one of its smartphones.
The HTC one M8 features a 4 MP front-facing camera -10- | THE ELEMENTS PIXELATED
This camera is a surprising 5 megapixels, giving the phone the ability to
SPECS Display: 5.0 inches
Battery: 20.00 hours
Weight: 160g
1080 x 1920 pixels
32 GB
OS: Android 4.4
take great selfies and have quality video calls.
people were also anticipating the release of
Samsung Galaxy S 5, with metallic looking
The rear camera is another story and is very
the HTC One M8 Eye, but it wasn’t unveiled.
plastic parts. If you enjoy a phone with a pre-
controversial amongst many people. This is
Many large tech review companies did found
mium feeling metallic body, and you don’t mind
mainly because of the fact that it is only 4 Meg-
out, however, that many HTC One M8 Eye
the extra weight that comes with the phone,
apixels. HTC calls this camera its UltraPixel
smartphones became pre orderable in coun-
this phone may be potentially right for you.
Camera. HTC’s argument for the camera was
tries such as India and China. This can be in-
for it to capture a lot of light because of the
terpreted to mean that the HTC One M8 Eye
With these three very cool features comes
low pixel count. Many people don’t mind this,
will eventually become available in America.
some downsides, most notably the heavy
but there were plenty of people who did and
weight of the smartphone. Personally, this
strongly criticized it. Luckily, HTC has quietly
Last but not least, the HTC One M8 stands
won’t stop me from buying it. With all of the
announced a new variant of its current flagship,
out at first glance because of its aluminum
most recent hardware, including the graph-
the HTC one M8. This new variant is called the
brushed design. That cold feel you get from
ics card, processor, Super LCD3 screen, and
HTC One M8 Eye. The only difference be-
picking up your phone in the morning is be-
the expandable storage slot, the HTC One
tween these two variants is, you guessed it,
cause of the metallic body. If we were to
M8 is a win and is worth at least considering
the rear camera. The newer Eye variant has a
compare this to the plastic body which the
if you’re in the market for a new smartphone.
13 Megapixel rear. On October 15th, HTC had
Samsung Galaxy S 5 has, there is a tremen-
its Double Exposure Event where company ex-
dous difference. Samsung has attempted to
ecutives unveiled the HTC Desire Eye. Many
design its newer smartphones, such as the THE ELEMENTS | -11PIXELATED | -11-
ost phones nowadays can be as good as computers; they usually cost less as well. However, it will usually still take $700
dollars or so to get one off contract. With that being said, there’s a good alternative. For the 64 GB model, it costs $350 dollars. Yeah, half the cost of the other flagship phones off contract. Now, note that I also said that this was an alternative. Generally, an alternate is a little worse off. It’s not. The OnePlus One is what no one thought was going to happen: create a relatively cheap phone that is just as good and in certain ways better than every other flagship. Most people wouldn’t believe that a phone this cheap could be so good. However, it boasts an industry standard Qualcomm Snapdragon 801 Processor, three gigabytes of RAM, and an Adreno 330, 578 MHz GPU. The three gigabytes of RAM is by far the best in the entire market, giving it an edge in speed. The 5.5-inch screen is perfect for doing just about
SPECS Display: 5.5 in. Resolution: 1080p Weight: 162 g Storage: up to 64 GB Battery: 3100 mAh OS: Android 4.4
anything that you would need a screen for except for actually typing up documents -- which no phone is good at. At 1920x1080p, images look great on it. More accurately, anything that shows up on the screen looks good. The One also has a 3100 mAh battery. It’s not removable, but relatively few smartphones exist with that kind of battery anyway. Many people value the cameras of their phones. While in no way the best, the One has a 5 megapixel selfie camera, which is highly competitive on the market, and a 13 megapixel rear camera; both of its cameras are better than
The OnePlus One features a 13 Megapizel backfacing camera as well as 5 Megapixel front-facing camera
those on any iPhone ever created. One other noteworthy advantage is the fact that you can only buy it unlocked. This means that your phone does not come attached with a plan or contract, so you can use your preferred service (which must be T-Mobile or AT&T due to hardware compatibility) and this leaves you freed up from long-term contracts with extra early termination fees. Personal user experience comes into play a lot. After using this phone for a few weeks, I have gotten a much better idea of what it’s really like to use the phone than any video on YouTube could give me. The on screen gestures work very well, enabling flashlight, music play/pause, and activating the camera without ever touching a button. It’s fairly light and thin, so adding a case isn’t a problem. One other feature that isn’t really advertised is the customizable LED light. While I’ve left this alone, it’s possible for the light to be manipulated as you wish for different notifications. The CyanogenMod 11S OS designed specifically for the OnePlus One is a perfect fit: A phone with many easily adjustable options with respect to its hardware with an operating system that’s just as adjustable to go along with it. To sum it all up, the obvious conclusion is that this phone definitely lives up to the title of “The Flagship Killer.” Thanks to its relatively inexpensive price and its high quality design and functionality (comparable to its closest competitors), the OnePlus One should have a bright future ahead of it and is worth keeping an eye on. THE ELEMENTS | -13PIXELATED | -13-
This year, Intel hosted “Intel: Make it Wearable,” a competition in which teams of contestants came up with a concept for a piece of wearable technology that will work with new Intel technology meant for wearables. Each team submitted a video proposal and a product concept for a chance to win up to $550,000; the 10 finalists won $50,000 each, and the winning team got a grand prize of $500,000 to pursue its concept. Reviews for each of the ten finalists are below.
1 Babybe – Emotional Prosthetics Babybe is a piece of wearable technology to be worn by mothers to keep them connected with their babies. The wearable keeps the mothers informed with how the baby feels. Babybe is worn on the mother’s chest and is meant to simulate her child hugging her on the front. This wearable has great potential and can help mothers who have post-birth stress to feel like they always have their baby and have information about them in real time.
2 First V1sion – Player Perspective First V1sion is wearable technology that can record and broadcast sports from the player’s point of view in sports like tennis, baseball, hockey, football, soccer, volleyball, and basketball. A small camera worn on the shirt of the player, this has a great potential to be used by big TV companies like ESPN. First V1sion is a new way to broadcast a sport and keep viewers entertained and makes sports television more personal.
3 NIXIE – Flyable & Wearable Camera NIXIE is a small bendable quad copter with a camera on the front. This is worn as a bracelet, and when you want NIXIE to wake up, you do a gesture with your wrist, and it senses your location, flies a certain distance away from the location, takes a picture, and then flies back to you. You must then grab NIXIE out of the air put it back on your wrist. This may sound useless, but it could act as a personal photographer to get pictures that you normally wouldn’t get. Plus, who wouldn’t want a personal drone?
4 Vumbl – Sports and Activity Necklace Vumbl is a necklace that monitors the wearer’s body and gives information to the wearer through touch. This necklace is discrete, so you can wear it under your clothes. Vumbl can help when you are playing a sport or running and trying to monitor your heart rate. This way, you can monitor your heart rate and make adjustments without having to check a watch or a phone or take it yourself.
5 Open Bionics – Low-Cost Robotic Hand Open Bionics is a prosthetic hand with a target price of under $1000. This invention could help people who lost a hand to get a low-cost replacement. At the moment, there are a few types of prosthetic hands in the market; one is a hook that can be operated by pulleys, and the other main one is an expensive robotic prosthetic hand that works like a normal hand. Open Bionics is trying to replicate the functionality of a highclass prosthetic robotic hand while keeping it in an affordable price range. This would help amputees feel whole again and use their limbs like they normally would at a reasonable price.
6 Wristify – Cooling and Warming Refresh Wristify is a bracelet that works to cool down or warm up your body by taking your body temperature and releasing small bursts of heat or a cooling event. This would allow you to heat or cool yourself without an AC unit. It is also very energy efficient because you are only heating yourself and not an entire building.
7 Snowcookie – Skiing 6th Sense Snow Cookie is a wearable that monitors the user, and it compares it with ski data taken from other people to enhance safety, improve technique, and to connect people with these interests. This is meant to work similarly to wearables for running and biking, except with skiing instead. Beginning or Intermediate level skiers can set the device so it gives information that helps them control their skis, and advanced skiers can use it to track their path down a slope and revise their route afterwards. This would help all skiers stay safe, get better, and help them meet other skiers.
8 BabyGuard – Smart Healthcare BabyGuard gives data in real-time of a child’s vitals through sensors embedded in the device. Worn by children under the age of three, BabyGuard is meant to help mothers keep track of their child’s health, so they can worry less about their child when they aren’t home. This kind of technology is very important, because new mothers are usually very nervous about their children. A new wearable technology to track their children would really impact how comfortable parents feel when leaving the child with a babysitter or when the child goes to sleep.
9 8 Proglove – Production tool Proglove is a wearable “production tool” that allows for faster and easier production. This is a glove with a display, sensors, and a core that uses an Intel chip. It would sense what you are doing and give you helpful information specific to the product. It can also scan barcodes and give real-time advice.. Unlike the other concepts, Proglove is less of a consumer good and more of a professional good; it could help factory workers, car mechanics, and many other laborers who wear gloves and need to get information right from their hand.
10 Blocks – Snappable Platform Blocks is a hardware and software platform for wearable technology. This is a modular wearable in the form of a watch, meaning the user could upgrade and replace these blocks as time moves on to make the watch better and more up to date. As a result, you would never need to fully upgrade to a new watch. Each link is its own module, so one link could be a battery, a heart rate sensor, an audio jack, a fingerprint sensor, a processor, a GPS, or even a gesture sensor that could control this watch or another device – for example, you could control a TV using your gestures. Eventually the makers of block could allow user-made blocks into this, so the user will have more control over this wearable rather than other non-modular wearables like the new Apple Watch or Samsung Gear.
Each of these projects initially won $50,000,
like of something and upgrading it over time
is a great idea, but doesn’t seem beneficial for
but only one of these could win the grand
rather than throwing it out or selling it when
viewers. After watching the video that de-
prize. The winner was NIXIE, my favorite one,
the newest version comes out. This could
scribes First V1sion, I felt dizzy, and to seeing
which may have the most potential in the
really help people keep their smart watches
only the view from one player’s chest would
consumer market. I like it the most because it
for a while. In my opinion, one of the biggest
limit the sports-watching experience.
is very offbeat, and it really has a lot of poten-
problems about smart watches is that people
tial. Although this may seem like a silly idea, it
do not stick with them long enough. Other
These products are all unique and each is
could help people take a hands-free picture.
ideas that I think have great potential are the
noteworthy. NIXIE won, and rightfully so, and
A professional photographer may use this for
two products for baby monitoring and the
it will be interesting to see how its developers
another angle, or if the photographer is trying
low-cost prosthetic hand. The baby monitor-
use the prize money and what the future for
to get a really awkward angle, NIXIE could
ing products could really help mothers keep
the gadget holds.
really come in handy. My other favorite was
calm when they are away from their babies,
Blocks. I have always been a fan of modular-
and the prosthetic hand could make people
ity – being able to pick certain parts that you
who have lost hands feel whole. First V1sion THE ELEMENTS | -17PIXELATED
fter astounding amounts of hype and
Collapse, which saw the dissolution of human
with actor Peter Dinklage having been pres-
advertising, Bungee’s long awaited
colonies on other planets. This abrupt end to
ent in its production, but the voice acting in Destiny is lack luster and very forgettable.
Destiny has arrived. With Halo cre-
a period of prosperity left humanity at the
ators, Bungee, and Call of Duty publishers,
edge of extinction with the only human ref-
Activision, this game has very high expec-
uge being a small city on Earth protected by
Although Destiny falls short in some aspects,
tations given its predecessors. It sought to
the Traveler. Its presence allowed defenders
it does shine when it comes to the gameplay
blend the gameplay experience of the Halo
of the city, known as Guardians, the abili-
experience. It is not the most unique first per-
franchise with the multiplayer features of
ty to wield a power (The Light) for various
son shooter on the market, but it mixes many
Call of Duty and the vastness of Borderlands.
superhuman abilities. You, the player, take
proven quirks of other titles to create an en-
Destiny attempts to be a lot of things in one
the role of one of these many guardians to
joyable gameplay experience. When choosing
game, but in doing so, it falls short in many
defend the last human city against hostiles
a guardian, you are given the choice of three
ways. Overall, it does deliver a solid game-
and discover what caused “The Collapse.”
different classes (Hunter, Warlock, and Titan),
play experience, one that is constantly being added to through its multiplayer integration.
and these vary in appearance and in physical If this sounds very vague and ambiguous,
ability. The gameplay experience is not very
that’s because it is. Destiny gives a very riv-
different between the three classes, and you
Destiny does not focus on a story, as it is a pri-
eting backstory and introduction to this uni-
will only ever notice a difference every once in
marily multiplayer driven game; however, it
verse, but it does very little with this grand,
a while when you have earned a super attack.
takes place in a not-so-distant future in which
albeit vague, premise. The story is almost
Missions are fairly linear when in indoor seg-
humans have gone through a golden age of
secondary, and when Bungee does thrust
ments; however, when the battle is outside,
celestial exploration. Due to the discovery of
you into story-related cut scenes, they’re
you are rarely limited in how you can approach
a large celestial being known as the Traveler,
plagued with cliché dialogue and weak, un-
combat. There are four locations that the play-
humans are now able to colonize other plan-
interesting performances. Many were ex-
er can explore (Earth, Venus, Mars, and the
ets. However, a mysterious event led to The
pecting excellent voice acting from this title
Moon) each with different enemy types and
environments. The worlds them-
places you with other players. In
six game modes, all of which are
selves are not the largest in any
essence, the game has no true
essentially twists on each other.
video game, yet Bungee makes
single player, yet, I never felt as
this irrelevant with mesmerizing
though other players were hold-
In conclusion, Destiny blends ex-
backdrops and lens flares galore.
ing me back. Interestingly, how-
ceptional gameplay with a medi-
I can proudly say that Destiny is
ever, Destiny is a multiplayer-only
ocre narrative and a satisfactory
one of the only games that has ef-
game which lacks many common
multiplayer (Player vs. Player).
fectively used backdrops to make
multiplayer features that have be-
This title had very high expecta-
an environment seem truly vast
come standard in any cooperative
tions, and frankly, it did not live
when it really isn’t. Bungee match-
gaming experience. These include
up to the hype and advertising
es the amazing graphics of Desti-
custom matchmaking, in game
which preceded to its launch.
ny with a very impactful score
chat, interaction between players
Destiny leaves players wanting
that fits each environment very
in the “social hub,” and even the
more; nevertheless, players can
well. However, the sound design
ability to choose the map you’ll
stay hopeful as the game is fre-
in this title is still nothing to write
play on. It seems very odd that a
quently updated and DLC’s are on
home about; it accomplishes what
game marketed for its multiplayer
the way. Destiny, as it is current-
it needs to without anything extra.
capabilities does not allow one to
ly, is far from game of the year,
simply play against just his or her
but it gives players a very solid
Regarding multiplayer in this
friends or choose where he or
new IP to get their hands on for
game, it is difficult to classify
she wants to play next. The actual
the next generation of consoles.
which aspect of Destiny is multi-
PvP (Player vs. Player) is enough
player as the game requires an In-
to keep players involved, but it
ternet connection and constantly
is nothing new and only sports
lender: The Arrival is a video game
Slender Man, which actually stemmed from
player controls is Lauren, a woman whose
developed by Blue Isle Studios based
a Photoshop contest. He (The Slender Man)
identity is intentionally kept vague and
on Parsec Productions’ Slender: The
is most commonly described as very tall, thin,
mysterious. The prologue of the game shows
Eight Pages. Its release date for Windows
and unnaturally long with tentacle-like arms
Lauren as she gets into a car crash right out-
and Mac OS X was March 26, 2013, followed
(or merely tentacles) that he can extend to
side her best friend Kate’s house. As the story
by a Steam version released on October 28,
intimidate or capture prey. He has a white,
and player progresses, you discover that Kate
2013. After its release on the major com-
featureless head and appears to wear a
has disappeared, and Lauren goes looking to
puter operating systems, the game was then
dark suit and tie. The Slender Man is often
find her. As the end of the game nears, the
released on PlayStation Network on Septem-
associated with the forest and/or abandoned
Slender Man possesses Kate’s mind making
ber 23, 2014 in North America and Xbox Live
locations and has the ability to teleport.
her a secondary antagonist who works with
Arcade on September 24, 2014 worldwide.
Slender: The Arrival is the most recent in a
the Slender Man to kill Lauren.
Like its predecessor, the game is based on
slew of video games based on the character.
the Something Awful forums’ creation, the
In this iteration, the main character who the
The gameplay is rather simple. You as the
player attempt to defeat the
are near Slender Man, and if he is
Slender Man by taking on simple
right behind you, your character
tasks such as finding notes or
automatically turns around and
turning on generators while the
is killed. Similarly if you wander
Slender Man follows you. If you
out of the map’s borders, the
happen to make eye contact with
Slender Man automatically kills
the Slender Man, you must run or
you. These different elements
he attempts to kill you, but if you
make for a truly frightening video
complete the task, you can move
gaming experience.
on to the next level. However, in a twist at the end of the game, you
In terms of the objectives, the
appear to almost defeat Slen-
game is lacking and as a result
der Man, but in reality are only
becomes a little boring. Almost
burned to death by it.
every level until the last few
The game is able to use imagery
requires you to find a set number
and music extremely well, and
of either pages, generators,
it thereby creates a horrifying
or other objects in order to
environment and experience for
progress to the next level. While
the player. The frequent static,
both Slender Man and Kate make
sub-bass, ambience, and other
the game extremely hard, it does
noises make for an insanely scary
have a sense of repetition that
and realistic soundscape. When
makes it a bit annoying and mo-
attacked, the sound effects,
notonous after extended periods
combined with the animation and
of gameplay.
imagery, are guaranteed to scare anyone. The amazing graphics
Despite the repetitive storyline,
add to an incredible game experi-
the game in total delivers an
ence, and it is clear that Blue Isle
amazing horror experience that
Studios and Parsec Productions
any gamer would enjoy. From
put in a lot of work and effort
Slender Man enthusiasts to aver-
toward creating a good environ-
age people, gamers will appreci-
ment for the player.
ate the effort that the makers at
The game is played from a
Blue Isle and Parsec Productions
first-person perspective, with
have put into the production of
a camera that allows for you to
this game. It has amazing graph-
zoom in. There is a sprint button
ics, good soundscape, and great
that lets you to run for a short
imagery that combine with the
period of time. Suspenseful
story to create a video game that
music starts to play when you
is top of its class. THE ELEMENTS | -21-
HL 15 is a bit of an enigma – in terms of pure quality, it is
much simpler than in previous versions of the game. The lackluster
one of the most enjoyable and realistic sports games in the
effort put into NHL just shows EA’s lack of commitment to hockey.
market, but a mass exodus of popular game modes pro-
EA Canada has tried to overcome the game’s poor initial reviews by
vides the game very little lasting appeal. EASHL, an online multiplay-
introducing several patches in September and October, but some
er mode that NHL fans had grown to love in past versions, is missing
– myself included – are still upset over the missing features from
this year. Live the Life, a mode which allows gamers to create a play-
previous years. Because of the utter lack of competition for making
er and progress through the league, is gone. The GM Mode is also
hockey games, EA has decided it no longer needs to satisfy hockey
“The new physics engine helps NHL 15 remain one of the most realistic sports games ever made.”
gamers, and has left us with this sorry excuse for a video game this year. First, it must be noted that the game itself is not all that bad this year. When it first came out, many felt that the physics were actually worse than they were last year, but EA has done a good job fixing most of the game’s problems. The new physics engine helps NHL 15 remain one of the most realistic sports games ever made. Last year’s physics were a huge step up form NHL 13, and the engine has improved again for this year. While big hits were ridiculously easy to line up last year (NHL 14 made the Sedin brothers look like the Hanson brothers from Slap Shot), collisions are now much more true to life. The number of awkward animations – such as pucks passing through players or goalies magically flying across the ice – has also been dramatically reduced from last year. EA has also included the voices of NBC’s Doc Emrick and Eddie Olczyk, as well as TSN’s Ray Ferraro, for ingame broadcasting. It was a nice move to incorporate real voices in the game, but the broadcasters are not represented very accurately; Doc’s signature freak-outs are not to be found, and the commentary just becomes boring after a while as nothing interesting is being said. Occasionally, the commentators will describe events that never happened, such as a player missing the puck when he actually shot it into the net or a goalie making a great save when it was blocked by a defenseman. Still, gameplay is, for the most part, better than last year. -22- | PIXELATED THE ELEMENTS
Player’s faces look amazingly similar to their real-life photos, and aerial views of NHL arenas are beautiful.
Graphics are also terrific this year. From
of Live the Life, without the media interviews
of the game, but NHL was already a year be-
afar, NHL 15 game looks like a real broad-
and off-ice decisions, is largely unplayable be-
hind; though Madden 25, FIFA 14, and NBA
cast. Player’s faces look amazingly similar
cause players are unable to simulate the game
2K14 were released on NextGen, EA decid-
to their real-life photos, and aerial views of
when they are not playing and instead have to
ed to wait another year to make a NextGen
NHL arenas are beautiful. Even black eyes
watch 40 minutes of the game from the bench.
NHL game. As a result, the NHL community
and bloodied noses that players pick up from
And since each player starts at the NHL level,
had lofty expectations for NHL 15, and these
fights are very realistic. The game’s sounds
Be a Pro is also very unrealistic. Be a GM, bi-
simply weren’t met. Now, if EA wants to show
are also sensational – every bounce of the
zarrely, does not allow for gamers to choose
that they are serious about hockey, they must
puck, every glide of a skate is just perfect.
the team they control. Perhaps EASHL was
make immense improvements for NHL 16.
unable to be supported on NextGen online There are tons of ways to customize gameplay
servers, but 2K was able to support a game
through switches and sliders, but the lack of
mode called “The Park,” essentially the basket-
modes in NHL 15 just makes the game ulti-
ball equivalent to EASHL, in NBA 2K14. EA
mately boring. The exclusions of EASHL, Live
is simply not giving as much attention to the
the Life, and GM Connected – that were in pre-
NHL franchise as its fans have demanded. It
vious versions of the game – are simply appall-
is worth noting that all these modes are still
ing. Be a Pro, a largely stripped-down version
available in the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions THE ELEMENTS | -23PIXELATED
FIFA 15 is by far the best one in the series.
IFA 15 was released on September 23, and I have been playing it continu-
ously since; the only break was to write this article to encourage you to buy it if you have yet to. Being an avid FIFA player since FIFA 06, I have seen the progression and dramatic improvements made for each version, and FIFA 15 is by far the best one in the series. Additionally, as an avid sports video game player, including games like Madden, NHL, and NBA 2K among others, I believe that out of all the sports games I play, the FIFA series is the only one that actually visibly and me-
chanically changes its game each and every year.
As for other
sports games, I sometimes feel as though they have done little more than update the rosters. With FIFA’s slogan this year being “Feel The Game,” it has become clear that they strived to improve your gameplay experience in all facets but especially in the visual sense. Some of the new features in this year’s game designed to improve the realistic nature outside of the gameplay mechanics themselves are Dynamic Match Presentation, Living Pitch, Emotional
Player Visuals, and Match Day Live. All these features emphasize what you would see when you would watch a real soccer game, as they have recreated the atmosphere surrounding the game through reactions of both
FIFA 15 has added many new features to improve game realism
players on the field and fans in the crowd; the now scarily accu-
smoother than ever and easier
rate faces of players react realis-
to control. As for Next Gen Goal-
tically to goals, and fans scream
keeper and Man to Man Battles,
chants specific to your team. The
they allow for more spectacular
field even gets physically worn
plays to be made as the Goalkeep-
down throughout the course
ers can now make saves they have
of a game. These features fur-
never before been able to make,
ther draw you into the game and
and jostling for the ball with Man
help to complement the actual
to Man Battles is now more real-
gameplay mechanics and fea-
istic than ever, as opposed to past
tures which we will now look into.
versions in which little skill was
Some of the features EA used to
required and one either sprint-
increase the game flow and nat-
ed past defenders or was easi-
ural movement in the game are
ly pushed off the ball. All these
its Next Gen Goalkeeper, Player
features, brand new to FIFA 15,
Control, Man to Man Battles,
help enhance the sports gaming
and Correct Contacts. Player
experience beyond any other vid-
Control and Correct Contacts
eo game on the market. As such
help with the game flow as player
it is among the most realistic and
movements are far more natural
addicting games I know of. I sug-
and less robotic than years past.
gest that any and everyone go
Dribbling, for example, is now
buy the game, soccer fan or not,
more precise than ever, and it is
and I doubt you’ll be disappointed. THE ELEMENTS | -25PIXELATED
ighly anticipated by many Civilization fans, the newest ad-
new features combined make for a very different game than Civiliza-
dition to the series, Civilization: Beyond Earth is unique in
tion 5, but it will still give a sense of familiarity to any returning player.
its gameplay style, which sets it apart from previous Civ-
ilization games. In previous Civilization games, users led a civiliza-
When first starting a game, you would choose the sponsor, which
tion all the way from 4000 BC to the present. However, this game
colonists you would like to accompany your expedition, which space-
takes you to the future, where you must lead an expedition to a new
ship would be used, and what cargo you would bring. After choosing
world. Believed to be the spiritual successor to Sid Meier’s old Alpha
the expedition sponsor, you can choose one of five colonists, each
Centauri game, this game utilizes many familiar features from previ-
with their own special abilities. Scientists add 2 Science to every city,
ous Civilization games but introduces many new gameplay aspects.
Refugees add 2 Food to every city, Aristocrats add 3 Energy and 1 Health to every city, Engineers add 2 Production to every city, and
The game is set in the near future, after an event that forces humans to
Artists add 2 Culture and 1 Health to every city. It is very important
find a new hospitable planet to settle. Rather than choosing historical
for the player to choose the sponsor-colonist combination, which he
civilizations like in the older titles, players in this game choose from a
or she thinks, would benefit his or her gameplay the best. After choos-
selection of ‘sponsors’ for an expedition, which include the American
ing the colonists, you would then choose one of five features for your
Reclamation Corporation, the Pan-Asian Cooperative, the African
spaceships to land with. These spaceship features include the Conti-
Union, the Kavithan Protectorate, Brasilia, Franco-Iberia, Polystral-
nental Surveyor, which reveals all coastlines on the map, Retrograde
ia, and the Slavic Federation. Just as in the previous games, sponsors
Thrusters, which allow you a wider area for choosing where to land
have their own special abilities. At the beginning of a game, players
your first city, Tectonic Scanner, which allows you to see Petroleum,
are able to make several important decisions, ranging from what ship
Geothermal Pockets and Titanium without the necessary technology,
to use to what supplies to bring. This allows for a very customized ex-
Fusion Reactor, which lets you land with 100 Energy, and Life-form
perience. While the previous games featured a linear tech tree, this
Sensor, which reveals Alien Nests on the map. Aliens are a new type
game features a ‘tech web,’ meaning that research can branch off in
of NPC added to the game, replacing the Barbarians from the previ-
several directions. A completely new feature added is affinities. Affin-
ous games. Instead of the Barbarians only being a threat early on as
ities are the philosophical beliefs of each expedition, which influence
in the older games, Aliens continue to be a prevalent threat through-
the technological advancements of the player. This leads to a more
out the entirety of the game. There are also several types of Aliens you
unique world as only one affinity can be chosen. The available affini-
can encounter, each one with unique strength and movement abilities.
ties are Harmony, which believes that all organisms should ultimately link intellectually to create a power that rivals that of a god, Suprem-
Though it definitely takes a different direction compared to all of the
acy, which believes in the improvement of technology to enhance the
previous games, and there may be some unfamiliar features, anybody
human ability to survive in the harshest of environments, and ulti-
who has played the previous games would have fun playing this newest
mately return to Earth to ‘liberate’ all humans from their organic bod-
addition, and would be able to learn the new features relatively quick-
ies, and Purity, which believes that humanity should be preserved as
ly. Despite several new additions, many of the core concepts of Civili-
it was on Earth, ignoring the needs of the wildlife on the planet, and
zation have stayed with the same. I would, however, recommend new
ultimately resettling the population of Earth onto the new planet.
players to start with an older Civilization game, as it would allow them
The game also features four ‘virtues’, with each category having a dif-
to more easily learn the mechanics, then move to this game when they
ferent focus, but with an expedition able to research from any of the
have become more experienced, as this game builds off the old ones,
four categories. These categories are Might, Prosperity, Knowledge,
while adding more features. Yet, it seems that this game will be very
and Industry- each with their own individual advantages. All of these
enjoyable to play, and many players will appreciate the new experience. THE ELEMENTS | -27PIXELATED
In Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare players can don an exoskeleton suit and operate hoverbikes, drones, and energy based firearms.
all of Duty: Advanced Warfare for Mi-
advanced technology in the world. The CEO
similar to the mode in previous Call of Duty
crosoft Windows, Playstation 3, Play-
of Atlas Corporation becomes aware of Amer-
games in that the Create-A-Class system re-
station 4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One
ica’s downfall and acts to spread democracy
turns. Although the Create-A-Class system
was released on November 4, 2014. Advanced
throughout the world to change global bal-
used to be 10 slots, in Advanced Warfare
Warfare was published by Activision and devel-
ance of power. The gameplay of the campaign
it is 13 (the extra three spots are due to the
oped by the new studio Sledgehammer Games
is very different from the gameplay of the oth-
fact that kill streaks are now part of the Cre-
er games in the series. The arsenal is different
ate-A-Class system. Also, like in Call of Duty:
Advanced Warfare has various similarities
technology-wise, featuring high-tech vehicles,
Ghosts, the player is able to customize his or
and differences when compared to past games
such as hoverbikes and drones, and a new
her gender, gloves, and helmets. Finally, an-
in the franchise. It does not feature the tradi-
ammunition system. Players are able to con-
other feature that returns from past games
tional heads-up display (HUD) found in other
trol the drones wirelessly and ride the bikes
is Survival Mode, now named Exo Survival. In
Call of Duty games. Instead, the HUD is pro-
throughout the maps. Players are also able to
Exo Survival, the player survives as long as he
jected from the users’ equipped weapon. The
use energy weaponry. Instead of the lead bul-
or she can against multiple waves of enemies.
plot of the campaign takes place in the year
lets in normal firearms, ammunition for these
2054, when a terrorist organization, the KVA,
weapons is based upon “energy.” Other game-
attacks multiple nuclear reactors around the
play advancements include enhanced player
old formula and put its own promis-
world. With the military unable to respond to
movement, boost jumps, and cloaking abilities.
ing twist on it. Could this be the game to
the attacks, the protagonist, a former U.S. Ma-
put some much-needed life into a belov-
rine named Jack Mitchell, joins Atlas Corpora-
In Advanced Warfare, multiplayer, perhaps
tion, a private military company with the most
the most popular mode of the series, is fairly
ed but dying franchise? You be the judge.
“1789 Paris has been recreated on a 1:1 scale to create an even more immersive experience than ever before”
he turmoil of the French Revolution involved the killing of thousands of people in the name of life, liberty, and property, but in Assassin’s Creed: Unity, as always, we get to experience the real
reasons behind these events: those mysterious hooded men and their evil power hungry adversaries. The new protagonist is Arno Dorian, an educated, charismatic, and clever young man who joins the Assassin Order for revenge. Born of mixed French and Austrian Heritage, Arno joins the Assassins at the beginning of the French Revolution in 1789 and is out to eliminate the Templars who are really the cause of it all. According to Ubisoft, he is “stealthier, deadlier, and more ruthless than any before him.” The Assassins now have a new signature weapon, the Phantom Blade, which is a hidden blade that has been upgraded to include a small crossbow in order to add long-range capabilities. Our new setting is the lively city of Paris, where the Revolution causes chaos and destruction all throughout the streets. 1789 Paris has been
recreated on a 1:1 scale to create an even more immersive experience than ever before. In addition, the interiors of most buildings, including such historic landmarks as Notre Dame, as well as the extensive network of catacombs below the city can be accessed seamlessly without loading screens. Utilizing the next gen technology, Ubisoft has been able to make -30- | THE ELEMENTS PIXELATED
Assassin’s Creed: Unity combines exciting gameplay with a compelling narrative set in 18th century France its city more dynamic than ever. Now, every
are consequences for every action. For exam-
mode. This new game play mode is supposed
single NPC can affect Arno, the environment,
ple, if you kill a target in the middle of a crowd,
to take place alongside the single player, and it
and each other. Huge crowds that assembled
there may be more guard in the next mission,
encourages players to work together and use
outside of mansions and public buildings were
so you have to think carefully about the way
different skills to complete an objective. For
an important part of the French Revolution.
you want to play the game.
the first time since Assassin’s Creed II, there
ACU will deliver this with crowds of thou-
There are many ways to complete any given
is no competitive multiplayer mode in which
sands of people, and Arno can interact with
mission and many skill sets that the player can
players are pitted against each other. Unity
every one of them individually.
choose to develop. You can customize Arno
seems to be one of the first titles to attempt
through one of four specialties: health, melee,
to use the full potential of the next generation
The way you choose to complete your mis-
range, and stealth. The advantages of each of
consoles, whereas last year’s Black Flag, al-
sions will in turn affect the environment. With
these classes are quite self-explanatory (but
though on PS4 and Xbox One, was still accom-
every mission, the player is simply given an
I’ll explain them anyway): health can withstand
modating of the previous gen consoles. Now,
objective, which he or she may approach any
more enemy attacks, melee improves Arno’s
they have completely left the PS3 and Xbox
way he or she wishes. ACU has a new concept
fighting abilities, range can attack targets from
360 in the dust and can do things that the
called Adaptive Mission Mechanic, in which
a distance without having to directly confront
previous gen was not capable of. Assassin’s
there are no longer strict guidelines on how
them, and stealth can remain undetected
Creed: Unity is a departure from previous ti-
to complete a mission. There will be no more
much more easily. Ubisoft has said that the
tles, and Ubisoft claims it will be the start of a
frustrating moments when you have to restart
present day will play a role, but they have not
new direction for the series. We will soon see
a mission because you accidentally killed a
said anything about what that is at this time.
whether this game’s new and ambitious ad-
man who you were tailing only to be ordered
vances will pan out or not.
to kill him three minutes later. Now you may
Major updates have also been made to multi-
deal with a target any way you wish, but there
player, where there is a new 2-4 player co-op THE ELEMENTS | -31PIXELATED
BC’s new hit show, How to Get Away With Murder, premiered on September 25th earlier this year. The show stars a fierce Viola Davis as Pro-
fessor Annalise Keating, a deeply flawed professor and defense attorney in Philadelphia. The work of Scandal and Grey’s Anatomy alum Peter Norwalk, How to Get Away with Murder, while not always perfect, is certainly never boring. The show begins with an actual murder- a group of hyper-competitive students deciding what to do with the body. Each episode from then on features flashbacks as the storyline works itself backwards, culminating in a final episode in which the murder is finally explained. The show hooks viewers from the first few minutes, when Davis first walks into her lecture hall, briskly saying, “Good morning. I don’t know what terrible things you’ve done up to this point, but clearly your karma is out of balance to get assigned to my class. I’m Annalise Keating, and this is Criminal Law 100. Or, as I prefer to call it,” she says, picking up chalk to forcefully write out, “How to Get Away With Murder.” The character of Annalise Keating is almost impossible to read and quite complicated, in what is certainly a layered performance from Davis. In the classroom and in court, Keating is fierce and intimidating, a no-nonsense teacher and lawyer. At times, however, we find her insecure and scared, exhibiting the two sides of Annalise Keating. In addition to Davis, the show also stars four law studentsKeating’s protégés, helping her to work on cases. Wes (Alfred Enoch) is a transfer student, unprepared for this cutthroat program. Michaela (Aja Naomi King) and Asher (Matt McGorry) are the class know-it-alls. Pretty boy Connor (Jack Falahee) is a master manipulator, and Laurel (Karla Souza) is the smart, quiet one. Hand-picked by Keating to work for her, the warring egos, personalities, and romantic relationships of these four offer some relief from Keating’s intensity. Every episode features a new murder suspect for Keating to defend, along with an underlying backstory that becomes increasingly important as one such murder finally hits home for Keating and becomes the basis for much of the storyline towards the final few episodes. The buildup created by flashbacks in each episode creates a thrilling end to the season, but leaves one wanting more. Due to this thrilling plot, intriguing murder cases, and sophisticated characters, no episode ever seems to drag on. With cliffhangers sure to keep you wanting more, How to Get Away With Murder is definitely a show worth watching. THE ELEMENTS | -33-
he Big Bang Theory is an Ameri-
and humor, and, although unintentional,
which becomes an ongoing joke through-
can sitcom created by Chuck Lorre
he makes use of these social norms rath-
out the show. Sheldon always makes fun
and Bill Prady. It stars four geek
er often. Doctor Rajesh Koothrappali has
of how he failed to attend a legitimate uni-
scientists who work at a university: Leon-
trouble communicating with girls in gen-
versity and that M.I.T. is a not a good col-
ard Hofstadter (Johnny Galecki), Sheldon
eral. Whenever a girl walks into a room, he
lege. Throughout the entire show, Sheldon
Cooper (Jim Parsons), Howard Wolow-
can never speak loudly. He whispers into
makes fun of everyone and thinks of him-
itz (Simon Helberg) and Raj Koothrappali
Howard’s ear and then Howard recites
self superior; this is just part of his person-
(Kunal Nayyar). It also stars Penny (Ka-
what Raj is trying to say. The only way he
ality. He also tends to make a fool of himself
ley Cuoco), and later in the show, Berna-
can talk to girls for himself is when he is
when trying to act smarter than everyone
dette Rostenkowski (Melissa Rauch) and
drunk. In the season finale of season 7, he
else and believing that he is always right.
Amy Farrah Fowler (Mayim Bialik). The
is able to start talking to girls without be-
show essentially makes fun of “nerdy”
ing drunk but is still quite awkward around
One very funny touch to the show is the
people, and overall it is quite entertain-
them, all the more entertaining to watch.
fact that Sheldon’s mother would be per-
ing to watch. It follows the main char-
fect for Leonard and that Leonard’s mom
acters throughout their struggles in at-
Doctor Leonard Hofstadter has an on and
would be perfect for Sheldon. Sheldon
tempting to make friends and talk to girls.
off relationship with Penny. Penny moves
even talks to Leonard’s mom more than
across the hall from Leonard and Sheldon
Leonard does which annoys him very
Although a show about geeks, The Big
(who are roommates), in the pilot of the
much. Leonard’s mom almost forced Leon-
Bang Theory is not only for geeks. It pro-
show. He starts liking Penny the moment
ard to become a scientist as a child while
vides humor that everyone can relate to.
she moves in; he immediately starts run-
Sheldon’s mom was very supportive of
Doctor Sheldon Cooper, a theoretical
ning errands for her like getting back her
whatever he wanted to do. When Penny
physicist and the King of Nerds, is the
TV from her ex-boyfriend Kurt in an early
and Leonard are dating, Howard recalls a
favorite character of seemingly most of
episode. He eventually finds the courage
bet that he made with him in which, if ei-
the show’s viewers. His character is con-
to ask her out in the season 3 premier and
ther of them got a girlfriend, they would
sidered to be one of the key reasons be-
she accepts. They later break up and be-
have to introduce the other one to one
hind the sustained success of the show.
come simply friends. In season 3 they start
of the girl’s friends. Penny introduces her
Sheldon finds it troubling to keep up with
going out again, and, as of right now in the
friend Bernadette who works as a wait-
normal social conduct. He’s also amus-
show, they are engaged. Howard Wolow-
ress at the cheesecake factory with her.
ingly horrible at understanding sarcasm
itz has an engineering degree from M.I.T.
Howard and Bernadette click right away
and start dating in season 3. As of right now in the show, they are married. When Howard and Raj sign Sheldon up on a dating website as a joke, he meets his current girlfriend Amy. They also start dating in season 3 and are still dating up to this point in the show.
“Although a show about geeks, The Big Bang Theory is not only for geeks. It provides humor that everyone can relate to. �
The Big Bang Theory is very entertaining, and currently has more viewers than in any previous season. As mentioned before, this show is not only for geeks because everyone can understand the sarcastic humor. It is definitely a show worth watching, and season 8 episodes air Monday nights on CBS with re-runs on various networks seemingly all day long..