April 13, 2018 Subject:
TransCanada’s Gravenhurst Pipe Replacement Project – Construction Update
Dear Neighbours: We write to update you on construction of the Gravenhurst Pipe Replacement Project (Project). As you may recall, this Project includes replacing a pipeline crossing of the Severn River by drilling (Direct Pipe Installation or DPI), to avoid disturbance of the bed, banks, and navigation, followed by replacement of 1.8 km of existing pipeline north and south of the river. The drilled crossing of the Severn River and Canal Road is nearing completion. TransCanada anticipates that this component of the Project (drilling plus pipe installation within the drilled path) will be complete in early May. The 1.8 km replacement north and south of the river will follow. The schedule for this work is being determined and once finalized, we will provide a further update to advise of the timeline and expected project completion date. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience. If you have questions or concerns, please contact me at 705-238-0665. Sincerely,
Brian MacDonnell Sr. Land Representative TransCanada