Town of Gravenhurst
Request for Pre-Qualification (RFPQ)
Graphic Design Services
Please submit qualifications electronically to: Amber Lee Purchasing/Financial Analyst Corporation of the Town of Gravenhurst
On or before 4:00pm local time on August 7, 2017
The Town reserves the right to accept or reject any or all submissions and will not be responsible for any costs incurred by the proponents in preparing a response
All inquiries are to be directed in writing by email quoting the “Graphic Design Services� to: Amber Lee Purchasing/Financial Analyst
1. Introduction This Request for Pre-Qualifications (RFPQ) is issued by the Town of Gravenhurst (the Town) to solicit statements of qualifications from interested proponents to provide the Town with graphic design services. Refer to Schedule ‘A� for anticipated scope of work. The Town seeks to create a pool of qualified proponents to provide graphic design services on future projects. Proponents interested in submitting a statement of qualifications are required to follow the instructions contained within this RFPQ. Proponents must demonstrate an ability to produce quality work. The work product required specifically is print and web ready files and templates such as posters, advertisements, signs, brochures and other similar items. Proponents must demonstrate professional proficiency and a commitment to superior service levels. 2. Examination of RFPQ Documents It is the responsibility of the proponent to examine the RFPQ documents. The Proponent may not claim, after the submission of a statement, that there was any misunderstanding with respect to the requirements and conditions imposed by the Town. 3. Addenda A Proponent must immediately notify the Town if they find discrepancies or omissions in the RFPQ, or if they have any doubt as to the meaning or intent of any part of this document. Every request for an interpretation shall be made by email communication to: Amber Lee, Purchasing/Financial Analyst All response to queries regarding the RFPQ will be made in the form of a written addendum which will be added to the RFPQ documents published online at It is the responsibility of interested proponents to check for addendums. The Town will not be responsible for or be bound by any verbal instructions, interpretations, or explanations issued by its officials, employees, agents, successors or assigns. Addenda may be issued up to 48 hours prior to the Closing Date and Time. After this time the RFPQ will be considered complete and no further Addenda will be issued. 4. Submittal Information a) Proponents responding to the RFPQ do so solely at their expense. The Town is not responsible for the bidders expenses associated with responding to this RFPQ.
b) Each statement of qualification must include the information set forth in Section 5 – Qualification Requirements and address the criteria by which the submission will be evaluated and ranked, as set forth in Section 6 – qualification Evaluation 5. Qualification Requirements Statements of qualification shall include, at minimum, the following items: • Company name. Proponents may use this section to introduce the statement of qualification and the key provisions of the submittal. • The name of the person(s) authorized to represent the response in negotiating and signing any agreement which may result from the RFPQ process. • Name and qualifications of the individual who will serve as the contact person for the proponent. • The names and designations of the professional persons who will perform the work. • The following work samples in pdf format: o A brochure o A poster o A multipage document o An Advertisement 6. Qualification Evaluation The criteria for evaluation of the statements of qualification may include, but is not limited to: • Value added information • Cost for services • Qualifications • Experience with work that is similar in scope and complexity • Quality of work samples submitted The lowest or any statement of qualification will not necessarily be accepted, although could be analyzed to determine best overall value. 7. RFPQ Timeline The RFPQ process will follow the timeline as outlined below: RFPQ Posting Submission Deadline Review and Accept Statements Contact Proponents
July 10, 2017 August 7, 2017 August 14, 2017 August 14, 2017
8. Miscellaneous The Town reserves the right to: a) Seek clarifications of each statement of qualification;
b) Reject any or all statements or cancel this RFPQ at any time if doing either would be in the public interest, as determined by the Town in its sole discretion; c) Award different projects to more than one proponent based on the evaluation criteria set forth in this RFPQ; d) Waive minor informalities contained in any statement of qualification, when, in the Town’s sole judgement, it is in the Town’s best interest to do so; and e) Request any additional information the Town deems reasonably necessary to allow the Town to evaluate, rank and select the most qualified proponent to perform the services described in this RFPQ; f) Payments will be made through direct deposit and; g) The Town’s payment terms are 30 days and payments are made on the 15th and 30th of each month. h) The Town requires all of the Contractor’s personnel be covered by the insurance plan under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997. Independent Contracts/Owners/Operators who do not have WSIB coverage, the following shall be provided upon request. a. A letter from the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board confirming independent operator status and identification number. To obtain this, contractors must complete the form “Determining Worker/Independent Operator Status”, issued by the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board. (For more information, please contact your local WSIB office and refer to this clause.)
SCHEDULE ‘A’ – ANTICIPATED SCOPE OF WORK Services Needed The Town seeks one or more graphic design proponents to assist with future projects. The Town would like to create a pool of several proponents that it deems qualified from which it can obtain graphic design services on an as-needed basis. A proponent’s selection into this pool does not necessarily guarantee retention of the proponent for the proposed services. The successful proponents will produce and deliver original print and web ready files and templates for posters, advertisements, signs, brochures and other similar items on an as-needed basis. Proponent Obligations The Proponent completing projects for the Town of Gravenhurst is required to: • Supply a written estimate of project costs • Communicate changes to the estimated project costs prior to completing additional work • Supply and follow an agreed upon project delivery timeline that meets the project deadline • Work collaboratively with Town staff and ask for direction when necessary • Attending meetings in person or electronically when necessary • Supply scheduled proofs and implement changes and feedback received into the final design • Use agreed upon sources phots and illustrations and supply sourcing information to the Town for acquiring any rights managed fonts or images used in the final design • Use Town of Gravenhurst Brand standards as directed • Use existing promotional material or follow the look of an existing campaign or project series as directed • Edit or rewrite supplied content, as necessary, for the project to communicate clearly • Supply original work files, fonts and images at the completion of the project along with a print ready pdf or web image as required • Give full copyright of files created to the Corporation of the Town of Gravenhurst understanding that the Town may modify the original design or use elements of the original design for other projects • Remit invoices upon completion of each project Town of Gravenhurst’s Obligations The Town of Gravenhurst shall: • Provide direction and content required to produce the project • Be available for questions and clarification during the project • Provide Town logos, templates and images as required • Set a project deadline