Gravenhurst Town Notice, February 5, 2015

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Notice of Public Hearing Respecting Housekeeping Amendments to the Town of Gravenhurst Zoning By-Law 10-04, as amended. TAKE NOTICE THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Gravenhurst will hold a Public Hearing on February 24th, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. at the Gravenhurst Municipal Offices, Council Chambers, 3-5 Pineridge Gate, Gravenhurst, Ontario P1P 1Z3. THE PURPOSE of the Public Hearing will be to consider proposed amendments to Zoning By-law 10-04 of the Town of Gravenhurst pursuant to the provisions of Section 34 of The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P.13. ANY PERSON OR AGENCY may attend the Public Hearing and/or make written or verbal representations either in support of or in opposition to the Proposed By-law. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION is available for review at the Town of Gravenhurst Development Services - Planning Department at the Municipal offices during office hours (8:30 a.m. to 4:30 Monday to Friday). For further information, please contact Jeremy Rand, Planner or Katie Kirton, Senior Planner. (705) 687-2230 IF A PERSON OR PUBLIC BODY that files an appeal of a decision of the Town of Gravenhurst in respect of the proposed Zoning By-law does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the Town of Gravenhurst before the proposed zoning by-law is adopted, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal. Purpose and Effect of the Proposed Zoning By-law The Town of Gravenhurst has initiated Housekeeping Amendments to Zoning By-Law 10-04, as amended, to rectify errors and omissions as they relate to conformity with the Town’s Official Plan, as well as allow for corrections, clarifications, and changes to various sections of the Comprehensive Zoning By-Law that have presented difficulties from a practical implementation standpoint.

Business Education Series

Budget Meeting A Special Council meeting regarding the 2015 Budget will be held February 17, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. Public Welcome.

Family Fun Day

Monday, February 16 - 10 am-2pm Free! Come spend quality time with your family during the Family Fun Day at the Gravenhurst Centennial Centre! Snowshoeing, crafts, family fitness, skating, swimming, a movie, food and lots more! Brought to you by the Town of Gravenhurst and the YMCA. Visit our web calendar for full times & details


Looking for last-minute ice? Vacant ice is available at 50% off!!! Must be used within 24 hours of booking. Call the Graeme Murray Arena at 705-687-6774 for available times!

Notice of Application for Noise Exemption

- Setbacks for Shoreline Structures located on Residential lots fronting onto water; - Definition of Height to better reflect alternative roof designs; and - Definition of Gross Floor Area.

An application for exemption to the noise Control By-law 86-43, and amendments thereto, has been received from AECOM construction for the following proposed project and will be considered by Gravenhurst Town Council:

Notice of Intent to Dispose of Surplus Property TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Town of Gravenhurst has, pursuant to the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, C.25 as amended and Town of Gravenhurst Bylaw 95-48, declared the following real property as surplus and is offering it for sale by Agreement of Purchase and Sale to Deborah Lee-Ann Bennett and Richard T. Bennett, in the amount of $12,000.00, plus appraisal cost, legal costs, H.S.T. and any other included cost: (i) Part of Lot H, Concession 20, in the former Township of Wood, now in the Town of Gravenhurst, District Municipality of Muskoka, designated as Part 8 on Plan 35R-10064. This property consists of approximately 0.89 hectares of land area and is vacant. For further information, please contact Scott Lucas, Director of Development Services at 705-687-3412, extension 274. DATED: February 5, 2015 Kayla Thibeault, Clerk Corporation of the Town of Gravenhurst 3-5 Pineridge Gate Gravenhurst, ON P1P 1Z3

The Ministry of Transportation (MTO) will be undertaking the construction for rehabilitation of Muskoka Road 169 Underpass over Highway 11 located at the south entrance to Gravenhurst (Site 42-139), and the rehabilitation or replacement of the Hawk Rock Creek Culvert (Site 42-203/C) located 3.9 km north of the Muskoka Road 169 junction, and two (2) Kahshe River Culverts (Sites 42- 105/C and 42-197/c) located 9.6 km and 11.2 km south of the Muskoka Road 169 junction. The scope of the project will include: • Deck repair, rehabilitation of other structural components, and repaving of the deck and approaches of the Muskoka Road 169 underpass; • Concrete repairs to all components or replacement of the three culverts; and • Construction staging/traffic management during construction to reduce traffic impacts and to ensure safety of the traveling public at all four sites. The work will be conducted according to the following schedule: • The construction season will extend from May through October of 2015; • Work will not be permitted to occur on Sundays and statutory holidays; and • Night-time construction will be required to minimize the overall duration of the work, to minimize impacts to traffic on Highway 11 and adjacent roads during peak periods, and to accommodate shifting between construction stages and paving on the Muskoka Road 169 underpass. Those persons wishing to comment on this application are requested to submit their comments to Michel Cormier, Acting Chief Municipal Law Office; Comments will be accepted until February 8th and considered by Gravenhurst Town Council February 10, 2015.

3-5 Pineridge Gate, Gravenhurst, Ontario P1P 1Z3 Phone: 705.687.3412 Email:

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• February 11 • March 3 • March 24

Downtown Business Education Series

Visit for full details and registration

Sessions include: - Growing Business in a Seasonal Economy - Tourism Packaging for Local Businesses - Building the Customer Experience The Gravenhurst Downtown Revitalization Committee is hosting this unique business education opportunity, where each session is designed specifically for the Gravenhurst Business Community. As part of the revitalization initiative, events in this program are available FREE of charge for all Gravenhurst business owners and managers. Seating is limited, so early registration is recommended!

Muskoka Wharf - Licensed Docks

Graeme Murray Arena

More specifically, these amendments pertain to clarifying the following regulations:

Additional information is available at the Town office.


The Town of Gravenhurst is seeking Expressions of Interest from the public for additional licensed dock slips at the Muskoka Wharf for the upcoming season. The dock slips will be constructed in the same location as the current licensed slips in Ditchburn Bay. The licensed Muskoka Wharf dock slips may be offered based on expressed demand. Three types of licenses will be under consideration: A one-season licensed term at a current rate of $2035.00 plus H.S.T., A five-season licensed term at a current rate of $9335.00 plus H.S.T., Or a ten-season licensed term at a current rate of $16970.00 plus H.S.T. These licenses are based on a 22’ boat slip, interested parties must complete and submit a completed License Agreement and one half of the applicable license fee, plus H.S.T. to the Town of Gravenhurst by the below stated deadline date. The deadline for Expressions of Interest is: Friday, February 20, 2015. Notifications to Interested Parties by: Friday, March 27, 2015 A copy of the License Agreement is available on the Town website or at the Town Office during regular business hours. For further information, please contact: Andrew Stacey, C.E.T. Director of Infrastructure Services 3-5 Pineridge Gate, Gravenhurst, ON P1P 1Z3


DOORS OPEN WITH THE MAYOR Every Second Friday of Each Month 9am-Noon at Town Hall No appointment necessary (Next date, Friday February 13th)

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