Town of
Employment Opportunities
Please note the Gravenhurst Public Library will be closed on Thursday September 4. The Library Board and Staff will be participating in a special strategic plan working session on this day. The Library will reopen for regular hours on Friday September 5. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Director of Infrastructure Services Complete details and job description can be accessed on our website: , and are available at the Municipal Office, 3-5 Pineridge Gate, Gravenhurst. No phone calls please.
GPL library card holders who wish to use Internet or wifi can do so at the Bracebridge Public Library on September 4. Used Book Sale - Saturday September 6, to Saturday September 13, at the Gravenhurst Library.
Closing Date September 12, 2014
Congratulations to Vacation Time Real Estate 2014 Gravenhurst Ladies 3-Pitch Champions! Thank you to all participants for a great season!
Music Entertainment by PRTY H3RO
ARE YOU ON THE VOTERS LIST? Municipal Elections will be held on Monday, October 27th, 2014. Once again, the Town of Gravenhurst will be utilizing Vote By Mail. Eligibility Persons who are eligible to vote in the Gravenhurst Municipal Election are persons, who on Election Day: a) resides in Gravenhurst or is the owner or tenant of land or is the spouse of an owner or tenant of land; b) is a Canadian citizen; c) is at least 18 years old; and d) is not prohibited from voting under Section 17 (3) of the Municipal Elections Act.
Public Works & Operations Foreman (Infrastructure-Public Works)
One (1) Full-Time Position
Complete details and job description can be accessed on our website: , and are available at the Municipal Office, 3-5 Pineridge Gate, Gravenhurst. No phone calls please.
Residence is defined as “the permanent lodging place to which, whenever absent, he or she intends to return”. A person may only have one residence at a time and where a person may be the owner of more than one property in the municipality, that person is only entitled to vote once and in the ward of their primary residence (ie. where a person lives and cottages in the same municipality, the eligible address is the year-round residence and not the cottage property). All eligible electors in Gravenhurst are encouraged to confirm that they are on the List of Electors. If you are not listed on the Voters’ List or the information is incorrect, electors will need to complete a form (EL15 – An Application to Amend the Voters’ List) to add, correct, or delete a name from the list. Revision Period officially commenced September 2nd, 2014.
Closing date: September 5, 2014 Permanent Part-time
Library Clerk
Complete details and job description can be accessed on the Town of Gravenhurst website:, or on the Gravenhurst Public Library website: and are available at the Municipal Office, 3-5 Pineridge Gate, Gravenhurst. No phone calls please Closing Date: September 5, 2014
If you are a Tenant of Property, you are encouraged to check the Voters’ List early to make sure you receive a ballot kit. Ballot kits will be mailed on or around September 29th, 2014. Check to see if your name is on the List of Electors by calling the Municipal Office 687-3412, Extensions 234, 237 or 231. For further election information, please check the Town of Gravenhurst website at Candace Thwaites, AMCT, CMO, CMMIII Director of Legislative Services/Clerk and Returning Officer
AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or organization may appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board under Section 14 of the Act, in respect of the Development Charges By-laws, by filing with the Clerk of the Town of Gravenhurst on or before the September 29th, 2014, a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the By-law and the reasons supporting the objection, and payment in the amount of $125.00 by certified cheque or money order made payable to the Minister of Finance. The charges in the aforementioned by-law will apply to all new residential and non-residential development, subject to certain terms, conditions and limited exemptions as identified therein. Municipal-wide development charges are levied against new development to pay for the increased capital costs related to the provision of such municipal services as roads, fire, parking, indoor and outdoor recreation, library, general government, and storm water servicing. A key map has not been provided as development charges are imposed on all lands located within the geographic boundary of the Town. The development charges imposed under the By-law are in effect as of the 20th day of August, 2014. Copies of the complete Development Charge By-law are available for examination during regular business hours in the offices of the municipality located at the address shown below and on the website at www. For further information, please contact Rebecca Webb, Manager of Revenue & Taxation at 705-687-3412, ext. 254. Dated at the Town of Gravenhurst, this 20th day of August, 2014. Candace Thwaites, Director of Legislative Services/Clerk Town of Gravenhurst 3-5 Pineridge Gate Gravenhurst ON, P1P1Z3
Glen Echo Road - Heavy Traffic
Gravenhurst Town Council Meeting Tuesday, September 16, 2014 - Council and Committee of the Whole - 1:00p.m The meeting will be held in the Council Chambers, Municipal Office at 3-5 Pineridge Gate. Public Always Welcome
3-5 Pineridge Gate Gravenhurst, Ontario, P1P 1Z3 Phone: 705.687.3412 Email:
TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Town of Gravenhurst passed Development Charge By-law No. 2014-75 on the 19th day of August, 2014, under Section 2 of the Development Charges Act, 1997.
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Reminder that no person shall operate a heavy vehicle to that portion of Glen Echo Road within (5) metres of the normal high water of Lake Muskoka except between the hours of 8:00a.m and 5:00p.m. on Monday to Friday inclusive, between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 2:00p.m. on Saturdays, and only by resolution of Council on Sundays.