TOWN NOTICES 705 687 3412
Agendas are available at All meetings can be viewed electronically at
Special Council Meeting: Budget 2022
December 7
9:00 AM
Special Council Meeting: Budget 2022
December 8
9:00 AM
Gravenhurst Library Board
December 9
6:00 PM
Winter Carnival Committee
December 13
6:00 PM
Please email
Last Call for Submissions!
Preparing for the Season The selection of the perfect Christmas tree is one of the single most important Christmas wish on the minds of children and adults alike. While artificial trees are still popular for a number of reasons, there is nothing that matches the look and smell of the real tree.
If selecting a live tree, keep the following tips in mind: 1. Either cut or choose a freshly cut tree from the tree grower or seller. 2. Where possible, thump the tree a couple of times on a hard surface to see if the needles fall off easily. Needles should be green and soft to the touch.
Winter Overnight Parking Residents are reminded that parking on town / public roads is restricted from November to April 30th. No person shall park a motor vehicle or permit a motor vehicle to remain parked on any highway between the hours of 12:00 am to 7:00 am.”.
Failure to adhere to the requirements of this by-law may result in vehicles being towed to an impound lot. The owner will be fully responsible to pay all required fees to obtain vehicle from subject impound lot.
3. Cut off 2” – 3” of the stump on an angle before placing it into the tree stand. Cutting it diagonally provides more surface area for water to be absorbed. Check and water daily as necessary. 4. If installing light strings, checked for frayed and damaged wires as well as the plug connections. Make sure all bulbs are tightly screwed into the sockets. Replace the light string if any damage is found. If installing new lights, be sure they are CSA Labeled.
Visit for current opportunities 6. Avoid using extension cords where possible. 5. Be sure to use indoor lights for indoors and outdoor lights for the outdoors.
7. Do not place trees adjacent to, or near heat sources. And above all ……Test all smoke and carbon monoxide alarms to ensure they are working. For more safety tips visit or call 705-687-3414 ext. 22
Family Escape Plans Also Include Your Family Pets!