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Jason Hus
about crazyJASON ç¶ä¸åæ覺湧ä¸äºå¿é 觸ç¼åå¯è½æ¯ä¸é¦æ. ä¸å¥è©±. ä¸å念é ææ¯å½±å ç¶å¾éæ¾åºææè½é éé åè£¡é¢ æéæ¯æ··é éçµç å¦åå å¯çæè éå°±æ¯å森調調 ! Various different things can serve as my inspiration, be it a song, a quote from someone, an idea or an image. The inspirations possess their own lives and power, with a world of their own, where the concept of time constantly takes on new definitions. That's me. That's how I do.