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Jason Le 699195 ENVS10003 Tutorial T15

CONTENTS Compression 1.0


Columns, grids and wall systems


Compression 1.1


In Situ site visits of other students


Compression 1.2


In Situ site visits of other students


Introduction to Construction


Spanning and enclosing spaces


Frame 1.0


Spanning and enclosing spaces


Frame 1.1


Detailing strategies 1


Frame 1.2


Detailing strategies 1


Structural loads and forces


In detail A1


On site one 1.0


In detail A1


On site one 1.1


Strategies for openings


On site one 1.2


Strategies for openings


On site one 1.3


Site visit at 567 Collins street


Footings and foundations


Site visit at 567 Collins street


Footings and foundations


Detailing strategies 2


Scale, annotation, and working drawing conventions Scale, annotation, and working drawing conventions Scale, annotation, and working drawing conventions Floor systems and horizontal elements


Detailing strategies 2



3D representation of ‘In detail’



When things go wrong



When things go wrong


Floor systems and horizontal elements


When things go wrong


Structural concepts


Construction workshop


Structural concepts




Columns, grids and wall systems




Columns, grids and wall systems





The foundation

Experimenting construction with MDF using block laying to form a tower. Requirements include doorway for a small dinosaur and reach a towering height (attempt to reach the roof. Learning and understanding the techniques required to keep the structure in a sturdy hold using load and compresssion.

Initial start of construction surrounded with 3 layers of staggering technique. This is the foundation that makes the tower hold. 3 layers continue to develope. However it requires many blocks it will support a heavy towering load. Door way constructed uses rubber band lintels. Technique had to change due to load slanting in one direction. It is also to reduce the amount of blocks used and at the same time make it higher. The blocks were turned sideways. The effect of blocks on a sideway position made the structure unstable, techique had to change by flipping the block sideways once again so that it supports the load. It balances the force evenly and leans the building close to 90 degrees.

Stagger bond Staggered bonds are more commonly used and are more secure. It distributes more of the load down the blocks as it travels. Stack bond This technique requires layering material on top of each other, however the spread is not even hence less stability.

Entry lintel Staggering structure provides strong support for balance with litels Materials used: - MDF - Medium density fibreboard - Rubber band 2

COMPRESSION 1.1 Block construction

Entry of structure made with support of lintels for dinosaur to go through. Difficult to balance hence it required many blocks to keep up the support. Block structure connection from the base is close together to encompass the load that will be forcing down on the structure as the tower rises. Staggered effect from the base with spaces in between so that reduction of blocks can increase the height of tower however made the structure flimsy and unstable. Flipped the blocks but maintained staggering technique. The flat end of blocks served as an anti load to make the leaning move inside the tower and became acceptable for load. magnitude direction


Forces are defined by direction, sense, and magnitude (size). The sense is the reaction that opposes the direction and magnitude (gravity) which creates the reaction for the load.

Dead loads (roof, beams) give support for all surface it runs down all the way to the bottom.

Live loads are moveable and are temporary loads for a structure. Sometimes too much live loads in one position can alter the form of the structure below. 3

COMPRESSION 1.2 Completion and deconstruction

This part of the construction is to deconstruct the building, to learn which areas have unneccesary blocks. Also to consider the weight and load on blocks and how when removed, the building may still be standing up right. The compression made the blocks stay in tact regardless of fallen pieces. Removal of blocks at the base proves that the amount of blocks used can be unnecessary which leads to more areas being taken off.

Blocks were so compressed due to the load. This made it stable even with the removed blocks. The load spreas across the blocks with the stagger bond allowing full distribution of load.

Deconstruction Pulling pieces out and seeing that the structure is still stable. As a result, the foundation of the building was willing to stand without the unnessary amount of blocks. However the outer layer can be seen as scaffolding around the building.

The final construction of the building stands 1 metre tall.




Dead loads act vertically downwarrd on the structure. It also acts as supporting weight for buildings. Loads travel through a beam or surface, eventually reaching the bottom

Qualities of materials are important for structures. Things to consider are strength, stiffness, shape, behaviour, economy and sustainability.

Irregular structures not taller than 5 stories will be at low seismic risk, hence load will travel a shorter distance.

Melbourne Blue Stone Melbourne city was built over a lava plain. As a result, Melbourne has a distinct feature of materials in comparison to Sydney’s sand stone. Melbourne’s blue stone is used commonly on buildings and found on pavements of the city. Damage and tear is seen on them which also shows a sign of historical features. Blue stone is able to withstand years of footsteps and tyre load. However it goes out of shape due to overload of force.


It is evident through quality that steel for example is stronger than timber, also tougher and stronger. Shape is also important, from mono-dimensional (linear), planar or volumetric Isotropic - has the same behaviour regardless of direction or shape.


Using balsa wood to construct a tower using frames and structural joints to learn and understand the behaviour of how load and weight is delivered in order maintain stability in the tower. Initial Sketch The initial sketch of how the building will look like. It uses triangles instead of the convential square to reduce amout of balsa wood use. Level 7

Level 6

Level 5

Level 4

Level 3 Level 2 Level 1


Base as foundation using 3 sticks. Framework level one complete, with the addition of framing (bracing) to support the compression on the length of sticks facing up. Framework level two complete. Continuing of bracing however flipped so that the load is directed to the bottom. This level has a slope to reduce the volume space going up. 40cm

Red and blue indicates framework that supports the structure. 60cm

Base of structure is largest and becomes smaller from the top.


Materials used: - Balsawood - Super glue



Structural joint connects together at two levels which allows the load to travel down the bracing. If the framing were to stay the same direction, the load travel all along the edges of the building and would not be strong enough to hold the tower.


Where the two bracings touch under the beams that run across, the weight of gravity the pushes the beam down is being transfered to towards the two bracings.


As the slope of the triangle base moves to 40cm, the framework became a lot easier. Tower currently stands at 180cm tall. The triangle base being smaller allows the tower to rise with stability as oppose to same size triangular shape going up.

7 60cm

FRAME 1.2 Concluding the structure of the tower with frames and bracing for support, we were able to reach a height of 300cm. The braces provided load bearing to send the weight down to the base where the foundation is biggest. The building is tall to the point where it reaches the roof of the studio room. Due to the bracing technique, the weight that surrounds the top of the tower is able to travel down to the bottom. The big base provides stability for the tower to also stand tall. Using a light book to place on each base to determine the support the frames can encompass. Although the tower is tall, it was unable to support much weight due to non sufficient amount of bracing across the floor of each level.





Structural Joints

Solid - historical uses of stones, brick, mud are primarily used in compression

Roller joint - loads transfer vertically

Shell - Example of Opera House Skeletal system - efficient way of transfering load

Pin joint - allows movement at certain directions. Example of a pin joint is a crane

Membrane - sport stadiums have this to cover large areas Hybrid - consists of 2 or more systems into 1

Fixed joint - bending can occur if a load is occuring at a joint

Load bearings - support to transmit applied gravity Framework for Analysing form

Envelope structure (shell) - performance - Aesthetic qualities - Environmental impact - Affordability - Initial cost - Life cycle cost

Column/Wall - A standard body - Same proportion - Relation from column to wall is similar due to their purpose of support - They have a formal contrast

Using precedents is the most important practice

Architecture as Art


This stage provides essential service to a building, including heaters and cooling, electricity, water supply and ventalation ESD and Selecting Materials Buildings can be though of as a third skin. Most building constructions consider and construct buildings as a filter for the environment. Embodied energy is total energy used in stages of material life (life cycle). Common ESD strategy

02.02 Construction (Enclosure) Systems

Carbon footprints This is the measurement of green house gas based on quantity of production and mass.

Mechanical (service) Systems

- Have to consider scale and proportion - Functionality and purpose - Qualities, space, light A building consists of systems from physical embodiment, systems and sub systems

- Local material - Efficiency - Thermal mass - Night air purge - Solar Energy - Wind Energy - Cross ventilation - Smart sun design - Insulation - Water harvest Design has a cycle which follows as source, mining > distribution > consumer > installation. Depending on the material quality, it could be recycled or disposed.


Walking around campus to learn the concept of building scale and understand the structural system


ON-SITE ONE 1.1 Lot 6 Cafe

The cafe in University of Melbourne Lot 6 is a concrete construction. Special feature of the steel beam is the black oxide giving it the grey colour. The cafe has a basement, therefore has a retaining wall. Brick columns take the load off the beams from the actual building and serve as a feature. Construction is made concrete all round with reinforced concrete for the basement as retaining walls.

South Lawn Underground Carpark (also featured in Mad Max) The carpark under the South lawn was constructed in 1970 is a unique style of concrete columns that are alligned in a grid. The concrete is used to also support tree roots that are grown from above and water drainage to run through. Because of the insufficient board used, scrappings and breaking of the concrete occurs where salt and water is on the rim of the concrete which is like concrete cancer. The concrete is casted in situ with moulds due to its size and fragility it may be difficult to precast. The roof of ceiling of the carpark has gaps in between each gridded column to allow the concrete to expand and contract from hot weather.

Underground parking under South lawn

Arts West Student Centre The design of the truss is like a typical roof with special features for aesthetics. The steel truss is formed by an efficient beam using minal steel in the form of triangles. Structure is lighter and still has the same purpose as a full steel beam. It has been galvanized so that it won’t fade as an exterior structure. 11

ON-SITE ONE 1.2 Stairs on West end of Union House

The stair is constructed of only steel. The steel used are I-beam/U-beam/ unversal, depending on the required shape. It is efficient use of steel which considers the shape of an I-beam. The cantilever and wire serves no purpose to supporting the stairs. It is purely for aesthetics.

Steel portal is welded on site and is connected to brick surface North Court Union House

An odd shaped roof that has a hole in the centre to run rain water into the drain. It is a membrane structure made of plastic with 4 steel columns (poles) on the ends being in tension. At the same time, wire on the drain also holds the roof down in reaction to tension.

The membrane wires are held in tension, while rain water flows into the drain.

Beaurepaire Centre Pool

The pool room is constructed with several materials from steel columns, steel portal frame which is a weld connected steel around the pool walls and ceiling. Steel maintenance occurs frequintly due to the presence of chlorine water. Bracing is also used on the sides of the wall as bricks to stock the structure from collapsing due to the other two walls being made of frames and glass. The frame is made of aluminium. They are light and shapeable. Common window frame materials - Aluminium - Timber - Steel - Plastic


ON-SITE ONE 1.3 New Melbourne School of Design New Architecture building is currently under construction. Most concrete blocks are prefabricated and transported to site. They generally have a smooth surface since the prefabrication work is more focused at the factory to remove any air bubbles from the solidifying concrete. The concrete slabs have different colour, showing that it is difficult to maintain the same colour mixture. However the concrete has bolts and indents on them, suggesting that they will eventually be covered. Two types of steel is used on the site. One being the normal steel that will be covered and are generally used as beams and columns for support and load transfers. The second is galvantized steel. This is used as an Architectural feature for the building and used in such places as cantilevers. Most of the steel on site use bolt joints and welding.

Concrete has bolt sections so that the concrete can be covered. The surface of the concrete will be painted over to hide the fixings. Cantilevers around other side of building, constructed to hold the galvanized steel aesthetic in place. 13

FOOTINGS AND FOUNDATIONS WEEK 3 Structural Elements - Based on loads to be carried This includes columns, walls, slabs/plates. Example of elements include: strut (column) which is a compression element

Tie (column) which is a tension element

Beam which is a horizontal element carrying vertical loads using bending resistance. compress tension Panels are the vertical element designed to carry vertical or horizontal loads

Slab, plates carry vertical loads in bending usually supported by beams.

03.02 Footings and Foundation - The field of static designs, how buildings don’t move - These are the sub structure of buildings acting as supporting walls for earth pressure exerted by soil mass - Loads from super structure has to be supported by sub structures Settlements: Building compresses the earth beneath them and tend to sink to the earth. Some buildings collapse due to differential settlement Shallow foundation: used for soil conditions that are stable where soil bearing is close to surface Deep foundation: used for unstable soil, load is transfered from the foundation through the unstable soil to where natural soil is located. Also found on tall buildings. Types of shallow footing Pad footing: spreads a point of load compress tension Strip footing: spreads a row of columns or walls compress


Raft foundation: increases stability by joining individual strips as a mat

Retaining walls/foundation walls: used for basements or change in site level to stop soil/ ground from falling in Mass Basically construction that uses mostly compression - Earth: mud brick walls, form work - Stone: pyramids, great wall of China - Clay: bricks, China - Concrete: Reinforced form Main properties: strong in compression but weak in tension. Modular - Clay bricks - Mud bricks - Concrete blocks Non modular - Concrete - Rammed earth - Monolithic stone Intro to Masonry Is a combination of stone + clay + concrete. It is a unit of various natural and manufactured products. It bonds in patterns and is course (horizontal row). It can also be mortar which is a mixture of concrete. 14


Clay Bricks consideration


- It is the point at which an object is balanced - Point of concentrated weight

Advantage - Can be joined with water based mortar - If ventilated, it won’t deteriate

Igneous stone - granite, basalt, bluestone. These are formed from molten lava/magna cooling.


Disadvantage - Absorbs moisture and expands over time

Sedimentary - Linestone, sandstone. These are formed from molten acculated particles subjected to moderate pressure.

Concrete Block

Metamorphic - Marble, stone. Formed when structure of Igneous or sedimentary stone changes when subject to pressure, high temperature or chemical process.

The state of balance or rest due to equality on both sides. It is an applied force that must be resisted by equal and opposite force. Equilibrium = object or system at rest. 1. Object that is not moving up and down, the sum of vertical force is 0. 2. Object not moving side to side, the sum of horizontal force is 0. 3. Object not rotating, the sum of the moment must be 0. Moment of Force It allows object to move when applying force at a distance without touching the point. Brick Formed by shapping clay and water then undergo a firing process to harden. Mortar joint between bricks. is usually 10mm. Bed Stretcher



- Size is large, usually 2 handed work and x2 the size of bricks - Hollowness of concrete allows ventilatio and addition of reinforcment rods - Manufactured from cement, sand, gravel and water Brick

Uses: Rubble, ashlar, monolithic

Concrete Block medium high medium


extreme very high dependant on labour and scarcity

Hardness Fragility

medium high medium

Ductility Porosity

low medium low



Conductivity Durability Reusability Cost


high dependant on surface area very low low medium large range depending on stone medium, denser dependant on than water stone type low low

high very high cost effective however labour cost

very high medium cost effective however labour cost

SCALE, ANNOTATION AND WORKING DRAWING CONVENTIONS 1.0 In construction of buildings, most drawings are done at 1:100 to ensure eye level and confortability with looking at the documentations frequently. at scale 1:100, the details are clear enough to identify the materials and specific details. If it were to be any smaller, some details will be minimised and unrecognizable. When the scale is too big, too many sheets of people would be used and crucial information will be forced to a new seperate page of the document. Annotations around the documents provide information and details for the construction workers to follow. These can be details of material and some can be instructions for changes in different stages of the construction. They provide page numbers for further information on the specific detail required for smaller structures. The scale of the real building and the drawings are quite significant. However closely analysing the drawings, we are able to see what is being constructed. The architectural and structural drawings in the documentations differ based on the type of information they provide us. The Architectural drawings provide exterior measurements and materials of a larger scale structure. The structural drawings provide specific fixings and gappings for each beam, studs, columns to the exact distance. They are both crucial to provide the most accurate construction and result.



SCALE, ANNOTATION AND WORKING DRAWING CONVENTIONS 1.1 CASE STUDY QUESTIONNAIRE 1. TITLE BLOCK List the types of information found in the title block on the floor plan page. Project name, client, consultants, scale of drawing, drawing title. Why might this information be important? Provides a brief information on the work on page and details of client and groupfor reference and callings. 2. DRAWING CONTENT - PLANS What type of information is show in this floor plan? Measurements of rooms, and room names Provide an example of the dimensions as they appear on this floor plan? What units are used for the dimensions? The service yard measured in mm.

Is there a grid? what system is used for identifying the grid lines? There is a grid in the plans represented as dash lines.

What is the purpose of the legend? To provide details of what is being shown on plan, materials and symbols. Why are some parts of the drawing annotated? Illustrated how the annotations are associated with the relevant part of the drawing. The annotations provide a reference to other pages, primarily small details that are related and need to show more information. 17

Illustrate how references to other drawings are shown on the plan. What do these symbols mean? The numbers indicates the drawing number, the code identifies the page.

How are windows and doors identified? Provide an example of each. Is there a rationale to their numbering? What do these numbers mean? Can you find the answer somewhere in the drawings? Doors and windows have their own numbers to identify which ones they are looking at. They also have room numbers of where it belongs.

Illustrate how floor levels are noted on the plan. FFL 47.100m is the floor height from datum (equivalent to sea level) where the datum = 0m Are some areas of the drawing clouded? why? They are clouded, to provide further instructions after the completion of the plan. It is considered the revision of the drawing for left out details.

3. DRAWING CONTENT - ELEVATION What type of information is shown in this elevation? How does it differ from the information shown on the plan? It shows the outside of the building on the side view, where as plans show the birds eye view of rooms.

SCALE, ANNOTATION AND WORKING DRAWING CONVENTIONS 1.2 Are dimensions shown? if so, how do they differ from the dimensions on the plan? Provide an example of the dimensions as they relate to the elevation. The dimensions on plan and elevation are the same regardless of the scale. What types of levels are shown on the elevations? Illustate how levels are shown in relation to the elevation. FFL 4.500 RL 4.500 FCL 4.500 Is there a grid? if so, how/where is it shown? Only the numbered grids are shown, similar to plan. Alphabet grid os not shown because it is found on the other elevation. What types of information on the elevations are expressed using words? Illustrate how this is done. Instructions are are written in clouds signifying change in the construction. Illustrate how the doors and windows are identified on the elevations.

Find where this elevation is located on the plans. Located on the South elevation

4. DRAWING CONTENT - SECTIONS What type of information is shown in this section? How does it differ from the information shown on the plan and elevation? Sections are show with specific details of wall heights and structural materials. Where as in plan, it only shows room size.and elevations show exterior of buildings. Illustrate how the section drawing differnetiate between building elements that are cut through and those that are shown in elevation (beyond). Solid lines indicate the cut through walls.

Provide examples of how different materials are shown in sections.

Find where this section is located on the plans.

5. DRAWING CONTENTS - DETAILS What sorts of things are detailed? Details of structural systems and insulation and materials require specific details of measurement to ensure they all fit and work together. Are the details compressed using break lines? why? They are compressed so that the lines aren’t too messy. Provide examples of how different materials are shown on drawings at this scale. Find the locations of these details on the plans, elevations and sections. 18

FLOOR SYSTEMS AND HORIZONTAL ELEMENTS WEEK 4 Floor Systems - Scaffolding supports formwork for higher levels of the building - Slab platform also acts as a beam Concrete System slabs - various types are used to span between structural support, these can be one way or two way. Steel System Steel framing takes several forms. Efficient use of steel, water pipes can be carried through the web joist. - It can be combined with concrete system. Concrete laid on top of steel decking. It is also dependant on cost and fire rate. Timber System - Joists support flooring and joist supported by bearers. - Joists are usually closely spanned. Concrete - Dots and construction joints can be seen on concrete - When cement is mixed with water, it binds the sand and gravel aggregate together to make the hard solid material. common concrete - 1 part cement, 2 part fine aggrigate 19

4 part course aggregate. Provenance Mixture of cement powder and water causes a chemical reaction and heat is released. The process is called hydration. Crystals are formed and interlocked and bind the sand, crushed rock and cement/water paste together. - too much water = weak concrete - too little water = unworkable, too stiff Process It is plastic (fluid) before it sets (shapeless). The formwork is used for temporary support or moulds used to hold liquid concrete before it hardens. It can be made on site or precast out of different materials: timber, metal or plastic. - Curing process - formwork needs support as weight of wet cement is heavy. It can be achieved by bracing and props - Forwork is often removed, stored and reused or it may stay in place forever as a sacrificial formwork. Finishes Occurs through different formwork that allows the wet cement to take shape.

Reinforcement Concrete - artificial stone Concrete is very strong in compression however weak in tension. To improve structure, steel is used to reinforce in forms of mesh or bars. The resulting material = reinforced concrete. Considerations Concrete is not permeable (not completely waterproof). If steel reinforcement is too close to surface, it will not be protected from moisture and oxidation. It can cause aesthetic and structural degradation of concrete. Poor vibration of concrete during pouring process. Without vibration, air bubbles will get caught in the pouring process. In Situ (on site) Formwork for concrete is poured and cured on site. It still requires vibration to remove air bubbles. It also has a limited time before concrete hardens and requires proper positioning (labour intensive). In situ formwork is used for footings and retaining walls. Used for structural purposes. Some concrete is applied by pressure hose (shotcrete). It is useful for landscape and swimming pools.


Pre-cast joints

Construction joint - Used to devide the construction into smaller and more manageable sections Control joint - Absorbs the expansions and contractions that thermal variations causes and the long term tendency of concrete to shrink over time. It is proportianate to temperature differentials, the material coefficient and dimensions of the piece.

Construction joint - panel/elemental nature of pre-cast means that the joints naturally occur when one pre-cast elements meets another. Structured joint - Type and performance of structural connection is critical for the overal quality of a building.

Both joints are potentially weak joints and must ensure appropriate detailing, especially in terms of water and moisture control.


Pre-cast concrete - Fabricated in a controlled environment then transported for installation - Process ensures a much more standardised outcome avoiding quality control issues associated with situ concrete. - Pre-cast work is quicker to work with on site. - It can be associated with a struture of buildings, bridge of civil work, forming part of primary structure or self supporting panel type elements. It is rarely used in footings, and commonly found in retaining walls, walls and columns.

Joints also greatly depend on desired aesthetic outcome

Can create high quality finish due to controlled environment. Lots of care is required to transport the concrete without damage. Consideration Limited in size due to transport, on site changes are difficult to incorporate. 04.05 Span and Spacing Span is when a slab of concrete is spreading load, the larger the slab, the more close span required. Spacing distributes load so that weight of slab can be transfered suitably. Beams and Cantilevers Beams are supporting horizontal bars used to support slabs or loads needing to travel down. Cantilevers are beams that extend from structure,

poking out in midair. The Pantheon - Atypical building in Roman Architecture - Generally rectangle - Dedicated to all Gods - Porticol provides leap to traditions controlled approach. It is lower than intended to be. - Drum and giant cylinder, hemispherical dome is largely obscured by the portico. Brick face conrete with 6.15 metres thick, to counteract lateral force that load pushes out on concrete. Dome of Pantheon - Based on Arches (used in Greek period) - Using only compression to allow forces to travel down - Made of concrete, with several aggregate type (with limestone) - Material changes as we move up the dome to defer dead weight traveling down Volcanic pumice - light stone Panthian had great signficance. It is where reign of Hadrian, who symbolically represents the Roman Empire. Hadrian sits in centre of Gods. It is also a testiment to Roman Empire.


STRUCTURAL CONCEPTS 1.0 Oval Pavillion structure is being constructed on campus at University of Melbourne. Through the structural book of the ‘Oval Pavilion Construction Drawing’, we are able to recreate a model based on the codes and diagrams in the documentation. Collection of materials to form the construction of the basement and kitchen portion on pages A21-01 and A2102 of the documentation from grid 4-6 and A-B. A blow up image of the drawing is raised to scale 1:20 in order to construct an accurate scale model. Materials used were 1mm pasteboard, foamcore board for the base, and 2mm balsa wood.

Pasteboards represented the compression structural part of the building where retainwalls are used to stop soil from collapsing over the wall. The Concrete blocks are layed down as stagger bonds, with a metal secure rod on the inside. The load of structure is able to be transfered evenly down the wall. The pieces are put together with super glue.

The Kitchen floor is placed over the retaining walls made of concrete slabs. Structural parts of the building is added where evidently, the columns are made of steel to provide a sturdy load bearing for the beams running along the side. On one end, noggings and studs are used to further enhance the load bearing for the beam. The structural details can be found on page A46-03.

Door way frame left by steel columns and beam. 21

Noggings and studs hold the steel beam up. Refer to construction documentation for page references.

STRUCTURAL CONCEPTS 1.1 Roof construction is completed with overhangs from the end beam to support the beams running from the centre. Each of these beams acts as support for the roof. The side with the kitchen door also uses timber studs and noggings for the support of the beam. Roof details can be found on S02.01 Beams put across should be placed on the shorter surface to the columns to avoid stress on the beam for loads above. Using the pasteboard on the short end represents a strong beam that runs across. It can be applied to real life situations that it is more sturdy on the long side facing down the building.

An ineffective use of beams is using the pasteboard as flat beams. It bends more in the centre and load will definetely be heavier in the centre and create a curve.

Beams have an efficient span to allow floor load joist to be placed above. They are also placed along the shorter surface of the beam going across the side.

Refer to construction documentation for page references. 22

COLUMNS, GRIDS AND WALL SYSTEMS WEEK 5 Main structural system of Architecture building is beams carrying loads to columns. 05.14 WALL SYSTEMS Strutural frames - concrete - steel - timber Load bearing - concrete - masonry Stud wall - light gauge steel - timber 02.17 STRUCTURAL FRAME Concrete frames - typically use a grid of columns with concrete beams connecting the column together Steel frames - typically use a grid of steel columns connected to steel girders and beams Timber fram (post and beam) - typically uses a grid of timber POSTS or POLES connected to timber beams. BRACING of members between bays or at the corners of post / beam junction is required to stabilise the structure. Load bearing walls Concrete - load bearing walls ca be achieved using either in situ or precast elements. Reinforced masonry - load bearing walls can be constructed from CORE FILLED 23

cavity masonry.

of the construction.

BOND BEAMS over openings can be created using special concrete blocks, filled with concrete to bond the individual units together. Temporary propping can be removed, leaving only the appearance of the concrete block wall. Bond beams are used as an alternative to steel or concrete LINTELS.

The smaller sections mean that the structural members are repeated at smaller intervals and require restraining along their lengths with rows of NOGGINGS to prevent the long thin members from BUCKLING.

Solid masonry - load bearing walls can be created with single or multiple skins of concrete masonry units or clay bricks. The skin of masonry are joined together using a brick (with HEADER showing in face of wall) or with metal WALL TIES placed within the mortar bed. Cavity masonry - walls are typically formed from thwo skins of masonry. Advantage - of this construction solution include: better thermal performance and opportunities for insulation within the cavity, better waterproofing (ability to drain water from the cavity) and the opportunity to run services within the wall cavity. The presence of a DAMP PROOF COURSE and WEEP HOLES in a wall are indicators that the wall is a cavity wall rather than a solid wall. Metal and Timber stud frame - walls use smaller sections of FRAMING TIMBER or LIGHT GAUGE FRAMING STEEL to meet the structural demand

Stud framing generally consists of TOP PLATES, BOTTOM PLATES, VERTICAL STUDS, NOGGINGS, CROSS BRACING and PLY BRACING. Wood to Timber - provenance Heartwood is not as useful Early wood - rapid growth at beginning of growing season. Thin, large cells - lighter colour Late wood - slower growth, often limited by lack of water. thick small cells - darker colour. Gives the growth ring Growth - generally one ring per year / some climates may have more than one growth season per year / fire or disease may produce an extra ring. Grain direction - determines the structural performance of wood. Strong parallel to grain and stiff parallel to grain. Timber is weak perpendicular to grain

COLUMNS, GRIDS AND WALL SYSTEMS WEEK 5 Why is timber seasoned? - to adjust moisture content so the timber is appropriate for the intended use - to provide increase dimensional stability

Radial sawn - face is always radial cut

What moisture is removed from the wood? - free moisture (voids in cells) - bound moisture (cell walls)

strength grade - f-grade and MGP gradings are commonly used to identify strength

How is moisture removed? -Timber generally seasoned in one of three ways: - Air seasoning - cheap but slow. 6 months to 2 years per 50mm thickness - Kiln seasoning - typically 20 40 hours to dry to 12% - Solar kiln seasoning - Less expensive to run Seasoned timber = 15% moisture content Softwood - radoata [ome - cypress pine - hoop pine - douglas fir Hardwoods - victorian ash - brown box - spotted gum Quarter sawn - growth rings parallel to short edge Back sawn - Rings parallel to long edge of pieces

Timber considerations Size - depth x breadth

moisture content - seasoned < 15% Species of wood - different timber types provide variations in performance and appearance Treatment - insect repellent treatments will be required Availability - not all timber types or sizes area available in all location Knots - weak points/ cause slope of grain Durability Protect timber from sunlight and heat - direct sunlight can cause excessive drying. shrinkage. It also breaks down wood/ cellulose light colour paints are best Engineered timber LVL - laminated veneer lunber - made from laminating then sheets of timber. Most laminates with grain aligned to longitudinal direction. Very deep and long sections possible. High strngeth uses: mainly structural (beams, posts, portal frames)

GLULAM - Glue laminated timber - made from gluing pieces of dressed sawn timber together to form a deep member. Most laminates with grain aligned to longitudinal direction. Uses: mainly structural (beams, posts, portal frames) CLT - Cross laminated timber - made by gluing and pressing thin laminates together to form a sheet. Laminate grain laid in alternate directions (90 degrees). Provides strength in two directions Uses: Structural panels (horizontal and vertical) PLYWOOD - made by gluing and pressing thin laminates together to form a sheet Uses: structural bracing / structural flooring / formworks / joinery / marine application MDF - medium density fibreboard - made by breaking down hardwood or softwood waste into wood fibres, combining it with wax and resin binder by applying high temperature and pressure. Uses: Non-structural applications (joinery) CHIPBOARD and STRANDBOARD - made by layering hardwood or softwood residuals (chips, strands) in specific orientations with wax and a resin binder by applying high temperature and pressure. Uses: As part of structural systems (e.g. flooring) / cladding finish 24


ENGINEERED TIMBER - the rationale to the following set of products lies in their ability to use materials very efficiently I BEAMS - timber, LVL flages, plywood / OSB webs lightweight, suitable for medium spans Uses: floor joists / rafters BOX BEAMS - timber/LVL flanges, two plywood / OSB webs suitable for larger spans, torisonally stiff, can use decorative plywood Uses: floor joists / rafters TIMBER FLANGED STEEL WEB JOISTS - lightweight, open webs give access for services webs by light tubes, solid rounds corrugated sheets Uses: foor joists / rafters


Frank Gehry House ‘cheapskate house’ Firmly located in the place he lived (Los Angeles). a messy non city like place. “I get my inspiration from the streets. I am more of a street fighter than a Roman Scholar” F. O. Gehry He tried to work hands on with every materials he found in Los Angeles. Materials for his house - Metal sheets, cardboards (throw aways, tacky). They are found objects. Wrapping - Materials that are used to wrap other objects. He wrapped his house with everyday materials. Collisions and fragments - Adding together materials and forms rather than subtraction and symmetry. Under construction - Elements of light reflected his idea of building under construction. His design approach was basically ‘under construction’ holding the possibility of change.

IN SITU SITE VISITS OF OTHER STUDENTS 172 DORKING ROAD BOX HILL METRICON HOMES Group: Vanda, Linden, Phoebe, Geoffery DESCRIPTION AND ANALYSIS OF CONSTRUCTION STAGE Stage one, framework of level one is constructed with timber wood frames, using prefabricated timber. This is time efficient building. Stage two, second floor framework is under construction with scaffolding. Braces were removed off the first floor since it wasn’t needed anymore. The roof trusses were starting to get installed. STRUCTURAL SYSTEM AND MATERIALS Systems employed began with Foundation by building on a flat site, with retaining walls. Slabs also depend on soil. Concrete is poured over styrofoam mould. Where soil is unstable, they use screws piles, drill holes into the ground to make footings sturdier. Bracing is used on site including ply bracing, thin board applied to structure to stop lateral loads and house from swaying. Speed bracing is the steel cross frame, which is under tension, and hoop bracing which is adjustable. Spanning of beams is crucial for the transfer of loads and spread of room size. Beams are made of engineered timber. Plumbing is also in progress to receive and transfer water into and out of the house. The walls are made to disguise the plumbing pipes. NEW TERMINOLOGY Styrofoam mould - Shaping of plastic foam into a mould Hoop bracing - An adjustable bracing F17 - refers to strength of beam regards to Australian standard

Concrete slabs are used prior to construction of frameworks. Gaps allow pipes to run through.

The adjustable steel frame can change the way it tightens the structure and stiffens it. 26

IN SITU SITE VISITS OF OTHER STUDENTS 13 MCPHERSON STREET, FOOTSCRAY SWEENEY ESTATE AGENTS Group: Meghan, Sebastian, Juhyun, Jiacheng, Jin DESCRIPTION AND ANALYSIS OF CONSTRUCTION STAGE There are stages of construction that most buildings go through. 1. slab 2. framing 3. fixing 4. lock up 5. occupancy Currently in the two weeks of site visits, it is in the framing stage STRUCTURAL SYSTEM AND MATERIALS Wall systems and floor systems are employed with materials such as concrete, hardfood (floor system), timber (studs and wall systems), softwood, LVL. Flooring systems use the open web joist which allows service system wirings to go through. Stud frame systems also show spread out as 400mm apart from each stud with noggings that improve stability. Steel cross bracing to stop any lateral loads. Lintels and fireproof walls installed with a 60 minute rating. These are used for members of structure or buildings that are right next to each other. The beams will be exposed so they are galvaized. Plywood and steel bracing ensures the stability of any shear force whether they are temporary or permanent. NEW TERMINOLOGY LVL - Laminated veneer lumber, engineered wood product that uses multiple layers of then wood assembled with adhesive. Intumescent paint - paint that swells up when heated, thus protecting the material underneath or sealing a gap in the event of fire.

Beam Bracket Steel portal frame creates the foundation of framework which then puts studs and noggings under the portal. 27


Space frames

Flat roofs - has a pitch of under 3 degrees made of concrete slab. flat truss, space frames, beams and deckings

Are 3D plates that are long spanned in two directions. Linear steel sections welded , bolted or threaded together to form a matrix like structure.

Pitched and sloping roof greater than 3 degrees Concrete Roof Generally flat pieces of reinforced concrete (precast). Top surface is sloped towards drainage points and entire roof is finished with waterproof membrane. Structural steel frame flat - has combinations of primary and secondary roof beams for a heavier roof finish such as metal decking, or roof beams or purlin

Light framed Roofs Gabled - characterised by vertical, triangular section of a wall at one or both ends. Roofs consist of common rafters, ridge beams, and ceiling joist. Outriggers are used for overhangs. Materials: timber, cold-formed steel section (also heavier steel for major beams). Hip - characterised by vertical, triangular section of a wall at one or both ends.

Metals are malleable and ductile Metal types Ferrous - iron is 4th most common in the earth Non-ferrous - All other metals, more expensive, more superior Alloy - Combination of 2 or more metals Consideration Metal react with other metals by taking/giving other metals ions. ANODIC END (more prone to corrosion) Magnesium Zinc Aluminium Structural steel Cast iron Lead Tin Copper, brass, bronze Nickel Titanium Stainless steel CATHODIC END (less prone to corrosion)

Sloping - Structural steel consists of Roof beams and purlins and lighter sheet metal

Consist of common rafters, hip rafter, valley rafter, jack rafter, ridge beam and ceiling joist

Portal frame - has series of RIGID FRAMES (two columns and a beam) with purlins for roof and girt for the wall. Wall and roof are usually finished with sheet metal

Materials: Timber, cold formed steel

Trussed Roof

History - Metals are sourced for thousands of years, and are linked to technological revolutions (copper, bronze and iron age)

Water related damage Oxidation and corrosion - Metal ions react with oxygen forming oxides which can protect the metal but in other instances it can result in corrosion of metal.

Sourcing - Pure metal can be found in nature although it is much more common to find them as part of minerals (hemical combination).

PROTECTION avoid prolonged exposure to moisture seal against moisture chemical treatment galvanize.

Are framed with series of open web steel or timber. They are manufactured from steel or timber components, fixed together to span long distances. The shape of structural elements is determined by roofing material and functional requirements of the roof.

Introduction to Metals


SPANNING AND ENCLOSING SPACE WEEK 6 FERROUS METALS It is magnetic, very reactive and has good compressive strength. Wrought Iron - iron heated and hammered to desired shape. Cast iron - used more commonly for melting and poured into moulds till cool, acquires high compressive strength.

Stainless steel alloys - Chromium is the most common alloy. They also milled into coil, wire, bars, tubing and sheets. Used in harsh environment or specific inert fixes are required. It is rarely used in primary structure due to cost.


Structural steel

Aluminium - light, non magnetic, non sparking and easily formed. They are very soft and lack strength. Sometimes it is casted into door handles and window frames. Rolled aluminium is made into cladding panels. Powder coating and anodized surface are common finish treatments for aluminium.

Hot rolled steel - metal is shaped while metal is still hot. Protected from rusting and corrosion by paint or dipped in galvanizing.

Copper - Conducts electricity, used for wiring, ancient material and found in pure form and ductile. Traditionally is a roofing material

Cold formed steel - Folded sheets that are produced and cooled down.

Zinc - in pure form, used as an expensive cladding system for walls and roofs. Thin layer of zinc is applied to steel to protect from rust (galvanizing). Zinc is blu-ish white.

Steel - alloy of iron and carbon Very strong material and transfers heat and electricity. It can be formed to many different shapes (wires, columns, beams).

Reinforced Bars - Due to its good tensile resistance, steel is used in conjunction with concrete to produce reinforced concrete. Steel sheeting - Cladding and roofing (corrugated steel or other sheet profiles), must be protected from weather exposure


Lead - Used for roofs, cornice, tank linings, flashing strip and waterproof. Less commonly used today since it can be toxic to humans. Tin - roofs, rare use as a tin ceiling lining.

Titanium - Used as strong light weight alloy making an attractive cladding material, but can be expensive. Well know for corrosion resistance. Guggenheim Museum is made of titanium cladding. Bronze - Alloy mixed with copper and tin, corrosion resistant and harder. Used for hinges or large springs. Brass - tough and typically used for handles and taps. where friction is required such as locks and gears.

SPANNING SPACES 1. Architecture is mainly about enclosing space 2. The main problem is how to span space Arches require support blocks. Started from brick material. 02.18 PLATES AND GRIDS Are rigid, planar, monolithic structures that disperse applied loads in different directions. The are used for roof structures as plates. Grids create the span spacing for the plates to sit on.

DETAILING STRATEGIES 1 WEEK 7 RUBBER Natural rubber - used by Mayas and Aztecs in South America (13th century) Synthetic rubber - made in beginning of 20th century Can be naturally sourced from the Rubber tree (the trees sap) Can be synthesised in lab generating variations (plastics) Natural rubber can be used for seals, gaskets, control joints, flooring, insulation, hosing and piping Synthetic types are EPOM, NEOPRENE, SILICONE Weather related damage Rubbers can lose property when exposed to weather (sunlight) Protection Avoid or minimise sun exposure PLASTICS Greek word meaning mouldable into different shapes. They are made of carbon, silicon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and chloride. Thermoplastic - Mouldable when heated and become solid again when cooled (PVC, perspex, acrylic) Thermosetting plastic - can only be shaped once (laminex, used in insulation

panels, and finishing surfaces, polystyrine).


Elastomers - (synthetic rubber)

Detailing for moisture For water to penetrate into buildings, there are three conditions that must occur:

Weather related damage They degrade through exposure to weather (sunlight) need to be checked and maintained. Protection and Management Avoid sun exposure. Some plastics have high expansion and contraction coefficients. PAINT They are liquid until they are applied to surface forming a film that becomes solid when contact with air. Main purpose is to protect and colour particular elements. Clear paint is called lacquers or varnishes. Binder - the film forming component of paint (polyester, ersins, epoxy, oils, polyurethanes) Diluent - dissolves paint and adjust viscosity (alcahol, ketones, petroleum, distillate, esters) Pigment - gives paint the colour and opacity (clays, talcs, calcium, carbonate, silicas) Oil based - used prior to plastic paint, high gloss finish, not water soluble Water based - most common today, durable and flexible

- An opening - Water present at the openning - A force to move water through the opening Remove any one of the conditions and water will not enter Three different strategies prevent water from penetrating a building - Remove openings - Keep water away from opennings - Neutralize force that water moves through One is sufficient but if two or more strategies are persued then there is added security in case one fails. OPENINGS can be planned such as doors and windows or unplanned created by poor framework , deteration of material Common techniques used to remove openings is to use sealant (silicone) or gasket (Preformed shapes made of artificial rubber). They also deteriorate over time.


DETAILING STRATEGIES 1 WEEK 7 Keeping water from openings is commonly used in construction details. Water is directed by - Grading (sloping) of roofs to go through gutters, downpipes and through storm water systems. - Overlapping of cladding (weatherboard and roof tiles) - Sloping window and door sill roof/wall flashings - Sloping the ground surface away from walls Neutralizing the force consider gravity, surface tension, capillary action, Momentum, Air pressure differential Gravity - typically uses slopes and overlaps to carry water away from building Surface tension and capillary action - Uses drip or a break between surface to prevent water from clinging to underside of surfaces (such as Window sills or parapet capping). These gaps stop water from carrying across surface because of surface tension of water is broken at the drip/gap location. Momentum - Windblown, moisture and snow can move through simple gaps. Gaps are often constructed in more complex labyrinth shapes. They slow down momentum of moisture and helps deflect water away from gap. 31

Air pressure differential strategies - gust of winds, causes water to pump inside complex labyrinth. Water is pumped from high to low pressure.


Rain screen assemble: Air barrier is introduced on the inside of labyrinth, a ventilated and drained pressure equalisation chamber (PEC) is created and the water is no longer pumped to the inside assembly.

Shading systems - like verandahs and eaves, solar shelves, blinds, screens to prevent radiation striking the building

Controlling Heat Heat gain and loss from: - Heat is conducted through building envolopes - Building envolope and elements are subjected to radiant heat source - Thermal mass is used to regulate the flow of heat through the building envolope.

Controlled by: Reflective surfaces - such as low-e glass, reflective material

Thermal Mass Large areas of exposed thermal mass can be absorbed and store heat over time. When temperatures drop, stored heat is released. Materials include: - Masonry - Concrete - Water bodies


Controling air leakage

Can be controlled by using:

If a building has an opening, air present, a force for air to go through, air will move through the building and the space will become drafty in cold weather. Difficult to maintain heat temperature.

Thermal insulation - to reduce heat conduction Thermal break - made of low conductive material like rubber and plastics to reduce heat transfer from outside to inside Double glazing - air spaces between glass panels reduces the flow of heat through the glazed element

Strategies include: Eliminating causes, wrap the building in polyethylene or reflective foil sarking to provide air barrier, or weather stripping around doors and windows and other openings.

STRATEGIES FOR OPENINGS WEEK 8 OPENINGS: DOORS AND WINDOWS Typical door frame has a top rail, mid rail (not always present) and a bottom rail. also has feature panel (glass), and stile (side of doors TIMBER DOORS Can be external door, or sliding door hanging on a track, or a channel below. ALUMINIUM DOORS commonly found in commercial and office buildings, for external, sliding door STEEL DOORS Great for impact protection, uses steel jambs, used for security purposes, Windows need to be cleaned, issue with high rise buildings Window frame structure has a window frame, sill, inserted into timber studs and supported by lintels. TIMBER WINDOWS Within a brick vinear system. ALUMINIUM WINDOWS Sometimes used domestic, used in commercial buildings. Steel lintels are used to carry loads above commercial windows.



Finer and flater than aluminium, however not common in Australia, costly where frames are welded together,

Flat glass - sheets of clear or tinted float, laminated, tempered, wired

CURTAIN WALLS Type of hybrid system for windows. City buildings are cladded with this, where it is hung of the concrete structure of the building carrying its own load. Loads should be carried around the windows rather than through windows. GLASS Components Formers - the basic ingrediants, Silica Fluxes - help formers to melt at low temperature, soda ash / potash / lithium carbonate Stabilizers - combined with fluxes and formers to keep glass from dissolving, limestone / alumina / magnesia GLASS HISTORY Blown glass Sheet glass - sliced from blown glass Lead crystal - lead oxide added to make glass easier to cut Plate glass - improved optical quality Lamination - layers added between sheets Float glass - molten glass poured over a molten tin bath

Shaped glass - curved, blocks, channels, tubes, fibers Floated glass - now the most common production process in the world Clear float glass - (annealed glass) Simple and cheap. No further treatment after the float fabrication Can break into sharp pieces, ideal in low risk. Lamination glass - Tough plastic interlayer (PVB) is bonded together between two glass panes. Glass does not shatter easily, may crack but stay intact Tempered Glass - (toughened glass) produced by anneal glass to 650 degrees. Surface is then cooled creating a state of high compression on outer surface. Bending strength is increased by 4-5 times. Ideal for usage in high exposure, (facades, partitions), when size is required to be large. OTHER TYPES AND PRODUCTS Tinted glass - Useful in sun exposure, reduce visible light transfer 34

STRATEGIES FOR OPENINGS WEEK 8 Wired glass - steel wire mesh used insteal of plastic film, accepted as low cost fire glass patterned glass - made with a rolled glass process - used when privacy and light are required Curved glass - produced in moulds created to meet specific design requirements - expensive Photovoltaic glass grated solar cells


Glass channels - used in facade systems Slumped and formed glass - used as design feature Glass fibre - hair like strand, used in telecommunication DOUBLE GLAZING



Creates more skins to moderate temperature. DOUBLE GLAZING Keeps room warmer, preventing heat loss. 2 layers of pane glass, Low-e double glazing GLASS SKINS Glass is material. It is sand, molten and allowed to cool. Sand + Soda + Lime = Glass Glass is technology,


02.14 GEOMETRY AND MOMENT OF INERTIA It is the sum of the product of each element of an area and the square of its distance from a coplanar axis of rotation. 02.14 DEFORMATION Deflection can occur where the perpendicular distance of the spanning member deviates from a true course under transverse loading. This causes the structure to bend Resisting moment is an internal moment equal and opposite to bending moment. It is generated by force to maintain equalibrium, Bending stress is a combination of compressive and tension stress Transverse shear occurs at a cross section of a beam subjected to bending, equal to the algebraic sum of transverse forces on one side of the section. 08.02 DOORS AND WINDOWS Exterior doors should provide weathertight seals when closed and maintain the approximate thermal insulation. Internal doors should offer desired degree of visual and acoustical privacy. Windows should provide weathertight seal when closed. Window frames should have low thermal conductivity. Window glazing should retard the transmission of heat.

Doors and windows generally have a standard size since the are factory manufactured. Size of doors and windows should be accurately planned so that rough openings with proper lintels can be built to take the load around them.


Originally a vacant lot since the 90s the lot has finally begun building their office building of 28 floors with 2 basements and 2 gym floors. It has been built to a high level finish which is a PCA premium grade guidelines (the new standard for office buildings). Core of building is from level 1-26. Core is the building part that is not rented out including rest rooms, ventilation shaft, electrical distribution, elevator shaft and stairwell. A typical level shares the space of 2530m2. First part of the tour takes us to level 10, where the building currently sits under construction started in early 2013. Crane that is in modules. Increases in height when construction develops.

Processed wire strands sit in the centre of ground with cement poured over, The strands are being stretched in tension allowing the concrete to be more reinforced.

Reinforcing concrete with processed wire strands. Concrete slabs, prefabricated. Next level (11) being constructed along the side. Protective fence expands 4 levels to ensure safety.

Level 10 construction had protective fences around while construction workers started the next level flooring. 36


At level 2 of the building, we see different parts of the building being constructed at different stages. What is recognisable is that not one level is fully complete in order. Some levels have to be returned to for the wall claddings and wiring systems. The facade walls of the building is heavy and are fixed with bracers and casting. Facades are conneted to the brackets that sit on the steel framework of the building so that they become hidden. The cladding acts like panels and also include the insertion of windows frames. The ground floor is a very large open space with several columns. Some of the concrete columns will stay as concrete since they are used for support of the loads.

Table frames used to hold the building up while construction continues at the top levels Buildings without panels or concrete slabs across the facade. Joint brackets to fit the cladding of facade or windows Suggested ceiling interior for building Columns of the front side of building 37

Front facade and space of building has columns to support structure above for loads and wiring that go through the columns

Slab windows and sheets get craned up to be held on the brackets of the wall. Slabs then keep the fixings hidden



Include compress, as installed and elongated. These cover movements of contraction and cracking. These include contraction joins and movement joints. HEALTH AND SAFETY These include insulation and firestop safety walls. Stair rails have to fit to a certain standard. Disability codes are applied for ramps and standard ramp heights. AGEING GRACEFULLY Choosing materials to suit location will reduce material age. They deteriorate close to sea sites or harsh conditions. Sometimes age can become a good change such as timber that isn’t glazed. REPAIRABLE SURFACE, RESISTANCE TO DAMAGE A skirting will prevent quick damage, and also covers gaps. Kitchen cupboards open have a toe gap. Plasterboards protection.



CLEANABLE SURFACES, MAINTENTANCE ACCESS Cleaning surfaces should be easy such as in hospitals.

Ceiling panels are used commonly in commercial buildings, to clean is easy since tiles can be replaced. CONSTRUCTABILITY Off the shelf items, generally if it is difficult, it will cost more. Easy to assemble is to be considered for detailing. It makes the work easy to fix and replace. COMPOSITE MATERIALS MONOLITHIC - a single material - materials combined so that the components are indestinguishable COMPOSITE

common forms - sheet or board , roof tiles, pipes Common use - cladding for exterior or interial walls, floor panels Benefits - won’t burn, resistant to permanent water and termite damage, rot and wrapping. Inexpensive. FIBRE GLASS Made from mixture of glass fibres of epoxy resins Common form - flat and profiled sheets and formed shape Common uses - Transparent, translucent roof cladding, water tanks, baths, pools Benefits - fire resistant, weatherproof, light weight and strong

- created when two or more materials are combined in such a way that the individual materials remain easy to distinguish


COMPOSITE is formed of 2 or more materials. Different material bond together however keeps their own quality to improve specific characteristics. e.g Fibrous, laminar (sandwich panel), particulate (gravel, resin), hybrid (combination of two or more composite)

Common form - plastic core of phenalic resin (honeycomb sheets) lined with external skin of aluminium




Made from cellulose fibres, portland cement, sand and water

Made from aluminium and plastic

Common uses - feature clading material in interior or exterior Benefits - reduced amount of aluminium required, light weight, less expensive sheets, weather resistant, unbreakable, shock resistant. Comes in variet 38

DETAILING STRATEGIES 2 WEEK 9 TIMBER COMPOSITE made from combination of solid timber, engineered timber, galvanized press steel Common forms - Timber top and bottom chords with gal, steel or engineered board / plywood webs Common uses - beams (floor joist and roof rafters) and trusses Benefits - less materials to use with max efficiency, cost effective, easy to install, easy to accomodate service FIBRE REINFORCED POLYMERS Made from polymers (plastic) with timbers, glass or carbon fibre Common forms - associated with moulded or pultrusion processed products Common uses - decking (external cladding), structural elements such as beams and columns, public pedestrian bridges use glass or carbon fibres, carbon fibre reinforced polymer rebar Benefits - high strength FRP materials, with glass or carbon fibre reinforcement provide strength to weight ratio greater than steel. FRP composite materials are corrosion resistant


02.13 STRESS AND STRUCTURAL MEMBERS Stress can be described through columns that are slender. Long columns subject to failure by buckling rather than by crushing. Under the buckling load, column will deflect laterally in one direction. This can be based on fixings of structural members from fixed joints or roller joints causing the column to flex in certain ways. 02.30 JOINTS AND CONNECTIONS The types of joints applied to construction affects detailing for construction based on the type of joints used. Some joints include butt, fixed and roller joints. Depending on how the material of detailing is required to move, the joints may suitable to one or the other. For example, some buildings use panel cladding and will require it to be fixed so that they won’t move. 07.48 - 07.50 MOVEMENT JOINTS All buildings contract and expand due to weather. Movement joints are therefore applied to adhere to the weather changes freely while maintain the same quality of the construction. There are 3 types of movement joints. Expansion, control and isolation.

These can also be in the form of sealan. Joints should be tooled to ensure full contact with and adheson to substrate. 10.01 FINISH WORK Finish work is covered with plaster on several coats. The first cat is the scratch coat, raked so that it bonds the second coat. The second coat is the broat coat, leveling the plaster. The finish coat is serving either as finished surface or base for decoration. THis can be smoothed to a nonporous finish and painted over. Finishes allow technical factors such as acoustic qualities, fire resistance and thermal insulation value of a finish material. Surface finishes have a critical influence on aethetic quality. Colour, texture and pattern should be considered and how they join with other materials. GYPSUM PLASTER Made by mixing calcined gypsum with water, fine sand or lightweight aggregate.It is durable, lightweight and fire resistant and commonly used on surfaces where not subjected to moist or wet conditions.

3D REPRESENTATION OF ‘IN DETAIL’ 3D representation of North section of roof above the function room is comprissed several parts, majority of insulation and firesafe plaster walls.

Things that can go wrong is that the gaps might not be fully enclosed and water can run through.

Aluminium roof flashing Metal decking roof

Aluminium roof facia

Steel C-beam

Purlin Acoustice roof insultion

Timber wall lining Thermal wall insulation Firesafe plaster wall x2

Thermal roof insultion

Purlin - Z beam that sits along another beam to be fixed Insulation - generally provide heating for room and acoustics. Since the function room is such a big space, sound insulation is required so that it doesn’t travel across the whole room. Steel beams - provide support across the roof framework Firesafe plaster - Usually a 30 - 60 minute fire rating, the plaster allows people in the building to evacuate with enough time for safety. Timber wall lining - timber sheet that acts as aesthetic for building Flashing - Stop water from running on the roof, a waterproof element that also stops water flowing into the building Gaps inbetween the timber wall lining and insulation of wall allows space for water to run through and drip down the wall 40

WHEN THINGS GO WRONG WEEK 10 LATERAL SUPPORT Lateral forces depend on the shape of the structure. Wind and earthquakes have different effects on structures. Earthquake affects mass of buildings where as winds act on the surface of structures with the highest value at the top. Where bracing occurs, it provides a resistance for the wind. Where ever on a structure with no bracing, window will affect them more than the braced side. Moment resisting frames are systems that are constructed with rigid connected joints. Joints provide horizontal and vertical elements and make frame rigid acting like monolithic units under the impact of lateral loads. High Rise buildings have a soft storey. a floor with less stiffness, will deflect under seismic loads and will collapse while other floors remain intact. A solution is to insert bracing in the soft storey level.

COLLAPSE AND FAILURES Defects in buildings Flat steel sheeting on plywood stuck. Glue isn’t well down. Flat steel sheet glued to plywood, thermal differences, blistering and peeling sheets, cut edges. North and west elevation, sheets are hot due to weather. 41

Causing the sheets to come away from the structure, glue coming out of the gaps allowing gaps to come in. Some sheets delaminate and causes it to fall off. Sheets are now fastened back with nails to the timber stud frame. Consider the following: Suitability of material - Exposure - Compatibility - Strength and deflection Long term performance Maintenance Construction and detailing HEROES AND CULPRITS Issues to consider when selecting materials - Health and IEQ - Waste/recycling - Energy use and embodied energy - Pollution - Life cycle IMPACTS Building materials are responsible for: 30% of total raw material use 42% of total energy use 25% of solid wastes 40% of atmospheric emissions only 1% of products are still in use 6 months later HEALTH PROBLEMS - Reduced life plans - Asthma, nausea, headaches, sick days, comfort

Material consideration - Reduce VOCs (volatile organic compound), paint/sealers/adhesives - Reduce particles/dust, horizontal shelves/floor coverings/ loose fibre products - Green cleaning practice, vacuuming/chemicals HEALTH VILLAINS Carpets, chemicals used for cleaning HEALTH HEROES Thermimesh, termites can’t crawl in and reduces toxicity of chemical use Use fibre cloth instead of chemicals SOURCE AND WASTE - Cost money to buy, cost to replace, cost to dispose - Limited resources - Takes up space - Places that can breed disease Material consideration - Renewable/abundant resources, agricultural products, earth, timber - Timber, recycled/plantation RFA - Waste, reduce/reuse/recycle, minimise use of composites SOURCE/WASTE VILLAINS Tiling, size of spaces SOURCE/WASTE HEROES Size, wall board ortech (straw), recycled timber, fabrics



- Climate change, greenhouse effect, global warming - Wasteful - Pollution from energy production

Lenolium flooring (cork, seed), Pirelli company, wool (regulates moisture)

Material consideration - Minimise embodied energy (more oil has more embodied energy) - Extraction/manufacture - lighting, general,task, switching - Optimise appliances, fridges/ dishwashers/office equipment ENERGY VILLAIN Aluminium, light globes, downlights, things with low energy ratings ENERGY HEROES timber, Australian made, diodes POLLUTION - Smog, Ozone layer depletion - Acid rain, toxicity - Radio activity - Dioxins Material consideration - Minimise waste - Choose material that don’t contain toxins - national pollutant inventory - Natural materials - Organic materials POLLUTION VILLAINS PVC (pollution caused throughout its life), cigarette smoke

LIFE CYCLE - Consider longevity of material - Timelessness - Design for reuse, recyclability, maitenance - Design for purpose, durability - Be careful for green wash (gone through a life cycle assessment) A TALE OF CORROSION Statue of Liberty History Designed by Auguste Bartholdi, copper skin is supported on an iron sketelton designed by Gustave Eiffel. Exterior of building is copper. When it is exposed to atmosphere, it oxidises, reacting with oxygen. Copper starts dull, becoming darker brown, then green copper oxide patina.

The problem The shellac-impregnated cloth became porous and held moisture at the join between the two metals. This provided good conditions for galvanic corrosion and the iron began to corrode. What happened? Connection system started to fail, build up of corrosion products (rust) expanded and pulled the rivets away from copper skin. The second solution Original iron armature frame was replaced with a tefloncoated stainless steel structure. Made after extensive corrosion resistance testing and consideration of physical properties of the steel, how well it works with copper skin. The future The new system still includes two different metals and so will require ongoing inspection and maintenance.

Initial connection detail consideration Galvanic corrosion between the copper skin and iron frame was considered at the time of construction, and solution that allowed for separation of the two metals was devised. The first solution Two materials separated at their junctions by a layer of shellac-impregnated cloth. (Refer to week 6 Anodic, Cathodic)


WHEN THINGS GO WRONG WEEK 10 Embodied energy Sand and gravel Wood Lightweight concrete Gypsum Board Brickwork Cement Glass Plastic Steel Lead Copper Aluminium

02.08 - 02.10 DYNAMIC LOADS 18 185 940 1830 2200 4100 11,100 18,500 19,200 25,900 29,600 103,500

Energy content measured 1 Btu/lb = 2.326KJ/ Kg Evaluations of reflection, absorption of visible light should be tested prior to the finish for the surface of rooms. Materials can vary in form. Material that undergo plastic deformation is considered ductile. Each material should be evaluated to understand which material is suitable in certain weather conditions or locations so that the life cycle would last longer.


Components and cladding of building must be designed to resist winds and uplifts. Things to consider is a sloping roof so that the wind can run past it. High rise buildings can have dynamic loads of earthquake however the upper part of the building will remain intact. The overturning of the building is counterbalanced by external restoring mement and an internal resisting moment provided by forces developed in column members and shear walls. 12.02 BUILDING MATERIALS Building materials should consider beyond function, including life cycle, manufacturing, packaging, transportation of finished product for use, maintenance, recycle, reuse and disposal.

CONSTRUCTION WORKSHOP To construct a beam that spans 1000mm using pieces of plywood and timber. Tools we used for this construction was a saw, nails and a hammer. The point of the workshop is to create the beam that can support weight above until they buckle or snap with required fittings.

Point of pressure applied

Top view of the beam shows where the nails have been applied with gaps in the middle making structure unstable.

Load transfers down the nailed parts causing little support for beam.

Cracking of wood and plywood sheet occured due to unstable weight support. The results that occured was started 0mm of deflection. it deflected at 40mm from original spot at a weight of 210kg. Reason why the construction did not work was the nailing that didn’t hold the second piece of wood in place therefore not able to stack the load bearing.


GLOSSARY Beams - Structure that holds building in tact, primarily made of steel Reaction force - Force that counteracts on opposite direction where force is applied Point load - Is indicated by an arrow where the load is being pushed or compressed Load path - Weight distribution of a load that moves down on an object

Strip footing - used to support a line of loads, either a load bearing wall or a line of columns need supporting Slab on ground - a reinforced concrete slab placed directly on the ground to provide the foundation for the superstructure Substructure - a structure forming the foundation of a building for support

Axial load - force acting along the lines of an axis of an object Buckling - a bend, bulge, or kink Seasoned Timber - timber dried to a moisture content that is stable Rafter - a beam forming part of the internal framework of the roof

Joist - length of steel or timber supporting a structure

Purlin - a horizontal beam that runs across the roof resting on common rafters, (z, c purlin)

Compression - characteristic of mass construction where a structure in between is being pushed against (opposite of tension where object is being pulled)

Steel decking - a self supporting floor or roof unit laid between joists

Cantilever - a beam that is fixed at one end and sticks out of the open space

Span - full extent of something from end to end

Stability - stable, solid, firm

Girder - large steel beam or compound structure used for building bridges and framework of large buildings

Portal frame - a structural frame with two vertical columns and beam that is all connected.

Masonry - types of stonework

Tension - stretched Frame - structure that surrounds an object Bracing - Support of structure Moment - perpendicular distance from a point of a line or surface. Retaining wall - a wall that holds back the earth or water Pad footing - support used at a point load such as columns or framed structure. Usually shallow


Concrete plank - a flat beam used for floor or roof decking. These are usually pre-cast and pre-stressed Spacing - Distance from another Stud - An upright timber in the wall of a building to which laths and plasterboard are nailed Nogging - brickwork in a timber frame Lintel - horizontal support of timber, stone, concrete, or steel across the top of a door or window

Eaves - overhange of roof that meets the building Alloy - a metal combined by 2 or more elements to give extra strength Soffit - Underside of an architectural structure such as archs, balconies and overhanging eaves Top Chord - the upper part of the roof frame Drip - a small drop of liquid Vapour barrier - resistance for diffusion of moisture through roofs or walls

GLOSSARY Gutter - a carry off for rainwater Parapet - a long protective wall along the edge of roof, bridge or balcony Downpipe - pipe to carry rainwater down from the roof to drain Flashing - strip of metal to stop water from penetrating the junction of the roof Insulation - protects material by preventing loss of heat and intrusion of sound Sealant - material used for sealing something so as to make it airtight or waterweight Window sash - a framework that holds the panes of a window in the window frame Deflection - the action or process of deflecting or being deflected Moment of Inertia - A measure of body resistance to acceleration, moment motion stops Door furniture - handles, locks, other features on a door Stress - Pressure or tension exerted on a material object Shear force - forces pushed against one side of an object in one direction, and another part of the object in the opposite direction

Sandwich panel - Aluminium composite panels, type of flat material that consists of two thin aluminium sheets bonded to a non aluminium core. Bending - shaping or forcing something straight to a curve Skirting - a wooden board running along the base of an interior wall Composite beam - a steel beam, with concrete decking above, connected by shear connectors

Fascia - a board or flat piece of material covering the ends of rafters or other fittings Corrossion - process of damage to metal, stone, or materials based on chemical reactions or weather IEQ - Indoor environmental quality is to provide improvements to buildings for a sustainable lifecycle

Shadow line joints - material that sits behind panels or plywood that creates an edge and stops the sheets from touching Shear wall - wall composed of braced panels to counter the effects of lateral load acting on structure from wind, seismic loads, earthquakes. Soft storey - structurally designed building that cannot cope with lateral force causes swaying Braced frame - structural system designed to resist wind and earthquake forces. Designed to work in tension and compression, similar to truss. usually steel Lifecycle - series of changes in time, including corrossion and wear Defect - an imperfection or lack of something 46

SOURCE BIBLIOGRAPHY Building construction illustrated,Francis D.K Ching, published (2008)


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