The facts speak for themselves.
Is your Web site generating as much business as it can? Is your company’s intranet giving you a competitive edge? Such success on the Web is, in fact, attainable. Industry leaders are achieving a strategic advantage in the ef ficient creation, deployment and change-management of large, dynamic Web sites with Interwoven,® The Platform for eBusiness™ .
How can I be a leader? As the leading provider of Content Management for the Enterprise Web ™ , we can help you productively manage constant change on your Web sites with less risk and lower cost. If you want to produce and deploy missioncritical Web sites faster and more efficiently, Interwoven offers superior solutions to help your company take the lead.
How can I promote teamwork? You can bring the combined talent and know-how of your entire organization together into your Web production process and unlock the full potential of the Web. Our flagship product, TeamSite ®, is the key. It’s a robust system specifically created to help govern the development, deployment and change-management of businesscritical Web sites.
With a rich set of features, TeamSite helps you achieve higher productivity with lower cost. SmartContextTM Editing gives any content author who can navigate a Web site the ability to contribute knowledge to the enterprise Web. TeamSite’s easy-to-use interface empowers technical and non-technical users to determine which Web pages and individual elements they are allowed to edit. Changes can be made with ease, then viewed in the context of the complete Web site. The open file system structure allows you to manage any type of content using your preferred development and delivery solutions. TeamSite also improves workflow by establishing a controlled process of development, approval, release and whole-site archiving. Finally, an add-on module called TeamSite Templating enables decentralized content contribution under centralized control of the overall look and feel.
How can I make the Web work harder for me?
It’s now mission-critical that companies refresh Web-based information as fast and as accurately as possible. To efficiently develop enterprise-scale Web sites and e-business applications, TeamSite enables thousands of contributors to work simultaneously with several thousand interrelated components.
The proof is more than just a reactive Web development infrastructure. In fact, as industr y leaders are finding, Inter woven solutions turn the Web into a powerful, responsive tool for seizing business opportunities.
How do I find out more about Interwoven? Visit Write info @ Call 408/774-2000 (Now.)
1195 W. Fremont Ave. #2000 Sunnyvale, Ca. 94087
Š1999, Inter woven, Inc. All rights reser ved. Inter woven, TeamSite, OpenDeploy, Smar tContext, the Inter woven logos and the taglines are trademarks of Inter woven, Inc., which may be registered in some jurisdictions. Windows and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsof t Corporation. All other trademarks are owned by their respective owners.