SUNRISE: July 26th, 1954
SUNSET: January 2nd, 2025
Pastor Kellen Russell
Assisted By Bishop Helen McPhee
January 25, 2025 at 11:00am
Golden Palm Estates & Malcolm Road
Lake View Memorial Gardens & Mausoleums
John F. Kennedy Drive & Gladstone Road
On July 26, 1954, in the Kemp Road community shouts of joy rang with good news that a handsome baby boy was born. Lilian and Alpheus christened their last of ten children, James Silvan Newbold.
James grew up in the Kemp Road area and was given the nick name ‘Lil James’. He attended Pyfrom Road High School, however, as was the norm of his day, he did not complete school, but left to seek employment to help take care of his beloved mother and father.
As a young man seeking employment, he travelled to Freeport Grand Bahama to live with his big brother George and his family. While in Freeport he was employed at the former Bahamas Cement Factory. While it was only his intention to seek employment in Grand Bahama, James also found his Lord and Savior while living in Freeport. James always proudly told the story of how he encountered Christ; after being invited to a church service by a coworker repeatedly he reluctantly accepted the invitation. Although his intention was to only check out the girls at the service, the Holy Spirit touched him convicting him of all his sins; he responded to the alter call, repented and accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.
After almost two years, James returned to Nassau after the Bahamas Cement Factory shut down operations. Although he was hesitant to return to the familiarity of his treasured Kemp Road, he found the opportunity to witness to his friends and family telling them of Jesus and His love. This sparked his love for evangelism, a love that stuck with him to the very end.
James was indeed a hard worker and a people’s person. He found pleasure in interacting with his coworkers gaining their respect and admiration. He found employment in the tourism sector for most of his working life, working at various hotels, including Montague Beach Hotel, Crystal Palace and Raddison Hotel. His last career prior to retirement saw him working in the capacity as a Supervisor at The Sandy Port Homeowner’s Association. On a Sunday evening James was invited by a friend to an evangelism street meeting in Black Village. At this meeting, he saw and set his eyes on a young lady who was preaching. Although, his friend also had eyes for this young lady, James being the suave man that he was, was able to beat him to the deal. After two years of courting on November 28, 1981, James was able to take this same young lady Juliet Sands to be his bride. God blessed their union with 43 years of marriage, three children and five grandchildren. Taking care of his family, as the provider and priest was his pride and joy. Nightly family devotion for the Newbold children was the norm, ensuring each of them established a strong Christian faith.
James loved the Lord and loved God’s people. He sat under the tutelage of the Late Rev. Eugene Butler at St. Peter’s Baptist Church, where he was apart of the Evangelism Ministry. He was ordained as a Deacon while attending Gilead Full Gospel Baptist Church, under the leadership of Bishop Ivry Johnson. Once again following guidance of the Holy Spirit he was ordained as an Elder by Senior Pastor Kellen Russell at Dunamis Outreach Ministry. His last earthly appointment was at Agape Church, where the founder is Bishop Helen McPhee.
On the evening of January 2nd, 2025, the Lord saw that his solider was tired, so he called him from his labour to his reward. We know he is now resting in the arms of his Savior.
James is survived by his wife of 43 years Elder Juliet Newbold, Sons: Jamaal & Minister Dominique Newbold; Daughter: De’Andra Newbold; Daughter-In-Law: Minister Rantica Newbold; Sisters: Vernonica Newbold & Margaret Newbold; Brother: George (Albertha) Newbold. Brothers-in-law: Felton & Thomas (Telsene) Sands; Grandchildren: Dominque Jr, Devin & Deshawn Newbold, Moriah & Jaylen Baker; Nephews: Anthony ( Monique) Johnson of Canada, Brian, Ricardo and Dwayne Johnson, Cleveland Newbold, Ricardo and Jermaine Rolle, Derek Capron, Carl (Gail) Nairn of Wylie, Texas, Ricardo Nairn, Thomas Sands Jr; Nieces: Cheryl (Anthony) Maycock, Patricia Morley, Jacqueline (Ray) Deveaux, Daphne Rolle, Brenda (Lawrence) Cooper, Tina Newbold, Lisa (Kevin) Rolle, Georgina Newbold-McInnis, Portia Tate, Barbara (Trevor) Roberts, Deidre(Marvin) Scavella, Michaela Mortimer, Vanessa (Romel)Rolle, Darlene Sands-Nixon, Tanaz Hall, Sonovia Sands, Kendece Williams Numerous grand nephews and nieces; Cousins: Ella Johnson, Gloria Lightbourn, Natasha Pyfrom, Sidney Jones, Andrea Bethel, Catrina Miller, Alma Pratt of Florida, Wenzel & Clifford Gray, Sandra Daxon, Judy & Frank Williams, Delores Miller, Edwin Mortimer and family Numerous Godchildren including: Veronica Graham. And a host of other relatives and friends including: Senior Pastor Kellen & Lady Sharlene Russell, Bishop Helen McPhee and the Agape Church Family, Bishop Ivry & Dr Denise Johnson, Apostle David and Pastor Rose Butler, Evangelist Mizpa Edgecombe & Family (Freeport), Wentworth Manson, McNeil & Susan Newbold Family (Hatchet Bay Eleuthera), Edith McKenzie & Family, Sherry Hamilton & Family, Grace Douglas & Family, Sands Family, Elder Perry and Minister Mary McPhee & Family, Beverly Arnette & Family, Roosevelt and Patricia McKenzie. Elder Craig & Ellamae Cooper, Sharon Neilly & Family, Darell & Deaconess Catherine Garvey & Family, Humphrey & Elder Denise Evans & Family, Deaconess Ruby Ingraham & Family, Randolph & Evang. Sandra Knowles & Family, Jason Rahming, Albert McKinney, Gerard Rose, Tivari Musgrove, The Family of the late David Gibson, Ilean Daxon and Family, Reverend Fristina Martin & Vernal Martin of Miramar, Florida, Staff of Royal Bank Business Banking Section, Woods Electrical and Plumbing Company, Sandyport Homeowners Association, Ministry of Works Buildings Control Section. If your name was omitted, please charge it to our heads and not our hearts as we know James touched the lives of so many persons.
for the Late Elder James Silvan Newbold
PRESIDING | Elder Perry McPhee
Deaconesses, Evangelist, Minsters, Elders, In-House Pastors, Founder, Senior Pastor
INVOCATION | Pastor Stephen Rolle
CONGREGATIONAL HYMN | “I’m a Glad Pilgrim”
I’m a glad pilgrim on my way, going to glory land Jesus my only hope and stay holdeth me by the hand It is such joy to understand things that I never knew Keeping my promise to the Lord I’m GOING THRU.
I’m His, what a wonderful feeling in my soul He’s mine, He’s protecting me from the heat and cold I’ll do whatsoever He bids me I will do I know my Redeemer will lead me safely thru
Old Testament Reading | Psalm 91:1-4 | Elder Deniece Evans
NEW TESTAMENT READING | 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18 | Elder Joan Duncombe
RESPONSE | Yes Lord, Completely Yes | Agape Levites
AS I KNEW HIM | (4mins) | Bro. Wentworth Manson (Close friend)
SOLO | Albert McKinney (Friend of the Family)
CONDOLENCES | (4mins) | Terrance Bodie (former coworker & friend)
Bishop Ivry E.T. Johnson (IPAD Ministries)
Apostle David Butler (St. Peter’s Baptist Church)
REMARKS | Bishop Helen McPhee
THE MESSAGE | Pastor Kellen Russell
PRAYER FOR THE FAMILY | Pastor Cedericka Wallace (Church of The Lord Jesus Temple)
RECESSIONAL HYMN | “Heaven’s Jubilee”
Some glad morning, we shall see, Jesus in the air
Coming after you and me, joy is ours to share What rejoicing there will be, when the saints shall rise Headed for that jubilee, yonder in the skies
Oh, what singing, oh what shouting On that happy morning when we all shall rise Oh what glory, Hallelujah
When we meet our blessed Savior in the skies
Seems that now I almost see, all the sainted dead Rising for that jubilee, that is just ahead
In the twinkling of an eye, changed with them to be All the living saints to fly, to that jubilee.
When with all that heavenly host, we begin to sing Singing in the Holy Ghost, how the heavens will ring Millions there will join the song, with them we shall be Praising Christ through ages long, heaven’s jubilee.
OPENING SENTENCES | Pastor Kellen Russell
PRAYER | Pastor Albert Campbell
HYMN | City of Gold
There’s a city of light where there cometh no night ‘Tis a city of beauty I’m told All my treasures are there And its beauty I’ll share When I get to that city of gold
When I leave all trouble and care I will say good morning up there I will have great gladness I’m told When I get to that city of gold
GRAVESIDE HYMN | “Glad Reunion Day”
There’s no sorrow up there in that city o fair And no sickness can enter I’m told Shadows all will have flown I will meet friends I’ve known When we get to that city of gold.
Won’t you go there with me to the home of the free Would you see heaven’s beauty unfold?
If you will come along, we will sing heaven’s song When we get to that city of gold
There will be a happy meeting in Heaven, I know When we see the many loved ones we’ve known here below Gathered on that blessed hilltop with hearts all aglow That will be a glad reunion day.
Glad day, a wonderful day, Glad day, a glorious day
There with all the holy angels and loved ones to stay That will be a glad reunion day.
When we live a million years in that wonderful place
Basking in the love of Jesus, beholding His face It will seem but just a moment of praising His grace That will be a glad reunion day.
James, you were the love of my life, my Jamesy boo. You were indeed a good husband, father, and a wonderful grandfather. You were a good provider, a dedicated family man, my confidant, and my prayer partner. Thank you for loving me with all my flaws, thank you for praying for me, and giving me hope from the word of God whenever I was discouraged.
You fought a good fight to the very end. No more pain, no more struggle, God saw you were getting tired, and he has called you from your labour to your reward. I will never forget you; you will always be in my heart. I remember our vows we made on that cool Saturday morning November 28th, 1981. I promised to love you in sickness and in health, until death do us part. The cold hand of death has come to take you away, it breaks my heart to see you go but I know you are in a better place, in the presence of the Lord. Lay down and take your rest my love.
I love you, but Jesus loves you best!
Until we meet again, Your wife Juliet
Daddy you were the ultimate role model for me. You taught me patience, kindness, selflessness and what it takes to be a provider as a man. I’ll never forget our multiple conversations throughout the years. Your words of encouragement, love, and wisdom will remain with me forever. I will miss your smile, laughter and encouraging words. It’s with a heavy heart I have to say goodbye, but I know I will see you again. Take your much deserved rest Love you Daddy ~Jamaal
I am so blessed to have been raised by you. What a wonderful example you were to me as a man. Thank you for taking us to the park to fly your homemade kites every summer. Thank you for always giving me your fries whenever you took us to BK downtown. I couldn’t appreciate then, but thank you for ALWAYS calling me to study the bible with you. You always loved your family and your God. You made me go on the streets with you and Bro. Manson to win souls, even as a child. You told me that you led your father, mother and brother to Christ before they passed away. I smile whenever Jason, Big Al, Rose Guy, Pastor Russ and Vari speak of your wisdom. You left this earth, but you’ll never leave my heart. I’ll love you forever, James, the son of Alphaeus. With Love and much admiration, Dominique
Oh Daddy! I will miss you so much. Thank you for being such a great father to me, and a wonderful grandfather to my children. Sitting back and reminiscing on all the good times we had, moments of laughter and joy over the years; I have been so blessed to have you walk with me in every season of my life. Your unwavering support, kind words and godly guidance means so much to me; words will never be able to express. I’m so grateful I had the opportunity to tell you in person how much you mean to me, and how much I love you for the selfless sacrifice you made every day for your family, the ones you loved. One of the last conversations we had you said ‘Jesus is calling’, and I told you to answer the call. Now as you have reached the end of this milestone, I promise to never erase your memory and godly values instilled in me. I love you…….. forever my Daddy!!
Your one and only daughter, Deandra
As the days go on, I still can’t believe that you’re actually gone. Pappy, you’ve made a significant impact in all of our lives: From telling us how to include God in our lives to even just advice on life. I want to thank you for always believing in me and whatever goals I wanted to pursue. You’ve always told me to keep God at the center of it all and I appreciate you for that, I remember the days when you used to take me on the park to fly my kite and play basketball and when we used to play dominos on the bed and watch wrestling every Thursday night. I know you’re in a better place and I cannot wait to see you on the other side. Rest in Peace Pappy. With Love, DJ
Pappi you were my favorite grandfather. I remember how you bought me and my sister so many things, I know it always put a smile on your face. Now you’re gone to live with Jesus Christ. Until the day that we meet again, I love you Pappi.
Dear Pappy,
Dear Pappy Newbold, I know you’re looking down with a big smile. You always put a smile on our faces, not only to keep us happy, but because you had the joy of the Lord inside you no matter what happened. Thank you for all the talks we had about my future. It helped me make good decisions. I know that you are in a better place. You have completed your mission on earth and although you aren’t physically here with us right now, you are waiting in heaven for us with open arms. We will all see you soon pappy.
Love, Devin
My grandfather was the best grandfather anyone could ask for. He may have had grey hair, but he also had a heart of pure of gold. As we try to live a life without you to laugh with along the way, Rest in Peace Pappi, I love you! Your one and only granddaughter, Moriah
I know you are not sick because now you are in a better place. You knew I loved birthday cake so you would always ask me where’s your cake and you would laugh. I would laugh and say Pappy, it’s not your birthday! I hope you are able to get the cake I wasn’t able to get you.
I Love You!
From: Deshawn
To my dear brother James Newbold: James and I had a special bond and we truly cared for each other. We made sure we spent as much time as possible together. He was a great brother, but most of all, a child of God. He took his relationship with God extremely seriously and wanted his family to do the same. James was always easy to get along with. He believed in family and tried his best to keep us together. I watched him, during my final visit with him, call upon the name of the Lord and saviour, Jesus Christ, as he dealt with the pain in his body. It was amazing to see that, but I always knew that he depended on God. I know that he is with the Lord now and is in perfect peace. I will always love James and I know that he died loving me and the rest of his family. Rest in peace, my dear “baby” brother, James Silvan Newbold.
Your loving sister, Veronica
My brother James was more than just a brother to me, he was also a great friend. He always made time to call and find out how I was doing. I enjoyed the times that we shared together, especially at the mall and food store. James was kind, caring and always wanted the best for me. I will always love James, and truly miss my baby brother. Rest in peace, and I know that you are enjoying the presence of God that you always talked about.
Your dear sister Margaret
Mr. Newbold, what can I say? It’s so surreal writing this tribute in your honor. One thing I have always been grateful for, is the acceptance of you and your family. You treated me like a second daughter for 17years. I remember almost every time we would go to visit you guys, you would say, “how is my favorite daughter-in-law” with a smirk on your face. One of my fondest memories of you is the time when you helped paint the classrooms at my school. Boy did you have some stories to tell. Although they were always long, they were always filled with jaw-dropping information, humour and of course wisdom and spiritual nuggets. I will miss your closed-mouth chuckles that was always coupled with a wide smile. As we release you, we hold on to each other. Until the “morning” Mr. Newbold.
With much love, Your daughter-in-law, Tica
I am home in heaven, dear ones; Oh, so happy and so bright. There is a perfect joy and beauty in this everlasting light.
All the pain and grief is over, every restless tossing passed; I am now at peace forever, safely home in heaven at last.
~Author Unknown
Cleveland Newbold
Ricardo Rolle
Jermaine Rolle
Arlington Sweeting
Jason Rahming
Gerard Rose
Randolph Knowles Sr. Albert McKinney
Jamaal Newbold
George Newbold
Dominique Newbold Sr. Felton Sands
Dominique Newbold Jr.
Thomas Sands Sr. Devin Newbold
On behalf of our family, we would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone for your prayers, kind words, and support during this difficult time. Your love and compassion have been a great source of comfort as we mourn the passing of our beloved James Newbold.
We are deeply touched by the many ways you have shown care, whether through visits, messages, or simply keeping us in your thoughts. Your kindness will never be forgotten, and we are truly blessed to have such a wonderful community around us.
Forever greatful, The Newbold family
Funeral services provided by:
Robinson Road and First Street Telephone: 325-5268/393-1352/328-1944 P.O.Box N-603 Nassau, Bahamas