Global report on food tourism

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Review: Global Report on Food Tourism

Jason Toussaint

Review: Global Report on Food Tourism

Review: Global Report on Food Tourism

Review: Global Report on Food Tourism Introduction In the past few years, gastro-tourism has been expanding its frontiers, being in many cases the central part of the tourism experience. “It has become one of the most dynamic and creative segments of tourism”, according to the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). The UNWTO has made a series of surveys and research in order to take a closer look to the relation between food and tourism and the current situation of food tourism across the world, emphasizing on economic growth that this means for gastro-tourism destinations and travel industry. They also offer recommendations for this growing branch of tourism.

Gastronomic tourism Gastronomic tourism is an emerging tourism product, which originated mainly because in over a third of tourists, most of their spending is reserved for food. Thus, the cuisine of the destination is one of the most important aspects that determines the quality of the travel experience. According to Hall and Sharpies (2003), food tourism is “an experiential trip to gastronomic regions, for recreational or entertainment purposes, which includes visits to primary and secondary producers of food, gastronomic festivals, food fairs, events, farmers’ markets, cooking shows and demonstrations, tastings of quality food products or any tourism activity related to food”.

Review: Global Report on Food Tourism

Review: Global Report on Food Tourism This experience is also linked to the close contact with the destination’s culture that tourists value and appreciate, and also the origin and processes the local food goes through. If food is not the main motivation for travel, it is one of the most significant reasons for most travelers. We could say that gastronomic tourism applies to tourists who plan their trips partially or totally in order to perceive the taste of the destination’s cuisine or to carry out activities related to gastronomy. One of the types of gastronomic activities that is popular nowadays is the gastronomic route, which is a system that includes a tour in a geographic region where tourists go to different factories and restaurants with information and tastings of each place. This way they are able to be part of an organized event in which they can have a little of every product offered by the region in a different and fun event.

Tourism destination image and the gastronomic tourism experience Tourists prefer to travel to destinations that are known as a place to experiment with quality local foods and beverages. Some of the most influential gastro-destinations are, among others: Spain, France, Italy, Greece, Belgium, Portugal, USA (especially in California), Brazil, Peru, Mexico, New Zealand, South Africa, Australia, Chile, Malaysia, Japan, Indonesia, Bali, China, or Singapore.

Review: Global Report on Food Tourism

Review: Global Report on Food Tourism The gastronomic tourism experience is defined by the UNTWO as “the evaluation carried out by the tourist on a number of attributes (attractiveness of the food and environment, quality of service), after a stay in a tourist destination where the tourist engaged in an activity related to gastronomy”. When tourists are satisfied with the destination’s characteristics, such as food, environment, service, it leads to customer’s loyalty, giving then intention to repeat the trip.

Global trends in food tourism Gastro-travelers are more likely to take part in the new trends of cultural consumption. These travelers seek for the authenticity of the places they travel through food. They like to know about the origin of the products they use in local cuisine. They consider gastronomy as a way to socialize and share life with others in order to exchange experiences. These tourists usually have a higher average expenditure, they like quality service and are willing to pay what it is worth. Some of the things that have to be taken into consideration to develop a gastro-tourism destination are:

Review: Global Report on Food Tourism

Review: Global Report on Food Tourism 1. Cultural heritage: it is one of the first things to take into account to design any food tourism offering. Tourists have to be able to access cultural and historical heritage through the product offered. Is a way of approaching to culture in a more experiential and participatory manner. 2. Quality: gastro-travelers are very demanding and value a great service and quality food, they are used to luxurious and original food products. It is important to work on the protection and recognition of local products, development of an original product, and consumer reception in order to increase satisfaction. 3. Communication: a credible and authentic narrative of the food tourism offerings is essential. Destinations must have a good reputation and must be present in food blogs, social media, television, tourist guides, etc. 4. Cooperation: it is a multidisciplinary work in which producers, farmers, ranchers, fishermen, chefs, restauranteurs, public administrations, hoteliers, etc. have to be involved in the creation of the food offering.

Tourism products In a survey made by the UNTWO, the most common and demanded gastronomic activities where:

Review: Global Report on Food Tourism

Review: Global Report on Food Tourism 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Food events: 79% Gastronomic routes and cooking classes and workshops: 62% Food fairs featuring local products: 59% Visit to markets and producers: 53% Museums: 12% Presentations: 6%

Marketing The most used marketing activities by gastro-tourism organizations to promote their products were: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Organizing events: 91% Producing brochures and advertising: 82% Dedicated websites on food tourism: 78% Tourism guides: 61% Blogs: 43% Familiarization trips for journalists and tour operators: 13% Social networks: 4%

Main recommendations

Review: Global Report on Food Tourism

Review: Global Report on Food Tourism Authenticity: the strategies to develop food tourism must reflect the quality, variety and uniqueness of local products and gastronomy. It has to be offered as an experience has must be lived. Marketing and promotion: “bringing chefs on board as interpreters of the territory, the development of high-quality and credible promotional tools – such as food guides- the organization of events, the media and use of the Internet and social networks. Establishment of cooperation instruments which includes all the actors in the chain of Food Tourism locally: include producers, markets, restaurants, hotels, tour operators, public administration, etc). Promote knowledge and research on Food Tourism.

Conclusion Gastro-tourism is growing, and now is the chance to develop products and tours that will offer a quality service that will help tourists to be a part of the culture and history of the destination. Gastro-tourists are travelers that are looking for a unique and new experience, one that traditional travel will not be able to fulfill.

Review: Global Report on Food Tourism

Review: Global Report on Food Tourism It is a very important branch of tourism that is very profitable for ones that offer the services and for the location itself. It is a way of sheltering the local culture and letting the world know more about the destination and its people.

Aditional Resources World Tourism Organization: Global Report on Food Tourism, 2012. offer the services and for the location itself. It is a way of sheltering the local culture and letting the world know more about the destination and its people.

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Review: Global Report on Food Tourism

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