Electronic Engineering Technician Program Offers Experience in Modern Labs In Toronto, companies as varied as Bell Technical Solutions, Celestica, Leitch, Research In Motion (RIM), SMTC Manufacturing, Toronto Hydro, TTC and more are all hiring professionals who have expertise in areas such as wireless communications, data communications, microcontrollers and industrial systems. These professionals have all completed an Electronic Engineering Technician undertaking such as the one offered at Centennial College, which takes two years to training to complete and results in an Ontario College Diploma. This is achieved through a most advantageous balance between hands-on experience and theory in modern labs where students work with computers, communication transceivers and electronics testing and measurement equipment, while developing a solid foundation in modern electronics. Here is a look at some of the specific courses in the Electronics Engineering program in Toronto. Data Communications and Networks: The focus of this class is on the terminology and concepts of data communications fundamentals used in networking. Through a combination of theory and practical labs, students receive an introduction to Local Area Networks, modems, and the telephone system. Electronic Communication Systems: Through lectures, problem solving and discussions with laboratory experiments, students develop their ability describe and analyze the various aspects of communication systems. The primary objective in this course is to explore how the information signal is transmitted and received in AM, SSB, FM and TV communication systems. Electronics 1: Presented over three courses, this initial class offers students a base on which to launch their learning of structure and operations of semiconductor devices. Basic diode, BJT and FET transistor biasing and DC operation are also analyzed. Student use computer circuit simulation tools and Internet searching techniques to analyze electronic devices operation and collect and interpret devices’ data sheets. Computer Hardware and Networks: For a balance between theory and practice, students spend two hours per week learning theory and two hours in a lab. The first part of the course introduces students to the basics of personal computer hardware and sees them install, configure and troubleshoot various types of hardware on a Pentium 4-class “sandbox” computer. The second part of the class covers the fundamentals of network technologies and architectures. The theory classes introduce the infrastructures behind local area networks (LANs) and the various ways to configure these LANs. The lab classes introduce students to the hands-on techniques to install, configure and troubleshoot wired as well as wireless network environments.