Centennial College Offers Automotive Service Technician Toyota (MAP 32) In today's competitive job market, employers are seeking to hire graduates that are highly specialized and well trained. You can't afford to waste your time with an education that wont help you get the job you want. At Centennial College, all our programs are geared for success. As part of your program, you will not only learn how to use the latest cutting edge tools, but you will also learn how to apply the latest principles from business professionals. To compliment your classroom learning, you will also get hands-on experience in the labs. Centennial's staff not only believe in providing students with the best teaching experience possible, but also to offer the best guidance and career advice. Overview: Every eight weeks the students in the Toyota Technician Training program alternate between the College and their employer for a total of 64 weeks (32 weeks in each). The training focuses on Toyota’s latest technology, with the emphasis on electronics and the diagnosing of computerized control systems. All aspects of vehicle technology are embodied in the program. Upon successful completion, you will complete your on-the-job experience with your Toyota dealership employer. Admission Requirements: Centennial College requires students applying to Modified Apprenticeship Programs to present at minimum: •OSSD or GED or equivalent Non-academic Requirements •Applicant must be employed by a Toyota dealership or selected through an interview process Notes •Candidates may apply directly to Centennial College. Please visit centennialcollege.ca for an application form and details. Successful applicants must obtain an employer and then register as a MAP apprentice with the Apprenticeship Branch of the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities. •Acceptance is based on successful completion of all entry requirements. Limited space is available in each program. Get more information about Technician Toyota at centennialcollege.ca