Hyundai New generation i10 concept and training (1)

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Hyundai Motor UK Ltd New Generation i10 Dealer Training January 2014 Concept and Training


Consumers have never been more savvy, they have never had access to so much information nor been more aware of the power of their spend. Hyundai’s New Generation i10 must cut through the noise in a highly competitive segment. In order to deliver a successful New Generation i10 Dealer Training Experience, we need to create an atmosphere that fully immerses the participants in engaging and interactive activities. These need to not only inform and encourage learning but also leave participants enthusiastic and excited about the vehicle and equipped to adapt the information and their selling style successfully across all the target audiences. We know the i10 is a very successful car for the dealers; it is after all achieving the highest volume for the brand. Everyone is excited to meet the New Generation i10, but to move up a gear we need to position the car in a Modern Premium environment full of new experiences that exceeds expectations and embodies the personality and the spirit of the Hyundai brand.



New Generation describes modernity, future thinking, life at the cutting edge. New Generation is about progression. The New Generation i10 has functionality, style and technology fit for the future. But it’s not just the car that has progressed, the buying habits and expectations of consumers is progressing too. We don’t just want a new product when we shop, we demand desirable experiences from knowledgeable experts. We all have access to so much information and when making a significant purchase, such as a car, we do our homework and make detailed comparisons via the internet. When we finally leave the sofa we are expecting something special. If we want the Hyundai Dealers to deliver a valuable buying experience to customers, we must show them how this looks and feels - this begins with the creation of the theme for the programme. The creative execution we are presenting here achieves our goals in a number of ways. It shows a real departure from existing dealer communications and promises something different from the get go. The powerful strapline ‘What’s in store’ talks about new thinking and new possibilities for the dealers.






CREATIVE RATIONALE The ultimate goal from this Dealer Training is to offer our customers an outstanding showroom experience with exceptional customer service. To achieve this we will invite them into The i10 Concept Store so they can experience what that should feel like first hand. We will create a modern, stylish and premium store environment in which to showcase the New Generation Hyundai i10 and house the training. Unlike a typical car showroom, the environment will be more like a hip, urban department store.






Arrival Plenary


In Store Shopping

Try before you Buy - i10 Drive Experience

11.15 11.35

Break Try before you Buy - i10 Drive Experience


In Store Shopping Lunch


Style Lounge

Competitor Drive

Intelligence Room


Competitor Drive

Intelligence Room

Style Lounge

14.40 15.00

Break Intelligence Room

Style Lounge


Closing Plenary



Competitor Drive




THE PARTICIPANT JOURNEY Arrival The pre event communication promises new thinking and new possibilities - the arrival experience delivers. The dealers are greeted at the venue by the iCrew. The team will create a warm welcome in the arrival lounge. There are three areas in the arrival space: Check in Here the dealers will register and collect their badge, the check-in team can also handle any administration around insurance and driving licences.



iCafe and Technology Bar At the technology bar the dealers will collect their iLearn technology. This is their personal device and the tech team are on-hand throughout to assist the dealers to get the most of this technology. Each dealer will be taken through a quick tour of the technology leaving them feeling engaged and confident. Once the formalities are over, the dealers can grab a coffee and some refreshments from the iCafe, this self-service space takes cues from high-end department store cafes and is open throughout the day. The dĂŠcor in the arrival space is modern and light, using colour changing LED and gobos to create interest and texture. The atmosphere in the space is customer centric and experiential.




At 10 o’clock the dealers are invited into the New Generation i10 Studio. A new generation car deserves a new generation setting - the whole environment is based on the success of modern retail where fantasy and form combine to seduce the senses. The space sets the scene for the programme. The Studio is a discovery space and as such the dealers are free to roam the space. The Studio is a striking and stylish space, set against the industrial fabric of the venue. The cars are surrounded by lights and mirrors in this very modern retail setting. We have used individual elements of the i10 to create contemporary installations. Retail props are placed around the space and a vinyl flooring installation brings the whole environment together to tell a cohesive story. Audio visual technology is in place to support activity in the room including 3 large screens to carry video and graphics content. There is some occasional furniture in the space and this is created using parts from the car in funky and energetic displays. We want the dealers to think of the car as more than the sum of its part. It’s about lifestyle, fashion and experience.










The iLearn technology will be positioned in the opening session, participants will be encouraged to use their device to take photographs and make memos and notes as well as using and referencing the pre-loaded resources. Each participant will receive an email of their iLearn record following the event.


The opening session will take place in the Studio for all participants. This will be a short session to set the scene, position the car and explain how the experience will run. The session will be run by a specialist trainer/facilitator and (we suggest) a Hyundai VIP. We know Tony Whitehorn is an excellent presenter and we believe that a senior stakeholder will ensure the dealers feel supported. We would like to use some video in this session, played on the plasma screens that surround the car. If possible we would recommend a reveal moment where light, sound and video can build to a crescendo and the New Generation i10 can be formally introduced.




THE STUDIO SESSION The first rotation session is held in the Studio. We have already mentioned this is a discovery space where the dealers can explore the cars in the stunning environment. In this 55 minute session, 63 participants are facilitated by 4 trainers through a range of experiential activities to touch, see, hear and understand the i10 in a static environment. The participants will use their iLearn devices to explore Hotspots. The Hotspots are located where there is something new, different or interesting. When you tap on the Hotspot on the iLearn device you can find more detail on that particular feature. The i10 is packed with features and we want the participants to work their way around the cars trying out the features and sharing their discoveries with their colleagues. The trainers are on-hand throughout to answer questions and promote discussion. We need to create i10 geniuses; they need to be expert at showing the car off at its best. To achieve this the participants will be led through a ‘pit stop challenge’, however this is not about speed, but about grace and precision. By the end of the session each participant will have spent time using smart key, seating configurations, and in-cabin operation. There is plenty of buzz about the car and we want to close the session with a lively and energetic Q&A. The training team will encourage discussion and an atmosphere of exchange with 3 gurus from Hyundai Technical, Marketing and Customer Service.




DRIVE i10 Participants have experienced the New Generation i10 in a static environment so it make sense for them to follow this by putting the car through its paces out on the open road. We will design a driving route to show the cars performance at its best. The participants will each get a chance to drive the car as they set off in pairs and swap at a stopping point midway. Each car is equipped with an iTour device. This will act as a satnav guiding them through the route but will also deliver audio messages at key locations as the drive progresses. As the car passes a specific GPS co-ordinate an audio file is triggered conveying information on the vehicle and its performance on the road being traversed. (as they pull onto dual carriageway)

“As you push the throttle a little further the mid-range response is eager enough to worry all of our rivals”

(as they drive across the old tram lines)

“notice how the new active suspension easily absorbed the bumps”

LISTEN, HEAR, REMEMBER Using this system for the drive session achieves the following:Unique technology ensures guests LISTEN to the information. The product messages are played via the in-car entertainment system so guests HEAR everything clearly. The messages they hear will be delivered in a memorable way so they will REMEMBER them. iCrew have a significant role to play in the drive element of the programme. They will welcome participants and settle them into the vehicle, explaining how the technology works but also providing a ‘customer moment’ that can be replicated back at the dealership.



We want to make lunch part of the experience not just a break from activities. To achieve this we will invite guests to enjoy lunch in a canteen style space. The menu has a Turkish flavour as we want to introduce the participants to the team behind the New Generation i10, giving a human quality to the manufacturing excellence. The room is dressed as an industrial canteen, it will feel a like a concept restaurant. Large scale lightboxes are positioned around the space, each one featuring a member of the Hyundai manufacturing team.



The intelligence room is where the participants can begin to look at matching the i10 to its new customer. The dealers know their customers well but they need to extend this knowledge and their behaviour to sell to a new generation of customer. We will arm them with the skills to recognise the needs of each customer and match them to features on the car. The intelligence room is dressed with Perspex elements including clear wipe boards and funky white mannequins. The participants will focus in on the customer wants and needs by scanning the barcode on each mannequin; this will reveal a customer profile. Once we have uncovered the needs of the customer we can work on matching these to the features on the car using the Perspex wipe boards to highlight these as we work though the session. Once the needs and the key features are realised the participants will spec a car from the i10 range that is perfect for the potential customer. This session will also take account of the competitor specs, looking at where i10 wins over its competitors, and where the dealers need to work harder to achieve an advantage.






STYLE LOUNGE The Style lounge is all about bringing the customer lifestyle and the New Generation i10 with it’s new interior colours, exterior finishes and driver comfort refinements together. The lounge is an achingly cool environment, full of surprising features and furnished with designer pieces. Inside each dealer a personal retail stylist welcomes group. They are instantly engaged by looking at how each customer profile has differing personal tastes and needs and where the details matters. The stylists encourage interactivity and discussion in the group, hand around clothing fabrics, accessories and best selling items and show the similarities between the i10 seating material, paint colours and i10 style details. i-Pads in the lounge reveal fascinating details about the interior and exterior styling using talking heads of the design team. Whilst graphics express customer verbatim feedback explaining what customers like and love about the i10.




DRIVE THE COMPETITION To truly compare and contrast the i10 against it’s competition we need participants to experience the competitor vehicles. iTour is again used to guide the drive. The participants will experience the competitor cars in groups of three and each team will drive three competitor vehicles allowing each of them to drive at least one car and travel as a passenger in two others. The iTour system will deliver honest critique of the vehicles in a series of information ‘snacks’, finishing with a clear and concise suumary.

“The Aygo is a popular car but the i10 is more modern, better looking, better value and backed by an unmatchable warranty and care package”



Back in the studio at the end of the day, the dealers are reminded of what they have learned as the Hyundai Gurus cover off important information around price, availability, marketing support and advertising strategy.


OUTCOMES Measurement and learning outcomes drive all the activity in the programme. Every moment of the experience is underpinned by these objectives and the need to affect tangible change in the dealer channel and ultimately in the Hyundai consumer experience. Learning Summary As a result of this The new generation i10 Dealer Training Event participants will... 1. Feel engaged and positive about the brand and product 2. Be focused on consumer’s needs 3. Be capable of confidently demonstrating the new generation i10’s functional equipment 4. State the features and benefits of the car against competitive products 5. Be confident to discuss style, quality and specification of the new generation i10 with customer Measurement Measures of these outcomes will happen at Kirkpatrick levels 1, 3 and 4. 1. At level 1 we will quiz participants on the day and provide data of before and after knowledge tests. Functional competence with the car will be observable. 2. At level 3 we will be able to see comparative data in HCES net promoter scores on the sales side, including satisfaction with handover. 3. This will naturally contribute towards higher HCES scores for dealers and the long term level 4 ROI of increased loyalty, referrals and resulting profitability through reduced cost of customer acquisition.


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