Rosanti Prosecco DOC Spumante Extra Dry Land Streek Appellation Classificatie Jaartal Alc. % Druiven Rijping Bewaren
ItaliĂŤ Soort Veneto BioL / BioDy Treviso Artikel nr. Spumante Doos inh. Non vintage 11,0 % Prosecco Op dronk, binnen 2 jaar
Mousserend | Droog Nee 13201 6 flessen Ă 75cl.
Wijn omschrijving Kleur Geur Smaak Wijn/spijs Temp.
Licht strogeel, levendige mousse Gekristalliseerd fruit, bloemen Plezierig, fris, met aromatische afdronk, witfruit, peer Aperitief | Salade | Gevogelte | Vis | Dessert 6 - 8 oC graden
Wijnkaart omschrijving Plezierige, frisse prosecco met een levendige mousse en aroma's van gekristalliseerd fruit en bloemen.
Overige informatie
Wine & Spirits | Turfschipper 7-9 | 2291 JC Wateringen | Postbus 151 | 2290 AD Wateringen T. 0174-295373 | F. 0174-297984 | |
Rosanti Spumante Rosé Extra Dry Land Streek Appellation Classificatie Jaartal Alc. % Druiven Rijping Bewaren
Italië Soort Veneto BioL / BioDy Artikel nr. Spumante Doos inh. Non vintage 11,5 % Pinot Bianco, Pinot Nero, Raboso Op dronk, binnen 2 jaar
Mousserend | Droog Nee 13202 6 flessen à 75cl.
Wijn omschrijving Kleur Geur Smaak Wijn/spijs Temp.
Zachtroze Intens met aroma's van rozen en viooltjes Fris, vol, aardbeien, frambozen, mooie fijne mousse Aperitief | Salade | Gevogelte | Dessert 6 - 8 oC graden
Wijnkaart omschrijving Fijn mousserende spumante, mooi droog van smaak met frisse zuren en aroma's van rozen, aardbeien en frambozen.
Overige informatie
Wine & Spirits | Turfschipper 7-9 | 2291 JC Wateringen | Postbus 151 | 2290 AD Wateringen T. 0174-295373 | F. 0174-297984 | |
Don Jacobo Blanco Wijnhuis Land van Herkomst Gebied Druivensoort Jaar Alc. Grond Opvoeding Bewaren Website
Bodegas Corral 16000 Spanje Rioja Alta 100% Viura 2009 12,5%
Wijnspecificatie Kleur Bouquet Smaak Temperatuur Serveersuggestie
Helder, bleek groengeel van kleur. Frisse aroma's van appel, banaan, tropisch fruit, perzik schil. De aanzet is zacht, rond en fruitig, met frisse en romige tonen. Voorzien van vriendelijke zuren die het geheel levendig maken. Bij 8 - 10 C graden Prima begeleider bij rauw of gekookte schaaldieren, gebakken of gegrilde vis zonder volle sauzen.
Don Jacobo Crianza Wijnhuis Land van Herkomst Gebied Druivensoort Jaar Alc. Grond Opvoeding Bewaren Website
Bodegas Corral 16002 Spanje Rioja Alta 15% Garnache, 80% Tempranillo, 5% Mazuelo y Graciano 2007 13,5% 14 maanden op hout gelagerd.
Achtergrondinformatie Bodegas Corral is gelegen in het hart van het Rioja gebied, een paar minuten rijden van Logroùo. Het was Saturnino Daroca, die in 1898 besloot tot het aanplanten van de eerste wijngaarden in Sojuela, een klein dorp in de buurt van Navarrete. Door het huwelijk van zijn dochter met Martin Corral, werd de bodega voorzien van de familienaam Corral. Bodegas Corral is de enige bodega in La Rioja gelegen langs de beroemde pelgrimsroute. Ruta Jacobea. naar Santiago de Compostela en het is deze route waar het merk Don Jacobo zijn naam aan ontleedt. De bodega bezit zo’n 40-tal hectare wijngaard in de Rioja Alta, de subregio van het Rioja gebied waar de beste wijnen vandaan komen. De opbrengst per hectare zijn vrij laag wat zorgt voor een hoge kwaliteit fruit. De wijnen worden gemaakt in de traditionele stijl met behulp van moderne vinificatietechnieken. Naast een aantal houtgelagerde rode Rioja.s (Crianza, Reserva en Gran Reserva) produceert de bodega ook een uitmuntende Blanco en Rosado.
Wijnspecificatie Kleur Bouquet Smaak Temperatuur Serveersuggestie
Schitterend, kersenrood met lichte baksteen rode hints. Zwarte bessen, rode bessen en pruimen. In goede harmonie met de nuances van het lageren op eiken houten vaten. Krachtig en doortastend. Warm, smakelijk, levendig en zacht van smaak. Goed van structuur, mooi in balans, in schitterende harmonie. In de afdronk de wat houttonen. Bij 16 - 18 C graden Prima begeleider bij rood vlees, geroosterde lam, vis in saus, gevogelte en jachtvogels zoals gans, fazant, eend. Tevens heerlijk bij rijpe kazen. Kersenrode wijn, soepel en mooi in balans. Bezit aroma's van zwarte en rode bessen, pruimen en een vleugje hout. Krachtige wijn.
Wine & Spirits | Turfschipper 7-9 | 2291 JC Wateringen | Postbus 151 | 2290 AD Wateringen T. 0174-295373 | F. 0174-297984 | |
Don Jacobo Reserva Wijnhuis Land van Herkomst Gebied Druivensoort Jaar Alc. Grond Opvoeding Bewaren Website
Bodegas Corral 16005 Spanje Rioja Alta 95% Tempranillo, 5% Garnache - Mazuelo 2001 13% 15 maanden op hout gelagerd. Gebotteld in Februari 2005.
Wijnspecificatie Kleur Bouquet Smaak Temperatuur Serveersuggestie
Intens, schitterende robijnrode kleur met lichte baksteen rode tinten. Elegant, complex en rijp aroma met mooi geïntegreerde aroma’s van specerijen en mineralen. Goed gebalanceerd met een fijn fruitig karakter. Soepel en smakelijk, rond en warm. Bij 16 - 18 C graden Prima begeleider bij allerlei geroosterd en gegrild rood vlees, visgerechten met stevige sauzen en oude, rijpe kazen.
Don Jacobo Viticultura Ecologico Wijnhuis Land van Herkomst Gebied Druivensoort Jaar Alc. Grond Opvoeding Bewaren Website
Bodegas Corral 16010 Spanje Rioja Alta
Achtergrondinformatie Deze wijn is gemaakt van ecologische gecultiveerde druiven, en met respect voor de natuur.
Wijnspecificatie Kleur Bouquet Smaak Temperatuur Serveersuggestie
Schitterend, kersenrood met lichte baksteen rode hints. Zwoel en krachtig, met tonen van rood fruit en mint. Smaak van klein gerijpt rood fruit, met zachte toegankelijke tannines. Bij 16 - 18 C graden Prima begeleider bij rood vlees, geroosterde lam, vis in saus, gevogelte en jachtvogels zoals gans, fazant, eend. Tevens heerlijk bij rijpe kazen.
Krachtig bouquet van rijp bessenfruit en mint met soepele tannines.
Château des Eyssards Sauvignon Blanc Wijnhuis Land van Herkomst Gebied Druivensoort Jaar Alc. Grond Opvoeding Bewaren Website
Château des Eyssards 35000 Frankrijk Bergerac 80% Sauvignon Blanc, 20% Semillon 2011 13,5%
Achtergrondinformatie De druiven worden alleen ’s nachts geoogst. Dit is om de co2 te beschermen, te behouden en uit praktisch oogpunt voor een lange oogst en vinificatie, hierdoor blijven alle sappen, aroma’s en smaken volledig behouden. De druiven worden zachtjes met een pneumatische pers gekneusd, de most blijft 48 uur in contact met de schil. Het zuivere sap blijft gedurende 20 dagen op een temperatuur van onder de 5oC graden voor maturation, waarna de fermentatie volgt op 18oC graden. Hierna verblijft de wijn ‘sur lie’ voordat zij gebotteld wordt.
Wijnspecificatie Kleur Bouquet Smaak Temperatuur Serveersuggestie
Heldere strogeel van kleur. Frisse, bijzonder uitbundige neus van bloemen en peredrups afkomstig van de Semillondruif. Frisse tonen van appeltjes, perzik en zelfs achter in wat banaan. De afdronk is door zijn vriendelijke zuurtjes volledig in balans. Bij 8 - 10 oC graden Een absolute aanrader als aperitiefwijn en heerlijke combinatie bij gekookte en gebakken vis- en schelpdieren, past ook goed bij jonge kaassoorten.
Heerlijke frisse, toegankelijke wijn met aroma's van appel, perzik en een vleugje banaan. De afdronk is dankzij de vriendelijke zuren volledig in balans.
Wine & Spirits | Turfschipper 7-9 | 2291 JC Wateringen | Postbus 151 | 2290 AD Wateringen T. 0174-295373 | F. 0174-297984 | |
Ch창teau des Eyssards Rouge Wijnhuis Land van Herkomst Gebied Druivensoort Jaar Alc. Grond Opvoeding
Bewaren Website
35001 Frankrijk Bergerac 100% Merlot 2010 14,5% Na een zeer strenge selectie van de beste cuvees, gaat de wijn in houten vaten voor 12 maanden. 1/3 nieuwe vaten en 2/3 op oudere vaten, waarvan 75% op Frans- en 25% op Amerikaans eiken vaten
Achtergrondinformatie Na een zeer strenge selectie van de beste cuvees, gaat de wijn in houten vaten voor 12 maanden. 1/3 nieuwe vaten en 2/3 op oudere vaten, waarvan 75% op Frans- en 25% op Amerikaans eiken vaten. Na 6 maanden van overhevelen, opvoeden en essembleren, vat voor vat, wordt de wijn 2 maanden voor mise en bouteille (= op de fles doen van de wijn, afvullen) overgeheveld, om op natuurlijke wijze te klaren (schoon te worden) en gaat de wijn na een lichte filtering op de fles.
Wijnspecificatie Kleur Bouquet Smaak Temperatuur Serveersuggestie
Donker rode wijn Geur van rode bessen en vanille. In de smaak kersen en zwarte bessen met een licht pepertje in de afdronk. Bij 18 - 20 oC graden Uitermate geschikt bij een mooi stuk rood vlees eventueel gegrild, groot wild en volle romige belegen kazen, maar zeker ook te versmaden als aperitiefwijn
Wine & Spirits | Turfschipper 7-9 | 2291 JC Wateringen | Postbus 151 | 2290 AD Wateringen T. 0174-295373 | F. 0174-297984 | |
Ch창teau des Eyssards AC Bergerac Rouge Prestige Wijnhuis Land van Herkomst Gebied Druivensoort Jaar Alc. Grond Opvoeding Bewaren Website
Chateau des Eyssards 35003 Frankrijk Bergerac 100% Merlot 2007 13%
Wijnspecificatie Kleur Bouquet Smaak Temperatuur Serveersuggestie
Donker rode wijn Geur van rode bessen en vanille. In de smaak kersen en zwarte bessen met een licht pepertje in de afdronk. Bij 18 - 20 oC graden Uitermate geschikt bij een mooi stuk rood vlees eventueel gegrild, groot wild en volle romige belegen kazen, maar zeker ook te versmaden als aperitiefwijn.
Wine & Spirits | Turfschipper 7-9 | 2291 JC Wateringen | Postbus 151 | 2290 AD Wateringen T. 0174-295373 | F. 0174-297984 | |
Château des Eyssards AC Bergerac Blanc Prestige Wijnhuis Land van Herkomst Gebied Druivensoort Jaar Alc. Grond Opvoeding Bewaren Website
Chateau des Eyssards 35006 Frankrijk Bergerac
30% Sauvignon Blanc, 40% Sémillon, 30% Muscadelle
2009 14%
Wijnspecificatie Kleur Bouquet Smaak Temperatuur Serveersuggestie
Goudgeel van kleur. vol aromatische neus van rijp wit fruit en vanille. De smaak heeft tonen van banaan en exotisch fruit. In de afdronk een botertje en lichte vanille. Bij 10 - 12 oC graden Deze wijn is perfect te combineren met “vette”gerechte zoals paling, zalm en andere gerookte en gegrilde vissoorten. Tevens perfecte aperitief en ideale begeleider bij vol rijpe Franse en Nederlandse belegen kaassoorten.
NIEL JOUBERT Chenin Blanc 2011 Grape Varietals:
100% Chenin Blanc
Residual Sugar:
Grown on the flatter, lower areas of the Farm. Combination of bush vines and trellised. Age of vines between 5 and 25 years. Essentially dry land but with one supplementary irrigation prior to harvest from mid to end January.
Winemaking Note:
Grapes were harvested at a sugar level of between 19-22째B. After crushing, the pulp was in contact with the skins for 4 hours before undergoing fermentation at 15째C for 3 weeks. The juice was kept on the lees, with stirring taking place every 2 days until the sugar level was below 2째B. No malolactic fermentation occurred, and the wine is unwooded.
Tasting Note:
Almost colourless with bright yellow reflections. Very attractive nose with lots of tropical fruit gauva, granadilla and some citrus. Bright and fresh in the mouth with lively action across the palate. All the flavour the nose promised with hint of pineapple and some lemon. Good, brisk acidity gives balance to the ripe tropical flavours. Refreshing finish
As a sundowner, an aperitif or with light flavoured food.
Niel Joubert Wines, +27 21 875 5936,
NIEL JOUBERT Cabernet Sauvignon 2009 Grape Varietals:
100% Cabernet Sauvignon
Residual Sugar:
The slopes of the Simonsberg are heaven for Cabernet Sauvignon and this is a variety that thrives with us. There wines are all trellised and, they do however have the occasional supplementary drip irrigation. The age of wines ranges from 7 to 20 years. Harvested late in the season
Winemaking Note:
Grapes were at a sugar level of 25째B. The pulp underwent a cold soak for 1 day before fermentation at 22째C for 8 days. The pulp was then pressed before malolactic fermentation took place. 10% of this wine is matured in small French oak barrels, prior to re-blending with the remainder.
Tasting Note:
Deep, dark, almost opaque with grainy, purple edge. Rich, ripe berry fruit nose with hints of forest floor, char and touch of dark chocolate. Big, full, well rounded mouth with layers of flavour including plum, mulberry and fruit cake. Soft, supple tannins yet goos grip. Long, fruit filled finish. Good drinking now with wide range of foods yet will develop over a few more years in the bottle.
Good all round drinker. On its own or with range of well flavoured foods.
Niel Joubert Wines, +27 21 875 5936,
Grapes: 100% Nero d' Avola Vineyard area: the grapes are grown on the hills of the Trapani area, with the traditional Spalliera system. Harvest: early October. Vinification: the grapes are destemmed and gently pressed. Fermentation takes place at controlled temperatures not exceeding 28°C with frequent pumping over in the early stages in order to ensure optimum colour extraction and soft tannins. After fermentation, the wine is racked off and the malolactic fermentation takes place. Tasting notes: Sicily's number one red grape variety, Nero d' Avola is indigenous to the island. Our Terre di Kama Nero d' Avola has a wonderful structure, yet has soft tannins and is very approachable. Packed with red berry fruit flavors, it is ideal with red meat and tomato based pasta sauces.
TERRE DI KAMA Catarratto-Pinot Grigio ORGANIC
Blend: 70% Catarratto – 30% Pinot Grigio Vineyard area: grapes are selected from the best vineyards in the Trapani area. This vineyard is one of the most characteristic and typical of this area, with a predominance of white grapes. Vine training is by traditional Spalliera system. Harvest: Pinot Grigio is picked in the first part of August while Catarratto in the second part of September. Both are hand-picked which allows us to select the grapes when at their optimum maturity while retaining the grapes acidity. Vinification: after destemming, grapes are gently pressed. Fermentation takes place at controlled temperatures not exceeding 18°C for approximately 3 weeks. Malolactic fermentation does not take place. After the fermentation of Catarratto is finished, the two wines are blended and kept on fine lees until the end of December. Tasting notes: the blending of these two grapes creates an enjoyable, everyday drinking wine that offers intense aromas of both citrus and tropical fruit flavours. Perfect with seafood or as an aperitif.
Antonio Sanz - Antonio Sanz Verdejo Artikelnummer Wijnhuis Jaargang Land van herkomst Streek / Gebied Druivensoorten Alcoholpercentage Website
170000 Antonio Sanz 2012 Spanje Rueda Verdejo 13,5%
Achtergrondinformatie Antonio Sanz staat bekend als de motor achter het wijngebied Rueda in Noord-Spanje. Een dynamische wijnmaker en visionair. Hij richtte in 1976, als vierde generatie van de wijnbouwersfamilie Sanz, zijn eigen bodega op. Dat was zeven jaar voordat de D.O. Rueda ontstond. De oude bodega van de familie, in het dorpje La Seca, werd verkocht aan de Spaanse Wijnclub Vinoselección. Antonio voorzag een grote toekomst voor de Verdejo druif. In bijna alle opzichten is Antonio Sanz verantwoordelijk geweest voor de groei in kwaliteit van Rueda. De Verdejo kent hij als geen ander. Zijn ‘Fermentado en Barrica’ was de eerste op de markt. Hij experimenteert met het opbinden van de Verdejo-stokken, oogstmachines, ´s nachts oogsten, maar ook met zoete wijnen, edele rotting, mousserende wijnen, en dat alles met 100% Verdejo druiven. Hij is ook de man achter de aromatische, fruitige stijl wijnen, waarmee wij tegenwoordig Rueda associëren.
Wijnspecificatie Kleur Bouquet Smaak Temperatuur Serveersuggestie
Geel met groene reflecties Aroma’s van tropisch fruit, passievrucht en citrus. Zeer stuivende volle wijn met een fruitige en frisse smaak en een zeer lange afdronk. Een voorbeeld van een zeer goed gemaakte biologische wijn
Wijnkaart tekst
Wine & Spirits | Turfschipper 7-9 | 2291 JC Wateringen | Postbus 151 | 2290 AD Wateringen T. 0174-295373 | F. 0174-297984 | |
Antonio Sanz - Antonio Sanz Sauvignon Blanc Artikelnummer Wijnhuis Jaargang Land van herkomst Streek / Gebied Druivensoorten Alcoholpercentage Website
170001 Antonio Sanz 2011 Spanje Rueda Sauvignon Blanc 13,5%
Achtergrondinformatie Antonio Sanz staat bekend als de motor achter het wijngebied Rueda in Noord-Spanje. Een dynamische wijnmaker en visionair. Hij richtte in 1976, als vierde generatie van de wijnbouwersfamilie Sanz, zijn eigen bodega op. Dat was zeven jaar voordat de D.O. Rueda ontstond. De oude bodega van de familie, in het dorpje La Seca, werd verkocht aan de Spaanse Wijnclub Vinoselección. In bijna alle opzichten is Antonio Sanz verantwoordelijk geweest voor de groei in kwaliteit van Rueda. Hij is ook de man achter de aromatische, fruitige stijl wijnen, waarmee wij tegenwoordig Rueda associëren.
Wijnspecificatie Kleur Bouquet Smaak Temperatuur Serveersuggestie
Lichtgroene – gouden kleur Sterke tropische en citrusvruchten. Frisse smaak en verfrissende zuren
Wijnkaart tekst
Wine & Spirits | Turfschipper 7-9 | 2291 JC Wateringen | Postbus 151 | 2290 AD Wateringen T. 0174-295373 | F. 0174-297984 | |
Espiritu de Chile – Classic Sauvignon Blanc Artikelnummer Wijnhuis Jaargang Land van herkomst Streek / Gebied Druivensoorten Alcoholpercentage Website
174000 Espiritu de Chile 2013 Chili Curicó Sauvignon Blanc 12,5%
Achtergrondinformatie Het Curicó-gebied in Chili grenst aan het zuiden van de Rapel Valley en wordt gekenmerkt door een mediterraan klimaat en een bodem die rijk is aan leem en klei. In de Curico Valley dalen de temperaturen ’s nachts aanzienlijk wat ervoor zorgt dat de druiven langzaam rijpen en zij hun zuurgraad behouden. Dit resulteert in bijzonder frisse en fruit gedreven wijnen.
Wijnspecificatie Kleur Bouquet Smaak Temperatuur Serveersuggestie
Prachtige fruit aroma’s van perzik en citrus Deze elegant en gestructureerde Sauvignon Blanc heeft smaken van verse kruiden. Een eerlijk en ongecompliceerde wijn. Helder, met een zachte aanhoudende afdronk. Serveren bij 8 – 10 C graden. Deze wijn kan worden genoten met verse kaas, een breed scala van schelpdieren en is ook lekker als aperitief.
Wijnkaart tekst
Wine & Spirits | Turfschipper 7-9 | 2291 JC Wateringen | Postbus 151 | 2290 AD Wateringen T. 0174-295373 | F. 0174-297984 | |
Espiritu de Chile – Classic Chardonnay Artikelnummer Wijnhuis Jaargang Land van herkomst Streek / Gebied Druivensoorten Alcoholpercentage Website
174001 Espiritu de Chile 2013 Chili Curicó Chardonnay 13%
Achtergrondinformatie Het Curicó-gebied in Chili grenst aan het zuiden van de Rapel Valley en wordt gekenmerkt door een mediterraan klimaat en een bodem die rijk is aan leem en klei. In de Curico Valley dalen de temperaturen ’s nachts aanzienlijk wat ervoor zorgt dat de druiven langzaam rijpen en zij hun zuurgraad behouden. Dit resulteert in bijzonder frisse en fruit gedreven wijnen.
Wijnspecificatie Kleur Bouquet Smaak Temperatuur Serveersuggestie
Deze Chardonnay biedt expressieve aroma's van zoete peer, meloen en een vleugje vanille. De ronding van deze wijn biedt een aangenaam gevoel in de mond Serveren bij 8 - 10 C graden. Deze wijn is heerlijk als aperitief en kan worden genoten met kaas en een breed scala van schelpdieren. Serveer met salades, fijne pasta, kaas of visgerechten.
Wijnkaart tekst
Wine & Spirits | Turfschipper 7-9 | 2291 JC Wateringen | Postbus 151 | 2290 AD Wateringen T. 0174-295373 | F. 0174-297984 | |
Espiritu de Chile – Classic Selection Gewürztraminer Artikelnummer Wijnhuis Jaargang Land van herkomst Streek / Gebied Druivensoorten Alcoholpercentage Website
174002 Espiritu de Chile 2011 Chili Curicó Gewürztraminer 12,5%
Achtergrondinformatie Het Curicó-gebied in Chili grenst aan het zuiden van de Rapel Valley en wordt gekenmerkt door een mediterraan klimaat en een bodem die rijk is aan leem en klei. In de Curico Valley dalen de temperaturen ’s nachts aanzienlijk wat ervoor zorgt dat de druiven langzaam rijpen en zij hun zuurgraad behouden. Dit resulteert in bijzonder frisse en fruit gedreven wijnen.
Wijnspecificatie Kleur Bouquet Smaak Temperatuur Serveersuggestie
Deze harmonieuze Gewürztraminer heeft een geur van rozenblaadjes, abrikoos, kalk, en enkele kruidige noten. Serveren bij 8 - 10 C graden. Ideaal met verse salades, zachte kazen en kruidige gerechten.
Wijnkaart tekst
Wine & Spirits | Turfschipper 7-9 | 2291 JC Wateringen | Postbus 151 | 2290 AD Wateringen T. 0174-295373 | F. 0174-297984 | |
Espiritu de Chile – Classic Cabernet Sauvignon Rosé Artikelnummer Wijnhuis Jaargang Land van herkomst Streek / Gebied Druivensoorten Alcoholpercentage Website
174003 Espiritu de Chile 2012 Chili Curicó Cabernet Sauvignon 12,5%
Achtergrondinformatie Het Curicó-gebied in Chili grenst aan het zuiden van de Rapel Valley en wordt gekenmerkt door een mediterraan klimaat en een bodem die rijk is aan leem en klei. In de Curico Valley dalen de temperaturen ’s nachts aanzienlijk wat ervoor zorgt dat de druiven langzaam rijpen en zij hun zuurgraad behouden. Dit resulteert in bijzonder frisse en fruit gedreven wijnen.
Wijnspecificatie Kleur Bouquet Smaak Temperatuur Serveersuggestie
Mooie roze kleur Deze rosé biedt heldere rood fruit aroma's van aardbeien en frambozen Fris, fruitig en zacht op het gehemelte. Het is een goed uitgebalanceerde wijn met een aangename, aanhoudende afdronk. Serveren bij 8 - 10 C graden. Serveren als aperitief of bij lichte maaltijden
Wijnkaart tekst
Wine & Spirits | Turfschipper 7-9 | 2291 JC Wateringen | Postbus 151 | 2290 AD Wateringen T. 0174-295373 | F. 0174-297984 | |
Espiritu de Chile – Classic Cabernet Sauvignon Artikelnummer Wijnhuis Jaargang Land van herkomst Streek / Gebied Druivensoorten Alcoholpercentage Website
174004 Espiritu de Chile 2012 Chili Curicó & Maipo Cabernet Sauvignon 13%
Achtergrondinformatie Het Curicó-gebied in Chili grenst aan het zuiden van de Rapel Valley en wordt gekenmerkt door een mediterraan klimaat en een bodem die rijk is aan leem en klei. In de Curico Valley dalen de temperaturen ’s nachts aanzienlijk wat ervoor zorgt dat de druiven langzaam rijpen en zij hun zuurgraad behouden. Dit resulteert in bijzonder frisse en fruit gedreven wijnen. De Maipo Valley is het meest noordelijke deelgebied van de Central Valley en ook het oudste wijngebied in Chili. Het werd lange tijd beschouwd als de beste wijn-groeiende regio in Chili, met name vanwege haar uitstekende Cabernet Sauvignons. Het klimaat in de Maipo Valley is warm en droog, hoewel de klimatologische invloeden van de Stille Oceaan en de Andes aanzienlijk variëren. De rode wijnen van de Maipo Valley behoren percentueel tot de beste in Chili, hoewel de teelt van de witte wijnen geleidelijk aan toeneemt in met name de kustgebieden.
Wijnspecificatie Kleur Bouquet Smaak Temperatuur Serveersuggestie
Wijnkaart tekst
Aroma’s van zwarte bessen met tonen van witte peper, wilde bessen en vanille. De elegante tonen van hout zorgen voor een zacht gevoel in de mond en een langdurige nasmaak. Naadloze en harmonieuze structuur. Serveren bij 16 - 18 C graden. Ideaal met stevige maaltijden, donkerrood vlees, wild en sterke kazen.
Wine & Spirits | Turfschipper 7-9 | 2291 JC Wateringen | Postbus 151 | 2290 AD Wateringen T. 0174-295373 | F. 0174-297984 | |
Espiritu de Chile – Classic Carmenere Artikelnummer Wijnhuis Jaargang Land van herkomst Streek / Gebied Druivensoorten Alcoholpercentage Website
174005 Espiritu de Chile 2012 Chili Central Valley Carmenere 13%
Achtergrondinformatie Het klimaat van de Central Valley, gelegen in de buurt van het Andes gebergte op een hoogte tussen de 1600 en 2300 meter, is gevarieerd. Tijdens de groeiperiode kunnen er ’s nachts en overdag temperatuurschommelingen plaatsvinden van 68°C. Dit unieke klimaat bevordert de omstandigheden voor optimale fruitconcentratie, een diepe kleur van de wijn en een evenwichtige zuurgraad.
Wijnspecificatie Kleur Bouquet Smaak Temperatuur Serveersuggestie
Hoogrode kleur Elegante neus van rood fruit en een vleugje vanille. Fruit aroma’s van rode bessen met een vleugje peper en kruiden in combinatie met donkere espresso. De tannine structuur is zacht en soepel. Serveren bij 16 - 18 C graden. Perfect voor tijdens het gourmetten, bij macaroni met kaas, pasta bolognaise of lam
Wijnkaart tekst
Wine & Spirits | Turfschipper 7-9 | 2291 JC Wateringen | Postbus 151 | 2290 AD Wateringen T. 0174-295373 | F. 0174-297984 | |
Espiritu de Chile – Gran Reserva Chardonnay Artikelnummer Wijnhuis Jaargang Land van herkomst Streek / Gebied Druivensoorten Alcoholpercentage Website
174006 Espiritu de Chile 2011 Chili Curicó Chardonnay 13%
Achtergrondinformatie Het Curicó-gebied in Chili grenst aan het zuiden van de Rapel Valley en wordt gekenmerkt door een mediterraan klimaat en een bodem die rijk is aan leem en klei. In de Curico Valley dalen de temperaturen ’s nachts aanzienlijk wat ervoor zorgt dat de druiven langzaam rijpen en zij hun zuurgraad behouden. Dit resulteert in bijzonder frisse en fruit gedreven wijnen.
Wijnspecificatie Kleur Bouquet Smaak Temperatuur Serveersuggestie
Mooie gele kleur Frisse geuren van fruit en bloemen met een vleugje vanille en melk. In de mond proeft u een zekere frisheid en tonen van banaan en koffie. Evenwichtige zuurgraad Serveren bij 8 - 10 C graden.
Wijnkaart tekst
Wine & Spirits | Turfschipper 7-9 | 2291 JC Wateringen | Postbus 151 | 2290 AD Wateringen T. 0174-295373 | F. 0174-297984 | |
Espiritu de Chile – Gran Reserva Carmenere Artikelnummer Wijnhuis Jaargang Land van herkomst Streek / Gebied Druivensoorten Alcoholpercentage Website
174007 Espiritu de Chile 2011 Chili Curicó Carmenere 13,5%
Achtergrondinformatie Het Curicó-gebied in Chili grenst aan het zuiden van de Rapel Valley en wordt gekenmerkt door een mediterraan klimaat en een bodem die rijk is aan leem en klei. In de Curico Valley dalen de temperaturen ’s nachts aanzienlijk wat ervoor zorgt dat de druiven langzaam rijpen en zij hun zuurgraad behouden. Dit resulteert in bijzonder frisse en fruit gedreven wijnen.
Wijnspecificatie Kleur Bouquet Smaak Temperatuur Serveersuggestie
Diepe kersenrode kleur De neus benadrukt de peper en kruidnagel smaken. Aroma’s van rood fruit en zwarte peper. Evenwichtig in de mond. Aangename tannines. Serveren bij 16 - 18 C graden. Ideaal bij stevige maaltijden, donkerrood vlees, wild en pittige kaas.
Wijnkaart tekst
Wine & Spirits | Turfschipper 7-9 | 2291 JC Wateringen | Postbus 151 | 2290 AD Wateringen T. 0174-295373 | F. 0174-297984 | |
Espiritu de Chile – Gran Reserva Syrah Artikelnummer Wijnhuis Jaargang Land van herkomst Streek / Gebied Druivensoorten Alcoholpercentage Website
174008 Espiritu de Chile 2011 Chili Maipo Valley Syrah 13,5%
Achtergrondinformatie De Maipo Valley is het meest noordelijke deelgebied van de Central Valley en ook het oudste wijngebied in Chili. Het werd lange tijd beschouwd als de beste wijn-groeiende regio in Chili, met name vanwege haar uitstekende Cabernet Sauvignons. Het klimaat in de Maipo Valley is warm en droog, hoewel de klimatologische invloeden van de Stille Oceaan en de Andes aanzienlijk variĂŤren. De rode wijnen van de Maipo Valley behoren percentueel tot de beste in Chili, hoewel de teelt van de witte wijnen geleidelijk aan toeneemt in met name de kustgebieden.
Wijnspecificatie Kleur Bouquet Smaak Temperatuur Serveersuggestie
Intense en dieprode kleur Geur van bramen, lavendel, wierook, vanille en toffee. Zacht in de mond Serveren bij 16 - 18 C graden. De perfecte match voor kalfsvlees, varkensvlees, brie of camembert, kalkoen of pasta met room/vleessauzen
Wijnkaart tekst
Wine & Spirits | Turfschipper 7-9 | 2291 JC Wateringen | Postbus 151 | 2290 AD Wateringen T. 0174-295373 | F. 0174-297984 | |
Espiritu de Chile – Winemaker Collection Sauvignon Blanc Leyda Artikelnummer Wijnhuis Jaargang Land van herkomst Streek / Gebied Druivensoorten Alcoholpercentage Website
174009 Espiritu de Chile 2012 Chili Leyda Valley Sauvignon Blanc 13%
Achtergrondinformatie De Leyda Valley ligt op 8 km van de Stille Oceaan en heeft lange, koele seizoenen. De zee en de ligging aan de kust zorgt voor een langzame rijping van de druiven, omdat de natuurlijke bries van de lage temperatuur wordt gegenereerd uit het Westen.
Wijnspecificatie Kleur Bouquet Smaak Temperatuur Serveersuggestie
Intense aroma’s van asperges en erwten met een vleugje gras. De smaak is fris en pittig. Stevige zuurgraad die resulteert in een perfect uitgebalanceerde wijn. Serveren bij 13 C graden. Ideaal als aperitief, of in combinatie met vis, schaal-en schelpdieren en kaas
Wijnkaart tekst
Wine & Spirits | Turfschipper 7-9 | 2291 JC Wateringen | Postbus 151 | 2290 AD Wateringen T. 0174-295373 | F. 0174-297984 | |
“NAKED” CHARDONNAY Perp Profile: Vintage: 2010 Appellation: California Varieties: 100% Chardonnay
Warden’s Comments: We are a winery that has historically eschewed the bland pedestrian commercialized varieties like Cabernet Sauvignon and Chardonnay because of the popular, yet heavy headed winemaking style and the pretension that surrounds these wines’ ostentatious palates that they attract. So for us to induct said pedestrian wine into our House, we really needed to give him a thorough makeover. Et voila, Chardonnay we veered off the California standard by using steel tanks and neutral oak barrels; thereby preserving the true fruit characteristics of the Chardonnay grape.
Surveillance (winemaking): Picked at night or early in the morning, these grapes underwent fermentation in stainless steel tanks and were freed from the common secondary malolactic fermentation which is a frequent sentence for Californian Chardonnay. The result is a fresh and bright unoaked Chardonnay that is more reminiscent of an aromatic white than its namesake.
Food Pairings: Unoaked chardonnay pairs well with braised scallops, pork tenderloin, roasted chicken or fresh pasta with olive oil and basil.
Georgetta Dane, Warden
Rap Sheet:
TA: 0.76 g/100 ml Case Production: 30,000 cases SRP: 750mL $9.99, 3L $22.00 Release Date: Spring 2011
© 2011 Big House Wine Co., Soledad, CA
Harvest Brix: 22.0 - 24.0 Harvest Date: Sept-Oct 2010 Alcohol: 13.0% pH: 3.57 RS: 0.50 g/100mL
Cardinal Zin
Perp Profile: Vintage: 2009 Appellation: California Varieties: 80% Zinfandel, 10% Mourvedre, 8% Carignane, 2% Petite Sirah
Warden’s Comments: We are zealous believers in the decadent and forbidden flavors of this sinfully delicious Zinfandel. Grown from Beastly Old Vines from stately, yet sometimes forgotten vineyards throughout California. This wine elicits fervent, fecund and frenzied tongue enveloping pleasures. A wine of substance, it’s a Cardinal Zin not to drink at the altar of this decadent, spicy zinfandel. This is a refined pleasure, with intense flavors of blackberry mingling with soft creamy touches of oak, vanilla and dry herbs. It’s full on the palate, but not heavy and the fruit is constant from the first sip to the end of the finish.
Surveillance (winemaking): After harvesting, these tiny grapes were first cold soaked before the must was fermented cool during primary fermentation. The juices were then passed through malolactic fermentation. The wine then underwent a barrel regimen to give it hints of toasty deliciousness.
Food Pairings: This is a very versatile wine that pairs well with grilled pork, pasta Bolognese, barbecued ribs or chops (pork, lamb, you choose!)
Georgetta Dane, Warden
Rap Sheet:
TA: 0.67g/100mL Case Production: 35,000 cases SRP: 750mL $9.99, 3L $22.00 Release Date: Fall 2010 © 2010 Big House Wine Co., Soledad, CA
Harvest Brix: 25.0 - 26.0 Harvest Date: Sept-Oct 2009 Alcohol: 13.0% pH: 3.49
LINEA 883 Valpolicella Classico
Linea 883 like 1883, the year of the cellar's foundation. Dedicated lands, agronomic peculiarities and technical consistency are the secret of the quality of Bolla wines. Hundreds of farmers who have formed a solid alliance with this cellar, seriousness, skill, origin and development of family histories provide the path which the wine does not forget. The grapes:
75% Corvina and Corvinone, 25% Rondinella, harvested towards the end of September.
The vineyard:
The vineyards are run with very attentive control of all the cultivation operations. Winter pruning returns the plants to their proper productive equilibrium. The various activities while unripe encourage the bunches to ripen perfectly. Integrated attack principles are employed by paying the maximum attention to the vineyard's natural equilibria. For many years, permanent grassing over has been introduced and guarantees continuous organic enrichment and highly effective control of erosion.
The ripe grapes are vinified on the skins with about 15 days' maceration. Fermentation takes place at a controlled temperature (20-28ยบC), with selected yeasts in modern vinifiers to exalt the peculiarities of the grapes from the vineyards of origin.
6 months in barrique (25% of the bulk) and 6 months (75% of the bulk) in large casks of different origins.
The wine:
An intense ruby red colour with garnet hues; a well-pronounced perfume of black fruit; a dry, savoury and harmonic taste with a distinct finish of wild berries.
Analytical data:
alcohol 12.4%; total acidity 5.2 g/l; pH 3.3; sugars 5.0 g/l; extract 26.0 g/l.
Accompany with: roasts and game, mature but not pungent cheeses, tasty pasta dishes.
REV. 04/03/2011
Tufaie Soave Classico doc 2010
Tufaie, from the tuffs found in the soils of the Classic zone. A rich Soave with the typical complex nose of the hillside vineyards it comes from. The grapes:
85% Garganega, 15% Trebbiano di Soave, grown on the traditional Soave Pergolas.
The vineyard:
The historical vineyards, 25-30 years old, are situated on the volcanic cones in the Classic zone, in the commune of Monteforte d’Alpone. The southern/south-eastern exposure and the altitude between 200 and 300 metres a.s.l. mean that the zone is characterized by significant temperature swings between day and night and ripening with full respect for the aromatic chromosome set.
Traditionally the harvest begins in October and picking is strictly carried out by hand to guarantee correct selection of healthy and perfectly mature grapes. These are then macerated cold in a protected and inert atmosphere for several hours, after removal of the stalks, and subjected to soft pressing. As a result we obtain a rich must from which the solid parts are removed immediately by means of cold static sedimentation. Fermentation takes place at low temperature (14-16°C) for about three weeks. The wine is kept for a long period on the fine fermentation dregs with regular bâtonnage. This Tufaie acquires intensity, body and importance.
The wine:
“Tufaie”, from Garganega and Trebbiano di Soave, is an expression of the typical organoleptic qualities of these indigenous varieties. Coloured golden yellow, it is full, smooth, round and intense. Its perfumes recall hawthorn blossoms and ripe fruit. It lingers persistently on the palate with spicy scents that mingle with the typical sweet notes of Soave.
Analytical data:
Alcohol 12.90% - total acidity 5.8 g/l - pH 3.3 - sugars 5.6 g/l – extract 21.5 g/l.
Gastronomic matches: It is recommended with crustaceans and delicate saltwater fish, but also with white meats.
REV. 07/03/2011
Le Poiane Valpolicella Ripasso Classico Superiore doc 2009
A slow second fermentation on the marc of Amarone, an enveloping taste with a smooth tannic thread. Le Poiane, dark rapacious typical of the Valpolicella area that invokes the world of hunting and falconry. The grapes:
The vineyard:
70% Corvina and Corvinone, 30% Rondinella and other autochthonous varieties. The vineyards are mainly located in the Jago and Crosara di Negrar locality, in limestone-marly hill soil, surrounded by the typical dry walls of the area known as "marogne". These calcareous stone walls create terraces and delineate the typical conformation of the hills. The “marogne� bring biodiversity. The roots of the vines can penetrate soil which is never suffocating or wet while the stones also become thermal boosters in the winter.
The grapes are picked up tardily and perfectly ripe and, by fermenting with a carefully conduct, yield a wine very intense and strongly distinctive of the area. At the end of February, after the finest Amarone is drawn off, the wine is integrated with the marc of the latter with which it begins further fermentation and from which it extracts colour, sugars, and flavours. The fermentation, with the typical ancient Ripasso procedure, requires 15-20 days and endows the wine with great complexity and very smooth tannins.
Ageing in wood, first of all in barriques and then in large barrels, completes the equilibrium and attractiveness. Ageing is foreseen for about 12-18 months and further 3 months in the bottle.
The wine:
This wine is representative of our mission: it fully exploits the typicality of our lands and of our grapes, and preserves the best of the original Ripasso technique. It is a wine with an intense ruby red colour, with a winy complex and fine perfume with hints of spices and black pepper and with a dry, velvety and harmonious flavour.
Analytical data:
alcohol 14.0%; total acidity 5.40 g/l; pH 3.40; sugars 5.5 g/l; extract 29.0 g/l.
Accompany with: An excellent wine for savouring on its own but also a fine accompaniment for tasty meat-based dishes such as a rich mixed grill, or with mature cheeses. BOLLA. THE SOUL OF GREAT ITALIAN WINE.
REV. 22/02/2011
LINEA 883 Soave Classico
A symbol of history renewing. Bolla was established in Soave in 1883 and with this Classico was renewed with it. Garganega and Trebbiano di Soave grapes, cultivated east of Verona where the little medieval town of the same name rises, dominated by the Scaliger castle which embraces it with its powerful walls. The grapes:
90% Garganega, 10% Trebbiano di Soave
The vineyard:
Selected 15-25 year-old vines on the hills of Soave in the heart of the classic zone. The soil is of volcanic origin with basaltic formations, rich in microelements (calcium, potassium and magnesium). The vines are grown on pergolas, with 15-18 buds per vine on the steep slopes crossed by terraces with old dry walls.
The grapes are harvested from the end of September to early October with different periods depending on the altitude of the vineyards. They are immediately subjected to soft pressing with long cold maceration. Cold contact with its yeasts until spring and the addition of a small percentage of wine obtained from over-ripe grapes endow it with aromatic complexity and fullness.
The wine:
Straw colour; a particularly fine perfume, intense with the fresh fragrance of flowers and initially with exotic fruit and acacia honey in the mouth. It is very graceful and harmonious on the palate, with a great body and elegant persistence. A real inimitable Soave Bolla.
Analytical data:
alcohol 12.7%; total acidity 5.3 g/l; pH 3.28; sugars 5.0 g/l; extract 19.5 g/l.
Accompany with: To savour with simple dishes from the Mediterranean cuisine; excellent with pizza and perfect with seafood hors d'oeuvres.
Sheet Code: Version: Date:
Cálem 10 Years Old Tawny Porto Port Wine | Portugal Vine The vineyard is disposed along the slopes on horizontal levels and, more recently, they are planted along the lines of greatest slopes, so called “Vinha ao Alto” (vertically planted vines).
Soil Schist greywacke ante-Ordovician, with some inclusions of a geological formation of granitic involving nature.
Height Up to 600 meters.
Grape Varieties Traditional grapes from Douro.
Vinification Hand-harvest at their best moment, the grapes are destemmed, crushed and vinified in a careful maceration with extraction of colour, tannins and pellicle aromas, complemented by permanent pumping-over during fermentation. This process takes place in vats at a controlled temperature between 28-30ºC, until reaching the desired Baumé. At this phase grape brandy is added (benefit), originating a fortified wine. A wine of an exceptional quality, obtained by the lotation of several harvests, in order to acquire a complementarity of organoleptic characteristics typical of this style aged tawny. Matures in wood for variable periods of time in which the age mentioned on the label corresponds to the approximated average of the different wines age on the lot, expressing the character of the wine in what concerns the characteristics conferred by the ageing in oak casks.
Tasting Notes Attractive brown-tawny colour with topaz halo. Magnificent nose with a bouquet of dried fruits, wood notes and delicious hints of chocolate. In the taste reveals itself smooth and velvety. A wine of great intensity, revealer of a magnificent tannic strength and a sumptuous elegance. Long and delightful finish.
Recommendations The wine should be stored in a fresh, dry and dark place, without temperature variations, and the bottle must remain up-right. As a natural product, the Port Wine is subject to create deposit when ageing. Once opened, it should be consumed within 4 to 6 months. The periods here suggested are merely for guidance, not implying the deterioration of the wine but only a slow evolution that can lead to the loss of its original sensorial characteristics. Slightly refreshed, it is the ideal choice to serve with appetizers like strong cheeses and pâtés. The velvety texture and the singular aromatic expression stand-out remarkably with main courses with dried fruits. Irresistible with a tureen of foie gras with aubergine and nuts. Wonderful choice to serve with a myriad of delicious caramel brownies, chocolate and pistachio pavê and nuts crostini with cheese chèvre. The multiplicity of possible harmonies is superb, having the consumer the pleasure to go in search of new flavours. Serve at a temperature between 12 and 14ºC.
Technical Details Alcohol
20 %vol
Total Acidity
4,26 g/dm3
Reducing Sugars
100,60 g/dm3 Pedro Sá
PPCAY10YOENV2 2.0 18-05-2010
Sheet Code: Version: Date:
Cálem Colheita Porto 1999 Port Wine | Portugal Vine The vineyard is disposed along the slopes on horizontal levels and, more recently, they are planted along the lines of greatest slopes, so called “Vinha ao Alto” (vertically planted vines).
Soil Schist greywacke ante-Ordovician, with some inclusions of a geological formation of granitic involving nature.
Height Up to 600 meters.
Grape Varieties Traditional grapes from Douro.
Vinification Hand-harvest at their best moment, the grapes are destemmed, crushed and vinified in a careful maceration with extraction of colour, tannins and aromas of the pellicles, complemented by permanent pumping-over during fermentation. This process takes place in vats at a controlled temperature between 28-30ºC, until reaching the desired Baumé. At this phase grape brandy is added (benefit), originating a fortified wine. A wine of an exceptional quality, from a single harvest. Matures in wood for variable periods of time, never less than 7 years, being bottled afterwards by market requests.
Tasting Notes Red coloured with brown hints, comes dominated by the dried fruits, balanced by the exotic touch of the spices and by the pleasant presence of wood. Complex and velvety in the taste, with a surprising intensity extended in the endless end.
Recommendations The wine should be stored in a fresh, dry and dark place, without temperature variations, and the bottle must remain up-right. As a natural product, the Port Wine is subject to create deposit when ageing. To guarantee the plenitude of its freshness and quality, the wine shall be consumed preferentially with the shortest time in bottle. Slightly refreshed, expresses all the finesse and sophistication when combined with caramel desserts, dried fruits and spices, like caramel fondant with apple and ginger jelly, tatin tart, burnt cream and chesses of minimum intensity. Despite the age, the freshness remains. Extraordinary marriage with a refreshing tangerine parfait. The multiplicity of possible harmonies is amazing, having the consumer the pleasure to go in search of new flavours. Serve at a temperature between 12 and 14ºC.
Technical Details Alcohol pH Total Acidity Reducing Sugars
20,00 %vol 3,51 4,74 g/dm3 100,60 g/dm3 Pedro Sá
PPCACO199ENV1 1.0 14-05-2013
Sheet Code: Version: Date:
Cálem Fine Ruby Porto Port Wine | Portugal Vine The vineyard is disposed along the slopes on horizontal levels and, more recently, they are planted along the lines of greatest slopes, so called “Vinha ao Alto” (vertically planted vines).
Soil Schist greywacke ante-Ordovician, with some inclusions of a geological formation of granitic involving nature.
Height Up to 600 meters.
Grape Varieties Traditional grapes from Douro.
Vinification Hand-harvest at their best moment, the grapes are destemmed, crushed and vinified in a careful maceration with extraction of colour, tannins and aromas of the pellicles, complemented by permanent pumping-over during fermentation. This process takes place in stainless-steel vats at a controlled temperature between 28-30ºC, until reaching the desired Baumé. At this phase, grape brandy is added (benefit), originating a fortified wine. Obtained by the lotation of wines with variable levels of maturation and sources, lead through the ageing in stainlesssteel and wood for a minimum of 3 years, resulting in a rich wine, aromatic and with a balanced sweetness.
Tasting Notes Deep ruby-red colour with granate halo. Vibrant nose, full of young and fruity aromas. In the mouth it is firm, smooth and balance, revealing great freshness and strength.
Recommendations The wine should be stored in a fresh, dry and dark place, without temperature variations, and the bottle must remain up-right. As a natural product, the Port Wine is subject to create deposit when ageing. Once opened, it should be consumed within 2 to 4 months. The periods here suggested are merely for guidance, not implying the deterioration of the wine but only a slow evolution that can lead to the loss of its original sensorial characteristics. Serve simple, fresh or with ice, it is excellent as an aperitif, being equally delighted in any time of the day. Its versatility and freshness express its potential in a diversity of desserts and chesses of medium intensity. Combine with strawberry and yogurt mousse, clafouti of red fruits or puff of camembert with raspberry and rosemary. The multiplicity of possible harmonies is superb, having the consumer the pleasure to go in search of new flavours. Serve at a temperature between 12 and 14ºC.
Technical Details Alcohol
20 %vol
Total Acidity
4,36 g/dm3
Reducing Sugars
100,80 g/dm3 Pedro Sá
PPCARU000ENV2 2.0 18-05-2010
Sheet Code: Version: Date:
Cálem Fine Tawny Porto Port Wine | Portugal Vine The vineyard is disposed along the slopes on horizontal levels and, more recently, they are planted along the lines of greatest slopes, so called “Vinha ao Alto” (vertically planted vines).
Soil Schist greywacke ante-Ordovician, with some inclusions of a geological formation of granitic involving nature.
Height Up to 600 meters.
Grape Varieties Traditional grapes from Douro.
Vinification Hand-harvest at their best moment, the grapes are destemmed, crushed and vinified in a careful maceration with extraction of colour, tannins and aromas of the pellicles, complemented by permanent pumping-over during fermentation. This process takes place in stainless-steel vats at a controlled temperature between 28-30ºC, until reaching the desired Baumé. At this phase, grape brandy is added (benefit), originating a fortified wine. Obtained by the lotation of wines with variable levels of maturation and sources, lead through the ageing in stainlesssteel and wood for a minimum of 3 years, resulting in a rich wine, aromatic and with a balanced sweetness.
Tasting Notes Lively brown-tawny colour. Honeydew fruit nose, with dried fruit aromas and remarkable notes of wood. In the mouth it is silky, round and with an intense presence of fruit. A wine of great balance and excellent character.
Recommendations The wine should be stored in a fresh, dry and dark place, without temperature variations, and the bottle must remain up-right. As a natural product, the Port Wine is subject to create deposit when ageing. Once opened, it should be consumed within 4 to 6 months. The periods here suggested are merely for guidance, not implying the deterioration of the wine but only a slow evolution that can lead to the loss of its original sensorial characteristics. Well fresh, it is the ideal aperitif to be served with dried fruits. Combines perfectly with a large variety of desserts with caramel, coffee, apricots and dried fruits. Magnificently with caramelized nuts, tiramisu, hazelnut meringue pie and brie cheeses type. The multiplicity of possible harmonies is superb, having the consumer the pleasure to go in search of new flavours. Serve at a temperature between 12 and 14ºC.
Technical Details Alcohol
20 %vol
Total Acidity
3,92 g/dm3
Reducing Sugars
101,00 g/dm3 Pedro Sá
PPCATA000ENV2 2.0 18-05-2010
Sheet Code: Version: Date:
Cálem Fine White Porto Port Wine | Portugal Vine The vineyard is disposed along the slopes on horizontal levels and, more recently, they are planted along the lines of greatest slopes, so called “Vinha ao Alto” (vertically planted vines).
Soil Schist greywacke ante-Ordovician, with some inclusions of a geological formation of granitic involving nature.
Height Up to 600 meters.
Grape Varieties Traditional grapes from Douro.
Vinification Hand-harvest at their best moment, the grapes are destemmed, crushed and vinified in a careful maceration, complemented by permanent pumping-over during fermentation. This process takes place in stainless-steel vats at a controlled temperature between 16-18ºC, until reaching the desired Baumé. At this phase, grape brandy is added (benefit), originating a fortified wine. Obtained by the lotation of wines with variable levels of maturation and source, lead through the ageing in stainless-steel and wood for a minimum of 3 years, resulting in a rich wine, aromatic and with a balanced sweetness.
Tasting Notes Light straw coloured. Rich and aromatic nose, with exuberating floral aromas and tropical fruit notes. Smooth, full-bodied and determined on the taste with a delicious fruity finish.
Recommendations The wine should be stored in a fresh, dry and dark place, without temperature variations, and the bottle must remain up-right. As a natural product, the Port Wine is subject to create deposit when ageing. Once opened, it should be consumed within 2 to 4 months. The periods here suggested are merely for guidance, not implying the deterioration of the wine but only a slow evolution that can lead to the loss of its original sensorial characteristics. A delicious aperitif when served fresh, simple or with toasted almonds and dried fruits. Its freshness and lightness makes it the perfect choice to serve with a salad of fresh figs with smoked ham or a tempting grilled sole with almonds crust. The versatility is extended to the desserts, brilliantly combined with tropical fruits, such as a carpaccio of mango and papaya. The multiplicity of possible harmonies is superb, having the consumer the pleasure to go in search of new flavours. Serve at a temperature between 8 and 10ºC.
Technical Details Alcohol
20 %vol
Total Acidity
3,88 g/dm3
Reducing Sugars
102,30 g/dm3 Pedro Sá
PPCAWH000ENV2 2.0 21-05-2010
Sheet Code: Version: Date:
Cálem Rosé Porto Port Wine | Portugal Vine The vineyard is disposed along the slopes on horizontal levels and, more recently, they are planted along the lines of greatest slopes, so called “Vinha ao Alto” (vertically planted vines).
Soil Schist greywacke ante-Ordovician, with some inclusions of a geological formation of granitic involving nature.
Height Up to 600 meters.
Grape Varieties Traditional grapes from Douro, mainly Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca and Tinta Roriz.
Vinification The vinification process is based on a light maceration with removal of the pellicles colour and aromas, complemented by the pressing of the grapes before the fermentation. It occurs slowly, with running off in stainless-steel vats, under controlled and low temperatures (between 14-16ºC), which ensures the consistency of a light style, fruity and involving. Like the other Port Wines, the fermentation is stopped by adding grape brandy (benefit), resulting in a fortified wine.
Tasting Notes This wine has a vibrant rosé color with a fresh and aromatic bouquet, dominated by the presence of the red fruits and the floral fragrances. It is rich, silky and refreshing in the mouth, standing-out the subtle notes of cherry and raspberry, very well combined with a delicious touch of honey. Harmonious and perfumed finish.
Recommendations The wine should be stored in a fresh, dry and dark place, without temperature variations, and the bottle must remain up-right. As a natural product, the Port Wine is subject to create deposit when ageing. Once opened, it should be consumed within 2 to 4 months. The periods here suggested are merely for guidance, not implying the deterioration of the wine but only a slow evolution that can lead to the loss of its original sensorial characteristics. Excellent aperitif and ideal to be served with starters, fish courses, light desserts or fruits. A refreshing solution to be delighted also in a tonic version (tonic water and lemon) and in cocktails. Serve fresh, between 8 and 10ºC or with ice.
Technical Details Alcohol
20 %vol
Total Acidity
3,79 g/dm3
Reducing Sugars
103,00 g/dm3 Pedro Sá
PPCARO000ENV4 4.0 27-05-2010
Sheet Code: Version: Date:
Cálem Special Reserve Porto Port Wine | Portugal Vine The vineyard is disposed along the slopes on horizontal levels and, more recently, they are planted along the lines of greatest slopes, so called “Vinha ao Alto” (vertically planted vines).
Soil Schist greywacke ante-Ordovician, with some inclusions of a geological formation of granitic involving nature.
Height Up to 600 meters.
Grape Varieties Traditional grapes from Douro, mainly Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca and Tinta Roriz.
Vinification Hand-harvest at their best moment, the grapes are destemmed, crushed and vinified in a careful maceration with extraction of colour, tannins and aromas of the pellicles, complemented by permanent pumping-over during fermentation. This process takes place in stainless-steel vats at a controlled temperature between 28-30ºC, until reaching the desired Baumé. At this phase, grape brandy is added (benefit), originating a fortified wine. A wine of an exceptional quality, obtained by the lotation of wines with variable levels of maturation and sources, resulting in a ripe, vigorous and intense wine.
Tasting Notes Brown-tawny colour, presents a powerful and rich bouquet of dried fruits, with subtle touches of spices and wood. Full-bodied, velvety, of great structure and a finish of an eminent quality.
Recommendations The wine should be stored in a fresh, dry and dark place, without temperature variations, and the bottle must remain up-right. As a natural product, the Port Wine is subject to create deposit when ageing. Once opened, it should be consumed within 4 to 6 months. The periods here suggested are merely for guidance, not implying the deterioration of the wine but only a slow evolution that can lead to the loss of its original sensorial characteristics. Perfect when refreshed, it is a wonderful aperitif. The aromatic richness and the flavours elegance makes it the ideal combination to serve with a diversity of desserts, such as pear and raspberry puff, pumpkin pudding with spices and coconut chiffon with milk caramel. The multiplicity of possible harmonies is superb, having the consumer the pleasure to go in search of new flavours. Serve at a temperature between 12 and 14ºC.
Technical Details Alcohol
20 %vol
Total Acidity
4,11 g/dm3
Reducing Sugars
102,90 g/dm3 Pedro Sá
PPCASS000ENV2 2.0 18-05-2010
Sheet Code: Version: Date:
Cálem L.B.V. Porto 2007 Port Wine | Portugal Vine The vineyard is disposed along the slopes on horizontal levels and, more recently, they are planted along the lines of greatest slopes, so called “Vinha ao Alto” (vertically planted vines).
Soil Schist greywacke ante-Ordovician, with some inclusions of a geological formation of granitic involving nature.
Height Up to 600 meters.
Grape Varieties Traditional grapes from Douro, mainly Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca, Tinta Roriz and Sousão.
Vinification Hand-harvest at their best moment, the grapes are destemmed, crushed and vinified in a careful maceration with extraction of colour, tannins and aromas of the pellicles, complemented by permanent pumping-over during fermentation. This process takes place in vats at a controlled temperature between 28-30ºC, until reaching the desired Baumé. At this phase grape brandy is added (benefit), originating a fortified wine. A wine of an exceptional quality, from a single harvest, bottled between the fourth and sixth year after the harvest.
Tasting Notes Deep purple colour. In the nose stands-out engaging and sweet aromas of blackcurrant, cherry and plum. Fresh and perfumed, overflows exuberance and balance. The sweet dark fruit and the black chocolate suggestions prevail in the taste, forming a harmonious and irresistible whole. Long and seductive end.
Recommendations The wine should be stored in a fresh, dry and dark place, without temperature variations, and the bottle must remain up-right. As a natural product, the Port Wine is subject to create deposit when ageing. Once opened, it should be consumed within 2 to 4 months. The periods here suggested are merely for guidance, not implying the deterioration of the wine but only a slow evolution that can lead to the loss of its original sensorial characteristics. Balancing the intensity of flavours, the LBV is the ideal choice to serve with main courses of meat, like filet mignon encrusted four peppers and veal cutlet with Bérnaise sauce. Its versatility knows no borders, being perfect to combine with an exuberant cheesecake of chocolate mint, a pear and chocolate mille-feuille or simply to enjoy with cheeses of medium intensity. The multiplicity of possible harmonies is superb, having the consumer the pleasure to go in search of new flavours. Serve at a temperature between 12 and 14ºC.
Technical Details Alcohol
20,0 %vol
Total Acidity
5,65 g/dm3
Reducing Sugars
94,30 g/dm3 Pedro Sá
PPCALB206ENV1 1.0 16-03-2011
Curva Douro D.O.C. White 2011 DOC Douro Portugal Vine Grapes from the sub-region "Cima Corgo". Soil Schistose. Height 550-600 meters. Grape Varieties Malvasia Fina, Gouveio. Vinification Total destemming and crushing. Running-off method with fermentation in stainless-steel vats for 20 days at a controlled temperature of 12ยบC. Tasting Notes A very fresh wine, intense, with a well-balanced acidity. Presents citrine aromas, tropical fruits and smooth mineral nuances with an excellent persistence. Recommendations The wine should be stored in a fresh, dry and dark place, without temperature variations and in a horizontal position. Ideal to be served with seafood, fish and fruits, at a temperature between 10 and 12ยบC. Technical Details Alcohol
13,00 %vol
Total Acidity
5,65 g/dm3 1,40 g/dm3
Residual Sugars
Francisco Gonรงalves
Sheet Code:
Curva Douro D.O.C. Red 2009 DOC Douro Portugal Vine Grapes from Quinta do Arnozelo, located in "Douro Superior". Soil Schistose. Height 300-400 meters. Grape Varieties Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca, Tinta Roriz, Tinta Barroca. Vinification The vinification took place with the total destemming and crushing. Fermentation in stainless-steel vats for 10 days, ageing 50% of the wine in French barrels and the other 50% in stainless-steel vats. Tasting Notes With a vibrant ruby colour, presents engaging fruity and floral aromas. A full wine, well-structured and harmonious. Recommendations The wine should be stored in a fresh, dry and dark place, without temperature variations and in a horizontal position. Ideal to be served with red meat, at a temperature between 16 and 18ยบC. Technical Details Alcohol
13,50 %vol
Total Acidity
5,55 g/dm3 2,40 g/dm3
Residual Sugars
Francisco Gonรงalves
Sheet Code:
Maison Sichel / Pomerol
An important part of the production of this appellation is done by very small family properties working traditionally and making round and fleshy wines. Lafleur Du-Casse is the exceptional combination of a unique terroir and a great grape variety, the Merlot Noir. A meticulous and rigorous selection of the wines by the oenologists of Maison Sichel gave birth to this wine which has a great aromatic richness and a beautiful complexity on the palate.
This small appellation is situated to the east of Bordeaux, lining the commune of Libourne, on the right bank of the Dordogne. It benefits from worldwide fame. The wines, coming mainly from the Merlot grape variety, generally show a supple and fleshy structure. Located at the south foreland of the Pomerol plateau, this small vineyard is managed with rigour in the constant quest of quality, and this also benefits from a terroir typical of the appellation.
6 ha
25 years
80% Merlot Noir, 20% Cabernet Franc
The terroir is made up of gravel and sand which is particularly permeable on a subsoil of iron crass.
The vineyard is managed traditionally: thinning out of the leaves is done if necessary depending on the climatic conditions and the development of the vegetative cycle. The harvests are done by hand. The fermentation and the vatting of the crop (21 days) are thermo-regulated. The ageing (18 months) takes place totally in barrels (1/3 renewed each year).
VINTAGE 2007 : TASTING NOTES _______________________Appetisingly deep purple-red in colour. The nose is enticingly mineral with the violet notes so typical of the appellation; only afterwards do toastier notes emerge to complete the rich aromatic palate. The charm continues on the superbly silky palate; the mid-palate is soft while on the finish a slight hint of bitter spice rounds out a perfectly balanced whole in terms of structure and extract. A charming wine. AGEING _______________________Best drunk relatively young, between now and 2014-2015.
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Les Hauts de Bel Air Bordeaux Blanc Land Streek Appellation Classificatie Jaartal Alc. % Druiven Rijping Bewaren
Frankrijk Bordeaux AOC 12,5%
Soort BioL / BioDy Artikel nr. Doos inh. Website
Sauvignon Blanc Nee 6 flessen Ă 75cl.
RVS vaten Nu op dronk
Wijn omschrijving Kleur Geur Smaak Wijn/spijs Temp.
Goud geel van kleur met groene tint Intense geur van dekenmerkende Sauvignon Blanc. Bloemen en tropisch fruit. Frisse smaak, vleugje asperges Jong drinken lekker bij wit vlees 12-14 graden
Wijnkaart omschrijving Frisse moderne Bordeaux. Lekker droog ook als aperitief.
Overige informatie Zodra de druiven zijn goed gekeurd door Maison Sichel technisch team worden de druiven geplukt. Hierna wordt de wijn na 5 maanden lagering in RVS vaten gebotteld. Hierdoor krijg je een zeer aromatische frisse wijn perfect in balans.
Wine & Spirits | Turfschipper 7-9 | 2291 JC Wateringen | Postbus 151 | 2290 AD Wateringen T. 0174-295373 | F. 0174-297984 | |
Les Hauts de Bel Air Land Streek Appellation Classificatie Jaartal Alc. % Druiven Rijping Bewaren
Frankrijk Bordeaux AOC
Soort BioL / BioDy Artikel nr. Doos inh. Website
13% 70 % Merlot – 30 % Cabernet RVS vaten
Merlot Cabernet Nee 6 flessen à 75cl.
Wijn omschrijving Kleur Geur Smaak Wijn/spijs Temp.
Donker rood, bijna zwart Frisse zwart fruit aroma Zacht fluweel vol van smaak Jong drinken tussen 2011 en 2016 16-18 oC graden
Wijnkaart omschrijving Zacht fluweel donker rode wijn. Elegant met lange afdronk.
Overige informatie Zodra de druiven zijn goed gekeurd door Maison Sichel technisch team worden de druiven geplukt. Hierna wordt de wijn na 6 maanden lagering in RVS vaten gebotteld. Hierdoor krijg je een zeer fruitige wijn perfect in balans.
Wine & Spirits | Turfschipper 7-9 | 2291 JC Wateringen | Postbus 151 | 2290 AD Wateringen T. 0174-295373 | F. 0174-297984 | |
South Africa Een heldere, verfrissende wijn die lichtroze van kleur is. Uitstekend om te serveren bij salades, voorgerechten, kip en visgerechten.
Medium droge, fruitige witte wijn met tonen van rijp wit fruit. Serveren als aperitief of bij voorgerechten, pasta, soepen, wit vlees en vis.
Zachte, ronde rode wijn met aantrekkelijke fruittonen. Serveren als aperitief of bij hartige vleesgerechten, Italiaanse pasta en kaas.