Vo lu m e 7 . I s s u e 2 . W I N T E R 2 0 1 6 .
L e av i ng h i s mark
T r e at i ng t h e U n t r e ata b l e
L e t s g o to n as h v i l l e
Geoff Gouveia paints the world, one wall at a time | 14
Learning to manage depression and anxiety | 32
24 hours in the country music capital | 40
Pursuit | 1
Leaving His Mark Alumnus adorns walls, canvases with zeal
Treating the Untreatable Learning to manage depression and anxiety
Let's Go to Nashville 24 hours in the country music capital
2 | Pursuit
MVPs Behind the Wheel Team players without the jersey
Situationship or Relationship? A survival guide to dating
Sharing Life with a Refugee Volunteers unite to empower women in Riverside
Pursuit Staff Tries the Black Box Nursing simulation preparing for future practices
Conscious Consumers Buying products to make a positive impact
Clever Coffee Creations Not just a hot beverage
21 Days of Giving Learning from Luke 6
Women Behind the Badge A look into the lives of successful law enforcement
Identity in Christ Coming to an idealistic realization of life as a follower of Christ
Going Solo And finding yourself along the way
Local Chef's Choice Best pick on the menu from the creators
Belays & Bonfires Rock climbers find community both on and off the wall
Cover photo by Mariss Eanes Geoff Gouveia, CBU alumnus, works peacefully in his home studio to finish one of his recent works that was inspired by his visits to The Museum of Modern Art and The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.
Pursuit | 3
Courtney Coleman Managing Editor
Brooke Biddle Relationships & Travel Editor
Natilee Ruiz Arts & Trends Editor
Krysta Hawkins Lifestyle Editor
Caleb Bol Design Editor
Mariss Eanes Photo Editor
Allison Cordova Assistant Design Editor
Alem Carcamo Assistant Photo Editor
Dr. Michael Chute Director of Student Publications
Sonya Singh Assistant Director of Student Publications
Writers: Iona Brannon, Hannah Burnett, Jasmine Emeish, Katie Kostecka, Randy Plavajka, Lauren Shelburne, ChloĂŠ Tokar, Bekka Wiedenmeyer
4 | Pursuit
Jim Veneman Photojournalism Consultant
Photographers: Brooke Biddle, Courtney Coleman, Robert Jordan, Michele Munoz, Randy Plavajka, Lauren Shelburne, Daren Stevens
Designers: Lisa Orona, Micah Wong
I n s p i r a t i o n
Ephesians 1:18 (NIV) “I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know hope, to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people.”
Makenna Sones Editor-in-Chief
here is a universal desire in each of us to find purpose in our lives. It is why in conversation with new acquaintances we ask what they enjoy and what career they are pursuing. Some know right away what they were meant to do, while others, like myself, did not discover what they were supposed to do with their lives until it fell into their laps. But what I have learned — and continue to learn — is our purpose begins with our inspiration. This magazine inspires me. Writing individuals’ stories and having the opportunity to speak to others about what makes them passionate, what makes them seek for better things, and drives them to help others — it’s truly an incredible thing. We can find inspiration differently than others do, but we are all propelled by invisible aspirations, encouraging us not to give up. Like the nights where I stay up writing to understand all the thoughts and ideas swirling around in my mind;
when Geoff Geoveia looks at a blank canvas preparing for his first stroke of paint; the reasons women in the police force choose to wake up and go to work every morning, putting themselves in harms way to accomplish a greater good. Each gift and talent we have been given is there to be used for God’s glory. Our uniqueness is through him — we are one of a kind. Since we are made in the image of him, we have the ability to create and imagine wonderful things just like he did. We pursue our passions such as rock climbing, where we push our bodies to the limit, or we selflessly give our time to others — such as our Lancer Bus drivers have for many years. We navigate our way through relationships, despite possible heartbreak, in hopes of finding the one who will get us a little closer to finding the magic everyone talks about. Life is a funny journey with twists and turns at every corner, with moments of great happiness and also great sorrow. In the end, both good and bad parts are
inspiration for life, teaching us to appreciate the great moments, whether they are fleeting or lasting, and seek peace in God’s grace and love through both seasons. In these divergent seasons, some of our greatest work can be created — split-second decisions that became one of our greatest memories or a tear-stained page with words penned from great pain. Both can become masterpieces if we allow them to be directed by the one who gave us our talents. It is not easy knowing what our purpose is and, to be honest, I am still figuring out. Graduation will come and go, and I may still not have a clue where to go next. However, knowing who gives me purpose is a step in the right direction. Keep your eyes and heart open to the will of God and I promise you will find what inspires you. Love,
Makenna Sones
Pursuit | 5
behind the wheel Team players wihtout the jersey Written by Jasmine Emeish Photos by Alem Carcamo he most valuable players are not only found on the court, field or in a pool. The unsung MVPs of California Baptist University Lancer athletics earn their merit behind the wheel of a bus. “We are very lucky at CBU to have excellent drivers,” said Jarrod Olson, CBU’s head women’s basketball coach. The men and women driving the athletic buses are a vital part of the Lancer community. Cindi Myers, Jim Maxwell, Doug Bell and Frank Seinturier are four of the individuals transporting Lancer teams to and from games. Myers was born and raised in Riverside. She was not satisfied being a stay-at-home mom, and after trying to go back to school realized she wanted to continue driving. Myers lost her husband to cancer in 2015, and is now a single mother to her 13-year-old son Carl, named after his father. The day following her husband’s death, Myers was back driving the bus. “I was a basket case for about a week, but I still came to work everyday," Myers says. “That’s how I got to know a few of the students because they asked me what 6 | Pursuit
Frank Seinturier talks about how he has made his driving for CBU a ministry opportunity to reach out to the students.
was wrong.” Doug Bell, Lancer bus driver and CBU alumnus, has a close connection with CBU. “I’ve had some of the best times traveling with teams,” Bell says. Despite 2 a.m. flat tires and silent bus rides after the occasional loss, Bell says he loves driving and rooting for CBU teams. As an alumnus, Bell says he feels he is invested in athletics. “This is my team,” Bell says. “It always will be.” Jim Maxwell is the oldest bus driver at CBU. At 78 years old, Maxwell has experienced more than most. From Naval officer to oil company worker, to employment with Riverside County and service trips to Israel, Maxwell has nearly seen and done it all. Maxwell says his favorite memories from driving for athletics are the positive attitudes of players. Although he plans on leaving the bus life behind next year, Maxwell says he will always hold the job dear to his heart. “Bus driving is kind of a natural thing for me,” Maxwell says. “I don’t look at it like, ‘Hey look at me. Look I’m driving a bus.’ To
me it’s a job, and when you have a student that walks in and says, ‘Thank you,’ that tells me that they really appreciate what I’ve done for them.” Seinturier has driven for the Lancers for the past five years. Upon nearing his retirement, the Riverside-native says he believes God has been calling him to invest more of his time in short-term service projects in Nicaragua — something he has been doing for years. However, Seinturier discovered driving for CBU is a ministry opportunity in itself. “I found out that some of the kids are not Christians and don’t come from that background, so I was able to be a father figure — or grandfather figure — to some of these kids and it’s really turned into a huge blessing for me,” Seinturier says. He chuckled recounting some of his best memories from driving teams. He recalled traveling with the men’s soccer team as they sang karaoke in the bus. “I started laughing so hard I thought I might have to pull over the bus,” Seinturier says. He says he feels a part of the team each time he travels with them. Some of
Words of Encouragement FROM BEHIND THE WHEEL
“I don’t know what you want to do when you grow up, but you might get an engineering degree and then you decide that you don’t want to do that. You want to go back to school to be a doctor or whatever. Just kind of go with the flow and pray for whatever you want,” Cindi Myers says. “Don’t quit. No gap years, don’t quit. Stay in whatever you have to do,” Doug Bell says. “Never give up on common sense,” Jim Maxwell says, “Common sense will get you an awful long ways in life. By using your head without having to look into a book and think for yourself is the most important thing a student can do. Always keep your head high, set your goals. Keep on striving.” the coaches and players have given him the nickname “Frank the Tank.” Having been an athlete himself to be accepted as “one of the family” means a lot to him. “Each team is like a little family and it’s really neat that they welcome me into their family,” Seinturier says, “It’s really an honor for me because I played sports and I know how it is to play for a team and be a family, and you really do have a shield around that family.” Derek Schmitt, head men’s volleyball coach, reiterated the fond feelings the team has toward Seinturier. “He is not just the bus driver, he is a part of the team. Most importantly, Frank
genuinely cares about every one of the guys and everyone on the staff,” Schmitt says. The men and women driving the athletic buses are often hidden behind their steering wheel. Although the coaches and players may foster relationships with them, the rest of the CBU community does not always notice them. As an institution of higher education, it is only fitting to learn all we can from the people around us as well as our textbooks. Each of the Lancer drivers is just one source of wisdom we can glean from the individuals we pass by each day. The Lancer drivers may not be on the field or court, but they are MVPs on the road. ◆
“Christ is working on me. I think that’s huge for the kids, to let them know, ‘Hey, I struggle along with you with some things.’ Just being transparent with my life,” Frank Seinturier says.
Doug Bell (top) is a California Baptist University alumnus and enjoys rooting for the sport teams. Cindi Myers (middle) expresses how thoughtful and kind the students are at CBU. Jim Maxwell (bottom) explains that he will always keep driving for CBU dear to his heart, as the students appreciate what he does for them.
Pursuit | 7
Written by Krysta Hawkins Illustration by Caleb Bol Holding hands, kissing and a stomach full of butterflies from the thought of each other. Spending evenings together after a stressful day of classes, weekends reserved for cute getaways, and when apart, spend every minute texting. You have been an item for months now, your friends tease you and it is clear you are falling for each other. But the step to make it “official” has not yet been taken. It feels like a relationship — you are hoping it is — but your fear of rejection is withholding you from communication. The absence of the label is the void you feel and it has not been filled. How do you build enough confidence to move forward or let go? This dilemma has brought
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you to the thin line of situationship versus relationship. Youth requires a journey of finding yourself, which is already challenging, and adding dating only stirs the pot. Beware: Dating while young comes with a list of compromises and commitment and might require some heartbreak and it might require some pain. During this quest to find the “one,” settling for a situationship will hold you back.
KNOWING THE DIFFERENCE Si*tu*a*tion*ship: Both parties are together for convenience. You want the company and enjoy the affection, but the monogamy and “official” title is not there. Situationships are usually toxic because of the interpersonal conflicts and
miscommunication between both parties. Do not confuse this as a relationship. Situationships have become the new norm for this generation, favored above actual relationships. Is it because traditional courting and dating have developed into flings and temporary relations? Have we lost the yearn for long-term commitment? With so many similar factors falling in between the two, differentiating both can be difficult. However, as long as you and your partner have an understanding, there is no room for confusion. Re*la*tion*ship: An agreement and commitment of a monogamous union between both parties. An official title and understanding is put in place. “Having a situationship is a lot easier than a fully committed relationship,” says Dr. Veola Vazquez, associate dean of
behavior science and associate professor of psychology at California Baptist University. “When it comes to commitment you really have to work. You have to do maintenance.” This maintenance required for a relationship certainly does not correlate with a situationship. The energy and time invested into a relationship will not be in vain, whereas in the course of a situationship one party is giving his or her all not knowing where it is going to lead. “When young people do not have a stable relationship they miss out on these benefits of intimacy and connection — also known as a secure-based heaven,” says Joshua Knabb, director of the psychology doctorate program. Fantasy is what we want, but reality is what we need. You cannot fixate on a relationship you are not getting, whether or not you like or even love the other person. You will only hurt yourself in the end. “Excessive dependency upon another person for self worth is a sign of a troubled relationship and can even be considered toxic,” says Dr. Jenny Aguilar, director of CBU's graduate program in forensic psychology.
ELIMINATING UNNECESSARY FACTORS Although it is flawed, social media plays a major role in providing validation to the public for your dating life. However, you must keep in mind, that posting on each other's social media accounts does not equate to a relationship. “Social media provides a platform for instant contact but without intimacy, which is one of the issues related to situationships,” Aguilar says. “You do not really get an accurate sense of the person, you only get what they want to put on social media, rather than having the ability to view the whole person for yourself." The validation we so desperately want can be sought through the approval of friends, or even family. Do not let outsiders push you into insecurity about your predicament. If you are ready to move
forward with your partner, you may have to do it for yourself. “I take the unpopular opinion that all generations have struggled with situationships versus relationships,” says Mischa Routon, assistant professor of psychology and associate dean of graduate programs. “It is very hard work to have a healthy relationship. It requires wisdom and self-responsibility coupled with a commitment from both parties.”
MOVING FORWARD Transforming your situationship into a relationship can be postponed because of a phobia of commitment or even rejection. However, if you are ready to upgrade your situation do not hold back — putting this off can turn into a burden or form of regret. There could be two possible outcomes: “I am not ready for a relationship.” “I cannot fully commit myself to you right now.” “I told you in the beginning this is not what I wanted.” “It's me, not you.” Hearing these words thrown at you is like having a boulder falling right on your ego and crumbling to little pieces. However, these are signs that your partner is not ready to move forward: It is better to hear this now than later down the road when you are fully invested. On a positive note, your partner might be thrilled you took the initiative to move your relationship along — a step he or she was too afraid to take. You both can be fully open with your feelings and start a new beginning in a monogamous relationship.
ENCOURAGING ADVICE Where there is no contentment, we seek to find fulfillment, whether it is in one’s career, family or, most of all, relationships. During this quest of fulfillment in your dating life it is important you do not settle. Know your worth, then add tax to it. Signed, An expert in situationships. ◆
Pursuit | 9
Sharing Life with a Refugee Volunteers unite to empower women in Riverside
Written by Hannah Burnett Photos by Lauren Shelburne A group of 20 women sit in a circle as an English class is about to begin. The facilitator, a professionally dressed woman, begins introductions. “Hello, my name is Sherry and I am from California.” She tosses a small ball to a woman dressed in a hijab, who sits in the circle of folding chairs. “Hello, my name is Zia and I am from Afghanistan.” Introductions continue around the circle until every student and volunteer has had a chance. The group breaks for tea and the room begins to get loud with laughter and conversations in English, Farsi and Arabic. Everyone makes her way around the room catching up with one another about children, health and all matters of 10 | Pursuit
life. A few Afghan women break away to finish making blankets that will be given to Syrian refugees in Turkey, and one mother takes her daughter to the provided child care. Then, lessons begin. The Glocally Connected Community ESL classes for Afghan refugee women is a new program, but already a close community. The school was started from a one-on-one English lesson between Dr. Amy Stumpf, professor of society and religion at California Baptist University, and an Afghan refugee named Katra. Many women such as Katra have been recently resettled in the Inland Empire and needed to learn English, but could not attend a traditional English school because of a lack of transportation and childcare. Stumpf began to recruit volunteers
from CBU and make connections in the community. As she began to build relationships, she found pockets of people in a variety of communities that cared for the refugee population. A friend and colleague from CBU offered Palm Baptist Church in Riverside which provided the space for Stumpf and a few volunteers from CBU to begin a summer English school. At the end of summer, the school held a small ceremony for participants where they had lunch, handed out certificates and one student gave a speech about how she had been accepted as a parent volunteer for her daughter’s school. This was supposed to be the end of the school, but the women were driven and determined to continue to learn. A few months later, Stumpf connected with Sherry MacKay, co-founder of Glocally Connected, a Riverside-based, non-profit created to support refugees. With the programming and volunteers Stumpf had organized and the umbrella of a non-profit, the informal English school grew to become what it is today. Volunteers from Temple Beth El, CBU, California State University-San Bernardino and local churches come together two days a week to drive women to the school, teach English and take care of their children during lessons. The women who attend the school are mostly mothers and wives. They arrived in the United States because of the dangers of continuing life in Afghanistan. For many, they had family, friends, home and job they were forced to leave forever. “They were just living a life like you and me,” MacKay says. “Some of them lived in a big, beautiful house and had a big job, and some of them were just like the rest of us. They didn’t want to leave their homes
and are heartbroken and it is going to be difficult, but the one thing I’ve heard from every person is that they are so grateful to be here.” Before, many of these women were stay-at-home moms while their husbands worked as entrepreneurs, engineers and civic workers. After being resettled in the United States, refugees have three months of support. According to MacKay, since finding a job in their field in three months with no connections is nearly impossible, many end up taking jobs in liquor stores and security. Without knowing English, living in Riverside means difficulties with transportation, understanding the school system their kids are now attending, and difficulties in communication during everyday life such as doctor’s appointments. The lack of accessibility to learn English did not create an inconvenience, it created a struggle in being able to survive in this new country. “If you speak English it means you have power. You are respected more and people will listen to your ideas,” says Amirah Alsarawi, masters of TESOL student at CSUSB and volunteer. The relationships built often go outside the school. Sometimes a volunteer will take one of the women to a doctor’s appointment, a driving test or to just visit at their houses. This empowers the women who have been attending the school continue to achieve their goals not only in learning English but also in getting their driver’s licenses, participate in their children’s lives at school and becoming more independent. “It’s just the right thing to do,” MacKay says. “Whether it’s based on some sort of religious value, but it’s just a humanitarian thing for me. As a human on this earth we just do it.” Jenna Talbert, sophomore pre-nursing major at CBU, started volunteering in September after hearing about the refugee crisis in Stumpf’s “Current Events and Movements class.” “When you see the videos and read the stories of what their life really was like there,
then you see them come here and you think, ‘Why would you not help?’” Talbert asks. “Why would you not want to help someone who has been through so much and they just want to come here to make a new life that is safe.” The huge diversity of faith backgrounds and walks of life represented by each volunteer is unified by the common goal to continue to champion these women. “My life sounds like a joke — a Muslim, a Jew and a Baptist religion professor walk into a church,” Stumpf says, “and yet here we are, celebrating great things together. I love that part of it, people of these faiths that are supposedly in tension have come together, sharing life together with a refugee.” ◆
Amirah Alsarawi (left), masters of TESOL student at CSUSB and volunteer, discuss life experiences with the other women of the community classes. She connects with the women on another cultural level the other volunteers are unable to reach. Madison Twomey (below), Office of Mobilization graduate assistant, meets with a woman from the program to start their one-on-one English lesson. They learned the names of colors as the woman’s child looked on in awe.
Pursuit | 11
Nursing simulation preparation for future practices Written by Makenna Sones Photos by Daren Stevens n the School of Nursing at California Baptist University, there is a box — a Black Box. Most often used by the nursing and behavioral science students, this simulation room is designed with lifelike sets, actors and circumstances to prepare students for what they may encounter in their careers out in the field. Sarah Pearce, assistant director of the School of Nursing's Learning Resource Center says the purpose of the simulation is to walk away feeling more prepared for the future practice in the field than before. “(The Black Box) puts you in uncomfortable situations," she says, “but part of that is so we are able to watch you and give you feedback so you are able to perform in a way that allows us to direct and guide where you are going to be.” 12 | Pursuit
The Black Box is known for its highly immersive simulations, all of which are kept classified to maintain the integrity of the examinations. The staff of Pursuit thought it would be fun to participate in a simulation to see how journalists and designers would react to situations outside of their expertise. Dr. Ken Pearce, professor of psychology, has worked closely with the School of Nursing to help create simulations beneficial for his behavioral science students and says the process can take several months until it is ready to be executed. “It takes a long time (to create a simulation). It may take five or six meetings,” Ken Pearce says. “It starts with Dr. Herrera and Sarah Pearce. They come up with the simulations and the actors’ profiles. They find the people to do this; they decorate; they make it realistic. They come beside Anthony Phillips (assistant
professor of nursing), myself, Dr. Angela Deulen (assistant professor of psychology) and others to find out what we need to see and prepare students. We start detailing out the simulation and then we have some rehearsals.” Two at a time, the Pursuit staff entered the Black Box and were confronted with situations that took them out of their comfort zone. The staff had to converse with the actors and assess the situation they found themselves in. Once they completed the desired goals of the simulation, from the control room, Sarah Pearce announced, ‘End of simulation,’ and they were taken to a debrief room to discuss what they learned and what they could have done differently. In debrief, the staff had the opportunity to talk through the simulation with Sarah Pearce and ask questions about their performance. In a real, academic setting, students would be assessed by their professors through the control room that has glass windows looking into the simulation room, as well as microphones and cameras throughout the set so they can see and hear the engagements with the students and their patients, then taken to debrief. “We look for the level of engagement (with the patient),” Phillips says. “If they are able to assess the situation, recognize signs and symptoms. We look at the level of their anxiety.” Sarah Pearce says the simulation is so important is because it allows students the opportunity to practice in a safe environment with feedback from trained faculty and experts. “Even though we aren’t nurses , I feel more prepared now when I walk into a situation where I’m not really sure what is going to be behind the door,” says Courtney Coleman, senior film studies and journalism double major. The Pursuit staff ended debrief confident in what they would have done if given a second chance to do the simulation again. ◆
Lauren Kruzel (left), junior psychology major and actor, answers the door to the set as two Pursuit staff begin the simulation.
Sarah Pearce (bottom right), assistant director of the School of Nursing's Learning Resource Center, debriefs the Pursuit staff after the simulations and tells them what they did well and what they could have improved.
Natilee Ruiz (top), senior public relations major, holds the mannequin doll on set and is watched through cameras around the room to see how she performs in the simulation.
Pursuit | 13
Leaving His Mark Painting the world, one wall at a time
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Written by Lauren Shelburne Photos by Mariss Eanes
Geoff Gouveia adds more yellow paint to the palette to complete his artwork on the wall behind him.
n paint-splattered clothes from head to toe, he meticulously covers the canvas in individual paint strokes. Every moment of the day he is doodling, writing, creating and drawing inspiration from the world around him, where he has already made his mark. Geoff Gouveia, California Baptist University alumnus, uses the world around him as his canvas. The streets of Riverside and Redlands, as well as Facebook's Los Angeles office and VaynerMedia's New York City office, reflect murals of long-limbed, exaggerated, personified animals. Gouveia discovered his gift for art when he was required to take an art class in high school. “Instead of goofing off and talking, like in all of my other classes, I was really quiet and engaged,” Gouveia says. “I knew there was something there that I hadn’t tapped (into) years before.” After changing his major from theology to visual arts and design, Gouveia immersed himself in his work — scouring the city
for a free wall where he could make his vision come to life. He created his own opportunities and areas to paint. He began an independent study class with Duncan Simcoe, professor of visual arts, the fall semester of his senior year to foster his skills as a muralist. “He was clearly already working in a self-directed manner, so he had a language of visual expression that he had developed,” Simcoe says. “He was expressing that and using it in the context of environmental painting.” Gouveia says his class unlocked a drive in him. When Simcoe liked his ideas and works, it gave him the confidence to be himself and pitch his ideas to others. He knew at that point if there was something he wanted to do, he had to go for it. The characters often seen within his murals have become recognizable by fans of Gouveia’s work. Elongated limbs and exaggerated features give life to the whimsical, kooky and fun animals, as Gouveia describes them. A characterized wolf has become his personal logo. “I like the idea of the wolf as someone ➸ Pursuit | 15
(Top) One third of Gouveia's 400-square-foot finished mural at VaynerMedia in New York City he was asked to paint.
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Gouveia mixes paints in his garage studio to finish up the piece he has been working on behind him.
Gouveia flips through pages of his sketchbook, which is filled with his inspirations and color palettes.
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who hunts alone or in packs, but it is autonomous — a lot of independence is symbolized in that animal,” Gouveia says. “For me that’s what style encompasses. Are you doing this on your own, or are you going for it?” Inspired by artists Shel Silverstein and Van Gogh, his style has been cultivated throughout his past eight years as an artist. His style is still evolving day by day and with every brush stroke, but Gouveia says he wants his work to be consistent and recognizable, reflecting him as an artist. When painting, he does not look to others for approval. What defines his success is how each piece makes him feel. Gouveia says his characters create a sense of happiness within him, which is his favorite emotion. Before beginning a mural, the space must be analyzed in-person. Next Gouveia sketches a scaled version of the mural and lays out the color scheme. He flips through the pages of color swatches to see if he has worked with the colors before beginning the process of testing how complementary each shade is. Since completing an art show and T-shirt design party at Augie’s Coffee in Riverside, Gouveia will be hosting a future event at Lift Coffee Roasters. Taylor May, CBU alumna and manager at Lift, first saw Gouveia’s work during their time at CBU together. Before working on murals, his images were found on T-shirts and stickers as ➸ Gouveia's jeans are a canvas themselves as he uses them to test out colors.
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they still are today. May says she was impressed by his ability to make a name for himself within the art world. “He takes a more personal approach to art. He makes art for people, to bring people together," May says. Gouveia utilizes social media and
"I don t shy away when people ask what i believe.” Geoff Gouveia
marketing in a way that directly engages him in his environment. His Redlands mural, nestled in Orange Street Alley, includes a spot for viewers to take a photo with it and tag the artist in the photo. He also leaves his stickers around Riverside for others to discover his work. “He knows exactly how to get people talking about what he is doing,” May says.
His work not only shares a message, but connects with the audience. While Gouveia did not continue his studies of theology at CBU, he now serves on staff at The Grove Community Church with the Young Adults ministry. He says what is important to him will be shown through his work. He says he strives to bring hope and light to the world through his work. “Ideally I’d like to be an artist who is recognized for a clear style and who is good at what he does, and then with underlying currents of faith and hope,” Gouveia says. “I don’t shy away when people ask what I believe. I show them in my work and am exploring those themes.” As recognition for Gouveia’s work grew, he had the opportunity to create murals for Facebook’s offices in Los Angeles and for VaynerMedia in New York City. For each company, Gouveia will either have free reign or have an objective to create. Some pieces are whimsical and free while others utilize a visual vocabulary that is intentional for what the characters represent. For instance, Gouveia says that Gary Vaynerchuk, founder of VaynerMedia, encompasses the idea of the wolf that was incorporated into the 10-foot-high mural that spanned 40 feet in length. Gouveia says he plans to stay in Riverside and continue spreading his artwork throughout Southern California, looking for his next wall to which he can share his imagination for the world to see. ◆
Pursuit | 19
CONSUMERS Buying products to make a positive impact Written and Photographed by Brooke Biddle e support companies and their products everyday. From the shirt we buy to the backpack we use to our shoes taking us from place to place. Rarely do we ask ourselves: “What good is this purchase making?” Not every product is purposeful, but several local companies not only have purposeful products; they are changing people’s lives through their products. “When we first went to Uganda, we didn’t want to start a cool apparel brand. We wanted to help the women in need, and the apparel brand was the gateway to do that,” says Adam Thomson, chief impact officer for Krochet Kids International. The “age of conscious” consumerism has emerged and global impact potential rests in our pockets. Where we choose to spend money on the products we buy can create positive life change for people around the world. Companies such as Krochet Kids, 31 Bits, iSanctuary’s Purpose Jewelry and Good Paper are helping facilitate impact and empowerment.
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“Every purchase you make impacts a person,” says Kallie Thomson, 31 Bits founder and Thomson's wife. “It starts with a person deciding not to take the cheap route of buying more and hurting more people, but saying, ‘I’m going to buy from companies I know have treated someone fairly and this person is bettering themselves because of my purchase.” Krochet Kids, 31 Bits, iSanctuary and Good Paper do not simply give back a percentage of the proceeds to those in need: they are impact brands, being the change-agent for others. “I never saw my role in the mission of ending human trafficking until I began at iSanctuary,” says Christina McDonald, fundraising and development intern at the company and junior leadership studies and business administration double major at CBU. “I now believe that each person has a duty to fighting this cause. Social good companies are crucial to our world because of the need to help those who cannot help themselves…our purchases help reach goals
to end injustice.” For Adam Thomson and the staff of Krochet Kids, primary measure of success is the overall impact and empowerment. “We had 40 women graduate last year and another 40 women graduate from Uganda this year,” says Jill Hellar, director of sales for Krochet Kids. Both Krochet Kids and 31 Bits have social workers in Uganda and Peru doing research and reporting back to the states with updated information. Krochet Kids has sophisticated impact measurement research backing their mission of empowerment. A woman will work for Krochet Kids for three to five years, engaging in jobs, education and mentorship. Adam Thomson says as soon as women receive a job at Krochet Kids they earn 10 times what they have been earning. After graduating from the program, the women’s savings will be 25 percent higher than when they began the program. iSanctuary and Good Paper have a mission for seeing women rescued from
Jill Hellar (bottom), director of sales at Krochet Kids stands checking emails and planning for an upcoming fundraising event.
sex slavery. However, they do not stop at the rescuing aspect, but want to provide life-changing impact. “Most women who are rescued end up being resold or willingly go back because the emotional, physical and mental abuse has forever changed their way of living,” McDonald says. “iSanctuary’s program provides survivors with health care, education and assistance with loans. This reintegration process is different for each woman, but the main purpose is to show true identity and worth to these individuals.” Tishia Que, creative director of Good Paper, says, “The best part of my job is being able to see someone who didn’t think they had much of a future, could operate this piece of machinery, and produce something of which they were proud.” Many social good companies implemented “Giving Tuesday” the day after Cyber Monday in November. “It (was) a day a lot of nonprofits are giving the message that after spending all this money on gifts, take this Tuesday to give back,” Hellar says. “People get so wrapped up, especially in the holiday season with the deals on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. But Giving Tuesday is a day for all people to think about how they can give back to others and there is movement happening.” Whether sporting a Krochet Kids beanie or colorful beaded necklace from 31 Bits, iSanctuary’s Purpose Jewelry or a birthday card for a friend from Good Paper, there is more behind the products — there is a person behind the product. “If we are going to be spending money and supporting companies,” Que says, “why not support a company that is sociallyminded and be able to use your money to give back?” ◆
Good Paper Philippines & Rwanda Mission: Restore the human spirit and empower card-makers who have escaped sex trafficking in their countries. Product: Greeting Cards Krochet Kids Uganda & Peru Mission: Empower people to rise above poverty. Product: Apparel & Accessories
31 Bits Uganda Mission: Using fashion and design to empower people to rise above poverty. Product: Jewelry iSanctuary Mission: Empower people rescued from trafficking to transform themselves into survivors by embracing their true identity and worth. Product: Purpose Jewelry
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Not just a hot beverage
Written by Courtney Coleman Photos by Alem Carcamo etween classwork, homework, chores, running errands, maintaining some kind of social life, clubs, part-time jobs and just about everything else college students have to juggle — maintaining consistency and staying organized is next to impossible. Even so, there is one thing that remains consistent in most college students’ routine — coffee. It is the life source for studentzombies. Thanks to a plethora of coffee trends, the possibilities are endless when it comes to how we drink our cups of joe — hot, iced, foamy, strange and experimental. Coffee can be consumed in a number of ways, but, in the immortal words of Billy Mays, “There’s more!” Here are some practical, yet creative, uses for coffee that go beyond drips and sips. 22 | Pursuit
1. Air freshener Get rid of strong, unwanted smells with an even stronger, pleasant smell. Leave an opened jar of coffee beans lying around for a mild air freshener, or follow the steps below for a DIY freshener. Use it to get rid of that fast-food smell in your car, to cover the smell of sweat creeping out of your gym bag, or to simply make any room smell nice. Be warned, while the coffee will remove odors, everything will end up smelling like coffee. But, everyone loves that smell, right?
Steps: 1. Put a stocking in an empty cup so the open end of the stocking folds over the cup rim. 2. Pour coffee grinds into the stocking. 3. Tie a knot to close the stocking and then secure it with tied string. 4. Put it wherever you need pleasingly scented coffee freshness. Change out the coffee beans every few weeks for optimal freshness!
DIY Coffee Air Freshener Things you’ll need: - Stockings - String - Coffee grinds of your favorite coffee - A cup (or a mason jar for the hipsters) Air fresheners provide a fast way to get your car or home smelling clean with the aroma of your favorite coffee.
2. Composting and Fertilizer Not many college students have compost bins in their dorms, but even so, this is a neat coffee use to know. For commuters who have the yard — and the time — to start a garden, consider starting your own compost pile — and just add coffee. The benefits of composting are abundant — it is a good use of kitchen scraps, it is natural and it packs nutrients into soil, which produces nutritious garden crops. Compost needs to have a balance of nitrogen-rich “green” material and carbon-rich “brown” material in order to be useful. Since coffee grounds are rich in nitrogen, they are the perfect addition to a compost pile. Coffee grounds are also rich in phosphorous and potassium. Maybe you are a gardener, but don’t have time to deal with compost; or maybe you just have a few favored plants that you tend. Certain plants, such as roses and strawberry plants, absorb the trace minerals found in coffee grounds, as well as thrive off the acidity of coffee. Research the necessary soil pH-levels for your plants before adding coffee as a fertilizer. If your plants are acid-lovers, dig a few inches into the soil near the roots and add coffee grounds.
Using leftover coffee grounds is an inexpensive way to keep plants alive and healthy.
3. Cooking This coffee tip is for the students who miraculously have time to brew their own morning coffee in a traditional coffee pot. A small amount of coffee is almost always left over after brewing a pot and that leftover amount is typically tossed. Kitchn, a well-known online cooking magazine, suggests numerous recipes for that leftover liquid, including Thai iced coffee, coffee molasses pork chops and fried eggs with coffee chipotle mole. Thai Iced Coffee *courtesy of http://www.chowhound.com
Ingredients: - 1 cup strong coffee - 2 to 4 tablespoons sugar - 1/2 teaspoon cardamom - Whole milk, heavy cream, half-andhalf - 1/4 teaspoon of vanilla extract or almond extract - A dash of cinnamon and coriander Steps: 1. Add sugar, vanilla and spices to the coffee, and add sugar or spices as desired. 2. Place the coffee in the refrigerator. 3. For iced coffee that will not taste watered-down, pour a small amount of coffee into an ice cube tray and freeze. 4. After the coffee ice has frozen, pour the chilled coffee over the cubes and serve.
Thai iced coffee could just be the perfect boost of energy you need with a little snack on the side.
4. Skin Brightener Caffeine is a popular topical beauty product. According to http://www.livestrong.com, caffeine has “the ability to constrict small blood vessels and reduce inflammation … to minimize dark circles and sagging skin under the eyes.” In addition, caffeine is full of antioxidants that are good for the complexion. Coffee Skin Mask Ingredients: - Honey - Yogurt - Mashed avocado - Coffee grounds Steps: 1. Mix two parts honey, yogurt or avocado to one part coffee grounds. 2. Leave the mixture on your skin for about 20 minutes. 3. Rinse off thoroughly. ◆
Coffee masks can work wonders for your skin, leaving you feeling awake and refreshed.
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learning from luke 6
Written by Katie Kostecka ive, and you will receive.” Growing up in Sunday school, I heard Luke 6:38 often. Many people feel they are on the receiving end of a gift when in reality, they are the ones doing the giving. It seems crazy and slightly backward, but many people have claimed the theory to be true.
Day 1: I have always been a person who gives compliments. The awkwardness of approaching strangers to tell them they dress themselves well is not a social fear of mine. “I love giving compliments. It’s so simple, but such a perfect way to make someone’s day,” says Kelsie Greene,
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I have personally heard my parents, a coach, my pastor and a friend say this to me. To give is to selflessly relinquish your time, possessions and energy to another person while expecting nothing in return. For the next 21 days, I will be a selfless giver. I will give my time and resources, I will give compliments and advice, a friendly
ear and a meaningful gift. I will try out a different form of giving and record in a journal the response my own heart has to this. Will I feel drained, having given so much of my time and energy? Or, rather, will I feel joyful and refreshed from the rush of simply being an outgoing and selfless human being? The adventure begins…
senior theatre major. Because this is Day 1 of a three-week journey that is bound to stretch me, I decided to begin with what I do normally: give compliments. Strangely, the first few hours of the day seemed slightly forced. By actively searching for things to comment on, I found my compliments did not feel sincere. Throughout the day, however, I loosened up. I did not think about it too
much, and compliments were flowing. The best part of giving a compliment to a complete stranger is the brief flash of surprise on their faces before they mask it with a smile and stutter their gratitude. An added perk of giving compliments is that you often receive one back. Sure, it may simply be a polite nicety, but a compliment is a compliment nonetheless.
Day 8:
and conditioning, it is helping those who are going to be playing in the games,” she says. Taking Bilton’s advice made my rehearsal process much easier. I played Connie Miller in CBU’s production of "The 1940’s Radio Hour," and it is easy to go through a rehearsal solely focused on your own character, movements and songs. However, tonight I focused on others. I gave to them by putting their needs above my
own. I made sure I was respectful of my stage manager and did not goof off. When a person finished a song, I made sure to give them a high five. I grabbed a castmate’s shoes when I ran to the costume room to grab mine. It was a bunch of little actions forcing me to take my focus from myself and put it on others, and it ended up causing me to feel closer to my team like Bilton is an integral part of her's.
Today, I sat in my car and sang Ed Sheeran’s “Thinking Out Loud” while recording it on my phone. I then texted this low-quality recording to my parents, as it is their favorite song. It gave me a rush of joy to know that they will listen to it and probably begin dancing around the
living room. If my dad has a rough day or my mom misses me, I am confident they will seek the recording again. By giving of my talents I was not only giving a gift to my parents but I was giving a gift of gratitude to God, who gave me the talents I possess, and that is the biggest reward of all.
Usually the first thing you think of upon hearing the word “give” is the word “gift.” Today, I bought a book and wrapped it in my favorite polka-dot paper, adorned it with blue ribbon, and gave it to a friend.
Christmas and birthdays are expected times to receive a beautifully wrapped gift. A random Tuesday in October is not. It makes it special and unexpected. I received a squeal of delight and an impressively tight squeeze in return. You would have thought I had gifted her the moon.
“Giving feels good because it’s a chance to put someone else before yourself, and is not a natural thing we want to do,” says Walker Goodman, junior aviation major. "It’s good to get out of your comfort zone.”
Actively trying to think of another’s wants and needs was uncomfortable at first. It truly is not natural. We are fallen people living in a fallen world and — let’s face it — we are selfish. There were several days where a friend asked for a favor and I simply wanted to reply that I was busy and could not help them. By purposefully
turning away from selfishness, which is a daily battle, I felt like I was giving to myself as I gave to others. When my head hit my pillow each night, I felt like I accomplished something greater than simply surviving another day of college. There was not a single day in this journey where giving was not rewarding. I
may have been skeptical of Luke 6:38, but this journey has showed me that letting go of my selfishness is one of the most rewarding actions a person can make. I truly feel like these past three weeks were a present addressed to me, despite the fact that I was the one doing the giving. ◆
Breanna Bilton, freshman kinesiology major, is a basketball player at California Baptist University. As a freshman, she may not get as much playing time as others, but she remains a giving teammate by remaining diligent and hardworking. “When I’m the best teammate I can possibly be and work hard during practice
Day 13: “If I can give of my time and talent to make someone’s life a little easier, it doesn’t feel like a task anymore but something I genuinely enjoy,” says David Cox, freshman foundational mathematics major.
Day 21:
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trength and dignity This male-dominated field is also are represented by her surrounded by women who excel and clothing and she smiles progress, such as Kari Smith*, CBU at the future. She does alumna, Deputy Probation Officer 2 Gail her job well and is just Calderon-Lopez and retired Deputy Chief as capable as any man. and Probation Officer Kim Allen. She is not the face of After graduation, Smith was lost as her profession but she far as picking a career until she confided is the heart. She represents the 12 percent into a family friend who happened to be a of women in law chief of police. He Written by Krysta Hawkins enforcement. recommended to In 1910, Alice her a career as Photos by Daren Stevens Stebbins Wells a correctional Illustration by Caleb Bol became first officer. American-born female police officer in “I felt like the profession fitted my the United States. That was more than 100 personality,” Smith says. “I have always years ago and this profession still has a long been aggressive and assertive. I’m in a way to go with regard place where those to gender equality. qualities aren’t being It is rare to see little quenched as a woman, girls drawing police but encouraged.” or probation officers Smith instantly in class when asked jumped on this what they want to be opportunity, and the when they grow up, financial independence but for Brittany Flores, it provided was alluring public safety officer as a recent college at California Baptist graduate. University, she was that “In this career they little girl with a desire encourage people to go to succeed in this field. and get their bachelor's “It was not until I and so on,” Smith says. was an adult that I saw With few women the importance in this in her unit, Smith career,” Flores says. often looks to her male Flores had a partners, who she says mentor inspiring her are encouraging and to pursue a career in see the need for women law enforcement. Now in the profession. as a young woman “There are males getting her start in the in my unit who have workforce, Flores says gone out of their way to she sees the importance invest in and challenge in her representation to me so I know what I am create progression. doing,” Smith says. “Seeing my mentor in what has Despite only a few months within the formally been seen as a masculine role field, Smith has already decided this is a was refreshing and opened my eyes to the career she would like to keep until she possibilities,” Flores says. decides to retire. She has been fortunate ➸ *Kari Smith is a pseudonym used to protect the name of the officer. Photographs have also been edited to protect the officer's identity.
*Kari Smith trains hard to stay in shape, even on off days, because a split-second of being unprepared could mean a life or death situation.
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enough to have not only women, but men, who she counts on to see her through this new endeavor. Calderon-Lopez and Allen have been instrumental to the revolution of women in law-enforcement, with more than 50 combined years serving. Their hard work, along with others, are a part of the stepping stone in Los Angeles and San Diego counties, creating a gray area in a field of black and blue. In Downtown Los Angeles, starting from Third Street all the way down to Main — the area referred to as Skid Row — is one of the most dangerous parts of the city, and Calderon-Lopez is on duty. Unarmed and carrying nothing but handcuffs and pepper spray, says she is unafraid because this is her territory and home to most of her parolees. “I have to leave my husband and kids every day with the thought in my head that I might not come back,” Calderon-Lopez says of her job. While she only serves about 19 different
parolees in her homeless command unit, at one point she had about 70. Calderon-Lopez got her start in law enforcement 26 years ago. She was first a clerk working downtown in the Los Angeles court building. It was during this time she that got to see first-hand one of the most infamous prosecutions for murder — the O.J. Simpson trial. It was during this time that she says she yearned for more and decided to finish her education at East Los Angeles Community College, then transferred to Phoenix where she received her bachelor’s degree in criminal justice. “My plans of furthering my education when I was younger were put on hold to raise my son,” Calderon-Lopez says. The mother of two volunteered to work the downtown LA unit despite the reputation of Skid Row. “You go out there and you see people doing drugs, or acting crazy because they’re on drugs. It’s dangerous,” Calderon-Lopez says.
Having a physically and mentally demanding job requires Smith to push herself beyond her threshold in order to excel.
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A typical work out routine consists of strength training on isolation on major muscle groups.
Through her time in the field, Calderon-Lopez says she strives to make a difference in the community. She says a person must love this job to do it thoroughly and help the parolees make a change. Her goals to serve her parolees and protect the community are similar to Allen's, who began working in customs on the U.S-Mexico border. She was fresh out of graduate school and ready to work. “Education is really important for women who want to go higher in the force,” Allen says. While working on the border, Allen went through training to carry a gun, which gave her more than enough experience for her next career path. “I showed I could do the job. I wasn’t handed anything,” Allen says. She oversaw every probation officer, parolee, director and supervisor in her county of San Diego. With this much responsibility, she made sure she was seen as more than the suit and briefcase. “It was many times I went out and broke
up fights with my officers just to show I still had it,” Allen says. Not only did Allen run an entire unit, she made efforts to give back to the community of San Diego by going to schools to speak to children, as well as doing events for families. After 28 years of serving San Diego, Allen retired and say she is proud of the growth in women and their positions in this field. “It has been a significant change with women and getting higher positions since I first started — it’s an amazing sight to see,” Allen says. When homage is paid to women equivalent to Calderon-Lopez and Allen, and strong and driven law enforcement such as Smith, young women such as Flores become inspired. In order for change to be evoked, opportunity must be present. When opportunity is followed by representation, dreams are free to be followed, without limitations or stereotypical views from society. ◆ Pursuit | 29
CHRIST Coming to an idealistic realization of life as a follower of Christ
Written by Natilee Ruiz earning, growing and developing faith is part of the journey of life, and community speaks into the souls of those who are discovering their true identity in Christ. Plenty can be said for the warm and welcoming environment surrounding the California Baptist University campus. It has harnessed positive characteristics embodied by its students in a way that helps push individuals toward growth and success — both academically and spiritually. Pursuing education and work opportunities in an environment that creates personal challenges for growth and cultivates a spirit that desires personal development is an integral factor for defining what it means to place identity solely in Christ. This environment, however, leaves
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room for comfortability, and the ascent into the professional world outside of a private university’s campus can be a daunting wall that holds a mirror up to an individual, so as to make that person re-evaluate where his or her identity truly lies. Kati Paddock, graduate student in education, specializing in disability studies, has had the opportunity to work in both a secular environment as a youth development specialist and tutor for an after-school program, as well as working in an environment at CBU that has fueled her faith. Studying to be a special education teacher, Paddock credits her faith toward her driving force to extend herself to those in need. “People with special needs are created with such a purpose just as much as a person without special needs,” Paddock
says. “As a Christian, we are called to help and serve others regardless of a diagnosis or disability.” Her faith is an aspect of her life that she says is an integral part of her calling to the work force and a personality trait that embodies her journey in faith. In conversation with co-workers, Paddock has been questioned about what she believes and why it is an important aspect of her life. She says she has been able to bridge both her love for Christ with her love for helping others — a witnessing opportunity no matter the environment. “Loving people, being intentional, and showing kindness and respect to people is not a reflection of me, but of who I follow,” she says. “By letting people know I am a Christian, allows them to see my actions and hear my words, and gives an opportunity for them to see a little bit of Christ in me.
Not only is Paddock’s identity in Christ reflected in her working commitments, but in the community she has gained through her time working at CBU. Since she is seeking preparation for being equipped to serve as a special-needs teacher in the graduate program, she says her experience working at CBU has helped her grow as an employee, who finds her calling to be part of a greater purpose when working with others. “Being surrounded and lead by people who are actively pursuing Christ, that also overflows into their work ethic, is a great model to have before me in the workplace,” she says. “They are also such an encouragement for any kind of struggle that I may have, and really enhance what it means to be part of the body of Christ.” Jeff Lewis, director of the Global Center and assistant professor of intercultural studies, says the lives of believers are a reflection of identity in Christ and should come first when displaying faith outwardly. “Every action in Christ, anything we’re told to do in scripture — any mandate, any command — any way we’re supposed to live always flows out of our identity and position in Christ,” Lewis says. “That means God has already accomplished that which he wants me to live, and the fact that I am a new creation in Christ, the old has passed away, the new has come and my identity is no longer, by nature, a sinner. It means now by nature, the nature which Christ has created in me,
is that of a saint.” Actions are what help define identity, and identity helps define one’s purpose. “If what I do does not flow out of who I am, then what I’m doing is in the flesh, and according to Christ, it’s worthless,” Lewis says. Witnessing the characteristics of Christ being displayed in others is what ultimately brought Briana Lara, senior health science major, to find her own personal faith in Christ. Through her now boyfriend, Lara was given tools and encouragements to find a faith for herself. “I came from a public school, so God was just not a topic that anybody ever talked about,” Lara says. "But since I did grow up in the church, it was something I understood but not to the point where I do now. It’s night and day.” Lara says now, almost three years later, her identity in Christ has been solidified through a helpful journey with her boyfriend but knows that her relationship with Christ stands separately. “For me in the beginning, in the midst of finding a foundational identity in Christ, I relied a lot on (my boyfriend),” Lara says. “It took me taking a step back and trying not to ‘catch up’ with him, because we are not ever going to be on the same page as far as growing in Christ.” While finding an identity outside of someone who has been an integral part of the journey, Lara says growing in Christ next to another person has given her a solid
foundation to face obstacles regarding her faith in the future. “Everyone in the world who is human will, at some point, disappoint you no matter who they are, but God never will,” Lara says. Being aware of the consistency in Christ and the flawed nature of humans, Lara says in any and all relationships she makes along the way, she knows her faith will remain unshaken from its grounding. “I wouldn’t question God’s abilities and sovereignties in life because I 100 percent believe he has a plan for everything and is totally in control of it all.” In finding solidarity and peace in a walk of faith, Lewis suggests three “intimacies” he says are essential in being attentive to God’s plan. Lewis says these three essentials in faith are “the continuous and passionate pursuit of intimacy with the living God, being fully engaged in the intimacy of the word of God,” and finally, “intimacy with a community of faith.” These three essentials help harbor growth and keep faith from becoming stagnant. “If we withdraw from one of those intimacies, we’ve really put ourselves in danger of discerning the direction of God as it relates to his calling as described in scripture,” Lewis says. As we are always learning and growing in both wisdom and faith, so should our identity in Christ. ◆
“Everyone in the world will at some point disappoint you, no matter who they are, but God never will.” -Briana Lara, senior health science major
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U N T R E ATA B L E Learning to manage depression and anxiety
Written by Courtney Coleman Photo Illustration by Daren Stevens Illustration by Caleb Bol he best way to describe the feeling was paralysis. No m a tt e r how hard I tried to find motivation to go to a job I actually liked, or to spend time with people I truly loved, or to do things that normally brought me joy, I ended up stuck in that state of apathy. I wanted to sleep — all the time. The question constantly running through my mind, one that I have learned many people ask themselves daily, was, “What is wrong with me?” According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, an estimated 40 million American adults suffer from anxiety disorders and an estimated 16 million suffer from depression. Depression and anxiety are deemed highly treatable by medical professionals and yet only onethird of those suffering seek further help. Natalie Rios, assistant director of the counseling center at California Baptist University, says that depression and anxiety are the most common concerns counselors are met with at CBU. “When you’re a college 32 | Pursuit
student, you’re dealing with a lot of stress. You’re dealing with classes, and homework ,and you’re possibly working and juggling that, and maybe dealing with family life and learning how to create healthy boundaries so you can develop as an adult,” she says. “There’s a lot happening in the life of a college student that can add a lot of stress that, if is not addressed or coped with and dealt with in a healthy way — and if adjustments aren’t made — can lead to anxiety and depression.” Explaining the causes behind depression and anxiety can be tricky. Doctor of health psychology and wellness educator, Arezou Ghane, says individuals often hit a wall when they misunderstand their condition or misinterpret the causes behind their mental state. “To some extent, it’s just kind of how the human brain is structured,” Ghane says of depression and anxiety. “We have a strong negativity bias, which helps us keep a memory of when things go wrong. At some point in our history, it really mattered to pay attention when things went wrong for survival, and we still carry that.” Ghane shares that the brain functions as a protection machine that works to anticipate danger or threats.
“At one point that tendency for predicting and outsmarting negative events is helpful, but we kind of overdo it,” she says. “In our current state, we aren’t fighting for food in the Western world, we are pretty comfortable and life is reliable, so that extra anxiety is just surplus. It is no longer necessary.” Rios suggests that managing depression or anxiety begins with understanding the two conditions by placing symptoms and causes into categories: emotional, behavioral and cognitive. “So when somebody is depressed, if we are thinking about it cognitively, a lot of time they may have difficulties with memories, difficulties with concentration and their ability to make decisions,” she says. “When it comes to the emotional realm, there might be of course a sad or depressed mood, there might also be some irritability. From a physical standpoint, there could be different symptoms such as an increase or a decrease in appetite, loss or weight gain, sometimes there is hypersomnia, insomnia…it can also lead to physical pain and physical tension.” In dealing with depression, and anxiety, which individuals often experience along with depression, tracing symptoms back to one of these categories is key. Ghane, who has dedicated her ➸
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career to helping individuals obtain emotional wellness by also maintaining physical health, says, “For me, as a health psychologist, I examine how our thoughts and behaviors go back to physical health. Ghane shares that with traditional Western medicine students are taught the biomedical model, which takes into account physical symptoms such as pain and the cause of that pain. “But as a health psychologist we use not just the biomedical model, but also the bio-psychosocial model, which takes into account not just what is going on with your body, but what is your psychological experience: What are your beliefs? What’s your level of stress? Then furthermore, the social aspect: Are you experiencing pain every time you walk into your family home? If so, what can these factors tell us?” Both Ghane and Rios say the physical and the emotional go hand-inhand. “They are intrinsically linked,” Ghane says. “They are absolutely always influencing each other. It’s bi-directional — your thoughts, emotions and beliefs all influence the decisions you make or the health behaviors you choose to take on or not.” Brittany Richey, wellness advocate for DoTERRA, a therapeutic-grade essential oils company, has utilized the benefits of essential oils to find physical and emotional balance. In her research of how mind and body are linked, she has theorized that the United States is behind some Third World countries on sick care. “They think it’s ‘sickness’ when really 34 | Pursuit
it is the body saying it is off balance,” she says. “Our emotions are communicating on a cellular level.” Richey discovered through her own life journey just how connected physical health and mental wellness are. “I was held captive to anxiety; I was really struggling to process my emotions,” she says. “Physically, we reflect our mental state.” Richey, who was once skeptical of
essential oils, says she now believes that the body, when given the right resources, can heal itself. Discovering the cause of depression is an experiment and every person will have different results. “I would always encourage everyone, students especially, since you’re in that place of inquiry and learning more about
the world, to learn more about yourself and what you can do to take care of yourself,” Ghane says. She also says that sharing experiences could help alleviate the feelings of loneliness and isolation often associated with depression and anxiety. Rios shares that community is a positive step toward managing symptoms. “(Depression and anxiety) are not something you can just snap out of,” Rios says. “If you’re able to recognized that something feels different, then take that step to reach out for counseling, or to trusted loved ones.” In relation to students, specifically, Rios also sets a reminder to keep in touch with faith. “When (students) are lacking a strong faith or a hope in something, and are just consumed by life and don’t have anything to hold on to for an anchor in the storm, it is really easy to be tossed around in the waves of life,” she says. Managing depression and anxiety, in general, requires maintaining physical health with emotional and spiritual health in mind. Rios suggests taking baby steps for the daunting task. “Don’t expect yourself to just snap out of it,” she says. “You can work your way up to what that ultimate goal is.” Between understanding the science behind mental disorders, listening to the body’s needs and finding a supportive community to lean on, depression and anxiety go from paralyzing and debilitating afflictions that society presumes them to be, to the highly manageable and treatable disorders that they actually are. ◆
Body & Mind Our bodies are ecosystems that function best when physiological and psychological homeostasis is achieved. Trillions of organisms, known as the microbiome, cover
90 percent of the cells of our bodies. — Psychology Today An area of causal possibility still largely unexplored, aside from genetics, past experiences and psychologically influences is how the
digestive tract and mental health are connected. — “Gut and Psychology Syndrome” (GAPS) by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride The
vast majority of psychiatric patients suffer from digestive problems. — GAPS
Good nutrition is essential for our mental health and that a number of mental health conditions may be influenced by dietary factors. — Mental Health Foundation
Exercise influences the release and uptake of feel-good chemicals called endorphins in the brain. — Mental Health Foundation
The Facts Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S., affecting
40 million adults in the United States age 18 and older, or
18% of the population. — National Institute of Mental Health It’s not uncommon for someone with an anxiety disorder to also suffer from depression or vice versa. Nearly
one-half of those diagnosed with depression are also diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. — Anxiety and Depression Association of America Major depression also carries the
heaviest burden of disability among mental and behavioral disorders. — National Institute of Mental Health In 2015, an estimated
16.1 million adults aged 18 or older in the United States had at least one major depressive episode in the past year. This number represented
6.7% of all U.S. adults. — National Institute of Mental Health Anxiety disorders are highly treatable, yet only about
one-third of those suffering receive treatment. — Anxiety and Depression Association of America
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Going Solo And finding yourself along the way
Written by Iona Brannon Photos by Iona Brannon guess they aren’t waterproof. The thought sank in with the water droplets on my cute coat and those darling boots. I stood there, soaked, with no shield from the frigid rain. It did not matter that the rain was Milanese. It was cold, my socks were wet and I was completely alone in this gloomy city. Other thoughts began to crowd my mind. What possessed me to embark on a 10-week journey on my own? I had overreached. I was too ambitious. I was going to fail. The thoughts spiraled out of control and I began to panic. Things like this happen when you travel on your own. It is not for the faint of heart,because more than any challenge imposed by outside elements, the greatest challenges may actually come from within. While traveling this summer, I understood more than ever the looming fear we have of being truly alone. It is a fear within the best of us, hiding in the 36 | Pursuit
background while we aimlessly scroll through Instagram feeds and frantically fill our time with plans and people that might validate our existence. When there is nothing else to hide behind, that is when we truly understand our own nature. Then, after coming face-toface and settling with this “aloneness,� do we begin to truly appreciate what is around. It is then we see life and the opportunities it presents. After all, do we really value friendship if it is merely a protection against a lonely life? An agent used to temporarily numb the pain of our own inadequacy? Two days after the great Milanese depression, I found myself soaked again. We were five strangers from different countries sitting on the hostel floor, lazily gossiping about travel adventures and past relationships. Each of us declared boisterously how we were single and traveling alone to gain a better understanding of the world and ourselves.
Claire, a sweet French girl, said she felt the same but her voice seemed to falter. “I broke up with my boyfriend exactly one week ago,” she said. Her eyes glistened with heartbreak and in that moment the bonds of womanhood transcended all cutural and language differences and pulled us together. We held her and cried. It was here that I understood the beauty of traveling solo. In a twist of irony, traveling on my own bound me to complete strangers, opening me up to situations I never would have experienced if traveling with friends. The most terrifying thing about traveling alone is the idea that there is no one out there for us. We may hate being vulnerable, but the weight within us is
not meant to be carried alone. So we open ourselves up to those around us, and they shoulder a bit of this burden and we stand a little taller and laugh a little longer. All this because we were alone, but we were willing to believe. Being alone overwhelmed me with insight into the depths of my own person; I found myself able to love deeper and risk greater. In life, we all love and at some point we all lose. It is just the way the world works. However, it is when we are not afraid to be alone at the end of the day that we find the courage to step into new experiences, relationships and places. If we get caught up in all we may lose, we may never get on the airplane And who knows what is at the end of the journey? ◆
essentials Lightweight layers that are easy to pair Make sure to pick a few signature pieces that match everything.
A small lock Lots of hostels have lockers available but you’ll need to carry your own lock.
Small sets of toiletries This is important especially if you decide to only bring a carry-on. Buy as you go so you don’t have to haul heavy products around everywhere.
Sandals and close-toed shoes There’s nothing worse than being stuck in the rain with Birkenstocks on or being stuck in 100-degree weather with tennis shoes.
An electric outlet adapter
A elderly couple (top left) wait for their train to leave the station in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. An Italian traveler (bottom left) teaches an American how to make pasta from scratch on their day off in Venterol, France. A woman performs Namaz during Ramadan in Istanbul, Turkey. A little boy plays football by himself in the narrow streets of Barcelona, Spain.
The world has at least 15 different types of sockets so chances are the country you’re visiting is not going to have the same type of socket as the one you’re leaving.
A microfiber travel towel Not every hostel you stay at will have towels. These towels are compact and dry easily.
Hand sanitizer Who knows when the next opportunity to wash your hands will come along.
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Chefs' Choice Best pick on the menu from the creators
Written by Bekka Wiedenmeyer Photos by Robert Jordan and Michele Munoz Riverside, California — it is the City of Arts & Innovation, described as the “cultural hub” of the Inland Empire, a tourist city of arts and culture enthusiasts. While Riverside may be known to many in the Inland Empire and surrounding regions as a city of music, arts and entertainment, it is also attractive to those who also prefer their arts in an “a la carte” kind of way. With numerous dining experiences to enjoy in downtown Riverside alone, local residents and visitors have a wide array of options from which to choose simply while driving or walking down Mission Inn Avenue. Following is a list of chefs’ picks from local restaurants to help narrow down the choices and fully experience Riverside’s culinary scene.
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“Patty’s Favorite” – Little Green Onions, 6723 Brockton Ave., Riverside CA 92506 Grilled on a sourdough is “Patty’s Favorite,” which contains grilled turkey, jack cheese and Ortega peppers. Named after the restaurant’s owner, Patty Proctor, the sandwich comes with a side, which can be French fries, fresh fruit, salad or onion rings. Proctor suggests the onion rings, which use the whole onion. The menu does not just serve sandwiches, however. Proctor is quick to point out a burrito or enchilada, if one is in the mood for Mexican food. Next June, it will be 19 years since Proctor and her husband purchased the restaurant. The menu has basically remained the same with a few simple additions. She said they have had loyal customers who have been there since the beginning. “It’s a mom and pop’s place,” she says. “It’s a big difference from a corporation. People feel at home here.” Honorable mention: 99-cent tacos every Taco Thursday.
“House Special” – Backstreet Restaurant, 3735 Nelson St., Riverside CA 92506 Once a neighborhood candy store, Backstreet Restaurant now specializes in sandwiches, salads and baked goods for the local community. The House Special is pastrami and cheese on sourdough bread, with a choice of baked beans, potato salad, coleslaw or chips as a side. A unique amenity that comes with dining at Backstreet is the veggie cart, which serves carrots, celery, pickled cucumbers, pickled beets, pasta salad and more. Veggies are unlimited. Keith Holloway, owner, said the “House Special” is a favorite because of the amount of meat on it. “Most sandwich places give you one ounce of meat and six ounces of lettuce, and you have a salad in your sandwich,” he says jokingly. Holloway purchased the restaurant 17 years ago from his wife’s mother and father. The place opened 49 years ago. The perfect plate would be half a “House Special” and half a kale salad, served with a side and all of the vegetables off the cart, Holloway says. Honorable mention: Banana cream pie.
Nicholas Moody, executive chef at Heroes Restaurant and Brewery, grills two different types of burgers — the Chorizo Burger, in which the patty is a combination of Chorizo and beef, and the Hero burger, a mix of beef and brisket. Nancy Miller prepares the pies to be served during the day. Pies come by the slice or in single serving.
“New Yorker” – Heroes Restaurant & Brewery, 3397 Mission Inn Ave., Riverside CA 92501 The “New Yorker” is just one of the sandwiches this downtown restaurant offers off its lunch menu. Served on rye bread with pastrami, corned beef, Swiss cheese and Russian dressing, the “New Yorker” comes with your choice of a side, which includes French fries, onion rings, potato chips, tater tots (a “secret menu” item) or curly fries (the restaurant favorite). Nicholas Moody, executive chef, says he has been working hard on the pastrami menu items since arriving at Heroes six months ago. The cooks now emulate the way small delis have been preparing pastrami for years – steaming the pastrami, slicing it as thin as possible and stacking it on a piece of rye bread. “We’re trying to give our guests the best bang for their buck,” Moody said. “We’re known for our large portion sizes here. If you don’t leave with something, we probably did something wrong.” Honorable mentions: Reuben and The Downtown.
“Grilled Marinated Chicken Breast Sandwich” – Simple Simon’s Bakery & Bistro, 3639 Main St., Riverside CA 92501 Simple Simon’s serves menu items catering to all of their guests’ needs, including vegetarian and gluten-free items. A fan-favorite is the “Grilled Marinated Chicken Breast Sandwich,” served on fresh Kalamata olive bread with Caesar dressing, pesto, marinated chicken, tomato, romaine lettuce, as well as provolone and parmesan cheeses. “In a day, I would say (we make) anywhere from 30 to 60,” said Jonathan Hudson, a manager and seven-year employee at the bakery. Much of the food is homemade and home-baked, including the bread and the sauces. The sandwiches in particular come with a side of the customer’s choice, including pasta salad, potato salad, fresh fruit or a veggie and dip side. Honorable mentions: Christmas cookie and bear claw. ◆
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L e t s G o to
The gift shop at The County Music Hall of Fame and Museum is filled with souvenirs and love for Nashville music history.
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24 hours i n the coun try m us ic cap ital Pursuit | 41
inbad! It’s Sinbad!” exclaims out of the first Uber onto 21st Avenue looking the woman behind me as we into the dark window of our first stop that shuffle one by one through did not open for another hour. It was cold, the narrow aisles of the I was tired and I realized the task before airplane. Looking to my left, me was going to be harder than originally sitting in first class is the planned. Added to the agenda: multiple comedian David coffee stops. Written by Makenna Sones Adkins, better At 7 in the known by his stage morning the Photos by Randy Plavajka name, Sinbad, doors opened at animatedly speaking to the passenger next Fido and breakfast was served as it is all to him. My first celebrity sighting of the trip day there. Behind the counter, Lydia Hejny, at barely 10 p.m. “Hopefully this means I 24, manager of Fido, recommended the will finally see Taylor Swift,” I thought to “Village Scramble”— scrambled eggs with myself. After all, we were going to the city baby spinach, tomatoes, Portobello, roasted where Swift and so many others began their red onions, feta, salsa and sour cream. journey to musical fame. Hejny has lived in Nashville for almost Nashville, Tenn., was the destination, six years and says the people are what have and I had exactly 24 hours until I had to be kept her here for so long. back in California. The agenda was simple: “I’m from Lake Tahoe. I was 17 (when arrive in Nashville at 5 in the morning, I decided to move) and I just needed a drink as much caffeine as possible to change of pace. There had been a death stay awake, travel to eight of the mostin my family and Nashville was a good, recommended destinations in the city, and happy place away from home,” Hejny says. meet people along the way who could help “Nashville is a cool city; it’s growing — it’s me understand why Nashville is one of the becoming too much of a city for me, but it’s most talked about places in the country. like a small town at the same time. Everyone "Simple" was the word I would have knows everyone; everyone is real friendly. used right up until the moment I stepped Southern hospitality is a real thing.”
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She started working at Fido after being a customer for three years. “I was like, ‘Can I just work here so I get paid to hang out here?’” Hejny says. “It’s a really good company, too. The boss is in here all the time and it’s cool to see him come in, get a cup of coffee, and bus tables with you.” This casual restaurant had a welcoming atmosphere, deliciously rich food and friendly patrons. One of these customers, Tommy Lamberson, 55, security director for musical artists, has grown up in Nashville and says the city has grown over the last few years in many positive ways. His favorite part of the city is the music influence and the talented artists coming from Nashville. “Get out and experience the whole Nashville vibe, ‘cause it’s happening here,” Lamberson says. So go out and experience it, I did. Hopping in an Uber, I road down to James Robertson Parkway to the Bicentennial Capitol Mall State Park where you can get a quiet, nature getaway from the bustling heart of the city. The entrance to the park has a granite map of the state of Tennessee inlaid on the ground, welcoming the perfect moment for a Snapchat story.
The park’s other features include a World War II Memorial with a granite globe similar to the Kugel at the entrance of California Baptist University and an amphitheater giving a great view of the State Capitol Building. At the end of the park is the Court of 3 Stars and Bell Carillon, which is representative of the three grand divisions of the state — East, Middle and West Tennessee. The 95-bell carillon represents the 95 counties, the people of Tennessee and its musical heritage. According to the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, there is a 96th bell located at the State Capitol known as the answering bell, representing the government answering its people whenever it rings with the others. In perfect view of the State Capitol Building, Matthew Lewis, 30, Nashville resident, relaxes in his ENO hammock reading “The Chronicles of Narnia” as his black therapy dog, Sweet Potato, stalks squirrels a few paces away. “I just chill here, (Sweet Potato) hunts squirrels — he thinks he’s a lion — but he’s never caught one yet.” Lewis moved to Nashville three weeks prior for a job opportunity and says this is one of the best places he has found in the city, so far. “I couldn’t be happier with the market and the park right here. I try to get out here regularly,” Lewis says. “I run here. There is a cool set of workout groups here. We meet here and run— do suicide drills up the stairs. It’s awesome, like 30 to 40 people come out and do it together.” Lewis says he was ready for the city life and it is one of the reasons he decided to move to Nashville. “It feels kind of like the new South here. What I mean by that is you will have the classic cowboy hat, guitar bag, honkytonk trying to make it. But at the same time it feels kind of cosmopolitan. There are a ton of entrepreneurs, academic life with
the universities, music life. You get a sense there is a ton of energy in the city. It’s very palpable.” One of the oddities giving Nashville character is the full-scale replica of the Parthenon on West End Avenue. I wondered as I approached the giant columns why Tennessee would need to recreate something halfway around the world from the original. The entrance is underneath the Parthenon, taking vistors into a museum explaining the history of its completed construction of the exterior in 1925 and its interior completion in 1931. Nashville’s nickname is the “Athens of the South” because of the influence of architecture throughout the city, answering my question as to why they would build the structure. The second part of the museum serves as Nashville’s art gallery, filled with oil paintings on canvas and panel. Upstairs takes you into the Parthenon and into the presence of a 42-foot statue of Athena. Downtown there is a black, red and yellow recording studio where musicians have had the opportunity to take their music from a dream and put it onto a record for people to enjoy. Third Man Records was founded by Jack White, previously the lead singer and guitarist of The White Stripes. Nashville became the headquarters for the label in 2009, and is now a combination of a record store, performance venue and label headquarters. Every inch of the store is covered with memorabilia and history. It builds the surrounding community and helps amplify the friendly Nashville culture. Hunger started to set in fast, but I knew where to go because I had received a great recommendation for a taco place back on 21st Avenue. On the way there, Uber driver Dennis Astren, 63, told me how the city has grown and become more expensive to live in over the past 10 years. “The cost of living was fairly reasonable at one time, but now it’s just going ➸
Matthew Lewis, 30, hangs in his ENO hammock at Bicentennial Capital Mall State Park reading "The Chronicles of Narnia,” while his therapy dog, Sweet Potato, watches for squirrels to approach in the grass.
This 45 of Jake White's "Sixteen Saltines" is just one of many records Third Man Records, owned by White, for customers to peruse.
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through the roof. It’s going to be like the next Atlanta. It’s growing too fast and I don’t think we can keep up,” Astren says. Lunch was eaten on the front deck of the San Antonio Taco Company after picking what I wanted to order by checking boxes on a sheet of paper before getting to the register. The hostess and the chefs wished me a wonderful day with friendly faces and happy drawls. “Nashville just got voted the 'Friendly City,'” says Mariesa Short, 26, graduate student at Vanderbilt University. Short, who has lived in cities from coast to coast, chose Vanderbilt because it was
"You get a sense there is a ton of energy in the city. It s very palpable.” Matthew Lewis, Nashville resident
A customer (top) carefully sifts through the record bins at Third Man Records, looking for something new to add to his collection. Lydia Hejny (left), 24, manager at Fido, carefully pours cream into a customer’s cup of coffee, topping off the drink with a traditional latte art design. The former pet store was converted into a one-of-a-kind coffeehouse and has earned the acclaim of celebrities such as Taylor Swift. A view of downtown (middle) from the windows of the Country Music Hall of Fame, featuring Nashville’s tallest structure, the AT&T building. Dylan Davis (far right), 23, barista at CREMA, stands behind the countertop of the renowned Nashville café known for its top-tier coffee. The business is famous for its expertise in roasting coffee beans, crafting of signature blends and brewing coffee.
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the only school with the specific psychology program she wanted. “I could see myself being here for a while. Eventually Colorado, but I could be here for a while. If I could skip August, turn down that humidity, then that’d be great.” Almost every time I spoke to someone, I would ask them, “Where was one place I had to go while in town?” Without fail, every person said the same thing: CREMA. This hipster coffee shop is one I wish I could have picked up and transported back to California with me. From the whitewood décor to the plaid-shirted employees, everything about it was welcoming. They are a waste-free company known for sourcing all of their coffee from farmers they trust.
Dylan Davis, 23, barista at CREMA, recently moved with his wife from Georgia. He says he knew about CREMA when he moved to the city and after talking to the owner got a job right away. “I moved to Nashville for a change of scenery. The people are so nice it kind of feels like everybody’s your cousin,” Davis says. “It’s grown on me day by day. I miss Atlanta, but I really like Nashville. It’s tight.” Possibly one of the biggest attractions in Nashville is The Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum. As guests wander the museum, they can read about not only country's earliest hits and artists — many of whom belonged to the cast of Nashville’s Grand Ole Opry in the mid-1950s— but also musical touches of folk, blues and rock. Weaving in and out of the exhibits, songs played from Lloyd Green, Norbert Putnam, Charlie Daniels, and even Elvis Presley before he was known as the King of Rockn-Roll — every voice distinct but with the similar twang of good ol’ country. The final stop on the agenda was Broadway where musicians and singersongwriters from all over come to play, hoping one day to make it big just like the names in the Country Music Hall of Fame. While passing Rippy’s Bar and Grill, three men in baseball caps strummed their guitars and sang out about a lost love to a crowd applauding loudly. I could not help but wonder if I will hear those three men someday singing about that lost love on a California radio station. My time in Nashville had run out and, just as I had suspected, 24 hours was not nearly enough time to understand this city that so many have moved to for one reason or another. At the airport I thought back on all the kind people I had met and what they had to say about the city in which they lived. I agreed with Short about Nashville being the friendliest city, and Hejny was correct when she said Southern hospitality was a real thing. Even though I did not see Swift while I was there, the verdict I made about Nashville was the simplest decision I had made all day: I needed to go back. ◆
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Belays & Bonfires Rock climbers find community both on and off the wall
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Written by Chloé Tokar Photos by Courtney Coleman he campfire crackle was the only sound to break the silence of the faces lit by flashes of flame. Every eye tracked the darkness to a man in red standing off to the sid. He hesitated with his following comment: “I don’t know what happened to him, but when we all walked and saw him, he was dead,” Richard Booth, planning and compliance officer, says. Roars of laughter broke through the night, engulfing the cool desert with fits of giggles as Booth tries to explain himself. “I couldn’t think of anything, he’s just dead,” Booth says of their round of a game called “Murder” and his attempt to conjure up the fate of one of the many rock climbers in the group. Inbetween the seemingly difficult, collaborative attempt to cook salmon and discuss the day climb, the Joshua Tree campers could be mistaken as a group of lifelong friends rather than strangers coming together for the love of rock climbing and the community it brings. “There’s no tight-knit group,” Booth says. "You sit down by the fire and everyone will talk to you. I’m not that social of a person — don’t really get out of my group much. Rock climbing has changed that. You really have no choice but to meet people. I have been fortunate to meet so many people and be friends with them.” That is exactly what transpired: A weekend of bouldering by a group who met at Hangar 18, a Riverside climbing gym. Being a part of it is like being enveloped in a warm group hug. “There’s some new people this weekend, but then they’ll come again,” says Valerie Williams, yoga instructor at Hangar 18. “It’s nice. It just seems like our group
keeps getting bigger.” For most, it seems to start with individuals bringing together their own groups, a safety blanket of friends until eventually they are adopted by the resident climbers of the gym. “All my first climbing friends were people I dragged into this with me and eventually many of them got busy and replaced by regulars at the gym,” says Patrick Gallagher, technical writer and graphic designer. “The gym community is friendly and eager to assist in growing as a climber. Many of them are just straight-up hippies. I sometimes feel like I am becoming one at times also. I am unsure if it’s because of the community or if it’s spending so much time camping in the wild that eventually makes us regress to care-free animals.” The Joshua Tree group all are familiar with Gallagher, a regular at the gym and free-climb events, often wielding a camera to document the life around him or his own clothing brand, Capital G Clothing. “Either way, we all grow together, but then again I feel like that can happen in any consistent group of friends,” he says. “Actually, that’s it, consistency is the biggest factor. We are always there, together, consistently.” What is meant as a workout for some transforms into a lifestyle for others, an outlet to separate from the stress of the world — one colored rock at a time. “When I’m climbing, I don’t have to think about anything else and when I’m on the wall it’s just me and the wall,” says Jimmy Rodriguez, sophomore English major at California Baptist University and new climber. Having only started seven months ago, his focus is on bouldering and slowly branching out into free-climbing. “I’m not thinking about school, not thinking about work, not thinking ➸
Cynthia Hernandez (left), climber at Hangar 18, tops out a boulder climp while friends spot her from below.
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Ryan Rainwater, junior environmental science major, traverses a route in The Hall of Horrors, a well-known climbing location in Joshua Tree National Park
about people,” Rodriguez continues. “It’s just, I gotta get to the top and that’s it. It’s kind of a getaway. I don’t have any end goals. I try not to push myself too much because I’ll just get competitive and turn it into something I don’t enjoy. It’ll all be for nothing if I don’t have fun doing it.” Despite the fact different groups — sub-communities — exist within the rock climbing world, it does not prevent those who prefer the adrenaline of sport climbing from sharing a can of Spam around a fire in the desert with those who opt for bouldering. “The climbing community is pretty much everywhere,” says Ryan Rainwater, junior environmental science major at CBU. “I’m a really quiet guy, and going to climbing gyms, people are always willing to help you out and get to know you. I only know one person on this trip, but they’re 48 | Pursuit
all very welcoming.” The harsh breeze could not dampen the mood as the group shared tips about how to grip the rocks in the Hall of Horrors, a location in Joshua Tree, and what the best workouts are to strengthen climbing muscles. Even then, it only occupied a small amount of conversation. “I’m more into bouldering because I’m not a big fan of heights,” Rainwater says. “The community was really cool and helped me out. I spend all of my time with them. It’s definitely something I want to do when I’m out of college — hopefully to be a mountaineering guide one day. Getting used to how they treat other people and then I do the same.” Brought together by common interest, they stay together for love of the others involved. “The roles have flipped a little for me
but the community is the same,” Gallagher says. “When it all comes down to it, the biggest driving force is the community, my friends. I go to see them. When we go camping, I go for them. Climbing is secondary. It’s an excuse to get outdoors. It gives us something to do, but if it wasn’t for my friends, I would have quit a long time ago.” Wearing uniforms of brightlycolored spandex and breathing warmth into calloused, chalked hands, the group around the fire waited to hear the fate of the next climber in the game. Apparently she hit a light pole on her way out to the desert. Another wave of laughter came as she insisted she bled glitter. The merriest group is always one step — one stone — within reach of another adventure. ◆
Pursuit magazine is a student-produced publication of California Baptist University working to utilize professional, balanced journalism to tell the stories of CBU s community and the real-life, relevant factors that affect that community.
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