The chain spirit

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The chain spirit Hey Alicia called my brother jack. He said do you know we are planning a trip to Wayynad which is in Kerala tomorrow and you know where we are going to stay? In a bungalow’. I was surprised to hear that because I was a planning to perform a puppet show with my toy named snappy. We packed our clothes along with my toy snappy. I was not able to sleep that night because I was throughout thinking of my puppet show with snappy. The next day me and my brother along without parents Richard and the train. I was really worried about this journey as yesterday in the TV news I saw that there was a land slide on the way to our place and and trains were delayed 24 hours. We reached Kozhikode finally and decided to go by car to Wayynad. We reached wayyand which is more like a small village. When we were going towards the bungalow, I saw an old banyan tree near to an old temple and the said tree almost cover the temple. When I took a look at the driver to ask about the said banyan tree he told a word’ BEWARE ’his sound shivered my body from toe to head. It was bit scary but I did not mind him. We reached the bungalow and kept our bags on the table. We took a quick nap when I heard some noises upstairs though there was no one there I did not mind it and thought there would be some rats. In the evening I went up to investigate wherefrom the noise came and found the room locked. I told this aspect to my brother. We decided to further examine and ponder the matter next day because the journey in the car was too tiresome and suffocating, as we had to take so many hairpin curves on the way, from the edge of hills. The next day me, my doll and my brother went out to the temple. Jack came slowly behind me but I

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