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2.1.2.AboutAdaptive Reuse

Adaptive reuse refers to the process of reusing an existing building for a purpose other than which it was originally built or designed for. It is also known as recycling and conversion. Adaptive reuse is an effective strategy for optimizing the operational and commercial performance of built assets. Adaptive reuse refers to the process of reusing an existing building for a purpose other than which it was originally built or designed for. It is also known as recycling and conversion. Adaptive reuse is an effective strategy for optimizing the operational and commercial performance of built assets.

Adaptive reuse in architecture denotes the process of building conversion so as to accommodate new functional requirements.


FIG 34: Brewing Company (Source: ModeArchitects)


Since the whole process is shaped within the possibilities of an already architecture structure the term adaptive reuse is labelled as ‘re architecture’ by Cantacuzino.

The process involves, in the first place:

1. The preparation of an architectural design project/scheme according the possibilities/potentialities offered and the constraints imposed by an existing building which is often of historical importance. 2. And in the second place the necessary alterations/conversions are to take place, generally, within the boundaries defined by the building envelope and in line with the new project.

FIG 35: Danish International Maritime Museum (Conversion) (Source: RTF) FIG 36: CaixaForum Barcelona (Restoration)

https://www.re-thinkingthefuture.com/architects-lounge/a318-10-most-creative-adaptive-reuse-projects/ (Source: RTF)

The possibility of versatile reuse of structures to produce space for new useful prerequisites is neither something new or contemporary nor is it restricted to engineering. It has been applied to practically a wide range of curios since hundreds of years. It has been liked to destruction and revamping in different areas of the planet and a plenty of old furthermore, outdated constructions have been adjusted to different usages since days of yore. There are various instances of: 1. Military structures adjusted as schools. 2. Correctional facilities as lavish inns. 3. Castles as social structures like historical centers and craftsmanship exhibitions 4. Theater scenes as royal residences 5. Industrial structures for practically a wide range of useful prerequisites.

FIG 37: Air Force Academy (Source: RTF) https://www.rethinkingthefuture.com/architects-lounge/a129015-examples-of-military-architecture/

FIG 38: Jails in Netherlands and U.K (Source: magazine.trivago) converted into Luxury Hotels https://magazine.trivago.com/prisons-converted-hotels/ FIG 39: Gohar Mahal Bhopal now a (Source: RTF) museum https://www.re-thinkingthefuture.com/rtf-freshperspectives/a1099-8-instances-of-adaptive-reuse-in-india/

In addition, it's implied that adaptive reuse isn't likewise an area of concern which is situated to just to structures with verifiable significance or to structures with reach design highlights. The interaction addresses itself to a wide range of structures and is considered as a panacea for a wide range of obsolescence's be it useful, practical or even physical. In other words the use of the course of adaptive reuse closely related with the obsolescence’s of structures and practical attainability of the `project.

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