Noted Pakistani author of books such as ''Islam: The Arab Imperialism'', ''Islam and Human Rights'', ''Islam: Sex and Violence'' etc, Mohammad Anwar Shaikh (popularly known as Anwar Shaikh) was a Pakistani-born author residing in Cardiff,United Kingdom.During the violent days of the Partition of India in 1947 he, then filled with Muslim nationalist fervor, killed on one day two Sikhs, a father and his son. In his youth, Shaikh was a young ardent believer. He later killed another Sikh. But when he reached the age of 25, he began doubting Islam and later became its ardent critic, and memories of his crime have haunted him ever since. Thereafter he immigrated into U.K., married a Welsh woman, and became a successful businessman. Shaikh was living in Cardiff, Wales, when a fatwa was issued against him from his homeland Pakistan in 1995, where at least fourteen clerics issued death sentences against him for renouncing and criticising Islam.He died in Wales on 25 November 2006. ......... Physics of a Living Universe suggests organic "Intelligent Design" aka DNA by Malcolm Macleod
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Topics Spinoza, Descartes, Plato, Pythagoras, Buddhism, Platonism, Taoism, Logos, Destiny, Karma, Free-Will, mathematical realism, Platos Cave, quantity of motion, Yin-yang, Quintessence, 5th element, fifth element, earth, water, fire, air, fecund universes, Intelligent design, evolution, multi-verse, anthropic principle, finetuning cosmology, cosmological natural selection, CNS Mathematical Universe Hypothesis, MUH, fundamental constants, natural constants, physical constants, Planck momentum, Planck unit theory, square root Planck momentum, sqrt(kgm/s), fine structure constant alpha, electron, magnetic monopole, Bohr model, quantum gravity, gravitational waves, graviton, black-hole universe, white-hole universe, arrow of time, dark-matter, dark-energy, wave-state, point-state, wave-point oscillation cosmological constant, Og's constant, cosmic microwave background, CMB, Fibonacci series, double spiral, Matrix, all is number, Harmony of the spheres, Sunyata, shunya, void, Collection opensource We live in a universe that appears to operate smoothly according to a set of laws which we do not fully understand. Furthermore we have 2 completely different and opposing sciences to describe this universe – the life sciences; biology, organic chemistry, and the physical sciences; inorganic chemistry, physics... Likewise we have a distinct separation between the spiritual and the scientific worlds although the spiritual realm is intrinsically linked to the life-sciences. And so we may ask, is it not redundant to have 2 completely different sets of laws to govern a single universe, especially as biological systems clearly integrate seamlessly with physical systems.