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Learning and understanding english With this shor t text we try t o explain some topics a bout the engli sh grammar by the easiest and cheerful w ay. You will see that it's no t hard and im possible language to u nderstand. Enjoy it!

Contents: .I- What ar e they? tand s r e t und t worry ’ n o n’ ud If yo hing, do without t s some arning i ere e h the l limit, t e a tim urry. h is no

II- Possessi ve adjectiv es III- Some ex amples IV- Excercis es

Possesives adjectives

I've e s g n h e thi mind t h t l l y “Of a miss m I lost, “. t mos ain w T rk -Ma

The adjecti ves possess ives are use show posse d to ssion of som ething. When you a re the own er of somet (objetcs or hing things), you must use th adjective p e ossessive.

Possessives adjectives are as follows: Singular:

ind: m n i Keep ssive e s s e po t, is not h t s Its i ive for I ’s (“it t It adje me as ot n ) a n the s ntractio o is” c nfused. o be c

My (I) Your (You) His (He) Her (She)

Plural: Our (We) Your (You) Their(They ) * (Subject pronoun)

Possessives adjectives examples: -I like my bik e. -I don’t reme Its

: uses

p -The


nt is

ot. p s t in i

t all s o l d e ha e r t -The leaves. s of it

mber his nam


-We love her hair, is beaut ifu Where is you r h ou This is our ca r.



Possessives adjectives exercises:

get: r o f 't Don one h p e r tel e H he r c a e t ei r h T ren d l i r ch u o Y -

Complete th e sentence u sing the possessive ad jetives: We love _____ Fa mily. He live with ____ parents. When is ____ bir thday, John? The cup is in ___ _ place.

Adjectives possessives exercises: Match the column sa Your me ives in o s e ar e ss s e s r o e Th tives p n and e c m adje rst colu uns in th i the f ct prono tch them e a subj one. M r othe ctly. e corr

His Its My He r

ppropriately: She I He It You

Adjectives possessives exercises: Match the column sa the t u o b ry a ds. r o 't w e wor n o D of t h r e tch a ord m ed to rds. e n wo you Just ctly the e corr








The End!

xt. e t s i d th e y o j u e n by e ! o y e d I hop ks, goo n Tha uez

q elas V r ie -Jav

Thanks for r ead and lear n with us, you should k eep practicin g, studying and don't forget the lessons. Good luck

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