Integrantes: Cuchala Ricardo Meneses Diego Morillo Katherine Valladares María José
CONTENT ....................................................................................................................................1
INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................2
BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................................2
OBJECTIVES ................................................................................................................................8
MISSION .....................................................................................................................................9
LAUNCH ....................................................................................................................................12
STATE OF NEE-01 PEGASUS ......................................................................................................13
10. CONSEQUENCES .......................................................................................................................15 11. BIBLIOGRAFÍA ..........................................................................................................................18
2. INTRODUCTION The Ecuador took its first step launching a small satellite from the Jiuquan space center, located in Gansu Province, northwest China, this is a process of technological innovation of our country that deserves to be celebrated. The satellite was designed and built by EXA in Ecuador, on a voluntary, private resources and national staff, share the educational use of the satellite with the Ecuadorian people transmit satellite signals via the Internet using social networks and our servers indicates growth in science who is living in Ecuador.
3. BACKGROUND The August 29, 2007, Russian Ambassador in Ecuador, the delegate of the General Commander of the FAE and the then present the country ESAA project the Ecuadorian civilian space program, with a duration of 10 years and 3 phases, aimed at start Ecuadorian space age. The CEEC aims to create a Civilian Space Agency, have a microgravity laboratory plane, five Ecuadorian manned missions into space, put the first satellite into orbit for the moon Ecuadorian and 2020. By November 2007, he founded the EXA - The Ecuadorian Civilian Space Agency, a civilian non-profit, responsible for managing and implementing the CEEC and to develop scientific research in planetary sciences and space sciences. The September 29, 2008, EXA is accepted by the International Astronautical Federation meeting at its 59th annual convention in Glasgow, Scotland as a full member with full voting rights in the General Assembly, alongside other agencies such as NASA, ESA, JAXA, and RossKosmos also developed joint projects that made history and
positioned to Ecuador as one of the best countries in the region aerospace development. In mid-2009, EXA and FAE signed a technical and scientific cooperation in the space field. The project gave the country DÉDALO the plane first and only Latin American microgravity. The project POSEIDON Ecuador reached for the Guinness World Record in micro gravity, previously held by NASA, to date, our record has not been surpassed. These projects were achieved with technology created by EXA and collaboration and FAE non-monetary resources, as pilots, expertise and ships.
Figure 1. Mission’s logo.
In April 2009 the Board approved the EXA's HERMES project, resulting in the construction of CCVE HERMESA / MINOTAURO as a first step for the Project PEGASUS.
The HERMES target was to provide us with the expertise needed to handle satellites, besides ourselves with our own earth station. HERMES became the first and so far the only earth station capable of connecting to the Internet permanently outer space, was fully funded, built and developed in Ecuador by EXA, without foreign aid.
Figure 2. The sensor’s array MINOTAURO
MINOTAURO sensor array has 10 high and 4 meters wide, and contains 7 radiometric sensors and 2 optical. The maximum gain is 470dB MINOTAURO, has been successfully tested with targets 22,000 km away, detecting signals as weak as 0.002 watts. For this reason, the United Nations decided to present the world HERMES September 8, 2009, at the Academy of Cienciasde Austria, for its importance to mankind, and invited EXA to instruct scientists and engineers from 34 countries on how to use it. Because of its capabilities, HERMES is now the core of the program A SATELLITE IN THE CLASSROOM, which allows children of all ages to connect with scientific satellites in real time and study geography and science with the help of satellites billion to its available. Currently HERMES is part of the worldwide network of several satellite earth stations operating as RAX, SwissCube, RS-30, CO-68, the constellation NOAA, GOES, Landsat, Envisat, and others. There have been
15 scientific papers from 6 countries and have written three books on HERMES.
4. DEFINITION The nations that have built their own satellites have always begun in small: ďƒź Sputnik 1, the first artificial satellite in history, Russia, 1957:
ďƒź Vanguard 1, the first satellite built by the United States, 1958:
Ncube Norwegian first satellite, 2007:
Libertad 1, first Colombian satellite, 2008:
SwissCube, first Swiss satellite, 2009:
Chasqui 1 first Peruvian satellite, 2010:
NEE-01 PEGASUS, First Satellite Ecuadorian, filed April 4, 2011: The NEE-01 is a 1U cubesat nano satellite specification:
Weight less than 1330 grams Dimensions 10x10x75 cm Transmit Power less than 3W Frequency ISM
Figure 3. Pegasus’s measures.
The orbital parameters are: H = 500 to 800km
I = 78 to 88 degrees P between 90 and 100 minutes
Figure 4. Pegasus
The NEE-01 PEGASUS meets the following conditions: Designed and built entirely in Ecuador, without foreign assistance. Funded by private industry EXA and national (QUICORNACSUNNY) Includes 6 new technologies invented by EXA. Use free frequency regulation.
5. OBJECTIVES o TECHNOLOGY DEMONSTRATION: We demonstrate the use of new technologies in the field of micro satellites that enable a future for the domestic manufacture of satellites at very low cost.
o SCIENTIFIC EXPERIMENTS: The above point will allow us to collect detailed data and scientific knowledge on the basic principles of the LEO environment and space navigation. o EDUCATION: NEE-01 PEGASUS will be put to use in the Ecuadorian youth education, to inspire future generations to achieve scientific and technological levels world-class. o DEMONSTRATION OF CAPABILITY: We want to show the world our ability as a society to take a step as difficult as it is to build and operate our own satellite. o INSPIRATION: We want to inspire our people to reach their full potential, leading by example as build our own satellite without foreign aid.
6. MISSION PRIMARY MISSION: National Satellite Technology Test o Surviving the space environment and transmit telemetry from LEO orbit for at least 1 year. o Transmit real-time video and telemetry OSD space o Try attenuation capacity shield space environment NEMEA o Try the passive display technology multiphase solar panels o Try the high technology energy generation nano satellites o Try amplification technology matrix hyper ARGOSMINOTAURO SECONDARY MISSION: Education from space Serve as a platform for secondary education space Serving as a test platform for space education. Demonstrate the benefits of an educational satellite Inspiring and youth awakening the passion for science and technology. o Getting the National Anthem Ecuador from space o o o o
PRIMARY MISSION: Equipment o CYCLOPS: The module that handles the radio transmitter, real-time video and telemetry transmission. The camera transmits at 520 lines of resolution and the video has no discernible delay. o NEREIDA: Responsible National elHimno transmit the data to the educational mission, o has 2GB of memory. o PMSS: The navigation system of the ship, use the Earth's magnetic field for orientation and orbiting navigate using a neodymium core magnetic inertial brake and samarium-cobalt. o SEAM / NEMEA: Your mission is to moderate the temperature of the vessel and block the alpha rays, Beta, X, Gamma and GCR as far as possible without producing Bremsstrahlung radiation. PRIMARY MISSION: Equipment o DSA: Manages the deployment of multiple solar panels, made of 99.98% pure titanium 1.5mm thick, 27cm reach once in orbit and deployment system using smart materials activated by the sun. o EPS: Has 32 smart batteries for a total of 28.8 amps. o ADS: The deployment system of the satellite antenna is based on smart materials and is activated by the sun. o NTDS: The heat distribution system is fact-walled carbon nanotubes for reuse multiple heat from the sun into orbit and use it during the eclipse. EDUCATIONAL MISSION: o Each time the satellite sent a question through science and technology to social networks Twitter and Facebook. o Students will be able to answer this question on the website of EXA. o If the question is answered successfully, the website will provide immediate access to
o video camera of the ship, where you can see what the satellite sees at the time, in real time, live. o It will be the first object in space interact directly in both social networks. CONSTRUCTION: o The satellite has been built in the laboratory of EXA for almost a year by the team of Sidney Drouet, Manuel Uriguen, Hector Carrion, Ricardo Allu, Gonzalo Naranjo and Ronnie Nader. o The satellite and its mission, as well as circuits, calculations and mathematical models were designed by Ronnie Nader. o He has spent more than 700 hours of technical tests o The hull is constructed of 50% aluminum and 50% titanium. o All design work, construction and integration has been done locally, including at the printed circuit. o
Figure 5. Pegasus’s circuit board.
o We have imported raw materials and work in the laboratory. o We have imported some components such as solar cells, basic electronic parts and batteries. o The design and construction of the circuits has been performed locally with millimetric sub components. o We built our own test chamber space environment.
o We built our own earth station.
7. OPERATIONS o All space operations CCVE be made using the HERMES o From there the signal can be distributed via the Internet to the schools that need it. o The operations will be automated, but we can take manual control when we decide.
8. LAUNCH o We have invited the Ecuadorian Air Force to participate in the project as the agency responsible for the launch and operations of NEE-01 PEGASUS, using a commercially available LV end-2012. o FAE also participate in the development of testing laboratories and certification spaceflight capability. o The end date depends on the availability of space in the LV and proper launch window.
Figure 6. Capsule where Pegasus traveled.
o The Ecuadorian Air Force EXA operate the satellite and jointly sharing scientific and technological benefits of the mission in order to establish a national satellite program from the experience and knowledge gained in this first experimental technology mission. o The idea is that together, civil society and the state, resources and capabilities to join an equal and solidarity to achieve a big goal of historic national for the country. o With this scheme, we ensure a future of technological development capabilities by adding civilian state capacity. o Use a shield of polymers and alloys to regulate the space environment o Have as much titanium as its hull component (50%). o Dedicate one of his missions only to elementary education o Be programmed to interact with two social networks in real time.
9. STATE OF NEE-01 PEGASUS NEE-01 PEGASUS SURVIVES SIDE IMPACT WITH REMAINS OF RUSSIAN ROCKET Guayaquil, May 23, 2013. - The first Ecuadorian satellite NEE-01 PEGASUS has survived a side collision with the object known as SCC-15890 which is the last stage of a rocket Tsyklon-3 launched in July 1985 and which travels enveloped in a cloud of particles which collided PEGASO today at 00h38m17s. [1] Although anti-radiation shielding NEMEA and solar panels with titanium substrate contributed much to bear collision, the satellite lost its antenna orientation and moves violently turning on their axes 2 which is not possible to receive their transmissions now or send commands. [1] One of the companions of PEGASUS, the Argentine satellite CubeBug-1 also reported changes in the tilt of its orbit and confirmed at least 1 particle impact. The Argentine team reported a slight change in the
inclination of the orbit of the NEE-01 PEGASUS product of this collision, however to the issue of this newsletter we can not confirm this to take more measurements, if this is confirmed could slightly alter satellite overpass schedules on Ecuadorian territory, the Space Operations Directorate EXA works to adjust the new orbital calculations and check the magnitude of this change. [1] The Space Operations Directorate EXA is analyzing the data collected at each step of the satellite to determine if you can recover the use of the satellite and will have a report ready to expose to the media on Monday, May 27th at 15:00 in the ECU911 Samborondon. [1]
EXA LAUNCHES RESCUE OPERATION NEE-01 PEGASUS Guayaquil, May 28, 2013. - The Ecuadorian Civilian Space Agency, after the event on Thursday has been analyzing past 23 orbital data and monitoring the passage of the first Ecuadorian satellite NEE-01 PEGASUS who has survived a collision with the object known side as SCC-15890 which is the last stage of a rocket Tsyklon-3 launched in July 1985 and which travels in a cloud of particles which collided PEGASO May 23 at 00h38m17s. [2] Although anti-radiation shielding NEMEA and solar panels with titanium substrate contributed much to bear collision, the satellite lost its antenna orientation and moves violently turning on their axes 2 which is not possible to receive their transmissions now or send commands. [2] The Space Operations Directorate EXA has confirmed that the NEE-01 PEGASUS is fully operational, although its rotation does not allow HERMES-A ground station can integrate signal into a coherent picture or sound. [2] EXA has launched a rescue operation codenamed Perseus, this will last for three months, if after this time, you can not regain control of the NEE-01, EXA started proceedings to enforce the insurance covering the TV. [2]
10. CONSEQUENCES IMMEDIATE CONSEQUENCES: o Ecuador gains the ability to manufacture satellites. o Ecuador becomes a major player in the region to demonstrate advanced technologies for this class satellite. o We would be able to export our technology competitively. o Ecuadorian education system acquires an advanced tool. LONG-TERM CONSEQUENCES: o The country won independence to develop its own satellite technology for education, science, environmental monitoring and disaster prevention. o PEGASUS development opens the door to building other satellites at a fraction of the cost of buying them elsewhere, conserve and develop our technology and industry. o Accustomed to working with youth and inspires space platforms to overcome. o The country is actively developed in science and technology.
11. 10 THINGS YOU HAVE TO KNOW ABOUT PEGASUS 1. Its development was done in secret. In 2009, the Ecuadorian space agency EXA’s engineers started the process of the building of the Earth Station in Guayaquil, which allowed through a 10 meters antenna capture and command 36 satellites already in orbit. In April of 2010, Pegasus’s building was a reality.
2. The name has personal meaning for Ronnie Naner, EXA’s director and project’s leader. When he was a child, he saw on the TV a program about a little horse with wings that fly around a starry sky. “Pegasus is the first memory I have of my connection with the space”. 3. Satellite’s structure is 50% aluminum and 50% titanium. Internally has a video camera with high resolution and special lenses that allow spectra’s infrared sensitivity of 0.00004 lux (measure of brightness) to observe opaque objects and the transmitter receive them. 4. Pegasus has its own technology, called Hermes. Through this technology the signal can be injected to the Internet and provide to the scientists of the world images of video in real time of the Earth, captured from the space. 5. The antenna is made of an intelligent metal whit memory to remember its original shape and deployed in the space. The technology that was used in the last process is called nanomorphodynamics, which was also used in solar panels, which measure 1.5 millimeters. Through this technology, the panels can be deployed by micromuscles, ie fibers half the thickness of the hair. 6. Its size (10 inches and a weight of 1.2 kg) makes it a nano satellite. To EXA this was a challenge, because the development was with submillimeter error margins. 7. Is the first satellite in the world that has a camera connected to the Internet permanently, which will allowed to monitor space debris and small asteroids.
8. For the first time in the country, Pegasus’s information will service in nationals schools and high schools, with educational purposes. 9. The project's main investment was in charge of EXA, with a value of USD 80 000. Ecuadorian Government support will launch into space. 10. Pegasus traveled with three satellites CubeBug-1 (Argentina), Turksat 3U (Turkey) and Gaofeng-1 (China) to the orbit space.
12. CONCLUSIONS o For Ecuador as a small country is a great achievement to put into orbit a satellite called Pegasus which is basically a function in the educational part where the video signal is transmitted to schools where children can see "live" "Earth from Space", and will also include an instructional process, because this gives us to think and study that science in Ecuador will emerge every day. (Ricardo Cuchala). o The April 26, 2013, in Ecuador there was a technological revolution, with a large research process a group of people of the Ecuadorian Civilian Space Agency (EXA) who made it possible to orbit a NEE-01 PEGASUS, the first Ecuadorian satellite representing an investment of $ 80 billion. Designed, assembled purely by Ecuadorian hands, with a main objective to provide students can access the video camera and observe live to Earth from space. (Diego Meneses). o Pegasus’s construction and launch are a great step taken by Ecuador in terms of technology; this means that slowly our country is taking a little more technological independence and that in
Ecuador there are professionals capable of creating and build large projects as was Pegasus. (Katherine Morillo). o Ecuador through EXA, has taken a huge leap to make and implement a nano satellite orbits as well achieved a huge step in technology, this is the first satellite camera that features live image transmissions. (María JoséValladares).
13. REGERENCES Ecuatoriana, A. E. (s.f.). LA HISTORIA DE ECUADOR AL ESPACIO. Obtenido de http://exa.ec/ Grandes, J. J. (2 MAYO 2013). Es un pequeño paso para la ciencia que se ha dado con Pegaso, pero un gran salto para el Ecuador. Obtenido de http://britograndes.blogspot.com/2013/05/esun-pequeno-paso-para-la-ciencia-que.html [1]
Harry Ruiz, h. 0. (EXA - BP-52: Guayaquil, Ecuador, Mayo 23/2013). NEE-01 PEGASO SOBREVIVE COLISIÓN LATERAL CON RESTOS DE COHETE RUSO. Obtenido de http://exa.ec/bp52/index.html
Harry Ruiz, h. 0. (EXA - BP-53: Guayaquil, Ecuador, Mayo 28/2013). EXA PONE EN MARCHA LA OPERACIÓN DE RESCATE DEL NEE-01 PEGASO. Obtenido de http://exa.ec/bp52/index.html