Dua joshan e kabeer

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Dua'a Jawshan Kabir ‫اﻟﻜﺒﯿﺮ‬

‫دﻋﺎء اﻟﺠﻮﺷﻦ‬

Alternate Arabic Text & Transliteration line by line Real Listen / Download | Mp3 | Pdf this page | Pdf | Powerpoint | Video Click here for 2 Column format Importance of Joshn Kabir- Pdf .. It has been mentioned in the book, Balad al-Amin and the Misbah of Kafa`mi that Imam `Ali ibn al-Husain Sayyid as-Sajjidin (prayers be upon him) related from his father from his grandfather the Prophet of Allah (blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) that this supplication was taught by the Angel Jibra’il (prayers be upon him) to the Prophet (blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) during one of the battles. It was in one of the wars that the Prophet (blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) had taken part in which he had a very heavy and expensive coat of armor on to protect himself. It is related that the coat was soheavy that it was hurting the body of the Prophet (prayers of Allah be upon him and his family). In this state,the Angel Jibra’il (prayers be upon him) came to the Prophet (blessings of Allah be upon him and his family)and said: “O’ Muhammad! Your Lord conveys his salutations to you and has said to take this coat of armor (Jawshan)and to recite it as this is a protection for you and your Ummah

Use -Transliteration font | Najaf Arabic font In the Name of Allah, the Allmerciful, the Allcompassionate


(1) O Allah, verily I beseech You in Your name: O Allah,

allahumma in-ne as-aluka bis-mika yal-lah

O Most Merciful, O Most Compassionate, O Most Generous, O Self-Subsisting,

ya rahmanu ya rahem ya karemu ya muqem

‫ﻘِﻴﻢ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻛﹶﺮِﻳﻢ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Greatest, O Eternal,

ya `a¨emu ya qadem

‫ﺎ ﻗﹶﺪِﻳﻢ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﻈِﻴﻢ‬‫ﺎ ﻋ‬‫ﻳ‬

O All-Knowing, O Forbearing, O Wise. Praise be to You, there is no god but You,

ya `alemu ya halemu ya hakem

‫ﻜِﻴﻢ‬‫ﺎ ﺣ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﻠِﻴﻢ‬‫ﺎ ﺣ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﻠِﻴﻢ‬‫ﺎ ﻋ‬‫ﻳ‬

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬


ِ‫ﺣِﻴﻢ‬‫ﻦِ ﺍﻟﺮ‬‫ﻤ‬‫ﺣ‬‫ﻢِ ﺍﻟﻠﱠﻪِ ﺍﻟﺮ‬‫ﺑِﺴ‬ ‫ﺄﻟﹸﻚ‬‫ ﺇِﻧﱢﻲ ﺃﹶﺳ‬‫ﻢ‬‫( ﺍﻟﻠﱠﻬ‬1)

‫ﺎ ﺍﻟﻠﱠﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﻤِﻚ‬‫ﺑِﺎﺳ‬

‫ﺣِﻴﻢ‬‫ﺎ ﺭ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﻤ‬‫ﺣ‬‫ﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﻳ‬


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[I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(2) O Master of Masters,

ya say-yidassadat

O Acceptor of prayers,

ya mujebadda`awat

O Elevator of rank,

ya rafia'd-darajat

O Guardian of good deeds,

ya wale-yalhasanat

O Forgiver of evil deeds,

ya ghafiral-khateat

O Granter of requests,

ya mua'-ti-yalmas-alat

O Acceptor of repentance,

ya qabilat-taw-bat

O Hearer of voices,

ya samia'l-as-wat

O Knower of attributes,

ya `aalimalkhafe-yat

O Repeller of calamities. Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

ya dafia'l-bale-yat

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(3) O Best of forgivers,

ya khayralghafiren

O Best of deciders,

ya khayral-fatihen

O Best of helpers,

ya khayrannasiren

O Best of rulers,

ya khayral-


‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ِ‫ﺍﺕ‬‫ﺎﺩ‬‫ ﺍﻟﺴ‬‫ﺪ‬‫ﻴ‬‫ﺎ ﺳ‬‫( ﻳ‬2) ِ‫ﺍﺕ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ﻋ‬‫ ﺍﻟﺪ‬‫ﺠِﻴﺐ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ِ‫ﺎﺕ‬‫ﺟ‬‫ﺭ‬‫ ﺍﻟﺪ‬‫ﺍﻓِﻊ‬‫ﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﻳ‬

ِ‫ﻨﹶﺎﺕ‬‫ﺴ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﺤ‬‫ِﻟﻲ‬‫ﺎ ﻭ‬‫ﻳ‬

ِ‫ ﺍﻟﹾﺨﹶﻄِﻴﺌﹶﺎﺕ‬‫ﺎ ﻏﹶﺎﻓِﺮ‬‫ﻳ‬

ِ‫ﺄﹶﻻﺕ‬‫ﺴ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ﻄِﻲ‬‫ﻌ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ِ‫ﺎﺕ‬‫ﺑ‬‫ﺎ ﻗﹶﺎﺑِﻞﹶ ﺍﻟﺘﱠﻮ‬‫ﻳ‬

ِ‫ﺍﺕ‬‫ ﺍﻷَﺻﹾﻮ‬‫ﺎﻣِﻊ‬‫ﺎ ﺳ‬‫ﻳ‬

ِ‫ﺎﺕ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﺨﹶﻔِﻴ‬‫ﺎﻟِﻢ‬‫ﺎ ﻋ‬‫ﻳ‬ ِ‫ﺎﺕ‬‫ﻠِﻴ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﺒ‬‫ﺍﻓِﻊ‬‫ﺎ ﺩ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻐﺎﻓِﺮِﻳﻦ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﺧﹶﻴ‬‫( ﻳ‬3) ‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻔﹶﺎﺗِﺤِﻴﻦ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﺧﹶﻴ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ ﺍﻟﻨﱠﺎﺻِﺮِﻳﻦ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺧﻴ‬ ‫ﺎ ﹶ‬‫ﻳ‬


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‫ﺎﻛِﻤِﻴﻦ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﺤ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﺧﹶﻴ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Best of providers,

ya khayrarraziqen

‫ﺍﺯِﻗِﻴﻦ‬‫ ﺍﻟﺮ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺧﻴ‬ ‫ﺎ ﹶ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Best of inheritors

ya khayralwarithen

‫ﺍﺭِﺛِﻴﻦ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻮ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﺧﹶﻴ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Best of praisers,

ya khayralhamiden

O Best of rememberers,

ya khayradhdhakiren

O Best of Dischargers,

ya khayralmunzilen

O Best of benefactors. Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

ya khayral-muhsinen

‫ﺴِﻨِﻴﻦ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﺧﹶﻴ‬‫ﻳ‬

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(4) O He, to Whom is all glory and virtue, O He, to Whom is all might and perfection, O He, to Whom is all dominion and sublimity, O He, Who is great above all,

ya mal-lahul-i`izzatu wal-jamal

‫ﺎﻝﹸ‬‫ﻤ‬‫ﺍﻟﹾﺠ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻌِﺰﱠﺓﹸ ﻭ‬‫ﻦ ﻟﱠﻪ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫( ﻳ‬4)

ya mal-lahul-qudratu wal-kamal

‫ﺎﻝﹸ‬‫ﺍﻟﹾﻜﹶﻤ‬‫ﺓﹸ ﻭ‬‫ﺭ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻘﹸﺪ‬‫ﻦ ﻟﱠﻪ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya mal-lahul-mulku wal-jalal

‫ﻼﹶﻝﹸ‬‫ﺍﻟﺠ‬‫ ﻭ‬‫ﻠﹾﻚ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ﻦ ﻟﱠﻪ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man huwalkaberul-muta`aal

‫ﺎِﻝ‬‫ﺘﹶﻌ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻜﹶﺒِﻴﺮ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

O He, Who creates heavy clouds,

ya mun-shiassahabilth-thiqal

O He, Who is the most powerful,

ya man huwa shadedul-mihal

O He, Who is quick to reckon, O He, Who metes out the severest punishment,

ya man huwa sareu'l-hisab

al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

ya man huwa shadedul-i`iqab


‫ﺎﻣِﺪِﻳﻦ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﺤ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﺧﹶﻴ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ ﺍﻟﺬﱠﺍﻛِﺮِﻳﻦ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﺧﹶﻴ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻨﹾﺰِﻟِﻴﻦ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺧﻴ‬ ‫ﺎ ﹶ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬

‫ﺎﺏِ ﺍﻟﺜﱢﻘﹶﺎِﻝ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﻨﹾﺸِﺊﹶ ﺍﻟﺴ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺎِﻝ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻤِﺤ‬‫ ﺷﹶﺪِﻳﺪ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ِ‫ﺎﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﺤِﺴ‬‫ﺮِﻳﻊ‬‫ ﺳ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ِ‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻌِﻘﹶﺎﺏ‬‫ ﺷﹶﺪِﻳﺪ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ 8/17/2011

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O He, with Whom is the excellent reward, O He, with Whom is the Original Book. Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

ya man i`indahu hus-nuth-thawab

ِ‫ﺍﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﺜﱠﻮ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺴ‬‫ ﺣ‬‫ﻩ‬‫ ﻋِﻨﹾﺪ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man i`indahu ummul-kitab

ِ‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻜِﺘﹶﺎﺏ‬‫ ﺃﹸﻡ‬‫ﻩ‬‫ ﻋِﻨﹾﺪ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

(5) O Allah, Verily I allahumma in-ne beseech You in as-aluka bis-mika Your name:

‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ‫ﺄﻟﹸﻚ‬‫ ﺇِﻧﱢﻲ ﺃﹶﺳ‬‫ﻢ‬‫( ﺍﻟﻠﱠﻬ‬5)


O Charitable One, O ya han-nanu ya Benefactor, man-nan

‫ﻨﱠﺎﻥ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﻨﱠﺎﻥ‬‫ﺎ ﺣ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Judge, O Proof,

ya day-yanu ya bur-han

‫ﺎﻥ‬‫ﻫ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﺑ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻥ‬‫ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﺩ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Sovereign, O Approver,

ya sul-tanu ya ri¨wan

O Forgiver, O Elevated One, O Helper,

ya ghuf-ranu ya sub-hanu ya musta`aan

O Holder of blessings and manifestation. Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

ya dhal-man-ni wal-bayan

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(6) O He before Whose greatness everything bows,

ya man tawadha`a kul-lu shayil-lia'¨amatihi

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth


‫ﺍﻥ‬‫ﺎ ﺭِﺿﹾﻮ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﻠﹾﻄﹶﺎﻥ‬‫ﺎ ﺳ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﺎﻥ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺎ ﺳ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺍﻥ‬‫ﺎ ﹸﻏﻔﹾﺮ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺎﻥ‬‫ﺘﹶﻌ‬‫ﺴ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ِ‫ﺎﻥ‬‫ﻴ‬‫ﺍﻟﹾﺒ‬‫ ﻭ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﺫﹶﺍ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ‫ٍﺀ‬‫ ﻛﹸﻞﱡ ﺷﹶﻲ‬‫ﺍﺿﹶﻊ‬‫ﻦ ﺗﹶﻮ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫( ﻳ‬6)


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O He before Whose power everything submits,

ya manis-taslama kul-lu shayil-liqud-ratih

O He before Whose might overshadows everything,

ya man dhal-la kul-lu shayil-lii`iz-zatih

O He before Whose awesomeness everything is humbled,

ya man khadha`a kul-lu shayil-lihaybatih

O He before Whose fearsomeness everything yields,

ya manin-qada kul-lu shayim-min khash-yatih

O He before Whose terribleness mountains shake,

ya man tashaqqaqatil-jibalu mim-makhafatih

O He before Whose command the heavens are raised,

ya man qamatissamawatu bi-amrih

O He through Whose permission in the earths are secured,

ya manis-taqarratil-aradhuna biidhnih

O He Whose glory the thunder proclaims,

ya may-yusabbihur-ra`a-du biham-dih

ya mal-la ya`tade O He Who is never cruel to his subjects. `ala ah-li mamlakatih Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth


‫ٍﺀ‬‫ ﻛﹸﻞﱡ ﺷﹶﻲ‬‫ﺘﹶﺴﻠﹶﻢ‬‫ ﺍﺳ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ِ‫ﺗِﻪ‬‫ﺭ‬‫ﻟﱢﻘﹸﺪ‬ ِ‫ٍﺀ ﻟﱢﻌِﺰﱠﺗِﻪ‬‫ﻦ ﺫﹶﻝﱠ ﻛﹸﻞﱡ ﺷﹶﻲ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ٍﺀ‬‫ ﻛﹸﻞﱡ ﺷﹶﻲ‬‫ ﺧﹶﻀﹶﻊ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ِ‫ﺒﺘِﻪ‬ ‫ﻴ‬‫ﻟﱢﻬ‬

‫ﻦ‬‫ٍﺀ ﻣ‬‫ ﻛﹸﻞﱡ ﺷﹶﻲ‬‫ ﺍﻧﹾﻘﹶﺎﺩ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ِ‫ﺘِﻪ‬‫ﺧﹶﺸﹾﻴ‬

‫ﺎﻝﹸ ﻣِﻦ‬‫ﻦ ﺗﹶﺸﹶﻘﱠﻘﹶﺖِ ﺍﻟﹾﺠِﺒ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ِ‫ﺨﹶﺎﻓﹶﺘِﻪ‬‫ﻣ‬

ِ‫ﺮِﻩ‬‫ﺍﺕﹸ ﺑِﺄﹶﻣ‬‫ﺎﻭ‬‫ﻤ‬‫ﺖِ ﺍﻟﺴ‬‫ﻦ ﻗﹶﺎﻣ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺿﹸﻮﻥ‬‫ﺕِ ﺍﻷَﺭ‬‫ﺘﹶﻘﹶﺮ‬‫ ﺍﺳ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬


ِ‫ﺪِﻩ‬‫ﻤ‬‫ ﺑِﺤ‬‫ﺪ‬‫ﻋ‬‫ ﺍﻟﺮ‬‫ﺢ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺴ‬‫ﻦ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ِ‫ﻞ‬‫ﻠﹶﻰ ﺃﹶﻫ‬‫ﺘﹶﺪِﻱ ﻋ‬‫ﻌ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ِ‫ﻠﹶﻜﹶﺘِﻪ‬‫ﻤ‬‫ﻣ‬

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬ 8/17/2011

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Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(7) O Forgiver of sins,

ya ghafiralkhataya

O Dispeller of tribulations,

ya kashifal-balaya

O Aim of hopes,

ya mun-taharrajaya

O Giver of abundant ya muj-zilalgifts, a'taya

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ‫ﺎ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﺨﹶﻄﹶﺎﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻏﹶﺎﻓِﺮ‬‫( ﻳ‬7) ‫ﺎ‬‫ﻼﹶﻳ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﺒ‬‫ﺎ ﻛﹶﺎﺷِﻒ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﺎ‬‫ﺎﻳ‬‫ﺟ‬‫ﻰ ﺍﻟﺮ‬‫ﻨﹾﺘﹶﻬ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﺎ‬‫ﻄﹶﺎﻳ‬‫ﺰِﻝﹶ ﺍﻟﹾﻌ‬‫ﺠ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺎ‬‫ﺍﻳ‬‫ﺪ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻬ‬‫ﺍﻫِﺐ‬‫ﺎ ﻭ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Bestower of bounties,

ya wahibalhadaya

O Provider of creatures,

ya raziqal-baraya

O Judge of destinies,

ya qadhiyalmanaya

O Hearer of complaints,

ya samia'ashshakaya

O Resurrector of creatures,

ya bai`ithalbaraya

O Freer of captives.

ya mut-liqal-usara

Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬

(8) O He, to Whom is due all praise and adoration, O He, Who holds all pride and eminence,

ya dhal-ham-di wath-thana-i

ِ‫ﺍﻟﺜﱠﻨﹶﺎﺀ‬‫ﺪِ ﻭ‬‫ﻤ‬‫ﺎ ﺫﹶﺍ ﺍﻟﹾﺤ‬‫( ﻳ‬8)

ya dhal-fakh-ri wal-baha-i

ِ‫ﺎﺀ‬‫ﻬ‬‫ﺍﻟﹾﺒ‬‫ﺎ ﺫﹶﺍ ﺍﻟﹾﻔﹶﺨﹾﺮِ ﻭ‬‫ﻳ‬

O He, Who holds all honour and rank, O He, Who makes promises and honours them,

ya dhal-maj-di was-sana-i

ِ‫ﻨﹶﺎﺀ‬‫ﺍﻟﺴ‬‫ﺪِ ﻭ‬‫ﺠ‬‫ﺎ ﺫﹶﺍ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ﻳ‬

al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

ya dhal-a'h-di wal-wafa-i


‫ﺎ‬‫ﺍﻳ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﺒ‬‫ﺍﺯِﻕ‬‫ﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﺎ‬‫ﻨﹶﺎﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻗﹶﺎﺿِﻲ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺎ‬‫ ﺍﻟﺸﱠﻜﹶﺎﻳ‬‫ﺎﻣِﻊ‬‫ﺎ ﺳ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﺎ‬‫ﺍﻳ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺎﻋِﺚﹶ ﺍﻟﹾﺒ‬‫ﺎ ﺑ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﻯ‬‫ﺎﺭ‬‫ ﺍﻷُﺳ‬‫ﻄﹾﻠِﻖ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

ِ‫ﻓﹶﺎﺀ‬‫ﺍﻟﹾﻮ‬‫ﺪِ ﻭ‬‫ﻬ‬‫ﺎ ﺫﹶﺍ ﺍﻟﹾﻌ‬‫ﻳ‬ 8/17/2011

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O He, Who pardons and is content, O He, Who holds all abundance and provides, O He, Who holds decision and judgement, O He, Who is glorious and eternal, O He, Who is liberal and munificent, O He, Who holds all blessings and bounties, Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

ya dhal-a'f-wi war-ridha

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(9) O Allah, verily I beseech You in Your name:

allahumma in-ne as-aluka bis-mika

O Preventer of misfortune, O Repeller of calamities. O Elevator of rank, O Fashioner,

ya dhal-man-ni wal-a'ta-i ya dhal-fas-li walqadha-i ya dhal-i`iz-zi wal-baqa ya dhal-judi wassakha-i ya dhal-a-la-i wan-na`a-ma-i

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

ya maniu' ya dafiu' ya rafiu' ya saniu'

ِ‫ﺿﹶﺎﺀ‬‫ﺍﻟﺮ‬‫ﻔﹾﻮِ ﻭ‬‫ﺎ ﺫﹶﺍ ﺍﻟﹾﻌ‬‫ﻳ‬ ِ‫ﻄﹶﺎﺀ‬‫ﺍﻟﹾﻌ‬‫ ﻭ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﺫﹶﺍ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ﻳ‬ ِ‫ﺍﻟﹾﻘﹶﻀﹶﺎﺀ‬‫ﺎ ﺫﹶﺍ ﺍﻟﹾﻔﹶﺼﹾﻞِ ﻭ‬‫ﻳ‬ ِ‫ﻘﹶﺎﺀ‬‫ﺍﻟﹾﺒ‬‫ﺎ ﺫﹶﺍ ﺍﻟﹾﻌِﺰﱢ ﻭ‬‫ﻳ‬ ِ‫ﺨﹶﺎﺀ‬‫ﺍﻟﺴ‬‫ﻮﺩِ ﻭ‬‫ﺎ ﺫﹶﺍ ﺍﻟﹾﺠ‬‫ﻳ‬ ِ‫ﺎﺀ‬‫ﻤ‬‫ﺍﻟﻨﱠﻌ‬‫ﺎ ﺫﹶﺍ ﺍﻵﻻﺀِ ﻭ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ‫ﺄﻟﹸﻚ‬‫ ﺇِﻧﱢﻲ ﺃﹶﺳ‬‫ﻢ‬‫( ﺍﻟﻠﱠﻬ‬9)


‫ﺍﻓِﻊ‬‫ﺎ ﺩ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧِﻊ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺎ ﺻﹶﺎﻧِﻊ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺍﻓِﻊ‬‫ﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﺎﻣِﻊ‬‫ﺎ ﺳ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻧﹶﺎﻓِﻊ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Benefiter O Hearer,

ya nafiu' ya samiu'

O Aggregator, O Intercessor,

ya jamiu' ya shafiu'

‫ﺎ ﺷﹶﺎﻓِﻊ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻣِﻊ‬‫ﺎ ﺟ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Magnanimous, O Increaser. Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for]

ya wasiu' ya musiu'

‫ﻮﺳِﻊ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺍﺳِﻊ‬‫ﺎ ﻭ‬‫ﻳ‬

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬

al-ghawth al-



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‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

relief, relief, relief

ghawth al-ghawth

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(10) O Fashioner of every fashioned thing, O Creator of every created thing,

ya sania' kul-li ms-nui`in ya khaliqa kul-li makh-luq

ٍ‫ﺨﹾﻠﹸﻮﻕ‬‫ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﻣ‬‫ﺧﺎِﻟﻖ‬ ‫ﺎ ﹶ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Provider for every needy thing,

ya raziqa kul-li marzuq

ٍ‫ﺯﹸﻭﻕ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﻣ‬‫ﺍﺯِﻕ‬‫ﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Sovereign over all subjects,

ya malika kul-li mam-luk

ٍ‫ﻠﹸﻮﻙ‬‫ﻤ‬‫ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﻣ‬‫ﺎِﻟﻚ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Dispeller of every ya kashifa kul-li hardship, mak-rub

ٍ‫ﻭﺏ‬‫ﻜﹾﺮ‬‫ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﻣ‬‫ﺎ ﻛﹶﺎﺷِﻒ‬‫ﻳ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ٍ‫ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﻣﺼﹾﻨﹸﻮﻉ‬‫ﺎ ﺻﹶﺎﻧِﻊ‬‫( ﻳ‬10)

ٍ‫ﻮﻡ‬‫ﻤ‬‫ﻬ‬‫ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﻣ‬‫ﺎ ﻓﹶﺎِﺭﺝ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Comforter of every griever,

ya farija kul-li mahum

O Merciful to every sufferer,

ya rahima kul-li mar-hum

O Helper of everything forsaken, O Concealer of every blemished thing, O Shelter for every exile. Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

ya nasira kul-li makh-dhul

ٍ‫ﺨﹾﺬﹸﻭﻝ‬‫ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﻣ‬‫ﺎ ﻧﹶﺎﺻِﺮ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya satira kul-li ma`a-yub

ٍ‫ﻮﺏ‬‫ﻴ‬‫ﻌ‬‫ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﻣ‬‫ﺎﺗِﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﺳ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya mal-ja kul-li mat-rud

ٍ‫ﻭﺩ‬‫ﻄﹾﺮ‬‫ﺄﹶ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﻣ‬‫ ﹾﻠﺠ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(11) O Provider in my hardship,

ya u'd-date i`inda shid-date

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

O Source of Hope in ya raja-e i`inda my misfortune, musebate O Companion in my ya mu-nise i`inda isolation, wah-shate


ٍ‫ﻮﻡ‬‫ﺣ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﻣ‬‫ﺍﺣِﻢ‬‫ﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ‫ﺗِﻲ‬‫ ﺷِﺪ‬‫ﺗِﻲ ﻋِﻨﹾﺪ‬‫ﺪ‬‫ﺎ ﻋ‬‫( ﻳ‬11) ‫ﺘِﻲ‬‫ﺼِﻴﺒ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﺎﺋِﻲ ﻋِﻨﹾﺪ‬‫ﺟ‬‫ﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﺸﹶﺘِﻲ‬‫ﺣ‬‫ ﻭ‬‫ﻧِﺴِﻲ ﻋِﻨﹾﺪ‬‫ﺆ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ 8/17/2011

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‫ﺘِﻲ‬‫ﺑ‬‫ ﻏﹸﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﺻﹶﺎﺣِﺒِﻲ ﻋِﻨﹾﺪ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Fellow Traveller in my journey,

ya sahibe i`inda ghur-bate

O Friend in my ease,

ya wale-ye i`inda nia'-mate

O Rescuer from my trials,

ya ghiyathe i`inda kur-bate

O Guide in my perplexity,

ya dalele i`inda hayrate

O Resource in my neediness,

ya ghina-e i`indaf-tiqare

O Shelter in my helplessness,

ya mal-jae i`indadh-tirare

O Deliverer from my fears. Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

ya mue'ene i`inda mafzae'e

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(12) O Knower of the unseen,

ya `al-lamalghuyub

O Forgiver of sins,

ya ghaf-faradhdhunub

،ِ‫ ﺍﻟﺬﱡﻧﹸﻮﺏ‬‫ﺎ ﹶﻏﻔﱠﺎﺭ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Concealer of defects,

ya sat-taral-u'yub

ِ‫ﻮﺏ‬‫ﻴ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻌ‬‫ﺳﺘﱠﺎﺭ‬  ‫ﺎ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Expeller of pain,

ya kashifal-kurub

O Transformer of the hearts

ya muqal-libalqulub

O Physician of the hearts,

ya tabebal-qulub

ِ‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻘﹸﻠﹸﻮﺏ‬‫ﺎ ﹶﻃﺒِﻴﺐ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Illuminator of the hearts,

ya munaw-wiralqulubi,

ِ‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻘﹸﻠﹸﻮﺏ‬‫ﺭ‬‫ﻨﹶﻮ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Intimate of the hearts,

ya anesal-qulub

ِ‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻘﹸﻠﹸﻮﺏ‬‫ﺎ ﺃﹶﻧِﻴﺲ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Dispeller of anxiety,

ya mufar-rijalhumum

ِ‫ﻮﻡ‬‫ﻤ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻬ‬‫ﺝ‬‫ﻔﹶﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth


‫ﺘِﻲ‬‫ﻤ‬‫ ﻧِﻌ‬‫ﻲ ﻋِﻨﹾﺪ‬‫ِﻟﻴ‬‫ﺎ ﻭ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﺘِﻲ‬‫ﺑ‬‫ ﻛﹸﺮ‬‫ﺎﺛِﻲ ﻋِﻨﹾﺪ‬‫ﺎ ﻏِﻴ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﺗِﻲ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﻴ‬‫ ﺣ‬‫ﺩﻟِﻴﻠِﻲ ﻋِﻨﹾﺪ‬ ‫ﺎ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ ﺍﻓﹾﺘِﻘﹶﺎﺭِﻱ‬‫ﺎ ِﻏﻨﹶﺎﺋِﻲ ﻋِﻨﹾﺪ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﺍﺭِﻱ‬‫ ﺍﺿﹾﻄِﺮ‬‫ﺌِﻲ ﻋِﻨﹾﺪ‬‫ ﹾﻠﺠ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻔﹾﺰﹶﻋِﻲ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﻌِﻴﻨِﻲ ﻋِﻨﹾﺪ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ِ‫ﻮﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻐﹸﻴ‬‫ﻼﱠﻡ‬‫ﺎ ﻋ‬‫( ﻳ‬12)

ِ‫ﻭﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻜﹸﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﻛﹶﺎﺷِﻒ‬‫ﻳ‬ ِ‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻘﹸﻠﹸﻮﺏ‬‫ﻘﹶﻠﱢﺐ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬


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O Liberator from grief. Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

ya munaf-fisalghumum

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(13) O Allah, verily I beseech You in Your name:

allahumma in-ne as-aluka bis-mika

O Glorious, O Virtuous,

ya jalelu ya jamel

O Protector, O Patron,

ya wakelu ya kafel

O Guide, O Guarantor, O Bestower of Wealth, O Bestower of blessings, O Bestower of strength, O Acceptor of repentance. Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

ya dalelu ya qabel

ِ‫ﻮﻡ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻐﹸﻤ‬‫ﻨﹶﻔﱢﺲ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ‫ﺄﻟﹸﻚ‬‫ ﺇِﻧﱢﻲ ﺃﹶﺳ‬‫ﻢ‬‫( ﺍﻟﻠﱠﻬ‬13)


‫ﻤِﻴﻞﹸ‬‫ﺎ ﺟ‬‫ﻠِﻴﻞﹸ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﺟ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺎ ﻛﹶﻔِﻴﻞﹸ‬‫ﻛِﻴﻞﹸ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻭ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﺎ ﻗﹶﺒِﻴﻞﹸ‬‫ﻟِﻴﻞﹸ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﺩ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya mudelu ya munel

‫ﻨِﻴﻞﹸ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﺪِﻳﻞﹸ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya muqelu ya muhel

‫ﺤِﻴﻞﹸ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻘِﻴﻞﹸ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(14) O Guide of the waylaid,

ya dalelalmutahay-yiren

O Rescuer of those who appeal,

ya ghiyathal-mustaghethen

O Helper of those who call,

ya sarekhal-mustas-rikhen

O Aider of those who call,

ya jaral-mustajeren


‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ‫ﺮِﻳﻦ‬‫ﻴ‬‫ﺘﹶﺤ‬‫ﻟِﻴﻞﹶ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ﺎ ﺩ‬‫( ﻳ‬14)

‫ﺘﹶﻐِﻴﺜِﻴﻦ‬‫ﺴ‬‫ﺎﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ﺎ ِﻏﻴ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﺘﹶﺼﹾﺮِﺧِﻴﻦ‬‫ﺴ‬‫ﺻﺮِﻳﺦﹶ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬ ‫ﺎ ﹶ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﺘﹶﺠِﻴﺮِﻳﻦ‬‫ﺴ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ﺎﺭ‬‫ﺎ ﺟ‬‫ﻳ‬ 8/17/2011

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‫ ﺍﻟﹾﺨﹶﺎﺋِﻔِﻴﻦ‬‫ﺎﻥ‬‫ﺎ ﺃﹶﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Shelter of the fearful,

ya amanal-khaifen

O Succourer of the faithful,

ya `aw-nal-muminen

O Merciful to the indigent,

ya rahimalmasaken

O Refuge for the disobedient,

ya mal-jal-a'asen

O Forgiver of the sinner,

ya ghafiralmudhniben

O Responder to the supplicant Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

ya mujeba da`awatil-madhtar-ren

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬

(15) O Master of liberality and beneficence, O Most gracious and obliging,

ya dhal-judi walih-san

ِ‫ﺎﻥ‬‫ﺴ‬‫ﺍﻹِﺣ‬‫ﻮﺩِ ﻭ‬‫ﺎ ﺫﹶﺍ ﺍﻟﹾﺠ‬‫( ﻳ‬15)

O Master of peace and security,

ya dhal-am-ni wal-aman

ِ‫ﺎﻥ‬‫ﺍﻷَﻣ‬‫ﻦِ ﻭ‬‫ﺎ ﺫﹶﺍ ﺍﻷَﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Most holy and above all defects,

ya dhal-qud-si was-sub-han

ِ‫ﺎﻥ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺍﻟﺴ‬‫ﺱِ ﻭ‬‫ﺎ ﺫﹶﺍ ﺍﻟﹾﻘﹸﺪ‬‫ﻳ‬

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

ya dhal-fadhli wal-im-tinan

O Master of wisdom ya dhal-hik-mati and manifestation, wal-bayan O Master of mercy and satisfaction,

ya dhar-rah-mati war-ridhwan

O Master of argument and proof, O Master of grandeur and sovereignty, O Master of kindness and succour,

ya dhal-huj-jati wal-bur-han

‫ﻣِﻨِﻴﻦ‬‫ﺆ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ﻥ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ﺎ ﻋ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺎﻛِﻴﻦ‬‫ﺴ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ﺍﺣِﻢ‬‫ﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﺎﺻِﻴﻦ‬‫ﺄﹶ ﺍﻟﹾﻌ‬‫ ﹾﻠﺠ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﺬﹾﻧِﺒِﻴﻦ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ﺎ ﻏﹶﺎﻓِﺮ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﻳﻦ‬‫ﻀﹾﻄﹶﺮ‬‫ﺓِ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ﻋ‬‫ ﺩ‬‫ﺠِﻴﺐ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

ِ‫ﺘِﻨﹶﺎﻥ‬‫ﺍﻹﻣ‬‫ﺎ ﺫﹶﺍ ﺍﻟﹾﻔﹶﻀﹾﻞِ ﻭ‬‫ﻳ‬

ِ‫ﺎﻥ‬‫ﻴ‬‫ﺍﻟﹾﺒ‬‫ﺔِ ﻭ‬‫ﺎ ﺫﹶﺍ ﺍﻟﹾﺤِﻜﹾﻤ‬‫ﻳ‬

ِ‫ﺍﻥ‬‫ﺿﹾﻮ‬‫ﺍﻟﺮ‬‫ﺔِ ﻭ‬‫ﻤ‬‫ﺣ‬‫ﺎ ﺫﹶﺍ ﺍﻟﺮ‬‫ﻳ‬

ِ‫ﺎﻥ‬‫ﻫ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺍﻟﹾﺒ‬‫ﺔِ ﻭ‬‫ﺠ‬‫ﺎ ﺫﹶﺍ ﺍﻟﹾﺤ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya dhal-a'¨amati was-sul-tan

ِ‫ﻠﹾﻄﹶﺎﻥ‬‫ﺍﻟﺴ‬‫ﺔِ ﻭ‬‫ﻈﹶﻤ‬‫ﺎ ﺫﹶﺍ ﺍﻟﹾﻌ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya dhar-ra-fati wal-mus-ta`aan

ِ‫ﺎﻥ‬‫ﺘﹶﻌ‬‫ﺴ‬‫ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ﺃﹾﻓﹶﺔِ ﻭ‬‫ﺎ ﺫﹶﺍ ﺍﻟﺮ‬‫ﻳ‬



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ِ‫ﺍﻥ‬‫ﺍﻟﹾﻐﹸﻔﹾﺮ‬‫ﻔﹾﻮِ ﻭ‬‫ﺎ ﺫﹶﺍ ﺍﻟﹾﻌ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Master of pardon and forgiveness. Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

ya dhal-a'f-wi wal-ghuf-ran

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(16) O He, Who is the Lord over all things, O He, Who is the Allah of all things,

ya man huwa rabbu kul-li shay

‫ٍﺀ‬‫ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﺷﹶﻲ‬‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺭ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫( ﻳ‬16)

ya man huwa ilhu kul-li shay

‫ٍﺀ‬‫ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﺷﹶﻲ‬‫ ﺇِﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

O He, Who is the Creator of all things, O He. Who is the Fashioner of all things, O He, Who is the Preceder of all things, O He, Who is the Successor of all things,

ya man huwa khaliqu kul-li shay

‫ٍﺀ‬‫ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﺷﹶﻲ‬‫ ﺧﹶﺎِﻟﻖ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man huwa saniu' kul-li shay

‫ٍﺀ‬‫ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﺷﹶﻲ‬‫ ﺻﹶﺎﻧِﻊ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man huwa qab-la kul-li shay

‫ٍﺀ‬‫ﻞﹶ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﺷﹶﻲ‬‫ ﻗﹶﺒ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

ya man huwa ba`a-da kul-li shay O He, Who is above ya man huwa fawall things, qa kul-li shay ya man huwa O He, Who knows `aalimum bikul-li all things, shay O He, Who is Powerful over all things,

ya man huwa qadirun `ala kul-li shay

O He, Who is the Sustainer and Extinguisher of all things,

ya man huwa yab-qa wa yaf-na kul-lu shay

Praise be to You, there is no god but You,

allahumma in-ne as-aluka bis-mika

[I beseech you for]

al-ghawth al-


‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬

‫ٍﺀ‬‫ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﺷﹶﻲ‬‫ﺪ‬‫ﻌ‬‫ ﺑ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ٍﺀ‬‫ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﺷﹶﻲ‬‫ﻕ‬‫ ﻓﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ٍﺀ‬‫ ﺑِﻜﹸﻞﱢ ﺷﹶﻲ‬‫ﺎِﻟﻢ‬‫ ﻋ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻠﹶﻰ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ‬‫ ﻋ‬‫ ﻗﹶﺎﺩِﺭ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ٍﺀ‬‫ﺷﹶﻲ‬

‫ﻔﹾﻨﹶﻰ ﻛﹸﻞﱡ‬‫ﻳ‬‫ﻘﹶﻰ ﻭ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ٍﺀ‬‫ﺷﹶﻲ‬

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬


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‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

relief, relief, relief

ghawth al-ghawth

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(17) O Allah, verily I beseech You in Your name:

ya mu-minu ya muhaymin

O Securer of safety, O Protector, O Bestower of being, O Bestower of knowledge, O Manifester, O Facilitator,

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta

‫ﻤِﻦ‬‫ﻴ‬‫ﻬ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﻣِﻦ‬‫ﺆ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya mukaw-winu ya mulaq-qin

‫ﻠﹶﻘﱢﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﻥ‬‫ﻜﹶﻮ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya mubay-yinu ya muhaw-win

‫ﻥ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ﻬ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﻴ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ‫ﺄﻟﹸﻚ‬‫ ﺇِﻧﱢﻲ ﺃﹶﺳ‬‫ﻢ‬‫( ﺍﻟﻠﱠﻬ‬17)


O Provider of place, ya mumak-kinu O Adorner, ya mu-zay-yin

‫ﻦ‬‫ﺰﹶﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﻜﱢﻦ‬‫ﻤ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Proclaimer, O Distributor.

ya mua'-linu ya muq-s-sim

‫ﻢ‬‫ﻘﹾﺴ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﻠِﻦ‬‫ﻌ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(18) O Everlasting in His Kingdom,

ya man huwa fe mul-kihi muqem

O Eternal in His sovereignty,

ya man huwa fe sul-tanihi qadem

O Greatest in His grandeur,

ya man huwa fe jalalihi `a¨em

O Most Merciful to His servants,

ya man huwa `ala i`ibadihi rahem ya man huwa bikul-li shay-in `alem

O Knower of everything,

al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth


‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬

ِ‫ﻠﹾﻜِﻪ‬‫ ﻓِﻲ ﻣ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫( ﻳ‬18) ‫ﻘِﻴﻢ‬‫ﻣ‬

‫ﻠﹾﻄﹶﺎﻧِﻪِ ﻗﹶﺪِﻳﻢ‬‫ ﻓِﻲ ﺳ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻈِﻴﻢ‬‫ﻼﹶﻟِﻪِ ﻋ‬‫ ﻓِﻲ ﺟ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﺣِﻴﻢ‬‫ﺎﺩِﻩِ ﺭ‬‫ﻠﹶﻰ ﻋِﺒ‬‫ ﻋ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻠِﻴﻢ‬‫ٍﺀ ﻋ‬‫ ﺑِﻜﹸﻞﱢ ﺷﹶﻲ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ 8/17/2011

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ya man huwa O Forbearing to him who disobeys Him, biman `asahu halem O Magnanimous to ya man huwa him who places his bimar-rajahu hope in Him, karem O He Who is Wise ya man huwa fe over what He has sun-i`ihi hakem fashioned, O He Who is Subtle ya man huwa fe in his Wisdom, hik-matihi latef O He Who is ya man huwa fe Eternal in His lut-fihi qadem Kindness. Praise be to You, subhanaka ya la there is no god but ilaha illa anta You, [I beseech you for] al-ghawth alrelief, relief, relief ghawth al-ghawth Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(19) O He, from Whom no hope is entertained save by His Grace ,

ya mal-la yur-ja illa fadhluh

O He, from Whom nothing is begged save His Pardon, O He, of Whom nothing is seen save His Goodness, O He, from Whom nothing is feared save His Justice, O He, Whose sovereignty alone of eternal, O He, Who alone has true majesty,

ya mal-la yus-alu illa `af-wuh

O He, Whose blessings extend to all,

ya maw-wasia't kul-la shay-ir-rahmatuh

ya mal-la yun¨aru illa bir-ruh

‫ﻠِﻴﻢ‬‫ ﺣ‬‫ﺼﹶﺎﻩ‬‫ ﻋ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ ﺑِﻤ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ ﻛﹶﺮِﻳﻢ‬‫ﺎﻩ‬‫ﺟ‬‫ﻦ ﺭ‬‫ ﺑِﻤ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻜِﻴﻢ‬‫ ﻓِﻲ ﺻﹸﻨﹾﻌِﻪِ ﺣ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺘِﻪِ ﻟﹶﻄِﻴﻒ‬‫ ﻓِﻲ ﺣِﻜﹾﻤ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ ﻓِﻲ ﻟﹸﻄﹾﻔِﻪِ ﻗﹶﺪِﻳﻢ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ‫ﻰ ﺇِﻻﱠ‬‫ﺟ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫( ﻳ‬19) ‫ﻓﹶﻀﹾ ﹸﻠﻪ‬

‫ﻩ‬‫ﻔﹾﻮ‬‫ﺄﹶﻝﹸ ﺇِﻻﱠ ﻋ‬‫ﺴ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻩ‬‫ ﺇِﻻﱠ ﺑِﺮ‬‫ﻨﹾﻈﹶﺮ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya mal-la yukhafu illa `ad-luh

‫ﻟﹸﻪ‬‫ﺪ‬‫ ﺇِﻻﱠ ﻋ‬‫ﺨﹶﺎﻑ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya mal-la yadumu illa mul-kuh

‫ﻠﹾﻜﹸﻪ‬‫ ﺇِﻻﱠ ﻣ‬‫ﻭﻡ‬‫ﺪ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya mal-la sul-tana illa sul-tanuh

‫ﻠﹾﻄﹶﺎﻧﹸﻪ‬‫ ﺇِﻻﱠ ﺳ‬‫ﻠﹾﻄﹶﺎﻥ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﺳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬


‫ٍﺀ‬‫ﺖﹾ ﻛﹸﻞﱠ ﺷﹶﻲ‬‫ﺳِﻌ‬‫ﻦ ﻭ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺘﹸﻪ‬‫ﻤ‬‫ﺣ‬‫ﺭ‬


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O He, Whose Wrath is surpassed by His Mercy, O He, Whose knowledge encompasses everything, O He, Who is without equal, Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

ya man sabaqat rah-matuhu ghadhabah

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(20) O Remover of anxiety,

ya farijal-ham

O Expeller of sorrow,

ya kashifal-gham

‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻐﹶﻢ‬‫ﺎ ﻛﹶﺎﺷِﻒ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Forgiver of sins,

ya ghafiradhdham-b

ِ‫ ﺍﻟﺬﱠﻧﹾﺐ‬‫ﺎ ﻏﹶﺎﻓِﺮ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Acceptor of repentance,

ya qabilat-taw-b

O Creator of creatures,

ya khaliqal-khal-q

O Truthful in promises,

ya sadiqal-wa`a-d

ِ‫ﺪ‬‫ﻋ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻮ‬‫ﺎ ﺻﹶﺎﺩِﻕ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Fulfiller of promises,

ya mufi-yal-a'h-d

ِ‫ﺪ‬‫ﻬ‬‫ﻮﻓِﻲ ﺍﻟﹾﻌ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Knower of secrets,

ya `aalimas-sir

‫ﺮ‬‫ ﺍﻟﺴ‬‫ﺎﻟِﻢ‬‫ﺎ ﻋ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Splitter of seed,

ya faliqal-hab-b

‫ﺐ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﺤ‬‫ﺎ ﻓﹶﺎِﻟﻖ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Provider for creatures. Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

ya man ahata bikul-li shay-in i`il-muhu ya mal-laysa ahadum-mith-lah

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

‫ﻪ‬‫ ﻏﹶﻀﹶﺒ‬‫ﺘﹸﻪ‬‫ﻤ‬‫ﺣ‬‫ﻘﹶﺖﹾ ﺭ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ ﺳ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻪ‬‫ٍﺀ ﻋِﻠﹾﻤ‬‫ﺎﻁﹶ ﺑِﻜﹸﻞﱢ ﺷﹶﻲ‬‫ ﺃﹶﺣ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺜﹾﻠﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﺪ‬‫ ﺃﹶﺣ‬‫ﺲ‬‫ﻦ ﻟﱠﻴ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ‫ﻢ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻬ‬‫ﺎ ﻓﹶﺎﺭِﺝ‬‫( ﻳ‬20)

ِ‫ﺏ‬‫ﺎ ﻗﹶﺎﺑِﻞﹶ ﺍﻟﺘﱠﻮ‬‫ﻳ‬

ِ‫ ﺍﻟﹾﺨﹶﻠﹾﻖ‬‫ﺎ ﺧﹶﺎِﻟﻖ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya raziqal-anam

ِ‫ ﺍﻷَﻧﹶﺎﻡ‬‫ﺍﺯِﻕ‬‫ﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﻳ‬

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬

al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth



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‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(21) O Allah, verily I beseech You in Your name:

allahumma in-ne as-aluka bis-mika

O High, O Perfect

ya `ale-yu ya wafe

O Independent, O Rich,

ya ghane-yu ya male

O Kind, O Agreeable

ya hafe-yu ya radhe

O Purifier, O Eternal,

ya zake-yu ya bade

‫ﺪِﻱ‬‫ﺎ ﺑ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﺯﹶﻛِﻲ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Mighty, O Friend.

ya qawe-yu ya wale

‫ﻟِﻲ‬‫ﺎ ﻭ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻗﹶﻮِﻱ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﺄﻟﹸﻚ‬‫ ﺇِﻧﱢﻲ ﺃﹶﺳ‬‫ﻢ‬‫( ﺍﻟﻠﱠﻬ‬21)


‫ﻓِﻲ‬‫ﺎ ﻭ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﻋﻠِﻲ‬ ‫ﺎ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻠِﻲ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻏﹶﻨِﻲ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺿِﻲ‬‫ﺎ ﺭ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﻔِﻲ‬‫ﺎ ﺣ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬

Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬

(22) O He, Who reveals virtue,

ya man a¨haraljamel

‫ﻤِﻴﻞﹶ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﺠ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ ﺃﹶﻇﹾﻬ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫( ﻳ‬22)

al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

O He, Who conceals ya man sataralvice, qabeh O He Who does not ya mal-lam call to severe yuakhidh bialaccount for sins, jarerah O He, Who does not ya mal-lam yahdisclose the disgrace tikis-sit-r of his servants, O He, Who is the ya `a¨emal-a'f-wi best forgiver, O He, Who overlooks errancy,

ya hasanattajawuz


‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻘﹶﺒِﻴﺢ‬‫ﺘﹶﺮ‬‫ ﺳ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ِ‫ﺓ‬‫ﺮِﻳﺮ‬‫ﺍﺧِﺬﹾ ﺑِﺎﻟﹾﺠ‬‫ﺆ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﻦ ﻟﱠﻢ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺘﹾﺮ‬‫ﺘِﻚِ ﺍﻟﺴ‬‫ﻬ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﻦ ﻟﱠﻢ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ِ‫ﻔﹾﻮ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻌ‬‫ﻈِﻴﻢ‬‫ﺎ ﻋ‬‫ﻳ‬ ِ‫ﺯ‬‫ﺎﻭ‬‫ ﺍﻟﺘﱠﺠ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺣﺴ‬  ‫ﺎ‬‫ﻳ‬ 8/17/2011

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O He, Whose forgiveness extends over all. O He, Whose Hands are stretched forth in mercy, O He, Who knows all secrets, O He, to Whom all complaints are directed. Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

ya wasia'l-maghfirah

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(23) O Master of countless blessings,

ya dhan-nia'matis-sabighah

O Master of limitless mercy,

ya dhar-rahmatil-wasia'h

ya basital-yadayni bilr-rih-mah ya sahiba kul-li naj-wa ya mun-taha kul-li shak-wa

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

ِ‫ﺓ‬‫ﻐﹾﻔِﺮ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ﺍﺳِﻊ‬‫ﺎ ﻭ‬‫ﻳ‬ ِ‫ﺔ‬‫ﻤ‬‫ﺣ‬‫ﻦِ ﺑِﺎﻟﺮ‬‫ﻳ‬‫ﺪ‬‫ﺎﺳِﻂﹶ ﺍﻟﹾﻴ‬‫ﺎ ﺑ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻯ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﻧﹶﺠ‬‫ﺎ ﺻﹶﺎﺣِﺐ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻯ‬‫ﻰ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﺷﹶﻜﹾﻮ‬‫ﻨﹾﺘﹶﻬ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ِ‫ﺎﺑِﻐﹶﺔ‬‫ﺔِ ﺍﻟﺴ‬‫ﻤ‬‫ﺎ ﺫﹶﺍ ﺍﻟﻨﱢﻌ‬‫( ﻳ‬23) ِ‫ﺔ‬‫ﺍﺳِﻌ‬‫ﺔِ ﺍﻟﹾﻮ‬‫ﻤ‬‫ﺣ‬‫ﺎ ﺫﹶﺍ ﺍﻟﺮ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Master surpassing ya dhal-min-natisall obligation, sabiqah

ِ‫ﺎﺑِﻘﹶﺔ‬‫ﺎ ﺫﹶﺍ ﺍﻟﹾﻤِﻨﱠﺔِ ﺍﻟﺴ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Master of perfect wisdom,

ya dhal-hik-matilbalighah

ِ‫ﺎِﻟﻐﹶﺔ‬‫ﺔِ ﺍﻟﹾﺒ‬‫ﺎ ﺫﹶﺍ ﺍﻟﹾﺤِﻜﹾﻤ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Master of infinite might,

ya dhal-qud-ratilkamilah

ِ‫ﺓِ ﺍﻟﹾﻜﹶﺎﻣِﻠﹶﺔ‬‫ﺭ‬‫ﺎ ﺫﹶﺍ ﺍﻟﹾﻘﹸﺪ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Master of the decisive argument,

ya dhal-huj-jatilqatia'h

ِ‫ﺔ‬‫ﺔِ ﺍﻟﹾﻘﹶﺎﻃِﻌ‬‫ﺠ‬‫ﺎ ﺫﹶﺍ ﺍﻟﹾﺤ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Master of the manifest miracle,

ya dhalkaramati¨-¨ahirah

ِ‫ﺓ‬‫ﺔِ ﺍﻟﻈﱠﺎﻫِﺮ‬‫ﺍﻣ‬‫ﺎ ﺫﹶﺍ ﺍﻟﹾﻜﹶﺮ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Master of perpetual prestige,

ya dhal-i`iz-zatidda-imah

ِ‫ﺔ‬‫ﺍﺋِﻤ‬‫ﺎ ﺫﹶﺍ ﺍﻟﹾﻌِﺰﱠﺓِ ﺍﻟﺪ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Master of great strength,

ya dhal-qu-watilmatenah

O Master of unsurpassable glory Praise be to You, there is no god but You,

ya dhal-a'¨amatilmani-ya'h

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta


ِ‫ﺘِﻴﻨﹶﺔ‬‫ﺓِ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ﺎ ﺫﹶﺍ ﺍﻟﹾﻘﹸﻮ‬‫ﻳ‬ ِ‫ﺔ‬‫ﻨِﻴﻌ‬‫ﺔِ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ﻈﹶﻤ‬‫ﺎ ﺫﹶﺍ ﺍﻟﹾﻌ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ 8/17/2011

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[I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(24) O Originator of ya badi-ya`asthe heavens, samawat

‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ِ‫ﺍﺕ‬‫ﺎﻭ‬‫ﻤ‬‫ ﺍﻟﺴ‬‫ﻊ‬‫ﺪِﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﺑ‬‫( ﻳ‬24)

ِ‫ﺎﺕ‬‫ﺎﻋِﻞﹶ ﺍﻟﻈﱡﻠﹸﻤ‬‫ﺎ ﺟ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Maker of darkness,

ya jai`ila¨¨ulumat

O Merciful to those who weep,

ya rahimal-a'barat

O He Who oversees slips and errors,

ya muqelala'tharat

ِ‫ﺍﺕ‬‫ﺜﹶﺮ‬‫ﻘِﻴﻞﹶ ﺍﻟﹾﻌ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Concealer of defects,

ya satiral-a'w-rat

ِ‫ﺍﺕ‬‫ﺭ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻌ‬‫ﺎﺗِﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﺳ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Reviver of the dead,

ya muh-yi-yalam-wat

O Revealer of signs, ya munzilal-a-yat

ِ‫ﺍﺕ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻌ‬‫ﺍﺣِﻢ‬‫ﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﻳ‬

ِ‫ﺍﺕ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ﻴِﻲ ﺍﻷَﻣ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ِ‫ﺎﺕ‬‫ﻨﹾﺰِﻝﹶ ﺍﻵﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Increaser of virtue,

ya mudha`a-ifalhasanat

ِ‫ﻨﹶﺎﺕ‬‫ﺴ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﺤ‬‫ﻒ‬‫ﻀﹶﻌ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Who rubs out vices,

ya mahi-yas-sayyi-at

ِ‫ﺌﹶﺎﺕ‬‫ﻴ‬‫ﺎﺣِﻲ ﺍﻟﺴ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

O He Who calls to account. Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

ya shadedannaqimat

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(25) O Allah, verily I beseech You in Your name:

allahumma in-ne as-aluka bis-mika

O Fashioner, O Preordainer,

ya musaw-wiru ya muqad-dir

O Planner, O

ya mudab-biru ya

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth


ِ‫ﺎﺕ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﱠﻘِﻤ‬‫ﺎ ﺷﹶﺪِﻳﺪ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ‫ﺄﻟﹸﻚ‬‫ ﺇِﻧﱢﻲ ﺃﹶﺳ‬‫ﻢ‬‫( ﺍﻟﻠﱠﻬ‬25)


‫ﺭ‬‫ﻘﹶﺪ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺭ‬‫ﺼﹶﻮ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬


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‫ﺮ‬‫ﻄﹶﻬ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺑ‬‫ﺪ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬



O Illuminator, O Facilitator,

ya munaw-wiru ya muyas-sir

‫ﺮ‬‫ﺴ‬‫ﻴ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺭ‬‫ﻨﹶﻮ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Giver of glad tidings, O Warner, O Giver of precedence, O Postponer. Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

ya mubash-shiru ya mundhir

‫ﻨﹾﺬِﺭ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺸﱢﺮ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya muqad-dimu ya muakh-hir

‫ﺧﱢﺮ‬‫ﺆ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﻡ‬‫ﻘﹶﺪ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(26) O Lord of the Sanctuary,

ya rab-bal-baytilharam

O Lord of the holy month,

ya rab-bash-shahril-haram

O Lord of the Holy City,

ya rab-bal-baladilharam

O Lord of the Rukn and the Maqam,

ya rab-bar-ruk-ni wal-maqam

O Lord of the Mashair of Mecca,

ya rab-bal-masha'ril-harami

O Lord of the Holy Mosque in Mecca, O Lord of what is lawful and what is proscribed, O Lord of light and darkness,

ya rab-bal-masjidil-haram

al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ِ‫ﺍﻡ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺖِ ﺍﻟﹾﺤ‬‫ﻴ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﺒ‬‫ﺏ‬‫ﺎ ﺭ‬‫( ﻳ‬26)

ِ‫ﺍﻡ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺮِ ﺍﻟﹾﺤ‬‫ ﺍﻟﺸﱠﻬ‬‫ﺏ‬‫ﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﻳ‬ ِ‫ﺍﻡ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﻠﹶﺪِ ﺍﻟﹾﺤ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﺒ‬‫ﺏ‬‫ﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﻳ‬

ِ‫ﻘﹶﺎﻡ‬‫ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ﻛﹾﻦِ ﻭ‬‫ ﺍﻟﺮ‬‫ﺏ‬‫ﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﻳ‬

ِ‫ﺍﻡ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺮِ ﺍﻟﹾﺤ‬‫ﺸﹾﻌ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ﺏ‬‫ﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﻳ‬ ِ‫ﺍﻡ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺠِﺪِ ﺍﻟﹾﺤ‬‫ﺴ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ﺏ‬‫ﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya rab-bal-hil-li wal-haram

ِ‫ﺍﻡ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺍﻟﹾﺤ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﺤِﻞﱢ ﻭ‬‫ﺏ‬‫ﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya rab-ban-nuri wa¨-¨alam

ِ‫ﺍﻟﻈﱠﻼﹶﻡ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﱡﻮﺭِ ﻭ‬‫ﺏ‬‫ﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Lord of salutation ya rab-bat-taheand peace, yati was-salam O Lord of strength among creatures. Praise be to You, there is no god but You,

‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

ِ‫ﻼﹶﻡ‬‫ﺍﻟﺴ‬‫ﺔِ ﻭ‬‫ ﺍﻟﺘﱠﺤِﻴ‬‫ﺏ‬‫ﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya rab-bal-qudrati fil-anam

ِ‫ﺓِ ﻓِﻲ ﺍﻷَﻧﹶﺎﻡ‬‫ﺭ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻘﹸﺪ‬‫ﺏ‬‫ﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﻳ‬

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬



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‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

[I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(27) O Highest of all authorities,

ya ah-kamalhakimen

O Most Just of all the just, O Most Trustworthy of all the trustworthy, O Purest of the pure,

ya a`a-dalala'adilen

‫ﺎﺩِﻟِﻴﻦ‬‫ﻝﹶ ﺍﻟﹾﻌ‬‫ﺪ‬‫ﺎ ﺃﹶﻋ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya as-daqassadiqen

‫ ﺍﻟﺼﱠﺎﺩِﻗِﻴﻦ‬‫ﻕ‬‫ﺎ ﺃﹶﺻﹾﺪ‬‫ﻳ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ‫ﺎﻛِﻤِﻴﻦ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﺤ‬‫ﻜﹶﻢ‬‫ﺎ ﺃﹶﺣ‬‫( ﻳ‬27)

ya at-harattahiren

‫ ﺍﻟﻄﱠﺎﻫِﺮِﻳﻦ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﺃﹶﻃﹾﻬ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Best of creators,

ya ah-sanalkhaliqen

‫ ﺍﻟﹾﺨﹶﺎِﻟﻘِﻴﻦ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺴ‬‫ﺎ ﺃﹶﺣ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Quickest Reckoner,

ya as-ra`alhasiben

‫ﺎﺳِﺒِﻴﻦ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﺤ‬‫ﻉ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﺃﹶﺳ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Best of listeners,

ya as-ma`assamie'en

‫ﺎﻣِﻌِﻴﻦ‬‫ ﺍﻟﺴ‬‫ﻊ‬‫ﻤ‬‫ﺎ ﺃﹶﺳ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Most vigilant of invigilators,

ya ab-saranna¨iren

O Best of intercessors,

ya ash-fa`ashshafie'en

O Most honourable of all. Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

ya ak-ramal-akramen

‫ﻣِﻴﻦ‬‫ ﺍﻷَﻛﹾﺮ‬‫ﻡ‬‫ﺎ ﺃﹶ ﹾﻛﺮ‬‫ﻳ‬

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(28) O Supporter of the unsupported,

ya i`imada mal-la i`imada lah

O Helper of the helpless,

ya sanada mal-la sanada lah

O Protector of the unprotected,

ya dhukh-ra malla dhukh-ra lah

O Shield for the

ya hirza mal-la

al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth


‫ ﺍﻟﻨﱠﺎﻇِﺮِﻳﻦ‬‫ﺼﹶﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﺃﹶﺑ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ ﺍﻟﺸﱠﺎﻓِﻌِﻴﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﺃﹶﺷﹾﻔﹶﻊ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ‫ ﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ﺎﺩ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﻋِﻤ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﺎﺩ‬‫ﺎ ﻋِﻤ‬‫( ﻳ‬28)

‫ ﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ﻨﹶﺪ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﺳ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﻨﹶﺪ‬‫ﺎ ﺳ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ ﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﺫﹸﺧﹾﺮ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﺎ ﹸﺫﺧﹾﺮ‬‫ﻳ‬


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‫ﺯﹶ ﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﺣِﺮ‬‫ﺯﹶ ﻣ‬‫ﺎ ﺣِﺮ‬‫ﻳ‬


hirza lah

O Hearer of the unheard appeal,

ya ghiyatha mallaghiyatha lah

‫ﺎﺙﹶ ﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﻏِﻴ‬‫ﺎﺙﹶ ﻣ‬‫ﺎ ِﻏﻴ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Pride of those without pride,

ya fakh-ra mal-la fakh-ra lah

‫ ﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﻓﹶﺨﹾﺮ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﺎ ﻓﹶﺨﹾﺮ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Honour of the honourless,

ya i`iz-za mal-la i`iz-za lah

‫ﻦ ﻻ ﻋِﺰﱠ ﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ﺎ ﻋِﺰﱠ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Giver of Aid to the unaided,

ya mue'ena malla mue'ena lah

‫ ﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ﻌِﻴﻦ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﻣ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﻌِﻴﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Friend of the forsaken,

ya anesa mal-la anesa lah

O Shelter of the shelterless. Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

ya amana mal-la amana lah

‫ ﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ﺎﻥ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﺃﹶﻣ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﺎﻥ‬‫ﺎ ﺃﹶﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(29) O Allah, verily I beseech You in Your name:

allahumma in-ne as-aluka bis-mika

O Protector, O Persistent,

ya `aasimu ya qaim

O Eternal, O Merciful,

ya da-imu ya rahim

‫ﺍﺣِﻢ‬‫ﺎ ﺭ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺍﺋِﻢ‬‫ﺎ ﺩ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Accorder of peace,

ya salimu ya hakim

‫ﺎﻛِﻢ‬‫ﺎ ﺣ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻟِﻢ‬‫ﺎ ﺳ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Omniscient, O Distributor,

ya `aalimu ya qasim

‫ﺎ ﻗﹶﺎﺳِﻢ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻟِﻢ‬‫ﺎ ﻋ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Preventer, O Opener. Praise be to You, there is no god but You,

ya qabidhu ya basit

‫ﺎﺳِﻂﹸ‬‫ﺎ ﺑ‬‫ﺎ ﻗﹶﺎﺑِﺾﹸ ﻳ‬‫ﻳ‬

[I beseech you for]

al-ghawth al-

al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta


‫ ﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﺃﹶﻧِﻴﺲ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﺎ ﺃﹶﻧِﻴﺲ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ‫ﺄﻟﹸﻚ‬‫ ﺇِﻧﱢﻲ ﺃﹶﺳ‬‫ﻢ‬‫( ﺍﻟﻠﱠﻬ‬29)


‫ﺎ ﻗﹶﺎﺋِﻢ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﺻِﻢ‬‫ﺎ ﻋ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬


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‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

relief, relief, relief

ghawth al-ghawth

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(30) O Protector of he who seeks His protection, O Merciful to he who requests His mercy, O Forgiver of the implore His forgiveness, O Helper of he who asks for His help, O Protector of he who seeks His protection, O Magnanimous to he who seeks His magnanimity, O Guide for he who seeks His guidance, O Giver of Aid to he who seeks His aid, O Helper of he who appeals to Him,

ya `aasima manis-ta`asamah

ya mue'ena manis-ta`aana

،‫ﺎﻧﹶﻪ‬‫ﺘﹶﻌ‬‫ﻦِ ﺍﺳ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﻌِﻴﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Rescuer of he who appeals to Him, Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

ya mughetha manis-taghathah

‫ﺘﹶﻐﹶﺎﺛﹶﻪ‬‫ﻦِ ﺍﺳ‬‫ﻐِﻴﺚﹶ ﻣ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(31) O Powerful Who is never overpowered, O Benign Who is invisible,

ya `azezal-la yudham

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ‫ﻪ‬‫ﺼﹶﻤ‬‫ﺘﹶﻌ‬‫ﻦِ ﺍﺳ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﺎﺻِﻢ‬‫ﺎ ﻋ‬‫( ﻳ‬30)

ya rahima manistar-hamah

‫ﻪ‬‫ﻤ‬‫ﺣ‬‫ﺘﹶﺮ‬‫ﻦِ ﺍﺳ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﺍﺣِﻢ‬‫ﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya ghafira manistagh-farah

‫ﻩ‬‫ﺘﹶﻐﹾﻔﹶﺮ‬‫ﻦِ ﺍﺳ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﺎ ﻏﹶﺎﻓِﺮ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya nasira manistan-sarah

‫ﻩ‬‫ﺘﹶﻨﹾﺼﹶﺮ‬‫ﻦِ ﺍﺳ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﺎ ﻧﹶﺎﺻِﺮ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya hafi¨a manistah-fa¨ah

‫ﻔﹶﻈﹶﻪ‬‫ﺘﹶﺤ‬‫ﻦِ ﺍﺳ‬‫ﺎﻓِﻆﹶ ﻣ‬‫ﺎ ﺣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya muk-rima manis-tak-ramah

‫ﻪ‬‫ﻣ‬‫ﺘﹶﻜﹾﺮ‬‫ﻦِ ﺍﺳ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﻜﹾﺮِﻡ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya mur-shida manis-tar-shadah

‫ﻩ‬‫ﺷﹶﺪ‬‫ﺘﹶﺮ‬‫ﻦِ ﺍﺳ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﺷِﺪ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya sarekha manistas-rakhah

‫ﺧﹶﻪ‬‫ﺘﹶﺼﹾﺮ‬‫ﻦِ ﺍﺳ‬‫ﺎ ﺻﹶﺮِﻳﺦﹶ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

ya latefal-la yuram


‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ‫ﻀﹶﺎﻡ‬‫ﺰِﻳﺰﺍﹰ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻋ‬‫( ﻳ‬31)

‫ﺍﻡ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﻟﹶﻄِﻴﻔﺎﹰ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﻳ‬ 8/17/2011

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‫ﻨﹶﺎﻡ‬‫ﻮﻣﺎﹰ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻗﹶﻴ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Self-Subsistent Who never sleeps,

ya qay-yumal-la yanam

O Eternal Who never perishes,

ya da-imal-la yafut

‫ﻔﹸﻮﺕﹸ‬‫ﺍﺋِﻤﺎﹰ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﺩ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Ever-living Who never dies,

ya hay-yal-la yamut

‫ﻮﺕﹸ‬‫ﻤ‬‫ﺎﹰ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﺣﻴ‬  ‫ﺎ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Monarch Whose rule is endless,

ya malikal-la yazul

‫ﺰﹸﻭﻝﹸ‬‫ﻠِﻜﺎﹰ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Eternal Who is imperishable,

ya baqiyal-la yafna

‫ﻔﹾﻨﹶﻰ‬‫ﺎﻗِﻴﺎﹰ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﺑ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Omniscient Who never forgets, O Independent Who needs no sustenance, O Mighty Who never weakens. Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

ya `aalimal-la yaj-hal

‫ﻞﹸ‬‫ﻬ‬‫ﺠ‬‫ﺎﻟِﻤﺎﹰ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻋ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya samadal-la yut-a'm

‫ﻢ‬‫ﻄﹾﻌ‬‫ﺪﺍﹰ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﺻﻤ‬ ‫ﺎ ﹶ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya qawe-yal-la yadhu'f

‫ﻒ‬‫ﻀﹾﻌ‬‫ﺎﹰ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻗﹶﻮِﻳ‬‫ﻳ‬

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(32) O Allah, verily I beseech You in Your name:

allahumma in-ne as-aluka bis-mika

O Unique, O One,

ya ahadu ya wahid

O Present, O Praiser,

ya shahidu ya majid

O Exalted, O Guide,

ya hamidu ya rashid

‫ﺍﺷِﺪ‬‫ﺎ ﺭ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻣِﺪ‬‫ﺎ ﺣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya bai`ithu ya warith

‫ﺍﺭِﺙﹸ‬‫ﺎ ﻭ‬‫ﺎﻋِﺚﹸ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﺑ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya dha-r-ru ya nafiu'

‫ﺎ ﻧﹶﺎﻓِﻊ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﺿﹶﺎﺭ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Resurrector, O Heir, O Harmful to the unjust, O Beneficial to the just.

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth


‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ‫ﺄﻟﹸﻚ‬‫ ﺇِﻧﱢﻲ ﺃﹶﺳ‬‫ﻢ‬‫( ﺍﻟﻠﱠﻬ‬32)


‫ﺍﺣِﺪ‬‫ﺎ ﻭ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺪ‬‫ﺎ ﺃﹶﺣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺎﺟِﺪ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﺷﹶﺎﻫِﺪ‬‫ﻳ‬


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Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(33) O Grandest of all the grand, O Most Magnanimous of all the magnanimous, O Most Merciful of all the merciful, O Most Knowledgeable of all knowers, O Most Wise of all the wise,

ya a`a-¨ama min kul-li `a¨em

al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬ .‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬

ٍ‫ﻈِﻴﻢ‬‫ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﻋ‬‫ ﻣِﻦ‬‫ﻈﹶﻢ‬‫ﺎ ﺃﹶﻋ‬‫( ﻳ‬33)

ya ak-rama min kul-li karemi

ٍ‫ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﻛﹶﺮِﻳﻢ‬‫ ﻣِﻦ‬‫ﻡ‬‫ﺎ ﺃﹶ ﹾﻛﺮ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya ar-hama min kul-li rahem

ٍ‫ﺣِﻴﻢ‬‫ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﺭ‬‫ ﻣِﻦ‬‫ﻢ‬‫ﺣ‬‫ﺎ ﺃﹶﺭ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya a`a-lama min kul-li `alem

ٍ‫ﻠِﻴﻢ‬‫ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﻋ‬‫ ﻣِﻦ‬‫ﻠﹶﻢ‬‫ﺎ ﺃﹶﻋ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya ah-kama min kul-li hakem

ٍ‫ﻜِﻴﻢ‬‫ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﺣ‬‫ ﻣِﻦ‬‫ﻜﹶﻢ‬‫ﺎ ﺃﹶﺣ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Most Ancient of all the ancient,

ya aq-dama min kul-li qadem

ٍ‫ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﻗﹶﺪِﻳﻢ‬‫ ﻣِﻦ‬‫ﻡ‬‫ﺎ ﺃﹶﻗﹾﺪ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Most Great of all the great,

ya ak-bara min kul-li kaber

O Most Benign of all the benign, O Most Magnificent of all the magnificent, O Most Mighty of all the mighty. Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

ya al-tafa min kulli latef

ٍ‫ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﻟﹶﻄِﻴﻒ‬‫ ﻣِﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﺃﹶﻟﹾﻄﹶﻒ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya ajal-la min kulli jalel

ٍ‫ﻠِﻴﻞ‬‫ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﺟ‬‫ﻞﱠ ﻣِﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﺃﹶﺟ‬‫ﻳ‬

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(34) O Most Magnanimous in overlooking sins, O Greatest Benefactor,

ya a`az-za min kul-li `azez

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

ya karemas-saf-h ya `a¨emal-man


ٍ‫ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﻛﹶﺒِﻴﺮ‬‫ ﻣِﻦ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﺃﹶ ﹾﻛﺒ‬‫ﻳ‬

ٍ‫ﺰِﻳﺰ‬‫ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﻋ‬‫ﺰﱠ ﻣِﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﺃﹶﻋ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ِ‫ ﺍﻟﺼﱠﻔﹾﺢ‬‫ﺎ ﻛﹶﺮِﻳﻢ‬‫( ﻳ‬34) ‫ﻦ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ﻋﻈِﻴﻢ‬ ‫ﺎ‬‫ﻳ‬


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ِ‫ﺮ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﺨﹶﻴ‬‫ﺎ ﻛﹶﺜِﻴﺮ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Most Bounteous in goodness,

ya katheral-khayr

O Eternal in grace,

ya qademal-fadhli

ِ‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻔﹶﻀﹾﻞ‬‫ﺎ ﻗﹶﺪِﻳﻢ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Eternal in subtlety,

ya da-imal-lut-f

،ِ‫ ﺍﻟﻠﱡﻄﹾﻒ‬‫ﺍﺋِﻢ‬‫ﺎ ﺩ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Creator of subtlety,

ya latefas-sun-i`i

O Remover of pain,

ya munaf-fisalkar-b

O Healer of injury,

ya kashifadh-dhur

‫ ﺍﻟﻀﱡﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﻛﹶﺎﺷِﻒ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Master of dominion,

ya malikal-mulk

ِ‫ﻠﹾﻚ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ﺎِﻟﻚ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

O True Judge.

ya qadhi-yal-haqq

Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(35) O He Who fulfils His promise,

ya man huwa fe `ah-dihi wafe

al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

ِ‫ ﺍﻟﺼﱡﻨﹾﻊ‬‫ﺎ ﻟﹶﻄِﻴﻒ‬‫ﻳ‬ ِ‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻜﹶﺮ‬‫ﻨﹶﻔﱢﺲ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﻖ‬‫ﺎ ﻗﹶﺎﺿِﻲ ﺍﻟﹾﺤ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ِ‫ﺪِﻩ‬‫ﻬ‬‫ ﻓِﻲ ﻋ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫( ﻳ‬35) ‫ﻲ‬  ِ‫ﻓ‬‫ﻭ‬

O He Who is Strong ya man huwa fe in His fulfillment, wafa-ihi qawe

‫ﻓﹶﺎﺋِﻪِ ﻗﹶﻮِﻱ‬‫ ﻓِﻲ ﻭ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

O He Who is great in His might, O He Who is near everyone in spite of His greatness, O He Who is benign in His weariness,

ya man huwa fe qu-watihi `ale

‫ﻠِﻲ‬‫ﺗِﻪِ ﻋ‬‫ ﻓِﻲ ﻗﹸﻮ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man huwa fe u'lu-wuhi qareb

‫ﻩِ ﻗﹶﺮِﻳﺐ‬‫ﻠﹸﻮ‬‫ ﻓِﻲ ﻋ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man huwa fe qur-bihi latef

‫ﺑِﻪِ ﻟﹶﻄِﻴﻒ‬‫ ﻓِﻲ ﻗﹸﺮ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

O He Who is noble in His benignity,

ya man huwa fe lut-fihi sharef

O He Who is powerful in His

ya man huwa fe


‫ ﻓِﻲ ﻟﹸﻄﹾﻔِﻪِ ﺷﹶﺮِﻳﻒ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬


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‫ﺰِﻳﺰﹲ‬‫ﻓِﻪِ ﻋ‬‫ ﻓِﻲ ﺷﹶﺮ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬


sharafihi `azez

O He Who is great in His power, O He Who is exalted in His greatness, O He Who is praiseworthy in his exaltation. Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

ya man huwa fe i`iz-zihi `a¨em

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(36) O Allah, verily I beseech You in Your name:

allahumma in-ne as-aluka bis-mika

O Sufficient, O Restorer of health,

ya kafe ya shafe

‫ﺎ ﺷﹶﺎﻓِﻲ‬‫ﺎ ﻛﹶﺎﻓِﻲ ﻳ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Faithful, O Forgiver

ya wafe ya mua'afe

‫ﺎﻓِﻲ‬‫ﻌ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﺍﻓِﻲ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻭ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Guide, O Summoner,

ya hade ya dae'e

O Judge, O Agreeable,

ya qadhe ya radhe

O High, O Eternal

ya `aale ya baqe

Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(37) O He before

ya man kul-lu

ya man huwa fe `a¨amatihi majed

‫ﻈِﻴﻢ‬‫ ﻓِﻲ ﻋِﺰﱢﻩِ ﻋ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﺠِﻴﺪ‬‫ﺘِﻪِ ﻣ‬‫ﻈﹶﻤ‬‫ ﻓِﻲ ﻋ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man huwa fe maj-dihi hamed

‫ﻤِﻴﺪ‬‫ﺪِﻩِ ﺣ‬‫ﺠ‬‫ ﻓِﻲ ﻣ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬

al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth


‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ‫ﺄﻟﹸﻚ‬‫ ﺇِﻧﱢﻲ ﺃﹶﺳ‬‫ﻢ‬‫( ﺍﻟﻠﱠﻬ‬36)


‫ﺍﻋِﻲ‬‫ﺎ ﺩ‬‫ﺎﺩِﻱ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻫ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﺍﺿِﻲ‬‫ﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺎ ﻗﹶﺎﺿِﻲ ﻳ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺎﻗِﻲ‬‫ﺎ ﺑ‬‫ﺎِﻟﻲ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻋ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ‫ٍﺀ ﺧﹶﺎﺿِﻊ‬‫ﻦ ﻛﹸﻞﱡ ﺷﹶﻲ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫( ﻳ‬37)


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Whom everything bows,

shay-in khadhiu'llah


O He before Whom everything is humbled,

‫ ﻟﱠﻪ‬‫ٍﺀ ﺧﹶﺎﺷِﻊ‬‫ﻦ ﻛﹸﻞﱡ ﺷﹶﻲ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

O One to Whom everything owes its stability, O He towards Whom everything retreats,

ya man kul-lu shay-in khashiu'llah ya man kul-lu shay-in ka-inullah ya man kul-lu shayim-mawjudum bih ya man kul-lu shayim-munebun ilayh ya man kul-lu shay-in kha-ifumminh ya man kul-lu shay-in qa-imum bih ya man kul-lu shay-in sa-irun ilayh

O He Whom everything glorifies with praise,

ya man kul-lu shaye-yusab-bihu biham-dih

O He for Whom everything exists, O He to Whom everything owes its existence, O He to Whom everything returns, O He of Whom everything is afraid,

ya man kul-lu O He besides Whom everything is shay-in halikun perishable. illa waj-hah

‫ ﻟﱠﻪ‬‫ٍﺀ ﻛﹶﺎﺋِﻦ‬‫ ﻛﹸﻞﱡ ﺷﹶﻲ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ِ‫ ﺑِﻪ‬‫ﻮﺩ‬‫ﺟ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ٍﺀ ﻣ‬‫ﻦ ﻛﹸﻞﱡ ﺷﹶﻲ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ِ‫ﻪ‬‫ ﺇِﻟﹶﻴ‬‫ﻨِﻴﺐ‬‫ٍﺀ ﻣ‬‫ﻦ ﻛﹸﻞﱡ ﺷﹶﻲ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻨﹾﻪ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ٍﺀ ﺧﹶﺎﺋِﻒ‬‫ﻦ ﻛﹸﻞﱡ ﺷﹶﻲ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ِ‫ ﺑِﻪ‬‫ٍﺀ ﻗﹶﺎﺋِﻢ‬‫ﻦ ﻛﹸﻞﱡ ﺷﹶﻲ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ِ‫ﻪ‬‫ ﺇِﻟﹶﻴ‬‫ٍﺀ ﺻﹶﺎﺋِﺮ‬‫ﻦ ﻛﹸﻞﱡ ﺷﹶﻲ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺢ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺴ‬‫ٍﺀ ﻳ‬‫ ﻛﹸﻞﱡ ﺷﹶﻲ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ِ‫ﻤﺪِﻩ‬ ‫ﺑِﺤ‬

‫ ﺇِﻻﱠ‬‫ﺎِﻟﻚ‬‫ٍﺀ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ ﻛﹸﻞﱡ ﺷﹶﻲ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻬﻪ‬ ‫ﺟ‬‫ﻭ‬

Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬

(38) O He-there is no retreat but towards Him,

ya mal-la mafarra illa ilayh

ِ‫ﻪ‬‫ ﺇِﻻﱠ ﺇِﻟﹶﻴ‬‫ﻔﹶﺮ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﻣ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫( ﻳ‬38)

O He-there is no

ya mal-la mafza`a

al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth


‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬


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place of protection except with Him, O He—there is no right path except that which leads to Him, O He-there is no shelter against Him but with Him, O He-there is no inclination towards anyone except Him, O He-there is no strength and vigour but from Him, O He-none is invoked for help but He. O He-trust is not reposed in anyone but He, O He-hope is not entertained from anyone except from He, O He-none is worshipped except He Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

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illa ilayh

ya mal-la maqsada illa ilayh ya mal-la manja minhu illa ilayhi ya mal-la yurghabu illa ilayhi ya mal-la haw-la wa-la qu-wata illa bih ya mal-la yusta`aanu illa bih ya mal-la yutawak-kalu illa `alayh ya mal-la yur-ja illa huwa ya mal-la yua'badu illa huwa

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

ِ‫ﻪ‬‫ ﺇِﻻﱠ ﺇِﻟﹶﻴ‬‫ﻔﹾﺰﹶﻉ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﻣ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ِ‫ﻪ‬‫ ﺇِﻻﱠ ﺇِﻟﹶﻴ‬‫ﻘﹾﺼﹶﺪ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﻣ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ِ‫ﻪ‬‫ ﺇِﻻﱠ ﺇِﻟﹶﻴ‬‫ ﻣِﻨﹾﻪ‬‫ﻰ‬‫ﻨﺠ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﻣ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ِ‫ ﺇِﻻﱠ ﺇﻟﹶﻴﻪ‬‫ﻏﹶﺐ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ِ‫ﺓﹶ ﺇِﻻﱠ ﺑِﻪ‬‫ﻻ ﻗﹸﻮ‬‫ﻝﹶ ﻭ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﺣ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ِ‫ ﺇِﻻﱠ ﺑِﻪ‬‫ﺎﻥ‬‫ﺘﹶﻌ‬‫ﺴ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ِ‫ﻪ‬‫ﻠﹶﻴ‬‫ﻛﱠﻞﹸ ﺇِﻻﱠ ﻋ‬‫ﺘﹶﻮ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻮ‬‫ﻰ ﺇِﻻﱠ ﻫ‬‫ﺟ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻮ‬‫ ﺇِﻻﱠ ﻫ‬‫ﺪ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﻌ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

khallisna minannari ya rabb

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬

(39) O Best of those ya khayral-marwho are feared, huben

‫ﻮﺑِﻴﻦ‬‫ﻫ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﺧﹶﻴ‬‫( ﻳ‬39)

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

O Best of those who ya khayral-marare liked, ghuben

‫ﻏﹸﻮﺑِﻴﻦ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺧﻴ‬ ‫ﺎ ﹶ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Best of those who ya khayral-matare sought, luben

‫ﻄﹾﻠﹸﻮﺑِﻴﻦ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺧﻴ‬ ‫ﺎ ﹶ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Best of those who ya khayral-masare entreated, ulen

‫ﻭﻟِﻴﻦ‬‫ﺆ‬‫ﺴ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﺧﹶﻴ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Best of those who ya khayral-maq-



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are longed for,


O Best of those who are remembered, O Best of those to whom thanks are offered, O Best of those who are loved,

ya khayralmadhkuren ya khayral-mashkuren

‫ﻘﹾﺼﹸﻮﺩِﻳﻦ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﺧﹶﻴ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺬﹾﻛﹸﻮﺭِﻳﻦ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﺧﹶﻴ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﺸﹾﻜﹸﻮﺭِﻳﻦ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﺧﹶﻴ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya khayral-mahbuben

‫ﻮﺑِﻴﻦ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺧﻴ‬ ‫ﺎ ﹶ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Best of those who ya khayral-madare called on, o'o-wen

‫ﻳﻦ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ﻋ‬‫ﺪ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﺧﹶﻴ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Best of those who are held in affection. Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

ya khayral-musta-nisen

‫ﺘﹶﺄﹾﻧِﺴِﻴﻦ‬‫ﺴ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺧﻴ‬ ‫ﺎ ﹶ‬‫ﻳ‬

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(40) O Allah, verily I entreat You in Your name:

allahumma in-ne as-aluka bis-mika

al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

O Forgiver, O Concealer [of ya ghafiru ya satir defects] O Mighty, O ya qadiru ya qaSupreme, O Creator, hiru ya fatir O Shatterer, O Joiner,

ya kasiru ya jabir

O Rememberer, O Seeing, O Helper. Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

ya dhakiru ya na¨iru ya nasir

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth


‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ‫ﺄﻟﹸﻚ‬‫ ﺇِﻧﱢﻲ ﺃﹶﺳ‬‫ﻢ‬‫( ﺍﻟﻠﱠﻬ‬40)

‫ﻤِﻚ‬‫ﺑِﺎﺳ‬ ‫ﺎﺗِﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﺳ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻏﹶﺎﻓِﺮ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺎ ﻓﹶﺎﻃِﺮ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻗﹶﺎﻫِﺮ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻗﹶﺎﺩِﺭ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺎﺑِﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﺟ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻛﹶﺎﺳِﺮ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﺎ ﻧﹶﺎﺻِﺮ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻧﹶﺎﻇِﺮ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﺫﹶﺍﻛِﺮ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬


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(41) O He Who created and perfected, O He Who made everything to measure and guided, O He Who removes misfortunes,

ya man khalaqa fasaw-wa

O He Who overhears secrets,

ya may-yasmau'n-naj-wa

O He Who rescues the drowning,

ya may-yunqidhul-ghar-qa

ya man qad-dara fahada ya may-yakshiful-bal-wa

O He Who saves the ya may-yunjil-haldistressed, ka O He Who restores the sick to health, O He who makes [His slaves] laugh and weep, O He Who causes to dies and calls to life, O He Who has created pairs of male and female.

‫ﻯ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻓﹶﺴ‬‫ ﺧﹶﻠﹶﻖ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫( ﻳ‬41) ‫ﻯ‬‫ﺪ‬‫ ﻓﹶﻬ‬‫ﺭ‬‫ﻦ ﻗﹶﺪ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻯ‬‫ﻠﹾﻮ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﺒ‬‫ﻜﹾﺸِﻒ‬‫ﻦ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻯ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﱠﺠ‬‫ﻊ‬‫ﻤ‬‫ﺴ‬‫ﻦ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﻗﹶﻰ‬‫ﻨﹾﻘِﺬﹸ ﺍﻟﹾﻐﹶﺮ‬‫ﻦ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﻠﹾﻜﹶﻰ‬‫ﻨﺠِﻲ ﺍﻟﹾﻬ‬‫ﻦ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya may-yash-filmar-dha

‫ﺿﹶﻰ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺸﹾﻔِﻲ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ﻦ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man adhhaka wa ab-ka

‫ﻜﹶﻰ‬‫ﺃﹶﺑ‬‫ ﻭ‬‫ﻚ‬‫ ﺃﹶﺿﹾﺤ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man amata wa ah-ya ya man khalaqazzaw-jaynidhdhakara wal-untha

‫ﺎ‬‫ﻴ‬‫ﺃﹶﺣ‬‫ﺎﺕﹶ ﻭ‬‫ ﺃﹶﻣ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﻦِ ﺍﻟﺬﱠﻛﹶﺮ‬‫ﻴ‬‫ﺟ‬‫ ﺍﻟﺰﱠﻭ‬‫ ﺧﹶﻠﹶﻖ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺍﻷُﹾﻧﺜﹶﻰ‬‫ﻭ‬

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬

Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(42) O He Whose course is on land and in water,

ya man fil-bar-ri wal-bah-ri sabeluh

O He Whose signs are in the universe, O He in Whose signs are undeniable proofs,

ya man fil-a-faqi a-yatuh

‫ﺎﺗﹸﻪ‬‫ﻦ ﻓِﻲ ﺍﻵﻓﹶﺎﻕِ ﺁﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man fil-a-yati bur-hanuh

‫ﺎﻧﹸﻪ‬‫ﻫ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺎﺕِ ﺑ‬‫ﻦ ﻓِﻲ ﺍﻵﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth


‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ِ‫ﺮ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺍﻟﹾﺒ‬‫ ﻭ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﻦ ﻓِﻲ ﺍﻟﹾﺒ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫( ﻳ‬42) ‫ﺒِﻴﻠﹸﻪ‬‫ﺳ‬


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O He Whose; might is exhibited in causing death, O He Whose lesson is in graves, O He Whose kingdom will be on the Day of Judgement, O He in Whose reckoning of deeds is His dread, O He in Whose balance is His order, O He Whose paradise is the place of His good reward, O He Whose hell is the place of chastisement. Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

ya man felmamati qud-ratuh

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(43) O He-the frightened flee to Him,

ya man ilayhi yah-rabul-khaifun

O He-sinners take shelter with Him, O He-the repentant return to Him,

‫ﺗﹸﻪ‬‫ﺭ‬‫ﺎﺕِ ﻗﹸﺪ‬‫ﻤ‬‫ﻦ ﻓِﻲ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man fil-quburi i`ib-ratuh

‫ﺗﹸﻪ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﻮﺭِ ﻋِﺒ‬‫ﻦ ﻓِﻲ ﺍﻟﹾﻘﹸﺒ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man filqiyamati mul-kuh

‫ﻠﹾﻜﹸﻪ‬‫ﺔِ ﻣ‬‫ﺎﻣ‬‫ﻦ ﻓِﻲ ﺍﻟﹾﻘِﻴ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man fil-hisabi haybatuh ya man fil-mezani qadha-uh

‫ﺘﹸﻪ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﻴ‬‫ﺎﺏِ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ ﻓِﻲ ﺍﻟﹾﺤِﺴ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻩ‬‫ﻦ ﻓِﻲ ﺍﻟﹾﻤِﻴﺰﹶﺍﻥِ ﻗﹶﻀﹶﺎﺅ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man fil-jannati thawabuh

‫ﻪ‬‫ﺍﺑ‬‫ﻨﱠﺔِ ﺛﹶﻮ‬‫ﻦ ﻓِﻲ ﺍﻟﹾﺠ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man fin-nari i`iqabuh

‫ﻪ‬‫ﻦ ﻓِﻲ ﺍﻟﻨﱠﺎﺭِ ﻋِﻘﹶﺎﺑ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

ya man ilayhi yafzau'lmudhnibun ya man ilayhi yaq-sidulmunebun

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ‫ﺏ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﻬ‬‫ﻪِ ﻳ‬‫ ﺇِﻟﹶﻴ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫( ﻳ‬43) ‫ﺍﻟﹾﺨﹶﺎﺋِﻔﹸﻮﻥ‬

‫ﻮﻥ‬‫ﺬﹾﻧِﺒ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ﻔﹾﺰﹶﻉ‬‫ﻪِ ﻳ‬‫ ﺇِﻟﹶﻴ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻮﻥ‬‫ﻨِﻴﺒ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ﻘﹾﺼِﺪ‬‫ﻪِ ﻳ‬‫ ﺇِﻟﹶﻴ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

O He-the pious incline towards Him, O He-the confounded seek shelter in Him,

ya man ilayhi yarghabuz-zahidun

‫ﻭﻥ‬‫ ﺍﻟﺰﱠﺍﻫِﺪ‬‫ﻏﹶﺐ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﻪِ ﻳ‬‫ ﺇِﻟﹶﻴ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man ilayhi yaljaul-mutahayyirun

‫ﻭﻥ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﻴ‬‫ﺘﹶﺤ‬‫ﺄﹸ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ﻠﹾﺠ‬‫ﻪِ ﻳ‬‫ ﺇِﻟﹶﻴ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

O He-the desirous

ya mam bihi yas-



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have affliction for Him,


‫ﻭﻥ‬‫ﺮِﻳﺪ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ﺘﹶﺄﹾﻧِﺲ‬‫ﺴ‬‫ ﺑِﻪِ ﻳ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

O He-lovers are proud of Him,

ya mam bihi yaftakhirul-muhibbun

‫ﻮﻥ‬‫ﺤِﺒ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ﻔﹾﺘﹶﺨِﺮ‬‫ ﺑِﻪِ ﻳ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

O He-transgressors have agreed for His forgiveness,

ya man fe `afwihi yat-mau'lkhati-un

O He-those who are sure in faith receive consolation from Him,

ya man ilayhi yaskunul-muqinun

O He-those who trust Him rely on Him.

ya man `alayahi yatawak-kalulmutawak-kilun

Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(44) O Allah, verily I entreat You in Your name:

allahumma in-ne as-aluka bis-mika

O Friend, O physician,

ya habebu ya tabeb

O Near, O Supervisor,

ya qarebu ya raqeb

‫ﻗِﻴﺐ‬‫ﺎ ﺭ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻗﹶﺮِﻳﺐ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Reckoner to account, O Awful,

ya hasebu ya muheb

‫ﻬِﻴﺐ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺴﻴِﺐ‬‫ﺎ ﺣ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Rewarder, O Acceptor,

ya muthebu ya mujeb

O Aware, O AllSeeing.

ya khaberu ya baser

Praise be to You, there is no god but

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta

al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth


‫ﻊ‬‫ﻄﹾﻤ‬‫ﻔﹾﻮِﻩِ ﻳ‬‫ﻦ ﻓِﻲ ﻋ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﹾﺨﹶﺎﻃِﺌﹸﻮﻥ‬ ‫ﻮﻗِﻨﹸﻮﻥ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ﻜﹸﻦ‬‫ﺴ‬‫ﻪِ ﻳ‬‫ ﺇِﻟﹶﻴ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻛﱠﻞﹸ‬‫ﺘﹶﻮ‬‫ﻪِ ﻳ‬‫ﻠﹶﻴ‬‫ ﻋ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻛﱢﻠﹸﻮﻥ‬‫ﺘﹶﻮ‬‫ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ‫ﺄﻟﹸﻚ‬‫ ﺇِﻧﱢﻲ ﺃﹶﺳ‬‫ﻢ‬‫( ﺍﻟﻠﱠﻬ‬44)


‫ﺎ ﻃﹶﺒِﻴﺐ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺣﺒِﻴﺐ‬  ‫ﺎ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﺠِﻴﺐ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺜِﻴﺐ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺼِﻴﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﺑ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺧﺒِﻴﺮ‬ ‫ﺎ ﹶ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ 8/17/2011

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You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(45) O Nearest of all,

ya aq-raba min kul-li qareb

ٍ‫ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﻗﹶﺮِﻳﺐ‬‫ ﻣِﻦ‬‫ﺏ‬‫ﺎ ﺃﹶﻗﹾﺮ‬‫( ﻳ‬45)

O Friendliest of all the friends, O Possessor Of greater insight than all others,

ya ahab-ba min kul-li habeb

ٍ‫ﺒِﻴﺐ‬‫ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﺣ‬‫ ﻣِﻦ‬‫ﺐ‬‫ﺎ ﺃﹶﺣ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬

ya ab-sara min kul-li baser

ٍ‫ﺼِﻴﺮ‬‫ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﺑ‬‫ ﻣِﻦ‬‫ﺼﹶﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﺃﹶﺑ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Most Aware of all

ya akh-bara min kul-li khaber

ٍ‫ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﺧﹶﺒِﻴﺮ‬‫ ﻣِﻦ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﺃﹶﺧﹾﺒ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Noblest of all the nobles,

ya ash-rafa min kul-li sharef

O Most Exalted of all the exalted,

ya ar-fa`a min kul-li rafei`in

O Mightiest of all mighty,

ya aq-wa min kulli qawe

O Most Independent ya agh-na min of all, kul-li ghane O Most Generous of ya aj-wada min all, kul-li jawad O Kindest of all those who are kind Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

ya ar-afa min kulli ra’uf

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(46)O Dominant who is not overpowered,

ya ghaliban ghayra magh-lub

O Designer who is not made.

ya sania'an ghayra masnui`in

O Creator who is

ya khaliqan

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth


ٍ‫ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﺷﹶﺮِﻳﻒ‬‫ ﻣِﻦ‬‫ﻑ‬‫ﺎ ﺃﹶﺷﹾﺮ‬‫ﻳ‬ ٍ‫ﻓِﻴﻊ‬‫ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﺭ‬‫ ﻣِﻦ‬‫ﻓﹶﻊ‬‫ﺎ ﺃﹶﺭ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﻗﹶﻮِﻱ‬‫ﻯ ﻣِﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﺃﹶ ﹾﻗﻮ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﻏﹶﻨِﻲ‬‫ﺎ ﺃﹶﻏﹾﻨﹶﻰ ﻣِﻦ‬‫ﻳ‬

ٍ‫ﺍﺩ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﺟ‬‫ ﻣِﻦ‬‫ﺩ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ﺎ ﺃﹶﺟ‬‫ﻳ‬

ٍ‫ﻭﻑ‬‫ﺅ‬‫ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﺭ‬‫ ﻣِﻦ‬‫ﺃﹶﻑ‬‫ﺎ ﺃﹶﺭ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ٍ‫ﻐﹾﻠﹸﻮﺏ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﻏﹶﺎِﻟﺒﺎﹰ ﻏﹶﻴ‬‫( ﻳ‬46)

ٍ‫ﺼﹾﻨﹸﻮﻉ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﺻﹶﺎﻧِﻌﺎﹰ ﻏﹶﻴ‬‫ﻳ‬


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ٍ‫ﺨﹾﻠﹸﻮﻕ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﺧﹶﺎِﻟﻘﺎﹰ ﻏﹶﻴ‬‫ﻳ‬

not created,

ghayra makh-luq

O Master and not the slave, O All-Dominant who is not dominated, O Exalter and the Exalted,

ya malikan ghayra mam-luk

ٍ‫ﻠﹸﻮﻙ‬‫ﻤ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺎِﻟﻜﺎﹰ ﻏﹶﻴ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya qahiran ghayra maq-hur

ٍ‫ﻮﺭ‬‫ﻘﹾﻬ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﻗﹶﺎﻫِﺮﺍﹰ ﻏﹶﻴ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya rafia'an ghayra mar-fui`in

ٍ‫ﻓﹸﻮﻉ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺍﻓِﻌﺎﹰ ﻏﹶﻴ‬‫ﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Protector who needs no protection,

ya hafi¨an ghayra mah-fu¨in

ٍ‫ﻔﹸﻮﻅ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺎﻓِﻈﺎﹰ ﻏﹶﻴ‬‫ﺎ ﺣ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Helper who needs ya nasiran ghayra no help, man-sur

ٍ‫ﻨﹾﺼﹸﻮﺭ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﻧﹶﺎﺻِﺮﺍﹰ ﻏﹶﻴ‬‫ﻳ‬

ٍ‫ ﻏﹶﺎﺋِﺐ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﺷﹶﺎﻫِﺪﺍﹰ ﻏﹶﻴ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Witness who is not absent,

ya shahidan ghayra gha-ib

O Near who is not distant. Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

ya qareban ghayra bae'ed

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(47) O Light of lights,

ya nuran-nur

O Illuminator of light,

ya munaw-wirannur

O Creator of light

ya khaliqan-nur

ِ‫ ﺍﻟﻨﱡﻮﺭ‬‫ﺧﺎِﻟﻖ‬ ‫ﺎ ﹶ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Planner of light,

ya mudab-birannuri

ِ‫ ﺍﻟﻨﱡﻮﺭ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺑ‬‫ﺪ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Estimator of light,

ya muqad-dirannur

ِ‫ ﺍﻟﻨﱡﻮﺭ‬‫ﺭ‬‫ﻘﹶﺪ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Light of all lights, ya nura kul-li nur

ٍ‫ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﻧﹸﻮﺭ‬‫ﺎ ﻧﹸﻮﺭ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Light that precedes in existence every light,

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

ya nuran qab-la kul-li nur


ٍ‫ﻌِﻴﺪ‬‫ ﺑ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﻗﹶﺮِﻳﺒﺎﹰ ﻏﹶﻴ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ِ‫ ﺍﻟﻨﱡﻮﺭ‬‫ﺎ ﻧﹸﻮﺭ‬‫( ﻳ‬47) ِ‫ ﺍﻟﻨﱡﻮﺭ‬‫ﺭ‬‫ﻨﹶﻮ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ٍ‫ﻞﹶ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﻧﹸﻮﺭ‬‫ﺎ ﻧﹸﻮﺭﺍﹰ ﻗﹶﺒ‬‫ﻳ‬ 8/17/2011

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ٍ‫ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﻧﹸﻮﺭ‬‫ﺪ‬‫ﻌ‬‫ﺎ ﻧﹸﻮﺭﺍﹰ ﺑ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Light that will survive all lights,

ya nuram ba`a-da kul-li nur

O Light that is above every light, O Light like of which there is no light. Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

ya nuran faw-qa kul-li nur

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(48) O He Whose gift is noble,

ya man `ata-uhu sharef

O He Whose action is subtle, O He Whose kindness is persistent, O He Whose beneficence is eternal, O He Whose word is right,

ya man fia'-luhu latef

‫ ﻟﹶﻄِﻴﻒ‬‫ﻠﹸﻪ‬‫ﻦ ﻓِﻌ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya mal-lut-fuhu muqem

‫ﻘِﻴﻢ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﻦ ﻟﱡﻄﹾﻔﹸﻪ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

O He Whose promise is true, O He Whose forgiveness is a grace, O He Whose chastisement is justice, O He Whose remembrance is sweet, O He Whose grace is universal. Praise be to You, there is no god but You,

ya maw-wa`aduhu sidq

[I beseech you for]

al-ghawth al-

ya nural-laysa kamith-lihi nur

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

ya man ih-sanuhu qadem ya man qaw-luhu haqq

ٍ‫ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﻧﹸﻮﺭ‬‫ﻕ‬‫ﺎ ﻧﹸﻮﺭﺍﹰ ﻓﹶﻮ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ ﻛﹶﻤِﺜﹾﻠِﻪِ ﻧﹸﻮﺭ‬‫ﺲ‬‫ﺎ ﻧﹸﻮﺭﺍﹰ ﻟﱠﻴ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ‫ ﺷﹶﺮِﻳﻒ‬‫ﻩ‬‫ﻄﹶﺎﺅ‬‫ ﻋ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫( ﻳ‬48)

‫ ﻗﹶﺪِﻳﻢ‬‫ﺎﻧﹸﻪ‬‫ﺴ‬‫ ﺇِﺣ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻖ‬‫ ﺣ‬‫ﻟﹸﻪ‬‫ﻦ ﻗﹶﻮ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﻕ‬‫ ﺻِﺪ‬‫ﻩ‬‫ﺪ‬‫ﻋ‬‫ﻦ ﻭ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man `af-wuhu fa¨l

‫ ﻓﹶﻀﹾﻞﹲ‬‫ﻩ‬‫ﻔﹾﻮ‬‫ ﻋ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man `adhabuhu `ad-l

‫ﻝﹲ‬‫ﺪ‬‫ ﻋ‬‫ﻪ‬‫ﺬﹶﺍﺑ‬‫ ﻋ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man dhik-ruhu hulu ya man fadhluh `amem

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta


‫ﻠﹾﻮ‬‫ ﺣ‬‫ﻩ‬‫ ﺫِﻛﹾﺮ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻤِﻴﻢ‬‫ ﻋ‬‫ﻦ ﻓﹶﻀﹾﻠﹸﻪ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬


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‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

relief, relief, relief

ghawth al-ghawth

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(49) O Allah, verily I entreat You in Your name:

allahumma in-ne as-aluka bis-mika

O Facilitator, O Separator, O Alterer, O Humiliating of the proud, O Degrader, O Benefactor,

ya musah-hilu ya mufas-sil

‫ﻔﹶﺼﱢﻞﹸ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻞﹸ ﻳ‬‫ﻬ‬‫ﺴ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya mubad-dilu ya mudhal-lil

‫ﺬﹶﻟﱢﻞﹸ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻝﹸ ﻳ‬‫ﺪ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya munaz-zilu ya munaw-wil

‫ﻝﹸ‬‫ﻨﹶﻮ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻨﹶﺰﱢﻝﹸ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Munificent, O Giver of respite,

ya muf-dhilu ya mujzil

‫ﺰِﻝﹸ‬‫ﺠ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻔﹾﻀِﻞﹸ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Grantor of respite, O Virtuous, Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

ya mum-hilu ya muj-mil

‫ﻤِﻞﹸ‬‫ﺠ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻬِﻞﹸ ﻳ‬‫ﻤ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬

(50) O He Who sees ya may-yara wabut is not seen, la yura

‫ﻯ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﻯ ﻭ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﻦ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫( ﻳ‬50)

al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ‫ﺄﻟﹸﻚ‬‫ ﺇِﻧﱢﻲ ﺃﹶﺳ‬‫ﻢ‬‫( ﺍﻟﻠﱠﻬ‬49)


‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

O He Who creates and is not created,

ya may-yakh-luqu wa-la yukh-laqu

‫ﺨﹾﻠﹶﻖ‬‫ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ ﻭ‬‫ﺨﹾﻠﹸﻖ‬‫ﻦ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

O He Who guides and is not guided, O He Who receives to life and is not brought to life, O He Who questions and is not questioned, O He Who feeds and does not eat,

ya may-yah-de wa-la yuh-da

‫ﻯ‬‫ﺪ‬‫ﻬ‬‫ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﺪِﻱ ﻭ‬‫ﻬ‬‫ﻦ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya may-yuh-ye wa-la yuh-yia

‫ﻰ‬‫ﻴ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﻴِﻲ ﻭ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﻦ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya may-yas-alu wa-la yus-al

‫ﺄﹶﻝﹸ‬‫ﺴ‬‫ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﺄﹶﻝﹸ ﻭ‬‫ﺴ‬‫ﻦ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya may-yut-i`imu wa-la yut-a'm


‫ﻢ‬‫ﻄﹾﻌ‬‫ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ ﻭ‬‫ﻄﹾﻌِﻢ‬‫ﻦ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ 8/17/2011

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O He Who gives protection and is in no need of protection, O He Who judges and against Whom no judgement is passed, O He Who commands but is not commanded: O He Who begets not, nor is He begotten, And there is none like unto Him. Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

ya may-yujeru wa-la yujaru `ailayh

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(51) O Best reckoner,

ya nia'-mal-haseb

‫ﺴِﻴﺐ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﺤ‬‫ﻢ‬‫ﺎ ﻧِﻌ‬‫( ﻳ‬51)

O Best physician,

ya nia'-mat-tabeb

‫ ﺍﻟﻄﱠﺒِﻴﺐ‬‫ﻌﻢ‬ ِ‫ﺎ ﻧ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Best guardian,

ya nia'-mar-raqeb

‫ﻗِﻴﺐ‬‫ ﺍﻟﺮ‬‫ﻢ‬‫ﺎ ﻧِﻌ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Best near one,

ya nia'-mal-qareb

‫ ﺍﻟﻘﹶﺮِﻳﺐ‬‫ﻌﻢ‬ ِ‫ﺎ ﻧ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Best responder,

ya nia'-mal-mujeb

‫ﺠِﻴﺐ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻤ‬‫ﻌﻢ‬ ِ‫ﺎ ﻧ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Best friend,

ya nia'-mal-habeb

‫ﺒِﻴﺐ‬‫ ﺍﻟﺤ‬‫ﻌﻢ‬ ِ‫ﺎ ﻧ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Best surety,

ya nia'-mal-kafel

‫ ﺍﻟﻜﹶﻔِﻴﻞﹸ‬‫ﻌﻢ‬ ِ‫ﺎ ﻧ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Best protector,

ya nia'-mal-wakel

‫ﻛِﻴﻞﹸ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻮ‬‫ﻌﻢ‬ ِ‫ﺎ ﻧ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Best master,

ya nia'-mal-mawla

ِ‫ﻪ‬‫ﻠﹶﻴ‬‫ ﻋ‬‫ﺎﺭ‬‫ﺠ‬‫ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ ﻭ‬‫ﺠِﻴﺮ‬‫ﻦ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya may-yaq-dhe wa-la yuq-dha `ailayh

ِ‫ﻪ‬‫ﻠﹶﻴ‬‫ﻘﹾﻀﹶﻰ ﻋ‬‫ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﻘﹾﻀِﻲ ﻭ‬‫ﻦ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya may-yah-kumu wa-la yuh-kamu `ailayh

ِ‫ﻪ‬‫ﻠﹶﻴ‬‫ ﻋ‬‫ﻜﹶﻢ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ ﻭ‬‫ﻜﹸﻢ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﻦ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya mal-lam yalidu wa lam yulad

‫ﻮﻟﹶﺪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﻟﹶﻢ‬‫ ﻭ‬‫ﻠِﺪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﻦ ﻟﱠﻢ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

wa-lam yakul-lahu kufuan ahad

‫ﺪ‬‫ ﻛﹸﻔﹸﻮﺍﹰ ﺃﹶﺣ‬‫ﻜﹸﻦ ﻟﱠﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﻟﹶﻢ‬‫ﻭ‬

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth


‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬

‫ﻟﻰ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻤ‬‫ﻢ‬‫ﺎ ﻧِﻌ‬‫ﻳ‬ 8/17/2011

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O Best helper.

ya nia'-man-naser

Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

(52) O Joy of saints, ya surural-a'arifen O Desire of friends.

ya munal-muhibben

O Friend of seekers,

ya anesalmureden

O Friend of penitents, O Provider of sustenance to the poor,

‫ ﺍﻟﻨﱠﺼِﻴﺮ‬‫ﻌﻢ‬ ِ‫ﺎ ﻧ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ‫ﺎﺭِﻓِﻴﻦ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻌ‬‫ﻭﺭ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﺳ‬‫( ﻳ‬52) ‫ﻴﻦ‬‫ﺤِﺒ‬‫ﻨﹶﻰ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﺮِﻳﺪِﻳﻦ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ﺎ ﺃﹶﻧِﻴﺲ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya habebat-tawwaben

‫ﺍﺑِﻴﻦ‬‫ ﺍﻟﺘﱠﻮ‬‫ﺣﺒِﻴﺐ‬  ‫ﺎ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya raziqal-muqillen

‫ﻘِﻠﱢﻴﻦ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ﺍﺯِﻕ‬‫ﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺬﹾﻧِﺒِﻴﻦ‬‫ﺎﺀَ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ﺟ‬‫ﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Hope of sinners,

ya raja-almudhniben

O Coolness of worshippers' eyes,

ya qur-rata `aynil-a'abiden

O Remover Of sufferers' pain,

ya munaf-fisa `anil-mak-ruben ya mufar-rija `anil-maghmumen ya ilahal-awwalena wal-akhiren

‫ﻭﺑِﻴﻦ‬‫ﻜﹾﺮ‬‫ﻦِ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ ﻋ‬‫ﻨﹶﻔﱢﺲ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬

O Dispeller of the sorrows of the sorrowful, O Allah of the first and the last generation. Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth khallisna minannari ya rabb


‫ﺎﺑِﺪِﻳﻦ‬‫ﻦِ ﺍﻟﹾﻌ‬‫ﻴ‬‫ﺓﹶ ﻋ‬‫ﺎ ﻗﹸﺮ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﻮﻣِﻴﻦ‬‫ﻐﹾﻤ‬‫ﻦِ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ ﻋ‬‫ﺝ‬‫ﻔﹶﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺍﻵﺧِﺮِﻳﻦ‬‫ ﻭ‬‫ﻟِﻴﻦ‬‫ ﺍﻷَﻭ‬‫ﺎ ﺇِﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬


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‫ﺄﻟﹸﻚ‬‫ ﺇِﻧﱢﻲ ﺃﹶﺳ‬‫ﻢ‬‫( ﺍﻟﻠﱠﻬ‬53)

(53) O Allah, verily I entreat You in Your name:

allahumma in-ne as-aluka bis-mika

O our Lord, O our Allah,

ya rab-bana ya ilhana

O our Chief, O our Master,

ya say-yidana ya maw-lana

O our Helper, O our Protector,

ya nasirana ya hafi¨ana

O our Guide, O our Aider,

ya dalelana ya mue'enana

O our Friend, O our Physician. Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

ya habebana ya tabebana

‫ﻨﹶﺎ‬‫ﺎ ﻃﹶﺒِﻴﺒ‬‫ﻨﹶﺎ ﻳ‬‫ﺒِﻴﺒ‬‫ﺎ ﺣ‬‫ﻳ‬

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(54) O Lord of the prophets and the virtuous, O Lord of the righteous and chosen one,

ya rab-ban-nabeyena wal-ab-rar

ِ‫ﺍﺭ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺍﻷَﺑ‬‫ ﻭ‬‫ﻴﻦ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﱠﺒِﻴ‬‫ﺏ‬‫ﺎ ﺭ‬‫( ﻳ‬54) ِ‫ﺎﺭ‬‫ﺍﻷَﺧﹾﻴ‬‫ ﻭ‬‫ﻳﻘِﻴﻦ‬‫ ﺍﻟﺼﱢﺪ‬‫ﺏ‬‫ﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Lord of paradise and hell,

ya rab-bas-siddeqena wal-akhyar ya rab-bal-jannati wan-nar

O Lord of the small and the great,

ya rab-bas-sighari wal-kibar

O Lord of grains and fruits,

yarab-bal-hububi wath-thimar

ِ‫ﺎﺭ‬‫ﺍﻟﺜﱢﻤ‬‫ﻮﺏِ ﻭ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﺤ‬‫ﺏ‬‫ﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Lord of canals and trees,

yarab-bal-an-hari wal-ash-jar

ِ‫ﺎﺭ‬‫ﺍﻷَﺷﹾﺠ‬‫ﺎﺭِ ﻭ‬‫ ﺍﻷَﻧﹾﻬ‬‫ﺏ‬‫ﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﻳ‬

al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

O Lord of forest and ya rab-bas-sahare desert, wal-qifar O Lord of lands and seas,

ya rab-bal-barare wal-bihari

O Lord of night and

ya rab-bal-layli



‫ﻨﹶﺎ‬‫ﺎ ﺇِﻟﹶﻬ‬‫ﺑﻨﹶﺎ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﻻﻧﹶﺎ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻧﹶﺎ ﻳ‬‫ﺪ‬‫ﻴ‬‫ﺎ ﺳ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺎﻓِﻈﹶﻨﹶﺎ‬‫ﺎ ﺣ‬‫ﻧﹶﺎ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻧﹶﺎﺻِﺮ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻌِﻴﻨﹶﻨﹶﺎ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﺩﻟِﻴﻠﹶﻨﹶﺎ ﻳ‬ ‫ﺎ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬

ِ‫ﺍﻟﻨﱠﺎﺭ‬‫ﻨﱠﺔِ ﻭ‬‫ ﺍﻟﺠ‬‫ﺏ‬‫ﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﻳ‬ ِ‫ﺎﺭ‬‫ﺍﻟﹾﻜِﺒ‬‫ ﺍﻟﺼﱢﻐﹶﺎﺭِ ﻭ‬‫ﺏ‬‫ﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﻳ‬

ِ‫ﺍﻟﹾﻘِﻔﹶﺎﺭ‬‫ﺎﺭِﻱ ﻭ‬‫ ﺍﻟﺼﱠﺤ‬‫ﺏ‬‫ﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﻳ‬ ِ‫ﺎﺭ‬‫ﺍﻟﹾﺒِﺤ‬‫ﺍﺭِﻱ ﻭ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﺒ‬‫ﺏ‬‫ﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﻳ‬


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O Lord of the manifest and the hidden. Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

ya rab-bal-ia'-lani wal-is-rar

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(55) O He, Whose command operates in everything,

ya man-nafadha fe kul-li shay-in am-ruh

O He, Whose knowledge encompasses everything,

ya mallahiqa bikul-li shay-in i`il-muh

O He, Whose control extends to everything,

ya mam balaghat ila kul-li shay-in qud-ratuh

O He, Whose bounties cannot be counted by His slaves, O He, Whom His creatures cannot adequately thank, O He, Whose grandeur cannot be comprehended by the intellect,

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

ya mal-la yuh-sili`ibadu nia'mah ya mal-la tablughul-khala-iqu shuk-rah ya mal-la tudrikul-af-hamu jalalah

O He, Whose reality ya mal-la tanalulcannot be acquired by the imagination, aw-hamu kun-hah O He, Whose garb is majesty and greatness,

ya manil-a'¨amatu wal-kib-ri-ya-u rida-uh


ِ‫ﺎﺭ‬‫ﺍﻟﻨﱠﻬ‬‫ﻞِ ﻭ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻠﱠﻴ‬‫ﺏ‬‫ﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﻳ‬ ِ‫ﺍﺭ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺍﻹِﺳ‬‫ﻼﹶﻥِ ﻭ‬‫ ﺍﻹِﻋ‬‫ﺏ‬‫ﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ‫ﻦ ﻧﱠﻔﹶﺬﹶ ﻓِﻲ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫( ﻳ‬55) ‫ﻩ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ٍﺀ ﺃﹶﻣ‬‫ﺷﹶﻲ‬ ‫ﻪ‬‫ٍﺀ ﻋِﻠﹾﻤ‬‫ ﺑِﻜﹸﻞﱢ ﺷﹶﻲ‬‫ﻦ ﻟﱠﺤِﻖ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ٍﺀ‬‫ﻠﹶﻐﹶﺖﹾ ﺇِﻟﹶﻰ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﺷﹶﻲ‬‫ ﺑ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺭﺗﹸﻪ‬ ‫ﻗﹸﺪ‬ ‫ﻪ‬‫ﻤ‬‫ ﻧِﻌ‬‫ﺎﺩ‬‫ﺼِﻲ ﺍﻟﹾﻌِﺒ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻩ‬‫ ﺷﹸﻜﹾﺮ‬‫ﻠﹸﻎﹸ ﺍﻟﹾﺨﹶﻼﺋِﻖ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﺗﹶﺒ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺎﻡ‬‫ ﺍﻷَﻓﹾﻬ‬‫ﺭِﻙ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﺗﹸﺪ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻼﹶﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ﺟ‬ ‫ﻪ‬‫ ﻛﹸﻨﹾﻬ‬‫ﺎﻡ‬‫ﻫ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﺗﹶﻨﹶﺎﻝﹸ ﺍﻷَﻭ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ُ‫ﺎﺀ‬‫ﺮِﻳ‬‫ﺍﻟﹾﻜِﺒ‬‫ﺔﹸ ﻭ‬‫ﻈﹶﻤ‬‫ﻦِ ﺍﻟﹾﻌ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺅﻩ‬ ‫ﺍ‬‫ﺭِﺩ‬


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O He, Whose judgement cannot be reversed by His slave, O He, Whose alone is the kingdom and no one else' O He, Whose alone is the gift and none else's, Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

ya mal-la yaruddul-i`ibadu qadha-ah

‫ ﻗﹶﻀﹶﺎﺀَﻩ‬‫ﺎﺩ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻌِﺒ‬‫ﺩ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya mal-la mul-ka illa mul-kuh

‫ﻠﹾﻜﹸﻪ‬‫ ﺇِﻻ ﻣ‬‫ﻠﹾﻚ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﻣ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya mal-la `ata-a illa `ata-uh

‫ﻩ‬‫ﻄﹶﺎﺅ‬‫ﻄﹶﺎﺀَ ﺇِﻻ ﻋ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﻋ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(56) O He, for Whom are noblest examples, O He, for Whom are high attributes, O He, Who is the Master of the beginning and the end, O He, Who is the Master of the abode of paradise, O He, for Whom are great signs,

ya mal-lahulmathalul-a`a-la

O He, for Whom are beautiful names, O He, for Whom is order and judgement, O He, Who rules over the atmosphere and the expanse, O He, Whose is the Lordship of the highest heaven and the earth,

ya mal-lahul-asma-ul-hus-na

O He, Who is the Master of the high

ya mallahussamawatul-u'la

al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

ya mal-lahussifatul-u'l-ya ya mal-lahul-akhiratu wal-ula ya mal-lahu jannatul-ma-wa ya mal-lahul-ayatul-kub-ra

ya mal-lahul-hukmu wal-qadha-u

‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ‫ﻠﹶﻰ‬‫ﺜﹶﻞﹸ ﺍﻷَﻋ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ﻦ ﻟﱠﻪ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫( ﻳ‬56) ‫ﺎ‬‫ﻠﹾﻴ‬‫ ﺍﻟﺼﱢﻔﹶﺎﺕﹸ ﺍﻟﹾﻌ‬‫ﻦ ﻟﱠﻪ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺍﻷُﻭﻟﹶﻰ‬‫ﺓﹸ ﻭ‬‫ ﺍﻵﺧِﺮ‬‫ﻦ ﻟﱠﻪ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﻯ‬‫ﺄﹾﻭ‬‫ﻨﱠﺔﹸ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ ﺟ‬‫ﻦ ﻟﱠﻪ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻯ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺎﺕﹸ ﺍﻟﹾﻜﹸﺒ‬‫ ﺍﻵﻳ‬‫ﻦ ﻟﱠﻪ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻨﹶﻰ‬‫ﺴ‬‫ﺎﺀُ ﺍﻟﹾﺤ‬‫ﻤ‬‫ ﺍﻷَﺳ‬‫ﻦ ﻟﱠﻪ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ُ‫ﺍﻟﹾﻘﹶﻀﹶﺎﺀ‬‫ ﻭ‬‫ﻜﹾﻢ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﺤ‬‫ﻦ ﻟﱠﻪ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya mal-lahulhawa-u walfadha-u

ُ‫ﺍﻟﹾﻔﹶﻀﹶﺎﺀ‬‫ﺍﺀُ ﻭ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻬ‬‫ﻦ ﻟﱠﻪ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya mal-lahul-a'rshu wath-thara

‫ﻯ‬‫ﺍﻟﺜﱠﺮ‬‫ﺵﹸ ﻭ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻌ‬‫ﻦ ﻟﱠﻪ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬



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‫ﻠﹶﻰ‬‫ﺍﺕﹸ ﺍﻟﹾﻌ‬‫ﺎﻭ‬‫ﻤ‬‫ ﺍﻟﺴ‬‫ﻦ ﻟﱠﻪ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬


‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬

Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(57) O Allah, verily I entreat You in Your name:

allahumma in-ne as-aluka bis-mika

O Pardoner, O Forgiver, O Patient, O Greatest appreciator (of good), O Kind, O Sympathetic,

ya `afu-wu ya ghafur

O Besought, O Friend,

ya mas-ulu ya wadud

‫ﻭﺩ‬‫ﺩ‬‫ﺎ ﻭ‬‫ﻭﻝﹸ ﻳ‬‫ﺆ‬‫ﺴ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Most Glorified, O Most Holy. Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

ya sub-buhu ya qud-dus

‫ﻭﺱ‬‫ﺎ ﻗﹸﺪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﻮﺡ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺎ ﺳ‬‫ﻳ‬

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(58) O He, Whose greatness is in the heavens,

ya man fis-sama-i `a¨amatuh

O He, Whose signs are on the earth, O He, Whose proofs are manifest in everything,

ya man fil-ar-dhi a-yatuh

‫ﺎﺗﹸﻪ‬‫ﺽِ ﺁﻳ‬‫ﻦ ﻓِﻲ ﺍﻷَﺭ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man fe kul-li shay-in dala-iluh

‫ﻻﺋِﻠﹸﻪ‬‫ٍﺀ ﺩ‬‫ﻦ ﻓِﻲ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﺷﹶﻲ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

ya saburu ya shakur ya ra’ufu ya `atuf

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth


‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ‫ﺄﻟﹸﻚ‬‫ ﺇِﻧﱢﻲ ﺃﹶﺳ‬‫ﻢ‬‫( ﺍﻟﻠﱠﻬ‬57)


‫ﺎ ﻏﹶﻔﹸﻮﺭ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﻋﻔﹸﻮ‬ ‫ﺎ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ ﻳﺎ ﺷﹶﻜﹸﻮﺭ‬‫ﻮﺭ‬‫ﺎ ﺻﹶﺒ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻄﹸﻮﻑ‬‫ﺎ ﻋ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﻭﻑ‬‫ﺅ‬‫ﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ِ‫ﻤﺎﺀ‬‫ﻦ ﻓِﻲ ﺍﻟﺴ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫( ﻳ‬58) ‫ﺘﹸﻪ‬‫ﻈﹶﻤ‬‫ﻋ‬


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O He, Whose wonders are in the seas, O He, Whose treasures are in the mountains, O He, Who originated Creation which then returns to Him, O He, towards Whom is the return of every matter,

ya man fil-bihari `aja-ibuh

‫ﻪ‬‫ﺎﺋِﺒ‬‫ﺠ‬‫ﺎﺭِ ﻋ‬‫ﻦ ﻓِﻲ ﺍﻟﹾﺒِﺤ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man fel-jibali khaza-inuh

‫ﺎﻝِ ﺧﹶﺰﹶﺍﺋِﻨﹸﻪ‬‫ﻦ ﻓِﻲ ﺍﻟﹾﺠِﺒ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

O, Whose Kindness is evident in everything,

ya man a¨hara fe kul-li shayil-lutfah

O He, Who makes best everything which He has created,

ya man ah-sana kul-la shay-in khal-qah

O He, Whose authority is wielded over all creatures.

ya man tasar-rafa fil-khala-iqi qudratuh

Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(59) O Friend of he who has no friend,

ya habeba mal-la habeba lah

O Physician of he who has no physician, O Responder to he who has no responder, O Affectionate One

ya tabeba mal-la tabeba lah

‫ ﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﻃﹶﺒِﻴﺐ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﺎ ﻃﹶﺒِﻴﺐ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya mujeba mal-la mujeba lah

‫ ﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ﺠِﻴﺐ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﻣ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﺠِﻴﺐ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya may-yabdaulkhal-qa thumma yue'eduh ya man ilayhi yarjiu'l-am-ru kul-luh

al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth


‫ﻩ‬‫ﻌِﻴﺪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ ﺛﹸﻢ‬‫ﺃﹸ ﺍﻟﹾﺨﹶﻠﹾﻖ‬‫ﺪ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﻦ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ ﻛﹸﻠﱡﻪ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ ﺍﻷَﻣ‬‫ﺟِﻊ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﻪِ ﻳ‬‫ ﺇِﻟﹶﻴ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ٍﺀ‬‫ ﻓِﻲ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﺷﹶﻲ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ ﺃﹶﻇﹾﻬ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻟﱡﻄﹾﻔﹶﻪ‬

‫ٍﺀ‬‫ ﻛﹸﻞﱠ ﺷﹶﻲ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺴ‬‫ ﺃﹶﺣ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬


ِ‫ ﻓِﻲ ﺍﻟﹾﺨﹶﻼﺋِﻖ‬‫ﻑ‬‫ﻦ ﺗﹶﺼﹶﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺭﺗﹸﻪ‬ ‫ﻗﹸﺪ‬

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ‫ﺒِﻴﺐ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﺣ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﺒِﻴﺐ‬‫ﺎ ﺣ‬‫( ﻳ‬59)



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‫ ﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﺷﹶﻔِﻴﻖ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﺎ ﺷﹶﻔِﻴﻖ‬‫ﻳ‬

to he whom none hold in affection,

ya shafeqa mal-la shafeqa lah

O Friend of he who has no friend,

ya rafeqa mal-la rafeqa lah

O Helper of he who has no help,

ya mughetha malla mughetha lah

O Guide of he who has no guide,

ya dalela mal-la dalela lah

‫ﻟِﻴﻞﹶ ﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﺩ‬‫ﺩﻟِﻴﻞﹶ ﻣ‬ ‫ﺎ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Associate of the forlorn, O Merciful One towards he on whom no one has mercy, O Companion of he who has no companion. Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

ya anesa mal-la anesa lah

‫ ﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﺃﹶﻧِﻴﺲ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﺎ ﺃﹶﻧِﻴﺲ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya rahima mal-la rahima lah

‫ ﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ﺍﺣِﻢ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﺭ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﺍﺣِﻢ‬‫ﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya sahiba mal-la sahiba lah

‫ ﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﺻﹶﺎﺣِﺐ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﺎ ﺻﹶﺎﺣِﺐ‬‫ﻳ‬

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬

(60) O Sufficer for those who seek sufficiency, O Guide for those who seek guidance, O Protector for those who seek protection, O Granter for concession to those who seek concession, O Healer for those who seek cure,

ya kafiya manistak-fah

‫ﺘﹶﻜﹾﻔﹶﺎﻩ‬‫ﻦِ ﺍﺳ‬‫ﺎ ﻛﹶﺎﻓِﻲ ﻣ‬‫( ﻳ‬60)

O Just One for those who seek justice, O Bestower of wealth for those who seek wealth,

ya qadhiya manistaq-dhah

al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

ya hadiya manistah-dah ya kalia manistak-lah ya rae'ea manistar-a'ah ya shafiya manistash-fah

ya mugh-niya manis-tagh-nah


‫ ﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ﻓِﻴﻖ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﺭ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﻓِﻴﻖ‬‫ﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﻐِﻴﺚﹶ ﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﻣ‬‫ﻐِﻴﺚﹶ ﻣ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

‫ﺍﻩ‬‫ﺪ‬‫ﺘﹶﻬ‬‫ﻦِ ﺍﺳ‬‫ﺎﺩِﻱ ﻣ‬‫ﺎ ﻫ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺘﹶﻜﹾﻼﹶﻩ‬‫ﻦِ ﺍﺳ‬‫ﺎ ﻛﹶﺎِﻟﺊﹶ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺎﻩ‬‫ﻋ‬‫ﺘﹶﺮ‬‫ﻦِ ﺍﺳ‬‫ﺍﻋِﻲ ﻣ‬‫ﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺘﹶﺸﹾﻔﹶﺎﻩ‬‫ﻦِ ﺍﺳ‬‫ﺎ ﺷﹶﺎﻓِﻲ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﺘﹶﻘﹾﻀﹶﺎﻩ‬‫ﻦِ ﺍﺳ‬‫ﺎ ﻗﹶﺎﺿِﻲ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺘﹶﻐﹾﻨﹶﺎﻩ‬‫ﻦِ ﺍﺳ‬‫ﻐﹾﻨِﻲ ﻣ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ 8/17/2011

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O Fulfiller of promises for those who seek fulfillment, O Granter of strength for those who seek strength, O Aider of those who seek aid. Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

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ya mufiya manistaw-fah

‫ﻓﹶﺎﻩ‬‫ﺘﹶﻮ‬‫ﻦِ ﺍﺳ‬‫ﻮﻓِﻲ ﻣ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya muqaw-wiya manis-taq-wah

‫ﺍﻩ‬‫ﺘﹶﻘﹾﻮ‬‫ﻦِ ﺍﺳ‬‫ﻱ ﻣ‬‫ﻘﹶﻮ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya wale-ya manistaw-lah

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth khallisna minannari ya rabb

(61) O Allah , verily allahumma in-ne I entreat You in as-aluka bis-mika Your name: O Creator, O ya khaliqu ya Provider of raziq sustenance, O Creator of speech, ya natiqu ya sadiq O Truthful,

‫ﻻﻩ‬‫ﺘﹶﻮ‬‫ﻦِ ﺍﺳ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﻟِﻲ‬‫ﺎ ﻭ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ‫ﺄﻟﹸﻚ‬‫ ﺇِﻧﱢﻲ ﺃﹶﺳ‬‫ﻢ‬‫( ﺍﻟﻠﱠﻬ‬61)

‫ﻤِﻚ‬‫ﺑِﺎﺳ‬ ‫ﺍﺯِﻕ‬‫ﺎ ﺭ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺧﺎِﻟﻖ‬ ‫ﺎ ﹶ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺎ ﺻﹶﺎﺩِﻕ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻧﹶﺎﻃِﻖ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Splitter, O Separator,

ya faliqu ya fariq

‫ﺎ ﻓﹶﺎﺭِﻕ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻓﹶﺎِﻟﻖ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Breaker, O Combiner,

ya fatiqu ya ratiq

‫ﺍﺗِﻖ‬‫ﺎ ﺭ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻓﹶﺎﺗِﻖ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Foremost, O Most High. Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

ya sabiqu ya samiq

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(62) O He, Who changes night and

ya may-yuqallibul-layla wan-

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth


‫ﺎﻣِﻖ‬‫ﺎ ﺳ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﺑِﻖ‬‫ﺎ ﺳ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ‫ﻞﹶ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻠﱠﻴ‬‫ﻘﹶﻠﱢﺐ‬‫ﻦ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫( ﻳ‬62)


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O He, Who has created darkness and light, O He, Who has bestowed shade and heat, O He, Who has brought into subjection the sun and the moon, O He, Who has ordained virtue and vice, O He, Who has created death and life, O He, Who has made the body and the soul,

ya man ja`ala¨¨ulumati wal-anwar

O He, Who has neither taken a wife nor begotten any child,

ya mal-lam yattikhidh sahibatawwa-la walada

O He, Who has no partner in His sovereignty,

ya mal-laysa lahu sharekun fil-mul-k

O He, Who has no friend among the disgraced.

ya mal-lam yakullahu wale-yumminadh-dhul-l

Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬

(63) O He, Who knows the desire of

ya may-ya`alamu muradal-m-

‫ﺍﺩ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﻠﹶﻢ‬‫ﻌ‬‫ﻦ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫( ﻳ‬63)

ya man khalaqa¨¨illa wal-harur ya man sakhharash-sham-sa wal-qamar ya man qaddaral-khayra wash-shar

‫ﺍﺭ‬‫ﺍﻷَﻧﹾﻮ‬‫ﺎﺕِ ﻭ‬‫ﻞﹶ ﺍﻟﻈﱡﻠﹸﻤ‬‫ﻌ‬‫ﻦ ﺟ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻭﺭ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺍﻟﹾﺤ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻈﱢﻞﱠ ﻭ‬‫ ﺧﹶﻠﹶﻖ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺮ‬‫ﺍﻟﹾﻘﹶﻤ‬‫ ﻭ‬‫ﺲ‬‫ ﺍﻟﺸﱠﻤ‬‫ﺨﱠﺮ‬‫ ﺳ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﺸﱠﺮ‬‫ ﻭ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﺨﹶﻴ‬‫ﺭ‬‫ﻦ ﻗﹶﺪ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man khalaqalmaw-ta wal-hayat

‫ﺎﺓﹶ‬‫ﻴ‬‫ﺍﻟﹾﺤ‬‫ﺕﹶ ﻭ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ ﺧﹶﻠﹶﻖ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya mal-lahul-khalqu wal-am-r

‫ﺮ‬‫ﺍﻷَﻣ‬‫ ﻭ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﺨﹶﻠﹾﻖ‬‫ﻦ ﻟﱠﻪ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth


‫ﻻ‬‫ﺔﹰ ﻭ‬‫ﺘﱢﺨِﺬﹾ ﺻﹶﺎﺣِﺒ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﻦ ﻟﱠﻢ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻟﹶﺪﺍﹰ‬‫ﻭ‬

‫ ﻓِﻲ‬‫ ﺷﹶﺮِﻳﻚ‬‫ ﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ﺲ‬‫ﻦ ﻟﱠﻴ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ِ‫ﻠﹾﻚ‬‫ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬

‫ﻦ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﻟِﻲ‬‫ ﻭ‬‫ﻜﹸﻦ ﻟﱠﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﻦ ﻟﱠﻢ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﺬﱡﻝﱢ‬

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬


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the desirous,

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ya may-ya`alamu dhamerassamiten O He, who hears the ya may-yas-mau' cries of the weak, anenal-wahinen O He, Who sees the ya may-yara lamentation of the buka-al-kha-ifen frightened, O He, Who knows the conscience of the silent,

O He, Who satisfies the needs of the petitioner,

ya may-yam-liku hawa-ijas-sa-ilen

O He, Who accepts the excuse of the repentant,

ya may-yaq-balu u'dhrat-ta-iben

O He, Who does not ya may-yus-lihu correct the actions `amalal-mufof the mischievous, siden O He, Who does waste the good reward of the virtuous,

ya mal-la yudheu' aj-ral-muh-sinen

O He, Who is not absent from the mind of the saint,

ya mal-la yabu'du `an qulubila'arifen

O the most Magnanimous of all those who show magnanimity. Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

ya ajwadalajwaden

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(64) O Eternal

ya da-imal-baqa-i


‫ﺮِﻳﺪِﻳﻦ‬‫ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬ ‫ ﺍﻟﺼﱠﺎِﻣﺘِﻴﻦ‬‫ ﺿﹶﻤِﻴﺮ‬‫ﻠﹶﻢ‬‫ﻌ‬‫ﻦ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺍﻫِﻨِﻴﻦ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻮ‬‫ ﺃﹶﻧِﻴﻦ‬‫ﻊ‬‫ﻤ‬‫ﺴ‬‫ﻦ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻜﹶﺎﺀَ ﺍﻟﹾﺨﹶﺎﺋِﻔِﻴﻦ‬‫ﻯ ﺑ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﻦ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺍﺋِﺞ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﺣ‬‫ﻠِﻚ‬‫ﻤ‬‫ﻦ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺎﺋِﻠِﻴﻦ‬‫ﺍﻟﺴ‬ ‫ ﺍﻟﺘﱠﺎﺋِﺒِﻴﻦ‬‫ﺬﹾﺭ‬‫ﻞﹸ ﻋ‬‫ﻘﹾﺒ‬‫ﻦ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻞﹶ‬‫ﻤ‬‫ ﻋ‬‫ﺼﹾﻠِﺢ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻔﹾﺴِﺪِﻳﻦ‬‫ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬

‫ﺮ‬‫ ﺃﹶﺟ‬‫ﻀِﻴﻊ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺴِﻨِﻴﻦ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬

ِ‫ﻦ ﻗﹸﻠﹸﻮﺏ‬‫ ﻋ‬‫ﺪ‬‫ﻌ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺎ ِﺭﻓِﻴﻦ‬‫ﺍﻟﹾﻌ‬

‫ﺩِﻳﻦ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﺍﻷَﺟ‬‫ﺩ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ﺎ ﺃﹶﺟ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬


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ِ‫ﻘﹶﺎﺀ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﺒ‬‫ﺍﺋِﻢ‬‫ﺎ ﺩ‬‫( ﻳ‬64)


O Hearer of prayers, ya samia'd-dua'a-i

ِ‫ﺎﺀ‬‫ﻋ‬‫ ﺍﻟﺪ‬‫ﺎﻣِﻊ‬‫ﺎ ﺳ‬‫ﻳ‬ ِ‫ﻄﹶﺎﺀ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻌ‬‫ﺍﺳِﻊ‬‫ﺎ ﻭ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Liberal Bestower

ya wasia'l-a'ta-i

O Forgiver of sins,

ya ghafiral-khata-i

ِ‫ ﺍﻟﹾﺨﹶﻄﹶﺎﺀ‬‫ﺎ ﻏﹶﺎﻓِﺮ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Creator of the sky,

ya badi-ya'ssama-i

ِ‫ﺎﺀ‬‫ﻤ‬‫ ﺍﻟﺴ‬‫ﺪِﻳﻊ‬‫ﺎ ﺑ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Best tester of trials,

ya hasanal-bala-i

ِ‫ﻼﺀ‬‫ ﺍﻟﺒ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺴ‬‫ﺎ ﺣ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Most Praiseworthy,

ya jamelaththana-i

ِ‫ﻤِﻴﻞﹶ ﺍﻟﺜﱠﻨﹶﺎﺀ‬‫ﺎ ﺟ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Eternally Great,

ya qademas-sanai

ِ‫ﻨﹶﺎﺀ‬‫ ﺍﻟﺴ‬‫ﺎ ﻗﹶﺪِﻳﻢ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Greatest fulfiller of promises,

ya katheral-wafa-i

ِ‫ﻓﹶﺎﺀ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻮ‬‫ﺎ ﻛﹶﺜِﻴﺮ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Best Recompenser. Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

ya sharefal-jaza-i

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

ِ‫ﺰﹶﺍﺀ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﺠ‬‫ﺷﺮِﻳﻒ‬ ‫ﺎ ﹶ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(65) O Allah, verily I entreat You in Your name:

allahumma in-ne as-aluka bis-mika

O Best concealer of defects, O Best forgiver, O Most dominant, O Supreme,

ya sat-taru ya ghaf-far

‫ﺎ ﻏﹶﻔﱠﺎﺭ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺳﺘﱠﺎﺭ‬  ‫ﺎ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya qah-haru ya jab-bar

‫ﺎﺭ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺎ ﺟ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﺭ‬‫ﺎ ﻗﹶﻬ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Most patient, O Most virtuous,

ya sab-baru ya bar

O Most exalted, O

ya mukh-taru ya


‫ﺄﻟﹸﻚ‬‫ ﺇِﻧﱢﻲ ﺃﹶﺳ‬‫ﻢ‬‫( ﺍﻟﻠﱠﻬ‬65) ‫ﻤِﻚ‬‫ﺑِﺎﺳ‬

‫ﺎﺭ‬‫ﺎ ﺑ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﺭ‬‫ﺻﺒ‬ ‫ﺎ ﹶ‬‫ﻳ‬


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Best opener,


‫ﺎ ﻓﹶﺘﱠﺎﺡ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺨﹾﺘﹶﺎﺭ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Blower of winds, O Bestower of Happiness. Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

ya naf-fahu ya mur-tah

‫ﺗﹶﺎﺡ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻧﹶﻔﱠﺎﺡ‬‫ﻳ‬

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(66) O He, Who created me and perfected me, O He, Who provided me with sustenance and nurtured me, O He, Who provided food for me and quenched my thirst, O He, Who brought me near Him and brought me most nigh, O He, Who protected me and kept me in safety, O He, Who saved and guarded me, O He, Who honoured me and enriched me, O He, Who helped and guided me, O He, Who befriended me and sheltered me, O He, Who causes me to die and revivifies me.

ya man khalaqane wa saw-wane

Praise be to You, there is no god but

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

ya mar-razaqane wa rab-bane ya man at-a'mane wa saqane ya man qarrabane wa adnane

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ‫ﺍِﻧﻲ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ﺳ‬‫ ﺧﹶﻠﹶﻘﹶﻨِﻲ ﻭ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫( ﻳ‬66) ‫ﺎِﻧﻲ‬‫ﺑ‬‫ﺭ‬‫ﺯﹶﻗﹶﻨِﻲ ﻭ‬‫ﻦ ﺭ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﻘﹶﺎِﻧﻲ‬‫ﺳ‬‫ﻨِﻲ ﻭ‬‫ﻤ‬‫ ﺃﹶﻃﹾﻌ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻧﹶﺎِﻧﻲ‬‫ﺃﹶﺩ‬‫ﻨِﻲ ﻭ‬‫ﺑ‬‫ﻦ ﻗﹶﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man `asamane wa kafane

‫ﻛﹶﻔﹶﺎِﻧﻲ‬‫ﻨِﻲ ﻭ‬‫ﺼﹶﻤ‬‫ ﻋ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man hafa¨ane wa kalane

‫ﻛﹶﻼﹶﻧِﻲ‬‫ﻔﹶﻈﹶﻨِﻲ ﻭ‬‫ ﺣ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man a`az-zane wa agh-nane

‫ﺃﹶﻏﹾﻨﹶﺎِﻧﻲ‬‫ﺰﱠﻧِﻲ ﻭ‬‫ ﺃﹶﻋ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya maw-waffaqane wa hadane

‫ﺍِﻧﻲ‬‫ﺪ‬‫ﻫ‬‫ﻓﱠﻘﹶﻨِﻲ ﻭ‬‫ﻦ ﻭ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man a-nasane wa a-wane

‫ﺍِﻧﻲ‬‫ﺁﻭ‬‫ﻨِﻲ ﻭ‬‫ ﺁﻧﹶﺴ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man amatane wa ah-yane

‫ﺎِﻧﻲ‬‫ﻴ‬‫ﺃﹶﺣ‬‫ﺎﺗﹶﻨِﻲ ﻭ‬‫ ﺃﹶﻣ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬



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You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(67) O He, Who maintains truth by His words,

ya may-yuhiq-qulhaq-qa bikalimatih

O He, Who accepts repentance from His slaves, O He, Who stands between man and his heart,

ya may-yaqbalut-taw-bata `an i`ibadih ya may-yahulu baynal-mari wa qal-bih

O He, without Whose permission intercession has no benefit,

ya mal-la tanfau'sh-shafa`atu illa bi-idhnihi

O He, Who knows well who is astray from His path,

ya man huwa a`a-lamu biman dhal-la `an sabelih

‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ‫ﻖ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﺤ‬‫ﺤِﻖ‬‫ﻦ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫( ﻳ‬67)

ِ‫ﺎﺗِﻪ‬‫ﺑِﻜﹶﻠِﻤ‬ ِ‫ﺎﺩِﻩ‬‫ ﻋِﺒ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺔﹶ ﻋ‬‫ﺑ‬‫ﻞﹸ ﺍﻟﺘﱠﻮ‬‫ﻘﹾﺒ‬‫ﻦ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ِ‫ﻗﹶﻠﹾﺒِﻪ‬‫ﺀِ ﻭ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﻴ‬‫ﻮﻝﹸ ﺑ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﻦ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺔﹸ ﺇِﻻ‬‫ ﺍﻟﺸﱠﻔﹶﺎﻋ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﺗﹶﻨﹾﻔﹶﻊ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬


‫ﻦ‬‫ﻦ ﺿﹶﻞﱠ ﻋ‬‫ ﺑِﻤ‬‫ﻠﹶﻢ‬‫ ﺃﹶﻋ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ِ‫ﺒِﻴﻠِﻪ‬‫ﺳ‬

O He, Whose order no one can reverse, O He, Whose judgement no one can revoke, O He, Whose order is obeyed by everything,

ya mal-la mua'qqiba lihuk-mih

ِ‫ﻜﹾﻤِﻪ‬‫ ﻟِﺤ‬‫ﻘﱢﺐ‬‫ﻌ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﻣ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya mal-la ra-d-da liqadha-ih

ِ‫ ﻟِﻘﹶﻀﹶﺎﺋِﻪ‬‫ﺍﺩ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﺭ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

O He, in Whose Right Hand the heavens shall be rolled up,

ya manssamawatu matwe-yatum biyamenih

O He, Who has made earth a cradle,

ya may-yur-silurriyaha bush-ram bayna yaday rahmatih

Praise be to You,

subhanaka ya la

ya man-inqada kul-lu shay-il-lamrihi


ِ‫ﺮِﻩ‬‫ٍﺀ ﻷَﻣ‬‫ ﻛﹸﻞﱡ ﺷﹶﻲ‬‫ﻦِ ﺍﻧﹾﻘﹶﺎﺩ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺎﺕﹲ‬‫ﻄﹾﻮِﻳ‬‫ﺍﺕﹸ ﻣ‬‫ﺎﻭ‬‫ﻤ‬‫ﻦِ ﺍﻟﺴ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬


‫ﺸﹾﺮﻱ‬‫ ﺑ‬‫ﺎﺡ‬‫ﻳ‬‫ﺳِﻞﹸ ﺍﻟﺮ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﻦ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ِ‫ﺘِﻪ‬‫ﻤ‬‫ﺣ‬‫ ﺭ‬‫ﻱ‬‫ﺪ‬‫ﻦ ﻳ‬  ‫ﻴ‬‫ﺑ‬


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there is no god but You,

ilaha illa anta

[I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(68) O He, Who sends forth the winds bearing good tiding before His mercy. O He, Who has made the mountains pegs, O He, Who has made the sun a lamp, O He, Who has made the moon a light, O He, Who has made the night a covering, O He, Who has made the day for seeking livelihood, O He, Who has made sleep a rest, O He, Who has made the sky a vault, O He, Who has created things in pairs, O He, Who has made hell an ambush, barking for sinners. Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief Protect us from the

ya man ja`alalar-dha mihada ya man ja`alaljibala aw-tada ya man ja`alashsham-sa siraja

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬

‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ‫ﺽﹶ‬‫ﻞﹶ ﺍﻷَﺭ‬‫ﻌ‬‫ﻦ ﺟ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫( ﻳ‬68) ‫ﺎﺩﺍﹰ‬‫ﻣِﻬ‬ ‫ﺗﹶﺎﺩﺍﹰ‬‫ﺎﻝﹶ ﺃﹶﻭ‬‫ﻞﹶ ﺍﻟﹾﺠِﺒ‬‫ﻌ‬‫ﻦ ﺟ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﺍﺟﺎﹰ‬‫ ﺳِﺮ‬‫ﺲ‬‫ﻞﹶ ﺍﻟﺸﱠﻤ‬‫ﻌ‬‫ﻦ ﺟ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man ja`alalqamara nura

‫ ﻧﹸﻮﺭﺍﹰ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﻞﹶ ﺍﻟﹾﻘﹶﻤ‬‫ﻌ‬‫ﻦ ﺟ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man ja`alallayla libasa

‫ﺎﺳﺎﹰ‬‫ﻞﹶ ﻟِﺒ‬‫ﻞﹶ ﺍﻟﻠﱠﻴ‬‫ﻌ‬‫ﻦ ﺟ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man ja`alannahara ma`aasha ya man ja`alannaw-ma subata

‫ﺎﺷﺎﹰ‬‫ﻌ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﺎﺭ‬‫ﻞﹶ ﺍﻟﻨﱠﻬ‬‫ﻌ‬‫ﻦ ﺟ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man ja`alassama-a bina-a

‫ﺎﺀَ ﺑِﻨﹶﺎﺀﺍﹰ‬‫ﻤ‬‫ﻞﹶ ﺍﻟﺴ‬‫ﻌ‬‫ﻦ ﺟ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man ja`alalash-ya-a az-waja

‫ﺎﺗﺎﹰ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ ﺳ‬‫ﻡ‬‫ﻞﹶ ﺍﻟﻨﱠﻮ‬‫ﻌ‬‫ﻦ ﺟ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺍﺟﺎﹰ‬‫ﺎﺀَ ﺃﹶﺯﹾﻭ‬‫ﻞﹶ ﺍﻷَﺷﹾﻴ‬‫ﻌ‬‫ﻦ ﺟ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man ja`alannara mir-sada

‫ﺻﹶﺎﺩﺍﹰ‬‫ ﻣِﺮ‬‫ﻞﹶ ﺍﻟﻨﱠﺎﺭ‬‫ﻌ‬‫ﻦ ﺟ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬

al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

khallisna minan-



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.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬

Fire, O Lord.

nari ya rabb

(69) O Allah, verily I entreat You in Your name:

allahumma in-ne as-aluka bis-mika

O All-hearer, O Mediator,

ya sameu' ya shafeu'

O Sublime, O Invincible,

ya rafeu' ya maneu'

O Swift, O Originator,

ya sareu' ya badeu'

O Great, O Omnipotent,

ya kaberu ya qader

O Knowing, O Supporter. Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

ya khaberu ya mujer

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(70) O Everliving, preceding every living being, O Everliving, succeeding every living being,

ya hay-yan qab-la kul-li hay

‫ﻲ‬‫ﻞﹶ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﺣ‬‫ﺎﹰ ﻗﹶﺒ‬‫ﻴ‬‫ﺎ ﺣ‬‫( ﻳ‬70)

ya hay-yam ba`ada kul-li hay

‫ﻲ‬‫ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﺣ‬‫ﺪ‬‫ﻌ‬‫ﺎﹰ ﺑ‬‫ﺣﻴ‬  ‫ﺎ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Everliving, like unto Whom there is none,

ya hay-yul-ladhe laysa kamith-lihi hay

O Everliving, Who has no living partner,

ya hay-yul-ladhe la yusha-rikuhu hay

O Everliving, Who is not dependent on any living being,

ya hay-yul-ladhe la yah-taju ila hay

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth


‫ﺄﻟﹸﻚ‬‫ ﺇِﻧﱢﻲ ﺃﹶﺳ‬‫ﻢ‬‫( ﺍﻟﻠﱠﻬ‬69) ‫ﻤِﻚ‬‫ﺑِﺎﺳ‬

‫ﺎ ﺷﹶﻔِﻴﻊ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﻤِﻴﻊ‬‫ﺎ ﺳ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻨِﻴﻊ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﻓِﻴﻊ‬‫ﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﺪِﻳﻊ‬‫ﺎ ﺑ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺳﺮِﻳﻊ‬  ‫ﺎ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺎ ﻗﹶﺪِﻳﺮ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻛﹶﺒِﻴﺮ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﺠِﻴﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺧﺒِﻴﺮ‬ ‫ﺎ ﹶ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬

ِ‫ ﻛﹶﻤِﺜﹾﻠِﻪ‬‫ﺲ‬‫ ﺍﻟﱠﺬِﻱ ﻟﹶﻴ‬‫ﺣﻲ‬  ‫ﺎ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻲ‬  ‫ﺣ‬ ‫ﻲ‬‫ ﺣ‬‫ﺸﹶﺎﺭِﻛﹸﻪ‬‫ ﺍﻟﱠﺬِﻱ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﺣﻲ‬  ‫ﺎ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ ﺇِﻟﹶﻰ‬‫ﺘﹶﺎﺝ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ ﺍﻟﱠﺬِﻱ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﺣﻲ‬  ‫ﺎ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻲ‬  ‫ﺣ‬ 8/17/2011

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O Everliving, Who causes every living being to die, O Everliving, Who provides sustenance to every living being,

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ya hay-yul-ladhe yumetu kul-la hay ya hay-yul-ladhe yarzuqu kul-la hay

O Everliving, Who ya hay-yal-lam has not inherited life yarithil-hayata from any living min hay being, O Everliving, Who quickens the dead, O Everliving, O Self-Subsistent, Slumber seizeth Him not, nor sleep.

ya hay-yul-ladhe yuh-ye al-maw-ta ya hay-yu ya qayyumu la takhudhuhu sinatuw-wa-la naw-m

Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(71) O He, Whose remembrance is not forgotten, O He, Whose light is not extinguished O He, Whose bounties are countless, O He, Whose grandeur is perpetual, O He, Whose praise does not admit of alteration,

ya mal-lahu dhikrul-la yun-sa

O He, Whose glory is not framed,

al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

ya mal-lahu nurul-la yut-fa

‫ﻲ‬‫ﻤِﻴﺖﹸ ﻛﹸﻞﱠ ﺣ‬‫ ﺍﻟﱠﺬِﻱ ﻳ‬‫ﻲ‬‫ﺎ ﺣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻲ‬‫ ﻛﹸﻞﱠ ﺣ‬‫ﺯﹸﻕ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ ﺍﻟﱠﺬِﻱ ﻳ‬‫ﺣﻲ‬  ‫ﺎ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺎﺓﹶ ﻣِﻦ‬‫ﻴ‬‫ﺮِﺙِ ﺍﻟﹾﺤ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﹰ ﻟﱠﻢ‬‫ﺣﻴ‬  ‫ﺎ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻲ‬  ‫ﺣ‬

‫ﺗﹶﻰ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ﻴِﻲ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ ﺍﻟﱠﺬِﻱ ﻳ‬‫ﻲ‬‫ﺎ ﺣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ ﻻ ﺗﹶﺄﹾﺧﹸﺬﹸﻩ‬،‫ﻮﻡ‬‫ﺎ ﻗﹶﻴ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺣﻲ‬  ‫ﺎ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻡ‬‫ﻻ ﻧﹶﻮ‬‫ﺳِﻨﹶﺔﹰ ﻭ‬

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ‫ﻰ‬‫ﻨﹾﺴ‬‫ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ ﺫِﻛﹾﺮ‬‫ﻦ ﻟﱠﻪ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫( ﻳ‬71) ‫ﻄﹾﻔﹶﻰ‬‫ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ ﻧﹸﻮﺭ‬‫ﻦ ﻟﱠﻪ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya mal-lahu nia'mul-la tua'd

‫ﺪ‬‫ ﻻ ﺗﹸﻌ‬‫ﻢ‬‫ ﻧِﻌ‬‫ﻦ ﻟﱠﻪ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya mal-lahu mulkul-la yazul

‫ﺰﹸﻭﻝﹸ‬‫ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﻠﹾﻚ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﻦ ﻟﱠﻪ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya mal-lahu thana-ul la yuh-sa

‫ﺼﹶﻰ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ ﺛﹶﻨﹶﺎﺀٌ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﻦ ﻟﱠﻪ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya mal-lahu jalalul-la yukayyafu

‫ﻒ‬‫ﻜﹶﻴ‬‫ﻼﹶﻝﹲ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ ﺟ‬‫ﻦ ﻟﱠﻪ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya mal-lahu O He, Whose perfection cannot be kamalul-la yud-



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O He, Whose order is not rejected, O He, Whose attributes do not change, O He, Whose attributes do not alter, Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

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rak ya mal-lahu qadha-ul-la yurad-d ya mal-lahu sifatul-la tubaddal ya mal-lahu nuo'otul-la tughay-yar

،‫ﻝﹸ‬‫ﺪ‬‫ ﺻِﻔﹶﺎﺕﹲ ﻻ ﺗﹸﺒ‬‫ﻦ ﻟﱠﻪ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬

al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(72) O Lord of all the worlds,

ya rab-bala'alamen

O Master of the Day ya malika yawof Judgement, mid-den O Ultimate Goal of the seeker,

ya ghayatattaliben

O Refuge of the seeker of shelter,

ya ¨ah-ra al-lajen

O Overtaker of the fugitive,

ya mud-rikalhariben

O He Who loves the ya may-yuhibpatient, bus-sabiren O He, Who loves the repentant,

ya may-yuhibbut-taw-waben

O He, Who loves the pure,

ya may-yuhib-bulmutatah-hiren

O He, Who loves the virtuous

ya may-yuhib-bulmuh-sinen ya man huwa a`a-lamu bialmuh-taden

O He, Who knows best the guided, Praise be to You, there is no god but

‫ﻙ‬‫ﺭ‬‫ﺪ‬‫ﺎﻝﹲ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ ﻛﹶﻤ‬‫ﻦ ﻟﱠﻪ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺩ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ ﻗﹶﻀﹶﺎﺀٌ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﻦ ﻟﱠﻪ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﺮ‬‫ﻮﺕﹲ ﻻ ﺗﹸﻐﹶﻴ‬‫ ﻧﹸﻌ‬‫ﻦ ﻟﱠﻪ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ‫ﺎﻟﹶﻤِﻴﻦ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻌ‬‫ﺏ‬‫ﺎ ﺭ‬‫( ﻳ‬72) ِ‫ﻳﻦ‬‫ﻡِ ﺍﻟﺪ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎِﻟﻚ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺔﹶ ﺍﻟﻄﱠﺎِﻟﺒِﻴﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻏﹶﺎﻳ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ ﺍﻟﻼﱠﺟِﻴﻦ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﻇﹶﻬ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﺎﺭِﺑِﻴﻦ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻬ‬‫ﺭِﻙ‬‫ﺪ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ ﺍﻟﺼﱠﺎﺑِﺮِﻳﻦ‬‫ﺤِﺐ‬‫ﻦ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺍﺑِﻴﻦ‬‫ ﺍﻟﺘﱠﻮ‬‫ﺤِﺐ‬‫ﻦ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﺮِﻳﻦ‬‫ﺘﹶﻄﹶﻬ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ﺤِﺐ‬‫ﻦ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺴِﻨِﻴﻦ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ﺤِﺐ‬‫ﻦ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﺘﹶﺪِﻳﻦ‬‫ﻬ‬‫ ﺑِﺎﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ﻠﹶﻢ‬‫ ﺃﹶﻋ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

subhanaka ya la



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‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬


ilaha illa anta

[I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(73) O Allah, verily I beseech You in Your name:

allahumma in-ne as-aluka bis-mika

O Affectionate, O Companion,

ya sh-fequ ya rafeq

‫ﻓِﻴﻖ‬‫ﺎ ﺭ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﺷﹾﻔِﻴﻖ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Protector, O Encompasser, O Provider of sustenance, O Aider of seekers of aid, O Honourer, O Humiliating, O Creator, O He Who causes to return. Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

ya hafe¨u ya muhet

‫ﺤِﻴﻂﹸ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﺣﻔِﻴﻆﹸ ﻳ‬  ‫ﺎ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya muqetu ya mugheth

‫ﻐِﻴﺚﹸ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻘِﻴﺖﹸ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(74) O He, Who is single and without opposite, O He, Who is Unique, O He, Who is Peerless, O He, Who is Independent and without any defect, O He, Who is without changing state, O He, Who judges

ya man huwa ahadum bila dhidd

‫ ﺑِﻼﹶ ﺿِﺪ‬‫ﺪ‬‫ ﺃﹶﺣ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫( ﻳ‬74)

ya man huwa fardum bila nid-d

‫ ﺑِﻼﹶ ﻧِﺪ‬‫ﺩ‬‫ ﻓﹶﺮ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya mui`iz-zu ya mudhil ya mubdi-u ya mue'ed

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

ya man huwa sm-dum bila `ayb ya man huwa witrum bila kayf

‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ‫ﺄﻟﹸﻚ‬‫ ﺇِﻧﱢﻲ ﺃﹶﺳ‬‫ﻢ‬‫( ﺍﻟﻠﱠﻬ‬73)


‫ﺬِﻝﱡ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻌِﺰﱡ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻌِﻴﺪ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺪِﺉ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬

ٍ‫ﺐ‬‫ﻴ‬‫ﺑِﻼﹶ ﻋ‬‫ﺪ‬‫ ﺻﹾﻤ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ٍ‫ﻒ‬‫ ﺑِﻼﹶ ﻛﹶﻴ‬‫ ﻭِﺗﹾﺮ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man huwa



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ٍ‫ﻒ‬‫ﻴ‬‫ ﻗﹶﺎﺽٍ ﺑِﻼﹶ ﺣ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

without injustice,

qadhim bila hayf

O He, Who is the Lord Cherisher, O He, Who is Mighty without disgrace, O He, Who is Independent without any need, O He, Who is the King without any censure, O He, Whose attributes are matchless. Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

ya man huwa rabbum bila wazer

ٍ‫ﺯِﻳﺮ‬‫ ﺑِﻼﹶ ﻭ‬‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺭ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man huwa `azezum bila dhul

‫ﺰِﻳﺰﹲ ﺑِﻼﹶ ﺫﹸﻝﱟ‬‫ ﻋ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man huwa ghane-yum bila faq-r

ٍ‫ ﺑِﻼﹶ ﻓﹶﻘﹾﺮ‬‫ ﻏﹶﻨِﻲ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord. (75) O He, Whose remembrance is an honour for those who remember Him, O He, Whose gratitude is success for the grateful, O He, Whose praise is the pride of the praiser, O He, the obedience to Whom is salvation for the obedient O He, Whose door is open to the seeker,

khallisna minannari ya rabb

O He, the path leading to Whom is clear for the repentant,

ya man sabeluhu wadhihul-lilmuneben

ya man huwa malikum bila `azl

ٍ‫ﺰﹾﻝ‬‫ ﺑِﻼﹶ ﻋ‬‫ﻠِﻚ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man huwa maw-sufum bila shabeh

ٍ‫ ﺑِﻼﹶ ﺷﹶﺒِﻴﻪ‬‫ﺻﹸﻮﻑ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬

al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

ya man dhik-ruhu sharaful-lidhdhakiren

‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬ .‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬

‫ﻑ‬‫ ﺷﹶﺮ‬‫ﻩ‬‫ﻦ ﺫِﻛﹾﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫( ﻳ‬75)


ya man shuk-ruhu fawzul-lishshakiren ya man ham-duhu i`iz-zul-lilhamiden

‫ﺯﹲ ﻟﱢﻠﺸﱠﺎﻛِﺮِﻳﻦ‬‫ ﻓﹶﻮ‬‫ﻩ‬‫ﻦ ﺷﹸﻜﹾﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man ta`atuhu najatul-lil-mute'en

‫ﻄِﻴﻌِﻴﻦ‬‫ﺎﺓﹰ ﻟﱢﻠﹾﻤ‬‫ ﻧﹶﺠ‬‫ﺘﹸﻪ‬‫ ﻃﹶﺎﻋ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya mam babuhu maf-tuhul-littaliben


‫ﺎﻣِﺪِﻳﻦ‬‫ ﻋِﺰﱞ ﻟﱢﻠﹾﺤ‬‫ﻩ‬‫ﺪ‬‫ﻤ‬‫ ﺣ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ ﻟﱢﻠﻄﱠﺎِﻟﺒِﻴﻦ‬‫ﻔﹾﺘﹸﻮﺡ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﻪ‬‫ﺎﺑ‬‫ ﺑ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺍﺿِﺢ‬‫ ﻭ‬‫ﺒِﻴﻠﹸﻪ‬‫ ﺳ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ 8/17/2011

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‫ﻨِﻴﺒِﻴﻦ‬‫ﻟﱢﻠﹾﻤ‬ O He, Whose signs are proofs for the observers, O He, Whose Book is advice to the pious,

ya man a-yatuhu bur-hanul-linna¨iren ya man kitabuhu tadhkiratul-lilmut-taqen

O He, Whose provision, is love the obedient and disobedient alike,

ya mar-rizquhu u'mumul-lit-taie'ena wal-a'asen

O He, Whose mercy ya mar-rahis close to the matuhu qarebumvirtuous. minal-muh-sinen

‫ ﻟﱢﻠﻨﱠﺎﻇِﺮِﻳﻦ‬‫ﺎﻥ‬‫ﻫ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ ﺑ‬‫ﺎﺗﹸﻪ‬‫ ﺁﻳ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺘﱠﻘِﻴﻦ‬‫ﺓﹰ ﻟﱢﻠﹾﻤ‬‫ ﺗﹶﺬﹾﻛِﺮ‬‫ﻪ‬‫ ﻛِﺘﹶﺎﺑ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ ﻟﱢﻠﻄﱠﺎﺋِﻌِﻴﻦ‬‫ﻮﻡ‬‫ﻤ‬‫ ﻋ‬‫ﺯﹾﻗﹸﻪ‬‫ﻦ ﺭ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬


‫ﻦ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ ﻗﹶﺮِﻳﺐ‬‫ﺘﹸﻪ‬‫ﻤ‬‫ﺣ‬‫ﻦ ﺭ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺴِﻨِﻴﻦ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬

Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(76) O He, Whose name is glorious,

ya man tabarakas-muh

‫ﻪ‬‫ﻤ‬‫ ﺍﺳ‬‫ﻙ‬‫ﺎﺭ‬‫ﻦ ﺗﹶﺒ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫( ﻳ‬76)

O He, Whose honour is exalted,

ya man ta`aala jad-duh

‫ﻩ‬‫ﺪ‬‫ﺎﻟﹶﻰ ﺟ‬‫ﻦ ﺗﹶﻌ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

O He-there is no deity except Him,

ya mal-la ilaha ghayruh

O He-great is His praise,

ya man jal-la thana-uh

al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬

‫ﻩ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ ﻏﹶﻴ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﺇِﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻩ‬‫ﻞﱠ ﺛﹶﻨﹶﺎﺅ‬‫ﻦ ﺟ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

O He, Whose names ya man taqadare sacred, dasat as-ma-uh

‫ﻩ‬‫ﺎﺅ‬‫ﻤ‬‫ﺖﹾ ﺃﹶﺳ‬‫ﺳ‬‫ﻦ ﺗﹶﻘﹶﺪ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

O He, Whose existence is eternal,

ya may-yadumu baqa-uh

‫ﻩ‬‫ﻘﹶﺎﺅ‬‫ ﺑ‬‫ﻭﻡ‬‫ﺪ‬‫ﻦ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

O He, Whose glory is His ornament, O He, Whose greatness is His covering,

ya manil-a'¨amatu baha-uh ya manil-kib-riya-u rida-uh


‫ﻩ‬‫ﺎﺅ‬‫ﻬ‬‫ﺔﹸ ﺑ‬‫ﻈﹶﻤ‬‫ﻦِ ﺍﻟﻌ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻩ‬‫ﺍﺅ‬‫ﺎﺀُ ﺭِﺩ‬‫ﺮِﻳ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻜِﺒ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬


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O He, Whose favours are countless, O He, Whose bounties cannot be enumerated. Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

ya mal-la tuh-sa a-la-uh

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(77) O Allah, verily I beseech You in Your name:

allahumma in-ne as-aluka bis-mika

O Helper, O Trustworthy,

ya mue'enu ya amen

‫ﺎ ﺃﹶﻣِﻴﻦ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﻌِﻴﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Manifest, O Powerful,

ya mubenu ya maten

‫ﺘِﻴﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺒِﻴﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Firm, O True Guide,

ya makenu ya rashed

‫ﺷِﻴﺪ‬‫ﺎ ﺭ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﻜِﻴﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Praiseworthy, O Glorious,

ya hamedu ya majedu

‫ﺠِﻴﺪ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺣﻤِﻴﺪ‬  ‫ﺎ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Strong, O Witness Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

ya shadedu ya shahed

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬

(78) O Lord of the Glorious Throne,

ya dhal-a'r-shilmajed

ِ‫ﺠِﻴﺪ‬‫ﺵِ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﺫﹾﺍ ﺍﻟﹾﻌ‬‫( ﻳ‬78)

O He, Whose words ya dhal-qaw-lisare right. saded

ِ‫ﺪِﻳﺪ‬‫ﻝِ ﺍﻟﺴ‬‫ﺎ ﺫﹾﺍ ﺍﻟﹾﻘﹶﻮ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Master of great deeds,

ya mal-la tua'd-du na`a-ma-uh

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

ya dhal-fia'-lirrashed


‫ﻩ‬‫ﺼﹶﻰ ﺁﻻﺅ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﺗﹸﺤ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻩ‬‫ﺎﺅ‬‫ﻤ‬‫ ﻧﹶﻌ‬‫ﺪ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﺗﹸﻌ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ‫ﺄﻟﹸﻚ‬‫ ﺇِﻧﱢﻲ ﺃﹶﺳ‬‫ﻢ‬‫( ﺍﻟﻠﱠﻬ‬77)


‫ﺎ ﺷﹶﻬِﻴﺪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺷﺪِﻳﺪ‬ ‫ﺎ ﹶ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

ِ‫ﺷِﻴﺪ‬‫ﻞِ ﺍﻟﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﺫﹾﺍ ﺍﻟﹾﻔِﻌ‬‫ﻳ‬


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O He, Whose punishment is severe O Master of promise and threat, O He, Who is guardian and the most praised one, O He, Who is the mighty doer of whatever He wills,

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ya dhal-bat-shishshaded ya dhal-wa`a-di wal-wae'ed

ِ‫ﻋِﻴﺪ‬‫ﺍﻟﻮ‬‫ﺪِ ﻭ‬‫ﻋ‬‫ﺎ ﺫﹾﺍ ﺍﻟﻮ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man hualwale-yul-hamed

‫ﻤِﻴﺪ‬‫ ﺍﻟﺤ‬‫ﻟِﻲ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻮ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man huwa f-a'alul-lima yured

O He, Who is near and not far,

ya man huwa qrebun ghayru bae'ed

O He, Who is Witness to everything,

ya man huwa `ala kul-li shay-in shahed

O He, Who is not the least cruel to his slaves, Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

ya man huwa laysa bi¨al-lamillil-a'bed

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(79) O He, Who has no partner and no adviser,

ya mal-la shareka lahu wa-la wazayir

O He, Who has no equal and no match,

ya mal-la shabeha lahu wala na¨er

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

O Creator of the sun ya khaliqashand the bright sham-si walmoon, qamaril-muner O Enricher of the poverty stricken,

ِ‫ﻄﹾﺶِ ﺍﻟﺸﱠﺪِﻳﺪ‬‫ﺎ ﺫﹶﺍ ﺍﻟﺒ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya mugh-ni-yalba-isil-faqer

‫ﺮِﻳﺪ‬‫ﺎ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻝﹲ ﻟﱢﻤ‬‫ ﻓﹾﻌ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ٍ‫ﻌِﻴﺪ‬‫ ﺑ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ ﻏﹶﻴ‬‫ ﻗﹾﺮِﻳﺐ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ٍﺀ‬‫ﻠﹶﻰ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﺷﹶﻲ‬‫ ﻋ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬


ِ‫ﺒِﻴﺪ‬‫ ﺑِﻈﹶﻼﱠﻡٍ ﻟﱢﻠﹾﻌ‬‫ﺲ‬‫ ﻟﹶﻴ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ‫ ﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﺷﹶﺮِﻳﻚ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫( ﻳ‬79) ‫ﺯﹶﻳﺮ‬‫ﻻﻭ‬‫ﻭ‬ ‫ﻻ ﻧﹶﻈِﻴﺮ‬‫ ﻭ‬‫ ﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﺷﹶﺒِﻴﻪ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ِ‫ﺮ‬‫ﺍﻟﹾﻘﹶﻤ‬‫ﺲِ ﻭ‬‫ ﺍﻟﺸﱠﻤ‬‫ﺧﺎِﻟﻖ‬ ‫ﺎ ﹶ‬‫ﻳ‬ ِ‫ﻨِﻴﺮ‬‫ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬

ِ‫ﺎﺋِﺲِ ﺍﻟﹾﻔﹶﻘِﻴﺮ‬‫ﻐﹾﻨِﻲ ﺍﻟﹾﺒ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Provider of



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ِ‫ ﺍﻟﻄﱢﻔﹾﻞِ ﺍﻟﺼﱠﻐِﻴﺮ‬‫ﺍﺯِﻕ‬‫ﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﻳ‬

sustenance to small children,

ya r-aziqat-tif-lissagher

O Merciful to the very aged ones,

ya r-ahimashshaykhil-kaber

ِ‫ﺦِ ﺍﻟﹾﻜﹶﺒِﻴﺮ‬‫ ﺍﻟﺸﱠﻴ‬‫ﺍﺣِﻢ‬‫ﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Joiner of broken bones, O Protector of the frightened shelter seekers, O He , Who is AllAware and AllSeeing of his slaves,

ya jabiral-a'¨milkaser

ِ‫ﻈﹾﻢِ ﺍﻟﻜﹶﺴِﻴﺮ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻌ‬‫ﺎﺑِﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﺟ‬‫ﻳ‬

O He, Who is Powerful over everything.

ya man huwa `ala kul-li shay-in qader

Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬

ya dhal-judi wannia'm

ِ‫ﻢ‬‫ﺍﻟﻨﱢﻌ‬‫ﻮﺩِ ﻭ‬‫ﺎ ﺫﹶﺍ ﺍﻟﹾﺠ‬‫( ﻳ‬80)

(80) O Master of generosity and the Bestower of the bounties, O Gracious and Magnanimous,

ya i`is-matalkha-ifil-mus-tajer

ِ‫ﺘﹶﺠِﻴﺮ‬‫ﺴ‬‫ﺔﹶ ﺍﻟﹾﺨﹶﺎﺋِﻒِ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ﺎ ِﻋﺼﹾﻤ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man huwa bii`ibadihi khabayirum baser

‫ﺼِﻴﺮ‬‫ ﺑ‬‫ﻴِﺮ‬‫ﺎﺩِﻩِ ﺧﹶﺒ‬‫ ﺑِﻌِﺒ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

ya dhal-fadhli wal-karam

O Creator of the Tablet and the Pen,

ya khaliqal-law-hi wal-qalam

O Creator of ants and men, O Inflictor of punishment and retaliator, O Inspirer of Arabs and non-Arabs,

ya bari-adh-dharri wn-nasam

O Expeller of pain and grief,

ya kashifadhur-ri wal-alam

O He, Who knows

ya `aalimas-sir-ri

ya dhal-ba-si wan-niqam ya mul-himala'rabi wal-a'jam


‫ٍﺀ‬‫ﻠﹶﻰ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﺷﹶﻲ‬‫ ﻋ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬


‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

ِ‫ﻡ‬‫ﺍﻟﹾﻜﹶﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﺫﹶﺍ ﺍﻟﹾﻔﹶﻀﹾﻞِ ﻭ‬‫ﻳ‬ ِ‫ﺍﻟﹾﻘﹶﻠﹶﻢ‬‫ﺡِ ﻭ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻠﱠﻮ‬‫ﺎ ﺧﹶﺎِﻟﻖ‬‫ﻳ‬ ِ‫ﻢ‬‫ ﻭ ﺍﻟﻨﱠﺴ‬‫ ﺍﻟﺬﱠﺭ‬‫ﺎﺭِﺉ‬‫ﺎ ﺑ‬‫ﻳ‬ ِ‫ﺍﻟﻨﱢﻘﹶﻢ‬‫ﺄﹾﺱِ ﻭ‬‫ﺎ ﺫﹶﺍ ﺍﻟﹾﺒ‬‫ﻳ‬ ِ‫ﻢ‬‫ﺠ‬‫ﺍﻟﹾﻌ‬‫ﺏِ ﻭ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻌ‬‫ ﹾﻠﻬِﻢ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ِ‫ﺍﻷَﻟﹶﻢ‬‫ ﻭ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻀﹸﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﻛﹶﺎﺷِﻒ‬‫ﻳ‬


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O Lord of the Kaaba ya rab-bal-bayti and the Sacred wal-haram Precinct, O He, Who has created everything out of nothingness,

ya man khalaqalash-ya-a minala'dam

Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(81) O Allah, verily I beseech You in Your name:

allahumma in-ne as-aluka bis-mika

O Doer, O Creator

ya fai`ilu ya jai`ilu

O Acceptor, O Perfect,

ya qabilu ya kamil

O Gracious, O Separator

ya fasilu ya wasil

O Just, O Dominant,

ya `aadilu ya ghalib

O Seeker, O Generous Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

ya talibu ya wahib

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

ِ‫ﻢ‬‫ﺍﻟﻬِﻤ‬‫ ﻭ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ ﺍﻟﺴ‬‫ﺎﻟِﻢ‬‫ﺎ ﻋ‬‫ﻳ‬ ِ‫ﻡ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺍﻟﹾﺤ‬‫ﺖِ ﻭ‬‫ﻴ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﺒ‬‫ﺏ‬‫ﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺎﺀَ ﻣِﻦ‬‫ ﺍﻷَﺷﹾﻴ‬‫ ﺧﹶﻠﹶﻖ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬


‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ‫ﺄﻟﹸﻚ‬‫ ﺇِﻧﱢﻲ ﺃﹶﺳ‬‫ﻢ‬‫( ﺍﻟﻠﱠﻬ‬81)


‫ﺎﻋِﻞﹸ‬‫ﺎ ﺟ‬‫ﺎ ﻓﹶﺎﻋِﻞﹸ ﻳ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺎ ﻛﹶﺎﻣِﻞﹸ‬‫ﺎ ﻗﹶﺎﺑِﻞﹸ ﻳ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﺍﺻِﻞﹸ‬‫ﺎ ﻭ‬‫ﺎ ﻓﹶﺎﺻِﻞﹸ ﻳ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺎ ﻏﹶﺎِﻟﺐ‬‫ﺎﺩِﻝﹸ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻋ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﺍﻫِﺐ‬‫ﺎ ﻭ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻃﹶﺎِﻟﺐ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬

(82) O He, Who graciously bestows His bounties on us,

ya man an-a'ma bitaw-lih

ِ‫ﻟِﻪ‬‫ ﺑِﻄﹶﻮ‬‫ﻢ‬‫ ﺃﹶﻧﹾﻌ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫( ﻳ‬82)



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O He, Who honours us with His charity, O He, Who rewards us out of His beneficing, O He, Who makes us respectable with His might, O He, Who predestines with His wisdom, O He, Who judges with His planning, O He, Who decrees with His knowledge, O He, Who is forbearing with His forbearance, O He, Who is near us in spite of His exaltation, O He, Who is exalted despite His nearness. Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

ya man ak-rama bijudih

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(83) O He, Who creates whatever He wishes, O He, Who does whatever He wishes, O He, Who guides whomever He wishes, O He, Who leaves astray whomever He wishes,

ya may-yakh-luqu ma yasha-u

O He, Who punishes whomever

ya may-yua'dhdhibu may-yasha-

ya man jada bilutfih

ِ‫ﻮﺩِﻩ‬‫ ﺑِﺠ‬‫ﻡ‬‫ ﺃﹶﻛﹾﺮ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ِ‫ ﺑِﻠﹸﻄﹾﻔِﻪ‬‫ﺎﺩ‬‫ﻦ ﺟ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man ta`azzaza biqud-ratih

ِ‫ﺗِﻪ‬‫ﺭ‬‫ﺰﱠﺯﹶ ﺑِﻘﹸﺪ‬‫ﻦ ﺗﹶﻌ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man qad-dara bihik-matih

ِ‫ﺘِﻪ‬‫ ﺑِﺤِﻜﹾﻤ‬‫ﺭ‬‫ﻦ ﻗﹶﺪ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man hakama bitad-berih

ِ‫ﺑِﻴﺮِﻩ‬‫ ﺑِﺘﹶﺪ‬‫ﻜﹶﻢ‬‫ ﺣ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man dab-bara bi-i`il-mih

ِ‫ ﺑِﻌِﻠﹾﻤِﻪ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺑ‬‫ﻦ ﺩ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man tajawaza bihil-mih

ِ‫ﺯﹶ ﺑِﺤِﻠﹾﻤِﻪ‬‫ﺎﻭ‬‫ﻦ ﺗﹶﺠ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man dana fe u'lu-wih

ِ‫ﻩ‬‫ﻠﹸﻮ‬‫ﻧﹶﺎ ﻓِﻲ ﻋ‬‫ﻦ ﺩ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man `ala fe dunu-wih

ِ‫ﻩ‬‫ﻧﹸﻮ‬‫ﻼﹶ ﻓِﻲ ﺩ‬‫ ﻋ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ُ‫ﺸﹶﺎﺀ‬‫ﺎ ﻳ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﺨﹾﻠﹸﻖ‬‫ﻦ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫( ﻳ‬83)

ya may-yaf-a'lu ma yasha-u

ُ‫ﺸﹶﺎﺀ‬‫ﺎ ﻳ‬‫ﻞﹸ ﻣ‬‫ﻔﹾﻌ‬‫ﻦ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya may-yah-de may-yasha-u

ُ‫ﺸﹶﺎﺀ‬‫ﻦ ﻳ‬‫ﺪِﻱ ﻣ‬‫ﻬ‬‫ﻦ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya may-yudhil-lu may-yasha-u


ُ‫ﺸﹶﺎﺀ‬‫ﻦ ﻳ‬‫ﻀِﻞﱡ ﻣ‬‫ﻦ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬


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ُ‫ﺸﹶﺎﺀ‬‫ﻦ ﻳ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﺬﱢﺏ‬‫ﻌ‬‫ﻦ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

He wishes,


O He, Who forgives whomever He wishes, O He, Who honors whomever He wishes, O He, Who dishonors whomever He wishes,

ya may-yagh-firu limay-yasha-u

ُ‫ﺸﹶﺎﺀ‬‫ﻦ ﻳ‬‫ ﻟِﻤ‬‫ﻐﹾﻔِﺮ‬‫ﻦ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya may-yui`iz-zu may-yasha-u

ُ‫ﺸﹶﺎﺀ‬‫ﻦ ﻳ‬‫ﻌِﺰﱡ ﻣ‬‫ﻦ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya may-yudhil-lu may-yasha-u

ُ‫ﺸﹶﺎﺀ‬‫ﻦ ﻳ‬‫ﺬِﻝﱡ ﻣ‬‫ﻦ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

O He, Who fashions ya may-yusawin the womb as He wiru fil-ar-hami wishes, ma yasha-u O He, Who chooses for His mercy whoever He wishes.

ya may-yakh-tassu birah-matihi may-yasha-u

Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(84) O He, Who has neither wife nor child,

ya mal-lam yattakhidh sahibataw-wa-la walada

O He, Who creates everything in a fixed measure,

ya man ja`ala likul-li shay-in qad-ra

O He, Who has no partner in His rule,

ya mal-la yushriku fe huk-mehi ahada

O He, Who appointed angels as messengers,

ya man ja`alalmala-ikata rusulan

al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth


‫ﺎ‬‫ﺎﻡِ ﻣ‬‫ﺣ‬‫ ﻓِﻲ ﺍﻷَﺭ‬‫ﺭ‬‫ﺼﹶﻮ‬‫ﻦ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ُ‫ﺸﹶﺎﺀ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﻦ‬‫ﺘِﻪِ ﻣ‬‫ﻤ‬‫ﺣ‬‫ﺨﹾﺘﹶﺺﱡ ﺑِﺮ‬‫ﻦ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ُ‫ﺸﹶﺎﺀ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ‫ﺔﹰ‬‫ﺘﱠﺨِﺬﹾ ﺻﹶﺎﺣِﺒ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﻦ ﻟﱠﻢ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫( ﻳ‬84)

‫ﻭﻟﹶﺪﺍﹰ‬ ‫ﻻ‬‫ﻭ‬

‫ﺭﺍﹰ‬‫ٍﺀ ﻗﹶﺪ‬‫ﻞﹶ ﻟِﻜﹸﻞﱢ ﺷﹶﻲ‬‫ﻌ‬‫ﻦ ﺟ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ِ‫ﻜﹾﻤِﻪ‬‫ ﻓِﻲ ﺣ‬‫ﺸﹾﺮِﻙ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺪﺍﹰ‬‫ﺃﹶﺣ‬

‫ﻼﹰ‬‫ﺳ‬‫ﻼﺋِﻜﹶﺔﹶ ﺭ‬‫ﻞﹶ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ﻌ‬‫ﻦ ﺟ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ 8/17/2011

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ِ‫ﺎﺀ‬‫ﻤ‬‫ﻞﹶ ﻓِﻲ ﺍﻟﺴ‬‫ﻌ‬‫ﻦ ﺟ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

O He, Who made constellations in the heaven,

ya man ja`ala fissama-i burujan

O He, Who made the earth a place of abode,

ya man ja`alalar-dha qarara

‫ﺍﺭﺍﹰ‬‫ﺽﹶ ﻗﹶﺮ‬‫ﻞﹶ ﺍﻷَﺭ‬‫ﻌ‬‫ﻦ ﺟ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man khalaqa minal-ma-i bashara ya man ja`ala likul-li shay-in amada

‫ﺸﹶﺮﺍﹰ‬‫ﺎﺀِ ﺑ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ ﻣِﻦ‬‫ ﺧﹶﻠﹶﻖ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺪﺍﹰ‬‫ٍﺀ ﺃﹶﻣ‬‫ﻞﹶ ﻟِﻜﹸﻞﱢ ﺷﹶﻲ‬‫ﻌ‬‫ﻦ ﺟ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man ahata bikul-li shay-in i`il-ma

‫ٍﺀ ﻋِﻠﹾﻤﺎﹰ‬‫ﺎﻁﹶ ﺑِﻜﹸﻞﱢ ﺷﹶﻲ‬‫ ﺃﹶﺣ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

O He, Who created man from water, O He, Who fixed a period for everything, O He, Whose knowledge encompasses everything, O He, Who knows the number and quantity of everything. Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

ya man ah-sa kulla shay-in `adada

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth


‫ﺩﺍﹰ‬‫ﺪ‬‫ٍﺀ ﻋ‬‫ﺼﹶﻰ ﻛﹸﻞﱠ ﺷﹶﻲ‬‫ ﺃﹶﺣ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(85) O Allah, verily I beseech You in Your name:

allahumma in-ne as-aluka bis-mika

O First, O Last,

ya aw-walu ya akhir

O Manifest, O Hidden,

ya ¨ahiru ya batin

‫ﺎﻃِﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﺑ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻇﹶﺎﻫِﺮ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Virtuous, O Right,

ya bar-ru ya haqqu

‫ﻖ‬‫ﺎ ﺣ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﺑ‬‫ﻳ‬

O He, O Unique,

ya far-du ya wit-r

O Independent, O Eternal

ya samadu ya sar-mad


‫ﺄﻟﹸﻚ‬‫ ﺇِﻧﱢﻲ ﺃﹶﺳ‬‫ﻢ‬‫( ﺍﻟﻠﱠﻬ‬85)


‫ﺎ ﺁﺧِﺮ‬‫ﻝﹸ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﺃﹶﻭ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﺎ ﻭِﺗﹾﺮ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺩ‬‫ﺎ ﻓﹶﺮ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺪ‬‫ﻣ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﺳ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺪ‬‫ﺻﻤ‬ ‫ﺎ ﹶ‬‫ﻳ‬ 8/17/2011

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‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬

Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬

(86) O Best recognized of all the recognized, O Best of all to be worshipped, O Greatest of those to whom thanks are due, O Most remembered of all who are remembered, O Most praiseworthy of all those who are praised, O Eternal Existent who is sought,

ya khayra ma`arufin u'rifa

‫ﺮِﻑ‬‫ﻭﻑٍ ﻋ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﻌ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﺧﹶﻴ‬‫( ﻳ‬86)

ya af-dhala ma`a-budin u'bid

‫ﺒِﺪ‬‫ﻮﺩٍ ﻋ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﻌ‬‫ﺎ ﺃﹶ ﹾﻓﻀﹶﻞﹶ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya ajal-la mashkurin shukir

‫ﺸﹾﻜﹸﻮﺭٍ ﺷﹸﻜِﺮ‬‫ﻞﱠ ﻣ‬‫ﺎ ﺃﹶﺟ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Highest of those who are praised, O Greatest of the purposes which are striven for, O Most liberal giver who is requested,

ya ar-fa`a mawsufiw-wusif

‫ﺻِﻒ‬‫ﺻﹸﻮﻑٍ ﻭ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﻓﹶﻊ‬‫ﺎ ﺃﹶﺭ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya ak-bara maqsudin qusid

‫ﻘﹾﺼﹸﻮﺩٍ ﻗﹸﺼِﺪ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﺃﹶﻛﹾﺒ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya ak-rama masulin su-il

‫ﺌِﻞﹶ‬‫ﻭﻝٍ ﺳ‬‫ﺆ‬‫ﺴ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﻡ‬‫ﺎ ﺃﹶﻛﹾﺮ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Noblest Friend who is known. Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

ya ash-rafa mahbubin u'lim

‫ﻠِﻢ‬‫ﻮﺏٍ ﻋ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﻑ‬‫ﺎ ﺃﹶﺷﹾﺮ‬‫ﻳ‬

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬

(87) O Friend of those who weep,

ya habebal-baken

‫ﺎﻛِﻴﻦ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﺒ‬‫ﺒِﻴﺐ‬‫ﺎ ﺣ‬‫( ﻳ‬87)

al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

ya a`az-za madhkurin dhukir

‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

‫ﺬﹾﻛﹸﻮﺭٍ ﺫﹸﻛِﺮ‬‫ﺰﱠ ﻣ‬‫ﺎ ﺃﹶﻋ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya a`a-la mahmudin humid

‫ﻤِﺪ‬‫ﻮﺩٍ ﺣ‬‫ﻤ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﻠﹶﻰ ﻣ‬‫ﺎ ﺃﹶﻋ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya aq-dama maw-judin tulib

‫ﻮﺩٍ ﻃﹸﻠِﺐ‬‫ﺟ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﻡ‬‫ﺎ ﺃﹶﻗﹾﺪ‬‫ﻳ‬

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth


‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬


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‫ﻛﱢﻠِﻴﻦ‬‫ﺘﹶﻮ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻤ‬‫ﺪ‬‫ﺳﻴ‬  ‫ﺎ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Refuge of those who trust in Him,

ya say-yidalmutawak-kilen

O Guide of the misguided,

ya hadi-yalmudhil-len

O Master of the faithful,

ya wale-yal-muminen

O Friend of worshippers,

ya anesadhdhakiren

O Shelter of the sorrowful,

ya mafza`al-malhufen

O Redeemer of the truthful,

ya munji-yassadiqen

O Mightiest of all,

ya aq-daralqadiren

‫ ﺍﻟﻘﹶﺎﺩِﺭِﻳﻦ‬‫ﺭ‬‫ﺎ ﺃﹶ ﹾﻗﺪ‬‫ﻳ‬

O the most Knowledgeable of all beings. O Allah of the entire Creation, Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

ya a`a-lamala'alimen

‫ﺎﻟِﻤِﻴﻦ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻌ‬‫ﻠﹶﻢ‬‫ﺎ ﺃﹶﻋ‬‫ﻳ‬

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(88) O He, Who is high and dominant, O He, Who is masterful and powerful, O He, Who is hidden and aware, O He, Who is worshipped and who appreciates, O He, Who is disobeyed and yet forgives, O He, Whom thought cannot encompass,

ya man `ala faqahar

ya ilaha al-khal-qi aj-mae'en

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

‫ﻀِﻠﱢﻴﻦ‬‫ﺎﺩِﻱ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ﺎ ﻫ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻣِﻨِﻴﻦ‬‫ﺆ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ِﻟﻲ‬‫ﺎ ﻭ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ ﺍﻟﺬﱠﺍﻛِﺮِﻳﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﺃﹶﻧِﻴﺲ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻮﻓِﻴﻦ‬‫ﻠﹾﻬ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ﻔﹾﺰﹶﻉ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻨﺠِﻲ ﺍﻟﺼﱠﺎﺩِﻗِﻴﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﻌِﻴﻦ‬‫ﻤ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﺨﹶﻠﹾﻖِ ﺃﹶﺟ‬‫ﺎ ﺇِﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ‫ﺮ‬‫ﻼﹶ ﻓﹶﻘﹶﻬ‬‫ ﻋ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫( ﻳ‬88)

ya mam-malaka faqadar

‫ﺭ‬‫ ﻓﹶﻘﹶﺪ‬‫ﻠﹶﻚ‬‫ﻦ ﻣ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya mam batana fakhabara

‫ﺮ‬‫ ﻓﹶﺨﹶﺒ‬‫ﻄﹶﻦ‬‫ ﺑ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man u'bida fashakara

‫ ﻓﹶﺸﹶﻜﹶﺮ‬‫ﺒِﺪ‬‫ ﻋ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man u'siya faghafar

‫ﺼِﻲ ﻓﹶﻐﹶﻔﹶﺮ‬‫ ﻋ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya mal-la tahwehi al-fikar

‫ﻮِﻳﻪِ ﺍﻟﹾﻔِﻜﹶﺮ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﺗﹶﺤ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬



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‫ﺼﹶﺮ‬‫ ﺑ‬‫ﺭِﻛﹸﻪ‬‫ﺪ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

O He, Whom eyes cannot see, O He, from Whom nothing is concealed, O Provider of Sustenance to mankind, O He, Who ordained all destinies. Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

ya mal-la yudrikuhu basar

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(89) O Allah, verily I beseech You in Your name:

allahumma in-ne as-aluka bis-mika

O Protector, O Maker,

ya hafi¨u ya bari

‫ﺎﺭِﺉ‬‫ﺎ ﺑ‬‫ﺎﻓِﻆﹸ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﺣ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Creator, O Allgenerous,

ya dhari-u ya badhikh

‫ﺎﺫِﺥﹸ‬‫ﺎ ﺑ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﺫﹶﺍﺭِﺉ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Revealer, O Victorious,

ya fariju ya fatih

O Disclosers, O Guarantor,

ya kashifu ya dhamin

O Commander, O Prohibiter. Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

ya mal-la yakh-fa `ailayhi athar ya raziqa albashar ya muqad-dira kul-li qadar

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

ya a-miru ya nahe

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(90) O He, besides

ya mal-la ya`a-


‫ﻪِ ﺃﺛﹶﺮ‬‫ﻠﹶﻴ‬‫ﺨﹾﻔﹶﻰ ﻋ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ِ‫ﺸﹶﺮ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﺒ‬‫ﺍﺯِﻕ‬‫ﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﻳ‬ ٍ‫ﺭ‬‫ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﻗﹶﺪ‬‫ﺭ‬‫ﻘﹶﺪ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ‫ﺄﻟﹸﻚ‬‫ ﺇِﻧﱢﻲ ﺃﹶﺳ‬‫ﻢ‬‫( ﺍﻟﻠﱠﻬ‬89)


‫ﺎ ﻓﹶﺎﺗِﺢ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻓﹶﺎﺭِﺝ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﺎ ﺿﹶﺎﻣِﻦ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻛﹶﺎﺷِﻒ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﺎ ﻧﹶﺎﻫِﻲ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﺁﻣِﺮ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬


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lamul-ghayba illa huwa

‫ﺐ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻐﹶﻴ‬‫ﻠﹶﻢ‬‫ﻌ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫( ﻳ‬90)

‫ﻮ‬‫ﺇِﻻﱠ ﻫ‬

O He, besides Whom no one drives away calamities, O He, besides Whom no one creates, O He, besides Whom no one forgives sins, O He, besides Whom no one perfects the bounties, O He, besides Whom no one transforms hearts, O He, besides Whom no one manages affairs, O He, besides Whom no one holds the reins, O He, besides Whom no one increases sustenance,

ya mal-la yasrifus-suo-a illa huwa

‫ﻮ‬‫ﻮﺀَ ﺇِﻻﱠ ﻫ‬‫ ﺍﻟﺴ‬‫ﺼﹾﺮِﻑ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya mal-la yakhluqul-khal-qa illa huwa ya mal-la yaghfirudh-dham-ba illa huwa

‫ﻮ‬‫ ﺇِﻻﱠ ﻫ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﺨﹶﻠﹾﻖ‬‫ﺨﹾﻠﹸﻖ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

O He, besides Whom no one revives the dead.

ya mal-la yuh-yelmaw-ta illa huwa

Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

ya mal-la yutimmun-nia'mata illa huwa ya mal-la yuqallibul-quluba illa huwa ya mal-la yudabbirul-am-ra illa hu ya mal-la yunazzilul-ghaytha illa huwa ya mal-la yabsutur-rizqa illa huwa

al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

‫ﻮ‬‫ ﺇِﻻﱠ ﻫ‬‫ ﺍﻟﺬﱠﻧﹾﺐ‬‫ﻐﹾﻔِﺮ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻮ‬‫ﺔﹶ ﺇِﻻﱠ ﻫ‬‫ﻤ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﱢﻌ‬‫ﺘِﻢ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻮ‬‫ ﺇِﻻﱠ ﻫ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻘﹸﻠﹸﻮﺏ‬‫ﻘﹶﻠﱢﺐ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻮ‬‫ ﺇِﻻﱠ ﻫ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ ﺍﻷَﻣ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺑ‬‫ﺪ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻮ‬‫ﺚﹶ ﺇِﻻﱠ ﻫ‬‫ﻨﹶﺰﱢﻝﹸ ﺍﻟﹾﻐﹶﻴ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻮ‬‫ ﺇِﻻﱠ ﻫ‬‫ﺯﹾﻕ‬‫ﻂﹸ ﺍﻟﺮ‬‫ﺴ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺗﹶﻰ ﺇِﻻﱠ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ﻴِﻲ ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻮ‬‫ﻫ‬

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬

(91) O Helper of the weak, ya mue'enadh-



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dhua'fa-i O Companion of the ya sahibalstrangers, ghuraba-i

ِ‫ﻔﹶﺎﺀ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻀﱡﻌ‬‫ﻌِﻴﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫( ﻳ‬91)

ِ‫ﺎﺀ‬‫ﺑ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻐﹸﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﺻﹶﺎﺣِﺐ‬‫ﻳ‬ ِ‫ﺎﺀ‬‫ﻟِﻴ‬‫ ﺍﻷَﻭ‬‫ﺎ ﻧﹶﺎﺻِﺮ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Helper of [His] friends,

ya nasiral-aw-liya-i

O Overpowerer of the enemies,

ya qahiral-a`ada-i

ِ‫ﺍﺀ‬‫ﺪ‬‫ ﺍﻷَﻋ‬‫ﺎ ﻗﹶﺎﻫِﺮ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Elevator of the sky,

ya rafia's-sama-i

ِ‫ﺎﺀ‬‫ﻤ‬‫ ﺍﻟﺴ‬‫ﺍﻓِﻊ‬‫ﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Genial to the chosen ones,

ya anesal-as-fiya-i

ِ‫ﺎﺀ‬‫ ﺍﻷَﺻﹾﻔِﻴ‬‫ﺎ ﺃﹶﻧِﻴﺲ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Friend of the pious,

ya habebal-at-qiya-i

ِ‫ﺎﺀ‬‫ ﺍﻷَﺗﹾﻘِﻴ‬‫ﺒِﻴﺐ‬‫ﺎ ﺣ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Treasure of the indigent,

ya kanzal-fuqara-i

ِ‫ﺍﺀ‬‫ﺎ ﻛﹶﻨﺰﹶ ﺍﻟﹾﻔﹸﻘﹶﺮ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Lord of the rich,

ya ilhal-agh-niya-i

ِ‫ﺎﺀ‬‫ ﺍﻷَﻏﹾﻨِﻴ‬‫ﺎ ﺇِﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Most benign of all. Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

ya ak-ramalkurama-i

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(92) O He Who is self-sufficient from everything, O He Who is established over everything, O He, nothing is like unto Him,

ya kafiyam-min kul-li shay

O He, nothing extends His Kingdom,

ya mal-la yazedu fe mul-kihi shay

O He from Whom

ya mal-la yakh-fa

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

ِ‫ﺎﺀ‬‫ﻣ‬‫ ﺍﻟﹾﻜﹸﺮ‬‫ﻡ‬‫ﺎ ﺃﹶ ﹾﻛﺮ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ‫ٍﺀ‬‫ﻦ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﺷﹶﻲ‬‫ﺎ ﻛﹶﺎﻓِﻴﺎﹰ ﻣ‬‫( ﻳ‬92)

ya qa-iman `ala kul-li shay

‫ٍﺀ‬‫ﻠﹶﻰ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﺷﹶﻲ‬‫ﺎ ﻗﹶﺎﺋِﻤﺎﹰ ﻋ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya mal-la yushbihuhu shay

ٌ‫ﺀ‬‫ ﺷﹶﻲ‬‫ﻪ‬‫ﺸﹾﺒِﻬ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬


ِ‫ﻠﹾﻜِﻪ‬‫ ﻓِﻲ ﻣ‬‫ﺰِﻳﺪ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ٌ‫ﻲﺀ‬  ‫ﺷﹶ‬


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nothing is hidden,

`ailayhi shay

O He, nothing decreases His treasure,

ya mal-la yanqusu min khaza-inihi shay

O He, nothing is like unto Him,

ya mal-laysa kamith-lihi shay

O He, Whose Knowledge encompasses everything,

ya mal-la ya`azubu `an i`il-mihi shay

O He, Who is AllAware,

ya man huwa kha-berum bikul-li shay

O He, Whose mercy ya maw-wasia't extends to rah-matuhu kul-la everything. shay

ٌ‫ﺀ‬‫ﻪِ ﺷﹶﻲ‬‫ﻠﹶﻴ‬‫ﺨﹾﻔﹶﻰ ﻋ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ِ‫ ﺧﹶﺰﹶﺍﺋِﻨِﻪ‬‫ﻨﻘﹸﺺﹸ ﻣِﻦ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ٌ‫ﻲﺀ‬  ‫ﺷﹶ‬

ٌ‫ﺀ‬‫ ﻛﹶﻤِﺜﹾﻠِﻪِ ﺷﹶﻲ‬‫ﺲ‬‫ﻦ ﻟﱠﻴ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ِ‫ ﻋِﻠﹾﻤِﻪ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ ﻋ‬‫ﺰﹸﺏ‬‫ﻌ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ٌ‫ﻲﺀ‬  ‫ﺷﹶ‬

‫ٍﺀ‬‫ ﺑِﻜﹸﻞﱢ ﺷﹶﻲ‬‫ ﺧﹶﺒِﻴﺮ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ ﻛﹸﻞﱠ‬‫ﺘﹸﻪ‬‫ﻤ‬‫ﺣ‬‫ﺖﹾ ﺭ‬‫ﺳِﻌ‬‫ﻦ ﻭ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ٍﺀ‬‫ﺷﹶﻲ‬

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬

Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(93) O Allah, verily I beseech You in Your name:

allahumma in-ne as-aluka bis-mika

O Generous, O Provider, O Bestower of bounties, O Bestower of gifts, O Enricher, O Giver of Shelter

ya muk-rimu ya mut-i`im

‫ﻄﹾﻌِﻢ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﻜﹾﺮِﻡ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya mun-i`imu ya mua'-te

‫ﻄِﻲ‬‫ﻌ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﻨﹾﻌِﻢ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya mugh-ne ya muq-ne

‫ﻘﹾﻨِﻲ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻐﹾﻨِﻲ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

O Destroyer, O Quickener,

ya muf-ne ya muh-ye

O Satisfier, O Who

ya mur-dhe ya

al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth


‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ‫ﺄﻟﹸﻚ‬‫ ﺇِﻧﱢﻲ ﺃﹶﺳ‬‫ﻢ‬‫( ﺍﻟﻠﱠﻬ‬93)


‫ﻴِﻲ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻔﹾﻨِﻲ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ 8/17/2011

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grants salvation,


Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(94) O First and the Last,

ya aw-wala kul-li shayiw-wa akhirah

O Lord of everything and its Master, O Lord Cherisher of everything and its Fashioner O Creator of everything and its Maker, O Controller of everything and its Extender, O Origin of everything and its Return, O Originator of everything and its estimator, O Creator of everything and its destroyer, O Quickener of everything and Maker of its death, O Author of everything and its inheritor. Praise be to You, there is no god but You,

al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

ya ilaha kul-li shayiw-wa malekah ya rab-ba kul-li shayiw-wa sania'h ya ba-ria kul-li shayiw-wa khaliqah

‫ﻨﺠِﻲ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﺿِﻲ ﻳ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ‫ٍﺀ‬‫ﻝﹶ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﺷﹶﻲ‬‫ﺎ ﺃﹶﻭ‬‫( ﻳ‬94) ‫ﻩ‬‫ﺁﺧِﺮ‬‫ﻭ‬

‫ﻠِﻴﻜﹶﻪ‬‫ﻣ‬‫ٍﺀ ﻭ‬‫ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﺷﹶﻲ‬‫ﺎ ﺇِﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻪ‬‫ﺻﹶﺎﻧِﻌ‬‫ٍﺀ ﻭ‬‫ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﺷﹶﻲ‬‫ﺏ‬‫ﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺧﹶﺎِﻟﻘﹶﻪ‬‫ٍﺀ ﻭ‬‫ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﺷﹶﻲ‬‫ﺎﺭِﺉ‬‫ﺎ ﺑ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya qabidha kul-li shayiw-wa basitah

‫ﺎﺳِﻄﹶﻪ‬‫ﺑ‬‫ٍﺀ ﻭ‬‫ﺎ ﻗﹶﺎﺑِﺾﹶ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﺷﹶﻲ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya mubdia kul-li shayiw-wa mua'ydah ya munshiwa kulli shayiw-wa muqad-dirah ya mukaw-wina kul-li shayiw-wa muhaw-wilah ya muh-ye kul-li shayiw-wa mumetah ya khaliqa kul-li shayiw-wa warithah

‫ﻩ‬‫ﻌِﻴﺪ‬‫ﻣ‬‫ٍﺀ ﻭ‬‫ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﺷﹶﻲ‬‫ﺪِﺉ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta


‫ﻩ‬‫ﺭ‬‫ﻘﹶﺪ‬‫ﻣ‬‫ٍﺀ ﻭ‬‫ﻨﺸِﺊﹶ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﺷﹶﻲ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﻣ‬‫ٍﺀ ﻭ‬‫ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﺷﹶﻲ‬‫ﻥ‬‫ﻜﹶﻮ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻤِﻴﺘﹶﻪ‬‫ﻣ‬‫ٍﺀ ﻭ‬‫ﻴِﻲ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﺷﹶﻲ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺍﺭِﺛﹶﻪ‬‫ﻭ‬‫ٍﺀ ﻭ‬‫ ﻛﹸﻞﱢ ﺷﹶﻲ‬‫ﺎ ﺧﹶﺎِﻟﻖ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ 8/17/2011

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[I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(95) O Best Rememberer and Remembered,

O Best Comforter and Counselor,

ya khayra dhakiriw-wa madhkur ya khayra shakiriw-wa mash-kur ya khayra hamidiw-wa mahmud ya khayra shahidiw-wa mash-hud ya khayra dai`iwwa mad-o'o-win ya khayra mujebiw-wa mujab ya khayra munisiw-wa anes

O Best Friend and Companion,

ya khayra sahibiw-wa jales

O Best Appreciator and Appreciated, O Best Praiser and Praised, O Best Witness and Witnessed, O Best Inviter and Invited, O Best Responder and Responded,

ya khayra maqsudiw-wa mat-lub ya khayra O Most Affectionate habebiw-wa mahand Loved. bub Praise be to You, subhanaka ya la there is no god but ilaha illa anta You, [I beseech you for] al-ghawth alrelief, relief, relief ghawth al-ghawth O Most Desired and Sought,

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(96) O Allah, the Answerer to him who calls Him,

ya man huwa liman da`aahu mujeb


‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ٍ‫ﺬﹾﻛﹸﻮﺭ‬‫ﻣ‬‫ ﺫﹶﺍﻛِﺮٍ ﻭ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﺧﹶﻴ‬‫( ﻳ‬95)

ٍ‫ﺸﹾﻜﹸﻮﺭ‬‫ﻣ‬‫ ﺷﹶﺎﻛِﺮٍ ﻭ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﺧﹶﻴ‬‫ﻳ‬ ٍ‫ﻮﺩ‬‫ﻤ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﻣ‬‫ﺎﻣِﺪٍ ﻭ‬‫ ﺣ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺧﻴ‬ ‫ﺎ ﹶ‬‫ﻳ‬ ٍ‫ﻮﺩ‬‫ﺸﹾﻬ‬‫ﻣ‬‫ ﺷﹶﺎﻫِﺪٍ ﻭ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺧﻴ‬ ‫ﺎ ﹶ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻮ‬‫ﻋ‬‫ﺪ‬‫ﻣ‬‫ﺍﻉٍ ﻭ‬‫ ﺩ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺧﻴ‬ ‫ﺎ ﹶ‬‫ﻳ‬ ٍ‫ﺎﺏ‬‫ﺠ‬‫ﻣ‬‫ﺠِﻴﺐٍ ﻭ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﺧﹶﻴ‬‫ﻳ‬ ٍ‫ﺃﹶﻧِﻴﺲ‬‫ﻧِﺲٍ ﻭ‬‫ﺆ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﺧﹶﻴ‬‫ﻳ‬

ٍ‫ﻠِﻴﺲ‬‫ﺟ‬‫ ﺻﹶﺎﺣِﺐٍ ﻭ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺧﻴ‬ ‫ﺎ ﹶ‬‫ﻳ‬

ٍ‫ﻄﹾﻠﹸﻮﺏ‬‫ﻣ‬‫ﻘﹾﺼﹸﻮﺩٍ ﻭ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﺧﹶﻴ‬‫ﻳ‬ ٍ‫ﻮﺏ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﻣ‬‫ﺒِﻴﺐٍ ﻭ‬‫ ﺣ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺧﻴ‬ ‫ﺎ ﹶ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ‫ﺎﻩ‬‫ﻋ‬‫ﻦ ﺩ‬‫ ﻟِﻤ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫( ﻳ‬96)


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‫ﺠِﻴﺐ‬‫ﻣ‬ O Friend of him who obeys Him,

ya man huwa liman ata`ahu habeb

O He, Who is close to him who loves Him,

ya man huwa ila man ahab-bahu qareb

O Protector of one who seeks protection,

ya man huwa biman-s-tahfa¨ahu raqeb

O Allah Who is Generous to him who is hopeful of Him, O Allah, Who is Forbearing to one who disobeys Him, O Allah, Who is Merciful in spite of His Grandeur, O Allah, Who is Great in His Wisdom, O Allah, Who is Eternal in his Benevolence, O Allah, Who is Aware of one who seeks Him. Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

ya man huwa bimar-rajahu karem

‫ ﻛﹶﺮِﻳﻢ‬‫ﺎﻩ‬‫ﺟ‬‫ﻦ ﺭ‬‫ ﺑِﻤ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man huwa biman `asahu halem

‫ﻠِﻴﻢ‬‫ ﺣ‬‫ﺼﹶﺎﻩ‬‫ ﻋ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ ﺑِﻤ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(97) O Allah, verily I entreat You in Your name:

allahumma in-ne as-aluka bis-mika

‫ﺒِﻴﺐ‬‫ ﺣ‬‫ﻪ‬‫ ﺃﹶﻃﹶﺎﻋ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ ﻟِﻤ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻪ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ ﺃﹶﺣ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ ﺇِﻟﹶﻰ ﻣ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻗﹶﺮِﻳﺐ‬

‫ﻔﹶﻈﹶﻪ‬‫ﺘﹶﺤ‬‫ ﺍﺳ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ ﺑِﻤ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻗِﻴﺐ‬‫ﺭ‬

ya man huwa fe `a¨amatihi rahem

‫ﺣِﻴﻢ‬‫ﺘِﻪِ ﺭ‬‫ﻈﹶﻤ‬‫ ﻓِﻲ ﻋ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man huwa fe hik-matihi `a¨em

‫ﻈِﻴﻢ‬‫ﺘِﻪِ ﻋ‬‫ ﻓِﻲ ﺣِﻜﹾﻤ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man huwa fe ih-sanihi qadem

‫ﺎﻧِﻪِ ﻗﹶﺪِﻳﻢ‬‫ﺴ‬‫ ﻓِﻲ ﺇِﺣ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man huwa biman aradahu `alem

‫ﻠِﻴﻢ‬‫ ﻋ‬‫ﻩ‬‫ﺍﺩ‬‫ ﺃﹶﺭ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ ﺑِﻤ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬

al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth


‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ‫ﺄﻟﹸﻚ‬‫ ﺇِﻧﱢﻲ ﺃﹶﺳ‬‫ﻢ‬‫( ﺍﻟﻠﱠﻬ‬97)


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O Primal Cause, O Creator of desire, O Changer, O Inflictor, O Organizer, O Awful, O Saver, O Reminder, O Subjector, O Displacer. Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

ya musab-bibu ya muragh-hib ya muqal-libu ya mua'q-qibu ya murat-tib ya mukhaw-wifu ya muhadh-dhiru ya mudhak-kir ya musakh-hiru ya mughay-yir

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

‫ﻏﱢﺐ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺐ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺴ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺗﱢﺐ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﻘﱢﺐ‬‫ﻌ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﻘﹶﻠﱢﺐ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﺬﹶﻛﱢﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺬﱢﺭ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﻑ‬‫ﺨﹶﻮ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺮ‬‫ﻐﹶﻴ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺨﱢﺮ‬‫ﺴ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬

(98) O He Whose Knowledge is eternal, O He Whose Promise is true, O He Whose Benignity is manifest, O He Whose Command is overruling, O He Whose Book is clear and final, O He Whose Judgement is inevitable, O He Whose Qur'an is glorious,

ya man i`il-muhu sabiq

‫ﺎﺑِﻖ‬‫ ﺳ‬‫ﻪ‬‫ ﻋِﻠﹾﻤ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫( ﻳ‬98)

ya maw-wa`aduhu sadiq ya mal-lut-fuhu ¨ahir

‫ ﻇﹶﺎﻫِﺮ‬‫ﻦ ﻟﱡﻄﹾﻔﹸﻪ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man am-ruhu ghalib

‫ ﻏﹶﺎِﻟﺐ‬‫ﻩ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ ﺃﹶﻣ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man kitabuhu muh-kam

‫ﻜﹶﻢ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﻪ‬‫ﻦ ﻛِﺘﹶﺎﺑ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man qadha-uh ka-in

‫ﻩ ﻛﹶﺎﺋِﻦ‬‫ﻦ ﻗﹶﻀﹶﺎﺅ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man qur-anuhu majed

‫ﺠِﻴﺪ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﺁﻧﹸﻪ‬‫ﻦ ﻗﹸﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

O He Whose Rule is ya mam-muleternal, kuhu qadem O He Whose Favour ya man fadhluhu is common to all, `amem O He Whose

‫ ﺻﹶﺎﺩِﻕ‬‫ﻩ‬‫ﺪ‬‫ﻋ‬‫ﻦ ﻭ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ ﻗﹶﺪِﻳﻢ‬‫ﻠﹾﻜﹸﻪ‬‫ﻦ ﻣ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﻤِﻴﻢ‬‫ ﻋ‬‫ﻦ ﻓﹶﻀﹾﻠﹸﻪ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya man `ar-shuhu



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Throne is great.


Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(99) O He-listening to one individual does not prevent Him from listening to others simultaneously, O He-doing one thing does not prevent Him from doing other things simultaneously, O He-the speech of one person does not make Him needless of the simultaneous speech of others,

al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

ya mal-la yashghaluhu sam-u'n `an sam-i`in

‫ﻈِﻴﻢ‬‫ ﻋ‬‫ﺷﹸﻪ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﻦ ﻋ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ‫ﻊ‬‫ﻤ‬‫ ﺳ‬‫ﺸﹾﻐﹶﻠﹸﻪ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫( ﻳ‬99) ٍ‫ﻊ‬‫ﻤ‬‫ﻦ ﺳ‬‫ﻋ‬

ya mal-la yamnau'hu fi-a'-lun `an fia'-l

ٍ‫ﻞ‬‫ﻦ ﻓِﻌ‬‫ﻞﹲ ﻋ‬‫ ﻓِﻌ‬‫ﻪ‬‫ﻨﹶﻌ‬‫ﻤ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

ya mal-la yul-hehi qaw-lun `an qawlin

ٍ‫ﻝ‬‫ﻦ ﻗﹶﻮ‬‫ﻝﹲ ﻋ‬‫ﻠﹾﻬِﻴﻪِ ﻗﹶﻮ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬

O He-one request does not make Him forgetful of other requests,

ya mal-la yughallituhu sualun `an sual

O He-the sight of one thing does not prevent him from seeing other things simultaneously,

ya mal-la yahjubuhu shayun `an shay

O He-the plaintive cries of those who weep and lament do not bother Him,

ya mal-la yubrimuhu il-hahulmulih-hen

O He Who is the ultimate Aim of the efforts of saints,

ya man huwa ghayatu muradilmureden


‫ﻦ‬‫ﺍﻝﹲ ﻋ‬‫ﺆ‬‫ ﺳ‬‫ﻐﹶﻠﱢﻄﹸﻪ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ٍ‫ﺍﻝ‬‫ﺆ‬‫ﺳ‬

‫ﻦ‬‫ﺀٌ ﻋ‬‫ ﺷﹶﻲ‬‫ﻪ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺠ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ٍﺀ‬‫ﺷﹶﻲ‬

‫ﺎﺡ‬‫ ﺇِﻟﹾﺤ‬‫ﻪ‬‫ﺮِﻣ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻴﻦ‬‫ﻠِﺤ‬‫ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬

ِ‫ﺍﺩ‬‫ﺮ‬‫ﺔﹸ ﻣ‬‫ ﻏﹶﺎﻳ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺮِﻳﺪِﻳﻦ‬‫ﺍﻟﹾﻤ‬


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O He Who is the Goal of Gnostics,

ya man huwa muntaha himamila'arifen

O He Who is the Goal of seekers,

ya man huwa muntaha talabittaliben

O He from Whom not a single particle in the worlds is hidden.

ya mal-la yakh-fa `ailayhi dharratun fel-a'alamen

Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb

(100) O Forbearing Who does not make haste, O Generous Who is never a miser,

ya halemal-la ya`a-jal

O True Who never breaks the promise

ya sadiqal-la yukh-lif

O Munificent Who never regrets,

ya wah-habal-la yamal-l

O Dominant Who is never overpowered,

ya qahiral-la yugh-lab

O Great Who is indescribable

ya `a¨emal-la yusaf

al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

ya jawadal-la yabkhal

O Just Who is never ya `ad-lal-la oppressive, yahefu O Bounteous Who is never rapacious,

ya ghane-yal-la yaf-taqir

O Great Who does not become small,

ya kaberal-la yasghur

O Protector Who

ya hafi¨al-la


ِ‫ﻢ‬‫ﻰ ﻫِﻤ‬‫ﻨﺘﹶﻬ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺎ ِﺭﻓِﻴﻦ‬‫ﺍﻟﹾﻌ‬

ِ‫ﻰ ﻃﹶﻠﹶﺐ‬‫ﻨﺘﹶﻬ‬‫ ﻣ‬‫ﻮ‬‫ ﻫ‬‫ﻦ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻄﱠﺎِﻟﺒِﻴﻦ‬

‫ﺓﹰ ﻓِﻲ‬‫ﻪِ ﺫﹶﺭ‬‫ﻠﹶﻴ‬‫ﺨﹾﻔﹶﻰ ﻋ‬‫ﻦ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻣ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﺎﹶﻟﻤِﻴﻦ‬‫ﺍﻟﹾﻌ‬

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬ ‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬ ‫ﻞﹸ‬‫ﺠ‬‫ﻌ‬‫ﻠِﻴﻤﺎﹰ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﺣ‬‫( ﻳ‬100)

‫ﺨﹶﻞﹸ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺍﺩﺍﹰ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﺟﻮ‬  ‫ﺎ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﺨﹾﻠِﻒ‬‫ﺎ ﺻﹶﺎﺩِﻗﺎﹰ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻞﱡ‬‫ﻤ‬‫ﺎﺑﺎﹰ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﻫ‬‫ﺎ ﻭ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﻐﹾﻠﹶﺐ‬‫ﺎ ﻗﹶﺎﻫِﺮﺍﹰ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻮﺻﹶﻒ‬‫ﻈِﻴﻤﺎﹰ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﻋ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﺤِﻴﻒ‬‫ﻻﹰ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﺪ‬‫ﺎ ﻋ‬‫ﻳ‬ ‫ﻔﹾﺘﹶﻘِﺮ‬‫ﺎﹰ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﹶﻏﻨِﻴ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ﺼﹾﻐﹸﺮ‬‫ﺎ ﻛﹶﺒِﻴﺮﺍﹰ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﻳ‬


Dua Joshn Kabir Alt

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does not neglect.


Praise be to You, there is no god but You, [I beseech you for] relief, relief, relief

subhanaka ya la ilaha illa anta

Protect us from the Fire, O Lord.

khallisna minannari ya rabb


‫ﻐﹾﻔﹶﻞﹸ‬‫ﺎﻓِﻈﺎﹰ ﻻ ﻳ‬‫ﺎ ﺣ‬‫ﻳ‬

‫ ﺇﻻﹼ ﺃﻧﹾﺖﹶ‬‫ﺎ ﻻ ﺇﻟﹶﻪ‬‫ ﻳ‬‫ﺎﻧﹶﻚ‬‫ﺤ‬‫ﺒ‬‫ﺳ‬

al-ghawth alghawth al-ghawth

‫ﺙﹶ‬‫ﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬‫ﻮﺙﹶ ﺍﻟﻐﹶﻮ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﻐﹶ‬

.‫ﺏ‬‫ ﺍﻟﻨﹼﺎﺭِ ﻳﺎ ﺭ‬‫ﺧﹶﻠﱢﺼﹾﻨﺎ ﻣِﻦ‬

The translation of this supplication is quoted from a previous English version of Mafatih al-Jinan.



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