Adobe Graphics for Television: Creating a Full Screen Graphic 1
Open the “Standard HDTV” template document
Note the safe areas Inner box is the safe title area ALL text should stay inside of this box Outer box is your safe image area Images appearing outside of the box run the risk of getting cut off
The next part is up to you… If you decide to use a solid color background Create a new layer in the layers panel
Choose a foreground color using the color picker
Select the paint bucket tool from the toolbar
and click anywhere inside the canvas to fill it with that color
Adobe Graphics for Television: Creating a Full Screen Graphic If you decide to use a gradient color for a background:
Create a new layer in the layers panel
Select the gradient tool from the toolbar
Choose the gradient type from the properties panel (at the top of the canvas)
Click in the gradient image to open the gradient editor
Select colors for your left and right color stops
With the gradient tool selected, click at the top center of the screen and drag down to the bottom center of the screen while holding down the shift key on the keyboard
Release the left mouse button to apply the gradient to the new layer
Adobe Graphics for Television: Creating a Full Screen Graphic Now lets add some text:
Select the horizontal type tool and click/drag out a text box
Photoshop creates a new layer for the text
Type the text you want to have in the graphic If you are including a website for people to visit, I suggest making it a size or two larger than your main body of text
Main Body of Text
Website Address
12 Insert an image into the graphic to emphasize the point you are
making (make sure the image you choose is from Creative Commons or some other public domain image source to avoid copyright issues)
Adobe Graphics for Television: Creating a Full Screen Graphic 13
Click File > Place Linked
Select the file you want to place and click the place button
15 16
Export the image as a jpg Save the document as a full screen graphic template (psd) to update whenever you want It’s as simple as that!
Adobe Graphics for Television: Project #1 Full Screen Graphic using Adobe Photoshop Objective: Create a full screen graphic that you will use for your television productions. Anticipated outcome: You will create a full screen jpg image consisting of a minimum of three of the following elements:
• • • • • •
A text element Solid color background Gradient background A shape element An imported image that has at least one layer style applied to it A drawn element (optional)
You will also demonstrate your understanding of: • • • • • • • •
Move tool Working in layers Type tool Gradient tool Paint bucket tool Paintbrush tool Creating shapes with the Marquee Selection tools Placing an image (optional)
Deliverable: Export your image as a jpg and name it;your first and last name_ fullscreengraphic.jpg (example – johnsmith_fullscreengraphic.jpg)
How to create an image with alpha channels (one way) in Adobe Photoshop Usage Examples
Used as a BUG
Used with Lower Third Graphics
as a Show logo Tools you will use: • Lasso tool (optional) • Brush tool • Quick Mask Mode • Standard Editing Mode Steps • Open OldSchoolTV.jpg • Double click on the background layer and click the OK button to make the layer editable
• Select the Brush tool
• Create a new layer - Rename it “WORKBOOK” (for in class demo only)
Used as a “full screen” graphic
How to create an image with alpha channels • In the TOOLS PROPERTIES PANEL - brush size defaults to 13px - brush hardness defaults to 0 * Very soft edges * 100% is a solid or hard brush
To change the brush size
Change the size in the properties panel OR Use the ] key to increase the brush size OR Use the [ key to decrease the brush size
How to create an image with alpha channels This next step is optional • Select the lasso tool and draw a selection around the area of the image you want to use • Change the edit mode from Standard to Quick Mask • Use the quick mask mode to refine the selection with the brush tool
OR In Quick Mask Mode • Use the brush tool with a hardness of 100% and size of about 40px (approx.) to draw an approximate mask around the object you want to select (if you don’t see a red color when you use the brush, you’re in the wrong mode) • Its ok to be a little sloppy here…we’ll refine the selection later • Also make sure that your foreground color is BLACK #000000 - Black adds to the selection - White subtracts from the selection To change from foreground color to background color and vice/versa, use the X key on the keyboard * This will help make a quick change when refining your edges • Use white as the foreground color to delete any red that may have been painted over the edge of the object
• When your selection is refined to your liking, return to Standard Edit mode
How to create an image with alpha channels • You should now see a crisp selection around the edge of the object (ants marching) • Create a new layer - This is where you will make your alpha channel • Select the original layer (layer 0)
• Hold down the CTRL key + the X key to cut the selected image out of layer 0
• Select the new layer (layer 1)
• Hold down the Shift key + CTRL key + V key to paste the image into the new layer in the exact same place it was in the previous layer or paste in place
• Hide the original and the workbook layers by clicking off the eyeballs in those layers - You will see a checkerboard pattern behind the object * This is the alpha channel
Next export the image as a png file...
How to create an image with alpha channels Exporting the image as a png file - png files preserve the image transparency • Click on file from the top menu bar • Select export from the drop down menu • Choose Export As… from the pop out window
How to create an image with alpha channels • From the Export As Window, make sure the file format is set to PNG, the transparency checkbox is checked and then click Export (leaving all the other settings at default)
• Choose the path to save the file to in the Save As window • Change the file name if you wish • Click Save to save the file
It’s as simple as that!
Adobe Graphics for Television: Creating Lower Third Graphics What are Lower Thirds?
A lower third is a text title or graphic overlay placed in the lower third region of the screen. In television production terms, lower thirds are placed in the Title Safe Area, the part of the screen in which you can safely place graphics without them getting cropped. These graphics typically identify a person and their title as in a host, guest, interviewer or interviewee, participant, player, etc. It can also identify a location, phone number, web address or other information. Lower thirds can entice viewers to learn more about a particular topic discussed during a program. They can also be used to suggest visiting social media pages.
The Rule of Thirds is a design principle based on dividing the screen into equal thirds both vertically and horizontally.
Lower Third Region of the Screen
The lower-third graphic derives its name from this principle. How to create a basic lower third graphic in Adobe Photoshop
1 From the launch page in Adobe Photoshop, click the 2 In the New Document Window click on the 3 In the Preset Details panel, make sure
you have the width at 1920; the height at 1080; the units as pixels; the resolution at 72ppi; the color mode should be set to RGB and the background set to Transparent.
4 Leave everything else at the default settings 5 and click the
button. presets option
Adobe Graphics for Television: Creating Lower Third Graphics
Before you start working on creating your Lower Third graphics, you should activate the rulers in Photoshop • Hold down Ctrl + R (CMD + R on a Mac) Now you can use the Rulers to make your guides Guides are easy to use alignment tools that can be placed in images (or groupings of images, like a publication figure) to help with layout and alignment. The guides are only visible in PSD files when opened, they do not print and are not seen if the file is saved in another image format. Create a guide Click inside either the vertical or horizontal rulers and drag down/out into the canvas OR Click on View in the top menu bar and select New Guide a pop out window will appear where you can tell Photoshop which type of guide you wish to create and where you want to have it placed
You can change the measurement type of your rulers by right clicking on either of them and selecting a type from the pop out window A good video for creating guides can be found at
Adobe Graphics for Television: Creating Lower Third Graphics 6 Click on the Rectangle tool in the Toolbar on the left.
7 Click/drag out a rectangular shape
that reaches from outside of the canvas to about 3/4 of the way across it and give it a height of approximately 1 inch (eyeballing it is acceptable in this case)
8 Change the fill color to whatever you desire and change the stroke to none in the properties tab.
9 Click/drag on the top right corner widget
while holding down the ALT (Option - Mac) key to give it a rounded corner.
10 Double click on the layer in the Layers Panel to open the Layer Styles window • give the object a drop shadow and an inside stroke • adjust the settings of each until you reach the look you desire for the object
Adobe Graphics for Television: Creating Lower Third Graphics 11 Select the Horizontal Type Tool from the Toolbar 12 Click and drag out a text box above the shape and adjust its properties as you see fit 13 Use the move tool and drag the name into position over the shape 14 click on the type tool again and create a second text object only smaller and make adjustments you want 15 use the move tool and A drag the occupation under the name and over the shape OPTIONAL STEP 15 Use the Rectangle tool to B create a line in between the two text objects If you wish to go with a more simplified look, leave the image as is 16 Export the object as a png file • FILE>EXPORT>EXPORT AS...
Adobe Graphics for Television: Creating Lower Third Graphics 17 When you have all the settings the way you want, click the export button
18 Choose the path and name for the png and then click save
Adobe Graphics for Television: Creating Lower Third Graphics
Addendum You can also add a show logo to the Lower Third graphic. This is an optional step, but is another thing you can do to enhance the graphic. Here’s how you can do it: • Place the logo you made in the “Creating an Image with an Alpha Channel...” exercise into your lower third document • Resize the image so that it is approximately 3/4 of its original size • Select the Move tool and move the object over top of the Bar layer
Add styles to the logo from the Layer Style panel to your liking. - you can also copy the layer style from the Bar layer and paste it onto the Show Logo layer * right click on the Bar layer in the Layers panel * select Copy Layer Style from the pop out menu * select the target layer (Show Logo) and right click on it * choose Paste Layer Style from the pop out menu
- you may have to move the text and the line layers to the right to allow for the logo It’s as simple as that!
Adobe Graphics for Television: Project #2 Lower Third Graphic using Adobe Photoshop Objective: Create a lower third graphic that you will use for your television productions. Anticipated outcome: You will create a lower third graphic image consisting of the following elements: • A bar - Solid color fill - Gradient fill • Text elements (name and occupation) • logo image • Layer styles • Alpha channels
• A Bar
- Solid color fill - Gradient fill • Contact or general information Text elements • Layer styles • Alpha channels
You will demonstrate your understanding of: • • • • • • • • •
Move tool Selection tools Type tool Paintbrush tool Paint bucket tool Creating shapes using various techniques Basic color theory Layer styles panel Placing an image (optional)
Deliverable: Export your image as a png file and name it your irst and last name_lowerthirdgraphic.png (Example – janesmith_lowerthirdgraphic.png) save the file to your folder on the H:\Members drive