Adobe Graphics For TV - Photoshop How To Guide (CC 2022)

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Adobe Photoshop CC 2022

How to Guide for Adobe Graphics for Television at

Fairfax Public Access

FPA•2929 Eskridge Rd., Suite S, Fairfax, VA 22031

Table of Contents Creating a new document ......................................................................................................................1 The Workspace ......................................................................................................................................3 The toolbar..............................................................................................................................................5 Tools Explained ......................................................................................................................................8 Selecting an image ...............................................................................................................................13 Moving an Image .................................................................................................................................14 Rotating an Image ................................................................................................................................15 Resizing an Image ...............................................................................................................................17 Straightening an Image ........................................................................................................................20 The Clone Stamp tool ..........................................................................................................................21 Making Shapes (Rectangle) ................................................................................................................23 Making Shapes (Circle) .......................................................................................................................24 The Brush tool ......................................................................................................................................25 Using Selection Masks ........................................................................................................................26 Layers Panel ........................................................................................................................................27 Layer Styles Panel ...............................................................................................................................29 Layer Style Examples ..........................................................................................................................30

Keyboard Shortcuts .........................................................................................................appendix A, B

Adobe Photoshop CC 2022: Creating a Document Adobe Graphics for Television Notes Creating a new Photoshop document -

Launch Photoshop CC 2020 • Click “Create New” from the main interface window

This opens the New Document Window

Here you can choose from one of the preset document templates or create a custom document

Photoshop How To Guide


Adobe Photoshop CC 2022: Creating a Document -

Under the Preset Details panel (right side) you can change: • Document name • Document height and width • Document resolution  should always be 72ppi for this class since we are working with video • Document color mode  should always be RGB in this class because we are working with video • CMYK color mode is for print only • Background content  White  Black  Background Color  Transparent  Custom • Set the details to your liking and then click the CREATE button

Photoshop How To Guide


Adobe Photoshop CC 2022: The Workspace Workspace Real Estate •

Main Preview Window

  •

Artboard The Canvas

Left Side  Tools bar •

Some of the tools you will be using are: o Move tool (V) o Rectangular Marquee tool (M) o Lasso tool (L) o Brush tool (B) o Gradient tool (G)  Paint Bucket tool (G) o Text tool (T) o Zoom tool (Z) o Hand tool (H) o Clone Stamp tool (S) o Blur tool  Smudge tool  Sharpen tool o Crop tool (C)

We will cover these tools and possibly more if time permits Photoshop How To Guide


Adobe Photoshop CC 2022: The Workspace •

Top Side  Menu bar

Options bar adjustthe theproperties propertiesfor forathe • Here Hereyou you can can adjust the tool you currently have selected tool you currently have selected

Right Side Panels allow you to : • Manage colors • Manage visibility • Manage Image alignment

 Layers Panel o lists all layers, layer groups, and layer effects in an image o show and hide layers o create new layers, and layer groups

Photoshop How To Guide


Adobe Graphics for Television Adobe Photoshop Notes Toolbar

The toolbar Photoshop’s toolbar is located along the left of the screen. It can be expanded into a shorter, double column by clicking the double arrows at the top.

Each tool in the toolbar is represented by an icon, and there are many more tools available than what we see. A small arrow in the bottom right corner of a tool icon means that there are more tools hiding behind it in that same spot:

Photoshop How To Guide


Adobe Graphics for Television Adobe Photoshop Notes Toolbar with hidden tools (left side)

Move Tool Polygonal Lasso Tool Lasso Tool Group Magnetic Lasso Tool Crop Tool

Eyedropper Tool Pencil Tool Brush Tool Group Color Replacement Tool

Paint Bucket Tool Gradient Tool Group Burn Tool Dodge Tool Group Sponge Tool Horizontal Type Tool Group Vertical Type Tool Rectangle Tool Group Ellipse Tool

Zoom Tool

Triangle Tool Polygon Tool

Custom Shape Tool

Line Tool Photoshop How To Guide


Adobe Graphics for Television Adobe Photoshop Notes Toolbar with hidden tools (right side)

Elliptical Marquee Tool

Rectangular Marquee Tool Group Single Row Marquee Tool Magic Wand Tool Single Column Marquee Tool

Clone Stamp Tool

Eraser Tool Sharpen Tool Blur Tool Group Smudge Tool

Hand Tool To cycle through tools with the same keyboard shortcut, press and hold Shift as you press the letter. The following list is up-to-date as of Photoshop CC 2021. Note that some tools are not available in earlier versions.

Photoshop How To Guide


Adobe Graphics for Television Adobe Photoshop Notes Tools Explained Move Tool - (Keyboard shortcut V ) Used to move layers, selections and guides within a Photoshop document.


Lasso Tool - (Keyboard shortcut L ) Draw a freeform selection outline around an object.

Polygon Lasso Tool Part of the Move and Selection Tools group, click around an object to surround it with a polygonal, straight-edged selection outline.

Magnetic Lasso Tool Part of the Move and Selection Tools group, this tool snaps the selection outline to the edges of the object as you move your mouse cursor around it. Crop Tool - (Keyboard shortcut C ) Crop an image and remove unwanted areas. Uncheck “Delete Cropped Pixels” in the Options Bar to crop an image non-destructively.

Eyedropper Tool - (Keyboard shortcut I ) Samples colors in an image. Increase “Sample Size” in the Options Bar for a better representation of the sampled area’s color.


Gradient Tool - (Keyboard shortcut G ) Draws gradual blends between multiple colors. The Gradient Editor lets you create and customize your own gradients.

Paint Bucket Tool Part of the Retouching and Painting Tools group, this tool fills an area of similar color with your Foreground color or a pattern. The tool can also be used with the selection tools group to create shapes. Photoshop How To Guide


Adobe Graphics for Television Adobe Photoshop Notes Tools Explained


Dodge Tool - (Keyboard shortcut O ) Paint over areas in the image with the Dodge Tool to lighten them.

Burn Tool Part of the Retouching and Painting tools group, this tool will darken the areas you paint over.

Sponge Tool Part of the Retouching and Painting tools group, this tool will increase or decrease the color saturation of the areas you paint over.


Horizontal Type Tool - (Keyboard shortcut T ) Known simply as the Type Tool in Photoshop, use the Horizontal Type Tool to add standard type to your document.

Verticle Type Tool Part of the Drawing and Type Tools group, this tool adds type vertically from top to bottom.

Zoom Tool - (Keyboard shortcut Z) Click on the image with the Zoom Tool to zoom in on a specific area. Press and hold Alt (Win) / Option (Mac) and click with the Zoom Tool to zoom out

Photoshop How To Guide


Adobe Graphics for Television Adobe Photoshop Notes Hidden Tools Explained


Brush Tool - (Keyboard shortcut B ) primary painting tool. Use it to paint brush strokes on a layer or on a layer mask.

Pencil Tool Part of the Retouching and Painting Tools group, this tool is another of Photoshop’s painting tools. But while the Brush Tool can paint soft-edge brush strokes, the Pencil Tool always paints with hard edges. Color Replacement Tool Part of the Retouching and Painting Tools group, this tool is used to easily replace the color of an object with a different color. Rectangular Marquee Tool - (Keyboard shortcut M) Draws rectangular selection outlines. Press and hold Shift as you drag to draw a square selection.


Elliptical Marquee Tool Part of the Move and Selection Tools group, this tool draws elliptical selection outlines. Press and hold Shift to draw a selection in a perfect circle. Single Row MarqueeTool Part of the Move and Selection Tools group, this tool selects a single row of pixels in the image from left to right.

Single Column MarqueeTool Part of the Move and Selection Tools group, this tool selects a single column of pixels from top to bottom.

Magic Wand Tool - (Keyboard shortcut W) Samples colors in an image. Increase “Sample Size” in the Options Bar for a better representation of the sampled area’s color.

Photoshop How To Guide


Adobe Graphics for Television Adobe Photoshop Notes Hidden Tools Explained Clone Stamp Tool - (Keyboard shortcut S) The most basic of Photoshop’s retouching tools. It samples pixels from one area of the image and paints them over pixels in another area.

Eraser Tool - (Keyboard shortcut E) Permanently erases pixels on a layer. It can also be used to paint in a previous history state.


Blur Tool Blurs and softens areas you paint over with the tool.

Sharpen Tool Part of the Retouching and Painting Tools group, this tool sharpens areas you paint over.

Smudge Tool Part of the Retouching and Painting Tools group, this tool smudges and smears the areas you paint over. It can also be used to create a finger painting effect. Hand Tool - (Keyboard shortcut H) Lets you click and drag an image around on the screen to view different areas when zoomed in.

Photoshop How To Guide


Adobe Graphics for Television Adobe Photoshop Notes Tools Explained


Rectangle Tool - (Keyboard shortcut U) Draws rectangular vector shapes, paths or pixel shapes. Press and hold Shift as you drag to force the shape into a perfect square.

Ellipse Tool Part of the Drawing and Type Tools group, this tool draws elliptical vector shapes, paths or pixel shapes. Press and hold Shift as you drag to draw a perfect circle.

Triangle Tool Part of the Drawing and Type Tools group, this tool draws triangle shapes. Hold Shift to draw an equilateral triangle, or use the Radius option to round the corners.


Polygon Tool Part of the Drawing and Type Tools group, this tool draws polygonal shapes with any number of sides. Use the Star Ratio option to turn polygons into stars.

Line Tool Part of the Drawing and Type Tools group, this tool draws straight lines or arrows. Use the Stroke color and weight to control the appearance of the line.

Custom Shape Tool Part of the Drawing and Type Tools group, this tool lets you select and draw custom shapes. Choose from Photoshop’s built-in custom shapes or create your own.

Photoshop How To Guide


Adobe PhotoshopCC CC2021: 2022: Selecting Objects Adobe Photoshop Resizing an Image 1

Choose one of the selection tools from the toolbar on the left side of the real estate.


Select the object by drawing a line around it (lasso tool), [left] click and dragging a selection area around it (marquee selection tools) or [left] click and dragging an area around it (object selection tool).


Now you can copy, move, delete, scale, change its color, reduce its opacity, etc. Its as simple as that! 1


2 1



Remember to look for the “marching ants” to know for sure you’ve made a selection!

Photoshop How To Guide


Adobe Photoshop CC 2022: Moving an Object 1 Select the Move tool from the toolbar on the left side of the real estate. 2 Select the layer of the object you wish to move from the layers panel on the right side of the real estate.


3 (left) Click and drag the item from the starting position to the position you want it to rest at and release the mouse Its as simple as that!



Photoshop How To Guide


Adobe Photoshop CC 2022: Rotating Objects 1

Select the layer of the object you wish to rotate from the layers panel.


Using the move tool, drag the object to the upper left of the canvas.


Hold down control + A key to select everything on the canvas.


Click on the align horizontal centers button.


Now click on the align vertical centers button. - this will center the object on the canvas


Hold down Control + D key to deselect the object.


(with the move tool selected) Hold down the Control key (Command on a Mac) and press the T key to enter Free Transform mode. - a bounding box will appear around the object each of the little white box allows you to make adjustments to the objects height and width these are called “handles”


Photoshop How To Guide


Adobe Photoshop CC 2022: Rotating Objects 8

Hover your mouse over one of the top two corners until you see the rotation indicator, then click and drag clockwise until the object has rotated 90° degrees on its center point. - with smart guides turned on, you will see an angle indicator to help you get the rotation precise

angle indicator

OR There’s another way to do the same thing 1

Use the move tool to drag the object to the upper left of the canvas.


Hold down control + A key to select everything on the canvas and use the alignment tools to center the object on the canvas.


From the Properties Tab on the right, under Transform change the angle to 90° by manually entering the number in the rotation field.

rotation indicator

Its as simple as that!

Photoshop How To Guide


Adobe Photoshop CC 2022: Resizing an Image Adobe Graphics for Television Activity – Resizing an image Objective – Using the skills you’ve acquired so far, you will create a standard size image for video graphics, move an image onto the canvas and resize it to fit. Anticipated outcome: Create a full size background image, generating an optional background for your full screen graphic project. Create a standard blank video graphic document -

1920X1080 72 ppi RGB Transparent background Save it as resizing_activity.psd

Choose File>Open -

Choose one of the images from the folder that are larger than 1920X1080

Choose the move tool (V) from the tool bar -

Click in the center of the image o With the mouse button still depressed, drag the image into the blank document you just created o Release the mouse button

Change the magnification to 24% in one of the following ways 1. Hold down the ALT key and use the scroll wheel on the mouse to zoom out to 24% magnification 2. Use the magnifying glass tool from the toolbar (Z) while holding down the ALT key to zoom out to 24% magnification Press the CTRL and T keys at the same time to create the image resize “Bounding Box” -

A bounding box is a wire frame that appears around an image when you attempt to resize, or rotate it. o The box has 8 “handles” that you can click and drag to change the images size and shape

Photoshop How To Guide


Adobe Photoshop CC 2022: Resizing an Image Click the handle in lower right hand corner of the image and drag it towards the lower right hand corner of the Canvas - When you get right on top of the corner of the canvas, release the mouse button o The image size will have changed slightly


Repeat this step with the upper left hand corner handle and upper left hand corner of the canvas

The image still might not/doesn’t quite fit into the canvas -

That’s ok

Hit the ENTER key to commit the changes you’ve made to the image size

Click the ZOOM tool on the toolbar (Z) and zoom in until the image size reaches 100%

Photoshop How To Guide


Adobe Photoshop CC 2022: Resizing an Image Change to the Move tool from the toolbar (V)

Another way to change magnification is the direct input of the magnification percentage in the Document Status Information area

Now that you’ve resized your image, you can apply effects to it, adjust brightness/contrast, reduce color saturation, and more.

Export your work as your first and last initials underscore the name of the project (resizing_activity) and export it as a jpg. Example – SB_ resizing_activity.jpg

Click the EXPORT button IMPORTANT TIP It is easier to reduce the size of a larger image to fit into a smaller canvas than enlarge a smaller image to fit a larger canvas. Going from smaller to larger, reduces the overall resolution of the image, and makes it look “fuzzy”

Photoshop How To Guide


Adobe Photoshop CC 2022: Straightening an Image 1

In the toolbar, select the Crop tool.


In the Options Bar, chose W x H x Resolution from the Select a Preset Aspect Ratio or Crop Size menu.

- a crop overlay will now cover the image.


Set the Height, Width and Resolution you wish the image to have.


Use the straighten icon from the Crop Options bar to straighten the image as needed. - click and drag the icon across the top of the image to straighten it

Photoshop How To Guide


Adobe Photoshop CC 2022: Straightening an Image 5

Drag the corner handles of the crop grid inward towards the center of the image until you reach the desired crop you wish to achieve.

Before Crop


Press the Return or Enter key to accept the crop. Its as simple as that!

After Crop

Adobe Photoshop CC 2022: The Clone Stamp Tool The Clone Stamp tool uses pixels from one area of an image to replace the pixels in another part of the image. You can use this tool to get rid of unwanted parts of an image or to repair damaged or missing parts from a scanned image. Notice in the previous example the irregularity in the picture of the family standing by the wall. This can easily be removed using the Clone Stamp tool. Here’s how: Select the Clone Stamp tool from the tools panel. 1 2

Select a 60-px brush with a Hardness of about 30% in the options panel for the Clone Stamp tool.

- make sure that you have the Aligned option selected

Photoshop How To Guide


Adobe Photoshop CC 2022: The Clone Stamp Tool 3


Move the Clone Stamp tool to an area to either the left or right of the damaged area of the image.

Clone Stamp tool

Alt+Click (Windows) or Option + Click (Mac) to sample a “clean” part of the image. - look for the cross hairs


Move the Clone Stamp tool over the damaged part and click to paste the sample over the damaged area.


Repeat this process until you have completely removed the damaged area from the image. Its as simple as that!

Photoshop How To Guide


Adobe Photoshop CC 2022: Making shapes Using some of the selection tools with the paint brush or paint bucket tools, you can make basic raster graphic shapes. Here’s how to make a rectangle: 1

Grab the Rectangular Marquee selection tool from the toolbar.


Click and drag out a rectangular shape (as best you can).


Use the Painbrush tool to paint over the selected area.


When you have it completely filled, deselect the area and VOILA! you’ve got yourself a rectangle filled with the last color you had in your foreground color.

Photoshop How To Guide


Adobe Photoshop CC 2022: Making shapes Creating a circle: 1 Select the Elliptical Marquee selection tool and draw a circular selection area. - to make it a “perfect circle” hold down the shift key, and then click/drag from upper left to lower right - release the mouse button when you are happy with the selection shape 2

Select the Paintbucket tool from the tool bar.


Choose a fill color from the foreground color picker.

Then click 5


Click the paint bucket tool inside the “marching ants” to fill the selection with color.

Control + D to deselect the selected area you just filled.

The Eye Dropper tool While designing your graphics, you may want to incorporate colors from an existing show logo or choose a color you really like from a photograph you have. To change the foreground or background color using this method, you use the

Eyedropper tool (I)

from the toolbar on the left. Just click on the image color you want to sample and it automatically changes the foreground (or background color if you have that selected) to the color you just “picked”.


Use the move tool on the canvas.

to reposition the new shape

Its as simple as that! Photoshop How To Guide


Adobe Photoshop CC 2022: Brushes The Brush tool allows you to paint on any layer, much like a real paintbrush. You’ll also have different settings to choose from, which can help you customize it for different situations. It’s easy to use the Brush tool to paint in your document. Just select the Brush tool from the Toolbar, then click and drag in the document window to paint. You can also use the keyboard shortcut “B” to select the Brush tool at any time. To change the brush color, click the Foreground Color, then choose the color you want from the color picker window.

You can also customize different settings for the Brush tool from the Control panel near the top of the screen.

Some of these settings include: - Brush Size - Hardness - Brush Tip - Opacity You can also choose from an array of preset brushes by clicking on and exploring them in the options panel.

Brush SIZE selector

Brush HARDNESS selector

Photoshop How To Guide


Adobe Photoshop CC 2022: Using Selection Masks In some cases, you may want to select an image to use for your show, but not its background. The quickest way to do this is to create a “Selection Mask” and use it to copy only the area you specify. There are several ways to do this (as with almost anything you do in Adobe CC) but we will cover two staff recomended approaches in this section. First approach uses the magic wand tool. The Magic Wand Tool selects a portion of your image that has the same or similar colors. You can access the Magic Wand Tool by typing “W.” Click in the area you do NOT want to use with the magic wand tool. You will see the “ants marching” but may also will see little flecks or dots in the selected area. Those flecks are parts of the image that were not similar enough in color to the selection to be included. If you want to include them as well, hold down the shift key and use the lasso tool to add them to the selection.



Then choose Inverse (Shift+Control+I) to invert the selection so that it is ONLY selecting the image you wanted. This sometimes takes a little tweaking, but delivers the results. The other way to do this would be to make a Selection Mask with the paintbrush tool. Here’s how we do that: 1 Select the Edit in Quick Mask Mode button at the bottom of the Toolbar. 2 Select the paintbrush tool and make its hardness about 100%. • You can adjust the size of the brush using the [ or ] brackets to make it larger or smaller 3 Paint on the area you do not want to select, while attempting to not paint on the area you DO want to select. Notice the Red color? - if you DO paint on the area you want to keep, its ok...we can fix that later 4 When you have an area you don’t want painted, change your edit mode back to Standard. 5 From the Selection drop down menu, Inverse (Shift+Control+I) to invert the selection so that it is ONLY selecting the image you wanted. 6 Press the Delete key on your keyboard to remove the part of the image you didn’t want, leaving the part you wanted to keep. Its as simple as that! Photoshop How To Guide






Adobe Photoshop CC 2022: Layers Working with Layers Layers are the building blocks of any image in Photoshop • layers are like separate flat panes of glass stacked on top of each other, each with its own artwork and transparent areas letting you see down through to the layers below it. • each layer contains separate pieces of content Examine the layers panel • if the your layers panel is not showing, go to windows>layers • layers panel is where you will go to work with and select layers • to toggle the visibility of a layer off and on, click on the eye icon to the left of the layer

• quick way to view only one layer and turn off the rest in the layers panel is holding down the ALT (Option on Mac) and click on the eye icon in front of the layer you want to “solo” - when you solo a layer, you will see a checkerboard pattern surrounding it. This pattern is what photoshop represents as the layer’s transparency or Alpha Channel that lets you see down through to the layers below it. • you can select a range of layers by selecting the first layer, hold down the shift key and select the last layer in the range


2 3


CLICK Photoshop How To Guide


Adobe Photoshop CC 2022: Layers • you can also select specific layers you want to work with by selecting the first layer and then hold down the Control key (Command key on Mac) and click on the other layers you want


2 3


CLICK • if you have multiple layers selected at once, any effects or styles you apply to one layer will be applied to all the layers you have selected.

Photoshop How To Guide


Adobe Photoshop CC 2022: Layer Styles Panel A layer style is simply one or more layer effects and blending options applied to a layer. Layer effects are things like drop shadows, stroke, and color overlays. The following steps show you how to add a few styles to an otherwise boring blue circle. Drop Shadow - adds depth to a flat image 1 Select the layer you want to add the style to in the layers tab

2 At the bottom of the tab click on the “carrot” next to the FX button

3 Select Drop

4 Make adjustments to it in the Layer Styles window

5 Click OK when the shadow looks how you want it

Photoshop How To Guide


Adobe Photoshop CC 2022: Layer Styles Examples Here are some examples of some other effects you can create in the Layer Styles panel:

Drop Shadow

Bevel and Emboss

Gradient Overlay

Pattern Overlay


Outer Glow

Inner Shadow

Photoshop How To Guide


Inner Glow

Appendix A

Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts

Shortcut New Document

WINDOWS Control + N

MAC Command + N

Open a document

Control + O

Command + O

Close a document

Control + W

Command + W

Save the currently opened document

Control + S

Command + S

Save the currently opened document As...

Shift + Control + S

Shift + Command + S

Export the currently opened document As...

Alt + Shift + Control + W

Option + Shift + Command + W

Exit the App

Control + Q

Command + Q

Undo (one level)

Control + Z

Command + Z

Redo (one level)

Shift + Control + Z

Shift + Command + Z

Free Transform

Control + T

Command + T

Open General Preferences menu

Control + K

Command + K

Merge active layer with the one below it

Control + E

Command + E

Merge all visible layers together

Shift + Control + E

Shift + Command + E

Select everything in the active layer

Control + A

Command + A

Toggle between painting and erasing with the same brush

Hold down ` (grave accent)

Hold down ` (grave accent)

Decrease brush size



Increase brush size



Decrease brush hardness



Increase brush hardness



Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts Shortcut



Rotate brush tip by 1 degree

Right arrow (clockwise) Left arrow (counter clockwise)

Right arrow (clockwise) Left arrow (counter clockwise)

Rotate brush tip by 15 degrees

Shift + right arrow (clockwise) Shift + left arrow (counter clockwise)

Shift + right arrow (clockwise) Shift + left arrow (counter clockwise)

Default to Foreground/Background colors



Switch Foreground/Background colors



Fit layers to screen

Alt + left click on the layer

Option + click layer

New layer via copy

Control + J

Command + J

New layer via cut

Shift + Control + J

Shift + Command + J

Add to a selection

Any selection tool + shift/drag

Any selection tool + shift/drag

Delete brush or swatch

Alt - left click brush or swatch

Option - click brush or swatch

Toggle auto-select with the move tool

Control - left click

Command - click

Close all open documents other than the current document

Control + Alt + P

Command + Option + P

Cancel any modal dialog window (including the Start work space)

Escape key

Escape key

Select the first edit field of toolbar

Enter key

Return key

Navigate between fields

Tab key

Tab key

Navigate between fields in the opposite direction

Shift + tab key

Shift + tab key

Change cancel to reset




Control + C

Command + C


Control + X

Command + X


Control + V

Command + V

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