Architecture as a response to flood resilience ( Research paper)

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Research in Urbanism and Architecture II 2019-2020

Architecture as a response to flood resilience An investigation into five flood resilient elements to develop an architectural approach to flooding The built environment is facing challenges related to population growth, hasty urbanisation and climate change. Among the consequences, growing sea levels and urban flooding are actively changing the city. Considerably, an approach of resilient architecture is engaging the sustainable practice in designing and planning. This article investigates the different building approaches when dealing with flood resilience in the Netherlands. To expand the investigation, five elements of resilience (relief, resist, response, recovery and reflection) are used to derive building types and measures to distinguish an architectural flood resilient approach. The aim is to understand how these elements of resilience act in terms of architecture and physical building properties.Thus, this research seeks to bridge the gap between the knowledge available on resilience and its potential uses to architecture, essentially linking theory and practice.

The paper begins by defining the concept of resilience along with the related elements

in order to identify a framework for flood risk management. Secondly, the research becomes contextualized by reviewing the Netherlands flood protection system and policy. An interview and case studies are used to identify the elements that make architecture flood resilient. Then, the link between theory and practice is made by categorizing the flood risk elements to generate maxims, which act as rules of thumb for designing. The research will culminate in the re-definition of relief, resist, respond, recover and reflect into architectural terms.The results depict the adaptive and resilient capacity of architecture and the requirement for a shift in the way buildings are conceptualized, designed and built.

Written by: I. Birgaoanu, M. Jayaraman, N. Maraj, S. A. Pojar, J. J.Visscher

Keywords: Resilience, Adaptability, Flood risk management, Typology, Sustainability

Architecture as a response to flood resilience

1. Introduction Civilizations over time developed in a cyclic manner

few of the causes of extreme flooding induced by

when considering water management. At first the

people (Khan, n.d.).

need of protection against storms resulted in building

shelters. Then came the settlement approach, using

concepts that must be considered while assessing

water as a survival tool. Presently, the radical change

flood risk in the context of urban systems: carrying

of people’s consumption and behaviour towards the

capacity, vulnerability and resilience. Carrying capacity

planet has led to an imbalance (Tsambali, 2014). The

refers to a threshold of accepting flooding until a

treat of climate change and rising sea levels has led to a

certain level of damage. This capacity is measured by

similar stage to the past, where protection against the

the vulnerability and resilience of the urban context.

forces of nature are directing development.The present

Vulnerability can be defined as certain conditions that

condition is one of sever and low-level predictability

weaken the resistance of communities to disaster (UN/

for natural disasters. This undoubtedly is starting a

ISDR, 2004). Unfavourable conditions are determined

gradual shift towards a ‘risk culture’, which besides

by either social, economic, physical or environmental

protecting and preventing floods are now accepting

factors. A distinction must be made between resilience

and learning to live with water. The focus is no longer

and vulnerability as the concept of resilience does not

on mere technical solutions but on understanding

only refer to protection from damage but to the ability

the impact created by community actions, economic

to adapt, learn and self-organize.

change and policy making.

According to Burton (1983), there are three

“Resilience is the capacity of a system,

community or society potentially exposed to hazards

1.1 Resilience

to adapt, by resisting or changing in order to reach

Flooding is a natural phenomenon due to heavy

and maintain an acceptable level of functioning and

rains, overflowing rivers and storms. However,

structure. This is determined by the degree to which

human activities increase the severity and impact of

the social system is capable of organising itself to

flood events on multiple levels, creating extreme

increase this capacity for learning from past disasters

circumstances that damage entire communities. One

for better future protection and to improve risk

of the consequences of these activities is climate

reduction measures (UN/ISDR, 2004).”

change, the melting of the ice caps resulting in rising

sea levels and the increase frequency and intensity of

during the assessment of flood resilience (Batica,

rainfall. Parallel to that, other activities such as building

2013). Inflexible systems for flood prevention are more

in flood plains and unsuitable water management are

expensive to adapt and they cannot withstand higher


Climate change creates extra uncertainties

Research in Urbanism and Architecture II 2019-2020

levels of risk.Thus, using resilience approaches to adapt

is considered suitable for the scope of this paper

flood infrastructure to climate change prevents such

because it introduces the temporal dimension in

systems to become inflexible. Adaptability is a key

risk management and makes it possible to achieve an

aspect that contributes to improving flood systems and

integrated resilient approach to floods at an urban

was defined by (Walker, 2004) as ‘the capacity of actors

level. The methodology proposes a cycle of relief,

in a system to manage resilience’, meaning the ability of

resist, response, recovery and reflect that is initiated

actors to learn, to change the existing physical system

within the CORFU project. This is part of the Seventh

and to continuously develop the system according to

Framework Programme of the European Union,

an adaptive strategy.

which looks at advanced techniques for improving

Due to increasing risk and uncertainty of

flood resilience and management. This cycle aims at

severe flood incidents it became obvious that the

increasing the coping capacity of communities (Batica,

traditional risk approach must shift towards a more


integrated risk management. This takes place on operational, project planning and project design levels. It involves the analysis of risk which is the basis for long term decision making regarding the management of existing systems. Continuous development must be assured through reassessment of risks and hazards based on the most recent data (Batica, 2013).




buildings, resilience

considerably is based upon the contextual situation. Livelihoods and preordain adaptive measures are to be regarded. Resilience in the city is a causal change in the mind set to planning and organizing (Brownell, 2012). The idea that climate change is a conflict must be reevaluated and as a positional standpoint, resilience renders a nuance of an adaptive process. The conflict is transformed to be a measure of sustainability. While various measures have been discussed and applied to

Figure 1. 5 R’s framework

urban systems there is a disconnection between the Relief refers to all physical, technical and

theoretical frameworks found in literature and their

application to the building scale.Thus, this paper is trying

other measures that are implemented to prepare

to bridge the gap between the knowledge available on

before a flood takes place. It is a buffer element that is

resilience and its potential uses in architecture.

related to the concept of ‘living with floods’ and makes use of the existing structures to create controlled flood

1.2 Elements of resilience

plains such as various public spaces and green areas in

A framework of five dimensions is used to assess

general. Resist refers to the threshold capacity of the

the impact and ability to maintain proper functioning

system and it focuses on prevention of the incident as

before, during and after a flood. This framework

much as possible. In addition, it involves the planning 4

Architecture as a response to flood resilience

and adaptation of buildings, infrastructure, services etc.

elements are utilized effectively in an urban scale,

Responding is the crisis management actions taken

where flexible public spaces are present. However, in

during the event. It is a coping mechanism that reduces

the architectural level a practical application of these

the impact of flood by making use of the technical,

concepts is lacking. The building level is a small scale

physical, non-structural and procedural measures.

with built-in measures to be resilient in order to aid

Support, engagement and building capacity ease the

the designing and transformation of flood resilient

recovery process after the event has taken place.

buildings.Thus, this paper seeks to answer the following

The reflection stage is about learning from the past

research question: How are the elements of flood

and preparing for an uncertain future. It aims to raise

resilient risk management applied to achieve

awareness, increase engagement and adapt in every

resilient architecture in the Netherlands?

aspect of flood risk. Moreover, reflection is a means of

tackling the issue at the policy level, professional and

multi-variant components of an integrated building

public participation, which through collaboration will

design for flood resilience. It utilizes the case study

improve performance (Batica, 2013).

methodology based on documented evidence from a

What is lacking is the application of such

variety of sources, to explore current day developing

methodologies to the building level in order to aid the

mechanisms that allow architecture to embrace

design and transformation of flood resilient buildings.

flooding rather than fighting it. The case studies aim

However, due to the integrated approach of this

to throw light on the multi-dimensional benefits of

framework it can be suitable to devise strategies for

an integrated approach for flood resilience. Designing

designing and planning resilient architecture. In fact, the

through resilient measures leads to a forward looking

elements identified in the CORFU project are present

physical aware system, which engages risks in an

in both urban and building settings. Architecture can

integrate manner.

utilize relief, resist, respond, recover and reflect but it does so through different mechanisms. In practice, there are numerous examples and experiments done at the building level, but they lack a common theoretical framework that could guide new developments. As most of the research is based on large urban scales, there is little translation of the knowledge on resilience in architectural terms. Therefore, this research paper is trying to identify the elements that enable flood resilient architecture at the building level and to exemplify how several elements work in practice, according to the framework. 1.3 Problem statement Relief, resist, response, recovery and reflection are all conceptual elements that aid the designing of a resilient system which responds to uncertainties.These 5

In addition, this paper aims to define the

Research in Urbanism and Architecture II 2019-2020

2. Methods The process of investigating this article was upheld

Netherlands, provided the opportunity for conducting

by the gathering information through five different

the interview. The questions form the interview are

methods. Extracting relevant information in formulating

directed to understand floating buildings with resilient

the introduction required a comprehensive literature

adaptable measures, the view of the future and the

review with the aim to discover the state of the art

typological standards for flood resilient architecture.

in relation to flood resilience. Through the literature

review a selection of flood resilient elements were


extracted with the aim to apply other methods to

situated in the Netherlands that are based on flood

triangulate the research to a relevant finding.

resilience, in order to develop an architectural

A case study of the Maasbommel is to




A policy review is used to further describe

impression of the five elements of resilience.These are

the context of the Netherlands. Analysing existing

derived using a drawing analysis to depict the physical

governmental policies and the building code with the

representations of each flood resilient elements

focuses on primary and secondary defence mechanisms

represented in maxims, considering construction

that render urban contexts below sea level more

techniques, technological applications and adaptability

resilient against floods.A special interest is placed upon

of design to render a defined architectural approach to

the policies that are more selective in their approach.

flood resilient architecture.

Taking only a specified urban or architectural context into account. The analysis provides an overview of policies that are applicable on an architectural basis and the way they are implementable in real cases.

An interview with a leading architecture

firm dealing with buildings on water helps to aid a practical architectural approach in flood resilience. The architecture firm Waterstudio in Rijswijk, the






Literature review

Policy review


Case study

Drawing analysis

Figure 2. Methodology


Architecture as a response to flood resilience

3. Results 3.1 The Netherlands as a context

not enough to deal with future uncertainties created

Sixty percent of The Netherlands has always been

by unstable climate events and the consequences

living with the risk of floods. For this reason, The

can be disastrous. This century the summers will be

Netherlands has developed one of the most advanced

drier which can cause the peat dikes to fail under

flood protection systems in the world. This uniform

increased water pressure. Events of extreme dryness

level of protection consists of dikes along primary

succeed extreme rainfall events ‘peak precipitation’

rivers which are constructed for a 1 in 1250 years

that recently began to occur in the coastal area due

chance of overflow (Klijn, 2004). This means that all

to the warming of the surface of the North Sea and

the dikes are built higher and stronger than needed but

increase by 25% annually. On the sides of the Oude

they can still hardly account for the extra uncertainties

Rijn there is soil subsidence of about a centimetre

created by climate change. The Dutch context is then

per year that will lead to an uneven elevation with

a suitable environment for learning how to live with

differences of 1 meter.The amount of the build-up area


has doubled since the Second World War and facing

Around the year 1000, the diking of the

a further increase of 25%. This pace of urbanization

Dutch coastland began. Since then maintaining and

decreases the capacity of water storage and increases

improving the dike system has become one of the main

the speed of surface run-off that disrupts the whole

priorities. Throughout history, plenty of reclaimed land

water cycle (Hoogheemraadschap van Rijnland, 2009).

was lost to water that resulted in reinforcing hundreds

The predicted future scenario is worse as it puts 4

of kilometres of dikes and levees (Bussel,2017). The

million people in danger, especially those in the delta

last fluvial flood that affected several polders happened

region who live outside the dike system. The sea level

in 1926 and was the highest Rhine discharge ever

is expected to increase between 15 and 35 cm by 2050

recorded. Then followed the disaster in 1953, which

that doubles the chances of flooding. For each meter

was caused by a storm tide over the North Sea. This

rise in water level, 5% more land will be flooded, and the

led to a water level rise of more than 5 meters above

economic damage will double every 30 years (Bussel,

average sea level and resulted in the deaths of 1836

2017). Taking all these into account it becomes clear

people (Hoogheemraadschap van Rijnland, 2009).

that new protection measures are needed besides the

After this, another period of strengthening the flood

dike system. Such circumstances invite architecture to

protection system followed. Only after the floods in

play a role in the fight against climate change and its

1993 and 1995 debates began mainly on technical

contribution is proved by several examples.

protection solutions. Since then, however, a turn has been made to policies such as making ‘room for the river’ which will keep water levels low compared to higher dikes and purposeful inundation that helps prevent accidental flooding of downstream polders (Klijn, 2004).

Currently, all the kilometres of dike are

inspected annually and are regularly maintained. These measures provide a high level of protection, but it is


Research in Urbanism and Architecture II 2019-2020

Figure 3. Predicted scenarios of flood consequences from current situation until 2050 (Bussel, 2017)

3.2 Policy review ‘A dike ring (also: dike ring area) is an area in the Netherlands that is protected against outside water by a primary flood defense or by high soils. Areas are designated as dike ring areas in the Water Act (previously the Water Defenses Act)’


2009). A ring is divided up into several regions, each region has its own policy regarding daily management and maintenance of watercourses (Raadsinformatie, 2016). Each ring is classified with a safety standard, based on the number of inhabitants and the economic. The region Noord-Holland and Zuid-Holland have the overall highest value.

The Delta Program steering group noted in

November 2017 that too little attention was paid to consequence limitation through spatial planning in the event of a possible flood (City Deal, 2019). Flood risks hardly play a role in spatial development decisions. A new policy was constructed to ensure the importance

Figure 4. Safety standard for dike ring (Deltacommissie Nederland)

of flood risks in future spatial development. Waterrobust and climate-proof construction is a condition

Delta Decision on urban spatial adaptation, must

for sustainable development in the Netherlands.

be anchored in policies and in concrete actions in

This condition, which has already taken effect in the

2020. The climate adaptation includes measures to 8

Architecture as a response to flood resilience

minimize the consequences of flooding or very serious

3.3 Interview

flooding through spatial urban planning. Consequential

Gathering relevant data on flood resilience was

limitation of floods must be considered for this in

collected by investigating experts in the field of

new spatial developments, but also in restructuring,

resilient designing. Waterstudio architectural office

management and maintenance, (business) investments

is one leader in the Netherlands that focuses on

and the preparation of emergency plans for both public

floating architecture. This firm was discovered through

and private parties.

literature while seeking case studies in the Netherlands

Urban context within a dike ring may still

(“Waterstudio.NL Architecture, urban planning and

be subjected to mediocre floods. The overall spatial

research.,” 2007-2020). The interview with architect

design and architectural design can be adapted to

Ankie Stam from Waterstudio is used to investigate the

account for this flood risk. Either by implementing

existing relationship with architecture and water. The

countermeasures within the urban context like the

topics for the interview are based on the approach of

Metropolitan Area Outer Underground Discharge

Waterstudio, elements of flood resilience and selected

Channel Japan for heavy flood events or small water

case studies used as a reflection to discuss resilient

containment tanks embedded in parks, streets and


building plots. Another option is to create floating

architecture or semi-floating architecture. Floating

Waterstudio, questions dealt with the aim to

architecture has specific rules that are embedded in

understand floating architecture and the construction

the Dutch building code.

of buoyant concrete. The aim to understand buoyant






The building code (blg-43112,2017) in the

concrete came from investigating the architectural

Netherlands is a set of rules that specify standards for

approach of Waterstudio. Stam states: ‘Waterstudio is

constructed objects such as buildings and non-building

an architectural office that is focused on building on

structures. Within the code a section is devoted to

and next to the water. We use the water to upgrade

construction projects for housing on the water. The

the performance of the city, this can be in using the

building regulation classifies two options for water

space available, and for safety.’ Waterstudio’s mindset

housing: a building or a houseboat. For constructing a

is to impact the urban environment with floating

floating building, a building permit is required as stated

architecture, and the element that allows their

by the housing act. However, a houseboat is not a

architecture to float is buoyant concrete.

‘building’, therefore it does not fall under the housing

act but rather the municipal houseboat policy. If a

utilising foam and lightweight concrete to shape a

construction project is meant to be in one place all

hollow hall like the base of a ship. This flood resilient

the time, both anchored and wired to the quay, then

element of designing is used as a method of resisting

the project is classified as a building rather than a

floods.The construction mechanism engages the upper

houseboat. A hybrid version of a building that is meant

building elements to be downward pushing, while the

to flow only when water is introduced is regarded as

concrete base elements push upwards (Carl & Brook,

a floating building. Furthermore, the code specifies

1985). In application different types of water requires

a group of floating buildings not as a conventional

further research before construction. These different

residential area, but rather as a building body of which

types of water can refer to low lying lakes, for instance,

the quays and walkways are regarded as public area.

or even more dynamic bodies of water such as the 9

Buoyant concrete is a construction method

Research in Urbanism and Architecture II 2019-2020

ocean. Nevertheless, each different type of water has

buoyant concrete and additionally using the amphibious

a different impact on the use of buoyant concrete.

housing typology, are a means to resist and relief. The

These refer to the limitations regarding the height

concept of recovery is attached to the developing idea

of the building in relation to the depth of the water.

of using floating pre-built building, which can be added

When stabilizing the structure, calculations are done

to a city when the need of a function is present. For

before construction with room for later modifications,

example, a school can be built and when a region is

allowing the design to be as balanced as possible.

in need for an additional school the building can be

transported through water and added on as a floating

One project of Waterstudio that engaged

in designing on the water is The Waterbuurt floating


neighbourhood located on IJmeer lake in Amsterdam.

The homes are designed with concrete floating tubes

The New Water Project designed by Waterstudio. The

and stabilisation of the building due to disturbing waves

region of the project is in a low-lying polder landscape.

is facilitated by two anchorage posts on opposite areas

Situated in between The Hague and Rotterdam, the

of the house. Placed roughly 7 metres into the bed

area is of high-water accumulation due to the number

of the IJmeer lake. These posts allow the house to

of greenhouses occupying the landscape. Therefore,

rise and descend with the water. (“Buoyant buildings:

the client OMW a public-private partnership aimed

better than boats? Waterstudio,” 2016.) Stam noted in

to return the area back to the water instead of

the interview, ‘...when you build on water you always

pumping the water out (“New Water, Naaldwijk, The

have to take into account that the water level can rise

Netherlands - Waterstudio,” n.d.). Waterstudio then

to a certain level, so mooring piles have to be long

designed a masterplan depicting a flooded region

enough and connected to shore.’

with buildings floating on the surface. The aim of

The element of reflection is best described by

reflecting on the present technological applications and understanding the needs of a landscape allowed room for an architectural vision countering the norm. Reflection in this aspect is an application of designing that has learnt from the past.

3.4 Case study In 1998 Dura Vermeer, Boiten Raadgevende Ingenieurs and Factor Architecten were appointed for the design of 14 floating and 32 amphibious houses near the river Maas in Maasbommel. The project (completed in 2004) illustrates how buildings can be adapted for Figure 5. Building section of Waterbuurt house (Based on “Buoyant

withstanding the rising in sea level, increasing rainfall

buildings: better than boats? Waterstudio,”. 2016.)

and lack of land to build on, while still coexisting with

the river’s ecosystem. It features two different types In conclusion, Waterstudio’s approach to the

of houses, where fourteen houses are floating in

flood resilient elements are based on resisting floods

water permanently and the other 32, under normal

through construction techniques. The appellation of

circumstances, rest on a concrete foundation in a


Architecture as a response to flood resilience

dock dug out of the dike. They are also termed as

seas. To keep both houses that share a set of mooring

amphibious houses, as they can adapt to the context

pylons stable, they are further connected by a steel

and float as soon as the water level rises.


The architecture and engineering of both

houses was to abide with Archidem’s law, the center of gravity is kept as low as possible with a concrete base and timber frame structure and about 70% of the entire weight is concrete. The services and facilities of the houses hardly vary from those in an ordinary house. Therefore, it is heated by central heating on natural gas and equipped with radiators. Each pair Figure 6. Maasbommel aerial view with amphibious and floating houses.

of houses are connected to the water, sewage and

(Studio van Hesse)

electricity from the bottom of the dock to the side of the house.The length of the connection is long enough

“The basis for all floating objects is

to resist during crisis.

Archidem’s law: Any floating object displaces its own weight of the fluid“(Floating homes ‘De Gouden Kust’, 2011, p.7). The 14 floating houses in the Maasbommel project achieved this by creating a hull and building a lightweight house on top of it. The hulls weight more than 70 tons each and were fabricated on site. The floating structure is additionally anchored to an underwater support pylon and enables orderly rise

Figure 7. Cross section of an amphibious house. (Unknown (Drawing).

and decent of the house with the water level.

Retrieved from :


The amphibious houses have an advantage

over the floating houses, as in most conditions they act as an ordinary home including features such as a garden and access from the road. The inhabitants in these houses will only feel that they are floating when the area of Maasbommel floods indicated by water levels above 7m which occurs once in every 12 years. During such situations the houses can be accessed via boat. The orderly rise and descent of these houses are ensured by mooring pylons, that keep in place sets of two residences. These are steel columns that have been mounted deep into the ground and which extend

Figure 8. Amphibious house floating during 2011 floods. (Unknown

up to 12 meters above the NAP level. In the extreme

(Photograph). 2011. Amphibious house afloat, Maasbommel [Photograph].

case of floods flowing over the dikes, these houses are

Retrieved from :

kept in place and can withstand currents found in open



Research in Urbanism and Architecture II 2019-2020

In January 2011, the amphibious homes had

stay afloat. In the Maasbommel project and Citadel,

their first encounter with staying afloat.The water level

floating apartments lay on hollow concrete hulls

rose above 7 meters since 1995 and the surrounding

that were used as foundation. The dimensions of the

area flooded. Warnings were issued prior to the flood;

concrete hull are equal to that of the house footprint.

hence cars were removed, and the residents were

This foundation needs to be watertight if it is more

aware. On 12th January 2011, when the residents

than 20 cm thick. The Maasbommel project uses a 23

woke up, they found that there was no longer any

cm thick concrete hull weighting over 70 tons.

connection to dry land, thus they had to use boats to get to the land. The houses proved to comfortably coexist with the rise in water levels and descended with

Design element

Rule of thumb


Width of the house = width of the foundation

ease as the water receded. Table 1. Relief characteristics

3.5 Maxims According to Cambridge Dictionary, a maxim is “A brief statement of a general truth, principle, or rule of behavior “.

The case study of Maasbommel and works

of the Waterstudio, such as the Citadel project and Waterbuurt are used to extract generic design ideologies. These aim to provide a framework of maxims designers can follow in order to build with water. The maxims are further categorized based on the flood resilient elements (resist, respond, recover and relief).

The Maasbommel Project acts as the primary

source of extraction for the maxims, as the project was the first of its kind and has been in use since 2004. As a result of its longer life cycle and experience with flooding, it proves to be an accurate case to analyze with respect to the five flood resilient elements.

3.5.1 Relief - Buoyancy The basic principle on which any object can float is Archimedes principle. “The upward buoyant force that is exerted on a body immersed in a fluid, whether fully or partially submerged, is equal to the weight of the fluid that the body displaces.“ ( Wikipedia, 2019).

The foundation of a floating/ amphibious

house needs to act like the hull of a ship, in order to

Figure 9. Rise and descent of an amphibious house on a concrete hull


Architecture as a response to flood resilience





It can be casted on site

Restriction in hight of the building compared to depth of water (extracted from the interview)

Both steel and wood can be locally sourced and recycled

Difficult to modify the design of the house (includes adding extensions or even furniture, as it could hamper stability)

Table 2. Advantages and disadvantages of the relief characteristic

Table 4. Advantages and disadvantages of the resist characteristic

3.5.2 Resist - Proportions in construction

3.5.3 Response - Stability and adaptability

In order to achieve stability, a lightweight top structure

Each Pair of floating/ amphibious houses can be

is ideal for construction. Steel or wood can be used

kept in place by two pylons. These steel columns

to create the structure of the house that can be, then

have been drilled deep into the ground and extend

mounted on top of the concrete hull.

up to 12 meters above the sea level (in the case of

Design element

Rule of thumb


Mass of foundation > mass of house

Material for foundation

Material for house


Wood/ steel

the Maasbommel project). In situations of extreme floods, the houses can withstand the current as they are additionally connected by a steel framework along with the pylons.

Design element

Rule of thumb

Mooring pylons

The height of the columns should extend above NAP level

Table 3. Resist characteristics

Table 5. Response characteristics



Figure 10. Volumetric representation of the floating house typology, in

Figure 11. Floating house on mooring pylons

order to maintain stability.


Research in Urbanism and Architecture II 2019-2020





A pair of houses can be attached to the two pylons

“Some residents say they feel their house sawing when the wind kicks up� (P. Kennedy, 2016)

Stable and adaptable houses for flood prone regions.

After the water level goes down, debris could get trapped in the dock, preventing orderly decent.

Table 6. Advantages and disadvantages of the response characteristic

Table 8. Advantages and disadvantages of the response characteristic

Rise and descent The concrete hull of an amphibious house rests on six concrete foundation piles. The same six piles are used to give a level basis for the floating homes at extremely low water levels.

As water level rises the houses slide up along

the mooring pylons. The amphibious houses are lifted out of their docks, the dock then fills up with water.

Design element

Rule of thumb

Concrete piles

Pile foundation placement to follow the grid of house plan

Table 7. Response characteristic

Figure 13. Behaviour of a floating house when the water level rises

3.5.4 Recovery - Access and infrastructure Post flooding recovery is an essential strategy that needs to be planned out. In the Maasbommel case, the amphibious houses can be accessed by road that runs along the dyke at 7.4 M above NAP level. In the case of severe flooding, the houses can also be accessed by boats.

A floating pier is connected to the houses

and all the mainline piping for heating, sewage and electricity have been placed above flood level, allowing the houses to fully function in case of high-water levels. Figure 12. Concrete piles


Architecture as a response to flood resilience

Design element

Rule of thumb



Mooring pylons, mainline piping and road must be connected to the shore.Â

Houses can be mobile Not enough data has and be moved in case of been published on flood warning. this technology being implemented.

Table 9. Recovery characteristic


Table 11. Advantages and disadvantages of the recovery characteristic

3.5.5 Reflect The stage of reflection in terms of architecture is related to the aspect of flood resilient awareness. New technologies and developing ideas reflect the past problems and solutions. As described in the interview, areas can be redesigned to be flooded as a process of reflection to the urban situation and the architectural technologies. Adapting policies and expanding the awareness of flood resilient designing would allow advancements in technical flood resilient building. Reflection is the learning stage for future architecture.

Figure 14. Urban set up of floating/amphibious houses with access road and floating pier

Design element Research into the resilient past, present and future

Technology In future scenarios floating city apps could enable the

Table 12. Reflect characteristic

Changes in policies

houses to be mobile and can be easily moved from one destination to another.

Higher dikes

Design element

Wider surface of water by intentional flooding

Floating city applications - mobile houses

Loans for building on water

Table 10. Recovery characteristic

Implement resilience

Live with water

Increase the awareness

Improvement in technologies

Fighting against water


Figure 15. Technology driven applications that could activate the houses to act like a motor boat , turning them into mobile houses

Figure 16. Schematic diagram of flood resilient awareness


Research in Urbanism and Architecture II 2019-2020

3.6 Re-definitions

level, developing

Adapted definitions based on the definitions of Batica,

community co-operation, financial preparation and


experimentation of new measures.

Relief – Preparations (design stage/research stage) made before execution. Making use of existing infrastructure





measures related to the concept of “living with floods”, such as making room for the river, controlled flooding and dike rings. Resist – Prevention of flood risk, threshold capacity, the outcome of the research done at the relief stage. Limiting flood damage through active and passive mechanisms such as buoyant concrete, adapting the dimensions of the foundation to equal the dimensions of the house and its mass to be less than the mass of the upper construction (wood/ steel). Response – Mechanisms working with the floods that focus on crisis management coping capacity. Flood impact is reduced by implementation of pylons for stability which should extend above NAP level and mooring pylons that allow the rise and descent together with the water level. Recovery – Providing support to recovery processes to cope with the impacts after flooding events. A floating pier should be connected to the houses to ensure access and infrastructure. Both the pier and the water, sewage, gas and electricity infrastructure must be built above NAP level. In the near future, new technologies could be as well used to help re-locating the houses to another destination. Reflect – Increasing awareness and adaptive capacity, learning from the past and preparing for an uncertain future. Enhancing the awareness and engagement in all aspects of flood risk by managing it at the policy 16


technology, increased

Architecture as a response to flood resilience

4. Conclusions By analysing flood resilient strategies on a national and urban scale this paper aimed to illustrate how flood resilient risk management can be applied to achieve resilient architecture in the Netherlands. Using five elements Relief, Resist, Response, Recovery and Reflection for validating the aid of designing for flood resilient systems.






Waterstudio combined with an analysis of existing case studies, such as Maasbommel, a better understanding of the Dutch practice for creating flood resilient architecture was given. This led to the identification of the elements that make architecture flood resilient. These elements were translated into maxims that illustrate the benefits and drawbacks of the application of each architectural element. Together with the redefinition of the 5R framework in architectural terms, an integral framework can provide the essential overview for designing and redesigning urban and architectural contexts. This method of designing through resilient measures, leads to a forward looking physical aware system, which engages flood risks in an integrate manner.

Potential research in the field of flood

resilient architecture can further fill the gaps in the flood risk elements. Recovery and reflection would benefit from additional research, which can be investigated by utilising life cycle research into the technical recovery of flood resilient buildings. Research into new technology and innovative ideas would consolidate more resilient awareness and experimentation. Monitoring of floating projects with the aim to study the adaptive life span of a building can aid in clearer ideas to the elements of relief and resist.


Research in Urbanism and Architecture II 2019-2020

5. References Raadsinformatie, WATERAGENDA DEN HAAG, 2016, retrieved December 9 2019, Bijlage_Wateragenda_Den_Haag_2016-2020

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Architecture as a response to flood resilience

6. Acknowledgements We would like to thank the tutors of “Research in Urbanism and Architecture“, especially Torsten SchrĂśder that guided us into this research, by giving critical feedback, but at the same time by pushing us to have a similar attitude towards ourselves and to take the best decisions, which challanged us to always seek for improvement. Furthermore, we are grateful for Ankie Stam, our contact from the Waterstudio office, for taking her time in communicating with us and answering our interview, while showing enthusiasm for our interest in the topic.


Research in Urbanism and Architecture II 2019-2020

7. Appendix - Interview A list of questions was emailed by the authors of this report and answers were given by Ankie Stam MSc architect from the Waterstudio Office.

Topic 1: The approach of Waterstudio 1. How would you describe the approach of Waterstudio to flood resilience? a. Why floating architecture? What are the benefits of floating architecture? Answer 1a: Waterstudio is an architectural office that is focused on building on and next to the water. We use the water to upgrade the performance of the city, this can be in using the space available, and for safety b. What inspires you personally when creating floating architecture? Answer 1b: See answer on A c. Could you describe the process of constructing buoyant concrete for floating projects? Answer 1c: Quite the same as on land, only our research on the type of water is longer than a research on land since all water is different, we always have to find the most feasible way of building. d. What are the existing limitations of using buoyant concrete? Answer 1d: Hight of the building compared of the depth of the water. e. How do you test the performance of your buildings in terms of floating architecture? Answer 1e: Balance and stabilization is calculated upfront, in floating buildings we keep space to trim the building after completion. f. To what extent are future users involved in the design process? Answer 1f: Depends on the client, private clients are very much involved, by a developer client are involved less or not. g. Are the above flood risk elements used in the design approach? Answer 1g: Depends on the location, when you build on water you always have to take into account that the water level can rise to a certain level, so mooring piles have to be long enough and connections to shore.

Topic 2: Future applications of floating architecture 2. What is the future of floating architecture in The Netherlands? a. What national agencies do you work with in understanding the flood risks regions in The Netherlands? Answer 2a: Climate initiative in Rotterdam, NEN for regulations on floating buildings, Municipalities, Province. b. What challenges is Waterstudio facing for future development of floating architecture? 20

Architecture as a response to flood resilience

Answer 2b: Regulations, technically everything is possible, but when a city/country does not allow to build you cannot do anything. c. What current strategies/policies support environmental urban planning, encouraging floating architecture in the Netherlands? Answer 2c: You see more and more floating living areas in new build areas (Urk we delivered some months ago and Zeewolde is under construction).

Topic 3: Elements of flood resilience 3. Do you view relief, resist and response as one conceptual architectural approach? a. For the concept of relief, we are aware the construction technique of floating architecture is present. However, could you describe other construction methods that have been used by Waterstudio? Could you give an example of one of your buildings? Answer 3a: Have a look at the Arkup, this is a floating villa that can also function as a stilt house (much available online). b. Is the concept of resist used in your designs? Could you give an example of one of your projects, which resist is applied? Answer 3b: New Water, and Hainan china project, where we made decisions what areas could be flooded and what needed to stay dry (raising land, placing dikes) c. Is the concept of response used in your designs? Could you give an example of one of your projects, which response is applied? Answer 3c: No d. Can you tell us how the concept of recovery is used when designing new projects? Answer 3d: Floating City Apps, small floating units that you can bring to a location fast. e. Can you tell us how the concept of reflection is used when designing new projects? Answer 3e: New rules been set to make sure the event will not occur anymore, this is in rules for areas, higher dikes, allowance of higher rise of water.

Topic 4: The New Water Project 4. How did the involvement of Waterstudio in this project start? a. Could you explain how this project was obtained? Answer 4a:The region of the New Water project is in a low-lying polder landscape. Situated in between The Hague and Rotterdam, the area is of high-water accumulation. This is due to the number of greenhouses occupying the 21

Research in Urbanism and Architecture II 2019-2020

landscape area. In the Netherlands, majority of polder regions are given for use of greenhouses and this ultimately reduce the amount of uncovered soil. Therefore, throughout the years the natural draining system of the area was affected by additional water excretion. The client is OMW a public-private partnership. The aim of the design is to return the area to the water and designing with the water. (“New Water, Naaldwijk, The Netherlands Waterstudio,� n.d.) b. What is the design aim for this project? / What is the project trying to achieve? Answer 4b: Building on/in a flooded area. c. How was the designed project received by the region? Answer 4c: Good, but because of crisis the project was scaled down and put on hold. d. What are the current causes for the project to be on hold? Answer 4d: Just waiting for the next flood. e. For the Villa Traverse project, could you describe the construction method used to resist flooding? Answer 4e: The living area was raised; boathouse and entrance are situated on water level. f. How was the building tested to identify the recovery stage? Answer 4f: Not tested. g. For the Citadel floating apartment project, could you describe how buoyant concrete will be used. Answer 4g: It is a hollow concrete hull, like a ship. h. What are the dimensions of buoyant concrete in relation to the building dimensions? Answer 4h: Same as building


Architecture as a response to flood resilience


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