I pledge, on my honor, To uphold the objects of Key Club International; To build my home, school, and community; to serve my nation and God; And to combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions!
JULY 2013 Hello everyone! Happy July! I hope you had a wonderful Independence Day. This summer is going to fly by, so I encourage you to make the most of it. There are many important Key Club events this summer, so please please take the time to read this newsletter. I appreciate everyone’s efforts as together we make Division 48 stronger and more united! Go Superheroes!
Please note all of the important dates outlined in this letter, especially the July DCM as well as Eastside Rally. Thank you all for sacrificing your time to help others! Key Club pride!
Jaycee Rade Lieutenant Governor Division 48 Pacific Northwest District of Key Club International 208.691.7849 “Caring-Our way of life”
Join the Facebook group! /groups/579507528739156/
Eastside Rally!!
Register online: /myevent?eid=7147352925
Officer training, district information, getting to pie me and other Lt.Gs in the face (if you raise enough money!), a dunk tank (that anyone can participate in), fun ice breakers, pizza and frozen yogurt, Key Club fun. WHAT MORE COULD YOU ASK FOR?! Register Now!
August 1st 2013 11:30am-4:00pm Rogers High School, Spokane WA
THE ELIMINATE PROJECT Do your part EDUCATE yourself. ADVOCATE to the world. INVEST to save and protect. ELIMINATE maternal and neonatal tetanus. What is the ELIMINATE Project?
The Eliminate Project is a joint project with Kiwanis and UNICEF to internationally terminate MNT.
What is MNT?
In 30 countries around the world, maternal and neonatal tetanus (MNT) can quickly turn the joy of childbirth into tragedy. MNT kills one baby every nine minutes. Its effects are excruciating– tiny newborns suffer repeated, painful convulsions and extreme sensitivity to light and touch. There is little hope of survival. And tetanus kills mothers too. Who suffers from MNT?
MNT is caused when tetanus spores, found in soil everywhere, come into contact with open cuts during childbirth. The disease strikes the poorest of the poor, the geographically hard to reach and those without health care.
Eliminate MNT by 2015 $1.80 = enough to save a mother and her newborns’ lives.
This is our Governor’s Project, so this is now our District’s focus.
Do your part to Eliminate this horrific disease!
Important Contacts Trang Tran
John Jay District Administrator
District Governor Tom Saunders
Hakikat Bains
Assistant District Administrator
District Secretary
Eric Grewal
Jaycee Rade
District Treasurer
Lieutenant Governor Div 48
Sara Thomas
Dan McCracken
District Bulletin Editor
Area Administrator
Important Dates July DCM: July 12th
Eastside Rally: Aug 1st
Key Leader: Oct 18-20
Early Bird Dues: Nov 1st
Dues Deadline: Dec 1st
Connect with
Key Club
DCON: April 3-6th 2014
5th of every month: Secretary report due
Division 48 KEY CLUB INTERNATIONAL Facebook: www.facebook. com/keyclubintnl Twitter: PACIFIC NORTHWEST DISTRICT (@KeyClub) Facebook: m/keyclub pnwkeyclub Facebook:!/g roups/649217148427009/
Twitter: (@PNWKeyClub) /pnwkeyclub Tumblr (Mortie):
KEY CLUB INTERNATIONAL Facebook: www.facebook.
10th of every month: Newsletter comes out!
July Division Council
I will be holding a July District Council Meeting on Friday, July 12th, at 1pm at Sherman Park in downtown Coeur d'Alene. *Attendance is required for ALL officers, and recommended for all members. All advisors and Kiwanians are welcome and encouraged to come as well. *Each President must prepare a club report (you may delegate this task to other officers or split it up, it just has to be done some how!). This may consist of projects you had done over the year, which were your favorites and how successful were they. Any summer projects that you are thinking about doing. *There will also be a time for everyone to share their problems/concerns within their club, or anything Key Club related. This will be a fun meeting with games, but there will also be important information! Please make it a priority to attend. If you are having problems with ride arrangements please let me know! Please send this information out to all of your club members and all officers I may have missed. Thank you so much!
THIS FRIDAY, July 12th at 1pm in Sherman Park. We will be at the covered picnic area, unless it is completely taken at the time.
See you all on the 12th!! PLEASE RSVP(yes and/or no) to my cell phone, text or call, 208.691.7849, or email,, thank you.
DCM Agenda at a Glance
Call to order Pledges Icebreaker Introductions Eastside Rally
Club status and service presentations o Club Presidents Club problems/questions Brief officer training District update Important dates and reminders Adjourn