2014 Jci Malaysia Publication - Pemimpin

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For JCI Members Only

The Magazine For Young Leaders & Entrepreneurs



03 04 05 07

About JCI JCI Malaysia Current Fact National President Message National President and His Team on the Move

11 13 15 17 21 23

Area Peninsular Central South

24 25 26 28 29 30

Area Peninsular North

Area Sarawak JCIM Academy

JCIM ANC 2014 JCI ASPAC JCI Vice President Visitation JCI President Visitation 2014 JCI Malaysia Local Organisation President

31 33 34

Area Sabah


JCI Impact Strategy JCI 100th Anniversary JCI Strategic Plan


Message by


It is my pleasure to be the editor of the PEMIMPIN Magazine, an official publication of Junior Chamber International Malaysia. PEMIMPIN Magazine tells you what’ up, what’s cool, what’s inspiring and what’s so special and unique in the world of JCI Malaysia, connecting you instantly to the local scene as well as international and points you towards the right direction for Individual Development, Business, Community and arena of International. The Junior Chamber International is a people organisation bringing people together to live in harmony and love regardless of nationality, religion or economic background. This bond can be seen from the many memories that adorn this PEMIMPIN Magazine. Let’s listen to the JCI Malaysia National President Andy Ting King Dieng focus on 2014, 3 “Ss” – SYSTEM, SUPPORT & SPIRIT. Let’s also take a look at 2014 JCI Malaysia National Leaders – The committed National Board of Directors. This PEMIMPIN Magazine, we will cover various activities from Local Organisation, Area Conventions as well as International activities. We will also focus on the 2015 JCI Asia Pacific Conference promotion and also JCI Malaysia National Projects such as JCI Malaysia Academy, JCI Malaysia Creative Young Entrepreneur Awards (CYEA), JCI Malaysia Ten Outstanding Young Malaysian Awards (TOYM) and JCI Malaysia Annual National Convention. Last but not least, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my editorial committees, all Local Presidents, Local Secretaries & all message contributors and all JCI members for your generous support in order to make the publication of PEMIMPIN Magazine a reality. My sincere thanks also go to National President Andy Ting and fellow national board members who have sincerely and patiently guided me and assisted me throughout the whole period of compilation. Wish you a pleasant and fruitful reading! Yours in JCI,

2014 JCI Malaysia National Secretary General cum PEMIMPIN Magazine Editor

About JCI JCI is a worldwide community of young active citizen ages 18-40 who share the belief that in order to create positive change, we must take collective action to improve ourselves and the world around us. Engaging in activities ranging from community development to international projects, members demonstrate their social responsibility and improve themselves through participation , leadership and action.

Be Better JCI members constantly seek ways to live JCI’s slogan: Be Better. They not only believe that improvement is possible , they believe it os their responsibility to initiate positive change both in themselves and in their local community. All members around the world share this sense of social responsibility and the initiative to take action to create a better future for all.

JCI Around the World With over 4,500 Local Organization in more than 100 countries and territories, JCI forms a vibrant international community of nearly 170,000 active citizens. All members belong to a JCI Local Organization where they focus on finding solutions to improve their local community. Local Organizations are affiliated to National Organization where members coordinate activities on national and international scales. This structure links JCI members together to form a global grassroots movement creating global impact through local action.

JCI History Almost a century ago, Henry Giessenbier, Jr. decided to take responsibility for the progress and welfare of his community by helping tackle difficult problems around him. Together with 32 other young men Giessenbier established the Young Men’s Progressive Civic Association , JCI’s first Local Organization, in St. Louis, USA in 1915. The members of the first Local Organization dedicated themselves to bringing about community improvements and giving young people a constructive approach to civic problems. By 1944, the movement had spread through eight countries. When delegates from these countries met in Mexico City at the Inter-American Conference that year, they agreed it was time to officially form Junior Chamber International. This deep-rooted tradition of bringing together active citizens from diverse backgrounds remain alive today in our international events. They fuels the JCI movements and set the groundwork to create positive change that transcends boundaries.

International Events Each year, member from all over the globe come together at the JCI World Congress. At this event, JCI’s critical mass of young people unite to share experiences, understand the interconnectedness of our world and facilitate international cooperation. This global forum enables members to find new ways to take action in their local communities and make globalization a positive force. JCI also hosts four regional conferences each year: Africa and the Middle East, Asia and the Pacific, the Americans and Europe. At these conferences, JCI conducts its affairs, hosts training, and gives members the opportunity to address global issues and show theirs commitment to becoming socially responsible leaders.


JCI Malaysia

Current Facts 2014

Junior Chamber International Malaysia (JCI Malaysia) is a National Organization of the Junior Chamber International chapters in Malaysia. This organization is affiliated to Junior Chamber International (JCI), a worldwide leadership development organization for young people between ages 18 to 40, which welcome all nationalities, races and religions.

MEMBERSHIP There are about 2010 Malaysian members from 55 local chapters in Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak. MISSION To provide development opportunities that empowers young people to create positive change. VISION To be the leading global network of young active citizens. CREED We believe: That faith in God gives meaning and purpose to human life; That the brotherhood of man transcends the sovereignty of nations; That economic justice can best be won by free men through free enterprise; That government should be of laws rather than of men; That earth great treasure lies in human personality; And that service to humanity is the best work of life. JCI Creed was written by C. William Brownfield in 1946 and adopted by all JCI members in the world. 2014 JCI WORLD PRESIDENT

Shine Bhaskaran - JCI India


Ken Wong - JCI Hong Kong


Sang Woo Bae - JCI Korea


Andy Ting King Dieng - JCI Sibu




Email : kdting@gmail.com H/P : +6 016 8838145 Fax : +6 085 420509 JCI MALAYSIA HEADQUARTERS

No. 19-3, Jalan Setiawangsa 8, Taman Setiawangsa, 54200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Correspondence:

2014 National Secretary General : Caren Huong - JCI Riam. Email : carenhsw@gmail.com H/P : +6 012 8739129 Fax : +6 085 420509 Executive Secretary : Charles Jabu Email : jcim2014secretariat@gmail.com H/P : +6 019 889 0800



25 – 27 Apr 2014 Hosted by JCI Malacca City Entrepreneur 2014 AREA PENINSULAR NORTH CONVENTION

2 – 4 May 2014 Hosted by JCI Teluk Intan 2014 AREA SARAWAK CONVENTION

16 –18 May 2014 Hosted by JCI Lutong 2014 AREA SABAH CONVENTION

20 – 22 Jun 2014 Hosted by JCI Sandakan 2014 JCI MALAYSIA ACADEMY

29 – 31 Aug 2014 Hosted by JCI Johor Bahru 2014 39th JCI MALAYSIA ANNUAL NATIONAL CONVENTION (ANC)

16 – 18 Oct 2014

Hosted by JCI Achiever


12 Nov 2014 Hosted by JCI United Penang


13 Sept 2014 Hosted by JCI Petaling Jaya


Nov 2014 Hosted by JCI Entrepreneur Metropolitan Kuala Lumpur 2014 ASIA PACIFIC CONFERENCE (ASPAC)

4 – 7 June 2014 in Yamagata, Japan


24 - 29 November 2014 in Leipzig, Germany Other Programs

UN Global Compact and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) The UN Global Compact works to advance Ten Principles of CSR in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. JCI partners with the UN Global Compact to teach small- and medium-sized enterprises how to be responsible and profitable in a competitive global market. 
 JCI Nothing But Nets Campaign

Since 2004 JCI effort to contribute to diminish the mortality rate of children under the age of five by raising funds to purchase and distribute ITNs, as well as to conduct educational campaigns to teach families how to use the ITNs correctly. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION PEMIMPIN JCI Malaysia Website www.jcimalaysia.cc JCI Website www.jci.cc

Andy Ting

2014 JCI Malaysia National President Warmest Greeting from Junior Chamber International Malaysia! First of all, I would like to take this golden opportunity to record my deepest appreciation to all our dedicated members throughout Malaysia for given me the mandate to serve as your 2014 National President. It is truly a great privilege and honour and my heart is completely filled with incredible gratitude for your kind support. I would also like to congratulate JCI Malaysia Pemimpin Editor, National Secretary General Caren Huong for such a great Pemimpin Magazine for JCI Malaysia. Pemimpin Magazine is a magazine that records all the activities of JCI Malaysia from Local to International arena. It’s also covered all the JCI Malaysia Area Conventions as well as JCI Malaysia National Projects such as JCI Malaysia Academy, JCI Malaysia CYEA and so on. This Pemimpin will also records on the International activities such as Official Visitation from JCI President Shine Bhaskaran and JCI Vice President Sang Woo Bae, Our country needs more Active Citizens and for every responsible Active Citizen we have, means greater and better sustainable growth, better living conditions, a compassionate society and every citizen finding purpose and success in their lives. Our lovely JCI members, I can see you continue to put in you effort in JCI because you know the potential of JCI far outweighs its problems, you strive to find ways to make JCI the best place to develop young people into dynamic, influential Active Citizens. This year, JCI Malaysia theme is 3Ss – System, Support & Spirit. For all the Areas and Local Organisations in Malaysia, we work closely towards the same focus which in line with our beloved 2014 JCI President Shine Bhaskaran. We must seek more reasons for young people to join us, I believe ahead of us are a lot of challenges and opportunities. However, I am confident that with teamwork, one goal & one direction, we will be able to create a significant impact and achieve positive growth. Yours in JCI,

Andy Ting King Dieng 2014 National President Junior Chamber International Malaysia PEMIMPIN PEMIMPIN 055

2014 JCI Malaysia National Board of Directors

Kim Tan Jiin Oei

Andy Ting National President

Immediate Past President

Dato Terry Ong National Senior Executive Vice President

Caren Huong

National Secretary General

Leong Seng Tat

National Executive Vice President

George Ngui

Teoh Boon Kiat

National Treasurer

Lydia Khoo

National Executive Vice President

National General Legal Council

Soon Boon Kit

National Executive Vice President

National Vice President

Alvyn Chiang

Claire Lee

Ng Chen Yee

Jay Chong

Price Tok

Kent Pon

Kent Chong


National International Affairs


Jacky Wong Clement Ong Christopher Lim

Liaw Siew Yun Chris Wong

National Public Relation

National Government Affairs

National Training

National Partnership

National Project

Nelson Beh National Convention Director

Gerald Ho

JCIM Academy OC


Terry Tan


Tar Sing Hui Wong Lee Tuang

Kelson Kee CYEA OC

Athi Pillai SRC OC

PNP Ngui Ing Ing

JCM Development Berhad

PNP Jamie PNP Dennis Tan Yvonne Choo Tiew Junior & Youth JCIM Wall of

JCIM Strategic Planning Committee

Charles Jabu

Executive Secretary


National President and His Team

on the Move JCI Mandarin Repok Sarikei

JCI Penampang

JCI Mines

JCI Butterworth City

JCI Jesselton

JCI Bukit Mertajam

JCI Intan

JCI KL Mandarin

JCI Seduan

JCI Kota Kinabalu Attend ANC Committee meeting

2014 Area Sarawak Academy 2014 APNC Agreement Signing

2014 TOYM Press Conference


2014 Area Peninsular Centra South Convention

2014 Area Peninsular North Convention

2014 Area Sarawak Convention

2014 Area Peninsular Centra South Convention-Opening Ceremony

2014 Area Peninsular North Convention-Opening Ceremony

2014 Area Peninsular North Convention-General Assembly

2014 Area Peninsular Centra South Convention-Closing Ceremony


National President and His Team on the Move JCI Malaysia National Board Of Director Meeting 1st NBOD meeting in Kuala Lumpur

2nd NBOD meeting in Sibu, Sarawak

3rd NBOD meeting in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah

International Relationship

Attend JCI Taiwan Inauguration 3rd Jan 2014 Joint NOM Meeting with JCI Taiwan 6th Jun 2014

Attend 20th JCI ASPAC Senate Golf 23rd Mar 2014

Joint NOM Meeting with JCI Singapore 30 Aug 2014


Attended JCI Taiwan National Convention 22 Aug 2014

National President and His Team on the Move Courtesy Visit

VIsit to Sabah Gorvernor

With Deputy Chief Minister cum Minister of Industrial Development of Sabah

With Minister of Welfare and Consumer Affair of Sabah - YB Datuk Hajah Jainab Datuk Seri Panglima Haji Ahmad Ayid

with Minister of Special Affair of Sabah - YB Datuk Teo Chee Kang , JP

With Assistance Minister in the Chief Minister Department cum State Assembly of Tanjung Aru - YB Datuk IR Edward Yon

With Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Youth & Sabah - Datuk Suzannah Liaw

With Assistance Minister of Youth & Sabah YB Tuan Masiung Banah

National Public Relation Director, Jacky Wong had arranged and visit Sabah Cabinet Ministers cum Permanent secretary to the Minister during National President Andy Ting visit to Kota Kinabalu on 26th - 27th May 2014, In Sabah Cabinet Ministers, there have a total of 11 Ministers included our YAB Chief Ministers, during this trip we had visited most of them. It was indeed the most fruitful trip for National President Andy Ting to Sabah, as had successfully connected to the various State Ministers. National President Andy Ting had brief them about our latest update of JCI Malaysia and also each Area, most importance is the brief report on the upcoming event, 2014 JCI ASPAC , wish the Sabah Goverment can extend their full support to the hosting Area! Specially thanks to YB JCI Senator Datuk Raymond Tan for his unselfishness to accompany us to meet other Ministers too.

NP Present a JCIM Tie to Minister of Youth & Sports Sabah YB Datuk Haji Tawfiq Bin Datuk Haji Abu Bakar Titingan


National President and His Team on the Move Courtesy Visit to JCIM Partnership

Courtesy Visit Old Ipoh

Courtesy Visit ASIAMET Courtesy Visit to JCIM Corporate Patron

JCI Malaysia Corporate Patron Corcodile

JCI Malaysia Corporate Patron Episo

Courtesy Visit Tourism Malaysia

Courtesy Visit Sin Chew

Courtesy Visit Majlis Belia Malayisa


Courtesy Visit Parliament

Meeting di Majlis Belia Malaysia Pusat

Peninsular Central South Area

In support to our beloved National President Andy Ting’s Presidential Theme of System, Support, Spirit, Area Peninsular Central South has created many systems as per the National President’s suggestion. System of communication, system of training, system of conducting meeting, are among the mane example of systems that has been suggested by our respectable National President. Area Peninsular Central South has focused in such systems and making sure our National President can achieve his goal by the end of the year. As such, each local organization in Area Peninsular Central South has focus onto the systems. Members are supporting each other in their respective Local Organization activities. National Board Officers under the leadership of National President, has given so much support to our area and the local organizations. Especially the support given to the hosting local organizations that are hosting National Projects. The system and support as in the National President’s Theme, has inculcate the positive culture among members and lift up the spirit of our members. The National President’s theme has created such a great positive impact in our area. It has managed to unite members and officers of our area. At the same time, the words of encouragement that was whispered to our Local Presidents has motivated them into creating more projects that will impact our local community. Year 2014 is the year of JCI Malaysia Area Peninsular Central South focuses on building more positive impact to the area. Under the leadership of our very experienced and very committed National President, we had successfully organized so many impactful projects and attracted so many members to subscribe to our belief of the System, Support and Spirit. We strongly believe, this very theme is going to bring our National Organization to the greatest height in the history of JCI Malaysia! In the short history of 3 years in JCI Malaysia Area Peninsular Central South, our area has managed 2 conventions by our own Local Organizations. This very rare opportunity of development was given to JCI Johor Bahru Entrepreneur in 2013, and to JCI Malacca City Entrepreneur in 2014. After JCI Johor Bahru Entrepreneur created a great success in 2013, JCI Malacca City Entrepreneur has brought another greater height for JCI Malaysia Area Peninsular Central South. 2014 JCI Malaysia Area Peninsular Central South Convention has recorded more than 220 registered participants from across JCI Malaysia. At the same time, we had guests from Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Korea, Japan, and even Denmark. The momentum of the convention has started from the President Forum, to Area Team Meeting to the Opening Ceremony, General Assemblies, various contest and trainings, and reaches the greatest height during the Gala Dinner to mark the closing of the convention. What make our area proud, is not the number of participants that took part in the conventions; is not about how much money or how many sponsors that we had made in the conventions; as well is not how many trainings we organized in the conventions. What make us proud is how this development opportunity has helped the local organization grow in positive manner. JCI Malacca City Entrepreneur has doubled their membership after organizing the convention. They had, at the same time, learn about creating a system that works to recruit members, and retain the members. JCI Malacca City Entrepreneur will definitely has a bigger success with the foundation laid.


Area Peninsular Central South


Peninsular Central North Area

Message from

JCI Senator Lydia Khoo

JCI Malaysia National Executive Vice President 2014 Area Peninsular North Chairperson

I am glad to receive the trust and mandate to lead the Area Peninsular North for a year. As there are numerous short-term goals and long term planning being in place, we definitely need team work to achieve all of them to move forward for bigger goals & dreams. I am very thankful to my National Vice Presidents, Area Officers and Local Presidents in the Area North for working together to achieve our goals and planning. In order to empower JCI Local Organizations to create IMPACT to local communities, we need to provide better Supports (as in 2014 National Presidential Theme) for JCI Local Organizations & JCI Members with monetary, resources or even publicity. At Area Peninsular North, we are glad and thankful to have a passionate Area Patron JCI Senator James Oon (from JCI Teluk Intan) who has provided financial supports. With his financial supports, Area Peninsular North has initiated many trainings like Public Speaking, Oregon Debate Training, Area Academy, JCI Signature Courses, Parliamentary Procedures & Effective Chairmanship and other basic skill trainings. With the training programs available, we have seen JCI Members learned and eager to practice what they have learned in local projects and activities. We hope JCI Members will continue to be motivated and inspired throughout the learning process as we believe that most effective learning is by practicing what we have learned... Also, we are pleased to have sponsorship from SharedSphere to setup our first Area Secretariat, allowing meetings and trainings to be conducted with no cost. With this Supports from private sector, we are able to reduce our operations cost and increase our budget for personal development & community development programs that are beneficial to JCI Members and local communities. One of the largest sponsorship received ever in our Area Peninsular record is from FTG Media, allocating an advertisement slot in their 2 big LED Screens at Penang Plaza & Tanjung Tokong, worth RM6,800 per month or RM81,600 per year. We have used this resource to broadcast projects & activities from JCI Local Organizations and National Events like Area Peninsular North Convention, JCI TOYM, JCI CYEA, JCIM Academy & etc. With this wide publicity, we hope that more young people within the community will participate in JCI Movement to create impact via projects, to connect with more young active citizens and share good ideas for personal & community development. We shall continue to explore better collaboration with companies, associations and NGOs to create better impact in our projects. We strongly urge that that companies with CSR funds to work with JCI for greater CSR projects; companies with young executive & middle management team that need leadership development to send them to JCI for learning & growth. In JCI, we learn motivating our team members (subordinates) by leadership not by monetary incentive. In order to create bonding and uplift spirit between JCI Local Organizations & JCI Members, we have also initiated for Area Badminton Tournament. There are about 60 teams participated in this tournament and the feedback was great. We are not only a learning Youth Organization, but also a fun and healthy association – physically and mentally. Everything is possible when we work as a TEAM together ‌


Opening Ceremony and Welcoming Night_APN Team

2014 APNC COC Team

General Assembly The 2014 JCIM APNC was successfully held in Teluk Intan on 2nd to 4th May 2014. We had near to 150 participants who attended this eventful annual convention. The Area Peninsular North team would like to thank and congratulate JCI Teluk Intan for hosting this year APNC. We were honoured to have 5 trainers from overseas to train our participants. They were JCI Senator Toshiharu Shimizu from Japan, JCI Senator Roger Wong from Singapore, JCI Senator Yokihito Hayakawa from Japan, JCI Senator Francesca Ng from Hong Kong and JCI Senator Vito Chow from Taiwan. We also had some participants from Taiwan among us this time. Besides these overseas trainers, we were also grateful to have our local trainers like JCI Senator George Ong and Clement Ong to extend their knowledge to our eager participants. These 3 days, 2 nights convention was meaningful to our JCI members. We had great programs like, LEAN STARTUP, JCI Morning Show, Parliamentary Quiz, Area North Development Forum, Simulation Games of JCI Activities, Business Seminar, Mind Mapping, Motivational Seminar, Corporate Visit, Trainer Arena, President Forum, Area Team Meeting, General Assembly, Debate Championship, and Speech Contest. Members shared their ideas among themselves. Additionally, members had the chance to learn and motivate their team mates, thus creating stronger bonds and good relationships among them. Our NEVP granted 2 awards to our members for the most outstanding participant and the most active participant in the convention. We also had APNC grand challenge award and the most active participation award. We also would like to thank the 2014 JCIM National President Andy Ting, 2014 JCIM BOD, 2014 JCIM Area Peninsular Centre-South, Sabah and Sarawak Officer who took time to attend this convention. Their presence had indeed graced this convention and made it more meaningful.

Handing over of Convention Flag to 2015 Hosting LO JCI Tanjung Bunga

Welcoming and Opening Night Opening Ceremony by GOH 14 PEMIMPIN

APNC Agreement Signing

General Assembly

Area Sabah

Soon Boon Kit Chairman

Safarina Wasli Immediate Past Chairman

Kent Pon Vice Chairman

Felix Tan Secretary

Anna Wong Treasurer

Florence Duing PR cum International Director

Ken Chong

Vice Chairman

Eugene Tang Newsletter Director

Neelkrish Perumal NEVP SA cum Training Director

Agnes Chong

Convention Director

“Together We Create Positive Impact!� We worked very hard to introduce JCI Active Citizens Framework to the local organisation by providing training and advice to them. By applying the framework to their projects at the local level, it increases the success rate on long term POSITIVE IMPACT. It also provides solid sustainable solutions according to the root cause analysis we found by using the framework. We had successfully shifted the focus to IMPACT our members and we hope our hard work will improve our community. During the Area Sabah Convention, the General Assembly endorsed the setting up of a standing committee for JCI Active Citizens Framework to introduce this to Cities, Municipals and District Councils. We believe with the success of this standing committee we shall be able to establish strong collaborations with local governments and corporate bodies by providing them valuable community data input. In the first quarter we received many survey feedbacks from our area, especially from many new members. We realised that our membership is ageing and we have to find a solution to solve this. According to the survey on demography, we have only 3% members between the ages of 18 to 25. This is the reason we agreed to hold the 2014 Area Sabah Chairman Basketball Tournament to set our target market at a different level. Our coming area project will be the mural painting under the bridge to Karamunsing in memory of MH 370 and MH 17. We hope the message will be delivered positively for every Malaysian to remember and stand strong. The most valuable thing that we gained this year is the JCI spirit and the faith that we, together, will definitely have a brighter future.


Area Sabah

Discussion during Area Committee Meeting

Area Sabah Team

Interactive Training Sharing JCI values with Sabah Chief Minister during Sabah Youth Day

Area Sabah Chairman Basketball Tournament Opening Ceremony members

Area Sabah Super GMM

Dinner with Sabah Minister of Youth and Sports and his team

Area Sabah Committee with JCI Kota Kinabalu team members

Area Sabah Projects

Our Time is Now – Youth Leadership Camp by JCI Intan Opening Ceremony members

Down Memory Lane Charity Dinner of JCI Kota Kinabalu Opening Ceremony members

JCI Penampang “Malaysia Nite at Yamagata, Japan

Say No to Shark Fin Soup, a flagship project by JCI Tanjung Aru

JCI Jesselton hosted the 2014 TOYM Sabah Press Conference Opening Ceremony members

JCI Lahad Datu 50th Anniversary

JCI Luyang Coral Planting at Pulau Sapi

Clothing and Household Items Drive organised by JCI Moyog


JCI Tawau – Self Defence Program

Road Safety Awareness Campaign by JCI Merotai

JCI Sandakan – Wildlife Awareness Day

Area Sarawak


Area Sarawak

JCI Damai Joyful Giving Project

JCI Kuching Habitat for Humanity

JCI Kuching Borneo Blitz Build

JCI Kuching Perkata Charity Food Sale

JCI Mandarin Repok Sarikei Omoiyari Sharing and Colouring Contest

JCI Miri Go Cycle 4 Autism

JCI Mandarin Repok Sarikei 2014 Mother’s Day Blood Screnning Project

Area Sarawak Projects

JCI Riam Love Our Earth

JCI Seduan Anti Dengue Campaign


JCI Mandarin Repok Sarikei Malaysia day celebration with Pusat dalam komoniti

JCI Seduan 3R Creative Costume Competition

JCI Kuching Hari Raya Visit




DO YOU WANT TO KNOW YOURSELF & YOUR BUSINESS BETTER? Give Your Creativity A Chance Be a JCI CYEA Nominee Now! We don’t help you to compete, we help you to dominate! Nomination starts now. The closing date for nomination is on 31st May 2014. For more infomation on JCI CYEA 2014 Please contact: JCI CYEA Organizing Team info@jcicyea.com.my www.jcicyea.com.my https://www.facebook.com/ JCICYEA.M

2013 Host Venue

2013 Endorsed by

2013 Sponsor: Gold

2013 CSR Sponsor



Aulis Group Kementerian Belia Dan Sukan


2014 Annual National Convention

ANC Signing Ceremony




JCI Vice President Visitation - SangWoo Bae, Korea

Our JCI Vice President SangWoo Bae who assigned to take care of JCI Malaysia had officially visited us from 25th – 27th April 2014. With his present, he had being our JCI Malaysia Area Peninsular Central South Convention opening ceremony Guest of Honour. His wonderful sharing had bring impact to us especially benefited to our JCI Members and local community. During his visit, JCI Vice President SangWoo Bae had a dialogue Session with all our National Board of directors by sharing JCI Plan of Action. He explained clearly on the 5 Action steps that we need to aware of which are Impact, Motivate, Invest, Collaborate & Connect. Special thanks to our National Secretary General Caren Huong and National International Affair Mary Liaw for assisting in this JCI Vice President trip.


JCI President

Visitation -Shine Bhaskaran, India Our 2014 JCI President Shine Bhaskaran official visitation to JCI Malaysia had inspired lots of our JCI members especially in bringing the impact of unity among members. His presidential theme this year is “Unite to Impact”. He stressed that we not only doing projects by doing, we should organised projects which benefited and bring positive impact to our local communities. During his official visitation from 12th – 15th July 2014, he had officially launched the United Nation (UN) Program “MyWorld” Survey at Sibu, the hometown of our National President Andy Ting. With the initiative of our National President Andy Ting, he had engaged with local authorities and local university to bring this world class impactful

program to Malaysia. Thanks to hosting local organisations JCI Sibu, JCI Seduan and JCI Mandarin Sibu in assisting for the ground arrangements and make this UN MyWorld launching a success. JCI President Shine Bhaskaran also inspired our members by doing numerous dialogues session with members. His personal touch and sharing his experiences to local medias, and especially to out newly inducted members by himself. His appearance sharing had broadcasted on national TV by our Radio Television Malaysia (RTM). This once again promote our JCI branding and impact on local as well as national communities. Special thanks to JCI Tanjung Aru for handling the dialogues and press conferences with medias and our beloved JCI members. JCI President Shine Bhaskaran also stressed on the “Connect” action steps of 2014-2018 JCI Plan of Action. Hence, he witnessed the partnership signing ceremony between JCI Malaysia with Old Ipoh Worldwide Sdn Bhd as well as Asia Metropolitan University. With partnership connection with Old Ipoh Worldwide Sdn. Bhd., this company committed donation of 10,000 Nets on JCI Nothing but Nets program worth USD 100,000. Another significant partnership connection with Asia Metropolitan University, they provides our free venue for our JCI training and recognised our JCI Training program in this university.


2014 JCI Malaysia Local Organisation President Malaysia

Bryan Soo

JCI Achiever

Er Soon Chin

JCI Alor Setar

Jensom Ng JCI Batu Kawan

Will Lim

JCI Batu Pahat Entrepreneur

JCI Bayan

Ken Tang

JCI Bukit Mertajam

Low Huang Hua

JCI Butterworth City

Julie Chong JCI Damai

Oh Shih Young JCI Elite


Chris Lim

JCI Entrepreneur

Choo Chee Wei JCI E-Metro


JCI E-Metro Kuala Lumpur

Sabrina Melisa JCI Intan

Bryan Chan JCI Ipoh

Grace Lo Maxine Antoinette Yapp JCI Johor Bahru JCI Jesselton


Jeff Lu

JCI Johor Bahru Entrepreneur

JCI Kota Kinabalu

Benson Kuan Shean Loong

Brian Lee Cherng Jey

Winnie Stephen

Lily Wong

Gideon Lau Kiing Sii

Jacie Low Ping Sean


Dato’ Bryan JCI Kuala Lumpur


JCI Kuala Lumpur Mandairin

Stanley Goh

JCI Kuala Lumpur West

Sophia Ong Pei Chen

Lim Siew Chin JCI Kulim

JCI Kuching

Nick Chang

JCI Labuan

JCI Lahad Datu

Jacky Chee Kong Hwee

Liew Shuang Siong JCI Miri

JCI Lutong

JCI Luyang


Ken Lee

Wong Siew

Jacky Tan

JCI Malacca Ming Thai Ching City Entrepreneur JCI Mandarin JCI Mandarin Sibu Repok Sarikei

JCI Meradong

Lam Oi Yee JCI Merotai

JCI Mines

JCI Moyog

JCI Muar


Hooi Mei JCI Pearl

Alex Moh Chung Meu JCI Sibu

Neil Arthur Chan

JCI Penampang

Tan Sook Yun JCI Taiping


Gan Hoo Kok JCI Penang


JCI Tanjung Aru

Jason Tan Chee Siong

George Ngien Kuok Ing

Oo Jian Hao


JCI Petaling Jaya

JCI Tanjung Bunga

JCI Riam

JCI Tawau

Jas Khoo

JCI Sandakan

JCI Sarikei

JCI Seduan

Tony Wong Chee Chung JCI Teluk Intan Chin Pei Ni

JCI United Penang

JCI Seremban

Introduction As JCI continues to exist in a changing world, it is important that our organization adapts and evolves with these changes. While the JCI Mission and Vision will stay constant, we must define new goals and strategies that will propel us into the future. JCI will be the organization that unites all sectors of society to create sustainable impact. To achieve this long-term goal and expand our impact JCI must continue to engage and empower young people to enable their community to achieve sustainable impact. The JCI Impact Strategy outlines key steps that can be implemented to enable both communities where JCI does exist, and those, where we do not exist to achieve sustainable impact. The Impact Strategy follows a needs-focused and community-based approach. By creating relevance in and engagement with the community, these sustainable JCI Local Organizations will have built the foundation from which they can unite all sectors of society to achieve sustainable impact. Five Step Action Plan to Expand our Impact Whether you decide to target a community where JCI does not exist, or where JCI does, the process to enable a community to achieve sustainable impact will look different depending on the community you are working in. However, there is a general process you can follow to guide such efforts and ensure you are building a JCI Local Organization that is impactful and lasts for future generations. These steps include: 1. Identify the Community Determine if you will target a community where JCI does not exist, or if you will work in a community where JCI does exist to make that organization more impactful and sustainable. To create lasting impact, we must critically examine and understand the needs of the community. Therefore this step requires active citizens to analyze both internally and externally to prepare themselves to address the greatest challenges facing their community. 2. Connect with the Community Enabling a community to achieve sustainable impact requires young active citizens and community support. Finding such resources involves immersing oneself in the community and identifying stakeholders who can connect you to those potential JCI members and sources of support. Meet with individuals from all sectors of society to identify young community leaders and start building relationships that will result in the creation of sustainable impact. PEMIMPIN 31

3. Engage Young Community Leaders Enabling a community to achieve sustainable impact requires a core group of passionate individuals who can ensure momentum is not lost in the community. These “young community leaders” will be the foundation from which the organization is built and developed. These motivated leaders can bring a fresh perspective and new energy that will engage and empower other young active citizens to join. 4. Unite Active Citizens Once the foundation for a strong organization is established, it is time to work with the young leaders to promote the opportunity to create positive change. Encourage your leaders to go five for five, each bringing five active citizens to unite through an inspirational and empowering event, which will inspire them to take actions that address the needs of the community and create sustainable impact. 5. Build an Impactful Local Organization With strong, committed leaders and a passionate group of motivated members, you’re ready to strengthen the Local Organization both within the community and the Junior Chamber International movement. Using the Active Citizen Framework as a guide, these empowered young people are prepared to unite all sectors of society to create sustainable impact in their community. Conclusion Guided by our core beliefs, JCI members around the world recognize their responsibility for creating sustainable impact and ensuring human security. The ability to ensure human security* and global development begins in local communities. It begins with JCI and young active citizens enabling local communities to achieve sustainable impact. By developing JCI Local Organizations that will provide relevant, needs-based actions and solutions to community problems JCI will not only attract those assisted directly by the project but also those interested in belonging to an organization known for creating sustainable impact. Continue to engage the young people in your community by communicating your commitment to achieving sustainable impact through the JCI Active Citizen Framework. Your passion, action and results will keep your organization at the front of others’ minds and position JCI as the organization that unites all sectors of society to create sustainable impact.

* As defined by the 2014-2018 JCI Strategic Plan human security is the protection of an individual’s human rights while ensuring social, economic and environmental opportunity, development and well being for every individual and their communities.



Recommendations: *Use the JCI Active Citizen Framework to run local projects around the world to increase sustainable impact. *Create a global JCI Active Citizen Framework campaign to share the concept and its accompanying tools around the world. *Encourage every JCI Local Organization to achieve a minimum Impact Index of one by conducting a minimum of one JCI Active Citizen Framework project per year. *Identify and invest in countries where is an opportunity to create impact. *Encourage continuous monitoring of activities outlined by JCI Plans of Action (local, national and international) during the implementation period, to ensure progress toward creating sustainable impact. *Recommend the use of the JCI Active Citizen Framework to local authorities and civic organizations in communities.

Recommendations: *Ensure JCI Events, JCI Programs and JCI Training at all levels motivate people to create sustainable impact. *Organize JCI Active Citizen Framework project showcases at JCI Events on national and international levels. *Develope resources for nonmembers who want to create sustainable impact, run an impactful project and ultimately create their own JCI Local Organization. *Encourage JCI National and Local Organizations to have Strategic Planning Committees that create their own plans aligned with the JCI Strategic Plan. *Provide JCI Training online to make courses more accessible. *Recognize internal and external organizations, communities, initiatives and/or individuals that are creating sustainable impact.

Imagine 2018. Imagine the impact. Imagine a world where every JCI Local Organization uses the JCI Active Citizen Framework. A world where the JCI Active Citizen Framework is recognized as a methodology to achieve sustainable impact. A world where JCI is creating impact in more countries and communities than it is today. A world where young people are not creating problems but generating solutions.

Imagine 2018. Imagine the motivation. Imagine a world where JCI members empower one another and themselves by sharing ideas, best practices and resources. A world where JCI provides a more inspirational environment. A world where JCI members motivate young people and communities to contribute to the global grassroots movement. A world where everyone is motivated to address the challenges of our time.

Recommendations: *Create a JCI financial strategy that supports all other JCI strategies. *Maximize alternative source of income outside of JCI members dues. *Develop and implement a measurable financial growth plan utilizing and collaborating with experts in the financial field. *Find corporate partners for each JCI Program to maximize program impact. Imagine 2018. Imagine the investment. Imagine a world where JCI spends responsibly at all levels. A world where JCI makes financial decisions not based on traditional choices but on future goals. A world where funds are not focused on growth but on impact. A world where JCI is seen as a worthwhile investment.

Recommendations: *Assess the organizational needs in order to identify the most effective partners to achieve mutual goals. *Evaluate and identity potential partners that are aligned with our core values. *Initiate a JCI Partnership Summit on a national level to share ideas and connect like-minded partners with JCI members and JCI Local Organizations. *Maintain communication and share mutual progress with partners on all levels. Imagine 2018. Imagine the collaboration. Imagine a world where JCI provides a platform for partners to collaborate on solutions. A world where JCI engages partners for sustainable relationships that create shared value. A world where partnerships are fundamentally based on mutual goals. A world where collaboration is the driving force to expand our impact.

Recommendations: *Utilize the latest technological resources to enhance efficient communication at all levels. *Create a project database with a reporting system aligned with thew JCI Active Citizen Framework. *Actively share and showcase best practices with all sectors of society. *Support the establishment of JCI National Secretariats. * Foster connection and create a reporting system between JCI National Secretariats and JCI World Headquarters. *Create documents that show the wprld who JCI is, what we do and how we do it. Imagine 2018. Imagine the connection. Imagine a world where technology is seamlessly integrated into JCI communications and activities. A world where information transfer is streamlined between Local, National and International JCI Organizations. A world where communities are connected, not only through shared challenges but also through shared solutions. A world where active citizens connect all sectors of society.


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