Fannin Brewing Company

Fannin Brewing is a hometown brewery in a real place, beautiful Blue Ridge, Ga. We combine our love for German beer, our experien ce making wine, and our passion for the mountains to create a worldclass beer with a local focus. And, local isn’t just a word – we use local ingredients, name our beers for the beauty around us and support our local community.
Fort Valley Trip Ideas & Inspiration
A visit to Peach County gi ves you a taste as sweet as a peach. Fort Valley was long known as the Peach Capitol of the World and is still the state’s largest peach producing area. Come and learn how Georgia became the ‘Peach State’. The Peach Capital of Georgia
is home to Blue Bird Company, manufacturer of most of the worlds school buses. The city is also home to Fort Valley Sta te University and the American Camellia Society. Each spring, beautiful peach blossoms blanket the countryside. In the summer, visitors can pick fruit
or buy from many roadside stands. The popular tourist attraction, Lane Southern Or chards, operates a sprawling peach packing and retail faci lity just a short drive from the center of town. Downtown is vibrant with shops and restau rants.

Sautee Shopping Village Turnip Greens Country Market Pendergrass Flea Market
Sautee Shopping Village is loca ted 3 miles from Alpine Helen at the intersection of Highway 17 & 255. The village is home to a historic general store and also a wonderful collection of gift stores and galleries, including a gallery of American crafts. Visitors can also enjoy breakfast, lunch and dinner in the village. Shoppers will enjoy the variety and uniqueness of the the shops and businesses in Sautee village.
Located in historic, downtown Darien, Georgia, Turnip Greens is a specialty food market styled like an old-time country store fea turing seasonal Georgia produce and made-in-Georgia food items and gifts.

With more than 500 booths and 250,000 square feet, the Pender grass Flea Market is a clean, mo dern, air-conditioned facility. Walk through more than 2.5 miles of storefronts centered around a “turn of the century Old Town Main Street.” Don’t miss Bubba’s Food Court, featuring dozens of concessions and entertainment.
The Pendergrass Flea Market is host to more than 15,000 visitors per weekend. Saturday and Sun day 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Year-round.

Proposed changes to food labels
Nutrition Facts labels were introduced to the market in 1993, in an effort to provide consumers with nutritional data keys directly on the package. They have become an essential for those seeking control what they eat and / or weight loss tool. Recently the Food and Drug Administration (FDA, for its acronym in English) brought to light a proposal to update the nutritional table, and help consumers make decisions based on knowledge and following healthy dietary practices.
The proposed changes are most highlighted:
• An updated table design, which highlight certain as pects that the consumer should know before eating the food. Seeking to draw at tention to the calories the por tion for this proposed change the font size and bold.
• Comply with the require ments of the law requiring that the portions are based on what people actually eat and not what 'should' consu me; that is, if a person buys a bottle of 20oz of soda, is quite likely to consume a whole instead of stopping in 8oz, this change would make
the bottle 20oz be conside red a portion instead of 2.5 servings as is currently. This would help consumers to be aware of the amount of calo ries you are actually eating.
• Completely remove calo ries from fat but keep satura ted and trans fats.
• Include first on the label "added sugars".
• The FDA reviewed and up dated daily nutritional values of various nutrients, which are used to calculate the percen tage of the nutritional value of food diary (% DV), which helps consumers to have a general idea of the nutritional information, but within the fra

mework of a complete diet.
• The location of the% DV would be moved to the left side of the label.
• It would be necessary to include the amounts of po tassium and vitamin D on the label; because of the funda mental role of vitamin D in the development of healthy bones and potassium lower blood pressure and prevent hypertension.
If approved the changes proposed by the FDA, the food industry would have two years to comply with the rules and place the updated Nutrition Facts label on their products.

More than 10,000 people visit Peach County, Georgia, each year for the annual festival Georgia Peach Festival. This June event that lasts a full week celebrates the farmers who grow peaches and succulent and sweet contributions to the local economy.

Georgia Peach Festival: Peach County, Georgia
The Georgia Peach Festival honors peach growers for their contribution to our state’s economy and to the food industry nation wide.
The annual week-long Festival attracts as many as 10,000 visitors including church groups, senior groups and charter bus tours. The Georgia Peach Festival splits events between Peach County’s two cities, Byron and Fort Valley, each June.

Georgia peaches have a long and storied tradition and Peach County is the epicenter of this fabled industry. The first pea ches were planted in the state in the 18th century, and the first

commercial production occu rred in the mid-19th century. Georgia ranks third in the nation in the annual production of pea ches, with more than 15,000 acres of peach trees yielding more than 1.7 million bushels of peaches annually. More than half of that harvest is cultivated in Peach County alone. Geor gia peaches are arguably the sweetest and tastiest grown anywhere in the world. Festivities include a parade, live music performances and a beauty pageant, the Miss Geor gia Peach Pageant. However, the most important point is the food festival. Enjoy the deli cious sweets stuffed peach co bbler and pastries like.

With quiet tree-lined streets and dozens of beautiful historical homes, Fort Valley is a city in transition. Served by a dedicated mayor and city council, progressive and professional fire and police departments and an innovative city-owned utility service, the city is preparing itself for tremendous growth over the next few years.

Electricity in Fort Valley
One of the most important utilities provided to any community is its electrical energy. The City of Fort Valley electric department ensures a reliable and economical source of energy for all its customers - residences, schools, institutions, businesses and industry throug hout its service area. The lifestyle of the city’s residents depends on it; businesses stake their productivity and profits on it. Energy is purchased through the Municipal Electrical Authority of Georgia (MEAG), an organization of 49 member cities. Our electric rates are in
the lowest range of other Georgia providers as referenced in the Georgia Public Service Commission’s Quarterly Electric Rate Report. The electric department provides an average of 40 million kilowatt hours of electrical energy monthly to its customers through a network of 150 miles of wire and 4,000 poles, along with significant number of fuses, transformers, and other essential electrical infrastructure elements. We also operate a three megawatt diesel/natural gas peaking unit to keep costs low during the summer high demand season.
Our five linemen maintain substation key certifications and always respond immediately to outages and storm damage, even in the worse weather.

The building that became known as the Austin Theater was purchased in November 1915 by George Hiley Slappey (1871-1934), a pharmacist who later became a successful peach farmer. The building originally housed a dry goods store, R.S. Braswell & Sons.
The building was remodeled and a second floor auditorium was added in 1916. According to Mr. Slappey, the theater was inten ded to have "the sumptuousness of a palace, the convenience of a house and the agreeableness of a county seat." Originally ca lled “Slappey’s Opera House,”
Mr. Slappey renamed the theater the "Austin Theatre" for his friend, Samuel (Bully) Austin. The theater opened in January 1917, with a presentation of the play "Peg O' My Heart," performed by a traveling theater company.
Mr. Allen donated the building to the Downtown Development Authority in 1999 hoping it could be rehabilitated and restored for use as a commercial and cultural venue.
The abandoned and crumbling Peach Theatre, left vacant for nearly 10 years in the late ‘90s, is now restored to its original glory as the Austin Theatre and is a beacon for success for the Fort Valley Main Street program.

In addition to staging plays and showing movies, Mr. Slappey would lend the Austin Theatre for community events such as a Fiddler's Convention in 1919, which raised money for chari ty. In 1921, the management of the theater was taken over by Southern Amusement Company. The Perry newspaper reported in 1917: "Fort Valley, Jan. 3 - Dele gations of people from Montezu ma, Perry, Marshallville and other towns attended the opening of the Austin, Fort Valley’s new Ope ra House, tonight at 8:30 o’clock. Every seat in the house was taken
and many people were turned away. The house seats 750 people besides several boxes accommo dating eight or ten persons each. The theatre is owned by George Slappey, one of the most promi nent men in Fort Valley, who has made a fortune in this section of the country growing peaches. The building and fixtures comple te cost $15,000 and the theatre is one of the most up to date in the state. No efforts have been spa red. Mr. Slappey is giving the peo ple of this section the very best in modern theatrical attractions and it is expected that the Austin will be liberally patronized." The building was used as Peach County's first courthouse in 1925, with Judge Henry Matthews pre siding. In 1934, the Austin Theatre was leased to the Martin-Thomp son theater chain from Hawkins ville, Georgia. Upon his death, Mr. Slappey's estate sold the building to the Martin-Thompson Com pany which added a third floor projection booth and renamed it the Peach Theater. From that time until the late 1940s, the building experienced its peak use as Fort Valley's premier movie theater.
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Find a place to stay for your next Georgia vacation. Search our listings below for hotels, resorts, cottages, bed and breakfasts, condos, vacation rentals, campgrounds and RV parks.
The WesTin savannah harbor GolF resorT & sPa

Test your skills on the golf cour se at this resort in the heart of the Savannah River District, just a 90-second ferry ride to River Street.
Escape from your daily routine at the Lodge and Spa at Callaway Gardens, situated within thousands of acres of lush vegetation.

PaGe house DUblIN
At this B&B in Dublin, imagine yourself among the guests that promenaded around the block and later gathered in the ballroom for dancing and music.
MounTain ToP Cabin renTals

Escape to a luxurious and cozy North Georgia cabin with stunning views and available in-cabin massages and incabin chef service.
PaxTon hisToriC house hoTel
Gourmet breakfasts, upscale amenities and personal at tention exceed expectations at this restored Victorian mansion-turned-B&B in Tho masville.

ashFord Manor
While exploring Georgia’s Antebellum Trail, indulge in a stay at Ashford Manor B&B, an 1893 Victorian house su rrounded by lush gardens.

the opportunity to influence the decision of the customer through advertising at the point of sale is clear. In addition there are still ways to improve these results in the way we communicate messages; according to other data provided by the global marketing association POPAI reveals that dynamic displays (digital signage) increase sales by 83%, while static do by 39% and see how this has been applied to large shops and malls, reaching the cities of the future we saw only in fiction films.
Scope of Digitivity Market in Fort Valley GA
The survey on consumer habits by the POPAI association reveals that 70% of buying decisions are made in supermarkets in the establish ment, not before.
And, since it may take considerable time since the consumer sees the ad on TV until you go to the store, promotions at the point of sale are more important than ever alternative. Those responsible analyzed a large number of purchasing deci sions to see to what extent planned in advance. For example, consu
mers who decide to buy a particu lar brand of chocolate and it does, the survey calls this action POPAI purchase “planned specifically” as it has been planned acquisition of the product and brand. Such de cisions are taken before going to the establishment and constitute 30% of all purchasing decisions. The act of buying white chocolate and choose the brand in the es tablishment decision is known as “planned generically” and adds 8% of the decisions. “Substitutive
Shopping” refer to those in which the consumer has plan to purcha se a particular brand but ends up buying another; They represent only 1% of the total. Finally, the “unplanned purchases”, those in which the consumer had not plan ned to buy chocolate, but chocola te takes a particular brand, up 61%. Therefore, if we add the planned purchases generically, alternatives and unplanned, the result reaches 70% of purchasing decisions taken at the facility

There are many carriers to transmit a message of PLV. There are materials and adaptations already worked to maximize the effect, a particularly suitable for outdoor point of sale and others to fulfill their role inside the store. We highlight some of them:

• Cartel, Display, Stop, panel seeking the potential cus tomer stop to see the information contained therein.
• Traditional or light panel.
• Exhibitor or distributor of the product.
• Stand or information booth.
• Mobile, pennants and other resources that are sus pended and move with the air.
• Sound or audiovisual PLV, and material animated
The name is already being adopted by other companies in marketing, as in this section we want to keep abreast of new trends, we told him that from now on, so that all speak in the same terms, use the term "Digitivity" to refer to social networks, websites and digital world in general.