Center for Creative Professionals

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A B S T R AC T A ‘creative professional’ or ‘centre for creative professionals’ is also known as a ‘creative specialist’ is a person or group who is employed for the extraction of skills in creative endeavors. Creative professionals include graphic designers, architects, interior designers, sculptors, ceramic artists, photographers & the carpenters, etc. Also eligible for some types of teaching and curriculum design, and more for the visitors, guests, and especially the youth to encourage and inspire them to be a part of such design. The creative industries refers to a range of economic activities which are concerned with the generation or exploitation of knowledge and information. They may variously also be referred to as the cultural industries. The primary objective of this design is to quantify the workers - for example it can be used to count the number of firms, and the number of workers, creatively employed in any given location, and hence to identify places with particularly high concentrations of creative activities. Also it will be easy and convenient for people to find different kind of artists at a common place with so much of skills, labours, technologies. My design project also includes few mutual sharing work space along with recreational space like Exhibition Halls/ Centres, Gallery, Material Stockyards, Experiment Spaces, Tool Labs, Food court, Sports and recreation, Library, Amphitheatre, Information/ Administration, Auditorium/ seminar hall and so on. The idea behind providing them common space in such a building was to maintain brotherhood, humanity, feeling of respecting each other’s profession, understanding & learning skills from others too. The Zoning of the site is done perfectly on the basis of Inter & Intra Spaces in Inter zoning there are four separate blocks as named Administration Block, Recreational Block, and Designer’s Block & Maker’s Block. Then comes the sub zoning of each block which include their work-space, offices, and lavatories. In these blocks placing of Exhibition halls, galleries, material labs or tool labs are placed at a common meeting point keeping the connectivity & vicinity with all the areas. The architecture style undertaken is Brutalist. The idea to break the heritage building and introduce something new with the invention of such a project. Also to go high-rise as per the requirements was another challenge to be fulfilled in the project. ‘Sky-walk’ was introduced above the ground level for the common path to walk also used as fire-exit at time of fire. This idea behind placing sky-walk above ground level was that as my site is surrounded by lake from north side so to have a view while walking on heights and a giving my users a feeling so good of the lake surrounding their site. While studying project’s merits & demerits I found that the one demerit of my design will be that “mass participation of people at same place, increasing the economy of a single unit in the city”; but then when I jot down the potentials of project although it would lead to mass participation but the exposure of learning, marketing, exhibiting works at a common place will be a great scope for designers to design such things in future. Centre for Creative Professionals will add in the city’s economic growth and a new invention of Architecture, which will be not just a building but a livelihood source for a lot of people.

Centre for Creative Professionals


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Center for Creative Professionals by Jayesh Chauhan - Issuu