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Living boldly for Jesus Narrative Budget for St. James United Methodist Church
CONTENTS Narrative Budget
Operate Give to St. James
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ST. JAMES UMC NARRATIVE BUDGET A church is not an empty lifeless building, just as a home is more than bricks and stone. Through our 2014-2015 narrative budget, we are able to tell a story about the ministries of St. James United Methodist Church. St. James UMC is a family of faith that seeks to know Jesus Christ in worship and follow Him in service. As we tell our story, the church comes to life, and our church mission statement becomes a reality. These stories are only possible when we give generously of our time, talents, and resources, giving thanks for what God has done in our lives and in the lives of others.
Whoever wants to save their life must lose it. Luke 9:24a (NIV)
This narrative shows not only what we have done with our money, but also it shows how we have used God’s other gifts to us-- time, talents, and resources, alike. We hope these pictures and words paint a beautiful family portrait of our church. A vibrant and inspiring image that will draw you in and encourage you to spend thoughtful, prayerful time considering how God is calling you to give back a portion of what you have received. This document represents our best efforts to capture the spirit of St. James’ narrative. The dollar amounts include budget items alone and do not reflect giving directly to organization, projects, etc. outside of the scope of the church’s line item budget.
St. James UMC is a family of faith that seeks to know Jesus Christ in worship and follow Him in service.
OVERVIEW Stewardship consists of our use of three things that God has provided to us: time, talent, and resources. • GIFTS OF TIME recognize and celebrate the wonderful opportunities of life.
• GIFTS OF TALENT recognize all physical & mental abilities with which the Lord has blessed us. • GIFTS OF RESOURCES include all financial resources we earn by using the time and talents which the Lord provided to us.
In our narrative budget, we have arranged our stewardship budget into five ministry areas:
• Worship • Music
• Children • Youth • Intergenerational
• Outreach • Evangelism • Apportionments
• Administration • Trustees • Apportionments
• St. James Methodist Kindergarten
The next pages go into more detail about each of these ministry areas of St. James United Methodist Church.
TIME/TALENT: 10,011 volunteer hours reported in 2013 RESOURCES: $594,171 based on 2014 budget NURTURE 2,670 hrs
WORSHIP 1,872 hrs
IMPACT 4,029 hrs
OPERATE 1,440 hrs
19¢ WORSHIP $89,866
16¢ NURTURE $74,665
12¢ IMPACT $55,412
53¢ OPERATE $243,861
*88% of budgets and revenue sources are separate from church budget
For where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am among them. Matthew 18:20 (ESV)
WORSHIP Bringing glory to God TIME/TALENT: 1,872 volunteer hours RESOURCES: $89,866 Worship is central to who we are as a community of faith at St. James United Methodist Church. We gather each week to glorify God, offer prayers to God, hear God’s Word for us, and increase our commitment to go forth to love others in His name.
WORSHIP MINISTRY Guided by the traditions of our United Methodist heritage, we offer two worship opportunities each Sunday: • THE OPEN TABLE SERVICE at 8:30 am provides a relaxed worship experience in a casual, family-friendly setting enhanced by contemporary praise songs and visual liturgy. • THE TRADITIONAL SERVICE at 10:30 am features traditional hymns, responsive readings, powerful biblical messages, and special music performed by the Chancel Choir and sometimes the Youth and Children’s Choirs. In addition to gathering each Sunday, we celebrate worship throughout the Christian holy seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, and other events that mark milestones and passages in the lives of our family of faith. Worship services are supported by teams of staff and volunteers (worship planning, worship support, and sound/media) who plan, lead, and work behind the scenes to provide meaningful services that lead people to experience God’s love, know Jesus Christ, and grow in His image.
MUSIC MINISTRY The Music Ministry at St. James helps lead worship for both services, providing ways to glorify God and present God’s Word as a “sermon in song.” This ministry includes the Chancel Choir, Youth Choir, Children’s Choir, and Praise Team. Songs are selected and prepared each week to enhance the worship services, preparing the congregation for the Word of God and bringing people closer to God. In addition, the choirs join together during Advent and Lent for a special musical or cantata.
Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. Psalm 100:1-2 (NIV)
NURTURE Growing in Faith TIME/TALENT: 2,670 volunteer hours RESOURCES: $74,665
CHILDREN’S MINISTRY At St. James UMC, we seek to provide a caring Christian atmosphere for the youngest visitors and members of our community, so that they might learn to love and follow Jesus, growing as He did: “in wisdom, in stature, and in favor with God and man.” (Luke 2:52) • CHILDREN’S CHURCH: Children are invited to attend Children’s Church at both services, providing ageappropriate worship experiences based on the lectionary. In addition, the nursery is staffed during both Sunday School and the 10:30 worship service for the infants and toddlers. • CHILDREN’S SUNDAY SCHOOL: Responding to growing attendance, we recently increased to 4 children’s Sunday School classes. Volunteers lead Bible story-based lessons, exposing the children to God and teaching them to love Jesus and commit their lives to Him. • KiDS CLUB: On Sunday afternoons, children (age 3 to 5th grade) meet for KiDs Club to participate in activities to experience God, grow in Christ, and share God’s grace. They often reach out to the community, for example, by collecting snacks to benefit the children’s area at the Soup Kitchen and by preparing shoeboxes of toys and goodies for Samaritan’s Purse’s Operation Christmas Child. • VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL: One of the highlights of being a kid at St. James UMC is Vacation Bible School. Each summer children gather for a week to experience God’s love through lessons, games, music, crafts, and prayer that are geared just for them!
YOUTH MINISTRY The Youth Ministry of St. James provides an atmosphere that is conducive for teenagers to grow in their relationship with God and with other teens during this phase of their faith journey. • BIBLE STUDY: Youth in Middle School and High School (6th-12th grades) gather regularly for Sunday School and Sunday Night Youth Programs to connect with other students, have fun, worship together, and learn about Jesus in real and relevant ways. Confirmation classes help teens and tweens begin to understand what it means to become a fully devoted follower of Jesus and prepare them to make their first public profession of faith. • WORSHIP: Twice a year (during Lent and Advent) the Youth of St. James UMC lead the congregation in Taize’ worship services. These contemplative services center around music, prayer, and silence, and provide participants with a reverential environment to quietly consider and reconfirm their places in God’s kingdom and to increase their devotion to Him. • FUN/FELLOWSHIP: At various times throughout the year, youth have the opportunity to participate in a variety of fun and exciting activities, such as day trips, retreats, and district events. Highlights include conference-wide events at Lake Junaluska, including Revolution and Immerse. • MISSION/SERVICE: High-school students look forward to summer mission trips to Salkehatchie, where they repair the homes of needy families and reach out to these families and one another in friendship. In addition, the youth participate in local service projects throughout the year, including volunteering at the Spartanburg Soup Kitchen each 5th Sunday of the month.
Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity. 1 Timothy 4:12
INTERGENERATIONAL MINISTRY We are called to a process of continued learning about what our faith in God means and how that is expressed in our daily lives.
At St. James UMC we are intentional about building intergenerational relationships, connecting different age groups and generations with each other. We know that personal interaction is a very effective way of passing the love of Christ from generation to generation. As adults, we are on a journey of discovery much like our children. We are called to a process of continued learning about what our faith in God means and how that faith is expressed in our daily lives. St. James offers seven adult Sunday School classes for fellowship and spiritual growth of singles and couples of all ages. In addition, ongoing small study groups vary from season to season and are formed according to the interests and schedules of the participants.
Small groups that meet regularly at St. James include: • UMM United Methodist Men • UMW United Methodist Women • FELLOWSHIP CLUB for adults, age 55 and older • BIBLE STUDY GROUPS
Here are my mother and my brothers! Whoever does God’s will is my brother and sister and mother. Mark 3:34-35 (NIV) PAGE 10
IMPACT Serving our Community TIME/TALENT: 4,029 volunteer hours RESOURCES: $55,412
Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth. 1 John 3:18
As followers of Christ, we are called to serve the world around us. We respond to that call with time and money to share the love of Jesus Christ with people within and beyond our congregation who experience physical, material, emotional, and spiritual needs. From mission trips to weekly ministries, St. James cares about others and wants to be the hands and feet of Christ in this world. Our commitment to serving the community includes: • ABC Project • ARCH Ministries After School Program • The Bethlehem Center: 1st Sunday offering • The Blood Connection blood drives • Spartanburg Department of Social Services: Thanksgiving food bags and Christmas Angel Tree • Spartanburg Soup Kitchen: F.R.O.G. (Food Recovery Operations Gang) and 5th Sunday ministry • Mobile Meals • SPIHN (Spartanburg Interfaith Hospitality Network) • School supply drive, tutoring for Woodland Heights Elementary and other local schools • Operation Christmas Child • Sunshine Club • Epworth Children’s Home: annual Mother’s Day offering • Salkehatchie: one-week home repair mission trip • Dare to Share: missions-related challenge to Sunday School classes and small groups
St. James and its members are examples to those outside our congregation. We encourage those who are touched by our message to join us.
Apportionments include contributions that St. James makes to fund United Methodist conference spending for mission and ministry in South Carolina and around the world.
Greeters make a special effort to welcome visitors and members alike with a friendly greeting as they arrive for worship each Sunday. The Evangelism Team gives welcome bags and mails handwritten notes to each visiting family.
St. James hosts an annual Fall Festival and Yard Sale each September to reach out to the community. 100% of the proceeds go to missions, helping St. James support the outreach ministries of the United Methodist Church all over the world.
Last year we hosted a mother and her three children in our SPIHN Program. She wrote us a heartfelt thank you note, then also returned to help us prepare for the Fall Festival. It was so touching to see the enthusiasm that this family portrayed and the fact that they wanted to give back to those who had helped them. I was so proud of St James for reaching out in this awesome mission, and truly making a difference in this family’s life. -Diane H.
The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it. Psalm 24:1 (NIV)
OPERATE Supporting our Ministries TIME/TALENT: 1,440 volunteer hours RESOURCES: $243,861
ADMINISTRATION Administration is a large portion of our non-program budget, ensuring that all of our ministries can be enacted efficiently, effectively, and faithfully. This budget amount includes office supplies and equipment, computer equipment and software, postage and printing, and some of our staff salaries. We work hard to keep these expenses minimal while providing a strong presence and support to our members and staff.
APPORTIONMENTS - ADMINISTRATION Each local congregation commits to share in providing funding for the South Carolina Annual Conference budget. A portion of our annual apportionment payments support the administration of the South Carolina Conference, including the salaries of active and retired bishops and district superintendents, the expenses of the annual conference session, and the support of Methodist colleges and seminaries.
TRUSTEES The Board of Trustees is the steward of the property that God has entrusted to the congregation of St. James UMC. St. James is truly blessed with beautiful facilities and grounds from which every ministry benefits. The property includes the parsonage which is used by our minister and his family as well as the church van. In addition to the regular gatherings of the St. James congregation, our building provides outreach opportunities through Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, weddings, community events, and the St. James Methodist Kindergarten. The Trustees work to provide a safe, warm and welcoming environment where Christians and those seeking Christ can come to experience God’s love and power. Last year, a number of significant projects were accomplished in keeping with that goal: • New LED lighting systems • HVAC system overhaul • Updated security protocol • AED (Automated External Defibrillator) and CPR education This budget amount provides for: • Upkeep, repair, and maintenance of the properties • Cleaning and miscellaneous supplies • Equipment maintenance contracts • Landscaping • Piano and organ maintenance • Salaries and benefits for our custodial staff
The Trustees work to provide a safe, warm and welcoming environment where Christians and those seeking Christ can come to experience God’s love and power.
KINDERGARTEN Loving, Nurturing, and Teaching Young Children KINDERGARTEN BUDGET: $114,897 FROM ST. JAMES BUDGET: $15,469
ST. JAMES METHODIST KINDERGARTEN St. James Methodist Kindergarten is an interdenominational Christian preschool housed at St. James United Methodist Church since 1963. We take great pride in preparing young children to enter school with confidence, knowledge, and a goal of success. Students (ages 2 to 5 years) enrolled in our program represent a variety of backgrounds, cultures, and religions. Children in the K3-K5 classes attend a worship time bimonthly that is led by our pastor. This special time includes meaningful, ageappropriate lessons based on Biblical principles. While St. James Methodist Kindergarten operates from its own budget and funding sources, St. James UMC supports the Kindergarten by providing the building and maintenance and assisting with administrative tasks.
Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it. Proverbs 22:6 (NIV)
2015 Estimate of Giving A NOTE FROM THE STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE The theme for our Stewardship focus this year is Daring to Share: Living Boldly for Jesus. This narrative budget document tries to communicate how Daring to Share in all aspects of our lives makes ministry come alive at St. James United Methodist Church. We’ve tried to lay out very clearly how we use our resources as a church, as well as how widely and creatively we give as a congregation. Jesus said, “Whoever wants to save their life must lose it” (Luke 9:24). Our hope is that within these pages, you’ll find plenty of things worth “losing” part of your time, energy, and life to support.
GIVE TO ST. JAMES UMC So much more can be done together with your generosity and commitment. Ask yourself, “What does God want me to do with all that He has entrusted to me?” Let this be the year that you determine to devote more time to spiritual growth, give more generously, and serve more willingly. Give this year to God, and let Him change your life!
ESTIMATE OF GIVING Being in community requires commitment, so we ask you to pray and consider your ongoing commitment to St. James UMC. You should have received an Estimate of Giving card in the mail. (If not, click here to download one.) We invite you to complete this form and bring it with you to worship on Sunday, October 26, 2014. In that worship setting you will have an opportunity to make a meaningful commitment to St. James United Methodist Church. [If you would like to change your giving estimate at any time, please contact the church office.]
United Methodist Church 213 North Lanford Street, Spartanburg SC 29301 864-576-6481 | www.stjamesspartanburg.org