FASULYE PIYAZI (TURKISH WHITE BEANS SALAD) (will make enough for a small platter) Ingredients - 2 small cans of white beans - 1 glass of vinegar - 1 large onion - 3 tomatoes - 3 green bell peppers - 1 dozen black olives - 1/2 bunch of parsley - 3 hard boiled eggs -salt to taste - 1/2 cup of olive oil Cut the onions into long , thin slices , lengthwise. Put them in a bowl, rub them with some salt to extract the juice . Wash and drain them . Drain and put the beans in a bowl . Sprinkle with some salt and pour over 3/4 glass of vinegar . Leave for 2-3 hours . Drain the beans. Add the onions and chopped parsley . Mix well . Arrange on a serving dish . Cut the peppers into small slices and pieces . Peel the tomatoes and cut them into pieces . Slice the hard boiled eggs . Decorate the beans with peppers,tomatoes,eggs and olives . Mix in a small bowl olive oil, salt and rest of the vinegar . Pour over the beans.