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Jay Hubbard
Ah! You've found me! This is the real me, or at least as real as it gets in the virtual universe we call cyberspace. I blog in several places under the pseudo-pseudonym, Thurman, which is actually my legal first name. I'm hiding in plain sight. I used to think of myself as a fairly creative person, but these days I'm not so sure. I used to paint quite often, in acrylic and oil, and sometimes I still write. Occasionally, I even work an hour or two at gainful employment to keep the lights on. I'm a radical eclectic with heavy undertones, a tree hugging hippie who worships the dirt that feeds me, the mothers who birthed us, and the cosmos that animates it all. I'm not a religious person, but I am quite spiritual. I do not believe in a supernatural god or gods of any kind. I believe that organized religion, no matter how well intended, almost always leads to impoverishment, delusion, and manipulation of the many by the few. I have a similar opinion of capitalism and the profit motive. Yes, you read t